All Comments on 'The Story of Victoria and Will'

by lover1953

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Bebop3Bebop3almost 5 years ago
Well Written Story

about someone that looked like an earthling, but clearly wasn't.

He should have divorced her as soon as she hooked up with Ian. He should have divorced her immediately following his meeting with Ian and learned about all her lies. He should have started securing himself financially and doing everything necessary to protect himself and his relationship with his children as soon as Ian told him that she had said she was on the brink of divorce. He should have divorced her as soon as she stayed overnight with Henry.

The pacing, the dialogue and the nuts and bolts writing were fine. The depiction of the protagonist was not believable in the least.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I liked your story......

Mainly because it gave me pause to reflect on how we flawed human beings --- beings that supposedly thrive on, and indeed require, relationships of varying degrees of intimacy -- can act in such self-destructive ways, all the while deluding ourselves that we're doing something positive, wonderful, fulfilling and grand! And I suppose sex without intimacy can be felt as a good thing. But that's just it: we're at our worst when being selfish. Ugh. Yeah, it wasn't a very erotic tale; pretty quotidian actually. But such things are needed from time to time, even on place like LW! Kind of yanks up back to the ultimate reality (and fantasy). A Nicely told tale, but is it really fictional? Hmmm. Yeah, it is. A family with seven kids in 21st century USA. That's a lot more rare than a cheating spouse!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I don't think you made Will into a big enough wimp, go back try again I am sure you can come up with something to make him less of a man maybe make his balls the size of a pea then he could be called sweet pea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Finally a husband with some stones

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 5 years ago

"I should have just divorced her lying ass a long time ago"

Yes, why didn't he? The marriage was finished as soon as Victoria told him she wanted to fuck other men. I just don't get why he put up with her shit for so long, especially after finding out she started the affair a month before she demanded an open relationship.

The kids basically telling Victoria to go fuck herself after she abandoned them made for a refreshing change. I hate the usual bullshit, where the faithful husband reprimands the children for not keeping in contact with their mother when she ignores her family and turns into a slut.

I'm glad it had a happy ending, with him starting a new family with Charlotte. A final post-divorce dialogue with Victoria might have been nice, with her bitterly regretting throwing her family away.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 5 years ago

I'm barely into the story and you hit me with "Jeepers"!!!!!??????? Aaarrrgghhhh! LoL!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 5 years ago
Writing about life in the US while

not living here or being a citizen has its challenges. Sometimes I fear those who read LW think these stories represent life in the United States. It was a simple story, a bit drawn out and slowly told with the usual ending. The non-American expressions and terms were the only real indicators it was written by someone from Britain or Australia. Nattering is simply not a part of American vocabulary. Thanks for posting.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 5 years ago
Unless I missed it, Victoria wasn’t responsible for child support for her three kids

How does that happen?

This was decently written up to the perspective change. Yeah, I know: writing in first person means that there are things that can’t be told, and that means the author has to be satisfied with not giving the reader every little detail. There will always be some readers who will complain about that, but you can’t please everybody. We didn’t really need to know how Victoria reacted when she was served or how the server got through the door! We could tell that she wasn’t happy by her interactions with Will.

And really, Victoria was just a cardboard cutout; nothing was really developed about her. She was selfish, and that was it. That she missed her oldest kid’s birthday party? That was an over the top caricature.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
waited so long

Why oh why put up for so long. Also, once he got the truth from Ian he didn't confront her? She cheated a month before her "talk" and he just let that go. To me that was divorce time for certain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Oddly unemotional and irrational.

This story does not reflect normal human emotions, actions, and reactions. Why?

Made no sense for the wife to out herself fucking Ian. She had been fucking him for a month and the husband never knew. Why would she fuck that up?

Why did the husband even discuss or trust this stupid bitch once she made the proposal? He says she's going to do whatever she wants anyway, so why doesn't he assume she is now fucking around?

And the wife just abandons her marriage and her children? And this is supposed to be a normal loving mother? Just has Martian Slut Ray written all over it. No real explanation or understanding of her actions, she just suddenly becomes a faithless whore.

Thanks for the effort, but it was just too contrived and ridiculous.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 5 years ago

Has this ever happened anywhere?

Happily ever after now with a woman who was willing to be a fuck buddy with a still married man? A man who put up with being cuckolded by his first wife for how long? Fun little story but...really? Who doesn’t walk away immediately or soon after she pesters him into this? He’s a LAWYER! Say no and then sic the PI on her.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 5 years ago
On Aug 19th,

some pompous posers of CLIT will be postings in Romance and LW for the reading pleasure of the general public. Laurel is shrewdly promoting the event in Sci-fi and Fantasy today. She's a regular P T Barnum.

The good news is Ohio has been cajoled and insulted into dropping a story for us. For that I am grateful. Imagine having qhml1, Longhorn_7, dtiverson, Ohio, Idaho, and several others posting on the same day. By others, I mean Woodmanone, Bebop3, Stev2244, HDK, BlackRandl1958, Laptopwriter MattBlack, RichardGerald and possibly a few others if we can find a way to communicate with them. This list is subject to change at a moment's notice.

Bitches may be burned, or taken back with open arms. Tears will flow as you read the romantic efforts of these literary artists. Sci-fi stories will never be the same. This event sprang from the fertile mind of qhml1, aka Q. You're going to love it.

KingBandorKingBandoralmost 5 years ago
I don't get why a man would put up with this

There was 0 benefit to the hubby.

He did not agree to the open marriage. When his wife insisted he should have filed for divorce, if only as a way to force the issue.

When she started seeing Ian, he should have filed.

If not, the first time she violated the rules... file.

More than 1 or 2 per month... file.

The first sleepover.... file.

Sex life not improving? File... hell, he never even tried to discuss it or renegotiate or anything !

But, after he talked to Ian, he found out it was all LIES. She was fucking Ian for a month before the discussion of open marriage came up. That means she was cheating! Not only that, but it was not just casual sex, it was a relationship. She was Ian's girlfriend. At a minimum, he should have confronted her about the lies, deception, cheating, etc and give her an ultimatum to stop or divorce.

Nope. No confrontation. He just let it continue.

Why would a man put up with this? Is he that much of a wimp or. pacifist? Kif he doesnt like conflict, that's fine. Divorce quietly and end the sham. Let lawyers do it.

That's as far as I got when I had to comment. Diving in again.


dragonmann72dragonmann72almost 5 years ago
Dear Lover...

I read this story with an open mind. It was going OK until page three, then you did this:

You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was that surprised. "Wow, Charlotte, you're gorgeous."

I was is decent shape and had been running a lot lately to burn off the stress of dealing with Victoria.

I stepped into the bedroom and Victoria eyed me up and down and I could see the smile on her face.

Victoria was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed and a glass of wine in her hand and whistled "Ooohh, I think I'm gonna like that."

Charlotte got up and put down her glass on the table and after a brief pause we kissed.

Just for a brief moment I thought I was Pam Ewing and saw Bobby come out of the shower.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 5 years ago
Good story

There have been very few good ones lately. Thanks

dunmovynivdunmovynivalmost 5 years ago

You write well. Character descriptions could be could be more personable. I know what you said about writing about real life, which is what you did here. However, everybody lives real life every day. When we look for entertainment, we seek unusual and exciting events. You have a good base in the story. A great story would introduce an unusual, exciting event, which changes the flow of real life. The real life character then, leads an extraordinary path, taking the reader along. Work on your UUE’S, and you will do well.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1almost 5 years ago
Couple things

Good story

The flinging of marshmallows is crazy. That would burn someone badly. You must not have made smores or have kids I would guess. Very dangerous.

I understand why he hung on for a while. I am sure the kill the wife complaints will show up, but it was a believable plot line.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

You checked all the boxes...

But you made the wife seem way less sophisticated than anyone would believe.

KingBandorKingBandoralmost 5 years ago
Ok, so I finished it

The insane behavior of Will continued. He was unwilling to even confront Victoria or try to stop thing UNTIL he got laid! Then suddenly he grew balls.

The story was ruined for me though, in the middle of the sex scene with Charlotte, he walks out of the bathroom and you call her Victoria multiple times. If you don't care enough about the story to not MIX up the wife and new girlfriend, why should we?

So, Will allowed this to happen. There is a thing called Condonation, which means he legally condoned her actions. He did tacitly by not taking any action. Also, the fact that he had contact with her and she periodically made her presence felt, means she did not ABANDON him and the kids. She was doing what he allowed, which is living with a lover. He knew where she was. He spoke to her often.

By the way, even though you asserted his prior ownership of the home, he cannot legally lock her out or prevent her from access. It is her legal residence. She has a right to be there. He would need a court order, which you did not mention.

Now, he is punishing her for what he allowed to go on for a year and a half.

So, it started out interesting. It kept my interest throughout. However, you said this is realistic but his reaction and behavior make no sense. Was the rl man such a wimp

? Or did he spend the year and a half fighting for his marriage only to eventually give up? Was there ANY reason why he stayed together so long?

It is far harder for men to get casual sexual relationships than it is for women. Often, men go into the lifestyle, believing the hype, and thinking they will be rolling in women. Then, they find out their wife is popular, gets more suitors than she can handle, including men and women, while hubby stays home, alone, jerking off to cuckold porn.

In the end, I liked the story and your writing. I hated the characters.


Greyheaded1Greyheaded1almost 5 years ago
Well written but plot was very simplistic

Victoria was written as such a selfish woman only one dimension - just motivated by sex.

Neither Victoria or Will were developed as interesting characters. Maybe lover1953 was trying to make Will very sympathetic by his patience with the open marriage. Will came off to me as weak indecisive and justified his wife looking for an upgrade.

I think the author wrote what he knows. He sees women only for sex when in reality they are a thousand times more complex than men and sex is more likely a top twenty item not number one.

I think we learned more about the author than the character when after a long celibate drought Will approaches a woman and says “hey want to be my fuck buddy?” In the author’s mind this attractive woman says “yes”. Turn off the porn and go talk to real women at least twice a week dude.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago

"Just think of the new things that we might learn about how we can pleasure each other that we don't do now." - Isn't that what the Internet is for?

I can never see how having sex with someone else increases your passion for you spouse.

Besides being opposed to open marriages in general, when the partner proposing it already has someone in mind, it seems like it's just a way to have an affair without the risk.

"Why don't we just go see a sex therapist" - I was going to say that!

The fact that her attempt to convince him has stepped up their sex life is proof that they CAN do it on their own!

If they've done "pretty much" the same thing every time, then DON'T do the same thing every time! There's only so many ways to have sex, just what can someone else "teach" them?

"It seems that Victoria started having sex with Ian about a month before she and I had agreed to an open marriage." - That should have ended the marriage, or at least the idea of an open marriage, right there!

"What girlfriend? Victoria is my girlfriend." - More lies! Why didn't he slam the door on the "open marriage" right then and there?

When she came at him pissed, why the fuck didn't he confront her with her lies?

"I should have just divorced her lying ass a long time ago but I didn't." - Yep! And at this point, who gives a fuck if she "comes to her sense" or not? The whole open marriage thing started with a lie, as a cover for the affair that she was already having, and she repeatedly violated the terms they "agreed" to.

She cancels a meeting with him and will come by next week "sometime?"

"find the passion and intensity that you and I have lost" - No, it wasn't "lost," she threw it away!

"she doesn't want to be a mother to our children or be my wife anymore" - She SAYS she does, even if her actions belie it.

"Yeah, my dick; would alcohol make me not keep an erection long enough" - We got it, you didn't need to explain it!

"washed my hands" - I would hope so!

I realize the "open marriage" was just a cover for the affair, but assuming she wanted to keep her marriage, why didn't she just stick to the agreement?

Husband is telling the story, he can't know what is happening at her apartment.

How can she be so surprised?

Again, since when does "open marriage" involve shacking up with another guy?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Story doesn’t Work

She screws another guy bareback, leaves him with 3 kids for a year and he gets a bit miffed.

Should be, “honey I want an open marriage”. “Sure there’s the door don’t let it hit you too hard in the ass on you’re way out. I’ll send you the divorce paperwork.”

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 5 years ago
Nope, he's not a big enough cuckold

also he isn't any American I've heard of. And some of the words used sound like your from the UK. But other than that.....3* to much of a willing cuckold to me. If you didn't agree with the open marriage, tell her to pack her shit before she goes on the date. Also when he found out she lied, just more wood to add to the fire.

Danger09Danger09almost 5 years ago
I really didn't understand what he had to think about .

As soon as she brought up opening the marriage. the only thing the loser husband should've been thinking about was division of assets, custody of the kids and who gets the house. She wasn't asking for a one night stand, she was asking for a boyfriend on the side. What type of wimp would allow his wife, mother of his kids, to not only fuck but move in with her boyfriend for a year?!.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

There was an interesting story to be told but it ended up being extremely dry

KalimaxosKalimaxosalmost 5 years ago
It can happen

Believe it or not, something similar happened to a coworker. She was in and out for months as he took care of the kids. When she decided to get back home, the kids refused to talk to her but her husband took her back. I've heard she's still screwing around. Now the husband has a girlfriend. The kids are a mess.

Both of them married out of high school. Never got to date or have fun. Now they are acting like teenagers while their teenagers are left to fend on their own.

Open marriage is a joke. Most fail. Yet many swingers make ut through. Why?

HONESTY, and just some sex variety. No relationships with others. If your marriage is secure, sex with another couple can be fun.

Baddogie59Baddogie59almost 5 years ago
Great story

It's sad that she was not honest with her husband as to what she really wanted. I mean she just wanted to stay married but have her affair at the same time with her full time lover. So so sad.

I was happy to see he was able to find someone to have a good life with and get the kind of women he deserved.

hotprof1973hotprof1973almost 5 years ago
Not bad but some things that bugged me

When Will discovered Victoria started the affair a month before he agreed, which was before she even brought up the idea, it made sense how she was so against him talking to the guy. However, nothing was done with the revelation Victoria was cheating well before asking for an open marriage. There was enough introduced to make the husband seem pathetic and the wife heartless without that information if nothing was going to happen with it. I thought forgetting the daughters birthday was a nice touch, but Victoria’s reaction was almost too unbelievable- mother’s guilt is huge. When it was an agreed open marriage, I never understood why Will waited over a year to look for casual sex. Waiting to find a replacement, yes, but a sexual partner guilt free when his wife abandoned him made no sense. Liked the writing and premise, but those things distracted me from the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Well written

I try to separate my dislike of the characters from my critique of the story. That's I'd have dumped her ass in the first 10 seconds is not a relevant criticism, since not everyone is the same. The husband was complacent from the beginning, so it was consistent that he come to the divorce decisions slowly.

There were times when the pacing seemed a little uneven, but that might be just me.

In every story, there are times to gloss over the details, and speed things up, and other areas where the pace needs to slow down.

If the focus of discord is on the bitch ignoring her children, then maybe a little more dialogue from the kids is in order. By that point, I get that the husband is pissed and has written off the wife. But kids cling more, so dialogue from them is appropriate when it is not so terse. Even teens want their parents (though they'd deny it), so their angst can be more palpable. And how a father copes with that is another source of (internal) conflict that is worth detailing.

Looking forward to more submissions from you. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

i have to agree with some of the comments down below i dont kno any one who would ever react like these people victoria is just a superficial slut who cares only what dick she gets in her cunt wich is just fake and will is so weak that no woman would have ever even looked ad him so basicly heis the kind of guy that live with his mother till he inherits the house couze she died

sorry for my bad english

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Didn't I read this same story someplace before?

As I try to remember, it was almost the same and this one no better.

Try a different venue!


BillandKateBillandKatealmost 5 years ago
Amusing Story

And, of course, you had to know you'd get blasted for making the husband such a wimp. But, there are men like that out there. Just happy this one finally saw the light and threw her out. Plus, we like fairy tale endings.

A couple of suggestions; since you don't live in the states, why try and write stories that take place in the U.S.? And as we suggested to another author here - slow down - the stories improve with more editing. Even the great writers couldn't put out two or more short stories every month. Just saying.

Other than that - it was a pleasant read and we enjoyed it.

Wizard1983Wizard1983almost 5 years ago
Not a bad story.

You should have told us if the twins were boys, girls, or one of each. If they are girls the one son is going to have an interesting growing up

johnadpjohnadpalmost 5 years ago
Know Of Almost Exact Same Scenario With A Friend With Very Different Outcome

Interestingly the friend is a corporate attorney as well. His wife when she hit 40 had a two year affair. It was pretty obvious to everyone because she posted pictures with the other man on social media. Although she denied it to her husband and to us. The friend, her husband, is a very passive guy and she knew he wouldn't do anything about it. In fact, told that to one of her girlfriends, who actually brought up the affair to us, his friends.

We interceded with him, and apparently he went and discussed OUR suspicions with her and she denied it to him and then called one of our wives and completely denied having the affair. She would literally be gone for weeks, "on business" supposedly, to where this guy lived.

A group of us, his close friends really gave him shit about her being gone so much (leaving him to take care of their young kids), and I don't know if he grew some balls and confronted her, but all of a sudden it stopped (after two years). She stopped working for that company she was travelling with, her and the other guy's posts on social media changed (the other guy had their picture together as his homepage on FB) and their pictures together disappeared. It's been like a couple of years now and they seem to be all good.

I would have ended things with her immediately, but this friend has never had luck with women. His wife was the only woman that he has ever dated. So it's easy for me to say that I would have dropped her, because I would have easily had alternative choices. I have to say though, we lost a lot of respect for him, especially me. But he has his wife back, his kids have their mother back, knowing his limitations with the opposite sex, maybe it was for the good.

I think Harddaysknight is wrong. I think English is a second language for the author and he's not British or Australian, although he may have learned British English. So I tried to ignore the language issues. Good story overall. I can understand her falling out of love with her husband and wanting change in her life. It sucks, but it happens. What I cannot forgive is a parent fucking over their kids. That is inexcusable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
amusing story, and not very fictional

women and men both have 'dark-sides' towards their mating strategies. both are pretty evil. men spread seed. they seek out many women, and never stop. women manipulate the most status able man they can find, and will always be on the look-out for a better status male. both strategies are hard wired into our DNA.

but with stability and civilization came about marriage. or should i say that marriage created stability and civilizations. men give up their need to spread seed, and women still get to pick a high status male....once. the wife took her natural drive to it's most logical and evil conclusion. Finding one good man to raise her children, and fall back on. And leaving them to literally hook up with whomever seemed best in the most shallow sense because her financial ticket she felt was already on lock. Men do something similar when they are serial cheaters. But instead of one women, they'll hook up with as many as they can tolerate juggling. Good ending, good riddance towards the wife. She may regret the pain she caused, and I did read a little bit of that. But the thing that seemed to truly upset her was losing her meal ticket.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
very good

not much relatable about the wife, who is left a caricature but the writing and pacing are very good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
These types of honey let's try open marriage stories NEVER EVER work... and here is why

In a manner very similar to the loving wives type of story which features the other bring it tied up or imprisoned and tortured while she has sex with lots of men... These types of stories where the wife suggest That they try and open marriage never works because of several problems with this type of story. And over the years there has never been a single author who has ever been able to get The special obstacles that this kind of story presents

Invariably when the husband reluctantly agrees to this sort of marriage situation there is always a set of conditions where the husband and wife agree to abide by. Invariably and in every one's of stories the wife decides to change the conditions of the open marriage relationship.... lies about it ...gets caught lying about it ...and the husband never ever reacts

This story is a classic case of that . The entire scene after Husband confronts Ian and talks to his wife simply makes no sense. Having wife storm off and slam the bedroom door is not a confrontation about why she is lying regarding her open relationships. It's ludicrous it's badly done it's boring and makes no sense

Harryin VA

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
He never had sex with her again

Obviously, the meeting with Ian HAD to lead to immediate divorce. But long before that he was confronted with evidence confirming her lies. This was supposed to make their sex better?! But they weren’t having sex. One week without sex later he has the confront and get a resolution. If he refused sex with her while she was with Ian, he had his answer. If she didn’t want it with him, they are done. Right there.

Open marriage is BS. But if he was wimpy enough to agree he absolutely must require adherence to the terms agreed upon. For his kids if not himself. He let his wife fail their kids. No excuse.

abitshyoneabitshyonealmost 5 years ago
liked it

I enjoyed this story,, I thought the ' letting the wife have a first affair then finding out she started it a month before he agreed was a deffinate time to stop it all and tell her no, , but he carried on letting her have what she wanted, a bit wimpy yes , but he finaly saw the light, glad he turned out to be winner,, thanks for sharing ,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Room for improvement

I've read a number of your stories. You tell a good story, but there is one problem for me. You describe the evolving man's perspective well, but throughout your stories you don't give insight into the woman's view. What makes her walk away from her partner and family? This brief, 'oh, she wanted an exciting fuck', doesn't give the same insight into relationship issues, your coverage of him does. Maybe try co-writing a story with a women to give total view of an increasingly common marriage event.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Pick a POV

When she gets the divorce papers you suddenly switched from 1st to 3rd person. Later, you went from one paragraph in 3rd to 1st in the very next paragraph. If you insist on doing something this bad, at least put in something to indicate the change. It can be as simple as a short line of a special character, such as this.




Also, this is yet another story that relies on the wife being an idiot. I'm not sure which cliche is worse, the idiot wife or wimp husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
re: Well Written Story

Switching back and forth between first and third person automatically negates the very concept of well written story.

meucimeucialmost 5 years ago
Good story

I know me myself would have said absolutely not the first time she mentioned it. He gave her the choice with no consequences by saying what he did. So she kept her little affair going. Remember he talked to her first boyfriend and they started sleeping together about a month before she asked her husband about trying it. Then she told the boyfriend her marriage wasn't working and she was probably going to get divorced. In my mind her husband should have definitely seen his marriage was over for sure at that point. She was not only an adulterer but a complete liar. I don't know, but I would guess that at least 8 out of 10 open marriages end in divorce {that is just my guess} I can't imagine why anybody would risk a marriage with 3 kids and a happy home on this. But that is just my opinion. As for the writing I thought it was pretty good and I admire anybody who can write this well. I wish I could.

BillandKateBillandKatealmost 5 years ago
To: johnadp

Thanks for relating the story of your friend and his experience. Every time one of the commentators here writes, "that could never happen", we know that it has.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Okay, but

Okay story, but this one has been done dozen of times. 3 stars.

patilliepatilliealmost 5 years ago

your writing has a realism and credibility that makes it so. It still is a bit stiff in the emotion or drama measure, but overall 4*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I couldn't finish this story

A friend of mine began a long-term affair with a married woman. She and her husband remained married the entire time, and each had side lovers. What held them "together" was his income as a high-level executive for a major US retailer. She could spend all she wanted as long as she kept her affairs quiet as he was doing. Appearances, you know.

My friend and this woman were very close, until she became ill. Then my friend dropped her. She had no offspring, and died alone in the hospital. Her husband paid the bills, but paid her no respect.

I learned the hard way long ago that when something ends, it's much better to let it go completely than to try to cobble something together to hang on. It's never going to get better. This is why I couldn't finish the story. I know it's not real-life, but it's too close to it for my comfort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Weird story line !

What man lets a wife move out and live with another man ,plus she has two blatant affairs ,walks out on 3 kids. He finds a willing sex partner who he marries has 2 more kids and her two make seven. That’s insanity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Providing for seven kids, saving money for their education, and still having money to buy a holiday cottage? Sorry, but that is completely and utterly ridiculous, unless you're one of the 1%. And you didn't write this character as one...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I don't knoiw about an open marriage....

But I sure as hell can teach you how to use the OPEN DOOR!!!!!

It will still open, even after the locks are changed, just not for YOU!

YvesmiYvesmialmost 5 years ago
Not very realistic

The women in these stories are very often depicted as not very intelligent. Poor things. But this one sets a record. How about trying a different picture?

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

He moved awfully slowly in getting rid of the cheating wife. Once he decided that enough was enough he quickly dumped her. Didn't care for the open marriage bullshit, but it ended well. would suppose all the commenters who say this isn't realistic prefer the much more true to life story where the wife puts the husband in a cage and keeps him in a dog kennel. That's real life isn't it? Who cares if it's realistic? It was fun and the ending was great.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago
@26thNC Re: Good

It's not that it wasn't reality real, only a fool expects that here!

But it was't even real within the story's reality!

He barely "agreed" to the open marriage, not even taking advantage of it to get some strange himself.

Then, not only is she violating the rules of the agreement, he finds out that she lied to him, and had actually already been cheating for a month BEFORE the open marriage!

Even in the unreal reality of the story, that needed to be the end!

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Great, thanks, the ultimate BTB is moving on and making them nil.

Well done

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not bad fairly standard fare

Except for the change in voice about 3/4 of the way through it was competently written. There is of course no way he was going to win in divorce court but it is a nice typical Lit fantasy

Seeker1107Seeker1107almost 5 years ago
Open marriage maybe

I’ve seen a number of couples that manage an open/polyamory type lifestyle and make it work. They make it work by ALWAYS COMMUNICATING! Every single day, no matter how tired they may be they take the time to keep each other happy and together. From what I am told they also only play when the other is nearby. The spouse or spouses are always together NO MATTER WHAT! They are happy. Three of the couples are together more than 15 years. They say that they have their issues but resolved together through love and respect for everyone involved. It wouldn’t for me or my family members, but different strokes for different folks and all that...

Here however they never had that lifestyle because she started out with lies and compounds the issue by continually being dishonest not only with her husband but more importantly she continually lies to herself. If missing her child’s birthday didn’t wake her up, then what did she think would happen after her lies were found out and her boyfriend dumped her?

As said before, here it was the stereotypical idiot wife, and the super smart but slow husband. He should have started divorce proceedings after the fourth time that she didn’t come home, just double lock the doors and leave her a note that obviously she didn’t want to stay married, and since she works and can provide for herself there’s no good reason why they should stay married. That’s my personal take on the matter. Long before he finds out just how much she has been lying he should have given her her walking papers! But that’s just me...

Oh, this really does need her POV if for nothing else than simple balance. I’d also be interested in what her thoughts were at the time, not just after her come to Jesus moment...

Thanks for the offering

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 5 years ago
Had to stop

You should gave included willing cuckold in your tags. He has stayed in the marriage for over 6 months and quite happy for her to fuck others.

So far no romance, no drama, no fuck buddies, no divorce even thought about yet. This guy is as weak as wet paper.

1 star because you are a good writer, but the story is rubbish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Better late then never.He should have divorced the cheating slut after his talk with Ian.

lover1953lover1953over 4 years agoAuthor
Working on edited version

I received several e-mails asking for an edited version adding the wife’s POV. So, if you all think that the story would be enhanced with Victoria’s perspective enhanced and expanded please let me know. I started to work on it but if no-one wants it i will not waste my time. Remember - all this stuff is just fiction, so don’ t take it too seriously.

- lover1953

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wife POW?

Don't bother

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
please don't continue


I would have no interest in hearing from the wife's point of view but then, I never understand why anyone wants them or bothers to write them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A different opinion

I don't see where she is necessarily unhappy with her life. Living in a one bedroom, dating, accountable to no one but herself seems like exactly what she has wanted. I felt that wanting to come home was just a panic reaction rather than a well thought out expression of her desires.

To be honest, seeing the seven of them on the street (+ two on the way) could have just caused a moment where she silently thanked the lord that that wasn't her life.

Maybe you should write that other story after all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Martian slut ray strikes again

Some POV from her side would have been nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
not bad

probably your best story. Please don't do the sluts POV. all it can do is detract from a complete story.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Could something like that happen?

Happen to a neighbor of mine. Wife moved out and left him with 2 children for a younger guy about 10 years younger. Good guy too. Hard working fellow who had the sympathy of people in the neighborhood who knew the situation.

One night after she had been gone for a couple of weeks, I invited him over for a couple of beers. I knew what was up but I didn't ask anything because I figured he was dealing with a lot of nonsense. But after a couple he got into what happened. This was years ago but the thing I remember the most is when he told me she told him she was leaving him because he was boring. He started to cry then.

This young man was a standup guy who worked hard to take care of his wife and children. His wife was a stay at home mom who was bored. So bored she walked away from her husband and 2 young children

What happened in reality was he met a young woman with two children of her own. About a year after the divorce he married her and 30 years later they are still married.

So, yeah. Things like this do happen. If they do, you got to hope it works out as well as then end of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why isn't Henry dead?

He coaxed yet another woman away from her husband! Somebody somewhere is going to come after that asshole and he won't like the results. That is if he's not in a body bag.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Open marriage

Why would he agree, just divorce.

He was a wimp to agree and then wait!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Another stupid story about a stupid woman.

Even for fiction this was beyond believable. What Mother leaves her kids for a year and expects anything but a divorce? This was simply badly thought out drivel.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Lots of women do it

I'm amazed at how many people find this story unbelievable. There was a recent study that came out that shows that almost all women (specifically women) get "bored" after just one year in a committed relationship, and specifically men don't. Women walk out on their husbands and kids ALL THE TIME. 80% of divorces are initiated by women, and the stats for cheating are equal per gender (60% of men and 60% of women), which, combined with the earlier study, takes the "she divorced him because HE cheated" argument off the table. The simple fact of the matter is that women in Western Culture countries don't have any empathy, and they're selfish narcissists (EQ does not equate to empathy). I'm happily married and love my wife, but in the 10 years we've been together, she has not ONCE offered an apology for anything she has ever done wrong, and any time I have demanded one, she spits one out with venom and a tone that clearly indicates she doesn't believe she's the one in the wrong. Literally every single apology.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

I didn't read this again, just the comments, and claim NO expertise on "open marriages," but IMHO, the only way they can work is if BOTH parties WANT to do it, not that one wants it, and the other is willing to go along with it.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 4 years ago

I read this today for the Second time. Good STORY and good writing...But it falls flat because you didn't fully explore the wife's character and perspective. What happened to her, where did she go, what does she think of when her head hits the pillow at night? So many good stories here can be great stories if the authors would just follow through on the whole story. Not sure if you're still writing, but there's definitely an opportunity for a sequel.

cabbage01132cabbage01132about 4 years ago
agree with comment below

we needed to know more about what victoria was thinking, as it stands she just looks like the village idiot, what drove her, sick of him and the kids? cuckolding fetish or just plain evil?.

5* though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
No Way

There is No Way I would have an open Marriage ... My Ex told Her Boyfriend that We had an open Marriage .. Once He Found out it was not true, too late she was Pregnant with his Daughter .. Then They had a Boy together . Then She caught him cheating .. She called Me up to Cry .. All I did was laugh .. We were Divorced so I couldn't care less what or Who she does ..

NitpicNitpicalmost 4 years ago

Too slow to react.Whilst it ended up okay for him,he should have divorced Victoria a lot earlier.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
A mom forgets her kids??

A pretty shallow story. A mother just forgets about her kids? I suppose it does happen but that WOULD be the story. What we got here was nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Started good but

Vitorias character ispretty unrealostic especially at the end. This typical the husband is the saint hereo and the wife the stupid slut is also pretty unbelievable

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The husband isn't credible and

Alimony and no child support? CS is required by law. The parties don't have a choice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Too long

To long to act, should of noticed when she didn't want him meeting her partner, also never knew what he did when he found out she CHEATED 1month before they 'Agreed' to an open marriage, should of divorced then and there, but no it goes further and when henry is involved and like 5 or 6months later when she's basically a wife but has a boyfriend who she's living with all the time you now want to divorce.

I want to know who actually got it better, i hate to say it but Victoria got what she wanted and more, she just didn't bargin that Will would leave, she acted stupid when she found henry, could of carried that on for years until Will had enough of her lol open marriage but only one was using it lol

Can't say I'm sorry for Will, he didn't learn anything from it, could happen again.

4* anyway because even though their character's weren't that plausible, you still took time out to write it and i read it because i was interested and i don't regret reading it :)

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Took a long time to get where this story needed to be. The end was ok. All up too long.

Scores 3/5

matuateneiramatuateneiraover 3 years ago
A thoroughly enjoyable story, simple but good and very credible

I like the way this story described people who were out of the ordinary. So it departed from the conventional. The fact that Will took a long time to come up with a response to Victoria's decisions did not make Will a wimp in my opinion. He just seemed to me to be keeping his family in mind all the way through. Victoria's decision to keep her affairs going was understandable to me. She had steady relationships that were obviously more enjoyable than being a full time mother. It was always in the back of her mind to return to Will when it suited her. She just made a bad judgement as to what Will would do. And Will's hook up with Charlotte was developed well, as two people being very realistic about what they could offer each other.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Liked the story better the second time through. A little long, but ended well.

TajfaTajfaover 3 years ago

Well written but like the last story of yours I read I can't understand why he waited so long to divorce her. Also like that story I would like to have heard more about how shitty his ex wife's life turned out. Still a good read.

Tiger27Tiger27over 3 years ago

Bitch wouldn't have gotten past the first open marriage request. I would have told her that we were divorced effective immediately, and the only thing remaining are the lawyers and paperwork.

ResmiHardinResmiHardinover 3 years ago

Can't figure out if you left out the part where he knew she lied and cheated a month before her speech about open marriage or that you just forgot it.

After that pretty big piece of information i would of cut all of that out and divorced her after his talk with Ian.

I think this wasn't the best thought out story because bits and pieces were put in but not used, if you catch your wife lying and cheating in a marriage you either divorce or work through it, you don't ignore it and hopefully it works out, but in this case her lying and cheating and basically moving out (which was against their agreement or the open marriage) not only affected him but that of their children and he seems to be a great father but didn't stop it early enough that it would of affected the kids.

I think the ending was somewhat right, I think in her mind she done her bit and wanted to be free again to live that life where she was free to do anything she wanted, as she clearly didn't think once of her family or the consequences of her actions, she used them as a safety blanket incase things went downhill and she did for 2years, now she gets free rent and some spending money for 2years and doesn't have to marry anyone for a while, she has all her own money coming in as well so she's loving it.

keep on writing thought :) just think this story should of moved a lot quicker than what you wrote.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Another excellent offering. These should be required, cathartic reading, for any man who's ever had a cheating spouse!

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Well written, but over the top wife, as per usual in LW though.

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

Good story but why the husband takes so long to react and move his ass ???

it clearly expresses that fidelity and monogamy must be part of marriage. once that was over, he should have acted immediately, at least out of respect for his ideas and his convictions.

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

1 for you. A very awful FICTION BTB story. A much more believable plot would have been the husband hiring a PI the very first time she mentioned her desire to have sex outside of their marriage. He would have saved so much time and effort. This story should have been just 2 pages.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

That was a dumb story.

skruff101skruff101almost 3 years ago

He actually deserved what he got, anyone stupid enough to allow it to start let alone go on for so long without going immediately to divorce has only himself to blame.

How the moron got another woman interested in him beggars belief.

Too much suspension of disbelief required.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A stupid cuck for sure!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Ditch Cheating Bitches

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Pretty realistic

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That his wife suggested then pushed for the open relationship would have put paid to the marriage on the spot.

Her implicit statement was I reject my vows and my

Commitment our marriage and you.

THAT is the only rational way this can be construed.

The very next move on his part should have been.


-your choice so do as you will. BUT you will be doing it without me.

-That week file for divorce, see a personal counselor to help him recover.

-no to couples counseling/reconciliation.

-treat the marriage like you would a death.: Burry, mourne and go on.

EASY, HELL NO. But I did it.

JonDoe315JonDoe315almost 3 years ago

Divorce should've happen when she decided to step out on her marriage

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

When Victoria first suggested the open marriage he should have drawn the line in the sand and gave her the choice, monogamous marriage or divorce. As she seemed very secretive about Ian he should have went to talk to Ian right away and found out that she had been cheating all along and divorced her immediately. Then the $1000.00 alimony was ridiculous as she abandoned the family. He was stupid and weak to allow any of Victoria's bullshit. He was fortunate to find Charlotte and keep the family together and create a new one. Victoria was a stupid self centered cheating bitch and got more than she deserved. Story was well written, however Wills character was a weak weak man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Long winded and do the new GF/wife not know ANY other way of telling their new hubby they're pregnant? EVERY story is the same from you, always out to dinner with them clutching their bag then producing the postive stick. 1*

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 3 years ago
Just One Biggish Quibble

Yeah, forgetting who is Sweetie and who a FuckBuddy is awkward, but my major reason for a 4* instead of 5* is … By the time Hubby decides to implement Sweetie’s Open idea, Sweetie has been gone for more-than-a-few months. Sweetie is obviously gone! Hubby would probably start looking for a real mate, rather than a FB. Yeah, he may have his eyeballs floating in his backed up cum, but a real Dad, like Hubby, would be looking for Mommy2. … which his FB turned out to be! (As was obvious from the first time We-The-Readers saw her.)

Tiger27Tiger27over 2 years ago

And Henry gets off scott free!

My wife asking for an open marriage would have sent me to a divorce lawyer at the earliest opportunity.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

How can anybody write so much garbage and keep on writing? I think that anybody who endured reading first page and succeeded to get to the second page has figured out that this story must some sort of joke ("Haha, the joke is on me"). But it isn't, apparently the writer is just writing garbage without noticing. If this would be a cuckold story then it would make sense. However, the writer is actually going for some sort revenge with a ridiculous rebound with children. I think this story is one of few of the most fucked up BS fantasies I have read on LW.

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I made some changes and edits to John: How to save a life, and submitted it for posting.'s (It's not up yet) I cleaned up some of the mistakes and tried to make it a tad more readable. (Looks like it's lounging in Pending Purgatory, so be patient for it to appear). I've been...