Lost in Texas Ch. 01


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"Oh fuck!" Heather's back started to arch and suddenly Laurie was no longer able to move the cock buried in the girl's backside. She was able to extract her fingers as Heather's orgasm ran through her like a herd of bison. Laurie licked Heather's juices off her fingers as Heather came. Heather's hand shot out and grabbed Laurie's arm, bring it closer to her own mouth so that she could taste of the feast. Watching and feeling Heather suck on her fingers at the moment of climax would be a memory Laurie would treasure for the remainder of her life.

When Heather's body settled back to the bed, it was with a sense of utter fulfillment. Much like Heather had done earlier, Laurie ended the session by lying down on Heather's body and kissing her sweetly. Heather's hand found its way to its favorite perch, that being one of Laurie's tits. Soft kisses and caresses seemed to be the order of the moment, as words were no longer necessary.

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As that was going on . . .

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Alice, Freddie, Michelle and Jane were sipping drinks and enjoying dessert. Alice looked up at the clock.

"You know, I'm beginning to think they aren't just going for a walk."

Michelle grinned. "Nothin' gets past you, does it sweet-cheeks?"

Alice blushed. "Sorry. I'm new to this."

"It is all right," said Jane. "I forgot how overwhelming this must feel for you. Laurie and Heather both seemed to have come to terms with their sexuality already."

"Being attracted to women has certainly thrown a wrench in my life-philosophy. Not that I regret anything," she added, throwing a friendly glance at Michelle who simply smiled back. "I've been thinking about it all day. How do I tell my parents? SHOULD I tell my parents? How long does it take before it all makes sense?"

Jane chuckled. "Young lady, I'm thirty-five years old. I've known I was gay since I was seventeen and I still can't make sense of things. I certainly didn't anticipate earning six advanced degrees by the time I was twenty-eight and that I would wind up in a ghost town in Texas living with and loving two other women. Yet here I am."

"But how did you know that was what was right for you?"

"I didn't. I still don't. I knew that I didn't want to continue along the course my life had been heading. So I took a chance. And as long as I had my girls with me," she continued, taking Freddie's and Michelle's hands, "I'll get by."

Alice settled back in her chair, looking absently out the window. Michelle gave her a concerned glance.

"Somethin' tells me our young friend isn't quite convinced."

"I'm just not sure what to do now."

"That's not something we can solve overnight," said Freddie.

Jane interjected herself. "Helping Laurie and Heather with their problem was relatively simple. We simply needed them to see each other for what they were. They were one another's destination. What you are asking for is a roadmap for your entire life, and we can't give you that."

"But should I change how I dress or my music or my lifestyle? I don't know where to begin."

"Yes you do," said Freddie. "You've already begun."

"Take a look around. You have a starting point here. And you actually had to ignore your road map to get here. So sometimes getting lost is its own adventure. So simply start here, and spend some time exploring. You're nineteen years old. If you had all the answers now, what fun would the rest of your life be?" Jane walked over, put her hands on Alice's shoulders and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Then Alice heard something a little less . . . innocent. "You know, if you'd like to do a little more exploring, we could help you out. Right here and right now." Jane's hands had drifted down and were cupping the young woman's breasts through the light cotton fabric of her blouse. And then she started sucking gently on Alice's earlobe.

Alice was a bit taken aback. "Wha . . . what are you doing?"

"I believe my young friends would refer to it as ‘feeling you up,' or something to that effect. You don't have to let me if you don't want to. All you have to do is ask me to stop."

Alice's head was spinning. She wasn't sure she was ready. Her eyes had close almost instinctively, as the gentle caresses being granted to her started to their toll.

"But if you don't tell me to stop, I and my friends would enjoy making love to you all night."

Suddenly, Alice felt hands on both her legs, pulling them apart. "Your friends? You mean all three of you?"

"She catches on quick, doesn't she?" said Freddie, who slowly slid her hand up one leg of Alice's shorts and caressed the soft skin of the girl's inner thigh.

"Well," interrupted Michelle, "you were wonderin' what to do now. How about havin' one of those encounters you'll only tell your friends about when you're really drunk?"

Alice giggled slightly, but she was somewhat distracted by the gentle fingers on her thighs, the lips nibbling on her ear and the hands on her breasts. Sensing little resistance, Freddie moved her hands further up Alice's shorts and traced the outline of her thin, cotton panties. The young woman's skin lit up with goosebumps. Then Jane undid the buttons on the girl's blouse and Michelle snaked a hand in, gripping one breast firmly. Alice wasn't sure which way to squirm.

"Michelle, would you please carry our young friend up to the bedroom? I think she would be more comfortable there."

Michelle picked her young friend up with ease, cradling her in those powerful arms. As she was carried up the stairs, Alice's head seemed surrounded in a fog. This wasn't like her. But then again, having sex with a powerful cowgirl out on the open plains wasn't like her either. Getting fucked by that same cowgirl to six orgasms with an artificial cock wasn't like her. So far, everything that wasn't "like her" had felt pretty good. She started kissing Michelle's neck.

"Oh sweetie, you'd better stop that else I might wind up dropping you."

Alice looked over Michelle's shoulder and saw Freddie and Jane following them. Both women were undressing on their way up the stairs, and both looked hungry. Alice suddenly felt like the young herd animal cut off from the main group, finding itself surrounded by some very sexual predators. Michelle deposited her slowly onto the bed in the master bedroom before starting to disrobe herself. Alice was still captivated by the woman's chiseled body and titanic tits. She glanced over and saw Freddie, now completely naked. She was as gorgeous as that first moment they had all laid eyes on her several days earlier, smooth and sleek.

But Jane was a bird of a different color. She wasn't defined like Michelle or as drop-dead sexy as Freddie. Rather, Jane was beautiful. She had a super-model's body with an Audrey Hepburn sense of grace and class. And those eyes . . . they seemed to look right through her.

Freddie lay down on one side of Alice and began playing with the young woman's breasts and licking and sucking the nipples. Michelle was on the other side, offering her breasts to a very willing Alice. The young woman grasped as much of one boob as she could with her hand and began nursing the nipple like it was a baby's bottle.

"Oh, this little filly has some sweet suckin' action," moaned Michelle.

"I would say her ‘sucking action' isn't the only thing that's sweet," muttered Jane, who was kneeling between Alice's feet and was leaning over, placing her face just inches from Alice's swollen sex. Alice could feel the older woman's breath enveloping her mound. Then she felt Jane's thumbs caressing the outer lips of her pussy. "So beautiful. So young. So delicious." Then Alice felt that eloquent tongue delve right down the great divide. Things got a little blurry after that. She started groaning and grinding her hips. "I'd also say that she seems receptive to our little seduction," Jane said between licks. Alice's inner lips were sucked into Jane's mouth and massaged with her tongue. Jane slipped a finger into Alice's box, then a second. She started spreading the young woman's nether-lips as wide as she could, much to Alice's pleasure.

Meanwhile, Michelle was straddling Alice's neck and pushing her crotch against the young girl's face, and Alice was more than up to the task. She grabbed the older woman's tight ass cheeks and pulled them toward her, devouring her pussy. Freddie just kept sucking on their protégé's soft breasts, but did take the time to stick a finger into Michelle's asshole.

"Ooh, you little . . ." But that was as much as Michelle could object, as Freddie's talented fingers teased her sensitive sphincter.

Alice found herself surrounded by the very sort of pleasure she had once denounced. But she felt no remorse or guilt over what she was doing. No one was taking advantage of anyone. No one was mistreating anyone. The sole purpose of everyone on that bed was to make everyone else feel good. And Alice was feeling very good. She had firm ass-flesh in her hands, lips on her breasts, a beautiful crotch in her face and a talented tongue buried in her cunt. She could imagine feeling any better than she did right then. But Jane proved her wrong.

Jane's lips and tongue had been in overdrive, as had two of her fingers. Between those three digits, every part of Alice's sexual center had been stimulated to the breaking point. And when one of Jane's long fingers, still glistening and wet from the young woman's juices, slipped out of her box and into her asshole, Alice literally erupted. Her legs clamped down on Jane's head like a vice.

"Oh!" Her eyes shot open as her virgin anus was probed and an orgasm was triggered deep within her. She pressed her lips hard against Michelle's box, but barely had the presence of mind to lick as ripples of pleasure coursed through her veins. Finally she released Jane's head from the death-grip of her legs and returned to eating out Michelle.

"She's developing a one-track mind, but in a good way," said Michelle, grinning ear to ear.

"Freddie dear, would you get one of your toys out?"

Freddie started rummaging through the nightstand and brought out that same strap-on that Alice had seen Michelle wear two nights earlier. Alice had a thought.



"Would you mind if I . . . God, I feel so silly asking this, but . . . could I use it?"

"Absolutely child."

Michelle reluctantly dismounted the young woman's face so that the three veteran lovers could outfit the younger woman with the harness. Alice had to admit that it felt kind of powerful, seeing that object jutting up into the air from her hips. Jane applied a coat of lubricant and then straddled Alice's midsection.

"Take the shaft in your hand and guide it to the opening," Jane said somewhat anxiously. Alice did as asked, nervously trying to point the head of the device into Jane's pretty pussy. Jane grasped her wrist, helping steady her arm. Then the older woman sat back, letting the entire length slide into her body with a satisfied gasp.

‘I'm doing it,' thought Alice. ‘I'm fucking a beautiful woman with a fake cock.'

Jane was rocking her hips while Alice bucked hers, and a light sound of flesh slapping against flesh began to reverberate through the room. Michelle offered her crotch up to Alice again, and Alice's tongue went back to work.

"Damn girl, you're gettin' good at this," the powerful woman moaned.

Alice was blushing. She liked making Michelle happy, and compliments from her were like music. She tried to do everything to Michelle that Jane had done for her earlier. Michelle's mound was swollen and juicy, and Alice simply couldn't bury her lips and tongue any deeper in the woman's pussy. Freddie was straddling Alice's stomach while facing Jane, and the two of them had begun a series of long, deep kisses. Freddie was fondling her older lover's ass as it bounced up and down on Alice's hips. Alice slipped a finger into Freddie's box from behind, letting her fuck it like Jane was fucking her ‘cock.' She had one free hand left, so she inserted a finger into Michelle's asshole like she had seen Freddie do. Michelle's sphincter was apparently as muscular as the rest of her body, as her finger met with heavy resistance. But the resistance quickly dissipated, and she had Michelle completely at her mercy.

"Hmm," moaned Jane as she rode the young woman's hips. "It seems our friend has taken to ‘exploration' like Lewis and Clark."

It seemed Michelle had planned on making her own witty remark, but she was cut off at the pass as Alice's constant nuzzling, licking and coaxing finally brought her lover to climax. Alice continued to stimulate the muscular woman's clit and asshole for the duration, and her face was soon covered with Michelle's juices. Michelle was finally composed enough to remove herself from Alice's face and give the girl and nice, long kiss.

"I think you have a REAL future as a lesbian," joked Michelle. "You've already got a talent for it!"

"Don't tease the poor girl," interjected Jane as Alice began blushing. "It upsets her rhythm." Jane and Freddie were still making out as the older woman rode Alice's fake dong and Freddie rode her finger.

"Well Michelle," said Freddie, "if she's half as good as you say she is, I think I'd like to have a try." She looked warmly back at their young charge. "If you're up to it."

Alice wasn't sure how she could still feel so sheepish considering all she had done over the previous few days, but she still felt a bit timid. But when Freddie turned around, Alice was captivated by the woman's lean beauty. Her hair was cascading everywhere and her eyes were smoldering in their sockets. She was the very essence of erotic, and she wanted to sit on Alice's face. Who was she to argue?

Alice nodded and Freddie pressed her crotch up against Alice's lips. It was soft and moist and practically perfect. Alice slid her tongue, taking more time than she did with Michelle. This was a new woman for her, and she needed to get used to her body. Freddie's moans, and an occasional adorable squeaking noise she made, let Alice know she was on the right track.

Michelle had pulled another strap-on device from their toy chest and had slid into the harness. Alice was wondering where it was going. After getting the device lubed up, Michelle quickly straddled Alice's waist just behind Freddie. Alice saw the tip of the device pressed against Freddie's rosebud.

"Oh you . . ." Freddie started to object, but she became silent (except for another squeak) as Michelle pushed the plastic cock home. Alice got a front row seat to the invasion, occasionally stopping her oral assault on Freddie's wonderful pussy to marvel at the sight of her anal penetration.

"You see Ms. Alice, Freddie's cunt gets extra-sensitive when she's got something buried in her backdoor," Michelle said wickedly.

"Michelle darling, you shouldn't be just giving away secrets like that." Jane didn't sound particularly displeased though.

"Why not? She's gonna find out as soon as Freddie here adjusts and she sticks her tongue back in her cooter."

"You are an evil woman," moaned Freddie, whose violated sphincter was beginning to relax as it accommodated the thick toy. Her lower body was already quivering. Alice saw that and decided to put Michelle's theory to the test. Sure enough, the first flick of Alice's tongue into Freddie's box elicited a major pleasure response.

‘Oh, yummy!' thought Alice who proceeded to lick and suck on Freddie's tender sex with relentless enthusiasm. Freddie's squeaking noises were now more common than ever and she was grinding her crotch against Alice's lips hardcore.

Jane, who had been taking a leisurely ride on the strap-on express, started to groan. Alice could no longer see that far down her body, but she felt Jane's sticky-sweet cum dripping onto her hips.

"Oh I needed that," the matriarch whispered. Alice wished she had been able to do more for the beautiful woman, but all her other resources were currently occupied. And her senses were on overload. Everything she tasted, saw, heard, smelled or touch was about sex. She had been terrified of sex just a few days earlier. She thought that it was be painful and icky, mostly because she had planned on doing it with a man, which made her feel queasy inside. But the only thing she was feeling at that moment was satisfaction. She wasn't sure how long her face remained buried in the beautiful girl's crotch and she didn't much care. Every second and every lick was like paradise.

Alice buried her tongue deep into Freddie's box and she nuzzled the clitoral hood with her nose. This, combined with the added sensitivity provided by the dick in her ass, sent Freddie so far over the edge she had no chance of recovery. Alice hadn't seen an orgasm like that before, not that she was an expert by any stretch of the imagination. But Freddie's body was rocking and shaking like a beautiful vase in a San Francisco quake.

"Keep going!" Michelle practically shouted. "Let's see how long we can keep her like this!"

"Oh . . . don't you . . . don't you dare!" Freddie's objections were less than convincing. Alice redoubled her efforts, including direct stimulation of the clit with her tongue, and Michelle's tempo of pounding Freddie's ass also increased. There was a brief lull in the aftershocks rippling through the woman's body, but then they seemed to regain their strength.

Jane was still straddling Alice's hips, relishing the afterglow of her own climax. "You see, our little Freddie is somewhat multi-orgasmic if you know which buttons to press. And you're pressing two of them right now."

"Not fair," Freddie gasped as the second wave of pleasure coursed through her body. "You two know me too well. I think . . . Oh God!"

"That's three," said Michelle. "I think we'd better let her off the hook this time. After three straight, she's not much use the next morning."

After a few minutes, the four girls disentangled themselves from their toys and awkward positions and lay down next to each other. The king-sized bed was able to comfortably accommodate all of them. Alice found herself wrapped up in Michelle's strong arms while Freddie pulled the sheets up.

"Thank you," whispered Alice contentedly. "Thank you all."

Jane glanced over at her. "It's not always going to be this easy you know. Some people aren't going to understand what you're going through. Others just won't care. But you've got a good start now, and we are going to be more than happy to get you as ready for the real world as we can."

Alice knew what Jane was saying was true. She still had to deal with her parents and family. She didn't worry about how her friends would react. She didn't actually have any friends. The closest she had, besides the women in the bed with her, were Heather and Laurie, and they were actually more like the devils she knew rather than the devil's she didn't. But they seemed different the last few days. Maybe they could be her anchors once they set back to sea. She'd start trying to patch things up the next morning. Just that thought made her feel a whole lot better. It meant she was willing to try something new, and that seemed to be working well for her those days. It was with that thought in mind that she fell asleep, cuddled against Michelle's chest.

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To be continued . . .

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Five stars is not enough ..... For me its the main attraction to your stories around the sex events you celebrate ........ Awesome artwork

bhojobhojoover 3 years ago

5 Stars

Attaching my list of Errata as usual

caught her fair share of stairs, whistles and catcalls.

She was cut off by face-full of young woman.

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Alice stuck used her other hand to pull the end of the shirt

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Michelle move at what might best be considered

their lips connected a gain

I've every seen!"

that sticking up for you nanny was a

"I've so rarely get such a lovely

made a cowgirl out our young friend,

Michelle of again as well.

I just doesn't happen."

Freddie's body all to well.

she didn't want to know t hem

swear you trying to seduce me

smelled or touch was about sex.

She thought that it was be painful and icky,

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Glad I'm not the only one that caught the names.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good story

Good story, my only critique would be to minimize the amount of blushing Laurie does. She's blushing when she has her tongue up Janes cunt while being banged by heather with a double dildo. I would say they're way past the point of being shy. 😉

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
As I've said elsewhere...

...I don't care for the anal stuff but that's just me (different strokes...) Right, that's out of the way so I can say what a brilliant story this is. It's got the lot: interesting characters, good build-up, humour, drama and elements of wisdom. So now for Chapter 2.

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