No More


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"You already have, baby," Mom sniffled, standing to hug me tighter, "And when you ask that pretty little girl to marry you, and I know you will, I want you to know that your father and I are going to do whatever it takes to see that you both get off to a good start."

"I love you, Mom," I quietly told her, "I love you with all my heart."

"All your heart, huh?" Mom giggled, "You'd better save some room in there for Lucy, or else she's liable to tear you a new ass, young man..."


It was nearing eight-thirty when Dad returned, and after Mom had relayed the information that I'd given her concerning Maggie Haynes, he smiled and said, "Give her a call, Mike. Your mother and I always did like her," so; that what I did..."


About an hour later, I looked out the front living room window and saw Maggie's car pulling into the driveway, coming to a stop right behind my car. I also noticed that she had a little one strapped into a car-seat on the passenger's side, and when Maggie pulled the child from the car, I thought my jaw was going to hit the floor when I saw the its face. It was a little girl that couldn't have been any older than two, maybe three years old at the very most. I had no doubt that she was my brother's daughter. Hell, she looked just like him in almost every way. However, I waited until Maggie rang the doorbell to say anything, because I didn't really k now what to say to begin with.

"Hi, Maggie," I smiled, my eyes locked on the child she was holding in her arms, "Come on in, I know that Mom and Dad are going to be very excited to see the two of you."

"I'm so very sorry that I waited until now to tell you this, Michael," Maggie began to cry, "But this is..."

"My niece," I sweetly replied, gently taking the child into my arms, "You go ahead on into the kitchen, and then I'll bring her in right behind you, okay?"

"Your parents are going to hate me for this," she quietly sobbed, "I just know that they will."

"I think you're going to be very surprised at their reaction," I grinned, kissing my baby niece's pretty little cheek, making her giggle lie only a little girl can do, "What's her name, by the way?"

"I named her Rikki Leigh Hanson," Maggie proudly replied, "I named her after her father, your brother..."


"Hi, Maggie, honey, "Mom smiled, hugging her, having not yet seen the baby until I walked in behind Maggie, carrying little Rikki in my arms, "How in the world are..." and then Mom's face turned deathly pale when she saw her granddaughter for the first time.

"Mom, Dad," I grinned, "Allow me to introduce you to my niece and your granddaughter, Miss Rikki Leigh Hanson."

Mom said nothing, as she gently pulled the baby from my arms, holding her tenderly but tightly to her breast as silent, but very happy tears began to fill her eyes.

"Would somebody like to tell me what the hell is going on?" Dad bewilderedly asked, falling into his seat at the table...


"When Rick left to go back to Vietnam on the third of January in seventy four, I was already five months pregnant," Maggie began, "Do you remember when he came home for ten days of R and R in July of that same year?"

"Of course," Mom smiled, rocking little Rikki in the same rocking chair she'd rocked both me and Rick in when we were babies, "That was the same month that his father retired from the Navy."

"That was also the very first time that we slept together," Maggie said, "As well as the month that Rikki was conceived. I'd already written to him and told him that I was pregnant so; when he came home for Christmas, he wanted us to get married. But I told him that I wanted him to wait until his tour of duty in Vietnam was over in May before we got married so that he'd be home for good to help me raise our child. Rikki was born on the seventh of April in seventy five, the week before he got killed."

"Oh, wow," I excitedly replied, "She was born on my birthday."

"On my God," Maggie gasped, "I didn't know that, I swear."

"I want to ask you something, Maggie," Mom softly replied, tenderly smiling at her baby granddaughter, "And I'm not trying to get in your ass or make you feel bad, honey, but why did you wait until now to tell us about her?"

"Because I didn't want to bring shame to your family, Teela," Maggie began to cry, "I only pray that you can find it in your heart to forgive me one day,' and then she broke down and began to bitterly weep.

After handing the baby to me, Mom stood up and pulled Maggie into her arms. Then she very tenderly told her, "You precious, precious girl. There's nothing to forgive, sweetheart. I can't begin to tell you how much joy you've brought us this morning so; I want you to hush your crying right now, because there's no reason for it. My husband I and always loved you like a daughter when you and my son were dating, but now we love you even more, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Teela," Maggie cried, "I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me feel to know that Rikki has more than just me for a family."

"What about your parents, sweetie?" Dad asked, "What do they have to say about this?"

"My father was killed by a drunk driver on the night that little Rikki was born," she sadly told us, "And then when Mom found out about it, she suffered a massive coronary and dropped dead in my hospital room."

"Oh, my God, you poor thing," Mom sniffled, "How have the two of you survived this long?"

"There was enough money left over from the insurance company to at least bury Mom and Dad but not enough to save our house from being repossessed by the bank," Maggie explained, "I stayed with a friend until I got back on my feet, and now I work two jobs. We live in a small furnished apartment over in Freeport near Lake Jackson, and I make enough money to keep a roof over our heads, and food in our mouths, but that's about it."

All of a sudden I saw Mom give Dad a meaningful look, making him glance at his granddaughter, and then back at Maggie. Then he gently took the baby from me, and while cuddling her in his arms, he told Maggie, "I want you to go back to your apartment and gather all of your things together, because you're coming to live here with us. Mikey, you go with her and help her."

"Not a problem, Dad," I smiled, "Well leave as soon as Maggie is ready."

"Oh, no, I can't let you do that, Richard," Maggie protested, "It wouldn't be right."

"Horse manure," Mom grinned, taking her granddaughter from Dad, "Because you gave birth to our granddaughter, that makes you our daughter, and we take care of our own."

"But that would be such an imposition on you guys," Maggie said, "I couldn't do that."

"Aw, honey girl," Mom softly told her, "Please let us do this, okay? Besides, with you living here with us, you would not only have a babysitter, but Richard and I are going to send you to college so that you'll be able to earn enough money to support yourself and not have to work two jobs...please, Maggie. I'm begging you." and then Mom began to weep like she did when my brother was killed."

"I'll do it, Teela," Maggie, too began to cry, holding Mom in her arms, "Thank you so, much. I can't begin to tell you what a load had been lifted from my shoulders...but you have to promise to let me pay you guys back when I start making good money, okay?"

"Consider it done," Dad smiled, pulling Maggie into his arms and hugging her, "Welcome home, my daughter..."


"So, tell me, Sis," I smiled, as we piled into Maggie's car, "Mom told me that I should take Carlo Giannelli up on his offer. What do you think?"

"I think she's right, little brother," Maggie giggled, "You played your ass off last night, and you didn't hear this from me, but Carlo was bouncing off the walls when you and Lucy left."

"Speaking of Lucy," I chuckled, "What do you think of her?"

"I think she's a little doll, Michael," Maggie sweetly smiled, "And I can sure tell that you two are crazy about each other, that much is obvious." All of a sudden the clouds burst open and the rain poured down like a deluge.

"Dammit," Maggie swore, "My windshield wipers don't work so; were going to have to wait until it stops raining before we go anywhere."

"Don't worry," I grinned, opening the passenger door, "We'll take my car instead, but you're going to have move yours because it's behind mine."

"Okay," she grinned, "Let me start it up," however, when Maggie's car started, it began to smoke profusely, and with a very loud backfire, the engine went dead.

"Dammit to hell," Maggie swore, "I just had this thing fixed, and now it's dead again."

I leaned in and looked at the mileage so; I took her hand and said, "Let's go back in and talk to Dad, he'll know what to do..."


I sent Maggie in to talk with Mom while I pulled Dad aside and apprised him of the situation. He simply smiled and said, "I want you to give her your car."

"That's all well and good, but what am I supposed to do for transportation, Dad?"

"Your mother and I were going to buy you a new car when you graduated high school this year," he knowingly grinned, "So, why don't we go into town and get it? You can call it an early graduation present, okay?"

"Thanks Dad," I excitedly replied, giving him a hug, "Can we stop by and pick Lucy up so that she can go with us?"

"I don't see why not," Dad chuckled, "But knowing how females are, I think you'd better call her so that she'll have ample time to make herself presentable."

"Okay," I grinned, picking up the phone, "Do you think that an hour would give her enough time to be ready?"

"Hmm, let's see," Dad chuckled, looking at his watch, "You'd better make it an hour and a half just to be on the safe side, son..."


"Hi, baby," Lucy sleepily replied, over the phone, "How are you doing this morning?"

"Wait until you hear this," I told her, and then I explained the whole situation to her, including the fact that Dad was going to buy me and new car, asking her if she could be ready to go with us in ninety minutes.

"Are you serious?" she giggled, "Hell, I'll be ready in thirty minutes, but don't tell your Mom and Dad. I want to come to your house so that I can meet your new niece. Would that be alright?"

"You know it is," I warmly replied, "So, I'll see you in what, thirty minutes?"

"Make it forty-five," she giggled, "I'll see you soon baby; I love you," and then the phone line went dead.

"Silly girl," I smiled, hanging the phone up...


I was sitting in the den playing with my pretty baby niece when I heard someone at the front door so; I handed little Rikki to Mom and then went to answer the doorbell. Imagine the pleasant shock I felt when I discovered not only Lucy standing there, but also her mother, Linda.

"Hi, Michael," Linda excitedly replied, "I hope you don't mind me tagging along, but I wanted to meet your new niece."

"Not at all, Ms. Linda," I smiled, leaning over and giving her a hug, "Come on in, you two."

Hey wait a minute," Lucy playfully complained, "Don't I get a hug, too? After all, I am your girlfriend."

"Aw, I'm sorry, baby," I smiled, pulling her into my arms and giving her a soft kiss on her lips, "Come on in..."


"Oh, how precious, Teela" Linda smiled, when she entered the den, her eyes immediately seeing little Rikki, "So this is the new grandbaby that I've heard so much about. Isn't she just the prettiest little thing?"

"Good morning Linda," Mom smiled, standing up to greet her with a hug, "We're so glad that you're here. Come on in and take a seat, can I get you something to drink?"

"A cup of coffee would be nice," Linda smiled, "But only if you have some made."

Of course," Mom sweetly smiled, "Michael, would you get Linda a cup of coffee?"

"Sure," I grinned, "How do you take your coffee, Ms. Linda?"

"I take it black, sweetie," she affectionately replied, "And I want you start calling me just plain old Linda. I already feel old enough as it is."

"I would," I told her, "But my Mom would skin me alive if I did."

"Now there's an idea," Mom giggled, smacking me on the butt, making my face turn bright red as the room filled with female laughter, "But I think it'll be okay if you called Linda by her first name, but that's only because she asked you to. Do we understand one another, Michael?"

"Yes, ma'am," I grinned, and then, being followed by Lucy, I went to get her Mom a cup of coffee...


"I can tell that your parents are over the moon about the baby," Lucy softly told me, "I've never seen your Mom smiling like that before."

"Me either," I sadly replied, "Well, at least since before my brother was killed," as my eyes began to fill with tears.

"Please don't cry, Michael,' she tenderly said, gently pulling me into her arms, "Don't you know that when you're hurting, I'm hurting, too?"

"I'm sorry, my love," I said, standing back up and regaining control of my faculties. The after wiping my face. I smiled and told her, "We'd better get back in there with your Mom's coffee or they're liable to think we're in here sucking face."

"Oh, you're awful," she giggled, "But you're probably right..."


Chapter Five

Mr. Bill Wiggins, who was not only a member of the same church we attended, but also owned the Chevrolet dealership in my home town, happy greeted us the moment we pulled onto the dealership.

"Good morning, Richard, it's good to see you," he warmly smiled, shaking hands with Dad, "What can I do for you this morning?"

"Mike's mother and I were going to get him a new car for graduating high school," Dad knowingly grinned at Bill, "So, we decided to let him have a little early."

"Well then," Bill grinned, winking at Dad as he gently patted my shoulder, "What kind of car do you think you might want, Mike?"

"It's up to Dad," I told him.

"No it isn't," Dad proudly smiled, "You can have anything you want, son. You've more than earned it."

"Are you serious, Dad?" I gasped.

"Yep," Dad laughed, "You can have your pick."

"That's easy," I smiled, pointing to the showroom floor, "I want the Gloss Black, Corvette Stingray, with the Four-Twenty-Seven, factory engine that's sitting over there on the end."

"Are you certain?" Dad seriously replied, "This car is going to have to last you until you can afford to buy another one so; I want you to be sure."

"I'm positive," I excitedly grinned, "How soon can I drive it?"

"Why don't you let me talk with your Dad while my guys are getting it ready, Mike?" Bill knowingly chuckled, "Would that be okay?"

"I want you to take all the time you need, Mister Wiggins," I widely smiled, "Me and Lucy will go across the street to Hannah's café and get something to drink, okay?"

"Good enough," he chuckled, "If you'll come back here in about twenty minutes, we'll have everything ready to go."

"Yes, sir," I grinned, shaking his hand, "Twenty minutes it is..."


Because of all the excitement that had taken place that morning, I hadn't had the chance to eat breakfast yet. And because of the fact that it was only ten o'clock, they were still serving breakfast at Hannah's Café so; Lucy and I both ordered two scrambled eggs, with biscuits and gravy, accompanied by a side of hash browns.

"That was awfully nice of your parents to let you have your graduation present early," Lucy grinned, "I've never ridden in a Corvette before. Do you think you might take me for a ride in your, Michael?"

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed, "Wherever I go, you go, too, Lucy; and I don't ever want you to forget that, okay."

"Nobody has ever treated me as nice as you do. Michael," she softly replied, "I thought you should know that."

"Aw, sweetie, was it that bad for you?" I asked, as she nodded her head, "What about the boys out in San Diego? Didn't they treat you nice?"

"All they ever wanted to do was to get inside my panties," she bitterly replied, but then she looked into my eyes, and with a pretty smile on her beautiful face, she said, "I'm so grateful that you've never tried to do that, not even the first time."

"That's because nobody has ever loved anyone the way that I love you, Lucy." I honestly told her, "And when you love someone like that, you're supposed to respect just as much as you love them.

"Oh, my beautiful Michael," she sweetly told me, her beautiful blues eyes sparkling, "I knew I was right to feel the way I do about you. God told me that you were one of the good ones."

"I don't know about all that," I humbly replied, "But I do know that I loved you the first time I ever saw you, and I'm going to do whatever it take to keep you."

"That's not going to be a problem for you, my love," Lucy tenderly replied, "But I want you to know that there's going to come a time when I want you to make love to me. I only hope that you won't think badly of me for it."

"Not in this lifetime, sweetheart," I warmly smiled, "But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, okay?"

Lucy simply smiled that gorgeous smile and told me, "I love you..."



I had a few documents to sign, like the title and the insurance forms, but once that was done, Bill handed me the keys and said, "She's all yours. Mike. I hope you like her."

"Are kidding me, I chuckled. Then I looked at Lucy and said, "Climb in, my love," and when I started the car I could hear the gentle purr of the 427 engine, letting me know that I would never be able to let this car go. Of course I also knew that I was going to make sure that I took good care of it as well.

"So, what do you think, son?" Dad asked me, "Is this car all that you expected it to be."

"Yes sir," I respectfully replied, "It's that and so much more...oh, and one more thing, be sure to tell Mom and Linda that Lucy and I are going for a ride, and that' we'll be back somewhere around two o'clock this afternoon."

"I'll do that," he grinned, "But before you two take off, I want you to meet me at the gas station so I can fill her up for you."

"You've already done and enough, Dad, you and Mom both," I grinned, "I've got plenty of money and I can pay for my own gas, okay?"

"Okay then," he smiled, "Have a good time, but remember to be careful."

"I will, Dad," I smiled, "I promise," after which I pulled out of the parking lot, into the street, and then headed to the nearest gas station, taking my precious Lucy with me...


"I really love this car, baby," Lucy excitedly told me, "It rides so smoothly, and I'll bet it drives even better."

"Would you like to drive it?" I asked, "I'll let you if you'd like to."

"Maybe later, sweetie," she softly grinned, "I'd be too afraid that something would happen, and then I'd feel just awful."

"Alright then," I chuckled, "But let me know if you change your mind, okay?"

"Oh, I will, you can bet on it," she impishly giggled, "But I want to wait until the weather is better before I get behind the wheel."

"Oh, damn," I said, suddenly remembering something I was supposed to do, "I need to call Joey to let him know that I was going to tell Mister Giannelli that I was going to take him up on his offer."

"We're not that far from the restaurant," Lucy reminded me, "Why don't you swing by there and tell Mister Giannelli in person?"

"I don't think it's open yet," I replied looking at the clock on the console, "Besides, I need to talk to Joey first so we can set up a rehearsal schedule."

"Okay, Michael," Lucy grinned, "Besides, I need to be home before too much longer. Mom wanted me to go with her to get our nails done this afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather spend the rest of the day with you, but I promised her that I'd go with her. I hope that's alright."
