Lost in Texas Ch. 01


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"We're doing it ourselves so that when it is all said and done, we will be able to look at this entire town as our own personal accomplishment. When our guests look around, we will be able to tell them everything about how the town was built, because we will have had a hand in it. Haven't you ever done something just for the joy of doing it?"

"You mean like shopping?"

Jane closed her eyes and thought patient thoughts. "No child. I was referring to something more permanent."

"Car shopping?"

"Young woman, I refuse to believe that the only thing you enjoy is spending your money on silly baubles."

"That's not true! It's my dad's money."

Jane couldn't bring herself to believe it. Her experiences with Michelle and Fredericka had shown her that there was potential in everyone, particularly in the people where you least expected to find it. And no person seemed ‘less likely' than this young woman. Jane finished the area she was working on and put her brush down in some thinner. She still found the concept of physical labor to be strange, but she had come to enjoy it regardless.

"Does your father always solve your problems for you?"

"Pretty much. He's a Senator."

"Hmm. How quaint." She sat back and massaged her temples. The fumes and the girl's whining were giving her a headache.

"Are you okay?"

"Just a headache."

"Do you get a lot of those? Freddie said even the sound of the engine gives you one."

"She's a dear soul. I'm just prone to headaches is all."

Suddenly Laurie got up and pulled up a chair behind the older woman who was sitting on the floor. She placed her hands on either side of Jane's head, pushed Jane's hands aside and began rubbing her temples and massaging her scalp. It was one of the most soothing feelings Jane had ever experienced.

"Dear sweet child, wherever did you learn to do that? Now THAT is a highly useful skill!"

"Really? Amelia taught me how to do this."


"She was my nanny when I was younger. She used to do this when I got headaches, or when I was crying about something. She started getting headaches too, so I did this for her. She was real smart. She was always saying that headaches may have been caused by stress, but the stress wasn't always necessarily in the head. You sometimes have to work muscles in your back or arms or legs to get the pain to go away in your brain."

Jane was impressed. It was simple, but quite accurate. "Tell me about yourself young one, and tell me about this Amelia woman. She sounds somewhat wise."

"Oh, she was," said Laurie cheerfully. The young woman seemed delighted to have someone to talk to who wasn't primarily interested in insulting her. She was the daughter of a Senator who wasn't around much, so far as Jane could discern. Almost all of the girl's pleasant memories of her childhood revolved around Amelia. She was an older, Hispanic woman who was there for all the defining moments of Laurie's life. From her first steps to getting chicken pox, and from her first scraped knee until she first had questions about the birds and the bees . . . through all of it Amelia was there, even when her parents were not. When Laurie took a small roll in her private high school's senior play, Amelia had been the one there with a video camera and a smile. She apparently started having health problems a year ago and Laurie's father had considered releasing her until Laurie threw a code-red tantrum. Laurie had a younger sister, so her father acquiesced and kept Amelia on. ‘Good for you child,' thought Jane. ‘It may have been childish, but the goal was noble enough.' Jane also noted that Laurie's relationship with her father was one of rewards but no punishments. Anytime the young lady had wanted attention, her father or mother simply wrote her a check or bought her something pretty. No wonder the young woman valued such trivial things. To her, such items were the only affection her parents had ever really shown her. Whenever Laurie had gotten into trouble, her father used his influence to bail her out. Jane no longer found the girl irritating. She was a delightful soul who had simply never been given any incentive to actually achieve in anything.

"What about you?" asked Laurie, whose talented hands had worked down Jane's neck and on to her shoulders. "You seem really smart. Why are you out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"Because I enjoy it here. I used to live in the city and play the role of socialite. I taught my college courses, wrote my books, and I considered myself to be the most sophisticated of ladies; far superior to those around me."

"What happened?"

"My faucet broke."


"My faucet broke. I called my building supervisor and complained about the inconvenience, so he sent over his best man to fix it. Or should I say, his best woman."


"Very perceptive, young one." Laurie beamed at the compliment. "Yes, Michelle was working as a general handyman at the time. She came over and set about to work. Initially I thought she was nothing more than an over-muscled Neanderthal with fake breasts. But I watched her work and realized I didn't even have the vaguest understanding of what she was doing, and that bothered me. I have undergraduate degrees in History, Philosophy and Psychology. I have master's degrees in History and Psychology and a Ph.D. in History. But I didn't know what a ‘washer' was. To be perfectly frank, I was so mechanically inept that I might have made the same kind of mistake that you did with the jeep."

Laurie blushed, but was glad she wasn't alone in her mechanical confusion.

"One thing that disturbs me is not knowing how something works. So I learned from Michelle. I requested her specifically whenever I had a problem, and she amazed me with her knowledge of the practical arts. We became friends, then lovers." Jane was encouraged that Laurie's hands didn't even flinch at the idea that she was giving a massage to a lesbian. "I realized that I had been living some sort of delusion; thinking I was better than everyone when in fact I wasn't. True, I am better educated than either of my lovers, but this place would fall apart if it weren't for Michelle. When I met Fredericka, she seemed headed down the path to self destruction, but I saw so much passion in her that I had to put her head back on track. She and I also became lovers. I introduced her to Michelle, and the two of them developed their own special relationship. We decided to move out here and undertake this project as a threesome. Like you, I came from a rich family, and I have developed something of a fortune on my own. But coming out here and learning to make something with my own two hands . . . something that lasted meant more to me than silver or gold. I still love expanding my mind and my horizons, but that doesn't mean that I avoid getting my hands dirty from time to time. And my partners feel the same way. Laurie, I believe everyone has something to offer."

"Not me," she muttered.

"Really? Did you know that people all over the country would pay good money for you to do what you're doing with your hands? And do you realize that sticking up for you nanny was a truly selfless act, even if done in a slightly unorthodox fashion?"

"You think so?"

"I know so. You just need to learn to start taking some risks and accepting responsibility for your actions."

"You mean like the jeep?"

"Precisely. Take responsibility, and don't have your father bail you out. I'm certain that you could work something out with Heather and . . ."

"No! I'm sorry, I mean . . . I can't talk to her. Every time I do, she yells at me."

"Why does she yell at you?"

"That's just the way she is," said Laurie.

Jane shot her a glance. "And?"

"And . . . and because I usually say something stupid whenever she's around. I get what I'm gonna say all rehearsed in my head, but when I go talk to her, everything comes out stupid or doesn't come out at all. I want to impress her, but I'm just too stupid . . ."

"Stop that young lady," Jane said. "No not the thing with the hands. Keep doing that, if you don't mind. You aren't stupid. As I said earlier, you've never been rewarded for actually learning anything. And you never will as long as you let your father's checkbook be the answer to all your woes." Then something occurred to her. "You said that you rehearsed things in your head before going to talk to her. How often did you try?"

"All the time in our first semester. I wanted to see if she wanted to be my study partner or go to the movies or . . ." The list of ‘or' statements continued to mount. Jane developed a bit of a smile.

"You know, you've spent a lot of time trying to get to know her. Might I ask why? Particularly if she's so rude to you?"

Laurie's hands stopped moving. "Wuh . . . what do you mean?"

Jane leaned her head over and kissed Laurie on the hand affectionately, then spun around on the ground. "I mean that young ladies don't spend that much time trying to get to know someone in the face of that kind of rejection without a reason. Now, there are two primary reasons that I can think of off the top of my head. The first is social advancement, but since you are from the higher echelon of the social stratosphere, we can rule that out." Laurie was visibly trembling now, and Jane knew she was onto something. "The other reason is that you are attracted to her."

Laurie's lip was trembling. She wanted to scream out in total denial, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fool this woman. "I don't get it," she cried, and Jane took her in her arms. "She seems so much smarter and wilder and . . . and more everything. I didn't even need to take this stupid trip. I don't really need the money. I just thought I might be able to get her to like me if I could just spend some time with her, and all I've done is screw everything up!"

Jane tried her best to comfort the poor girl. The mistakes the girl had made were born of naivete, not stupidity. And no one had shown even the slightest interest in telling the difference. She let the girl cry herself out, and finally the tears stopped.

"I am SO sorry about that. You've been so nice, and I shouldn't be dumping stuff on you like that." She looked thoughtful, probably for the first time in a long time. "I don't know what I would do with her even if she didn't want to kill me."

Jane grinned inwardly. ‘That,' she thought, ‘is something I can indeed help you with.' "Maybe you need something besides responsibility. You need self-confidence. The former is almost impossible to achieve without the latter. I don't mean to embarrass you, but have you much . . . experience . . . in these matters?"

Laurie blushed. "Not really," she said after a large pause. "I've been with one girl . . . I am in a sorority after all . . . but she was really drunk and fell asleep in the middle of everything."

‘Ouch,' thought Jane. ‘That would be a blow to one's ego.'

"I mean, I can't even talk to her without tripping over myself. How could I ever . . . you know?"

Jane decided it was then or never. She kept her eyes locked on Laurie's and slowly leaned in. Laurie looked confused but didn't back away. Finally their lips touched, and Jane gave her young charge a very tender but very real kiss.

"Wha . . . Why . . ."

"I don't want to hurt you Laurie. You are a beautiful, sweet little girl. And I don't want to get in the way of your pursuit of Heather if that is what you really want. What I want to do is remind you of how beautiful and wonderful you are. I want to help you find the confidence you need. I won't judge you, Laurie. I don't expect you to be perfect. But I do want you to let me help you. I live to teach. Let me teach you."

Laurie was caught in a dilemma. She felt she had messed up everything she had ever tried, but here was this beautiful, intelligent woman who had treated her with friendship and respect. Here was this woman who had been very honest and forthright with her about her own life. And here was this woman who was willing to show her how to make love to another woman, and to help her to get Heather to notice her as something besides a pain in the neck.

"What do we do first?" she asked, trying to put some steel in her voice.

Jane felt elated. She hadn't wanted to pressure the poor girl, but Laurie desperately needed someone who was patient and understanding, and Jane liked to think she had those qualities in spades. "What is the first thing you see couples do? You know, when they're walking down the street or sitting on a blanket in the park?"

"Usually they kiss."

"Precisely." Jane leaned in again, and this time Laurie met her halfway. After a moment, she broke contact. "A little gentler at the beginning would be advised. And your tongue should wander a bit, not just shoot down the throat like a torpedo. Now let's try again." The next kiss lasted much longer, and the older woman found herself breathing much harder. "That was much better." She found herself craving the soft flesh of Laurie's lips once they were absent. "One more time to make sure. Oh, that's it." Her hands slipped up into the blonde girl's tube top. She stroked her heaving breasts, caressing the undersides and tracing the nipples as she pushed the top up over her breasts. The girl's aureoles were as big as half-dollars, and they were soft and pink. In a word, they were the perfect canvas for Jane's artistic tongue. She suckled them gently while teasing the nip with her tongue and gripping the bottom of the breasts with her hands.

"That feels so good."

"I've so rarely get such a lovely pair to work with. How large are they?"


"They're sweet as honey." Jane got a delightful idea. She sucked on the nipples gently before looking in the young woman's eyes and saying, "I'll bet Heather would like these a lot if she saw them." Laurie's eyes lit up like Christmas tree lights. "I'm sure she would want to suck them and lick them and play with them." Laurie had closed her eyes and began moaning loudly. Jane had no doubt that she was fantasizing about Heather. Jane suckled and toyed with those soft melons for several minutes while constantly bringing up Heather's name.

Jane broke contact long enough to get undressed herself. Laurie opened her eyes, and the sweet blonde girl had a look of longing.

"It's all right child. I'm going to show you how to do something that you might want to do to . . . to a special friend if the opportunity presents itself." She snaked the elastic waistband of the girl's shorts and pulled them, as well as a delightfully small thong, off the girl's body. "Now, I don't want you to worry about returning the favor. I enjoy doing this, and I think you'll find it useful. You know the basics, but I am slightly more experienced. Now just lie there and enjoy." She parted Laurie's legs, exposing her juicy mound. It was as warm and inviting looking as her nipples had been. There was a small triangle of naturally blond hair above the clitoris, but she was otherwise smooth. Jane slipped her tongue between those waiting lips and went to work.

For Jane, there was something special about a beautiful young woman writhing like a snake on the end of her tongue, and Laurie was more beautiful than most. Her breasts jiggled and her abdomen strained as she tried to absorb that powerful muscle of Jane's into her pussy. But Jane was completely in control. She began fiddling with herself as she devoured her young friend whole. There was no place within those vaginal walls or centimeter of skin on the surface that her tongue couldn't get to. And she kept mentioning how much Heather might enjoy doing something like this, and how good Heather would taste if Laurie could do it to her. Jane's dirty suggestions were getting both of them excited. She flicked the hood away from the girl's clit and stimulated the nub directly. She felt a stirring in her own groin, and her fingers went into overdrive to get herself off. It worked, as did the attention her tongue was giving to Laurie. Her own orgasm was so rich that she finally had to stop working Laurie's crotch, but the damage had been done. Jane was gasping and grunting as her orgasm ripped through her. She watching Laurie's pussy spasm and start to leak her sweet nectar. Laurie's eyes were closed again, and Jane had no doubt as to whose face the young woman was picturing between her young thighs. But when Laurie opened her eyes, there was no disappointment.

"Thank you Jane. Thank you so much." She leaned over and hugged the older woman who gladly returned the embrace.

"It was my pleasure child, in more ways than one. If you like, I could further you education this very evening." Laurie's eyes lit up again. "Just come to my study after your friends have gone to bed, and I'll make sure you have all the tools you need." Laurie hugged her again, then both women got dressed.

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Later that afternoon . . .

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Things were much quieter around house than they had been previously. But it wasn't an anxious silence, but rather a sense of tranquility. Alice had her heels kicked up on the porch rail as she sat on a bench and relished the warmth of the sunset, and Laurie and Heather were sitting on opposite ends of the couch watching "American History X" on one of the movie channels. It had been Heather's idea, and strangely Laurie didn't complain. Meanwhile, Michelle, Jane and Freddie were in the kitchen, fixing up a nice supper for the guests and gossiping about the day's events.

"I find it almost strange. Not that one of them might let down their defenses down, but for all of them to do so . . ."

"It's not so suprisin' hon," said Michelle, hugging Jane from behind and kissing her on the side of the face. "They're all outsiders in their own way."

"True," piped in Freddie as she sprinkled spices onto the chicken. "They've all been so angry, scared or lonely that they all feel like they're islands in the sea. And even if they start to feel a change in themselves . . ."

" . . . They are not yet skilled enough in the social arts to see change in the others," finished Jane. The three of them smiled. They had become so close that they had taken to finishing each other's thoughts. "So Michelle, are you going to go through with it? With young Alice I mean?"

"Yeah. I don't mean to sound all snobby or nothin', but this girl needs me. I wish it could be with someone a bit more permanent . . ."

Freddie finished that statement with, " . . . but she trusts you. From what you were saying earlier, she has fond memories of her grandparents' farm and that style of life. She sees that in you . . ."

" . . . and takes comfort in it," said Jane with a smile. She placed a hand on the side of Michelle's face. "And to tell the truth, I couldn't think of a better choice to be her first than you. For all your tough talk, I know how big your heart is. You are the one person who can be honest with her and whom we all know won't hurt her." Michelle blushed at the compliment. After being together for years, the older woman could still get to her.

Jane's brow scrunched up as she thought. "But I'm worried about our other two. I wish you could have seen Laurie's face whenever Heather's name was mentioned. She adores that woman, even though she has been treated with nothing but scorn."

"It's not all Heather's fault," said Freddie, feeling a need to defend the girl.

"I didn't mean to imply that it was. Laurie has approached the situation foolishly, and has chosen to appear the fool rather than risk open rejection. But if Heather could only see what I saw . . . a beautiful creature with a schoolgirl's crush . . . she might be willing to let Laurie in as a friend at least. If that were to happen, I have no doubt Laurie could pull her the rest of the way. And I think both will be much more willing to accept Alice now that she has stepped out of her self-appointed prison." Jane looked out the window at the young woman sitting alone on the front porch. "She look's content, does she not? At least more so than before."
