All Comments on 'Wife's Trip to New York'

by chilleywilley

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tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

you should always review the least ones. TK U MLJ LV NV

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
ChillyWilley sabotaged my master plan of the day !

Usually I like to read a page at a time & get irksome tasks done in manageable bite size chunks but this story sucked me in like Wichita Twister & didn't release me till the end. Truth to tell - always been a fan of Chilley's talent but secretly thought he would never top his masterpiece ' My Wife The Doctor ' . I'm glad to be wrong.

This story had pathos, humor, Skullduggery, retribution : a veritable jambalaya of the best & worst of humanity. I felt sorry for Chris, even a bit for the willfully short-sighted wife. She wasn't evil just deluded. Thank you Chilley - this was touching on multiple levels. Bravo !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good tale...

Maybe a little more payback (which she deserved). Still, it's refreshing to find a tale in Literotica about a cheating wife and a husband who is NOT a wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I didn't like it...but maybe because it seemed so predictable

The writing was good, the characters were ok, but there was no real chemistry. I felt like I was reading a cookbook. This is this, that is that, add the cheating wife, throw in some sex, have the husband discover the affair and presto...instant story.

zed0zed0about 12 years ago

I think he was too nice, and let her, and especially Roy, off much too lightly.

If nothing else he has an obligation to Mrs. Roy to let her know what she's married to, and hopefully cause Roy some grief.

Ah Well! Probably why she cheated on him in the first place, he was just too much of a "gentile" man. However living well is still pretty good revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Nicely done, but didn't Roy deserve to revel in the problems of his creation too?

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago
Nicely constructed story

He really gave her a lot of chances to recover his affection. Personally I think he should have remembered that she was disinterested and depressed for a while and then answered the question of why her attitude changed.... Obviously because another love interest was on the horizon. I have to agree that she was bitch about everything from beginning to the end and deserved more punishment.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
i like the story

but it still made him look like the bad guy in her family's eyes, and also Roy fucks up your marriage and you let his wife go on thinking he's a good husband. He'll get caught sooner or later but why let his wife suffer longer than she has to.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 12 years ago
Too many "one last chance"

There is a problem with the story's logical consistency which ends up hurting this story to some degree. The Number of chances Chris gives to karen to "wake up" or "see the light " never seems to end.

By the time chris is driving or taking his wife up to New York City on the New Jersey turnpike there really is no point in playing all those love songs and songs about cheating and fidelity and faithfulness. Chris already knows whatbshe has been doing for month and he KNOWS the real reason behind the trip to New York City and he knows all about Roy.

So WHY give her additional chances to suddenly "see the light? " Suppose she had suddenly decided to change her mind and cancel the trip even as they were driving up to New York City? ... Perhaps she began to think that maybe Chris knew something after all. ?

so what? After all the other in conversations Chris and Karen had over the past few weeks about cheating and marriage etc .... even a sudden change in plans where Karen decided not to go through with it... would have made NO difference at all. Giving Karen a last minute chance to change her mind on the NJ Turnplike as they drive up to NYC could not possibly make any difference .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
This was a weak story ending.

Roy got off scott free, why? In cases like this rarely would the husband give the wife so many chances to redeem herself, and also it is highly unlikely a man would not do some damage to the asshole that fucked his marriage, Roy needed to feel the husbands anger. Only then could he move on.

woodmanonewoodmanoneabout 12 years ago
Maybe it's just me

But I think Roy should have been brought to task. Maybe I'm a vindictive person but why should his life go on the same way after he helped destroy Chris. I also agree with others the Chris should not have been made out to be the bad guy with her family.

Having given my reactions to the characters and their actions, I must say I enjoyed the read. Well written. Thank you for your hard work.


cueball961cueball961about 12 years ago
Likeable, But Unintentionally Humorous

Whether the reader cares for how the husband in the story acts or how it ends is pretty well in the eye of the beholder. Frankly, I liked the way the old boy gave her plenty of rope to hang herself with. He has been castigated by some both for giving her too many chances and for allowing Roy to get off scot free, if you'll forgive the pun. While this is not the path I personally would take, it shows that he simply has a forgiving nature, and the love for his wife compels him to give her ample opportunity to change course before crossing the point of no return. For those who would describe him as a wimp, note that he makes the point that if she gives up on Roy there is still no guarantee that the marriage will survive. There is only a chance.

I could not help but find much humor in the story, not because of the plot, but as the result of the numerous spelling errors. The "hands on the gentiles" line especially made me crack up. The author's writing was not at all bad, but an editor would be a good thing on the next attempt, which I strongly encourage. Three stars, four if it were not for the errors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
hubby too much a saint

give wife that many chances and let lover have free pass.with aids and other germs out there why not tell wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I liked the story. It was different from most other stories in this genre. Personally, I don't think revenge is good because it has a tendency to go in cycle. By that I mean, he avenges her than she will avenge him and than he will avenge her. No stopping to that. Why not just move on and live the way you want.

BaronScrewtapeBaronScrewtapeabout 12 years ago
Roy's wife deserves to know...

She is innocent of Roy's choices, and deserves full knowledge of who she is married to, just like the main character did.

Mousse9Mousse9about 12 years ago

Both the wife and cheater got off scotfree. No repercussions, no revenge, nothing. In the eyes of her family, ex-husband is the scapegoat. Cheater escaped ANY kind of punishment and has a completely oblivious loving wife to go back to. Ex-wife got a standard divorce (she even wanted more money, remember?) and nobody knows she's a cheater.

The way I see it, the moral of this story is that cheating is good, and there are no bad consequences to cheating. But what about her husband divorcing her, you say? No skin off her back, she already didn't love him anymore (the email conversations and the affair themselves are plenty of proof of that).

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
I Guess this Could Have Been a Good Story, But I Missed the Point

So dry, so matter-of-fact, not much conflict at all really. Neither spouse truly fought to keep their marriage or seriously seemed to care very much. Not enough emotion or drama here to base a story on. Even after the fact, both seemed to just take it all in stride. Kind of a waste of a read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I did like it, but...

He was still way too nice about it. She deserved at least a little public humiliation, and he deserved to lose (not 'loose', learn the difference) face, maybe lose his wife, lose his nuts, whatever.

But I still liked the build-up to the end, the chances he gave her to see her folly, though she was already a whore by then, and way past saving.

At least he wouldn't put up with it and ditched her post-haste. No cream-pie for him.

4 stars

Sidney43Sidney43about 12 years ago
Good story

A realistic cheating wife story, where the husband realizes who his wife really is, cuts his losses and moves on. Getting revenge is often not worth it after all the destruction settles down, so she lost a good marriage and he found out his wife was not someone to trust. If she had heeded his warning signals, she would have found another man to have an affair with, because that is who she was.

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Well-written and clever

His psychological games were entertaining. She was a rather pathetic character: selfish, dishonest, stupid, immoral, and really almost entirely without any redeeming qualities. In the end, I had a hard time figuring out why he would want to give her a chance. Her repeatedly failing his 'tests' gave him some peace of mind in ending it with her.

It was a differend kind of story, in that there was no build-up to his discovering what she was doing. The only tension was whether she would take a step back off the ledge.

karan9876karan9876about 12 years ago
Another wimp who lets her get away

Anotehr wimp who lets her get away... He was too soft on her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
The ending

The ending felt very abrupt to me, you took your time working through the events and then it just felt to me like you got bored and stuck a quick ending on. I would say that generally a good ending should draw all the ideas together from the story and give some resolution to the conflict. For me that involves working through the characters feelings in a story like this, that would have also helped develop the wife a bit further as a believable character. Most of these cheating wives stories do tend to be very open ended though, I guess thats because life rarely gives any worthwhile resolution in a situation like this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
This story is believable

Anyone who has been married for any lenth of time and doesn't notice a change in their partners attitude ideas or activities whatever is not fully invested in the relationship in the first place and probably eserves to be cheated on. The stories where the husban walks into the house and finds the wife has been screwing the neighbor and he had no idea is is pure fantasy. He had to have known even subconciously that something wasn't right. The best revenge is a well lived life. Why should he care what her family thinks of him? He isn't a part of that anymore unless they were going around bad mouthing him.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
I demand to differ !

I respectfully disagree with the comments about there not being enough reprisal in this story. There was a wonderful Zen symmetry in that the cheating woman is left to be with one of her own kind, another cheater. There is also the fator that she had been obliquely punished ( some would say lucky ) by the inability to bear children.

The two adulterers have prospects for muted ( after being discovered ) short term fun but the outlook long term is bleak . She lost a man who had values, a work ethic, intelligence & integrity to grow old with. He was able to find another woman who valued these qualities & could give him a faimly.

Anyone who dislikes those diva receivers who score a touchdown & gyrate like a stripper to celebrate themselves, would appreciate that he didn't care who the future ex-wife's faimly was at fault. Chris could have humiliated, grandstanded or hurt her in any number of ways but chose not to . To me -he had enough confidence in his worth that the justified loss incurred by their permenent separation was enough.

There is a valid question as to if the '' Cheatanova's " wife should know his infidelity . Yet so many other elements of this story was first rate it's not a strain to give Chilleywilley a bye. Thx again to him for this wonderful read

jasonnhjasonnhabout 12 years ago
Mixed response

I liked the beginning, she was a woman who could have been a sympathetic character, she had recently found out she could not have children. That's a terrible thing for most women. I went through it with my ex and it really screwed up her head. It is really tough for a supportive husband and Chris' thoughts say t well "He began to re think the childless marriage he was in. He had accepted that he would have no children out of love and loyalty for her. He wanted children of his own, but being barren was not her fault. Staying with her was part of 'for better or for worse', and he had decided he could live with that.". It is a sacrifice, out of love for his wife. Putting up with the emotional roller coaster is a sacrifice as well.

But she is more than an emotionally upset woman. She is not a good person. Her thoughts about adoption "she didn't want to raise someone else's brats." starts it off. The kids are lucky she didn't adopt them, she would have been a lousy mother.

Then she starts on the completely dishonest demolition of her marriage. She is thinking her marriage is too predictable but she thinks "And she could do things with a lover, like tongue their butt, because they would be gone in a few months. Do that to Chris, who would be there forever, and he'd expect it ever week! " and this observation "She didn't consider that the reason her husband was so predictable was in part that she generally refused any innovation and by default insisted on predictability.In a way, in doing what she said she wanted, her husband had left the door open for someone else to be more exciting!" In short SHE was the boat anchor in their marriage, selfish and controlling.

At this point it is clear that she is a loser. Chris sets her up for a blunt conversation about erotic chatting. "Well, husband that's a no brainier. Sex talk to someone you know and are or were sexually attracted to is clearly an inch from adultery. I never heard of emotional adultery, but I get the idea, and that would be it for sure. Now myself, I wouldn't have such chats to begin with, because they set the stage for screwing around. I mean come on!" She lies about her actions and denounces the idea of what she is doing.

However, the ending sucked.

As other commenters have said, over and over and over and over he finds out what she is doing and plots and plans to end the marriage while she continues to fuck around on him. The ongoing fuckfest and his lack of action (playing air guitar comes to mind) made the story twice as long as it needed to be. If you told me he had used the time to hide all his assets so she got nothing, maybe OK. But he did nothing. Divorce with a 50/50 split. No exposure of her or the ass she was fucking. All the support and sacrifice he had given the bitch and he just walks away. What a WIMP that he didn't stand up for himself and the truth of the situation. Is it supposed to be something he is proud of that he sees Roy's wife and doesn't tell her that her husband is a cheating snake? He lets an innocent woman suffer in ignorance. People that don't stand up for right and truth are worms. Chris ran away to play in his house and hide. Chris is a loser as well.

You spent the first part of the story showing how bad the wife is, dishonest and deceitful, even in the face of exposure and confrontation. Chris directly tells her that she is cheating and with who. The bad guys got away with it. The story has no fairness or justice.

It's like a story about a serial killer. You describe each of his murders in gruesome detail. He finally dies of natural causes at age 80. Are we supposed to feel satisfaction at his death? Or the eternal lack of justice?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
i would like

more KICK for this type of a premeditated slut and WHY did he get off scott free his guilt is as evident as hers . i guess since this is a story a proper amount of equity is expected.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Need practice in

dialogue. Comes off real false. Then the protagonist switches moods in the middle of his comments to his to be ex. You do not make her empathetic at the beginning, in spite of her sterility, because of the thoughts you write about her need for excitement and how to get it. Poor effort.

labigqlabigqabout 12 years ago
Great story but...

There's no way I wouldn't tell Roy's wife and back it up with the emails. It's only fair in LOVE AND WAR! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Revenge is NEVER overated. This story only lacked that one thing apart from that is was an okay story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
stupid, insane, unbelieable pseudo dialogues.


DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Simple Consequence Story SCS naturaly 5 stars

Story positives:The majority of the husbands are simple people, generaly they do not build up excellent revenge tricks, but they (the majority of the husbands) do not like watching his wife's cheating and they do not want to go to jail for killing the cheating wives and the loverboys.. After a long term cheating (some months) he gave some good oportunities for reconcilation and the wife chooce the loverboy. Some posters told here it was a mistake not to tell the cheating for Roy's wife. However why should have assisted his exwife to find a second mate qiuckly, if Roy's wife had wanted a divorce.

I like people who want children and not to be LOW IQ EGOIST SEXROBOTS. (The high IQ fembots want to be good stepmothers I recomend on ASSTR.ORG the excellent fembot stories from DB_Story or expresso42's excellent SciFi story on the SOL ( the 'Oceania".) The husband second think after the sadness was he got good oportunity for children. I like that characters who look for the next positive steps after a disaster very quickly.

The consequence story writers use for the second woman/wife the single Moms and I am glad if an Author uses for a single Mother character (widow, single, divorced) for the second wife. Sometime the Authors is a little afraid of divorced Mom, but Authors to forget this aversion. We male people cheat in higher percentage and a betrayed exwife from a serial cheater husband may be a second wife......

Story negatives For me a consequence story generaly 5 stars and the story negative part only a little advice for the Author. I do not find enough information about Roy's marital status, because I do not know he has or has not any children. It may be read your story very quickly and I should have found this information. And the general mistake the short time epiloge, which should have been + half or + 1 page with the exhusband and exwife future for 3-4 years. Many excellent writers forget a longer epiloge for a consequence story, but many good authors write longer epiloge (Sometrime SW_MO_Hermit writes 30 years epiloge, but that is an extrem). A accidental encounter with the exwife and the exhusband and his family with the baby(ies), it is interesting sometime, etc....

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 12 years agoAuthor
Good comments all

Did I really say "hands on the gentiles?" I'd love to claim I did it on purpose, but it's just a goof. We started out in this story with a marriage in trouble. Probably not just the lack of children, but the idea of staying together out of loyalty or duty. Duty is not the best reason to stay in a marriage. The wife is shown to be self absorbed. Life has kicked her in the ass and now she thinks the world owes her something. Rationally Chris is faultless as to the kick, but it is sometimes hard to accept the problem is me and not, in some way, us. The married future turned out not to' meet expectations...'

The lack of children caused the marriage to take a sharp detour, and both are having trouble baking the turn.

I think Chris's weakness is being too eager for the reader to love him. He is seeking our approval that he is doing his duty, going the extra mile with her "Hey man this is so not my fault!'. What he in fact is doing, is pulling the wings off of a fly. Rather than going into a rip roaring rage early on, that might have at least gotten them moving towards reconciliation, he managed the situation not so she would stop, but that she would continue. In this way, at the end, in retrospect, she would see that he knew or suspected all along what she was doing, and, if she had any wish to save the marriage, she clearly, blindly, stupidly threw it away. If (and a big if) she regretted her actions, she would have no one but herself to blame. Self hatred is perhaps the worst kind. You can't get away from it. In the end, like all of us, they are flawed characters.

Fun to write, and hopefully fun to read


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I gave duna a quid

Saw him babbling on a street corner as I exited the tube station; saddens me that so many of our homeless are mentally ill.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon could you send me 1000 $ donation ?

njlaurennjlaurenabout 12 years ago
I think

the story.had merit,cheaters do forget their partners notice when things happen,they emotionally distance themselves and so forth.I think the wife is a bit cartoonish in that she is a little too stupid,and is a bit too clueless.By the end she would realize the gig is up and cone clean if she really wanted to try and fix things,not realistic. I also think him covering his ex and roy is not likely,doing so hurts an innocent (roy's wife) but more importatly would leave him in being painted as the bad guy by her and her family,which could get around and hurt his chances of finding soneone else. Not revenge,protection.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Enjoyable story

Ignore the whiners. Good story. Keep on writing.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 12 years ago
What Harry and Jasonh and Undrappreciated said...

...sums up my feelings but thank-you for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I wonder why you changed the name of the guy,

It was O'Brien on pafe one but by page two you ev9identaly changed his name to Egan. WHY?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Liked the story but as others have said; Roy & slut got away with it anyway!

On the positive side, at least the husband did not wimp out & the slut gets divorced. However, Roy gets away with it with no consequences and the slut wife suffers a minimal setback.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
re: Enjoyable story

People who hate others having a different opinion ARE THE WHINERS! You should be one of the primary assholes to ignore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Closet cuckolds, not whiners. Puffing up is not whining; it is simply trying to live with the dichotomy of loving cuck stories and hating yourself for loving them. Ask any fat guy (or policeman) how he feels about a doughnut and you'll get an idea how a closet cuck lives.

cpetecpeteabout 12 years ago
well done

A well done, nicely thought out story. The hubby went "above and byond the call of duty" to salvage his marriage. Was this bad? Who knows (or cares) it was the authors story and fit well in the storyline, and hubby's characters.

Should have the author had the Hubby notify the cheater (Roy's) wife? Most posters think the cheaters wife should have been notified (I agree). A minor bump, but a change from the winding schemes and plots of other stories.

Thanks for the tale-just wish you wrote more!

ParPlus10ParPlus10about 12 years ago
Pretty realistic.

I know a guy who handled his divorce in much the same manner. His wife cheated. He ended it and just got the hell out of dodge.

While revenge stories are great, I believe that most of the time both men and women just walk away and end the marriage.

Good story even though I think the husband hung on a little too long.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Get an editor!

Story was fair but you really need an editor. You have mixed tenses, poor word usage and bad spelling.

Work on that for your next story

chytownchytownabout 12 years ago
Great Read!!!!!

You had a good story until you wrote about the bruise in the shape of your foot then it became a great story. Thanks for sharing this gem!!! I am still (lol)

xtremeddxtremeddabout 12 years ago
This is the end she just did not "hear"


then as you wrote it, the end she did see. Now it is the end she has.

Yep. The end for her and the beginning for him.

Gooder for him though. Great read cw.

Thanks for sharing on Lit.


OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 12 years ago
I like the husband's logic...

all the way down to the 'free will' comment. He is not supposed to force his wife to be faithful, but she should want to be faithful. The trust was absolutely broken, and would never be repaired. Well done, and Thank You.

vestspetvestspetabout 12 years ago
Who's making love?

there's an old Johnnie Taylor song called "Who's making love". It's basically saying that while the men are out screwing around, there's a good chance the women home alone are doing the same. I'd love to read a second part to the story where Roy's wife knows he's fooling around and doesn't care because she's got a gorgeous boy toy on the side who keeps her company when he's off working or fooling around. That would be Karma for Roy

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Calm in a storm

Marvelous story. I think a few photos and videos would have been useful insurance, but I can't figure how he or a PI could have gotten them without more delay.

vestspetvestspetabout 12 years ago

Well written piece, not over the top. Very entertaining.

AMart911AMart911about 12 years ago
Forget 5 stars!

Best story I have read in some time. Nothing overly dramatic, ridiculous, or utterly unbelievable. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Could have been a very good story but it was spoiled by a husband hanging on and on like a kid holding mother's skirt and picking a tantrum, desperate to make her change course yet not making enough effort for her to do so. Playing CDs in the car also seems so childish. The ending was abrupt and incoherent. Why wait till Friday? Why not just man up a say things openly. Finally, you give the impression that the guy has no guts. Not telling the parents, not telling the lover's wife, not even telling his own wife. Poor baby, you somehow make cheating on him seem well deserved.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 12 years ago
Agree with lots of other comments

I enjoyed the story despite the need for better editing. Just because Chris should have notified Roy's wife (I concur with others on that score), or because Chris was repetative and wimpy (yes, IMO he let it drag on too long without a confrontation, he should have let her parents know, etc. so it was just, "I'll close my eyes and pretend this never happened to me, and I'll go hide in my fixer-upper cabin"), doesn't mean the story deserves a low rating. It was entertaining, there was some originality, there was character development (not a lot, but how much can there be in just a few pages), and yes, there was a bit of sex. I, too, would have liked more consequences for the cheaters, so I rate this four stars and hope this author continues to write.

DWornockDWornockabout 12 years ago
Karen found out she is sterile.

Nothing sexy about that. Therefore, 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good story

Sad, another example of a clueless wife. Good flow and narrative. Don't like the

way he avoided conflict, should have let everyone know why the divorce...but please

keep writing.


RePhilRePhilabout 12 years ago
Zero reaction from the wife

Empty and rushed ending. No idea if the wife suffered seems not

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Get an editor!

If you can't do that, at least read it over while you look for obvious mistakes. Google 'lynch guide to grammar' for help. It's hard to finish reading a story that keeps reminding the reader that it wasn't edited properly. You obviously did a lot of work on it, and you had a good story line. Don't let the needless mistakes detract from it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I gave a five, but really, nobody in his right mind would give her that many hints, unless he was a true PW wimp.

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 12 years ago
Needs an editor

and some character development of the wife so the reader cares what is happening to her and why she's so blind to what she's doing to her own life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Not telling Roy's wife just stirs up the past?

No way, she had to be told to make this story work.

The dipshit needs to pay too.

VickieTernVickieTernabout 12 years ago

Revelation as revenge! I haven't read most of the comments here (over 60? In one week or so?), but you did manage to torment her even as she determinedly refused to notice she had no legs left standing. You're remarkably aware of intricacies, both in plotting and counterplotting, and now and then you strike off a perfect moral/psychological truth: "Roy was in his marital bed." or "Her life was her own now. Nothing to do with him." (A fine and sufficient answer to the "Destroy the bitch!" crowd, that last). I disagree with one comment wanting her character filled out more. You could have, but then the story would have been too painful. A barren and abandoned miscreant wife needs whatever consolation her thin mind can bring her, after all, Do keep plotting and writing!

Johnny1MJohnny1Mabout 12 years ago
I don't like one aspect of this story.

It's used quite a bit in the Loving Wives' section. That is the husband finds out that his wife is having an affair and instead of confronting her, he gives her 47 chances to realize what she's doing and come back to him. It's not a reaction that I find plausible. If he really wants to give her another chance, then he should confront her and ask her what she wants to do. Otherwise, the only reason not to confront her would be to get all his ducks in a row for the divorce. Making her pass some sort of test is silly. It's clear that if she still wants her husband, then she also wants sex with the old boy friend. As long as she can have both, she's going to do both--until it all comes tumbling down. So the wife is always going to fail this "test" unless he makes it clear to her that he knows. (In this story he did make it abundantly clear and a normal person would have had to know that her husband knows.) And if it's clear that he knows, why not just do the confrontation scene at the beginning? I just don't believe that a husband would let his wife go to a rendezvous with another man. Don't drive her to the hotel. Just tell her that he you know where she's going and the divorce papers will be waiting for her when she returns.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
poor Johnny

I like your comments but your inability to think outside the box relegates you to the defensive line my friend. The reason the cheated spouse offers chances to the cheater has nothing to do with the cheater; it is for their own benefit and peace of mind. He knew the marriage was over but thinking moral men have a protocol to follow in order to end the marriage with dignity. Your focus on her actions and reactions is irrelevant; the decision has been made and all that remains is how the parties feel about themselves and each other after the dust settles.

Most readers in this category have never had a mature relationship with a woman so they bluster a lot about violence and shit when in reality they are dickless losers who'd cry like bitches if they managed to date a woman who subsequently left them. The reality, for those who don't live in mommy's basement, is living with yourself after the relationship ends which directly affects the next relationship you have. As the author accurately described, the husband found a nice woman to marry and have children with relatively soon after the breakup. The reason that is possible goes directly toward his handling of the divorce and clear conscience he took out of it.

Fuck the cheater, giving them the rope to hang themselves is not about giving them chances in most cases, it is about giving them rope. The faithful spouse erases all guilt and second thoughts by making sure they do everything in their power to save the marriage, not because it can be saved, but because due diligence demands it in order to move on in a healthy way.

norcal62norcal62about 12 years ago
Anon 3/21/12 said it so well!

What a good analysis of this story. A mature critique of the cheating situation.

Fantasy and myth have their places in creating a story, but a good treatment of real life situations turns me on more. I can relate my own life to the thoughts and actions others have experienced and how they dealt with them.

DawnJDawnJalmost 12 years ago
Unlike Anonymous 4/13...

...I was deeply moved by this story. It was painful, because it was real. I guess that's the trouble that anonymous reader had...he/she couldn't handle the pain, and what we do when we're overwhelmed by pain is lash out.

I feel very bad for both this couple, whose marriage could have been saved if, as the narrator (whose voice we heard constantly as separate from Chris's) often pointed out, they had just talked to each other. This story might have had a different, and happier, ending.

A well-told tale! Forgive the uninformed and frightened readers. They know not of what they speak!

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

and why give up when you dont have to give it up, TK U MLJ LV NV

FD45FD45almost 12 years ago
Rope has many uses

Rope can be used to drag a floundering ship to shore...and it can be used to hang the baddies from the yardarm.

The whole point of 'chances to get ass and head wired together' as Slirpuff is fond of saying, is to allow the cheated upon to understand her motive.

If he confronts her, is her motive: 'I don't want to be publically shamed, lose my house, have to kill the spiders myself' or is it 'I love my husband and am risking losing something precious to me'? Is he a meal ticket or her love. All confrontation does is him ending THIS relationship. He hasn't changed her choices or desires. Smacking a dog on the nose when he tries to eat your steak doesn't change the nature of the dog.

If she ends an affair to stay with her hubby, she's made a choice which can be a mooring point for saving the relationship. If she continues to choose the lover...well, rope only reaches so far and there is a noose on the end.

I'm shocked this isn't obvious.

lovetopleasewomenlovetopleasewomenover 11 years ago
If somebody....

is hellbent on destruction, what can you do?

Good story.

norcal62norcal62over 11 years ago
The last line took the edge off the story.

It distracted from the main story ending and was not needed.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

doesnt allow for revenge, retribution or any type of payback, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
what revenge there is no revenge in this story

she cheated, he tried, they divorced end of story

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
i was waiting for him to say why is he divorcing her

husband - i m divorcing u

wife - why ?????

husband - i dont know

wife - why ????

husband - i dont wanted to say

brother - why ??????

husband - just say it my fault

he is really cuckold/wimp

because cuckold/wimp is not one whose wife fuck behind his back but one who know it and dont do anything about it

Tx Tall TalesTx Tall Talesover 11 years ago
Another fine effort

My opinions, and you're welcome to take them with a grain of salt.

Once again, good story, weak ending.

Leaving her at the hotel, for her lover, once he had the final rejection and making her wait a week to tell her, without some big finale, is a let down. One or the other. Drop her right away or torture her mentally. But not this.

1) If he was done with her, give her the divorce papers in the hotel room. Better yet pin them inside the valentine's day nightie. She had her last chance, now it's done. Have a nice weekend.

2) Feeling just a little vengeful? Do the right thing and tell Roy's wife on the way to the hotel. Now she's aware, as she should be, and wife gets stood-up. Divorce papers delivered after Roy was suitably late, would be a nice touch. End it clean.

3) Let her have her weekend of lust, (why not? He's too 'nice' a guy to interfere with her screwing around.) A nice guy would have picked her up in Trenton, given her the papers, and explained why she was too good for him, cuddled her, dried her tears, given her a nice massage since her back was so sore after being on it for 3 days, and taken the blame in front of her family and friends, and done nothing like telling Roy's wife. Wouldn't want to mess up anything for good ole Roy, or chance messing up the wife's bootycall.

4) Let her stew. Make her wait to find out. Clear out the accounts as much as possible, set up the big final confrontation, trap her in her lies, and better yet, do it with her family there. Make sure Roy's wife has a ticket to the big show, for that nice bit of drama. Contact her work about tne company paying for her adulterous last meeting. You know, all the good stuff.

Sorry, that's my $.02. Weak ending to a fine story. I get what you're trying to do. I think you missed the mark at the end.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Good story, sorry ending

He should have let people know what she was doing. Especially Roy's wife. Share the pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
another worthless slut

hopefully she gets aids and dies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good story

I felt in this story in contrast too the majority of stories in Loving Wives, the main characters were quite beliveable and well described to sufficient depth. Karen is of course the one with the tragic flaw as the Ancient Greeks would have in their tragedies. Her flaw was a combination of character weaknesses, most harmful was her own opinion of her intelligence to be superior to those around her. This flaw gave her the go ahead to committ adultery all the while justifying it and conistently telling herself and the dupe lover that she was so clever that wouldn't be caught. A minor but most irratating flaw was her desire to when cornered about her extramarital relations to consistently lie even when it should have obvious that the other person knew the truth. Since this is indeed a tragedy she meets a tragic end, the loss of her marriage, her husband's love and the overall loss of respect from her family and her friends and coworkers. All for a series of lacklucter sexual encounters with a man she clearly did not love and he was only using her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

and Roy should not have consequences, his wife makes an informed choice?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Always tell the other injured party! Especially if you're going to quote the bible and act morally superior to everyone! Doesn't add up!!!

catphan8catphan8over 11 years ago

If you don't inform the other injured party then you are just as bad as the slut! You should always tell the other party, after all, you would want them to tell you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
the right

The husband had every right to rid himself of a cheating wife, but shouldn't Roy's wife have the same choice?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it

emotional adultery

Love the concept. She deserved much worse. Excellent writing and an engaging story.

sugnasugnaabout 11 years ago
Fuck Roy

Send the emails to Roy's wife and let her decide for herself. Also, let the families and friends know who did what and back it up with evidence. It does matter who the shithead is if you are going to live in the same town.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No free rides

Not only does Roy's wife find out, but everyone in her family and all of her friends find out. Lessons need teaching. She deserves everyone of those lessons.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 11 years ago
I agree that he should have done everything he could to her.

He gave her every warning, he gave her every chance. He told her he would beat her, he should have at least beat her by getting Roy fucked up by his wife and told her folks what a slut she was. No balls, no balls.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

What a diabolical cheating whore skank slut cunt wife she was. To the bitter end she denied then tried to prolong the divorce. In the end he was the winner because now he had someone who could have children. As for the cunt 's asshole lover, sooner or later he'll get his. Not the way I would have ended things but not everyone thinks violent thoughts. One more thing. In South Philly we make HOAGIES, not subs. Just FYI.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Wow a very well written story. With that said it was really hard to like either one of these characters. I don't need to comment on the wife as everybody who read this know her issues. The husband though was a different story. You can't be Mr. high and mighty moralist one minute and then say fuck it the next. It was like 2 different men. He is to moral to tell her family why he was divorcing here, but he lets Roy off the hook by not informing his wife. The other cheated party always has a right to know and by keeping that knowledge from her it made him no better than his wife. I don't really see how any woman would have got along with this man in the first place. He was a real douchebag with his holier than thou attitude but when the time came he is just another asshole who would rather say fuck it then do the right thing! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
excellent story

personally, I would have written an ending that had Chris sending everything to Roy's wife anyways, after all Roy was goating Karen about their married details, talk about no respect. I would have hand delivered everything personally. And why not write in the hiring a PI, once the emails were hacked? video proof speaks louder than words. even a hidden recorder left in the hotel room too. over all well done. Suggest you look at J267 " The Unfortunate Sumaritians" see if you can with permission create the Ch2, you have what it takes. If you do, allow Sally and her husband win and escape the criminal drug dealers that have them. but read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

worst fate there is, although a betrayedcuck can smoke and suck, he takes to his insecurity like a duck to water

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
He wanted to play a game

And that's what he did. He played a game with his wife and his marriage. Obviously he didn't want to stay in the marriage or he would have talked to her - seriously - the first inclination he got that she was considering having an affair. Your lousy story made me dislike him far more than the cheating wife. And that's a hard thing to do considering I like a good BTB story. This wasn't good, either the writing or the outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The part where they discussed the parameters of what and what was not OK in a marriage was so close to the truth that she would not have responded the way she did, as if she was just some dumb training manual or actor in a bad play. This part needs to be rewritten.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not bad!

There is no way this fellow should have interfered in his wife's affair. If he had stopped it, he would have been living with a cunt that was looking to do it again with someone else after the heat died down. Remember the beginning, she had a 7 year itch that needed scratched.

No, a cunt like that, whether it be male or female, you just let them hang themselves and try to stay out of the way. Even if you stopped it like a few of the moronic comments were made, you'd never trust her again and constantly be looking over your shoulder wondering if because she came home late, took a shower when she got home, withheld sex, what ever it may be, you'd figure she was cheating again.

Nope, cut your losses with a wannabe whore like her and let someone else like some of the commenters here, worry about it she was cheating on them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Overthefalls is so full of crap...

that it would take all the toilet paper in NY to wipe his ass. Likely Overthefalls is committed to adultery or a swinging way of life. This tale portrayed a husband driven to extremes by an unthinking and cheating wife. Good for Chris, to hell with the wife, and to hell with those who condone cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good tale; but he deserved some more payback.

And, Overthefalls is a stupid wimpy fool. Probably had his ass kicked all through school.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Second time through

Just wonderfully written and very original. Five stars and one of my all time favorites.

PennMusicPennMusicover 10 years ago
Not bad...

...but he should have told the guy's wife. Chris just seemed to let him off scot free...

Can only give 3 Stars...Just left me feeling unsatisfied...

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Good Attitude

He took it well. He saw his situation clearly and did only what he had to do to take care of himself. That being said, there is no reason not to tell the truth. There is no reason to let her get away with making him out to be the bad guy. Perhaps he felt sorry for her being infertile? Perhaps he truly didn't care what people thought of him? Still, I would have forwarded those emails to all affected parties, including Roy's wife. She, like Chris had a right to know what her husband was doing and had a right to chose what she would do about her marriage. Perhaps Chris was just a selfish ass like his wife?

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

for good old Roy Boy. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
consequences is a must

when a rat brake up your marriage.all fair in love and war.

carvohicarvohiabout 10 years ago
Sorry I'm late...

I read this last year, but never left a comment. I just finished it again, and then checked the comments.

I gave the tale a five, but I'm disappointed. I'm disappoints with you Chilly. I'm disappointed in Chris, and I'm disappointed with all the comments. Here's why.

They were happily married; both were looking forward to children. Then she discovers she's barren. You hear that; she's barren!

My wife and I have six kids. Nothing is more fulfilling than making and raising someone who's truly yours. Now we have a barren wife. There's a huge hole in her life. I mean a massive enormous gaping chasm! She's miserable. She's unhappy! She needs gobs of counseling. She needs a loyal loving husband; not some guy downstairs making a weather vane!

Face it; she wasn't running from Chris or running to some old sweetheart. She was grappling with the worst heartache a woman can possibly suffer, and where was Chris? The shit was in the cellar or someplace making a fucking weather vane!

God damn! When the chips were down. I mean really down good old Chris was nowhere to be found, and when he caught on did he intervene. Did he confront her? Did he go to her? Did he grab her? Did he pull her back from the brink? I mean hug her and say, "Damn it babe I love you. Damn it don't do this!" No not Chris; he let's her continue to dig the hole that would bury their lives.

Face it Chris was a selfish, delusional shit who used his wife's frailty as an excuse to bail out. He was a dirty shit eating bastard. He wanted his marriage to fail. For better or worse my ass. Chris just couldn't handle the responsibility of standing beside the woman who loved him. No not him; he got behind her and helped push her over the cliff! Can't anyone else see that?

JounarJounarabout 10 years ago

Did we even read the same story carvohi ? You either need to cut back on the meds or booze dude.

She started her affair 7 years after finding out THEY couldn't have kids. Long fucking time for her to still be upset. Hubby gave her so many fucking outs to stop her affair that she had to have a negative IQ level to miss them. Roy bragging about banging her, people talking shit about their spouse's, her bullshit training sessions, the drive to the hotel, asking if she wanted him to leave not to mention the whole check-in mess.

Karen lied non stop through the entire story and then tried to fuck him in the divorce and you bitch about him?

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