White Wives Black Lovers

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His cum on her wedding ring.
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I'm sitting in the cafeteria listening to two women at the table behind me. They had to be thinking I was deaf or they just didn't care who heard them. They're talking about having black lovers. They mentioned a web site called "white wives black lovers." I guessed it was a hookup chat room. I knew both of them were married.

Poor fucking husbands, I thought. They're always the last to know. I wondered how it would be to find out your wife is cheating. I'm glad my wife wasn't into that shit. She would never do something that stupid. I chuckled to my self as I took my tray to the scullery.

I went back to my office and fired up my laptop. I had about forty five minutes before a meeting with a client. I wondered how prevalent it was in real life. I opened my search engine and typed in 'white wives black lovers.' To my surprise about fifty sites popped up. Some were porn video sites.

I opened the one that was the dot com site. It was a chat room. Two pages of thumbnails popped up. I scrolled down the list. One caught my eye. I clicked on it. I saw a two by three photo of a beautiful blonde woman. It was my wife.

I felt like someone had hit me in the forehead with a hammer. My loving wife was either trying to, or had hooked up with a black lover. It couldn't be. She must just be playing around jerking these guys off making them think they could score.

There were two options available. One was 'contact' and the other was 'log in.' Did I want to try to log in to her profile? Fucking right. I wanted to know. After trying a few passwords I typed in her maiden name and our anniversary date. BINGO! Her screen name was 'Black this Blonde.'

Her entire chat log was there. I went to oldest first and started reading. The date on the first one was six months ago.

At first all the creeps hit on her. They were rude and crude. Then she started chatting with some of the women there. They told her how exciting it was to have a black lover and how careful they were. They gave her some tips on how to hide it from their husbands.

A week in she started chatting with a guy called 'Black for you'. They started out just chatting about themselves. I could see how he was playing her. He came on like a nice guy at first. Then they got to it. They exchanged nudes. He sent one of his cock with a cloth tape next to it. It showed he had nine inches. It it was his he was definitely hung. Hers was a full nude with her head cut off. I saw her shaved pussy, remembering she had told me she shaved it for me. I almost puked as I wondered how many time I got sloppy seconds and ate a cream pie.

He had told her his favorite thing was seeing a beautiful married blonde with a shaved pussy all spread wide with her arms behind her head, ready for his big black cock. He told her he was going to get her so hot eating her pussy that she would beg for his cock. He told her she would have to use both hands to guide his cock into her white pussy. And that she would have to beg him to shoot his black cum in her. Then he would send her home with his cum on her wedding ring. That comment hit me hard.

A week later they agreed to meet at a coffee shop. There was no chat after that. She either met him or just stopped and stood him up.

Anger overwhelmed me like a tsunami. It was possible they had been meeting for months. I would find out.

My secretary reminded me about my meeting so I had to put a lid on my anger. After the meeting was over I went back to my office. I looked in the phone book and picked out a detective agency and called for an appointment. They had one open that afternoon.

I met with him and gave him all the information I had. I paid him and he said he would call me when he had something.

Now I had to face my wife without giving myself away. It was difficult but I managed. The evenings for the next few days were kind of quiet. I just told her I had a lot of work to do at home and stayed in my home office. It wasn't unusual and she never suspected a thing. To avoid sex I just stayed up till she was asleep. I wasn't about to stick my cock in her. I wasn't keen on getting some STD.

Four days later the detective called. He had some pictures for me. I dreaded the meeting but it had to happen. He spread the pictures out on my desk and handed me a sheath of papers. It was a detailed account of the two guys following them. I looked at the pictures.

The were meeting at a Motel 6. One was of her hugging him in the doorway. Both of her arms were around his neck and they were kissing. His hands were holding her ass cheeks. The next one was one of them standing by her car. It looked like they were kissing goodbye. All of them were time stamped. It was one hour and a half between the two. A few others were of them doing their touchy feely thing with big smiles on their faces. A ball of ice formed in my stomach.

He left and I finally broke down. I was sobbing when my secretary walked in. She gasped and walked over to the front of my desk.

"Eric, what's the matter. You're crying."

I didn't say anything. I just pointed at the pictures. She looked at them walked around and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. You poor man."

She pulled a tissue out of her pocket and handed it to me. I wiped my tears and looked at her.

"I'm sorry too. I never suspected she would do this. I don't know what to do."

"Take some time. Don't do anything drastic till you've had time to think. Go home and pack some clothes and get a motel room. You're in no condition to face her now."

"You're probably right. I'm going now. Tell Jerry I need a few days off."

"Eric, I'm here for you. Let me know if I can help. I'm a good listener."

"Thanks, Mary. I'll be in touch."

I called on the house phone to make sure she wasn't there. I quickly packed some clothes and my shaving kit. I took my files and my laptop and loaded everything in my car. I thought about leaving a note but decided against it.

I found a motel and checked in. I turned on the TV for a distraction. It didn't work. All I could think of was them together. I was a wreck. Finally, I cried myself to sleep.

I spent the next two days in a drunken stupor. Every time I came around I hit the bottle again. I had to erase all the thoughts and visions I was having.

After the second day I woke in the morning. I sat up and looked around. Everything was just where I left it. The empty beer cans, the booze bottles and some fast food wrappers. I was still dressed, laying on the sofa. I had a world class hangover. I felt like a train had run over me. I dragged my sorry ass in and took a shower and shaved off my two day old beard. I sat on the sofa trying to come up with something. I needed a plan. I knew I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. I pushed the hurt away and let my anger flow. She wasn't going to get off easy.

I got dressed and went to the bank. I emptied all the accounts and opened new ones in my name only. I canceled all the credit cards except one in my name. I went by the power company and had the electricity and gas turned off at the house. I stopped by DMV and changed her car license to non op. I told them I was putting it in storage. I called the car insurance company and canceled the policy. I couldn't cancel her cell phone. It was in her name.

I wanted to get rid of her without her getting anything out of the marriage. If I cut off her money she wouldn't have enough to hire a lawyer. If she moved to her parents I could divorce her on grounds of abandonment.

My cell phone had been ringing all morning and I just let it go to voice mail. I had nothing to say. Let her stew in her own juice.

That evening while I was eating dinner I saw a text from my son.

"Dad. What's up with you and Mom. Call me."

I finished eating and called him from the parking lot.

"Hi, Brian."

"Hi, Dad. Mom called. She is going nuts. She said you and her had an argument and you moved out."

"An argument, huh? There's a little more to it than an argument."

"What, Dad. Tell me."

"She has a boyfriend. She's been cheating for quite a while. I found out and moved out."

"Holy crap, Dad. Are you sure?"

"I hired a PI to check on her. He got pictures of them together. I'm afraid it's true."

"I can't believe she would do that. She really loves you."

"Exactly what I thought. I guess we're both wrong."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make her pay. Call me what ever you want but she is going to pay."

"Dad, please don't do anything stupid. I don't want to visit you in jail."

"Nothing like that will happen. I'm just cutting everything off. All she has left is her cell phone."

"I can understand you being angry. Isn't this a little drastic?"

"She broke her vows and as far as I'm concerned our marriage is over. I refuse to support her any longer. Let lover boy support her. She can't even be honest with you. Next time you talk to her make her tell the truth. It should be a new learning experience for her."

"I don't know what to do, Dad."

"I'll suggest you stay out of it as much as you can. Don't try to take sides. It will work it's self out."

"I won't just drop her. It's really rotten what she did, but she's my Mom."

"I'm not asking you to drop her. She'll always be your mother."

"Damn, Dad. You must be really pissed."

"Yep, that and hurt too. After being married for twenty two years and she decides it's ok to fuck someone else."

"OK, Dad. Keep me posted on what's going on. I love you."

"I love you too, son."

"Bye bye, Dad. Take it easy on yourself."

"I'll try. Bye bye."

On the way back to my motel room I got a call from Sarah's parents. I waited till I got in the room to call them.

"Hi, Mom. I was driving and couldn't answer your call."

"Eric, What happened with you and Sarah. She called and she was crying so much I had trouble understanding her."

"What did she tell you?"

"Just that you two had an argument and you moved out."

"Yeah, that's what she's telling everyone. There's much more to it than that."

"What is it? What happened, Eric?"

"She won't tell the truth so I guess I have to. She has a lover."

"Oh my god, Eric. Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mom, there's no doubt. I have pictures of them together."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry for you. I can't believe she did that. She wasn't raised that way."

"I guess she thought she could get away with it. I think it's been going on for a few months."

"I'm sorry Eric. I can't imaging how hurt you are."

"Mom, you should know what I did. I closed all the bank accounts. She may be calling you for money."

"Are you going to divorce her?"

"Not soon. I'll decide later what to do. I refuse to support her and I know we can't ever be husband and wife again."

"If you've cut her off, she may have to come here."

"If she want's to go to your place I'll gladly buy her a plane ticket."

"I hope this won't keep us from our grandson. How is he taking it?"

"He is like you. He can't believe it either. He loves you guys so don't worry about that."

"We love you too, Eric. Please stay in touch. OK?"

"I will, Mom. I love you too."


I waited a day and started the payback.

I knew her Facebook password so I opened her page. I wanted all of her friends to know what a slut she was. I posted the pictures of them kissing and I added a caption.

"Here's me and my lover. He is so hot. I just love taking his big black cock in my hot white pussy. He makes me cum so hard it's almost a religions experience. You haven't lived till you've had a big load of black cum in your pussy. It's amazing how good the orgasm are. Especially if he's hung. Big black cocks rule."

Then I changed her password.

'Take that you cheating slut.'

An hour later my phone started going off every few minutes. Most of them were from Sarah. A few from some of our friends. I just deleted everything and turned off my phone.

That evening I checked my phone. My voice mail was full and I had a ton of texts. I answered the texts from my friends. I mostly told them I would be in touch when the dust settled. One of the calls was from her Mother. I called her.

"HI, Mom. Sorry, but I had to turn off my phone."

"I saw what you did on her Facebook page. That was pretty cold."

"Yeah, it was. It's just how I feel inside. Cold and angry."

"How did you find our about her affair."

"It was kind of an accident. I overheard two women talking about having black lovers. They mentioned a chat room where they hooked up. I really didn't believe it was real so I checked it out. I found Sarah's profile there. I figured out her password and read her chat. It was, how should I say, revealing. I could send you a copy if you want. After you read it you'll be able to understand how I feel."

"That won't be necessary. I know you're hurt and angry, but you need to start letting it go. If you don't it will consume you. You should think about some kind of counseling."

"I've already thought about that. I will in the near future."

"I should tell you. Sarah is thinking about coming here to live."

"OK, let me know if she needs a plane ticket. And you should get her into some counseling too."

"I understand. She's pretty messed up now. She's dealing with the guilt and the hurt she caused you. She keeps saying she wants to talk with you."

"I can't really see where it will help. Her chat log and actions pretty much tell me everything. I want her out of my life as soon as possible. Then we can both move on.


That Monday I went back to work. I knew my boss would be watching me closely. On Wednesday he called me into his office.

"Sit down, Eric."

"Yes, Sir. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about your performance over the last two days. It's way off. You're not doing the job I hired you to do. You're the best man I know for your job and your department is falling way off. I want you to get your shit in one pile and do your job like you know how. I want you to go see a doctor. If you don't I'll have security drag you there. Go to your primary doctor and get some help. You can't do this alone.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to let you down. I'll call today and get an appointment."

"Good. I'll handle your job till your get back on an even keel. Take all the time off you need."

"Thanks for understanding. I'll do my best for you."


My job performance quickly came back up to normal with the medication which made my boss extremely happy. He had enough irons in the fire and didn't need mine too.

The combination of that and the weekly counseling sessions I was feeling pretty good about myself.

Sarah kept calling wanting to talk. I didn't take her calls or answer her texts. One day I saw her parked at my motel. I don't know how she found me. I waited till she left and moved to another one. Her calls slowly dwindled to almost none. I guess she was finally getting the message.

Her allowing him to send her home with his cum on her wedding ring was the hardest thing I had to deal with. I remember the day I proposed to her. She squealed and started crying, kissing me all over my face as I slid the ring on her finger. It was the happiest day of my life. She completely shit all over one of my fondest memories. No fucking way I could ever forgive her for that one.

The PI had found out who her lover was. It turns out that he was married. I didn't know if they had an open marriage but I sent the pictures to his wife anyway. I never did hear what happened. I hoped she took him for everything.

My divorce from Sarah took quite a while. I files under abandonment. I did have the receipt for the plane ticket as evidence. It took a year after filing. I guess they had to make me wait to see if she really did take off. My lawyer took care of all the detail.

The self gratification got old and I hooked up with some of secretaries that were flirting with me. The sex was pretty good, but I made it clear I didn't want to get into any long range relationships. A couple of them tried to "fix" my problems. They gave up after a while. We ended up just fuck buddies.

A lot of my fair weather friends faded away but the real ones stuck by me. They dropped Sarah like a bad habit. Some of them told me they got in her shit big time when they found out what she did.

I thought about meeting her and rubbing her nose in all the stuff I saw in her chat log but my counselor talked me out of it. She said I had done enough. She watched as I logged in and closed her Facebook page. It was more than symbolic. She called the beginning of closure.

What happened to Sarah? I never did meet up with her. I didn't want to hear all the usual bullshit about how wonderful I was ...blah blah blah, and how much she loved me and how her affair had nothing to do with me. It was just sex...blah blah blah. Can we work it our and get back together...blah blah blah. Finally, through her mother she took me up on the offer of a plane ticket and flew out of my life.

After she left I got ready to move back in the house. I called Goodwill and had them take every stick of furniture except my recliner and the TV. I had them take all the clothes she left too. I threw out all of the pictures of us. I stripped the kitchen of all of her little touches. The cute little pot holders, a home sweet home plaque, and some plants she had in the window all went into the trash. After every trace of her was gone I had the inside painted a different color. I bought a minimum of furniture just for myself. I made the bedroom that we shared for so many years into my home office. The only thing left to remind me of her was the carpet.

I got a call that her car had been towed. I guess she got caught speeding and they ran her plates. I just left it at the tow yard. They could auction it off for the tow bill.

Her parents and I stayed in contact over the later years. We exchanged Birthday cards, Christmas cards and an occasional email. Sarah was never mentioned, which was perfectly fine with me.

Brian went on to graduate from college. He met and married a real sweetheart. They were both madly in love. They gave me two grandsons and a granddaughter. I guessed he stayed in contact with

Sarah but her name never came up.

Two years after my divorce was final I met Amy. We dated for almost a year before I asked her to marry me. We had a little ceremony in the courthouse and flew to Hawaii for a week for our honeymoon. Her first priority was to womanize the house. She made it into a nice comfortable home.

Life was good again.

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EvelZombieEvelZombieabout 1 year ago

This story is bullshit. I don't mind the scenario set up. But if your going to do a revenge fantasy at least make it somewhat believable. He emptied the accounts so she couldn't afford a lawyer? First red flag in revenge story, she is a stay at home wife, she doesn't need any money the husband would have to pay for her lawyer. She would more than take him to the cleaners for all the stupid illegal stuff the MC did. Forcing her to leave the house because she is broke so he could file for abandonment in court LMAO. Did the author even do a cursory search on Google or talk to anyone with some basic legal knowledge. I don't mind the BTB revenge story but when these go so far off into fantasy land, it just takes me right out of it. Nothing the MC did for revenge would have worked out for him in real life. 1 star from me

Carioca_ManCarioca_Manover 2 years ago

A very well done story, written and black from reality.

Betrayal is always betrayal. No matter the color, age or gender of the offending partner. This is a fact. I believe that this stigma of the black bull, is very much on the heads of insecure men and too much in the cunts of many horny women.

The author walked the common road. Your protagonist found out, suffered the pain, went through the "irrational" rationalization of having a post-cuck plan, and engendered his "revenge".

I agree with Just Words: "no baseball bats". After all, even the lover, knowing his fuck partner's condition, he had no commitment to Eric. Sarah owed respect, love and truth.

Financially draining the future ex-wife was the only way, after all if he didn't have the money to pay for the divorce, why should he worry about the bitch's financial situation???

Ah... but she is the mother of his child, the good Samaritans will say. And Sarah was now just that... the woman he had a child with. Sorry if I'm too strict, but a past of happiness ends up clouded by a bucket of shit thrown on it.

I offered 4 stars. The good life Eric regained with Amy two years later was comforting. But I confess that Sarah should have had a little more pain and that Brian's attitude could have come back and bit his ass. It would be the cherries on the sundae, sorry I don't like cake.

But that's just my opinion.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 3 years ago

That was a very good and rather original burn story. It makes a lot more sense than the usual baseball bat story because it's a lot more legal. Thanks for sharing.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Started out good and then it appeared you got bored and just did some sleep typing at the end. To the point it really ruined the score.

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Cut the slut off...

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