The Vixen


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Azeri dropped her gaze and looked up at me through her thick lashes. Her smile had taken on its usual mocking air. "And no doubt you can smell my scent. It's grown stronger over the past few days."

I had noticed. The whole apartment smelled of her, especially the doors and the couch. I'd seen her brushing her tail against the door posts whenever she passed by them, but from the absent-minded way she did it I'd thought it was just a strange habit. I'd even started noticing her scent on my clothes. It was strong, but not unpleasant at all: rich and sexy, not unlike a human woman's intimate scent when she's wet.

Azeri detected something in my expression and she laughed. "So you like my scent, do you? Does it make you feel funny, human?"

Her hand slipped onto my knee. I watched as she parted her fingers, ran her tiny claw-tips up onto my thigh, half-scratch, half-caress. Near my crotch she stopped, let her fingers tap up and down. I looked up at her and she smiled back, that strange, teasing, sultry smile I'd seen a few nights earlier.

"I hear you at night, you know," she said. "Taking your pleasure from yourself."

I blinked, fought back the ridiculous heat that came to my face. "Mistress?"

The smile became a smirk. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not angry. Well, perhaps a little. You belong to me, after all. You should really ask my permission before you take matters into your own hands. It really is a shame..."

Her hand slipped between my legs. I was already rock hard, of course. The close proximity of her, that sexy scent boiling off her in waves, those dark, inviting eyes, her slick hair and the swelling of her ample breasts underneath the towel. It had slipped down further and the depth of her cleavage was apparent, that gorgeous uneven cleavage when a woman's breasts are free and unconfined by a bra. I only had to lift my hand and...

I gasped. Azeri had squeezed me, hard, through my pants. She murmured, pleased.

"Did I do that? You're surprisingly large for such a small creature. Are all humans the same?"

I babbled something about being a little over average, but Azeri clearly didn't care about any answer I might give. She began stroking me, her fingers tracing my length under the material.

"Yes," she murmured. "A shame to waste something as nice as this on such a selfish pursuit." She squeezed me again, then removed her hand with a chuckle. "I should stop, shouldn't I? Teasing you, I mean. This is just a silly game after all. I'm just having fun with you. I really am a shameless vixen."

She sat back, slipped her hands behind her head. The movement loosened her towel and it slipped further down. Shit. Her breasts really were impressive. The tiniest suggestion of pink peeped over the edge of the towel. Her nipples. They were large and hard and had stopped the towel slipping any lower.

Azeri looked at me. I knew that look. I'd seen it on a girl's face before. It was a challenge, an invitation. On her foxy face, though, it seemed even more arrogant. Was she still teasing me? She'd said this was all just a game.

I hesitated. Azeri's lips parted and the edge of her eyes narrowed, almost imperceptibly. Disappointment.

Maybe this was all a trick to goad me into touching her so she finally had an excuse to bite me, but even so my dick wouldn't forgive me if I didn't take the chance. I reached forward and slipped a hand down the front of her towel, encountering the softness of a breast, covered with an even softer velvety fur, her nipple a hard point.

Azeri shivered and made a strange, sharp sound in her throat like a yip. She fixed me with her gaze. Her eyes had lost their arrogance, and were gentler, questioning. Her frown was gone, replaced by an almost shy smile, but still with that hint of foxy mockery in it.

I slid my hander lower, cupping her breast. My fingertips danced across the softness where the curve of her breast became her side.

She gasped, then grinned at me. "Do you like them, human? They're a little larger than normal. The hormones, from estrous. Everything becomes swollen."

She took hold of my other hand and brought it to her chest. The movement made the towel slip lower and her breasts popped free at last. I cupped their weight, my thumbs slipping over her large nipples to rub them. Azeri gasped again.

"You're so gentle," she muttered. "Raboso always used to squeeze them, like he was trying to milk me. It hurt. But your hands... they feel so..." She closed her eyes and lay back. "I wonder if your tongue feels as good as your hands."

I didn't need to be told twice. I lowered my head to her chest, replaced first one thumb and then the other with my tongue. Her nipples were hot and hard against my lips and I drew them into my mouth, sucking them in turn.

Azeri sighed and ran her fingers through my hair as I licked and sucked at her breasts. The fine layer of fur tickled me as I drew my lips around the curve of one breast while my thumbs took up their previous task, flicking at her now moist nipples.

So this is what it felt like to kiss a vulpine's pelt. I'd wondered if her hairiness would repulse me, but it just excited me more. Her fur was soft and thick with her scent. My head reeled at the sexy richness of her musk and I felt myself getting impossibly harder.

I wanted to see more of Azeri, but I also wanted to tease myself. I slipped off the couch and knelt on the floor before her, leaning across her knees to pull her towel open. My eyes closed, I stretched up to give her nipples one last lick before I turned my attention to her lower half. A woman's belly has always held an incredible attraction to me, and my blind hands ran across hers now. Her belly was toned but with that silky elegant curve that women have just above their sex.

I kissed the sweet undercurve of one breast and drew my lips lower. But instead of smooth skin I encountered a second delicate swelling, and my lips soon brushed against another hard point.

Of course. I'd forgotten about Azeri's second set of breasts. Since she was in estrous, they were now more than just nipples and had swollen into delicate little mounds, a perfect miniature of the ones above.

"Why did you stop?" Azeri muttered, looking down at me. "Is something... oh!"

I slipped one lower nipple into my mouth and leisurely tongued it. The strangeness of her vulpine body was exciting me far more than I expected.

A low growling started in her throat. She was obviously enjoying what I was doing to her. Raboso, even when he was interested in having sex with her, seemed not to be a guy to waste a lot of time on foreplay.

Her towel was still bunched up around her waist and I struggled to pull it off. Azeri helped by lifting her butt and I threw the towel aside. I opened my eyes then, no longer able to resist. She lay fully naked before me now, the full length of her slender red-and white body on display. She really was well-built, her figure an almost perfect hourglass with her wide hips and chest.

But the full extent of her feminine mystery remained hidden by her chastely closed knees. Not for long. I kissed her heaving belly and placed a hand on each knee, gently drawing them apart.

So a vulpine did look much the same as a human woman. She was puffy and swollen and her narrow slit was slick with her excitement. The scent of her made me dizzy and I dove forward, eager to discover whether she tasted as good as she smelled.

Azeri's foot, placed against my stomach, stopped me.

I looked up at her. "Mistress?"

Azeri was staring down at me, her face flushed, her eyes impossibly even larger and darker than before. Her lips curled back revealing her white canines and a low growl rose in her throat. She stretched her leg straight and pushed me back onto my butt, then hopped back onto her haunches on the couch and stared at me. Her mouth curved into a half-snarl, half-smile, the growl finally resolving itself into an excited yip.

What the hell had gotten into her? I got to my feet slowly, not wanting to startle her, but when I moved she scrambled to the edge of the crouch and started snarling at me again.

"Mistress?" I reached out for her and she darted forward, snapping with her teeth. I pulled my hand away, shocked, but when there was no second attack and she instead shifted back and forth, grinning at me and flicking her tail, I realised she was just playing with me.

Azeri fell back on her hands and haunches and stared at me. I took a step toward her and she growled. I stepped forward again and this time she leaped backwards off the side of the couch, landing on her feet.

I made a lunge for her and she skipped away, naked, her brushy tail high and arrogant above the beautiful curve of her dimpled butt. She skipped behind the kitchen table and waited there, her tail flicking back and forth as she watched me, her eyes wide, a mocking smile on her lips.

I sprinted across the room to the other side of the table but she skittered away and the game quickly devolved into a stalemate where each of us dummied the other, lunging left and right as we tried to second-guess each other. My heart was soon racing with the exertion, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the absurdity of the whole thing. So this was vulpine foreplay! Azeri had the benefit of experience and being naked, she was a lot more agile than I was, constrained by my ridiculously tight uniform and a pants-straining erection.

As we danced around the table I stripped off my jacket and threw it aside. The distraction gave Azeri the opportunity she'd been waiting for and she made a break for it, sprinting across the living room to the corridor. I ran after her, pulling at the buttons of my shirt and baring my chest.

Invigorated by the coolness of the air, I cleared the corner and stopped. She'd disappeared, but there was nowhere for her to run. Azeri had to be in one of the rooms, either the bathroom or her own or perhaps even the spare room at the far end. She was quick enough to have made it that far, after all.

I advanced, every sense heightened, waiting for a sneak attack. I knew she was waiting for me to lose focus for a split second and then she'd be bounding past me back to the living room and that infuriating game of ring-of-roses around the kitchen table. I stripped my shirt off and threw it behind me. My fingers reached down to my belt. I should take off my pants as well, shouldn't I? But then the ridiculous image of myself running with my erection slapping this way and that made me think twice, as did the thought of leaving myself open for a sneak attack of a different kind. I didn't know the rules of this game, but I suspected their weren't any.

I heard a noise ahead of me. Was that the whisper of a bushy tail against a wall? I advanced slowly, listening for it again. Her room was the first on the left, and with the door ajar I suspected that she was waiting just on the other side. I pushed the door open, expecting to find the doorway filled with a nude vixen ready to push her way past, but I was disappointed.

I swung around, half-expecting her to have waited for me to choose the wrong door and capitalise on it. But she was a wily vixen and the corridor remained still and utterly silent.

Drip. The sound of the tap dripping. I edged the door of the bathroom open with a toe and blocked the doorway, but she wasn't there either. Again, the corridor remained still.

My heart was racing faster now. Well, foxes are in their element in situations like this, aren't they? Her bare feet, with their soft pads, made very little sound and her long legs were not just for show.

What was the end phase of this game, I wondered? Would she escape and I'd have to admit defeat, collapsing exhausted on the sofa to receive playful abuse at my expense? Or would I catch her only to be pushed away and find that all of this was just a vixen's trick, intended to distract her from her personal problems by teasing her servant to the point of agony?

My heart pounded. Whatever intentions she had, I refused to let her win. My masculine pride wouldn't allow it. She could bite and scratch if she wished, but I would take some pleasure from her, like it or not.

With hot-blooded thoughts of ravishment pouring through me, I reached the final door, the one to the spare room. I waited outside it, silent, for four heartbeats, and then I threw the door open.

Azeri was on top of me at once. She had no intention of brushing past me but intended to go through me. I grabbed hold of her wrists and held on to her as she cried out and yipped and struggled, tossing her hair and sweeping her tail back and forth as she pushed me over onto my back.

I swung around as I fell and pulled her beneath me. Now on top of her, I desperately tried to keep her wrists held against the floor, but her fighting grew stronger. She darted her face at mine, yipping and nipping at my nose, but never quite connecting, as I endeavoured to pin her kicking legs under my own.

I thought for sure this wrestling would quickly devolve into an actual fight, but just as quickly as it had begun I felt the strain go out of her limbs. Her struggles became weaker and at last she went limp. I suspected a trick, but I let go, anyway. I was thankful for the breather - my lungs were aching and I felt on the verge of exhaustion.

Azeri, panting, slid forward onto her stomach and raised her bare haunches into the air. I thought she was stretching, getting ready to spring away, but when a heartbeat passed with no further movement, I knew immediately what was going on.

Her tail flicked back and forth, scattering her thick scent into the air. The air was ripe with it. Beneath her tail, under the charming little pucker of her butt, her sex was wet like a cut peach.

She gazed back over her shoulder at me. Her eyes were hooded, her ears splayed back, her mouth hanging lewdly open.

"Please," she whispered. "Please."

I needed no further invitation. I stumbled forward, one hand wrestling my belt and pants open as the other grabbed hold of her hip. Despite the awkwardness of doing it one-handed, my eagerness won out and in record time my dick popped free of my underwear and I threw myself on top of her. Azeri squealed in delight and I wasted no time in driving myself into her. Her sex was awash and offered almost no resistance to me and I slid right up to the hilt in her gooey, boiling heat, eliciting a deep, guttural moan from her. Grimacing at the incredible jolt of pleasure that sparked right up along my pine, I steadied my body and agonisingly drew myself out, only to thrust myself straight back into her.

Azeri cried out and if I hadn't been biting my lip from the pleasure I would have as well. There was no way I was going to let her know how good she was making me feel. It was a stupid game, but by now I was running on instinct. I held onto her slender hips and with her bushy tail stroking my stomach and chest I began to rut her with total abandon, all thoughts of foreplay forgotten.

The roundness of her butt flattened nicely against my pelvis as, panting, she pushed her hips back to meet my thrusts. She began to shiver and hot juices boiled around my shaft. I'd never had such an instantaneous reaction from a female before and my blood flowed even hotter. I was going to show this vixen how humans did it, how it felt to be rutted by a male who knew how to pleasure a female!

Somehow I kept myself from coming, although the slick heat of her tightness was doing its best to drive me over the edge. I was delirious with pleasure, my senses wholly dominated by her. Her brush, thrusting up against my body as I penetrated her, plastering more of that flowery, sexy scent all over me. I lowered my face into its fluffy softness and breathed deeply of her fragrance as I continued to plough into her. Azeri did her best to keep up, but soon she let me take over, grunting and panting as I pushed her face into the floor with every thrust.

Then her whole body trembled and I felt a wave of heat around my shaft. She was coming already and the thought drove me over the edge. I let myself go and with my hips a blur I stabbed myself over and over into her until my abdomen was soaking with her juices. She arched her back, growing even tighter around me until, with a final, desperate cry she came.

With her body shuddering beneath me and around my shaft, my balls grew tight and moments later I came inside her, basting her insides with weeks of pent-up sperm and angry frustration. The intensity of my climax made my vision go white, and it felt as though the back of my head blew out. Sweat poured off me as I collapsed on top of her, squishing her tail between us, my softening dick still inside her.

We lay there together, the two of us watching each other's panting, and with the little energy I had left I drew my lips and tongue over the back of her neck where her hair, thrown forward over her head, had bared it. Her coat was slick with perspiration and she smelled like sex.

Finally, with a twitch of my hips I let myself pop out of her and she gave a little gasp, Then, languid with happy exhaustion, she rolled over. I helped her, slipping off her so that we were lying face to face.

Azeri gazed at me, strands of hair plastered to her face with sweat, her skin flushed. Her eyes no longer held that heavy, erotic need in them, the pupils now only a little larger than normal. She smiled at me shyly, then she closed her eyes and nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck.

She muttered something I couldn't hear, but I knew what she wanted. I slid my arms around her and drew her closer. Her little whiskers tickled my face, but it was a small price to pay to have such a gorgeous creature in my arms. Soon I felt her breathing deepen, the rise and fall of her breasts pressed against my own chest growing slow and regular, and I knew she'd fallen asleep.

As I lay there with her, I fought off the same post-coital sleep threatening me and thought things through. What did this mean for us, exactly? Maybe it was stupid to read too much into it. I was still her servant. Haven't servants always in history been at the beck and call of their masters' sexual demands? Probably when she woke up she'd act as though nothing had happened. The old, bullying, teasing Azeri would return and nothing would change. This was the only chance I was going to get. If I was going to do something, I should do it now. Maybe I could tear up some of my sheets and tie her arms and legs with them. She was dead to the world and I was pretty sure I could do it without waking her up.

What then? I'd have her there, immobile, and threaten her with what exactly, if she didn't give me the passcode to the front door? The kitchen was full of knives. I didn't really have to go through with it, just indulge in a bit of acting, maybe press the point of a knife against her skin...

My mind rebelled at the thought of threatening her. even if it was just an act. Actually considering such things when she was wrapped about me, her naked body pressed against my own, her gentle breathing moistening my neck, seemed worse than contemptible.

I felt a jolt of despair. What the hell was I going to do, then? If I didn't have the guts to go through with anything violent, what were my options?

I had to get a grip. She was lying in my arms, a smile on her face, her body warm and sweat-slick and happy. She was full to overflowing of my sperm. That had to count for something, right? Maybe, maybe seducing her was the way to go about it. She was having trouble with her boyfriend. Maybe I could slip very easily into that role.

My heart skipped. What if this wasn't just a one-off thing? Could I really...?

Azeri murmured and shifted, making herself more comfortable. Her claws slid along my side, playful. She was still asleep, but perhaps she was dreaming.
