Bit of a Bitch Pt. 02


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"Yes, they're, yeas Baba, play with them; they're yours," Laci moaned as Bruce began to bobble her heavy breasts in his hands.

Within moments, Laci was grunting and babbling as she bounced up and down on Bruce's erection. She could feel another delicious orgasm building up in her guts.

"Augh, oh my God!" Laci screamed out when Bruce wormed a thick finger into her sweaty anus.

She cursed and bucked in orgasm as his cock filled her pussy and his finger plumbed her ass. She lay, grunting and gasping when her orgasm had subsided. A sudden slap to her buttock made her gasp out loud and she again began to bounce on Bruce's still rock hard cock.

"Augh, oh God yes!" Laci screamed when Bruce added a second finger to her squirming anus and delivered another stinging slap to her buttocks.

She pinched and twisted and tugged her nipples savagely as she rocked back and forth. Bruce added a third finger and Laci shrieked out and convulsed in orgasm. She could feel Bruce's semen flooding her pussy again and felt her entire body slump.

"Still can't believe you want do that," Laci complained, anus slightly sore from his thick fingers.

Monday morning, Laci was irritated when Bruce woke her at six o'clock. She fussed and grumbled from bedroom to bathroom. She was still grumbling when she flushed the commode and joined in him their bedroom.

"Orientation's not 'til nine, Baba, why you wake me up so early?" she complained as he put a waffle in front of her.

"And if I'd waited until seven, you'd be all like, there's no way I can get ready, oh Baba, why you didn't wake me up in time," Bruce said.

"You put cinnamon in this?" Laci asked, shoving a huge bite into her mouth.

"Cut that up. Yeah, cinnamon and brown sugar," Bruce agreed.

True to Bruce's prediction, Laci was not ready to leave the apartment until eight twenty. Thankfully, Bruce had driven the route from apartment to campus a few times, even noting any detour routes should Highway 54 or Highway 19 be inaccessible. He managed to get them to Gilbert Hall with twelve minutes to spare.

Inside of the large auditorium, it was bedlam. Several hundred new students milled about, unsure of where to go or what to do. Bruce had grabbed two packets at the door and gently, but steadily guided Laci to a row of seats.

"Is that, that's, Baba, look! There's April! Right there," Laci suddenly cried out, spotting the beautiful red head standing in the aisle, looking thoroughly confused, thoroughly miserable.

April must have heard her name. She swiveled around, trying to spot the source. Her green eyes opened wide at the sight of a smiling Laci and Bruce. She let out a happy squeal and raced toward them.

"Oh my God! What are, you two going here too?" April babbled, squeezing Laci in a fierce hug.

"Uh huh, didn't know you was coming too," Laci agreed, returning the former school mate's tight embrace.

"God, just could not wait get out of Ryan's God damned trailer," April hiss, beautiful face a mask of bitterness.

"Who? Oh, where's your packet?" Laci asked, pulling April to sit next to her.

"My what?" April asked.

"Uh huh, Laci, and I hadn't grabbed ours, you wouldn't have a clue," Bruce thought to himself, already getting to his feet.

"Baba, go get her one," Laci ordered.

"Uh huh," Bruce smiled, handing April his packet.

"So, what room you in? Oh, when did y'all get here? Ryan drove me down yesterday; Jesus, bitched whole time too you hear?" April babbled.

"Hey, how's it going?" a young man said, flopping down in the seat vacated by Bruce.

"It's not. Move; my boyfriend was sitting there," Laci demanded.

"Yeah? Boyfriend, huh? Don't see him now," the young man sneered, making a show of peering around.

"See me now?" Bruce asked, towering over the young man. "I'm going to ask you very nicely to please move."

Looking up at the tall, muscular Bruce Thompson, the young man came to the conclusion that he would not be on the winning end of any confrontation.

"Got it, buddy," the young man said and wiggled out of the aisle.

"I'm in room four twelve, Murphy. What room you in?" April asked again when the quite boring orientation came to a merciful conclusion.

"Baba, we got our own apartment," Laci admitted.

"You, you can do that?" April asked, amazed.

"That way? We're residents," Bruce said. "Now, you got your schedule with you?"

"I uh, yeah, here, here it is," April said, pulling a piece of paper from her bottomless purse.

Laci and April both squealed when they realized they had American History and Algebra together. Stepping out of Gilbert Hall into the brutal Southeast Louisiana heat and humidity, Bruce suggested that they all walk the paths to each building. That way, when classes started on Wednesday, none of them would be scrambling to find their classrooms.

"All right. This is Gilbert. From here, um, McAllister's is that way," Bruce said, pointing.

"Yeah, I mean, he's not even my step-dad; he and my mom been together like a hundred years," April was babbling as they followed Bruce to the building.

"Okay, now, where's McAllister's?" Bruce quizzed them after they'd located the five buildings their classes were in.

"Um, that way, past the brown one?" April guessed.

"And Mouton?" Laci asked.

"That, that's, that's," April faltered.

"Right behind you," Bruce smiled, pointing to the building they stood in front of.

"Laci Meyers, I hate you," April snapped, green eyes blazing.

"April March, right back at you," Laci said.

"Monday's red beans and rice day here," Bruce said. "Y'all want go to the cafeteria?"

"Can't believe," April muttered as the trio strolled to the cafeteria.

"Can't believe you'd forgotten what building we'd just went to," Laci teased.

"Look, Laci, just because you're just so damned perfect and," April shrilled.

"I'm what?" Laci asked.

"She's not perfect," Bruce teased his cousin. "Believe me, Laci Elizabeth Meyers is fa-aa-ar from perfect."

"Oh, bite me," Laci snapped at Bruce.

"Forget it. Can't believe I was so happy see you, you ain't nothing but a bitch, I swear," April snapped and stomped away.

"April wait," Laci cried out and chased after the red head.

"I'm sorry," Laci said, hugging the girl tightly. "I was real happy see you too; you can ask Baba, I mean, I seen you and I was like..."

"Really? You was happy see me?" April asked, arms slowly coming around Laci's torso.

"Uh huh, I mean, yeah, Baba's fine, but having another friend here?" Laci enthused.

Laci gave April a quick kiss on her lips. Then, grabbing the girl's hand, Laci led them back to where Bruce waited.

Sitting in the cafeteria, enjoying authentic red beans and rice with spicy sausage links and slightly overcooked cornbread, April told them about her miniscule dorm room. She whispered her absolute dislike of her roommate, a heavy-set African-American girl.

"I mean, y'all remember? Keisha Madison? Sat right in front of me? We was like the best of friends, so you know I ain't racist," April whispered.

"You know where she's going?" Laci asked.

"Keisha? Grambling; North Louisiana," April said. "But Tonisha? Oh. My. God! Loud? And anything I say? That's racist. Even liking barbeque; that's racist."

"How's liking barbeque, how's that racist?" Laci asked. "I mean, I like barbeque."

"And asking her please turn her music down? Jesus, I got to listen to one more brother telling us kill all them mother fuckers? Or all women is hos needing them some dick? Like starting a fight with this bitch," April continued her litany of complaints. "I mean, God, I'm trying to maybe sleep and she's got that rap music just booming and pounding."

"Okay, see you Wednesday," Laci confirmed as they walked toward the parking lot.

"So cool, I mean, you're here, and not only that? We got two classes together," April enthused.

April and Laci hugged, then shared a quick lip to lip kiss. Laci and Bruce watched April walk toward Murphy's Dormitory, both admiring April's pale buttocks sticking out of her khaki shorts.

In Bruce's truck, Laci looked around. Bruce started the truck and slowly backed out of the parking spot. He almost slammed on the brakes when he looked over and saw that Laci had a hand shoved down the front of her cutoff shorts.

"Augh, oh God," Laci hissed in orgasm.

The moment they arrived at the apartment, Laci dragged Bruce to their bedroom and stripped out of her clothes. Spreading her legs wide, Laci urged Bruce to eat her. After he had licked and sucked her to orgasm, Bruce wiggled forward and drove himself into Laci. She grunted and thrashed and screamed in orgasm.

After he'd rolled off of Laci, gasping and wheezing, Bruce smiled in pleasure as Laci wiggled around and took his sticky cock into her mouth. She sucked and stroked Bruce's cock until he tensed and filled her mouth with sperm.

By Friday, April looked absolutely exhausted. Sitting next to Laci in their Algebra 101 class, April admitted Tonisha's attitude had not softened one bit. Her music played nonstop, hateful rapping rants with thudding bass, and anything April said or did was challenged, challenged quite loudly. If Tonisha could not prove her point, or disprove April's point, then Tonisha simply declared that April's point was racist; therefore, April was racist.

"Honestly? I am starting to be racist," April confessed. "Not toward all of them, just this one bitch."

Laci felt a twinge of guilt; April had said the same thing on Wednesday, their first day of classes. And when they'd sat together for American History on Thursday, April had stated she was close to her breaking point. Laci realized she could have, should have invited April to their apartment so the girl could enjoy some peace and quiet.

"April come stay with us this weekend?" Laci texted to Bruce.

"Yes," Bruce replied.

A moment later, another text arrived, 'Maybe she'll drink that nasty peach vodka.'

'Bite me.' Laci replied, with a face sticking a tongue out emoji.

Then Laci turned to April just as Professor Huxton closed the door of the class.! Quietly, Laci extended an invitation to stay at the apartment over the weekend. April bit back a squeal of delight, but nodded her head vigorously.

"Take one, pass the rest back," Professor Huxton ordered, handing a sheaf of papers to the first person in the first desk of the first row.

Professor Huxton ignored the collective groan that went up as he approached the first person seated at the first desk of the second row. He handed Laci a fistful of papers and ordered her to take one and pass the rest back. He handed a stack of papers to April and repeated his order.

"Tests," he said as he handed the remaining papers to the first person in the first desk of the sixth row of desks. "Tests are not always a negative thing, people. This test? Will not go against your grade; it is simply so that I can determine where we are as a class. So, quit being so stressed out, just take the test and hand it in to Ms. Carter when you're done. Thank you."

Laci saw that the test was fairly easy; they'd covered this material on Wednesday. She'd had Algebra in high school and had done well in her classes. Of course, that had been mostly due to Bruce's help.

"You're in Murphy?" Laci asked as she and April scrambled down the wide stairs.

"Uh huh; just got Sociology next, then I'm done for the day," April agreed.

"Okay, Baba's got Composition then micro Economics," Laci said. So, after your Sociology? Go get your books and your dirty clothes and when Baba gets out we'll come get you."

April impulsively gave Laci a kiss, lip to lip, then hustled to her Sociology 105 class.

While April packed her text books into her backpack, tonisha ignored her. But when April began to tuff her dirty clothes into a large laundry bag, Tonisha demanded to know where April was going.

Over to some friends," April said.

"And they got a washing machine?" Tonisha loudly demanded.

"Guess so," April agreed.

"Need let me hang," Tonisha ordered.

"They invited me. They did not invite you, and it's not my place to tell them to let you come," April explained.

"Then need do my clothes, girl," Tonisha ordered.

"Don't think so, but thanks for playing," April said.

"God! Know, I had me some girls was letting me wash up? I'd be doing yours too, know what I'm saying," Tonisha lied. "But I see you for what you are. You ain't nothing but a racist, all about what's for this white girl and ain't going do nothing help no black girl."

"You'd wash my clothes for me?" April hooted. "Bull shit. Won't even turn your boom down so I can sleep, but you'd do my clothes for me?"

While Tonisha was loudly arguing her point, April made sure that anything she valued was either in her purse or her backpack. She did not want to leave anything behind that the belligerent girl would destroy in retaliation.

Tonisha was still loudly arguing when April made her retreat. The student monitor wished April a good afternoon as April signed herself out at the electronic kiosk.

April recognized the Silverado; Laci had driven that truck to Roselawn for the last year of school. She smiled when Bruce got out of the driver's seat and easily hefted the heavy laundry bag.

"Man, got bricks in here?" Bruce teased April as he put the bag into the bed of the truck.

"He said same thing about my suitcases," Laci giggled and pulled April into the rear seat of the truck.

At the apartment, April walked slowly from room to room. The trailer she and her mother and Ryan lived in was crammed full of furniture that was in need of a new cover, or had bricks propping up a leg, or didn't match anything else in the room. April's dresser in her bedroom was a particle board monstrosity that was slowly deteriorating. Her twin sized bed was a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down; no one even remembered whom the bed had originally belonged to.

Laci's apartment had all new furniture. The couch and the loveseat and recliner matched. The coffee table and end tables matched. They looked like they were made out of wood, not particle board. The bookcases also matched the coffee and end tables. Ryan, April was sure, would have pissed himself over the 42 inch LCD flat screen television mounted over the bookcase.

The dining room table was oblong and had four padded chairs surrounding it. The four chairs were on wheels so they rolled easily on the tiled floors, and did not gouge the linoleum if one wasn't careful when getting to their feet.

The bedroom furniture in the first bedroom was a sleigh bed. The bed matched the dresser and armoire; April was proud of herself for knowing what an armoire was.

The cast iron bed in the second bedroom took April's breath away; the bedroom, the whole apartment looked like it belonged in a magazine or furniture catalogue. Even the shower curtain in the bathroom matched the rugs and the clothes hamper that sat in the corner next to the tub.

"I, uh, wow, Laci, this, this place is amazing," April whispered, still in awe as she joined Laci in the kitchen.

"Baba's one got it all," Laci admitted. "We're doing a stir fry tonight; that all right? Baba went to that Farmer's Market in Elgee? Got us five pounds of shrimp. Oh! You not allergic to shrimp, huh?"

"Don't think so," April said, admiring the large wok Laci had on the stove.

April watched as Laci diced vegetables. When the vegetables were sizzling merrily, Laci then peeled and deveined the shrimp. While she stirred the wok, a second pot gave off an occasional clatter.

"Rice," Laci explained. "Soon as it's done, I'm going fry it."

"Where's Bruce? I mean, Baba," April asked.

"Pritchard in two oh two said his garbage disposal's acting up," Laci said, adding the shrimp to the wok.

"Oh! So y'all are like the handy man? That's how y'all got this?" April guessed.

"No. We own it," Laci said, turning off the burner underneath the rice.

"You, Laci, you own this?" April asked, goggling.

"Uh huh," Laci said.

"Laci. You. You own an apartment building?" April demanded.

"Well, it's really Baba's, but he says it's mine," Laci confessed.

"I didn't like you so much, I'd absolutely hate you," April declared.

"And I like you too," Laci said, heart hammering in her chest.

"What a pain in the butt," Bruce announced, entering the apartment.

"You got it?" Laci asked.

"Bruce Thompson, you own this?" April asked.

"Yeah," Bruce said, putting his small toolbox into the front closet.

"Want something to drink?" Laci offered to April while Bruce went into the bathroom to wash his hands.

"What you got?" April asked.

"Milk, water; Baba's got some, what was that junk?" Laci asked.

"St. Elizabeth's Rice Beer," Bruce said, patting his hands dry. "And, of course, we got that peach vodka stuff."

"He's trying real hard get rid of my peach vodka," Laci laughed.

"I want try that," April decided.

"Baba?" Laci asked, beginning to fry the cooked rice in a cast iron skillet.

"Mm hmm," Bruce agreed and quickly mixed three drinks.

He made two tall peach vodka and cola drinks, and one squat glass of Citrus Twist vodka and lemon lime soda. He put Laci's glass within reach and handed April her glass. He took his own squat glass to his seat at their table.

"Mm," April approved of her drink.

"See?" Laci smirked at Bruce.

"Uh huh," Bruce shrugged.

A few moments later, Laci served their dinner. April found herself between Bruce and Laci at the dinner table.

"Oh my God, it is, I can't believe," April sighed. "No Tonisha's music. I swear, I get hearing loss because of that bitch?"

"I got to admit, I do wonder about that," Bruce agreed. "That sitting there? Car booming and shaking from that music? You can't tell me that ain't bad for their hearing."

"Okay, it is Friday!" Laci whooped as she finished her dinner and her first drink.

"Uh huh," Bruce agreed, picking up his plate and April's plate.

"So. I am getting into my jammies and I ain't wearing nothing else until Monday!" Laci announced.

"Good idea," April agreed.

Laci pulled April into the bedroom, chattering happily the whole time. With no hesitation or embarrassment, Laci stripped out of blouse and shorts. Rooting around in a drawer, Laci pulled out a short tee shirt and a pair of nylon panties. Again, without hesitation or embarrassment, Laci unhooked her bra and let the garment fall to the floor.

April watched as Laci vigorously rubbed her heavy breasts. Laci was still chattering, but April didn't hear a word the blonde beauty was saying. April's eyes, her entire attention was focused on Laci's beautiful breasts and large, light brown areolae and fat nipples. Then Laci wiggled out of her cotton briefs, exposing her light blonde tuft of pubic hair to April's gaze.

April's breath was trapped in her lungs. April's blood was pounding in her ears as she looked at Laci's chubby backside as Laci stepped into her panties. April tried to swallow the mouthful of saliva; but could not remember how to make her throat muscles work.

"And..." Laci said, pulling her Tigger slippers onto her feet.

"Laci, you going out, dressed like that? In front of Bru...Baba?" April gasped. "You can see, um, your..."

Laci's nipples were clearly visible through the thin material of the tee shirt. The shadow of Laci's pussy was just visible in the skimpy panties. Laci's adorable buttocks peeked out from the skimpy panties; there wasn't enough material to cover Laci's full, round buttocks. And the shadow of the furrow of Laci's buttocks was visible through the thin nylon panties.

"Hmm?" Laci asked, bending to retrieve her discarded clothing. "April, you, really? You don't think Baba's seen me? All of me?"

"I, he has?" April asked.

Even though April couldn't remember a time when Ryan wasn't present in her life, April had only seen Ryan's cock once. April was fairly certain that Ryan had never seen her private parts. April had been very conscientious about keeping all of herself fully covered when around her mother's boyfriend.