You're Not Finished Yet Ch. 02


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"Gosh," I smiled, "This looks absolutely delicious."

"We're glad you think so," Lynn purred.

"We hope you like it, Mark," Jennifer smiled, both of then taking my hands, "We love you very much."

"She's right about that, baby," Lynn replied, her eyes filling with tears, "We love you all of our hearts."

"Hey, now," I said, concerned, "What's with the tears, my love. Are you alright?"

"Yes," she sniffled, then reached across the table and took Jennifer's hand, "It's just that...well...I haven't felt this loved since before my parents died...and I..." she couldn't continue for crying.

Jennifer and I immediately rose from our chairs and swiftly came around to where Lynn was seated. After throwing our arms around her, it was Jennifer who kissed her lips, and then softly told her, "We love you, baby, and we'll always love you; and we're never, ever going to leave you. Are we, Mark?"

"Jen speaks the truth, my love," I tenderly replied, "We're all in this for the long haul, as in for the rest of our lives, Lynn. Please tell us that you understand this...please."

"I understand," she giggled, still sniffling a little, "It's just that sometimes I get a little overwhelmed, that's all. Just ignore me when I get like this."

"Oh, no," Jennifer softly told her, "We'll never ignore you, baby. You're a part of us now, and when you hurt, we hurt. Do you understand us, my love?"

"I do now," she tenderly replied, firmly hugging us both and sweetly smiling, "I really do."


After we finished eating supper, I helped the girls clean up the kitchen, even though they protested, telling me that it was their job and not mine. I simply let it go in one ear and out of the other, kissing their lips and squeezing their hot asses, which, of course they loved, both of them.


Chapter Three

Once Eddie, Tonya, and Lisa got to the house, I helped them get their gear set up, and then made sure I'd done sound checks on all six of us. I can't begin to tell you, dear reader, how thrilling it was to have a band in which we had the capabilities of facilitating six part harmonies, man, it was great.

Of course it was that capability which separated us from every band that any of us had ever heard. And because we had two keyboard players, me and Lynn, that allowed us to not only be able to play any song we wanted, but it also gave us a sound, which, like I already stated; was like no other anywhere.

However, before we played anything that night, we sat down together and drew up a list that consisted of four sets of songs, each set containing eighteen songs, which added up to seventy-two songs all together.

It was stuff ranging from the nineteen sixties, nineteen seventies, and mid nineteen eighties, which is when what you're reading all took place. We played no country music, only rock, light rock, and last, but most certainly not least, my particular favorite; progressive rock.

Make no mistake when I tell you that everything we played, and I do mean everything, had all been on the radio at one time or another, as well as had been very well known songs. They were all still well know songs for that matter, and after rehearsal was over with that night, every single one of us were all amazed at how good we really sounded.


Most of us were either in our junior or senior year of college, with the exception of Lisa. She was a sophomore, but that didn't matter. She was, and to this day, still is, the finest bass guitar played that I've ever seen and/or heard.


I called Tom on Wednesday to tell him how much it was going to cost him for us to play at Jericho's. And when I quoted the price of one thousand, two hundred dollars to him for both Friday and Saturday nights, he didn't even blink an eye.

Instead, he laughed and said, "Hell, mark, I was expecting to have to pay a hell of a lot more than that."

"Oh, really," I chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind when you ask us to come back...and once the word gets out about Pegasus after people have heard us play, you will be asking us back, I promise."

"Let's see how this weekend goes first, hot shot," he laughed, "I want ya'll to play from nine pm to one am. Can you handle it?"

"No sweat, Tom," I assured him, "We'll see you on Friday."

"Great," he grinned, "I'm really looking forward to it...oh, and don't forget that I'll be advertising you guys in the paper and ion the radio, too, alright."

"No problem," I told him, "We'll see you on Friday."


The next day after my morning classes, I had an advanced creative writing class that afternoon, which was taught by none other than Dr. Marsha Briggs. She and I had become good during the almost three years that I'd been going to college. And in doing so, she'd also come to respect my work very greatly. I had recently, the previous class, written and turned in a paper on my own personal views of life and all that had happened to me during my own.

Through all of the classes I'd taken since I'd been going to college, it had been my experience that in a few, but not many, classes, there always seemed to be one student in particular who thought and/or claimed that they knew more than anyone else, including the teacher.

In this class the student, or in this case, asshole, who thought they knew more than everyone else, was named David Himmler. Not only was he a jock, but he was a brash, arrogant prick, who, come to find out, was being tutored by orders of the head football coach, Coach Adler, and was now repeating this particular class because he'd received an "F" in it the year before. It also happened that I shared this class with Tonya Mackey, the drummer in our band, Pegasus, hence the reason I knew her from before.

I'm not knocking athletes, nor am I trying to put them down. But this asshole was one of those types of jocks who used his size to intimidate others, making him a bully, and I've already stated more than once how much I hate bullies. He might've been a big boy, but that was all he was, a simple minded and stupid boy who thought with his dick instead of his brain, the And unlike the other people he'd intimidated, this jerk didn't scare me one bit, I assure you.

Anyway, back to the story...Dr. Briggs chose to read my paper aloud to the class that morning because not only had she given me an "A+", but she had also been emotionally moved by the paper I'd written. Not only had I told about my experiences of losing my friends in combat, as well as what it felt like, but I also wrote about how I felt, knowing that I was going to become a father in a few months.

I had literally poured my heart out when I wrote this paper; and while protected the identity of not only my friends whom I'd lost in Beirut, but also the identity of Jennifer as well as Lynn. I also explained, in depth, how Jennifer's being pregnant was helping me to get past the God awful feelings of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and therefore helping me to find some semblance of inner peace.

When Dr. Briggs had finished reading my paper, she wiped the tears from her face. And then while not having yet revealed the identity of the person who'd written it, she looked up from the paper and asked, "Can anyone tell me what the author of this beautiful piece is trying to tell us?"

"Hell yeah, Doc" Himmler tastelessly answered, trying to be funny, "Whoever wrote that said that the best way to get over war, is to come home and find a nice piece of ass, but unfortunately he forgot to wear a rubber, because his dumb ass knocked the bitch up," then he began to laugh while looking around the room trying to encourage the rest of the class to laugh along with him.

"I've had enough of your infantile outbursts, Mister Himmler," Dr. Briggs harshly replied, then leaned down to gaze into his face as a lioness would her prey, and hissed, "Get Not only have you just earned yourself an "F" for the rest of the semester, but according to Coach Adler, this was your last chance so, it looks like you've probably blown your scholarship as well, now, get out."

"Fuck you, bitch," Himmler stupidly spat, standing up, "And fuck Coach Adler. I don't need this college to play pro ball.

He advanced toward Dr. Briggs until I got out of my chair, and then while placing myself in between him and her, I vehemently told him, "I believe you heard what the lady said. Hit the bricks, dude."

"Fuck you, asshole," he growled, "I'll kick your punk ass, dick head...come on."

I looked at Dr. Briggs who simply winked, silently giving me permission to act upon Himmler's threat, and I did exactly that, telling him, "Come on then, asshole!"

It lasted all of two seconds. As he took a swing at me, I blocked his punch, and then jumped straight up into the air, coming down with hard kick to the side of his left knee, feeling it shatter as I followed through. Then he hit the floor, screaming in pain, and holding his knee as he lay in there.

"Call campus security," I told Dr. Briggs, "I'm pressing felony assault charges against this idiot."


Needless to say, campus security, along with the paramedics, arrived in the classroom, the security officers taking statements from everyone there, Dr. Briggs included. It was funny that everyone all said the same thing, and that was that he had tried to hit me and I was defending myself. The coaches all tried to have me arrested immediately, but there wasn't any evidence indicating anything other than I was acting in self defense.


When I arrived home that evening, the girls were in a panic, having already heard that I'd been in a fight.

"Oh, no, Mark," Lynn frantically said, "Are you alright, baby?"

"Is anything broken?" Jennifer asked, "God, I'd just die if something happened to you."

"Relax," I chuckled, "I'm perfectly alright, and no, Jen, nothing is broken."

"Thank God," Jennifer sighed, in relief, "When I heard you'd been in a fight with David Himmler, I automatically thought the worst."

It was then that I proceeded to tell them everything that had happened in order to put their minds at ease.

"I don't mean any disrespect, Mark," Lynn said, "But David is a really big guy. I'm surprised that you came out of this with not even so much as a bruise."

"Give me some credit, will ya?" I irritably said, "Besides, that asshole was all brawn and no brains."

"I already said that I didn't mean any disrespect," she heatedly replied, "Quit thinking with your penis for a change, why don't you?"

"Kiss my ass," I snapped back, "I don't need any of this shit, especially not from you, dammit," and then I turned and angrily headed down the hall toward my bedroom.

"Mark, baby, wait," Lynn said after me, "I didn't mean..." but before she could finish what she was saying, the slamming of my bedroom door blocked her voice out.

"Damn," she said, "He can be such a baby sometimes, I swear."

"Yep," Jennifer smirked, trying not to laugh, "But maybe you should've chosen your words a little more carefully."

"Yeah," Lynn sighed, shaking her head, "I know."

"Relax, girl," Jennifer giggled, "He won't stay mad for very long, trust me."


I had closed the door behind me, and was lying on my bed, trying to let my temper cool a little bit. Hell I wasn't really angry to begin with. The only thing that had been hurt was my pride, and after all, Lynn was only concerned about me; that's all. But still, after we'd been together for this long, I at least thought that she would've had a little more faith in my abilities, if anything to not protect her and Jennifer, but most of all, myself.

"Hell, Mark," I laughed aloud, "Quit being such a baby, and swallow your pride for fuck's sake."


I'd apparently fallen asleep because after about an hour I was being awakened by Jennifer, telling me that supper was almost ready and that I should wake up and get cleaned up to eat.

"Is Lynn still here?" was the first thing I asked her, "I need to apologize to for snapping at her earlier."

"Of course, she is," Jennifer tenderly smiled, "She's in the kitchen setting the table."


After I had washed my hands and face, I walked into the kitchen to find Lynn standing at the stove with her back to me. God she looked so beautiful from behind with her hair in a ponytail, wearing a simple form-fitting tank top and a pair of shorts that hugged the cheeks of her hot little ass, and looking oh so delicious.

I quietly walked up behind her, and after bending down and snaking my arms around her tiny little waist, I gently pulled her against me, and then kissed the back of her neck, making her slightly shiver in my arms.

"I'm sorry for biting your head off earlier," I tenderly told her, "I know you were only concerned about me, and I love you for that."."

"I know you do, Mark, and I love you, too," she smiled, "But maybe I should've chosen my words a little more carefully."

"Nah," I chuckled, "Sometimes I have the tendency to act like a kid, and I'm sorry."

"I know you do," she giggled, turning around in my arms to face me, kissing my lips, "But to be honest, I don't think I would want you any other way."

I leaned down and gave her a very gentle, tender kiss, that madder her toes curl, and mine, too, for that matter. Then I looked into her eyes and quietly said, "I want you to know that I love you, Lynn...and nothing will ever change that. Do you understand me?"

Suddenly I saw a lone tear making its way down her beautiful cheek, as she stood on her toes to kiss me, but not before she softly replied, "I love you, too, Mark, and nothing is ever going to change that either."

All at once I heard Jennifer sniffle right before she placed her arms around both Lynn and I, as she said, "And will I love you both for the rest of my life."

"We love you, too, baby," I smiled, holding both of my beautiful angels as close as was humanly possible.

However, about that time my stomach chose to growl, very loudly, too, making the girls giggle as Lynn smiled and said, "We better feed him, Jen, because God knows that he's going to need all the strength he can muster after band practice tonight."

"Why," I stupidly asked, "What's going to happen after band practice tonight?"

Reaching down and gently palming the crotch of my pants, Jennifer leaned up, then softly licked my ear and purred, "Because Lynn and I are going to suck you dry after you've fucked us until we can't walk, okay baby?"

"Hmm," I knowingly grinned, "That sounds real good to me," and then I pinched their beautiful asses, eliciting excited squeals from both of them.


That night at practice was the night that we, as a band, all came together. We went through all four sets without incident, all of us spiritually feeding off one another, leaving no doubt that all we needed to do were, for each of us, to simply look at one another and know what our band mates were thinking. It was absolutely amazing, it truly was. And as far as Jennifer and Lynn and I were concerned, it only strengthened the love I had for them, permanently sealing the bond I had with them that was only further deepening as each second passed.


That night as we laid down to sleep, which by this time, none of us ever wore anything in bed, Jennifer leaned over and kissed me and then Lynn, telling us, "I love you two with all my heart," and then laid her head back down onto my chest, snuggling her body against me.

"I love you, too, Jen," Lynn softly replied, reaching across my chest to hold Jennifer's hand, "And I love you, Mark."

"I know, babies, and I love ya'll, too," I smiled, "Goodnight, my angels."


The next day was Friday and from she'd previously told me, Jennifer's parents were going to be at the gig that night; and to say that I was a little nervous would be a huge understatement. Still though, I was going to face them anyway, regardless of what was said, because I loved Jennifer that much, especially now that she was carrying our unborn child inside of her.


I had an early advanced piano class with Miss Julie Hanover that day, and because it was only seven-thirty when I left the house that morning, the girls were still asleep. As I drove to the college campus, my mind drifted back to when I'd first met Jennifer and Lynn, and in doing so; I also remembered the condition I was in, emotionally, and how they'd told me that they were going to love the bad dreams out of me.

And it was then that I began to realize that after the three of us began living together, it wasn't long before their predictions began to manifest themselves into reality, making it extraordinarily difficult for me to remember when the last time it was that I'd had a nightmare about my time spent not only in Beirut, but the military all together.


"Good morning, Mark," Julie smiled, as I walked into class a little early, "How're you this morning?"

"Hey, Julie," I grinned, "I'm doing well, thank you."

"I had a conversation about you with Tom Hanson when I went out to eat at Jericho's last Wednesday night," she said, "And he told me that you're one of the members of a smoking hot rock band that's going to playing in there this weekend. Is that true?"

"Yes ma'am," I grinned, "We call ourselves Pegasus."

"Then I look forward to hearing you guys, because I plan on being there," she smiled, "But there's something else I want to ask you, and you can tell me that it's none of my business, if you want to."

"Alright," I knowingly replied, "What is it that you'd like to know?"

"I heard that you live with two women," she said, "Is that true?"

"Yes, it is," I firmly replied, "But the last time I looked, I wasn't breaking any laws by having two female room mates."

Then I looked into her eyes, and quietly asked, "What is it that you really want to know, Julie? Come on; be honest, for Christ's sake. I mean, after all, I thought you and I were friends."

"Okay, Mark, you're right, we are friends so, don't get upset by what I'm about to ask you," she plainly replied, "Are the three of you sleeping together?"

"Yes, we are," I pointedly told her, "And like I said before, we're not breaking any laws by doing that either."

"No, you're not," she replied, with a smirk on her face, "I just wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, that's all."

"Oh, so you think this is funny, huh?" I asked, becoming a little pissed off with the attitude Julie was displaying with her facial features, "Just so you know, I love these two women with all of my heart, one of which is carrying my unborn child I might add; and they are, hands down, the two finest people that I've ever met."

"Wait, Mark, please, you've got it all wrong," she pleaded, "I meant no disrespect, I swear."

"Oh, really," I dryly asked, "Then how did you mean it?"

"Well," she said, looking down as her face began to turn bright red, "If anything, I'm jealous."

"Is that right?" I asked, surprised, "You're a very attractive woman so; what on earth could you possibly be jealous about?"

And even though the class room was still empty, as I had gotten there early, Julie Hanover leaned in and quietly told me, "You're the most handsome, not to mention the sweetest man that I've ever met; and I was hoping that after you graduated this year, you and I could perhaps get together and see what happened."

When she raised her head and looked at me, there were tears in her eyes, and it was plain to see that she was clearly embarrassed. But; as opposed to becoming angry with her, I simply placed my arms around her and gave her a gentle hug.

Then I pulled my handkerchief from out of my back pocket, and while wiping the tears that were, by this time, running down her pretty cheeks, I smiled and told her, "You know, you honor me by telling me what you just did, and if things were different, Julie, I wouldn't hesitate to go anywhere with you, I hope you know that?"