All Comments on 'The Gorgon'

by Sean Renaud

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Caed99Caed99almost 10 years ago

Loved it!

Let's hope he has many more sensational encounters

Sid0604Sid0604almost 10 years ago
Thank you...

I enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Wonderful story! I would love to read more stories set in this universe.


CylonsexfiendCylonsexfiendover 9 years ago
My edit changed Anthro intro, snake info, some grammer(good spellcheck) and added perversity. Cheers still your C commons 3 the rest

The Gorgon by Sean Renaud©

Jackie took a deep breath and adjusted the pith helmet he wore and shook his head. "I do not know how I keep finding myself in these situations. Are you certain there is no other way we can come to an agreement?" He asked looking back over his shoulder.

The blonde man in the green business suit shook his head. "This is the only way you will ever see your obnoxious niece alive again!" He said in posh eaton accent. "Of course if you'd rather not see her again. . ." He trailed off pulling a phone from his pocket and starting to tap on the screen.

"No, no, no, I will do as you say. Don't hurt her!" Jackie said waiving his hands excitedly.

"Good, that's what I thought. I wouldn't want to harm a child. It might give me nightmares. Now do hurry, not all of my men share my distaste for violence towards children." Rupert said sliding the phone back into his pocket and giving a dismissive wave as he headed back to his tent.

Jackie turned back around and stared up at the temple ruins suppressing a shiver. The Temple of Yig would have looked no more impressive than any of a dozen other ruined pyramids Jackie had explored during his life if not the strange feeling he got just standing near it. It seemed to vibrate or pulse. Throb or resonate. There wasn't a word in Jackie's vocabulary for what the temple was doing, the sensation it gave off was halfway between touch and hearing only it seemed to start in his guts not his ears and work its way outward.

If he could push that aside it was completely ordinary for a temple lost for hundreds of years. It was covered in vines where the jungle had endeavored to reclaim what rightfully belonged to it. It was difficult to push that aside though, even harder than it was to push aside the strange variety of serpents gathering around it. Jackie was an archeologist not an zoologist but he knew recognized the Nile Cobra and knew there shouldn't be any of them in Brazil, much less a dozen of them alongside rattlesnakes and coral snakes.

"This is going to be a long day." Jackie brought his hand up to grip the talisman around his throat, the intertwined snakes were said to be a ward protecting him and thus far he was inclined to believe it. On the way to the temple he would have fallen into a ravine if a yello Annaconda hadn't fallen in his way startling him. Actually Jackie had long felt a certain affinity with snakes, ever since he'd been a young boy and found a corn snake curled behind his heater in the winter and had brought it mice until it was warm enough to set it free outside.

"It's just old superstition. Nothing to be worried about." Jackie tried to convince himself. Once again he adjusted his pith helmet and then he started what he was certain could be the end of his life as he descended into the yawning maw of the temple.

The light from his flashlight only extended a few feet ahead of him. It seemed like the light was terrified to leave its tiny sphere of safety. The air seemed to thicken around Jackie as he continued to descend into the bowels of the temple.

The walls were covered with low releif carvings depicting enormous serpents being worshipped by mankind. They all seemed to center around a single object. A golden snake with somthing in its mouth. That was what Rupert had sent Jackie down for. It was known by different names throughout history. The Egyptians called it a depiction of Seth, the Mayans a Quetzalcoatl, the Mesopotamians a Tiamat, and it might even stretch to the entity the Norse called Jormungandr but they all referred to related sets of artifacts found around the world. In Brazil they it was known as a statue of Yig and tales of the conquistadores described a gold statuette holding a ruby in its mouth.

"At least the thing that I'm looking for was here." Jackie said aloud. He hoped it wasn't there. That he'd reach the bottom of this hellish place, find it empty and that Rupert would let him and his niece free. The idea that the man who'd shanghied him and his niece in Rio would just take 'it's not here' for an answer sounded even more absurd than the idea that he was part of some absurd cult of serpent worshippers seeking to bring Yig to this world from some other plane of existence.

Jackie felt something twist in the pit of his stomach when he reached the belly of the temple. He was staring up at a pair of impossibly large stone doors. They were easily twenty feet tall and looked to have been hewn from a single greywacke slab. "How am I supposed to open this?"

"Come closssssser." Something hissed. Jackie spun around searching for the source but he was alone. Even the spiders and serpents had surrendered this antechamber to his solitude. He couldn't even see the light from chemstick he left at the top of the last set of steps anymore.

"Hello?" Jackie immediately felt silly. There was nobody down there and whatever he'd just heard was just something in the back of his head. He didn't hear anything. "I'm just going to have to go back empty handed." Jackie said.

He was drawn towards the doors. He couldn't think of a single reason why he actually reached out and touched the doors but he did. He could hear the stones grind on their hinges but pushing the door open was so easy he did it without the least bit of effort.

What Jackie found behind the double doors was impossible. He was in the middle of an impossible rainforest. Like the one he'd left only infinitely more lush. He spun around to return the way he'd come but the door was gone replaced with more jungle.

The thrumming was even more intense here but it wasn't uncomfortable anymore. Here at the heart it was a little euphoric like he'd taken a drug and it was coursing through his veins. Jackie took a moment to soak in the feeling.

"Proccccceed." Jackie didn't search for the source of the sound this time. He knew that he wouldn't find it. The more concerning thing was that he instinctively knew where the voice intended. He found he was drawn forward and the jungle lanier's seemed to be clearing away as he was drawn toward something.

He had no way of knowing how far he'd been hiking when the jungle canopy finally opened up giving him his first view of the sky. Jackie's legs quivered and failed beneath him leaving him kneeling on the moist jungle floor staring upward. "I'm not on Earth anymore." Overhead the sky was filled not with blue sky and clouds but rather with an enormous planet. It was several shades of red and orange all mixed and separate like an oil slick flowing over water and the sun, the sun was blue.

"No, you are not. Thissss placccce is called Ssssshoni."

Jackie sat still for minutes staring up at the impossible sky overhead trying to will his legs to support him again and when they did he wasn't sure he was actually controlling them. His feet planted themselves one in front of the other carrying him toward an unknown destination.

He knew where he was when he got there. In legends the place was called the Heart of Yig and it was suposed to be the temple he'd entered. Without it's covering of trees and vines it looked strangely plain. Like a cake with no frosting. The thought seemed strange even as it formed in Jackie's mind but he pushed it away. He couldn't stop his feet from carrying him into the temple for the second time. This time the walls were lined with torches. What he'd seen before as carved low releif were now vibrant living murals depicting the many glorious sacrifices made to the serpent deity Yig and displaying how he showered his followers with riches. They prospered for eight ages until eight demons with golden hair came from across the oceans and banished Yig to the underworld and put him to sleep.

The double doors in his world were flat greywacke, but here they were covered in shimmering scales that seemed to change hues constantly. It appeared like an enormous serpent coiling its way up to the top. When he touched it the door it silently moved out of the way revealing the chamber behind it.

It took Jackie's eyes a moment to adjust to the blinding splendor before him. Everything in there sparkled brightly including the Yig statuette of solid gold with emerald eyes and a ruby the size of a baby's fist clutched in its fangs.

"Welcome Jackie Garcia."

Jackie instantly recognized the voice as the one that had been in his head earlier even though the disturbing hiss was gone. It was replaced with a distinctly feminine lilt and now it reeked of command.

"Yes. That was me. I am sorry for the confusion. Human minds do not comprehend my thoughts easily." The voice replied.

Jackie was able to finally put a face to the voice when a serpentine beauty slithered into sight. She didn't have legs, the lower half of her body was entirely serpentine causing her to undulate provocativly like a belly dancer to remain up-right. It was difficult to draw his eyes away from her narrow waist's constantly rolling but he managed.

She had mouthwateringly ripe breasts. Jackie was aware of how wrong it was for a serpent to have breasts but he pushed it aside. It wasn't nearly as absurd as her having snakes for hair. At the moment they were all relaxed resting over her shapely shoulders but their eyes seemed to follow him as did her own yellow orbs.

"You find me attractive." It was a statement not a question. "I can smell it. Your heart quickens, you sweat."

A long forked tongue flickered from between her lips.

"You taste aroused."

Her thin lips pulled back into a fearsome smile while she slithered closer to him.


"What are you?" Jackie asked. He couldn't take his eyes off her, especially the hypnotic sway of her belly. She moved right up him, close enough to kiss him if she had wanted to. At that distance Jackie noted that she didn't smell. It wasn't that she didn't smell bad, she didn't smell, almost a complete absence of smell.

She wasn't touching him but he could feel how cool she was. She almost seemed to draw the warmth from the air around her.

"Don't you mean who am I?"

She asked darting behind him.

"I am sorry. I do not meet many snake women."

"I am not a snake woman. My name is Euryale, last of the Yacqui, first of the Yacqui, Queen of serpents, high priestess of Yig."

She whispered in his ear flickering her tongue against him.

"That is quite a mouthful, would you mind too terribly if I just called you Euryale?"

"You are cute, human Jackie."

Yes, you can call me Euryale. And I shall call you Jackie. Gliding arround hin she wrapped her arms around him from behind and pressed her cool cheek to his warmth.

"You feel amazing."

Jackie shivered. "You're very strong." He felt how easily she could crush him if she tried. "I'd like to breathe."


She loosened her grasp.

"It's ok. And yes please Euryale. Such a beautiful name." Jackie said.

"You flatterer."

Her hands slipped beneath his shirt.

"You're very fit for a human. Well muscled."

She ran her fingers over the defined ridges of his stomach up to his chest."

"Hands!" He exclaimed and tried to jump away from her. Her monstrous strength kept him perfectly still.

"Yes Jackie, I have hands."

She slid one hand down into his khakis wrapping her cool digits around his cock.

"And I know how to use them."

She quickly coiled around him clamping his calves together and coming face to face with him.

"You came here for the statue of my god Yig, please me and you may have it! Isn't that better than what you expected to find down here?"

"I didn't expect-" The words were suddenly trapped in his mouth when he saw, just the head , of another snake in the corner of the room staring at him. At first he wondered how he hadn't seen it until then, then he let his eyes wander for a bit and realized he hadn't seen it because I was so large he'd mistaken it for a carved pillar of some sort.

Euryale grabbed Jackie by the chin pulling his gaze back to hers.

"A deal we have then?"

She flickered her tongue over his lips and smiled.

"You will have what you want and my favor."

Jackie's mind was made up before he leaned forward to kiss the reptilian beauty. (He didn't know that part of the reason he was so drawn to her were pheromones she secreted from her skin and into the air.)

[She (or Yig)is putting her words into his mind as she speeks them why does she need feremones? if she can manipulate the higher function speech centre of his mind why not thesimple lizard pleasure centre])

He knew that her skin was smooth and cool, her breasts were hanging like ripe fruit before a starving man and her hips continued to dance enticingly. Jackie knew she tasted sweet when his tongue slipped over her lips and the sensation of her slender tongue flickering against his was like nothing he'd ever experienced.


Euryale replied breaking the kiss. With a casual inhuman strength she tore his shirt from his flesh scatering the tattered remains over the floor and lowered them both t with him on top of her. It was a strange sensation having your legs pulled out from beneath you but not falling, being supported entirely by your partner's torso. Jackie found his arms wraping around Euryale holding her close until they were near the floor.

There was another sudden ripping noise and Jackie's pants went sailing through the air landing on his back. "You do not waste much time do you?"

"We do not have much time."

Euryale replied sliding coiling beneath him until she was face to face with his serpent.

"You don't mind!"

She said her tongue flickering against his scrotum when she spoke.

"No, no, help yourself."

"Thank you, you're so sweet."

Euryale lunged forward immediately devouring his cock whole. In his entire life only one woman had ever deep throated him and she hadn't made it seem easy. It was effortless for Euryale, so much so that she slid her tongue out to tickle his sack.

"Oh fuck." Jackie groaned. Euryale reached up digging her fingers into Jackie's firm buttocks guiding the involuntary motions his hips were already making in his attempt to nail her skull to the floor. "What's that?" Jackie asked as he felt things sliding between his thighs. Before he could speak whatever was it was moved towards his asshole flickering its tongue against his sensitive flesh.

"You'll like it."

Euryale answered back in his head again.

"Oh my god." Jackie groaned as the cool thing pushing up behind him started nudging against his ass. His hips were trapped between the insistent thing trying to get inside him and Euryale's hungry mouth. Two more greedy mouths latched onto his balls, gently massaging then distending and swollowing his testicles their tongues lashing his vans deferens driving him dangerously close to euphoria.

"Your god has nothing to do with this."

Euryale answered in his head.

Jackie pounded his hands against the floor, trying to delay his orgasm for a few more precious seconds. It wasn't to be. Euryale's serpent forced its way into his ass and clamped its mouth over his prostate. His entire world erupted into an explosion of pleasure. Euryale greedily pumped every last drop of cum out of Jackie her serpents squeezing on his hyper-sensitve organs in rythim with his involantary contractions to send the most powerful orgasm of his life jetting down her throat. Before slithering out from beneath him.

"Thank you. That was fun but it is time for you to return to your world."

Jackie couldn't figure out why Euryale seemed to be fading while presenting him with the statue of Yig. "Euryale? What's happening?" His body felt heavy as did his eyelids the same steadily drooping.

When Jackie opened his eyes he was lying flat on his back in a long abandoned temple. The light from his flashlight didn't stretch more than a few feet but he could see the golden Yig statue in the hands of an exquisitely carved statue of a topless snake woman.

His right leg was throbbing. He looked down and saw a yellow jararaka viper slithering away into the darkness. "I got what I came for." Jackie said pulling himself up and grabbing the statue before limping back out of the temple.

Oddly the steps and ladders didn't seem to be nearly as plentiful heading up as they had been on the way down. "Rupert, I brought it, bring me my niece!" Jackie shouted approaching the tent. "Rupert!"

"Jackie!" A young girl, no more than ten or eleven, exclaimed running out from behind the tent and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"How did you get here? Where is Rupert?" Jackie asked pulling his niece off him and taking a knee.

"Well he had his goons grab me back at the hotel and-"

"Just the part where you're here and safe."

"Oh, he thought that you might find something down there that was like really important. Like wake sleeping God and if you refused to hand it over then his guys would be your guys. So he brought me here so that he could use me as a hostage." She said. Her words were starting to blend together into a single sentence.

"Slow down, where is he?" Jackie asked. The little girl started to speak again and then she pointed towards the tent.

Jackie looked at her then the tent and walked over to it opening the flaps and looking inside.

Inside the tent Rupert was sitting at a table, hardly recognizable if not for his long blonde ponytail and green business suit. His face was black and swollen. On the table where he sat there was a briefcase filled with money and a golden lancehead viper resting coiled beside it.

"It's yours and so is the Serpent."

Serpents speach in AR DECODE 20pt

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
It's "grammar"

just saying

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userSean Renaud@Sean Renaud
I'm a Veteran of the Iraq war and former Marine. To my Band of Brothers keep up the fight and remember there is life beyond the Corps. Love your time in it'll be the best time of your life. I love anything extreme and my mailbox being filled to the brim with feedback.