You're Not Finished Yet Ch. 02


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"Is that a fact?" I grinned, "And what do you propose we do about that?"

"I suggest that we take a shower together and then open the picnic basket we packed," Lynn giggled, "After that I want to fuck. What about you, Jen?"

"Ooo, that sounds good," she giggled, kissing Lynn's lips, while groping her right breast, "Playing on stage made me horny as hell."

All at once Jennifer and Lynn began to kiss very deeply, with Lynn slipping her hand down the front of Jennifer's pants. Suddenly all thoughts of food went out the window as the girls began to strip off their clothing right there in the kitchen. I watched as Lynn helped Jennifer up onto the counter, and then bent at the waist and buried her face between Jennifer's legs.

"Oh, God," Jennifer groaned, "That's it, baby, yes, eat that pussy. God I love you so much."

I couldn't help myself when I got onto my knees and licked Lynn from behind, making her moan as she hungrily devoured Jennifer's pussy. And needless to say, my cock almost instantly became iron hard, as Jennifer urged me to take my clothes off.

"Oh, Mark, ungh," Jennifer moaned, "Take those clothes off and fuck her while she eats my hot cunt."

The next thing I knew was that I had my cock buried deep in Lynn's wonderfully warm, wet, and tight pussy, pumping her for all she was worth.

"Oh, God," Lynn groaned, momentarily pulling her face from between Jennifer's legs, "Fuck me, Mark, jam that cock into my pussy, baby."

I don't know whether it was luck, or just plain good timing, but as I began to squirt rope upon rope of hot scalding sperm into the deepest recesses of Lynn's beautiful pussy, it set off a chain reaction that made Lynn cum, with Jennifer right behind her, all three of us simultaneously groaning loudly.


"You know," I said to both Jennifer and Lynn; with me between them as the three of us lay naked together in my bed, eating the contents of the picnic basket we'd packed before we went to the park, "We're going to have a good time with the band, but that also means that we've still got a lot of work to do between now and next weekend, and don't forget about school either."

"Duh," Lynn giggled, "Jen and I are graduating this year. You're the underclassman, baby boy."

"Oh, that reminds me, Jen," I said, "Have you told your parents that you're pregnant?"

"Yes," she replied, "And they're excited, too."

"You're kidding me," I incredulously asked, "Do they know that I'm the father?"

"Of course," Jennifer brightly smiled, Lynn mischievously giggling along with her, "Who else would they think it is, Mark?"

"Come on," I said, "You mean to tell me that your father isn't ready to cut my balls off?"

"No, not yet," she smiled, "But he did say that if you didn't help me take care of our child, he would hunt you down and kill you."

"Great," I worriedly replied, getting out of bed and pacing my bedroom floor, "Now what am I going to do?"

"Relax," Jennifer giggled, "He knows how I feel about you. He knows how I feel about both of you."

"Oh, I imagine he really loved that little tidbit of information," I fretted, "I'll bet he has a bullet with my name engraved on it."

"Will you calm down, Mark?" Jennifer serenely said, "It's not as bad as you think it is."

"Of course not," I almost hysterically replied, "He's not going to cut my balls off; he's just going to kill me, no, that's not bad at all."

"MARK," Jennifer shouted, "SIT DOWN AND LISTEN TO ME, okay, baby?"

After reaching into my dresser drawer and pulling out a tee shirt and pair of shorts, I got dressed and then went into the kitchen and sat down, However, it was not before I pulled a bottle of Jim Beam out of my liquor cabinet, as well as a glass, and then poured myself a stiff drink...on the rocks.


I was sitting there contemplating on how I was going to face Jennifer's father, when I suddenly felt a pair of large bare beasts on the left side of my face.

Knowing that it was my beautiful Jennifer, I wasn't surprised when I heard her softly tell me, "I love you, my darling, and you're making a mountain out of a mole hill...I promise you, baby."

"So, tell me," I asked, "How is it that your parents aren't highly pissed off at me, at least your father, that is?"

"Has the thought ever occurred to you, Mark, that maybe they love you?" she tenderly replied, gently wrapping her arms around my head, tenderly resting it between her breasts, "They know in no uncertain terms exactly how much I love you. I also made it a point to let them know that if they ever rejected either you or Lynn, then they would never see me again. Now do you understand, baby...hmm?"

"God, I love you so much," I softly replied, standing up to hold her, as my eyes began to fill with tears, "I would die for you, Jennifer. I swear by all that's holy I would."

"I know that you would, and I love you, too," she whispered, "Kiss me, my love."

We stood with our faces gently pressed together, and unbeknown to us, Lynn stood in the doorway watching us as tears slowly poured down her beautiful face. However, this time she was shedding tears of joy and not sadness; because she knew that we both loved her as much as we loved one another.

Now all that was left to do was to tell, not only my parents that they were going to be grand-parents, but also tell my grand-parents that they were going to be great grand-parents.


The next day was Monday, and being that I was now in my junior year of college, as the girls had so non-diplomatically pointed out to me the day before, I had no classes that day, and because she was also a senior; Lynn didn't have one until the early afternoon.

So, right after Jennifer had left the house for an early, eight o'clock, morning class, Lynn and were still in bed, as she rolled over and said, "Will you make love to me this morning, Mark?"

"Of course I will, my love," I softly replied, pulling her hot little naked body against mine, "Come here, sexy."

As I've already told you, dear readers, Lynn may have been a petite little thing, but her beauty, like Jennifer's was in a category all its own, and the more time I spent with the two of them; the deeper in love with them I fell.

Lynn began by sucking my cock as I ate her hot little pussy in the sixty-nine position. She loved having her clit sucked while being fingered and I could tell that she was nearing her orgasm, because her vaginal walls began to flutter.

But as opposed to letting her go over the edge just then, I chose to slowly back off instead, making her whine, "Oh, Mark, why did you stop, baby? I was just about to cum."

"I know," I impishly replied, as I turned her around to face me, while still on top of me, "I've got a better idea."

And then I slowly inserted my hard cock into her tight little quim, making her groan, "Oh, fuck yes, baby, gimme that big cock, you beautiful motherfucker."

Then I rolled her onto her back, slowly grinding her pussy with my cock for several moments until I started to really fuck her as at first, she slowly, and then loudly began to wail, "Yes, baby, oh God, yes, fuck my pussy, Mark. Ungh, ungh, yes, yes, I love you so much, oh, oh, OOOH GOD...FUCK MEEE, FASTER, HARDER, BABY. I'M GOING TO CUUUUMMM. I WANT YOU TO SHOOT THAT CUM DEEP INSIDE OF MY HOT WET PUSSY, MARK; YESSSS, OH GOD! DO IT, FUCK MEEE, OH, SHIT, I'M CUMMING, BABY, CUM WITH ME, NOW, MARK YEEESSS, OOOOOHHH GOD, NOOOOWWW!!!!"

"OH, FUCK YES," I loudly grunted, unloading the entire contents of my balls deep into her tiny pussy, "Oh; I love you, baby, I love you with all my heart."


"Shit, that was good," Lynn panted, as we snuggled together in the afterglow of making love, "I love you, Mark, I really do, baby."

"I know you do, I smiled, tenderly kissing her lips, "And I love you, too."

"I'm not trying to spoil a nice moment," I told her, "But Eddie, Tonya and Lisa are all going to be here for practice tonight. I just wanted to remind you."

"I haven't forgotten," she smiled, "But don't forget that you also have to go with Jen to the gynecologist at eleven thirty this morning."

"I know," I grinned, "Are you as excited about the baby as I am?"

"Yes," Lynn smiled, "I think we all are. Do you think the baby will be a boy, or a girl?"

"I don't really care," I happily replied, "As long as it's born healthy, with ten little toes and ten little fingers."

"Of course it will be healthy, silly," Lynn giggled, "You and Jennifer both are in excellent shape so; the baby has no choice but to be healthy."

"I know it's going to be beautiful," I smiled, as I thought about it, "Just so long as it looks like Jen and not me."

"Oh, shut up, Mark," Lynn laughed, "You're beautiful yourself."

"Yeah, right," I teased, "What a crock."

"Are you trying to tell me that Jen and I have bad taste in men, Mark?" she pointedly asked, "Because if so, then you're full of shit clear to your ears."

"No, that's not it at all, baby girl," I sheepishly told her, " I guess I'm just still in shock that two women, especially two women as beautiful as you and Jen, find me attractive, even though we've been together for two years, and I'm so sorry...I really am."

"Damn, Mark," she sweetly replied, kissing my lips, "Your ex-girlfriend really did a number on you, poor baby."

"I don't know," I replied, my head hung in shame, "She was a real bitch though, that's for damn sure."

"That's okay, my beautiful lover," Lynn tenderly told me, "Like I told you before, Jen and I are going to love away the pain of your past, baby; the war, that Rachael bitch, all of it. It may take a little longer than we thought, but that's okay, too, and you know what?"

"No," I quietly replied, "What?"

"Jen and I love you so very much, Mark honey," she sweetly said, "But we think you're more than worth it so; don't worry about it, okay baby?"

"Okay," I smiled, feeling a little more relieved than before, "I love you guys, too, more than you'll ever know."

Suddenly, and for reasons unknown to me at the time, my eyes began to fill with tears which rained down my face like a deluge before I even knew what was happening.

"Mark," Lynn asked, a concerned look washing across her face," You're scaring me, baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing really," I smiled, with tears on my face, "It's just that...well...I've never really felt like this before, and I guess it's just a little overwhelming, that's all."

"You precious, sweet man," Lynn purred, taking me into her arms and tightly holding me against her, "I'm so glad and thankful to have you in my life, baby, and so is Jen."

"I love you, Lynn," I softly replied, holding her in my arms, "I love both of you very much, baby."

"And that's all that will ever matter, Mark......"


It was getting close to eleven o'clock; Lynn had already gone to class, and Jennifer had just gotten home. I'd long since been showered and dressed, and was anxiously waiting for her arrival.

"Are you ready to go, my love?" Jennifer smiled, her beautiful green eyes dancing like candle flames in the wind.

"I sure am," I grinned, gently kissing her sweet lips, "I was born ready, baby."

"Is that right?" she giggled, "Well, come on then, Mister I Was Born Ready."


After the Lab technician had come into the exam room earlier and taken a sample of Jennifer's blood, Dr. Ellen Jacobs came in a little later wearing a bright smile on her face. She was somewhere in her late thirties, maybe early forties, and was a blue eyed blond who was nicely built; and the fact that she had taken very good care of herself was apparent by looking at her. From what Jen had told me earlier, she had been seeing Dr. Jacobs since she was fourteen.

"Hi, Jen," Dr. Jacobs smiled, "How are you, sweetie, and who is this handsome thing you've brought in with you?"

"Hi Ellen," Jennifer smiled, hugging Dr. Jacobs, "Please allow me to introduce you to Mark Haynes. Not only is he my boyfriend, but he is also the father of our baby."

"It's nice to meet you, Mark," Dr. Jacobs sweetly replied, "My, my, but doesn't Jen have good taste in men," and needless to say, my face immediately turned beet red, making both women giggle.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Doctor Jacobs," I quietly replied.

"Please, feel free to call me Ellen," she brightly smiled, then looking at Jennifer, "And I think he's adorable, Jen. Look at him blush, that's so cute."

"I know," Jennifer giggled, "That's one of the many reasons that I love him so much."

"I'm glad that you two have each other," Ellen grinned. Then, presenting Jennifer with a couple of medical forms, she told her, "According to your blood and urine tests, you're about three months along the way. I'm also going to give you a prescription for some prenatal vitamins that I want you to take. Other than that, everything looks good and I want to see you back here in a month, okay sweetie?"

"Okay," Jennifer smiled, "Thank you, Ellen, thank you for everything."

"No problem, Jen," she replied smiling, "But I have a question for you, if you don't mind that is."

"I don't mind," Jennifer grinned, "What do you want to know?"

"What do your parents have to say about this?" she asked, "I mean, aren't they a little upset that you didn't wait until you graduated from college before getting pregnant?"

"They were a little pissed off at first," she told Ellen," But then I pointed out to them that not only was I a grown woman, but they'd better be accepting of their unborn grand child, as well as its father, or they wouldn't get to see it, or be a part of its life...ever."

"Oh, my God, Jen," Ellen audibly gasped, "What did they say about that?"

"It took them a few days to work through it," Jennifer pointedly replied, "But they finally saw things my way. Now, if I can convince, Mark, to come to Mom and Dad's with me, then everything will be perfect."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you can persuade him," Ellen giggled, "One way or another, huh?"

"Trust me, I know exactly how to persuade him," Jennifer seductively smiled, both women giggling again.


As we were driving back to the house, I realized that I never knew that Jennifer had basically delivered an ultimatum to her parents where me the baby were concerned. And in doing so, I reached over and took her hand and asked, "Why didn't you tell me that you'd told your parents what you did about the baby and me?"

"Because, Mark," she fearlessly replied, looking into my eyes, "Now that I'm in love with two people, one of whom is the father of our unborn child, I've come to a point in my life where nothing else matters but the three of us, soon to be four of us."

"That took a lot of guts," I replied, squeezing her hand, "I hope you know that."

"Not really," she sweetly smiled, "You see, my parents were hippies back in the sixties; and they raised me to have a strong will, and to not be afraid to stand up for what I knew was right."

"Still though, I'm sure that their feelings had to have been hurt," I said, "I mean, how could they not be?"

"Wait until you meet them, Mark," she grinned, "You'll see."


When we arrived back home, Lynn was there waiting for us with baited breath.

"So," she excitedly asked, "What did the doctor say?"

"She said that I'm about three months pregnant," Jennifer replied smiling, "And that everything looks good."

"You and Mark have got to be so excited," Lynn said, "I know that I sure am."

"Yes, we are," Jennifer grinned, "Now, if I can only get him to come with us to Mom and Dad's house."

"Alright, for fuck's sake," I laughed, relenting, "Set a date for this coming Sunday and I'll go, alright?"

"Oh, thank you, baby, "Jennifer cooed, placing her arms around my neck and hugging me, "I love you, Mark."

"Me, too," Lynn smiled, hugging us, "I love you, too, Mark."

"And I love you," I gently replied, now holding both girls against me, "I love you both very much."

Then Lynn pulled back from us with a knowing smile on her face and said, "I've got a surprise for you two."

"Oh, really," Jennifer giggled, "What is it?"

"Tom, the owner of Jericho's called while you two were at the doctor's office," she excitedly replied, "And he said that he's going to put our band name, Pegasus, in the paper to advertise our gig this coming weekend."

"Oh, wow, that's great," I chuckled, "Speaking of which, has everyone called to let us know that they'll be at practice tonight?"

"Yeah, Eddie called a few minutes ago, as a matter of fact," Lynn giggled, "And I talked to Tonya and Lisa after I got out of class today, and everyone is going to be here at five o'clock."

"Okay," I smiled, "I'll set up everything in the rehearsal room if you girls wouldn't mind making us something to eat."

"You got it, Mark," Lynn smiled, winking at me.

"Mmm, something to eat sounds good right about now," Jennifer added, with both of them kissing my lips before we parted ways to do our respective jobs before the rest of the band arrived later.


I set my gear up in the far left hand corner of the room, and put Lynn and Jennifer on the far right hand side, leaving room for everyone else in the middle. And when I set up the microphone that would be on Jennifer's cello, a thought came to mind. However, I would have to talk it over with her first before I acted upon it.

But then again, I could always just surprise her, but I knew that I would have to make sure to get Lynn in on it so as not to make her feel left out. I remembered how she felt when the news of Jennifer's pregnancy came out; and I wasn't about to put Lynn through anything like that, ever again, not ever.


Eddie knew to bring his floor monitors because I didn't have nearly enough to cover all six of us. I did, however, have plenty of microphones; because after all, I used a twenty-four track mixing board with more than enough power for everyone on stage.

This was during the time when digital musical instruments had just come into being. But me, I was an old-school analog keyboardist, which, in my personal, as well as educated opinion, was the reason that digital music first came about to begin with.

Still though, I must say, that digital instruments are a whole lot easier to not only keep in tune, but move without fear of damaging the instrument. And like I've said many times before, dear reader, the keyboard players of today have it so much easier when it comes to how much time is needed to change sounds. They don't have to create them from scratch, all they had to do is simply push a button and use the preset, factory created sound that is available within the memory banks keyboards of today.

I'd just completed arranging the rehearsal room, and had finished set up the microphones and monitors in preparation for practice, when Jennifer popped her head around the door, and with a smile on her face, told, "Supper is ready, baby. Come wash up and sit down and let's eat, okay?"

"Yummy," I lecherously teased, "Which one of you is the main course; and which one of you is dessert?"

"Oh, hush," she giggled, "You're such a dirty boy sometimes, I swear."

"That's right," I grinned, gently squeezing her ass as I walked by her, "And you wouldn't have it any other way, would you?"

"No," she laughed, "And that's one of the many reasons that I love you, baby."


After I'd finished washing my hands and face, I sat down at the table with the two people that I loved the more than anything in the whole wide world, my beautiful Jennifer and Lynn. The table was set very nicely and I could tell that they'd gone to a lot of trouble.

They had broiled three nice sized pieces of New York Strip, perfectly I might add, In addition there were black eyed peas, asparagus, crème corn, with a nice vegetable salad, all of which had been prepared perfectly.