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"It's time, Michael," she sweetly smiled, standing up and taking my hand as she stepped from the hot tub, "I'm ready to become your woman and belong solely to you, and you will belong solely to me...


After drying one another completely off, we took the time to look at one another's bodies, and in doing so, I knew that I would never tire of gazing at Lucy's stunningly breathless beauty. She told me the same thing, not only in words, but also by her actions just then.

"I was really nervous at first when we took our clothes off, Michael," she wantonly panted, "But now that we've seen one another at our most vulnerable, I can't imagine ever wanting another man for the rest of my life."

"I'm still nervous to tell you the truth, Lucy," I told her, almost whispering, "But you have to know that I love you...I swear that I do."

"Aw, I love you, too, baby," she tenderly smiled, "But you don't have to be nervous."

"Maybe not, but I am."

"Why are you nervous, Michael?" she asked.

"To begin with, this will be the first time I've ever been with a girl, especially one as beautiful as you," I quietly replied, looking at the floor, "And secondly, I'm so afraid that I'll do the wrong thing."

Taking her index finger and placing it under my chin, Lucy gently raised my face so that she could look into my eyes, and then said, "I don't want you to be afraid at all, my love. Just do what comes naturally and everything will be just fine, I promise," then she pulled the cover back off the bed, and taking my hand, she gently urged me to follow her until we were both between the sheets.

"I want to put you in my mouth, Michael," she seductively purred, "Is that okay with you?"

But before I could even reply, she began to kiss her way down my body until she had a hold of me and began to slowly lick my cock like a Popsicle, making me shiver from the inside out; and before I knew it, I was buried halfway down her throat.

"Oh, God, Lucy," I sensually groaned, "I can't begin to tell you how good that feels."

"I heard Cindy and Trish talking about it one afternoon," she mischievously giggled, "So I went to the grocery store and bought a cucumber so that I could practice. I'm glad you like it."

"I don't just like it, baby," I smiled, "I love it, and I hope this won't be the last time we do this."

"Oh, baby," she wickedly grinned, "You can bet that beautiful ass of yours that this won't be the last time," and then she proceeded to take up where she left off, rapidly bobbing her head up and down like a jackhammer.

Before too long, however, I began to feel a very strong tingle emanating from deep within my groin, indicating that I was about to cum. So, placing my hand upon her head, I quickly told her, "You might want to stop, Lucy, I'm almost there, baby.

Her answer, however, was to seed up making the feeling grow more intense, and when she finally pushed me over the edge, I watched as she sealed her lips around the head of my cock and then used her hand to rapidly stroke me up and down until I began to unload me seed directly into her mouth.

With every spurt of semen that I unleashed, she did not hesitate to swallow, milking me dry as I began to grow soft, until she'd completely drained me of my seed. After she removed her mouth from me, she made her way up and began to deeply kiss me. Granted, I could taste myself on her tongue, but I figured that if she could swallow what I gave her, then I shouldn't worry about the taste...


As I lay in bed panting, trying to regain my breath, she looked at me with a smile on her face as she impishly giggled and asked, "So, tell me, my love; did you enjoy that?"

I answered her by gently rolling her onto her back and began to kiss my way down the most incredibly beautiful body I've ever seen. Stopping at hear breast to gently lick and suck her bright pink nipples into my mouth. I could tell that she was enjoying what I was doing to her, because she cradled my head in her hands, gently pulling my face tighter against her sweetly firm, soft breasts."

"Oh, yes, Michael," she hotly purred, "Suck my tits, baby, just like that."

I took my time with Lucy, remembering the conversation I'd had with my father when I was younger as he told me that I should take my time to ensure that my perspective partner would enjoy herself as much, if not more than me. And while he didn't go into specifics, he did tell me that from the top of her head, all the way down to her feet, a woman's body was one big erogenous zone, also explaining to me what the word "erogenous" meant.

I was thankful for my father's open, candid and honest council because it seemed that everything he told me was true. Everywhere my lips touched Lucy seemed to bring her pleasure. And because she used her mouth on my genitals to bring me pleasure, it seemed only fair that I should do the same thing to her. I could smell her female aroma by this time, and to be totally honest here, it was like an aphrodisiac to me, spurring me on down until I came to her mound that was covered with a soft wisp of light golden hair, telling me that Lucy was indeed a true blonde.

While I'd never had my mouth between a woman's legs before, I couldn't imagine anything that tasted any better than Lucy, urging me to drink her in juices, fully and wholly. With Lucy's gentle guidance, I found the hard nub of vaginal flesh which she told me was her clitoris so, I sucked it into my mouth, gently but rapidly flicking back and forth across it with my tongue, while I plunged my finger in and out of her at the same time. And before too long, I felt her body begin to stiffen, becoming quite rigid as she loudly screamed my name, holding my head between her legs until she began to relax and then gently pushed me away, telling me that she'd become too sensitive to continue.

"I love, Michael," she panted, pulling me up from between her legs and deeply kissing my lips, "I love you so much.

"I love you, too, my beauty," I quietly replied, pulling her into my arms, "And I hope it will always be like this between us."

"Of course it will," she softly giggled, as she reached down and grabbed my cock, which was now harder than I could ever remember it being, "The best is yet to come, believe me."

And then before I knew it, I was lying on my back as Lucy threw her leg over me, with her hand on my cock, sticking straight up. Then she slowly lowered her body until I made contact with her slick lips, and then she slid down my pole her as inner walls gently caressed me until I reached her maiden head.

"This is it, my love," she sensually groaned, and then without warning, she let her weight carry her the rest of the down, as I felt my cock pierce her membrane, making her quietly yelp until our pubic bones met.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked, noticing the tears that were beginning to fill the corner of her beautiful blue eyes, "I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear."

"Just let me sit here for a minute," she panted, with her eyes tightly closed and a grimace on her face, "I knew this was going to happen..."


After a few moments I could feel her body begin to relax, and then she leaned down until her soft yet firm breasts rested upon my chest. And then once she opened her eyes to look at me, I saw a look on her face that I'd never once seen in the whole time we'd been together. It's the same look that she gives me even to this day whenever we make love to one another.

"I'm going to roll us over until I'm on my back," she tenderly purred, kissing my lips, "And I want you to very gently move in and out of me until I tell you to speed up. Can you do that for me, my love?" as she gently moved until I was lying between her legs on top of her, with my manhood lodged deeply inside of her.

"Okay, Michael," she softly smiled, "I want you to start off slowly until I tell you otherwise," as I began to follow her instructions. We moved softly and slowly together as I did exactly as she'd told me to until we both began to breathe heavier as her hips began to move in perfect sync with my own.

"Oh, my God, Lucy," I groaned, "I never knew that something could ever feel this good."

"I know, baby," she, too, sensually groaned, "If I had known it was going feel this good, we would've done this a long time ago."

"I'm glad we waited until now though," I softly smiled, "Aren't you?"

"Mmm," she began to purr, "I want you to go faster now, baby, please...faster, and harder, too," and then in the next few moments she began to make the same noises that she did earlier when I had my mouth on her pussy, "Oh, Michael...Oh, I'm going to cum soon...I want you to cum with me."

"But I'm not wearing a rubber," I urgently replied, trying desperately to maintain what little common sense I still had, "What do you..."

"Inside me, baby," she gasped, her hips moving in overdrive, "I want you to cum inside me. I've been on the pill for almost two years so; it's okay," and right shortly thereafter, she began to loudly moan, "Oh, God, NOOOOWWW." Making me follow her over the edge of the most intense orgasm I'd ever had in my life, especially because it wasn't self-induced...


Chapter Nine

In the moments after we'd finished making love, Lucy looked at me with a very special, not mention, a very bright sparkle in her eyes, she tenderly said, "We're not virgins anymore, my love. Thank you for waiting for being the man you are. I can't begin to tell you how special you've made me feel."

"It's because you are special," I quietly replied, gently rubbing my hands over her bare breasts, "I knew that the first moment I ever laid eyes on you, Lucy."

"So tell me," she smiled, "What're we going to do after we graduate high school? You are planning on going to college, aren't you?"

"Not without you, I'm not," I told her in no uncertain terms, "Especially now that we've given ourselves to one another."

"Don't be silly," she knowingly grinned, "We're part of one another now and wherever you go, I go. It's as simple as that."

"I think you should know that I've received five different music scholarships from five different colleges."

"Really?" she asked grinning, "What colleges?"

"Let's see," I began, "I got an offer from Juilliard up in New York. I got another one from U.C.L.A. out in Los Angeles, California. I got one from Berklee School of Music up in Boston, I got one from the University of Houston, and then one from the Doctor Leon Breeden up at North Texas in Denton."

"I know," she softly replied smiling, "He called me, too; so did the folks at the U of H, as well as Berklee. But I'm only going to go where you go, Michael; because I'm like you. Now that we've shared ourselves with one another, I will not live without you...I can't," and then she laid her head on my chest and began to softly weep."

"Easy baby," I tenderly soothed her, "I feel the same way that you do, and I won't live without you either. Besides; I didn't put that ring on your finger for nothing ya know."

"I know, baby, and I'm sorry for acting so childish just now," she sniffled, "But I meant what I said about not living without you, Michael."

"How about this?" I smiled, an idea suddenly popping into my head, "If we both go to the same college then we won't have to live without each other."

"I don't have a problem with that," she told me, "But we both know that we'll have to stay in the dorms our freshman year, Michael; which means that we won't be able to sleep together every night."

"We won't have to stay in the dorms if we're married, my love," I knowingly grinned, "And besides, your Mom gave me the deed to a beach house on Galveston Island."

"That's right," she suddenly grinned, "And that also means that if we both go to the U of H, we'll probably have the same schedule, which means that we'll both be in the same classes," as she began to hug me, "Oh, Michael, this is wonderful."

"So, you'll marry me after we graduate high school then?" I asked, "That's the only way we're going to be able to keep from having to live in the dorms."

"Of course I'll marry you, silly," she giggled, gently squeezing me, "And besides, didn't I already say yes when you put this ring on my finger," holding her left hand up to look at her engagement ring...



Lucy and I graduated with honors, agreeing to accept the full, four year scholarships that the University of Houston had offered each of us. Personally, for me anyway, I was glad to be out of school and was looking forward to spending the next four years studying music. And knowing that mine and Lucy's class schedules were going to be almost the same. It made life that much easier for the both of us, as we would have each other as study partners.


We were married in June of that year in front of our families and close friends. Dad was my best man and Lucy asked Maggie to be her maid of honor. The look on my face that day proved to Lucy that she was as stunning a bride that a man could ever want or have...


When we received our class schedules, we were a little disappointed that we wouldn't be sharing every class, as I had advanced piano classes that she didn't have. Still though, it only meant that she had to wait ninety minutes until I was out of class, but that was only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, during my first semester college, and because of my piano playing skills, as well as the fact that I was able to sight-read music so well, the head of the music department informed me that I wouldn't have to take any more advanced piano classes the following semester. It meant that now mine and Lucy's schedules would be exactly the same, which was perfect for the both of us...


During Spring Break of the next semester, Lucy's parents' divorce hearing took place on Tuesday of the week. She asked me if I minded that we didn't go anywhere for Spring Break, because she wanted to be present for her mother's sake. Needless to say, I was right there with her, if for any reason, to be there when the judge made his ruling.

It was discovered by a Private Investigator that Linda's attorney had hired, that Lucy's bastard of a father had photo graphic proof that the son of a bitch had been cheating on Linda the whole time they were married, The P. I. also found out that her father had hidden away almost ten million dollars in an offshore account, which the judge ordered to be awarded to Linda because of the abuse she'd suffered at her husband's hands.

Furthermore, it was also discovered that the bastard had purchased some prime real estate properties right after Lucy was born, and even though Lucy was of legal age, the judge awarded the property her. So; basically, Linda took the son of a bitch to cleaners, which meant that she basically took him for almost everything he was worth.

Because the state of Texas is very hard on offenders in the cases involving Domestic Abuse, when the attorneys who were representing Lucy's father asked to be heard, the judge laughed and told them, "I used to think that it took two to tango when it came to marriages. However, because this is my court room, and this case has been presented to me, I'm very happy to say, I have neither the tolerance nor the sympathy for anything your client has to say. But I will say this, and then I will end these proceedings. Mister Summers, you are an abomination to all mankind, and as far as I'm concerned about you, well I will personally that instances like this will happen NO MORE" and then court was adjourned...



I know that there are those who are going to give me grief for how "syrupy and sugary sweet" that they think this story is; but I really don't care. It just so happens that the relationship I have with my wife is actually one in which we openly express our love and affection for one another, just like the characters in most of my stories; and we've been married for 16 of the 18 years that we've been together.

So, for those of you who don't like the expressions of love between the characters in my stories, I won't be a jerk and say obscene things to you, like a lot of readers have done to me. I will simply say, there are other stories that're out there, and also, I will pray for, and ask Almighty God to open the hearts of, those who ridicule me and writers like me. In the meantime, My God bless and keep you all...


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Pussylover0286Pussylover02865 months ago

Another great story

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

For me it was just much too long, I felt you dragged it out much to much and he , no everyone apart from Mr Summers was overly good, I could see where you were coming from as to the plot but this one was just not for me, good luck with others you write

JaxxonZJaxxonZalmost 3 years ago

Great story, loved it but you need someone who can correct all the omitted words and the few misspellings that are here, Sometimes it made it difficult to follow. 5 stars.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago
Great storyline as usual

And yes, another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ story....

drachir53drachir53over 3 years ago
Like all your stories!

I like your intense love stories as of those with action and even violence! Great stories and this was a really good one!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

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