No More


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Because of the fact that we were both still underage, we drank iced tea with our appetizer, which was Calamari, and I thought that Lucy was going flip the first time she tasted it.

"Oh, my God, Michael," she grinned, "This is so good. What is it made of?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" I grinned, "You might not want to eat anymore if I told you."

"Come on now," she laughed, "I'm not a child ya know."

"No, you're not," I smiled, agreeing with the obvious, "Alright then, it's fried squid."

"Well, it tastes damn good," she giggled, as spearing another piece with her fork and popping it into her mouth after dipping it in a small bowl of marinara, "I could eat this whole thing, yummy."

"Do you know what you want for an entrée?" I asked her, perusing the menu, "Everything here tastes really good."

"I'll tell you what," she sweetly smiled, "I'll let you pick it out for me, okay?"

"Okay," I grinned, already knowing what I was going to order, "I think you'll really enjoy what I choose for you..."


After twenty minutes had passed, our server appeared at our table to take our order. Her name was Maggie Haynes, and she was somewhere in the neighborhood of about twenty-five or twenty-six. She was very pretty, but she couldn't hold a candle to my beautiful Lucy, hell, no one could back then, nor can they even now, but once again, please forgive me for getting ahead of myself. Maggie looked hauntingly familiar to me, and when she said what she did next, it made both Lucy and me come to absolutely adore her.

"I know you, Michael Hanson," she smiled, "But I'm pretty sure you don't remember me. You were just a little fella the last time I saw you."

"Is that right?" I grinned, "And how is it that you know me?"

"I used to date your brother, Rick, when we were in high school," she sadly replied, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, "And I was really sad to hear that he was killed," and by this time she was fighting tooth and nail not to break down and cry right there on the spot.

So, in order to sooth her sadness, I stood up and gently took her into my arms, lightly hugging her while I softly told her, "Shh, it's okay now, everything is going to be alright, Maggie."

"I'm really sorry about this, you guys," she sniffled, wiping her eyes with one of the handkerchiefs, which at my mother's insistence, I always carried, "I didn't mean to fall apart like this."

"At one time you apparently cared very deeply for my brother," I smiled, "And according to laws of my people, that makes you my sister."

"Can you give me a few minutes?" she began to cry, "I need to go get myself together. I'll be right back, I promise," and then she swiftly left our table, taking my handkerchief with her.

"Poor thing," I sadly told Lucy, who was near tears herself by this time, "She must've been devastated when Rick was killed."

"You're such a sweetheart, Michael," Lucy sweetly replied, wiping her eyes with her napkin as she reached across the table and took my hand, "I loved it when you stood up and gave that poor girl a hug. That's just one more reason why I love you so much..."


A slight but few moments later, Maggie reappeared at our table wearing a bright but happy smile on her face. I still felt like there was something more than just the way that she felt about my brother that got her so upset, but like it says in the bible, "That which is in darkness eventually comes to light so; with that in mind, I ordered our entrees...


"I'll have the Chicken Cacciatore," I smiled, "And the lady will have a small order of Shrimp Scampi, with a side of Penne."

"Do you want you Penne spicy or mild?" Maggie asked.

"Do you like spicy food, my love," I asked Lucy.

"Oh, yes," she excitedly grinned, "I love spicy food," then she held her hand out to Maggie and said, "My name is Lucy Summers, and it's so nice to meet you, Miss Maggie."

"You can dispense with the Miss, pretty girl," Maggie giggled, shaking Lucy's hand, "It's just plain old Maggie; and it's really nice to meet you, too, Lucy," and then she turned to me and said, "My God, Michael, she's so beautiful."

"Thank you, Maggie," I proudly smiled, "I think so, too."

"I'll go and put your order in," and then she left our table, headed to the kitchen, but not before she refilled our tea and took away what was left over from the appetizer, which, needless to say, was only the plate it was served in...


Not too long after Maggie left our table, a small Jazz type band took the stage, and because they had already been set up, the sound of soft Jazz tunes filled the air.

I could tell by the look on Lucy's face when people began filling the dance floor that she also wanted to dance s; I looked at her and softly asked her, "Would you like to dance, baby?"

"I'd love to," she replied, "But I've never danced to this kind of music before."

"It's like dancing to slow music," I told her, "But you move a little faster."

"I'm a good follower," she smiled, taking my hand as we stood, "So, lead on, my love..."


We danced together like we'd been doing it our whole lives, and I can't begin to describe the feelings that were coursing through me as my beautiful Lucy held her body against mine. Granted, I might felt a bit of a tingle emanating from my groin; but because I loved Lucy so very much, I was easily able to control my body's reaction to the situation.

However, little did my precious Lucy realize that a beautiful conspiracy was about to befall her? It was one that would eternally seal the bond between us. The guy that was more or less the band leader, was also a friend of mine that I knew from when he and my brother used to hang out together. And when I was told earlier when I made our reservation that he and his band would be playing there that night, I called him to set up what was about to happen. Like I said, he was an old friend of mine and his name was Joseph Landers so; right before Lucy and I left the dance floor after the third song, I nodded at him without Lucy seeing it,

We'd been in our seats for about two or three minutes when Joey stepped up to the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest with us tonight. I've known him since he was but a boy, and tonight he and his girlfriend are here dining with us, He won't tell you this, but he is a musical prodigy so; I want you to put your hands together an welcome Mister Michael Hanson to the stage.

"You stinker," Lucy giggled, as the restaurant's spotlight hit our table. And after I stood up, I leaned over and kissed Lucy's beautiful lips right there, in front of God and everyone, and then I quickly made my way to the stage...


I took a seat behind the piano, and before I began to play, I looked out into the audience, and speaking into the microphone that had been set up behind the piano just for me, I smiled and said, "Before I play, ladies and gentlemen, would you please give Mister Joey Landers and his band a nice round of applause?"

Of course the whole restaurant rendered a very loud round of applause, making Joey and his guys all proudly smile, getting up from the instruments to stand and bow. Then once they were all back in their places, I got back on the microphone and told the audience, "There is a very special girl that came here with me tonight, and I wanted you all to know, that if I ever lost her, I would wither away and die so; the song I'm about to play is dedicated to her.

I began the intro to Harry Nilsson's version of "Without You". I sang and played with my whole heart. I looked into Lucy's eyes with every word I sang. And like her, I was almost in tears myself, as I watched her wipe her tears several times throughout the song. When I was done, there was not a dry eye in the house, but as the audience roared, almost shaking the building with their applause, I heard more that several people yell the words, "BRAVO" and "ENCORE", followed by "MORE, MORE; MORE! SING ANOTHER ONE!"

After the applause died down, Joey got on his microphone and said, "What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Do you want him to play another one?" and of course the audience came practically unglued, until I agreed to play another song.

This time we played Joe Cocker's version of "Feeling Alright" and because he knew all of the lyrics, Joey sang. We rocked the house and when the time came for me to play a piano lead, I stood up behind the piano and played my ass off. Hell the guys in the band were grooving so well that they insisted that I take a long, two minute lead before I looked at the guitar player and nodded at him to take over. Needless to say, he only played for eight bars before Joey got back on the vocals again, and instead of repeating the last chorus which normally ended the song, I was told to take a rocking piano lead, practically smoking the keys on the way out.

When we were done, we got a ten minute standing ovation, with the audience chanting, "MICHAEL, MICHAEL, MICHAEL."

Of course I waited until everyone had calmed back down and then said, "Thank you all so much. You've honored me tonight like never before, but I'm going to get back to my table and eat before my food gets cold..."


The moment I got back to our table, Lucy stood up and excitedly threw her arms around my neck, covering my face with sweet and tender kisses, until I finally got her to let me go of me so that we could sit back down...


"Holy shit, baby," Lucy giggled, her eyes excitedly dancing like candles in the wind, "I never knew that you played like that. You really are a prodigy, aren't you?"

"Not really," I humbly replied, "I just enjoy doing what I do, that's all."


Chapter Four

After we'd finished eating our dinner and enjoying a piece of strawberry cheesecake, I noticed the time when looked at my watch and figured that the movie we were going to go see would be almost over.

"That's alright," Lucy grinned, when I told her about it, "I had a better time here than I ever would've had at the movie theater. Besides, it's not every day that a girl gets watch her man rock and roll before a live audience. My God, Michael, you sounded great up there."

"Thank you, baby," I smiled, "I'm happy to know that you think so."

"I don't just think so, I know so," she softly replied, taking my hand into hers, "You should really consider going pro."

However, before I had the chance to reply, a gentleman that looked to be roughly the same age as my parents approached our table and said, "Excuse me for interrupting you, but my name is Carlo Giannelli, and my family owns this establishment. Would you mind very much if I joined you for a moment?"

"Not at all, Mister Giannelli," I graciously smiled, standing up to shake his extended hand, "Please have a seat."

"Thank you," he grinned taking a seat between us, "I wanted to tell you that you play and sing extremely well, young Michael."

"That's because he's a prodigy," Lucy proudly giggled, "He really is, Mister Giannelli."

"I can certainly tell, little one," he kindly smiled, "And I wanted to extend an invitation to you to come and play again tomorrow night."

"While I thank you from the bottom of my heart sir," I nicely replied, "I'm not sure I can do that on such a short notice, sir."

"That's quite understandable," he grinned, "How about next weekend then? I'll pay you two hundred dollars per night for both Friday and Saturday. Besides, Joey told me that he could get the songs together, and with you being a prodigy and all, I'm quite certain that you'll have no trouble whatsoever learning the material. I'll even reserve a couple of tables for whomever you wish to bring with you."

"That's very generous of you, sir," I politely replied, and by this time, Joey and his guys had gathered around our table, "But you should know up front that I'm not a jazz player. I play rock and roll."

After he heartily laughed, he looked at me and said, "You don't know this, but the Lieutenant Governor of the state of Texas was in here tonight, and he told me only moments ago that I needed to liven up this place, and that I should also secure your talents at any price. Besides, I like rock and roll, too. My late father was the one who brought the jazz band in, not me. Will you do it, please? I'll even up your end to another hundred dollars a night. What do you say?"

"That's six hundred dollars a week for two nights," I said, "That's not very fair to you, Mister Giannelli."

We're only open four nights a week, Wednesday through Saturday," he told me, "And what I'm offering you is a mere pittance in comparison to what I'm offering you, young man."

"Come on, Mike," Joey chuckled, "You can do this with your eyes closed, man."

"I'll tell you what," I grinned, "Let me talk to my parents first, and then I'll let you know by no later than four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, okay?"

"Perfect," Mister Giannelli smiled, shaking my hand, "In the mean time, your meals are on the house tonight whether you decide to take me up on my offer or not, okay."

"I thank you, sir," I replied, standing with him and shaking his hand, "That's very kind of you."

"You're more than welcome, Michael," he smiled, "And I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow," and then he turned and walked away.

"You're going to make a lot of money, brother," Joey grinned, "You wait and see."

"Maybe so," I chuckled, "But this is all a moot point if my parents say no."

I've got a strange feeling that they're going to be tickled shitless," Joey knowingly grinned, "I don't know how I know, but I just know."

"We'll see," I grinned, as Maggie approached our table with a giant smile on her face, "I'll call you in the morning Joey and let you know, okay?"

"No problem little brother," he grinned, "In the mean time, I need to get something to eat before we go back on stage. I'll talk to you later, Mike," and then he and the guys disappeared...


"Holy cow, Michael," Maggie smiled, leaning down and hugging me, "You sounded excellent."

"Thanks Maggie," I grinned, reaching into my pocket and with drawing a twenty dollar bill. And as I handed it to her, I smiled and said, "Mister Giannelli is picking up the cost of our meal, but I wanted to leave this tip for you, and I don't want to hear any arguments either."

"Aw, thank you sweet boy," she began to sniffle. Then she handed me a piece of paper with something written on it and said, "This is my phone number. I want you and your folks to call me tomorrow, because I've got something that belongs to Rick; and I know that your Mom and Dad would want to know about it, okay?"

"Of course," I gently replied, "I'll call you first thing tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, sweetie," she sniffled, kissing me on the cheek, "You won't be sorry that you did, I promise," and then she returned to her duties...


On the way home that night, an ominous feeling began to take root within me, making me wonder just what it was that Maggie wanted to show my parents, but refused to let it spoil the rest of the evening.

"What would you like to do next?" I asked Lucy, "It's only eleven o'clock."

"I know," she sleepily yawned, "But I'm not used to staying up this late, and its way past my bedtime so, would it be alright with you if I wanted you to take me home? Besides, I've got a midnight curfew, baby."

"Of course, my love," I tenderly replied, "I'll take you anywhere you want to go."

"Thank you, baby," she softly replied, laying her head on my shoulder as I drove, "I love you so much, Michael..."


As we stood together on her front porch, Lucy placed her arms around me, and after gently kissing my lips, she smiled and tenderly said, "You really know how to show a girl a good time. This is the best date I've ever had, and I can't wait until we do it again."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," I grinned, "And I can't wait to do it again."

"Good," she giggled, "Because we've been invited to a party at Laura Davidson's house tomorrow night."

"Hey, I know her," I smiled, "She's in concert choir with us, isn't she?"

"That would be correct," she knowingly giggled, "I told her that we would be there around eight o'clock so; I want you to pick me up at seven. That way we can go to the Pizza Hut and grab a quick bite to eat before the part, okay, baby?"

"I'll see you then," I smiled, "Sweet dreams, gorgeous," and then she opened her front door, and after kissing me one last time, she disappeared, closing the door behind her..."


I was awakened at six-thirty the next morning by a loud clap of thunder that made me look out my bedroom window to see that it was raining cats and dogs. And no sooner had I opened my eyes than the phone rang. It was my Uncle Max calling me to tell me that we'd been rained out, meaning that I didn't have to work. And because I smelled coffee brewing, I knew that either Mom, Dad, or both were up and in the kitchen. So, with that in mind, I got out of bed, used the bathroom, and then after washing my hands and face; I put a pair of pants and a tee shirt, I got dressed and made my way down the hall to the kitchen...


"Good morning, baby," mom sweetly smiled, when I entered the kitchen to find her sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, "How was your date last night. Did you two have a good time?"

I smiled and told her about the events that took place at Giannelli's, as well as the offer that Carlo Giannelli had made me, and when I was done, she smiled and said, "You told him yes, didn't you?"

"No," I replied, "I wanted to talk to you and Dad first before I gave him a definite answer."

"You don't need our permission to do something like that, honey," Mom excitedly grinned, "You forget that I was a music major in college with dreams of doing that exact thing one day. But that was until I met your father, and then when your brother was born, I discovered that I got more joy from being a wife and a mother that I ever would've received playing music."

"Speaking of Rick," I quietly said, "Do you remember a girl named Maggie Haynes?"

"How could I ever forget her?" Mom softly replied, "She was one of the sweetest girls I'd ever met until you brought Lucy home. She loved your brother with all her heart, and when he died, she almost fell apart. Why do you ask?"

"She waited on us at Giannelli's last night," I told her, fishing Maggie's phone number out of the back pocket of my pants, "And she asked me to call her this morning because she told me that he had something that belongs to Rick that you and Dad would really like to know about.

"I wonder what it is," mom pondered, "I want you to call her around nine o'clock; okay?"

"Where's Dad?" I asked, looking around the kitchen, "I figured he's be up by now bugging the hell outta you."

"He went to meet your Uncle Max for breakfast this morning," Mom chuckled, "And yes, he does bug the living hell out of me sometimes."

"If I haven't told you lately, Mom," I began, "I wanted to let you know how much I love you guys. You've both been such an inspiration to me over the years, and I've never really thanked you for it."

"Aw, you're more than welcome, honey," Mom tenderly replied, placing her palm on my cheek, "And we both want you to know how proud of you that we are, too."

"Thanks Mom," I smiled, standing up and coming around the table to hug her, "And I'm not only very thankful, but I'm also very proud to have had you and Dad for parents thus far. I know that losing Rick has been hard on you guys, and just so you know, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him, too. But I'm going to do everything in my power to uphold our family name, and put a smile back on that beautiful face of yours."