Twin Cities Tryst Ch. 07


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"I'm sure it would've been a great time, my love, but it wouldn't be nearly as wonderful as it has been, would it?" I pointed out.

"Yeah," she admitted, nodding against her forearm, staring off at nothing in particular. "I just don't know if it was worth this pain I'm feeling. That sounds awful to say, I know, but it hurts so much, Michael. I'm so in love with you."

She turned to look up into my eyes, taking my hands in hers. Her expression was very earnest, almost pleading. "More than anything, I want to be yours, to be your woman, to be your wife! I'd even have kids for you!"

I nodded. "I love the sound of that, darling, but we both know that ultimately you wouldn't be happy that way. Ultimately."

She smiled weakly: "Ultimately is such a long way off, though."

I pulled her to me and hugged her tight. She buried her face against my chest while I rested my chin on top of her head. I could feel her getting my shirt wet as she cried, but it didn't bother me. I found myself wishing I knew what to do.

And I had no damn idea.

I winced inwardly as my alarm on my cellphone went off in my clip. I could feel Janie slowly shaking her head at the sound.

"Too soon," she said in a voice barely more than a whisper. "It's too soon..."

I just held her, neither of us willing to face what that damnable alarm meant -- it was time to go back and get the car.

"Okay," she said finally in the tiniest of voices. "Lets ... let's go ..."

We turned back and retraced our steps, heading to the hotel and the parking garage. We might have walked faster, to make it on time, but I was reasonably certain neither of us was too concerned about paying an extra ten dollars for the car at this point. Nothing really mattered that much, to be honest.

But we finally did arrive back at the hotel, and we retrieved the car. We got in and buckled up, sitting in the parking spot for some minutes, just holding hands. Predictably, though, Janie unbuckled and crawled into my lap, bursting into tears as she straddled me, and we began kissing, holding on to one another. There was no room to fuck in her car effectively, not in the front seats and certainly not in the underground parking lot of a major hotel. But we kissed and held one another as if the end of the world were nigh.

Inevitably, we let go of one another, and she climbed back into her seat before driving us out of the garage. Janie wiped at her eyes a lot as she drove, trying to keep them clear for driving. I have to admit, my eyes stung too, even if I hid it better. Or at all. I certainly didn't want to. Every light and every corner brought us closer to the bus station, and my departure.

She slowly turned us into the bus station parking lot, and we sat together for a few more minutes, saying little. Another alarm on my phone, indicating that my bus was leaving in thirty minutes. Janie hung her head and squeezed her eyes shut, tears dropping onto her lap as she tried to control herself.

"It's not fair ..." she choked, shaking her head, tears still falling. "I want to be married to you ..."

We got out of the car and pulled my luggage out of the trunk. We trudged toward the departure gate, knowing I'd have to go inside momentarily, to make sure I got a decent seat. Her eyes were still red, but she smiled at me.

"We ... we should take some last pictures, Michael," she said almost wearily, taking out her cellphone. I did the same, and we stood together, smiling for the camera, or leaning in to kiss. Neither of us tried to hide the anguish in our eyes.

And the kisses were almost painful for us both, knowing they were our last ones.

Sweet but bitter.

She pulled back from my lips and looked up at me, my heart aching as I could see the hurt in her. How could this be?

"Michael, I ..." she trailed off, wondering what she meant to say. "I want to say don't worry, I'll be fine, and maybe that's true, but it doesn't at all feel like it. Everything feels awful, and wrong. I --"

My phone rang, but I ignored it, letting her continue.

"I can't imagine doing anything except spending the next God knows how long lying in my bed sobbing hysterically, and trying to not drink myself to death. Because with you gone, that's all I want to do."

She threw herself against me, shuddering as she buried her face in my chest.

"Why does it have to be like this?" she sobbed.

My phone rang again, and I glanced at the screen in irritation. It was work. No doubt making sure I'd be back in time for my next shift.

Janie smiled weakly and sniffled. "Maybe you should answer it, Michael. It's your job, after all."

I sighed and answered the call, putting it on speakerphone and not even bothering to hold it to my ear.

"Hello?" I inquired dully.

"Hey, Mike, it's Lukas," said the person on the other end of the line. He was the Front of the House manager and my boss. "How's it going out there?"

"About to leave, unfortunately," I replied, my tone leaving no room for doubt as to my thoughts on the matter. "It was over way to soon."

"Yeah, I can see that," Lukas said easily. "How're your finances holding up?"

I frowned slightly. Weird question to ask. "I'm doing all right. Why?"

"Because our owner decided to get new floors through the entire restaurant this week, so we're gonna be closed," he said. "Just found out myself and thought I'd see if I could catch you before you left, ask you if you wanted to extend your vacay out there for another seven days. There'll be nothing to do here with no customers to serve. Whaddya say?"

I looked from my phone over to Janie, who seemed to be bursting with what I could only described as delight and excitement. I laughed heartily and nodded. "Sure thing, boss. I'll stay out here until next Sunday. See you in a week."

"Enjoy yourself, bud, just don't become a Vikings fan!" Lukas laughed before hanging up.

I ended the call and looked at Janie, who was practically trembling as she looked at me. I was almost worried she was going to pee herself.

"So," I said finally, putting my phone away. "Mind if I crash on your couch for the next week?"

"MICHAEL!!" Janie cried out as she threw herself against me ...


Author's Notes: For the love of Sanguinius, read the epilogue, people!

Sorry there was such a long stretch when I didn't update, but I have been crazy busy at work (Starfleet waits for no man), I ran into a severe case of writer's block for a bit, and then I had six chapters in the Alexaverse to put out in two side-by-side story arcs. So I got a little behind.

But here we are at the end of TCT (except for the epilogue, read it!), and I hope you enjoyed it. This opens up a spot for me to begin publishing another story, one I'm very much looking forward to. You'll see it soon enough.

Non-fiction is often harder to write than fiction, if for no other reason than one's feelings and perceptions of events compromising the ability to form adequate prose on the subject.

Simply put, memories and associated emotions can keep you from writing effectively sometimes. This has been the case with me concerning Twin Cities, My Naughty Neighbour, and Like a Daughter to Me. But I'll get back to them in full force, fear not.

It is February the 5th, so Happy Year of the Pig, to those who celebrate the Lunar New Year. Hope 2019 is treating you well, and I'll have more stories for you soon.

Keep your stick on the ice!



I did indeed stay with Janie for a whole other week, back at her apartment, where we fucked each other silly, day in and day out. Janie was in tears most of that first night, and the following day, but they were tears of joy, so I let them flow freely.

Did we get married? Funny story, but not altogether unexpected. On the second day, Janie happened to message Annie, the red-headed stripper, and excitedly gush to her that I was staying another week. Clearly over any concern she might have had that we intended to chop her up and put her in a stew, Annie got the address and hurried over. She was barely in the door before she and Janie were kissing fiendishly and tearing one another's clothes off. The three of us went at it like demons until the following morning, when we had to let Annie go to school.

To my amusement, she became a fixture at Janie's that week, always coming over and getting involved in our little trysts. Not that I minded, since she was wonderful to have sex with, and clearly Janie was into her. And while I remained Janie's focus for the week, it was great to see their friendship bloom so readily.

By the end of my second week, Janie and I had exhausted ourselves on one another. It's not that we were tired of each other, by any means, but I think we more or less got our 'desperately in love' issue out of our system. Yes, Janie cried when she drove me to the bus and I headed home, but she wasn't devastated and miserable, like the first time. Having Annie there no doubt helped. I was okay too. I'd miss her, no doubt, and I loved my Janie to death, but things were fine.

Not surprisingly, Janie and Annie began dating soon after our vacation, and I got a call one day from my beloved blonde, excitedly informing me that Annie was moving in with her as her roommate. I laughed and congratulated her, but I could already tell where this was headed.

Sure enough, early the next year, I headed out to the Twin Cities again, this time to watch as the two of them got married, and I couldn't have been happier for my Janie. Both families were in attendance, and it was wonderful to see Erika again, who had naturally received an invite. They didn't have a honeymoon, but declared they didn't need one, either. I had also been instructed to not book a hotel, since I would be staying with them, and you can imagine how the next couple of days went. Rest assured, I left the Twin Cities thoroughly worn out.

They've been married for a few years now, and are as happy as any couple could hope to be, barring their constant whining at me about being the donor for a child they have planned. I haven't said yes, even though they've insisted we make said baby the 'old-fashioned way' and take as many sessions as necessary to get it done. Tempting.

The Twin Cities are a good distance away from where I live these days, but I am still always welcome to come and visit, of course, and I look forward to my next sojourn. Janie and I still the best of friends, and perhaps still in love, after a fashion, but she's happily married, and I'm content to be the only guy in her life.

And a most delightful tryst it had been, too.


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Insemin8Insemin8almost 2 years ago

Finally read this Love it.

JimDiamondJimDiamondabout 3 years ago

An absolutely wonderful story and writing. But if true I do feel a bit sorry for you. Hell if you wanted to you should have married the two of them and the three of you lived happily ever after. I have had a similar experience with just one woman and one of the sadist things things in my life is that I allowed that to somewhat slip away. Thinking about it and the feeling that there was a whole in my soul as I sat on the plane to fly away still brings that pang of loss. When you get that rare chance you should keep it close. When you are lucky enough to catch a falling star put it in the pocket of your heart and never let it go...

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 5 years ago
Good writing - but...

I do enjoy all your stories. I guess I understand why you had this one end that way - but I feel you were so set on ending the story how you planned it, you didn't let the characters go where they, as characters, needed to go. It felt like here she had to be a lesbian almost in the same way that someone is white, or black or native american - something that can't change no matter how you want it to. It's almost as if you gave her a set of rules that would not allow her to adjust the way she wanted to live her life.

In fact I kept going back to chapter one to see whether I'd missed her having a legal partner, because it was as if she had a set time out, and when the clock ran out she would be punished for cheating.

I feel you perhaps could have seen it more like nationality. You can change nationality, and people do - simply by moving countries and stating their desire to remain there. They also alter their sexuality - all the time, from day to day and from hour to hour. I tend to think that personal sexuality is not a point on a circle, it's an arc of that circle. And where you are on that arc can shift depending on so many factors, right down to what you ate or drank for breakfast. Some arcs are very small, some extend a long way around the circumference, but it's never just a point. Hell, sometimes the arcs themselves shift around the circle.

I guess what I'm saying here is - bad Biscuit! They were completely in love and you let them throw it away so quickly and completely.

I still liked the story though.

clackormanclackormanover 5 years ago

I came late to the party on this one. I somehow missed chapters 1-6, so I went back and read them first. Oh my word! That is some of the best writing I have ever read on here. I am a fan and look forward to diving in and read your other offerings. Good job!

SabarthSabarthover 5 years ago

Had similar experience over 10 yrs ago, was it love, lust who knows, she is now married, has children, we still chat but have not seen each other since. Im her Canadian guy lol, we share this secret and would not trade the memories for anything, well maybe a million$... cause would then get on a plane and make new ones lol. Thanks. Can’t wait for the next one!

PS I knew it that you were working on that little Discovery “documentary” lol awesome!

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