No More


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"Actually it was a lot better than California," Lucy knowingly smiled, "I got to meet this really handsome boy, and he's taking me out on a date this coming Friday, We're going to the movies in Lake Jackson."

"Is that right?" Mom knowingly grinned, placing her arm around Lucy's waist, "I guess I'd better tell him to be on his best behavior, or else I'll have to kick his little ass for him," which made both of them fall into a fit of female laughter.

"That's enough of that, Mom," I teased, "I don't want Lucy to pick up any of your bad habits..."


"Oh Michael," Lucy softly gasped, after I'd played a piece by Rachmaninov, "That was beautiful. Will you play and sing for me, too?"

"Of course I will," I tenderly replied, gently brushing the back of my hand against her soft, beautiful cheek, "I'll play whatever you want me to," and then I began to the intro to Eric Carmen's version of "All By Myself," and by the time I was finished, I saw her eyes fill with tears as they slowly ran down her face.

"Oh, hey now," I said, alarmed, "Please don't cry, Lucy? I'm so sorry for whatever I did to make you so sad."

"I'm not sad," she quietly sniffled, as I reached into my back pocket and handed her the handkerchief I always carry, "I just think that you sing so beautifully, and I was really moved just now."

"Thank God that's all it was," I sighed, in relief, "I hope you know that I wouldn't hurt you for any reason, not ever."

"I know that," she softly smiled, and then she leaned over and gave me a very soft and tender kiss, right on the lips, "I can see now that your heart is as beautiful as you are...and I'm so very thankful that I've finally met a boy that I can talk to without having to fight him off every time we're together."

"Who did that to you?" I protectively asked, "Is it anyone I know?"

"No, baby," she tenderly smiled, leaning over and gently kissing my lips again, "The person I was talking about lives in California."

"What did you say?" I knowingly smiled, "Did I hear you call me "Baby" just now?"

"Why," she giggled, "Do you have a problem with it?"

"No, not at all," I softly told her, taking her hand and holding it in my own, "I only hope I can find a way to make you keep calling me,"

And it was then that Lucy asked me to stand up while she placed her arms around my neck; and then with her body pressed firmly to mine, she gave me what I immediately let her know afterward was my first kiss.

"Thank you, Michael," she softly replied, "I'm honored to have been able to share that with you. I've really like what I'm feeling right now, but you need to know that I think I might be falling for you, and all I'll ever ask of you is that you don't hurt me. I just couldn't take that.

I answered her by tenderly placing my lips against hers, and then with all of the emotion that I could muster, I kissed her again with everything I had, somehow trying to wordlessly make her understand that I would protect her with my own life before I would let any harm befall her for any reason. Granted, we didn't French kiss that night, and I made sure to let her know that I didn't know how to kiss like that, at least not yet.

"Relax, baby," she lovingly told me, "We've got plenty of time for that. I'm just happy that you feel the same way about me that I feel about you."

"Thank you, my beauty,' I softly replied, "And if you want to know how I really feel about you, let me tell you right now that I would give my life to protect you. I wouldn't yet call it love, but what I feel for you is as close as one can feel without yet being in love...and I want to notice that I said the word, yet, okay?"

She was about to reply until she was interrupted by Mom's voice telling us that supper was ready, and to wash our hands and come sit down to eat.

"That's so cool," Lucy giggled, "Your Mom sounds just like mine when she calls me and Dad to come and eat..."


Chapter Two

I hadn't heard Dad come in because of the fact that Lucy and I had been in my room listening to music and talking so; you can only imagine the pleasant and surprised look that Dad got on his face when Lucy and I had emerged from the back of the house holding hands.

"Well, hello there, Miss Lucy Summers," Dad sweetly smiled, "How're you doing, pretty girl?"

"Hi, Mister Hanson," Lucy giggled, "I'm doing quite well, thank you. Oh, and thank you and Misses Hanson for having me over for dinner, too."

"Would ya listen to that," Dad teased, "You could sure use a lesson in manners from her, Mike, ya big slob."

"You need to leave me alone, "I good naturedly grinned, "I'm not the one who belches at the table once they're done eating."

"You shut up," he laughed, "Mister Smart Ass."

"Richard," Mom sharply scolded Dad, "You need to watch your mouth, we have a guest in this house. What's wrong with you?"

Of course Lucy simply giggled, her face lighting up like a million candles while she did so, and that was the day that I think I first fell in love with her. But I knew to keep that bit of information to myself for the time being, because I didn't want to scare Lucy away. However, little did I realize at the time that she was feeling the same way? I didn't find out until a while later so; please forgive me for getting a little bit ahead of myself...


"I really like your Mom and Dad," Lucy softly told me, as I drove her home that night, "I think your Dad is funny, and your Mom is so pretty."

"Thank you," I proudly smiled, "I'll be sure to tell them what you said."

"I don't have to be home for at least another forty-five minutes," she smiled, "We don't we go somewhere and talk?"

"I think that it might be better if I got home a little earlier than eight thirty this first time," I smiled, "That way, your folks will be more apt to let me take you out again. What do you think, my beauty?"

"I think you're right," she grinned, leaning over and kissing my cheek, "Have I told you how brilliant I think you are?"

"No," I teased, "Because I'm a little crazy."

"Crazy?" she asked, "What in the world are you talking about, Michael? You're not crazy."

"Yes I am," I continued teasing her, "I'm crazy about you."

"Oh, you stinker," she giggled, playfully slapping my arm, "But I think you're right, because I'm really crazy about you, too, cutie..."


Per Lucy's directions, I pulled into the driveway of a very spacious, and judging by the looks of it, a very expensive home. I looked at my watch and saw that it was about ten minutes after eight, making me feel like I'd done the right thing in getting her home early that first night. And like any true gentleman would do, I got out of my car, and after opening Lucy's door for her, I escorted her to her front porch where I received a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I had a great time tonight, Michael," she sweetly replied, "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams, handsome," and then she opened her front door and disappeared after closing it behind her...


The next day became a turning point in my life when I was on my way to meet Lucy for our choir class. I heard a very familiar female voice emanating from right down the darkened hall near the theater cry, "Please let me go...please."

It was Lucy's voice and it sounded like she was in trouble so; I took off at a dead run to find these two idiots, Terry Redmond and Johnny Ware, both of them bullies, who had Lucy cornered. Jonny had her arms pinned behind her back while Terry said, "All we want is a kiss, hot stuff...come on and give it up."

"I believe you two dickheads heard what the lady said," I growled, making Johnny release his hold on her when I quickly used the knuckles of my right hand to lightly tap his forearm directly on the pressure point a couple of inches below his left elbow, deadening his whole left arm, and making him release her. As I took her away from those two, I heard Terry say, "This ain't over with, Hanson. You'd better grow eyes in the back of your fucking head, asshole..."


"Are you alright, Lucy?" I asked with concern, "We need to report this to the principle at the very least."

"I'm alright now," she softly smiled, "I'm always alright when you're around, baby. Come on, we're going to be late for class," and that was the last of it, or so I thought...


That afternoon as Lucy and I were on our way to the senior parking lot, I saw both of the idiots I encountered earlier waiting for me at my car, except they had two other guys with them. Lucy immediately said, "I'm going to get some help," and then she quickly took off.

"You're not so brave now, are you, Hanson?" Terry Redmond began to laugh

I knew that I could take down at least three of them, but I wasn't so certain about the fourth one. However, the one advantage I had against all four of them was that I was taller by at least three inches and I weight about forty to fifty pounds heavier so; I tried to maintain a superior mental attitude.

"Look guys," I told them, "You don't want to do this, because I'm not going to screw around with any of you."

"Neither are we," Johnny Ware growled, "We're just gonna fuck you up for the hell of it."

"You assholes are real brave, aren't you?" I laughed, "Four against one...real brave."

"Nah, these guys are just here to carry you to the funeral home when I'm done with your ass," Terry Redmond spat, "Let's get it on, asshole," as he began to advance toward me.

He didn't get very far as, the moment he entered my personal space he was met with a hard spinning back kick that connected directly on his nose, dropping him like a hot potato.

I heard Jonny Ware begin yelling at the top of his lungs as he tried to rush me. The problem with that was that he was running toward me with his head bowed so; I simply raised my right knee, and connected it with the top of his head, knocking him out cold as he, too, fell to the pavement unconscious.

Then the third one tried to punch me so; I simply stepped to the left, grabbing his right wrist with both hands, and then I turned around with my back to him, and pulled his arm straight down over my left shoulder, snapping it backward in the process and making him howl in pain, after which I gave him a hard elbow into his solar plexus just for good measure, knocking the breath out of him right before I let go.

However, the moment I turned around to deal with the last of the two idiots who'd accompanied Terry and Johnny, I saw Gary Hobbs and Jim Mercer, two of the starting defensive linebackers for our football team appear, with Lucy coming up behind them.

"Hey, Mike," Gary knowingly grinned, when he saw Terry and Johnny out cold on the ground, and their friend holding his right arm in tears "Do you need any help, buddy?"

Just then, the fourth guy turned and ran away as I looked at Gary and laughed, "Nah, I think I got it covered this time, but I really appreciate you two being here, thanks fellas."

"Not a problem," Jim chuckled, picking Terry Redmond and Johnny Ware up off of the ground, "You assholes are real brave, aren't ya?"

"This still isn't over with, Mike Hanson," Terry Redmond spat, still in a bit of a foggy haze from where I'd knocked his ass out, "We'll be back."

"You're not very smart, are you, Terry," Jim began to laugh, "This man just handed you your ass, and you want more?"

"We'll make a deal with you and Johnny," Gary told the two of them, "If you leave Mike and Lucy alone, then we won't pound your ass for you...and I know you don't want to have to face the whole football team, now, do ya?"

"That's not fair," Terry complained before Gary cut him off.

"Quit your whining," Gary growled, "It's about as fair as the four of you ganging up on Mike, here. Plus, Lucy told us what you and Johnny did to her earlier today so; shut up."

"We're all going to keep an eye on you two this year," Jim menacingly warned the two of them, "So, you better leave the people around here alone, or suffer the consequences, asshole. Do I make myself clear?"

Terry simply nodded his head, and then after I handed him a handkerchief to wipe his bloody nose and telling him to keep it, he and Johnny Ware turned and limped away...


"Holy Shit, Mike," Gary smiled, "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"I studied the Martial Arts from the time I was six until I was sixteen," I proudly replied, "But I only use it to defend myself, as you can see."

"Wow," Jim grinned, "Do you think you could teach us to fight like that?"

"I could teach you some basic self-defense techniques," I smiled, "But that's about all we'll have time for. I'm going to college next year and I won't be around here that much."

"That's cool," Gary grinned, "When can you start teaching us?"

"I work on Saturdays," I said, "How about if we meet at the practice field around one o'clock Sunday afternoon?"

"Perfect," Jim grinned, "We'll see you there, and thanks Mike."

"He's right, Mike," Gary kindly smiled, "Oh, and by the way, you and Lucy look great together, bro," and then they turned and walked away smiling...


The moment they were out of sight, Lucy jumped into my arms and kissed my lips, "I hope I don't scare you away with what I'm about to tell you, but I love you, Michael Hanson," tears filling her beautiful blue eyes, "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you, too," I sighed, feeling like a ten ton weight had been lifted from my shoulders, "I've loved you since the very first time I saw you in church that first Sunday a few weeks back..."


That afternoon I drove home from school with a smile on my face and a fire in my heart. I was in love with Lucy and she was in love with me. I couldn't imagine my life being any better than it was at that moment. However, nothing lasts forever and I knew that Lucy and I were going to face heart break at the end of the summer when we had to go our separate ways to go college. Little did I know what was waiting for me on the not too distant horizon where that particular issue was concerned? But that day was still quite a ways off so; I would put it in the back of my mind and enjoy the time we had left to be together...


"Hi, baby," Mom smiled, when I walked into the house, "I heard you had a rather exciting afternoon."

"Jeez, Mom," I playfully groaned, "Are you telepathic or something?"

"No, not at all," she knowingly grinned, "Your girlfriend called here a few minutes ago to tell me about how her knight in shining armor saved her from the clutches of two creeps at school."

"Girlfriend huh?" I teased, "And just what on earth makes you think Lucy's my girlfriend?"

"Michael Thomas Hanson," Mom laughed, "Don't you dare try to tell me that you don't care for that beautiful young lady; because I can tell by the way that you two act around one another that the two of you are crazy about each other. Remember, this is your old Mom you're talking to, boy."

"I love you, Mom," I smiled, pulling her into a hug, "And you're not old."

"I love you, too, Michael," she gently replied, placing the palm of her hand against my right cheek, "And I think that Lucy Summers is the prettiest little thing I've ever seen, not to mention that she's as sweet as she can be."

"She is," I smiled, looking out the window into an imaginary distance, "She really is..."


I'd already done my homework and handed it in before leaving school that day, like I'd always done since I was in the first grade. So; with that in mind, and because I was very strict in my adherence to my Martial Arts training I headed out to the barn where I'd more or less set up a room specifically designed for the purposes of training.

I went through my forms, or Katas, as they're called, and then I began my work out on my kick bags, as well as my wooden training dummy. I'd been concentrating on my training that I'd not seen Lucy slip into the barn to watch me, and still wouldn't have known she was there had she not spoken to me.

"Hello there, my love," she softly said, "Wow, you sure look hot covered in all that sweat. Mmm, it makes me tingle all over just looking at you."

"Hi, baby," I grinned, "I didn't hear you come in. What're you doing here?"

"What," she teased, her beautiful face shining, "I can't come and see my boyfriend whenever I want to?"

"Of course you can," I smiled, attempting to hug her before she halted my advance.

"Oh, no ya don't," she giggled, "You go take a shower and then you can hug me all you want to."

"Oh, okay," I playfully complained, "You sure drive a hard bargain, woman..."


"I'm sorry for interrupting your workout," she softly told me, as I held her in my arms after I took a shower, "But I just had to see you because I love you so much, Michael."

"I love you, too," I tenderly replied, "And I was almost finished working out anyway."

"Ya know I sat there watching you for quite a while before I spoke up," she said, "You must've trained a very long time to be able to do the things I saw you do."

"I studied for ten years," I smiled, "And it was also because of the fact that my Sensei was a great influence. He made me want to strive for excellence in order to do the very best I could."

"I don't know a whole lot about the Martial Arts," Lucy told me, "But I can't imagine anyone being any better than you, my love."

"I just earned my black belt last year," I proudly replied, "And there are people out there that're a whole lot better than me, because they've been practicing for a whole lot longer than I have."

"Maybe so," she smiled, leaning over and giving me a quick kiss, "But I can't imagine anyone being any sweeter than you are. And I guess that's why I guess it was such a surprise to me when I saw you kick the hell out of those creeps earlier this afternoon. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Michael?"

"Of course I do," I gently smiled, pulling her into my arms, "My Sensei taught me to basically have a soft touch and be gentle, but when I was approached by trouble, he also taught me to have an iron hand and a strong will."

"And that's what makes you so special in my eyes," she tenderly cooed, "You're the strongest person I know, and I know that you can handle yourself very well in any given situation. But when it comes to me, you're as gentle as a kitten; and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would never hurt me, or let me be hurt by anyone...I love you so much," and when she was finished speaking, she had a sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes, the likes of which I'd never seen before."

Lucy had only stayed for about an hour and a half before she told me that she had to head back home, and while I hated to see her go, I most certainly loved to watch her walk away. And it was then that I decided I was going to spend the rest of my life with, regardless of how difficult it was going to be in the next few years I was in college. But like I said earlier, little did I realize that something very special was awaiting me on the horizon in the not too distant future...?


Later that evening at Lucy's house, she had just finished doing her homework and was sitting down to eat supper with her mother and father when her Linda Summers smiled and spoke to her daughter.

"So, tell me, baby girl," Linda gently smiled, "How was Michael doing when you saw him this afternoon after school?"

"He was just fine, Mom," Lucy giggled, "And I do mean fine."

"He certainly is a handsome thing," Linda girlishly teased her daughter, "I can see why you're so crazy about him."

"And that's thing, Mom," Lucy began, "I know that he cars for me, too. He really does."