Crumple Zone


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"I'm looking," Mattie lied, chomping through a large bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal.

"Well, quit looking and start finding. Fourteen days or you will be looking for another place to live," Vernon said.

"You, you would put your own son out?" Mattie gasped, stunned.

"What? We give birth to you, we feed you, send you to school. Finally, finally you get married," Sherley Goldman said, standing behind Vernon. "Hey, our job? Is done."

Holly was unmoved when Mattie let her know he'd managed to find gainful employment with Professional Dry Cleaners. While his chronic unemployment had been troublesome, it had been his unfaithful cock that had caused the divorce, not his lack of ambition.

"Your turn," Hank told Holly after her two rolls.

Holly was ecstatic when she managed three pins on her first roll and three more pins on her second roll. Marc, Hank and quite a few men enjoyed Holly's little breast bobbling dance of happiness.

Marc got four pins and sat down again. Hank gave him a soft, lingering kiss, then 'accidentally' brushed her hand over his lump as she got to her feet.

Shortly after Mattie extricated himself from their trailer, the neighbors in the trailer next door pulled a midnight move. Holly laughed as she told Marc about Mattie's discomfort when Mitchell, the very decidedly homosexual neighbor next door made a pass at him. Marc smiled a sympathetic smile, then applauded as Hank managed to knock down seven pins. The next roll was a gutter ball.

"But, after the Watsons moved out? After Buddy got it all cleaned up? The Michaels moved in," Holly continued her tale. "Hank how many of y'all were there?"

"Me, my momma, three sisters and 'Do No Wrong Danny,'" Hank shrugged.

"Do no wrong Danny?" Marc asked, smirking as he thought about his older brother Irwin, a little angel in their mother's eyes. Irwin knew this and certainly took advantage of their mother's beliefs.

"Mm hmm," Hank returned Marc's smirk as she leaned against him.

Holly saw the new family move in. After a couple of days, time for them to settle in, she went next door and introduced herself. Her chocolate icebox cake was certainly welcome and Janice Michaels, the mother of the brood laughed in understanding when Holly confessed it was straight out of Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store.

"I mean, I know where the kitchen is, I've never burned water, yet knock on wood," Holly said. "But cooking is not my strong suit."

Well, sweetie, with looks like yours?" Janice said. "Uh, I'm pretty sure most men are willing to overlook that."

One Friday after a long week of work, Holly came home to see Henrietta, the oldest Michaels daughter sitting outside, listlessly swinging her legs off the edge of the small porch in front of her trailer. The eighteen year old girl returned Holly's friendly wave. On a whim, Holly walked over and asked Henrietta what was going on.

"Nothing," Henrietta admitted.

"Really? I mean, isn't Kimble Academy, you're going to Kimble, right, isn't Kimble having their Spring Formal tonight?" Holly asked.

"Uh huh," Henrietta glumly admitted.

"So, why aren't you dressed and ready to go?" Holly asked.

"Uh, Miss Holly? Uh, I'm fat?" Henrietta pointed out, indicating her chubby body.

"Yeah, you're a couple of pounds over what most people think is acceptable," Holly shrugged. "But that face? And, oh my God, those beautiful eyes. So, when do you plan to get ready?"

"Miss Holly, no one's asked me," Henrietta admitted sorrowfully.

Well, their loss is my gain," Holly smiled, helping Henrietta to her feet.

Holly told Janice she and Henrietta would be having a sleep-over; scary movies, frozen pizza, ice cream, staying up too late. Janice said Henrietta could stay home; Janice would be going next door for the sleep-over.

"So, what's your favorite pizza? Please don't say mushrooms; mushrooms are so gross, Mattie loved mushrooms but I can't stand them," Holly said as she and Henrietta drove to the Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store. "He was always 'pick them off' but eww, you can still taste them."

They picked up some frozen pizzas and a large tub of Burns & Burns brand orange sherbet, Henrietta's all time absolute favorite. Holly smiled a sympathetic smile when Henrietta disclosed that she never got to eat it because Rocky Road was Danny's favorite and the twins liked Strawberry.

"Why I'm getting the gallon thingy," Holly said, squeezing Henrietta. "And, yeah, I know what you mean. My mom liked, loved Mint Chocolate Chip and Kendra, she's the baby, and Kendra liked double chocolate."

"Miss Holly, what you like?" Henrietta asked as they pushed the buggy through the grocery store.

"Anything, really," Holly shrugged, not wanting to admit that Rocky Road was her favorite. "And, Henrietta, please, please quit calling me 'Miss Holly.' God, know how old that makes me feel?"

She picked up a few tubes of the Burns & Burns Supreme Cinnamon Rolls; Holly had not been kidding with Janice about her lackluster culinary skills. In the Beer & Spirits aisle, Holly picked up a fifth of Artigas Tequila. Henrietta quietly asked if they could get a six pack of Gratchley's Beer and Holly put that into the buggy as well.

"Now, first things first," Holly said when they arrived back and the trailer. "We need to get into our jammies; get this sleepover started!"

In the bedroom, Holly selected a cute camisole top and matching panties. Without hesitation, she stripped out of that day's clothing and wiggled into her sleepwear. Having three sisters and a mom, Henrietta did not hesitate to strip out of her shorts and tee shirt and faded bra. She wiggled into a Number 5 Garrett Hartley New Orleans Saints jersey and scampered with Holly as they ran for the living room.

"Now, you ever see The Ring?" Holly asked, mashing the television's remote control's buttons.

"Unless it's Cartoon Network or football?" Henrietta said.

Holly made them a pineapple juice and orange juice and tequila drink; the beer still wasn't cold enough. Then, huddled together under a fleece throw, they started watching the scary movie. Forty minutes in, Holly started cooking one of the pizzas. At the well scene, both Holly and Henrietta screamed and clung onto one another. The final television scene elicited more screams and they clung to one another.

Holly pulled up Ring 2 and they drank the ice cold beer. When Henrietta put down her empty can of beer, Holly fixed two large bowls of orange sherbet. Now shivering with cold, the two cuddled together under the fleece throw in the dark living room.

And at the end of the second scary movie, Henrietta gave Holly a soft kiss, lip to lip. Holly opened her mouth and sucked Henrietta's beer and orange sherbet flavored tongue into her mouth. Holly's hand, which had been resting against Henrietta's soft belly throughout the movie now reached underneath the jersey and softly caressed Henrietta's flesh.

"All my life, all my life I had known, I am my mother's daughter," Holly admitted to Marc, her small hand resting on his upper thigh.

"I, you, you're gay?" Marc deduced, looking into Holly's hazel eyes.

"Bi. Very, very bi," Holly admitted, then got to her feet.

"When Miss Holly came over to introduce herself," Hank took up the tale. "I, God, I, I wanted to hate her. How, how can anyone be that beautiful? And not be a bitch? Oh, I seen girls like her my whole life. They all smiles and sweetness to your face then stab you in the back as soon as they can."

"Mm hmm," Marc agreed, thinking that some boys, some men were the same way.

Henrietta did notice, over the weeks of living next door to the beautiful Holly Tannenbaum that Holly's smiles and greetings never varied. Not once did Henrietta ever notice that underlying trace of hostility she'd always noticed coming from the queen bees and their dutiful drones. Holly seemed to be a genuinely warm woman.

"When I was five, fixing go to Kindergarten, you know, big girl school?" Holly told Henrietta, hazel eyes warm with the memory. "My mom sat me down and told me she was so proud of me, her big girl. And, she just knew I was going be the prettiest little girl, and the smartest too."

Valerie had impressed upon Holly, smart or not, pretty or not, it was never acceptable to make fun of others. Some children would be kind of fat, but it was not right to make fun of them. Some children might not know their ABC's, but instead of laughing at them, Holly should try to help them.

"I miss my mom," Holly admitted to Henrietta as they sat on the steps outside of the Michaels' trailer.

"She sounds like an awesome woman," Henrietta agreed.

Watching the terrifying movies, feeling the warmth from Holly's body so close to her as they cuddled underneath the fluffy fleece blanket had been exhilarating, frightening, exciting, confusing for Henrietta. In school, her friends were crazy over Clay Kraggle, and Kincaid 'Bridges' Roberts or some of the other popular boys. They had all vied for positions in Ashley St. Martin's periphery. Henrietta had not understood the appeal of any of the flighty, pretentious self-involved people in the upper clique of Kimble Academy.

"When you strip away their outer shells, you're left with nothing," Henrietta thought, looking at the reigning classmates.

But, sitting next to Holly Tannenbaum, bare leg pressed against bare leg, Henrietta thought she might finally understand what her friends felt when they pined for this or that boy. The fact that Holly was not a boy confused and frightened Henrietta.

Unable to take the warring thought and emotions any longer, Henrietta acted on her feelings. She placed a clumsy, soft kiss on Holly's lips. And Holly returned the kiss, opening her mouth and sucking Henrietta's tongue out and into her own mouth.

The clumsy kiss turned into clumsy touches. Henrietta felt Holly's hand on her bare flesh, underneath her sleep shirt. Henrietta gasped out as Holly's hand touched, toyed with Henrietta's nipple.

"Bed's a whole lot better than this couch," Holly whispered.

"Okay," Henrietta agreed, voice barely a squeak.

On holly's soft bed, the two young women lay down and kissed. They used their hands to touch and carress each other. Holly gently pulled Henrietta's sleep shirt up and off, then bent to suckle on Henrietta's hard nipple. While her mouth teased and tugged on Henrietta's nipples, Holly's hand worked underneath the waistband of Henrietta's panties.

Henrietta's brain was mush as she felt another woman's mouth tasting her highly sensitive nipples. Henrietta could not think as she felt another woman's fingers combing through her dark profusion of pubic hair.

"Augh, ack, oh, oh my God," Henrietta suddenly shrieked as Holly diddled Henrietta's clitoris.

Holly gently urged Henrietta onto her back. Holly peeled Henrietta's sodden panties down and off, baring Henrietta's profusion of dark brown hair. Laying on top of Henrietta, Holly pressed her blonde curls against Henrietta's thatch. Holly gently kissed Henrietta's pouting lips, then wiggled down to capture Henrietta's hard nipple in her mouth.

"Ack! Ack! Oh, oh my God," Henrietta called out as Holly used her teeth to tug Henrietta's breast away from her ribcage.

Henrietta shuddered and groaned as Holly again used her fingers on Henrietta's clitoris. Holly then released Henrietta's left breast and attacked Henrietta's right breast. She pressed her fingers into Henrietta's pussy, thumb mashing against Henrietta's clitoris.

After fingering Henrietta to orgasm, Holly then wiggled all the way down Henrietta's prone form. She brought her mouth to Henrietta's fragrant sex and licked all around Henrietta's inner lips, tasting Henrietta's essence.

Holly licked and fingered and sucked Henrietta to a screaming orgasm. Holly found Henrietta's G-spot and brought the girl to a second, thrashing orgasm. She then wiggled up again and kissed Henrietta's gasping mouth.

After recovering from her powerful orgasm, Henrietta did her best to mimic Holly's movements. Holly gently combed her fingers through Henrietta's long dirty blonde hair and whispered words of endearment and love as Henrietta teased and tortured Holly's breasts and nipples.

In the morning, Holly woke Henrietta with soft kisses. The two women swung into a sixty nine position and seemed to be in a race to bring the other to climax first. After they came down from their sexual high, Holly prepared a tube of cinnamon rolls. She gave Henrietta three of the large, gooey sticky treats, keeping two for herself. Then Holly painted Henrietta's right nipple with a finger full of the canned frosting.

"You have to go just yet?" Holly asked, sucking the icing from the hard nipple.

"Oh, my momma was some mad! See, Saturday's our big house cleaning day," Hank giggled in Marc's ear.

"But, after the first time we made love?" Holly cooed into Marc's other ear. "I started calling her 'Hank.' She's just not a Henrietta, is she?"

"I uh..." Marc stammered as two sets of lips gently sucked on his ear lobes.

"It's your turn to bowl," Holly lightly giggled into his ear.

Marc threw two gutter balls. The first gutter ball was unintentional. The second gutter ball was intentional. He then sat down while a giggling Hank got to her feet.

"What's she been telling you?" Holly asked, but gave him a steamy kiss before he could answer.

"Nine! I, I got nine of them!" Hank whooped.

"Think this is, yes, this is our last, what'd you call it?" Holly said, getting to her feet.

"Frame," Marc said, hugging Hank as she happily wrapped her arms around him.

"I got nine, I got nine, nanny nanny boo boo," Hank sang and Marc laughed.

"Y'all had fun?" the older woman asked as Marc returned their shoes to the counter.

"Yes ma'am, we certainly did," Marc agreed, accepting their three pairs of shoes.

Helping Hank into his truck, Marc chanced a quick pat to her luscious buttock. Holly smiled and actually posed with her buttocks extended for him to grope.

"I uh, um, oh! Oh, that chef guy, Milt Duhon? He, he's going be at the Brick's in Jazz Beach tomorrow," Hank said, suddenly nervous as Marc started the truck.

"Oh yeah?" Marc asked.

"I uh, yeah, he, he's doing, he's going be making apple pie," Hank said. "Every pie he sells? The money goes to the St. Elizabeth's Animal Shelter."

"Marc?" Holly cooed. "You take me to get an apple pie?"

"Uh? And me?" Hank demanded. "Uh? I'm one brung it up?"

"I promise you this," Marc said, placing his hand on Hank's thigh, stretching over the console of his truck to do so. "I won't ever leave you behind, hear?"

"Want to come in for coffee?" Hank blurted out.

"I, Hank, you, you sure?" Holly asked breathlessly.

"I, you, you just heard him," Hank verified. "He, he won't ever leave me..."

With a squeal, Holly kissed Hank. Marc had to remind himself to keep his eyes on the road as the two beauties kissed passionately while seated in the passenger seat of his truck.

"I knew you'd like him," Holly said happily when they broke the kiss.

"Yay, Holly's right. Again. Let's all cheer for Holly," Hank teased, then giggled when Holly gave her a pinch on her butt.

Marc was not surprised that no one made a move to go to the kitchen to make coffee. Instead, Holly stepped behind the bar and poured three small snifters of brandy. Looking at the label Marc nodded in approval. Cire Apple Brandy was an excellent, inexpensive after dinner liqueur.

Snifters in hand, Hank pulled Marc to the couch. She positioned him in the center and took the cushion to his left. Holly slid onto the cushion to his right and leaned heavily against him.

"I knew, we went out for Mexican?" Holly breathed quietly into Marc's ear. "I knew you was right."

Hank didn't whisper into Marc's ear. Hank leaned against him and nuzzled his throat. Marc was at a disadvantage with the snifter in his hand. He wanted to put an arm around Hank, wanted to put an arm around Holly, but one hand was occupied with the brandy and Hank had the other arm trapped between their two bodies. And Holly had his other arm nearly immobilized.

"Here," Holly cooed as Hank gave Marc a brandy flavored kiss to his lips.

Holly took Marc's snifter from his hand and placed his drink and hers onto the coffee table. She then gently nudged Hank away and pressed her lips to Marc's lips.

Marc jerked slightly as Holly fed him a small mouthful of brandy. Her tongue followed the brandy into his mouth. She pulled away and handed Marc his snifter.

"I sure could use a drink," Holly suggested, kissing Marc again.

Marc took a sip of the rich brandy and pressed his lips to Holly's lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth.

""Here, Marc; you look thirsty," Hank whispered, then took a sip of her brandy.

"Mm hmm," Marc moaned as Hank draped herself against him.

His arm felt Hank's bare flesh as she leaned against him. Her soft lips brushed his, then she firmly pressed her lips to his and fed him her mouthful of brandy.

"You thirsty?" Marc quietly asked, then kissed her before she could answer.

"Mm hmm," Hank moaned into Marc's mouth.

Marc fed Hank a mouthful of brandy. He was not surprised to feel Holly's bare torso pressing against his other arm while he and Hank kissed passionately.

"I need to take the bottle upstairs?" Holly cooed as Marc emptied his snifter in their kiss.

"No. I, I want to be one hundred percent not drunk," Marc said. "I, I want to know this is real and not some drunk dream."

"You, you are so sweet," Hank whispered.

"I told you you'd love him," Holly said as they both helped Marc to his feet.

"Y'all are sure about this?" Marc asked as Hank reached the first step.

"You, you do want to, right?" Hank asked, large eyes wide.

"I, oh God yes, but, I, I just want be sure this is what y'all want," Marc said.

"Mm hmm," Holly enthused.

"I, I, this, I want this, I want this," Hank said, her eyes pleading with Marc.

"I want this too," Marc said and softly kissed her lips.

Satisfied, Hank led the procession. Marc admired her fleshy buttocks in her snug jeans as her thighs flexed and strained, flexed and strained.

At the top of the stairs, Hank turned to the left and entered a room. Marc followed into a dark room and smiled; he saw the flicker of a cigarette lighter, then a moment later, a candle came to life.

"I, candlelight's just so romantic," Holly enthused quietly as Hank lighted seven or eight candles scattered about the room.

The blackout curtains over the window did their job; the only light in the room was the candles and the open doorway. Entering the room fully, Holly shut the door.

Watching two beautiful blondes undressing was an exciting sight. Watching two beautiful blondes undressing one another, kissing one another, touching one another, illuminated by flickering candlelight was an erotic sight. Marc stood, transfixed by the sight until both women were nude. His brain kicked into gear when both beauties looked at him expectantly.

Holly's breasts were large and capped by large areolae, each dotted by a thick nipple. Her belly was concave, marred only by a tiny pucker of a belly button. Her hips were slim, leading into her long thighs. Her pussy was covered by a light blonde triangle of curls. The curls did not hide the coral pink inner lips that peeked out.

Hank also sported slightly large breasts. Her areolae and nipples were darker than Holly's, but were just as fat, were just as aroused. Her belly was a soft one, with a tunnel of a navel. Her lush hips led into somewhat thick thighs. Her pubic mound was a plump one, and was completely hairless.

Marc felt his sperm bubbling up as he watched Holly's fingers caressing Hank's pubic mound, watched Holly's fingers delving into Hank's wet pussy. The two women kissed, open mouth pressed to open mouth. Hank's left arm was around Holly's narrow waist, her right hand was toying with Holly's breasts.
