Lost in Texas Ch. 01


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"Yes. This is what I want. By the way, what the hell do you do to get your butt like this? Mine's kind of fat and . . ." This time Michelle interrupted with a kiss, but there was nothing timid about it. She also reached down and grabbed Alice's recently referenced round ass, causing the girl to almost instinctively wrap her legs around Michelle's muscular waist. The kissing became more heated, and Michelle was frantically trying to unbutton Alice's blouse.

Finally Alice became frustrated. She put her feet back on the ground and helped unbutton her shirt, then discarded her shorts and panties. She was naked. She was naked in the middle of the plains in the middle of Texas with a heavily muscled cowgirl with huge boobs. ‘This is kind of cool,' she thought.

Michelle pulled her close against that rock hard body. "Seein' as you're knew to this, I figured we might play a little game of copycat."

"How do you play?" asked Alice huskily. Michelle lay her down on the blankets, then knelt above on the round a few feet above her head.

"Everything I do, you do. It's quite simple."

Alice was looking at the older woman's upside-down face as it approached, and their lips connected a gain. Kissing upside down was a little awkward but fairly exciting. They kissed for several minutes. Then Michelle crawled down Alice's body until they were face-to-breast with one another. Alice felt the strong woman's lips on her soft nipples and hands caressing her breasts. Alice liked this game. She did as was being done to her, sucking and fondling Michelle's mouthwatering melons.

"You learn quick, young one. And yer teets are so soft I could just eat ‘em up. Which is what I was pretty much plannin' on doin' anyway."

Alice released her suction on one of Michelle's nipples. "So what happens next?"

"Magic," said Michelle as she crawled a little further.

Alice found herself looking at a perfect, clean-shaven pussy for the first time in her young life. She felt her own bush being gently pushed aside and her virgin opening being spread by Michelle's tongue. Stars seemed to be spinning around her head and her heart leapt into her throat as she experienced a pleasure unlike anything she had ever imagined before. Her belly seemed to be on fire as Michelle licked her wet . . . pussy. ‘Yes,' she thought, ‘I like that word.' She turned her attention to the pussy in front of her. She stuck out her tongue and gently inserted the tip into the slit. It was wet and warm and tasted almost like honey to her. She remembered the rules of the game and started licking that tasty treat in the same way her own sex was being devoured by her powerful lover. She felt a tongue flick across her clitoris, and then her world seemed to explode. Her body tensed and shuddered, and sweat seemed to be leaking out onto her skin. The world seemed brighter as pleasure flooded through her and overloaded her senses. As she climaxed, it was as if the rest of the universe ceased to exist.

"Damn girl. That was the sweetest orgasm I've every seen!"

"It was the most incredible one I've ever had. Actually . . ." Alice blushed furiously, not sure how to get the words out. "Actually, it was the only one I've ever had. I . . . I'm . . ."

"You're kiddin'? Right? Holy shit, you're . . ."

"You could tell I was gay, but not that I was a virgin? You need to get that radar checked."

Michelle actually seemed embarrassed. "If I had known, I would've tried makin' it a bit more special and . . ."

"It was special. I couldn't imagine a better first time. Now if you don't mind, my dad always taught me to finish what I started." With that, she went back to work on Michelle's swollen mound. She did her best despite her inexperience. As she worked, Michelle brought her to a second orgasm, which seemed just as wonderful as the first. Finally she managed to return the favor. She was enchanted as the muscles in Michelle's abdomen tensed and constricted, forcing her sweet nectar from the depths of her body. Rather than trying to devour it all, she let it drip onto her face. The smell of it was intoxicating and the feel of it was exhilarating. Michelle turned around and lay down next to her.

"I . . . I saw you last night. With Jane and Freddie."


"Yeah. I kind of spied on you through the keyhole. You were wearing this thing . . ."

"A strap-on?"

"I guess that's what they call it. Anyway," she said shyly, "do you think maybe you could . . . you know, get it and . . ." She was blushing furiously.

Michelle was taken aback by the boldness of it. "Do you know what you're asking?"

"Yes, I do. I want you to take my virginity completely. I want it to be you."

The muscular woman felt deeply honored somehow. This young woman wanted to surrender her innocence to Michelle, and she had only known her for a day. "Okay," she responded. "But it might get kind of noisy." She thought about it. "Unless you want your traveling companions to hear the whole thing, sneak out after lights-out and meet me at the saloon. And if you shave down your bikini area a bit, I'll make it worth your while."

Alice blushed but agreed to the plan. They got dressed, got the horses and headed back to the house, both sporting great big smiles.

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Earlier that same day . . .

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Heather was in a foul mood already. She was standing on the dirt road staring at the carcass of her jeep. How could that girl have been so utterly stupid?!? She crawled under the car and Freddie handed her the tow cables.

"Stupid friggin' . . . if brains were electricity . . . grumble . . ."

Freddie sat on the tailgate of the truck. "Just out of curiosity," she said over the constant complaining, "are you ever happy? Ever?"

"Of course I'm fucking happy! I'm happy all the fucking time! Just not when oxygen-wasting bimbo turns my car into a Fourth of July show! Are you ever NOT cheerful?"

"Not really. Not anymore."

"Not anymore? What, did you throw tantrums as a kid?" She grunted as she finally got the cables cinched up tight and crawled out from under the vehicle.

"Nah. I was really big into the protest scene in college."

"Protest scene?"

"Yeah, we protested everything we could think of. Animal testing, pollution, big business, small business, too much government regulation, not enough government regulation . . . It got so bad sometimes that I would show up at a rally with a sign that had nothing to do with the cause at hand. I was pissed off at the world and wanted to tell everybody all about it."

"Why were you pissed off?"

"I dunno. I think it was because my parents didn't buy me that bicycle when I was twelve. Just kidding. Part of it was that my parents always talked about the causes they marched for when they were younger. I thought what they did was so cool that I wanted to do it too. Problem was, I didn't really believe or even understand half the issues I was complaining about. Jane was teaching a class at the university I was going to, and she had an open door policy to her students. I would go in there to let off steam sometimes. She was so patient," the girl said with a dreamy expression. "She pointed out that there was a fine line between passion and insanity, and without direction the former inevitably becomes the latter. I had never bothered to actually sit down and figure out what I believed in. And it occurred to me that I had never really been happy. That's the problem when you decide to hate the world. The world just sits there and takes everything you dish out until there's nothing left. Jane helped me see that."

Heather was contemplating what the beautiful young woman was talking about. She found herself trying to remember the last time she had been truly content or happy, or the last time she hadn't been trying to make a statement about something. "Is that when you and Jane . . .?"

"Got together. Yeah. I finished her class and I wasn't going to take any of her other classes. So I dropped by her office to thank her for everything she had done. That's when her open door policy became an ‘open legs' policy. It's kind of funny. Once her tongue was inside me, it was the first time I didn't want to protest that I could remember."

Heather's jaw hit her chest. She couldn't quite believe what this girl was talking about so blatantly. Freddie caught her staring.

"What? You knew I was gay, and so are Jane and Michelle. I had you pegged for gay too."

"I am. Well, I play both sides anyway."

"Well anyhow, what I'm saying is that yes, Laurie screwed up. Judging by the way she talked about ‘mommy and daddy,' I doubt she's ever had to really do anything for herself. Once someone like that is out in the real world, it's hard for them to ask for help. Sometimes, they just stop caring and play dumb."

"I don't think she's playing."

"See, there you go again. Nothing but negativity." The lovely young woman leaned back and put her hands on the bed of the truck. The delicate muscles of her abdomen and stomach were a marvel to watch as the lean girl breathed in and out. Heather had realized that Freddie was beautiful, but now she was just plain sexy. She had on a tight white tank-top and her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She looked like a pinup girl from one of those ‘Prairie Gal' calendars that boys drooled over. She was looking right at Heather as if sizing her up. She slowly spread her legs, letting Heather get a good look at the skin on the inside of her thighs.

"You know," Freddie continued with a voice that had taken a huskier tone, "what you need is to just let go." Heather had wandered over to secure the other end of the straps when suddenly Freddie's long legs snaked out, encircled Heather's waist and drew the stunned girl in.

"What are you . . .?"

". . . doing?" finished Freddie. "I spent a lot of my life saying things I didn't understand and didn't mean. I don't have time for it anymore. So here's the scoop. I think you need to get your happy-groove on so you can stop being pissy. And I find you pretty sexy and would love to know what that tongue-stud of yours feels like. So how about we make ourselves happy by climbing in the back of this truck and fucking like rabbits until the cows come home. Well, until the buffalo come home if you wanted to get technical."

Heather's brain was reeling. When she had first saw Freddie, she felt the girl would be fun to take a tumble with. Out the blue, the girl was practically molesting her in the back of a truck in the middle of the road.

While Heather was confused, Freddie was determined. She managed to get Heather's shorts unbuttoned and slid a hand into their confines. Heather was wearing an old pair of boxer shorts, not being one for ‘girly' products.

"Oh no," said Freddie. "Those just won't do. You really should consider a thong. You've got the ass for it."

"What . . . (gasp) . . . are you . . . doing?"

"Fingering your pussy from the feel of things. You know, for someone who makes fun of other people's intelligence, you seem to have some problems keeping up with this whole seduction thing." Freddie's fingers had slipped in the hole in the front of the shorts, and two of them were indeed penetrating Heather's body. Then the blonde girl kissed a bare spot on Heather's shoulder, then her neck and then her lips. Heather found herself kissing back out of instinct. And the fingers sliding through her warmth and teasing her lower lips were phenomenal. And . . .

"Wait . . . aren't you . . . oh fuck that feels good . . . aren't you with those . . . other two . . . people . . . who are girls . . . can't remember their names right now."

"We have an open relationship as long as we tell each other everything. I'll always find my way back to them, but right now, I really, REALLY want to have sex with you." She emphasized the second ‘really' by grabbing Heather's ass with her friend hand and squeezing her cheeks. "You so definitely have an ass that was meant to wear thongs."

Heather had no idea what to do. The girl's gentle fingerings and not-so-gentle ass grab had her turned on like she couldn't believe. She didn't remember the last time she felt that good. Then it occurred to her that this was just what Freddie had been talking about. Heather really COULDN'T remember the last time she had been happy. She reached into Freddie's shirt with both hands and cupped her small, perky tits. Her nipples were so hard that they were just begging to be tweaked and tugged.

"Oh . . . See, now that's the spirit." While still fingering Heather, she managed to untie her shirt and give the girl free reign to molest her breasts. Then she unbuttoned and unzipped her own shorts before she started fingering herself. "Two hands, two pussies. Now that's efficiency."

Heather leaned in and took one of those stiff nipples in her mouth, sucking on it before tracing over the tip with her tongue-stud. That got a jump out of Freddie. She gave the other breast the same treatment. She took her hands and stuck them into the back of the other girl's shorts and grabbed her tight little ass. This helped drive their bodies closer together and forced Freddie's fingers in deeper.

"See, that's more like it," said Freddie. Her fingers were like magic, and Heather found herself having difficulty standing. Especially when she started to cum.

"Oh God," she muttered as she leaned forward and supported her weight on the tailgate of the truck. Freddie knew she had the girl at her mercy and started nibbling on her ear as she fingered that warm cunt. She kept her finger moving all the way through Heather's orgasm, then pulled her finger out of the girl's shorts. She made a production of inserting it into her mouth and slowly pulling it out as she sucked Heather's juices from her skin.

"See? Was that so bad?"

Heather was gasping. It had been a while for her, and this was the first intimate contact she had with someone who wasn't as angry at the world as she was. It felt . . . good. Freddie wrapped her arms around the tired young woman and pulled her onto the bed of the truck where they continued making out. Heather decided to take the initiative a little bit. She stood up and pulled Freddie to her feet, spinning the girl around until her hands were on the roof of the truck. She knelt behind the young woman and pulled her shorts down. Even Freddie's wet sex was beautiful! It was perfectly clean, and looked so swollen and ready to be fucked. Heather grabbed those ass cheeks and spread them wide open as she buried her tongue into Freddie's pussy. There was something cathartic about it all; two young women, naked in the back of an old Ford truck with the sun shining on their bare skin. Heather licked for all she was worth, even taking the time to rim the girl's asshole. That got a reaction that could only be described as pleasurable, so Heather kept it up. Then she stuck two fingers into Freddie's box and started feeling her way around. Her lover was so warm and willing that Heather found herself wishing she had a cock to fuck this sexual being out of her mind with.

Freddie was moaning and gripping the roof of the truck as if it were a life preserver. Then Heather stuck a finger in her ass, and Freddie went wild. She thrust back against Heather's hand, screaming for her to go harder and faster. Heather smiled and accommodated her.

"Hey, could you move one leg a little further back," she asked.

Freddie looked down at her with an expression of pure lust. "O . . . o . . . okay. Why?" she asked as she scooted one leg back. Heather scooted forward and pressed her crotch against that leg and started rubbing against it.

"Because you've got me so horny I could die." And that's the way things went for several minutes, with Heather rubbing her swollen mound against Freddie's leg while she fingered the gorgeous woman's cunt and ass. Finally Freddie couldn't take it anymore and a damn broke insider her. Heather was enchanted as the older girl's cum dripped down the insides of her legs, and Heather started licking the inside of the woman's thighs. Even as she was cleaning up the last of her lover's juices, Heather felt her own pussy spasm. She pressed it against Freddie's calf as she climaxed, taking a bite of the girl's butt cheek to prevent from screaming. Soon both girls were panting and gasping for breath.

Heather found her way to her feet and leaned her elbows on the hood of the truck, standing side by side and hip by hip with the leggy blonde. "So," she asked, "are we in a happy place yet?" Heather smiled and wiped the sweat from her brow.

Freddie slid a hand down the younger woman's back until it rested on her ass. "I think we're at the last rest stop before we get to the happy place." Her hand drifted a little lower and her index finger split Heather's vaginal walls, and her thumb slid into Heather's asshole so she was gripping the young woman like a bowling ball. "I'm ready to finish the trip if you are!"

Heather leaned over and kissed the woman, then stuck her own finger and thumb into Freddie's openings. "Ready when you are."

The two of them start pumping and twirling their fingers slowly, just enjoying the feel of each other's bodies. Their hips were swaying and grinding against the rear windshield of the truck.

"Ooh fuck! Remind me . . . oh yeah . . . remind me that I need to wash the truck . . . when we get back."

"Want any help?"

"Seeing you all wet? I could live with that."

They placed their chests on the warm roof of the truck as they frigged each other. There was a lot of grunting, groaning and four letter words flying through the air. Heather had never had anything up her ass before, but she was getting a kick out of the sensations Freddie's thumb was giving her.

"You have such a nice ass," grunted Freddie. "I would so like to get one of my toys and split your cheeks right down the middle." She upped the tempo of her fingers, making Heather squirm more than usual. "Would you like that? Would you like to feel one of my plastic cocks in your tight little bum?" Her hand was working at a frenzied pace. She felt her body approached release, but so was Heather's. "Hunh? Do you want to get this tight little ass fucked?"

Heather was in a world of her own as another orgasm rendered her basic sensory and motor functions pretty much useless. All she could do was scream "Yes! Yes! Yes!" as her body quaked like the state of California on a bad day.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" was Freddie's contribution to that particular intellectual debate as her climax hit her and she smeared more of her girl-cum onto the back windshield. The two women just lay there for a minute with their chests on the top of the truck and their beautiful butts sticking out into the fresh afternoon air. Freddie was the first to find her voice.

"So, feeling any better?"

Heather had a satisfied look on her face, but there was still some anxiety there. "Feeling better, but it doesn't change everything."

"I know, but it's a start. I only have two favors. At least talk to Laurie and see if you can work something out."

Heather grumbled, but she seemed much more amenable to the idea after another kiss. "Okay, but I don't have to like it. What was the second favor?"

Freddie slapped her on the ass. "After your friends go to sleep, bring that delicious booty down to the saloon. Your mouth wrote a check your ass is gonna have to cash."

Heather was thinking dazedly back to the latter part of their conversation. "I did what now?"

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

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"I don't get it," whined Laurie. "Why can't we just call professional painters? This is so . . . messy!"

She and Jane had been staining the counter at the general store for an hour, and even the older woman's infinite patience was being strained by the young debutante's almost endless string of complaints.
