All Comments on 'The Conversation'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
At last!

Ohio is back and so so was the light. I never have enough of his stories

jrj777jrj777over 14 years ago

I enjoyed the story very much. It was well writen and very clever but when you had the husband have the afair anyway you lost me. Two wrongs dont make a right. Marrage is a hard thing to keep when one cheats but almost impossible when both cheat. Thank you for taking time to share you writings with us jrj

bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
A very interesting tale

It all worked out for Dan, but I think in real life it would not have gone so well. We could have enjoyed some more feed back via Ruth to see what was going through her head... I would not have had the patience to play out this strategy and I am sure the marraige would have gone down the drain, but it is good to see Ohio back and to enjoy his fantasy...

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
NOT surprised this author screwed up the ending

what the husband did at the end was WRONG. I dont think I have ever see a Great story becomne a Turd in such a short time.


The sex with andrea at the end was pointless and not needed and made the husband look like a dork. The Husband's lesson was taught. These two have two toddlers that desperately need Mommy and Daddy... not two adults who over the next 5-10 years will be secrely harboring regrets & and resentment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
It's A Story

A very good one for me, but a story. The one thing about a spouse cheating is it would kill them if their partner did it too, half the fun is doing something behind their back. When he opened up their marriage he brought the pain home to her, she now understands. Other than inflicting a little pain on Tom it was perfect, thanks for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I seem to remember some well known guy saying that the best form of flattery is imitation. You,sir, could ghost write for JPB and no one would ever know the difference.

Orion623Orion623over 14 years ago
Nicely Done

A clever reverse on a fairly typical JPB storyline. I liked the 'twist' in the end which showed that Andrea was not the hot rocket in bed that her body and looks promised to be.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Great Ending, Great Story

Dan had to have the affair with Andrea to avoid being a total wimp. Paybacks are a bitch, or paybacks to the bitch, it matters not. He did level the playing (around) field, and was getting best of both worlds.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
An okay story.

Nothing more than that. The husband was stupid to keep the wife and the wife was stupid to start the affair and think no one would get hurt. So an average story with a silly ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
no way

No way this happen in real life another fairytale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
no way

No way this happen in real life another fairytale.

louguy35louguy35over 14 years ago
Oh! Whoop-di-do!

Zounds...he is still pissed off at her. We can only hope that his being pissed off will register in her self-absorbed, narcissistic brain. A juvenile get-even fuck with his workmate is nothing more than the author's attempt to give him equal fuck-time.<p>

Have you ever noticed that practically all of the authors on always have the offended husband meet some chick and have sex with her. Not matter how clever his reaction to a cheating wife might be, the plot always calls for the husband to engage in a get-even fuck. Even the inveterate reconcilers are absolutely compelled to have their offended spouse engage in make-up screwing. The interesting thing is that real-life marriage counselors will aver that such

get-even behavior almost certainly will make reconciliation impossible. But we must have the authors' sense of vengeance make a good story seem insipidly stupid. Or are they just trying to take the erotic quotient up a notch or two? The end result is the same.<p>

A fairly good story made stupid by a rediculous ending.

sirsemegasirsemegaover 14 years ago
Fun read

He did have to sleep with Andrea or else he would have been less than a man in his wife's eyes. Actions have consequences and sometimes in a relationship the person driving it is the one who is less afraid of the consequences.

nyminusnyminusover 14 years ago
Ohio, Ohio, Ohio

what kind of a man lets the guy off with hardly a mention. I would have went to see him andlet him know in no uncertain terms that I did not approve of his actions. A fist there and a kick There ..Ouch...and if he was married ...a call to his wife...or if she were good looking then a wild fuck with her and pics to bothe the illicit lovers..Where did you get your balls from..Sears?? Take them back for a refund...The characters you write about are so fukin politically correct it stinks...Get some balls..WIMP WRITER

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 14 years ago
It's Just a Story People

Remember people, it's just a story for entertainment, not a essay on how anyone should live there lives. Personally,if it was real life I think that Dan stepped over the line at the end. There was no need to screw Andrea, he had already made his point to Julie. At that juncture he should either get out of the marriage or adjust and work on keeping it together. I agree with one of the comments concerning the children needing a home without all the regrets and resentment. However again, IT'S JUST A STORY, not real life so lighten up a little folks. As far as the writing it was a well thought out plot and well written, what else would you expect from this author. Good read, good flow, good character development. Look forward to your next effort. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Comparing your writing to Ohio - on a scale of 1 to 100 - you are 5 to his 90. Where do you get off telling him what his plot should be. These are simply stories here. Fiction. Do you understand the word. The story he wrote here represents the lives of many people and it is a good story of those people.

lancewmlancewmover 14 years ago
Excellent story and writing

Good story about many people. Nyminus' comments below speak for themselves about his writing ability.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
fine writer--mediocre story

I have always been a fan of Ohio, but this is not one of his best. Satire is apparently not his strong suit.

The Ct. Yankee

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 14 years ago
Gotta love Ohio!

The guy is an excellent writer and he delivers some great variations on our favorite theme. It is a story as Woodmanone (WMO?) stated and a fun read. Did it really happen to Ohio? Probably. I had the same problem a few years back, and used Jen Anniston to get even at that time. Try it guys. It works great!

cloacascloacasover 14 years ago
Very well done

I hope JPB is proud. Well told & written, succinct in the JPB style.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Certainly not your best

Because it reads like a JPB story and not an OHIO story. And just like JPB it has not ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Turnabout is fair play.

Thanks for the story. No one busted a cap in anyones's ass, no bodies needed to be disposed off, no jail time required and best of all...he got some serious fucking!

Risq_001Risq_001over 14 years ago
I totally disagree with louguy35 here's why....

<p>Personally I liked it!</p>

<p>- First the husband doesn't have to kick the butt of every man he reaches when his wife decides to step out on him. <i>Why?</i> What is the husband 12? Does he want to end up in jail so she can have even more time to play around on him?</p>

<p>Lets say the wife walked up to perfect stranger and asked him to let her give him a blowjob. Who's fault is that? Lets go a step further. The wife knows someone from work and decided to sleep with him. <i><b>Who's fault is that</b></i> Your wife is the <i>only</i> one who promised to love, cherish, and honor you. The other man promised you nothing. Let me say it again he has promised you <i><b>NOTHING</b></i>. And so what does assaulting him get you? Well besides jail time, nothing. In the end she still picked someone else to sleep around on you with!</p>

<p>Men are condition that they can't hit women. I sort of agree with that, but I'll not go into that indepth. But they feel that since the only other person they <i>can</i> hit is the other man, then it's an ok way to vent their frustration. <b><i>IT's NOT</i></b>. The one who wronged you was your woman! She lead you to believe that she was exclusive to you. The other man lead you to believe <i><b>NOTHING</b></i>. </p>

<p>- And Two, the thing I really, really disagree with is that revenge sex is wrong. Personally I feel if you can't get past this then you should divorce. It cuts way down on the hurt feelings in the end. And you <i>do</i> eventually get over the divorce. But therapist aren't there to do the <i>right</i> thing. They are there to put a marriage back together.</p>


<p>They aren't there for right or wrong, they are there to figure out a way for both mates to stick it out. Why I hate that is that it's <i>normally</i> a way to find a way to assign <i>blame</i> to <b>both</b> mates.</p>

<p>If one mate cheated, then the other must have done something either drive them to it, empowered them to do it, or condoned it in someway shape form. There is no such thing as an <i>innocent</i> mate in therapy. It doesn't exist.</p>

<p>Both of you have to share the blame in the destruction. You could be the perfect wife. You could cook, clean, take care of the kids and have sex every day, and in couples therapy you were too available so that the husband didn't have to work for your love. If he had, then he wouldn't have cheated. Turn around and don't do anything and when he cheats it because he was looking for lost love you didn't provide. Turn around and occasionally do half of both, and it was because there was a need that he felt wasn't getting fulfilled that he had to get elsewhere.</p>

<p>I got an "A" in Psych and I still hated that class because it was a bunk! And it's one of my biggest pet peeves and I wish I had never taken it!</p>

<p>But if someone is hurt that much, and the only way they could see back to a truly selfish, but eventually remorseful mate is to do this, I wouldn't begrudge them. Because if they didn't it would eat at them until they did something <i>truly</i> hateful to relieve the hurt that will only grow. Or they flip the other way and their mate could be on fire and they wouldn't cross the yard to piss on them. That is the only two things that happen when the innocent party <i>pretends</i> that something that pissed them off enough to want a divorce, no longer matters because the therapist says it doesn't. I've watched it happen too many times. The folks that eventually get past it, and I do mean <i>YEARS</i> later don't always appear as the most adjusted people I know.</p>

<p>Good story Ohio!</p>


(Who hates Couples therapy and Psychologist and isn't afraid to say it!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Yo buddy

Love the twist on the usual women cheating for variety perspective. Good job buddy!


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Interesting, but....

...what about revenge on Thomas? The problem is, by fucking the other woman, he can't really get revenge on the other guy, because his actions mirror his wife's. If he gets revenge, then why shouldn't his wife get revenge on his other woman? I'm sad to see that Ohio avoided this whole problem by not mentioning anything about revenge whatsoever. That was a cop out. I think it would have been good if he did get revenge on Thomas, but in a satisfying yet subtle way. For instance, what if he tell Thomas's wife about the affair, and she gets her revenge affair as well?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story!!!!!!

Great story line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
What's with the revenge issue

Since when does it make sense to have revenge on anybody? Challenge the guilty party not the one that was the accomplice. Sounds like a macho problem. Nobody forced the wife into adultery, she's an adult, a teacher, and should have known better. Period.

<p>As pointed out by previous comments, when the husband cheated also, it ruined the story, he's no better than his adulterous wife. Actually he's worse.Either divorce her or forgive her. Good read Ohio. ML

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
WHY Dan did NOT HAVE to have revenge sex

<b>WHY....WHY </b> did Dan come up with this brillant scheme to show his wife the grevious erros of her ways and actions?


wasn't it to <b>SAVE</b> the marriage?


if not Dan could of just as easily said "Fuck this I will confront my wife... scream and shout.. and have all the revenge sex I want".


You see? Dan's Plan had a PURPOSE.


RE: <u> If Dan did NOT cheat he would be viewed as a wimp!</u>

Normally I might agree.


<b>but for several days we know from the story the wife DID think Dan was actually having an affair with Andrea.


Her pain and shame were immense because she knows she 1) doing the same thing and 2) <b>KNOWS</b> that she caused Dan to step out of the marriage.


Sorry Sir smeggy and Risq. Usually we are on the same page but here we are NOT. You and others are ignoring the SIGNIFICANCE of Dan's scheme/Plan.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 14 years ago
Cute story but not realistic . . .

I enjoyed reading this and it was nicely written. It was quite predictable early in the story that Dan was using some sort of reverse psychology on his wife Julie. Otherwise, it would not have been in the Loving Wives' section. Even after all the hints, Julie fails to realize where it is all headed until the name of her lover surfaces (as an expert who would know all about the subject of adultery). While the idea of having some extramarital sex is tempting for Dan, and it obviously evens the scorecard, I really don't see why he does it (at the end of the story) other than for revenge against Julie, to hurt her further. He indicates she is unaware, but really, women know . . . No matter how smart Dan might be, he can't think of everything and something will slip. And then what? He supposedly has forgiven Julie; he wants to keep his family together for the sake of the children -- his mother left his father and he grew up in a broken home, so he does not want that for his own sons. His lover is not even as good in the sack as his wife, so he's just doing it for revenge, to get more of the resentment out of his system. There was a story by Blue88 that illustrates my point: "Is enough really enough?" If Dan continues his extramarital activities indefinitely, then is this really a marriage? Isn't he as bad as, or even worse than, his wife? It's true, she started it, but she'll repeat at some point if he continues to do what he's doing -- I'm sure she'll find out eventually. I think Dan really needs to get over it or just leave and file for divorce -- living a lie, becoming what his wife was, is not the answer.

SleeplessinMD2SleeplessinMD2over 14 years ago
Let's get real....

no matter what Dan says he will never get his wife to believe that he did not fuck Andrea. Ordinarily I would agree with Harry that Dan did not need to fuck Andrea but there are some special considerations. First, Julie as part of her penance for cheating expects Dan to do it. Second, Andrea expects Dan to do it given the drama. If Dan passed on the offer it is possible that Andrea may cause problems by exposing his ploy. Remember that Julie does not know about Dan's spying on her (she could think that he found out about her affair through a co-worker). While having an affair in response to cheating is a normal human response playing mindgames on her is humiliating. Even though Julie had started the whole sequence of events if she found out how she had been played by Dan it could lead to their divorce. Dan was counting on how she would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. When the silly rationalizations for cheating are not accepted when it happens to the cheater then real remorse can happen. If Dan had just confronted her she would have hid behind those silly rationalizations and never felt what Dan felt due to her actions. Lastly, 6 fuck sessions do not compare to 3 months (13 weeks x 2-3 sessions/week) and there was no end in sight for Julie's cheating. Was Dan still anger with Julie - yes but revenge no. The fling with Andrea I viewed as the completion of Dan's plan so that when it was over the real healing can begin. Great Story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Looks around. What revenge?

Its actually a pretty good story. Personally the bitch and the fucker would have been outted to the school system, what is that clause in the teacher contract again? And I would have dumped the slut and keot the kids. Sex with Andrea isnt revenge it is something the slut wife arranged by her own actions. I like it when cheaters have to eat their own words and see how little their excuses really mean.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Nice blend of Ohio/JPB- 2 of the best writers. The psychological turmoil Dan put his wife through made her understand the damage she did to him and their marriage. I think he had to have his affair to feel even and understand that it wasn't as good as he imagined. Thanks for your effort!

FunseeeekrrFunseeeekrrover 14 years ago
Thoughful comments

I only read one page of the comments and had to check to see if I was REALLY on Literotica! Try this on for size. . .

When my husband suggested I needed to have an affair or two in order to learn how to "loosen up", I was dumbfounded. I was very inexperienced and naive at the time. I had been the definition of the "good girl" before being married and had a hard time relaxing and trying new things. I finally decided if he wanted me do that I would. I flirted with a married man from work and finally ended up at our oceanfront beach house one evening after telling my husband I was just getting away for a couple of days. I can't lie worth a damn, so he figured out I was up to somthing. Having an affair was supposed to be out in the open, but I just couldn't go that far at the time. Long story shortened to being in bed, naked, with this man and about to have his cock inserted into me when my husband walked into the room and wanted to know if he could have seconds. I was so scared for myself and my "friend." I ended up stark naked in our living room begging him not to do anything rash and that nothing had happened, yet. My friend came out of the closet he had jumped into and dressed and finally came out.

We all talked for a while and my husband pointed out that I had made two mistakes besides not being forthright. One was I had picked a marriage to screw up and the other was you NEVER fool around with someone where you work. So you guys that think this isn't reality can think again. Anything is possible. I thought this was a well thought out story that obviously has made many of you think more than usual

Ducky7Ducky7over 14 years ago
Good twist in the story

Don't get to carried away with the extracurricular fucking. Let Julie know that she is the best in all areas and get on with the rest of your lives. She could still be on probation for a long while but cut the extra out. It will only end up causing more damage. Good story line, I loved the play on her activities.

TE_RossTE_Rossover 14 years ago
Excellent tribute to JPB

Your transition to Andrea's lack of sexual prowess was pure JPB. I'm glad that you didn't model your story on some of his more darker works like Angie Ch02.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 14 years ago
A fantastic concept

A great idea and storyline. Well written and the whole story is well done. Thanks

louguy35louguy35over 14 years ago
Apparently Risq_001 can't read.

Well, Risq_001 is off on another of his wandering, illogical diatribes about God knows what! None of what he said even remotely relates to anything that I wrote concerning the story. It seems he just likes to vent.<p>

So he liked the story. So did I for the most part, except for the overused get-even sex the author threw in at the end. I reiterate that it is an overused story technique used by almost all of the writers. (Except Denham Forrest, aka the Wanderer, who doesn't post of anymore)<p>

Beyond that, I have no earthly idea what Risq_001 was trying to say. A little more attention to sentence structure and logic might have helped in that regard. I can only say that I was venturing an opinion about how many authors ruin what otherwise would have been a very good story by adhering too closely and too often to worn out devices. So do commentators, I reckon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Wrong From The Tribulation Invocation

There used to be only one dickwad known who would fuck his wife whore who was fucking other cocks - now ohio has joined his hero in repeatedly seeking sloppy 2nds - 3rds & 4ths.<P>

A story seeks to draw in the reader which just plane bobie would try to do with cleverly worded irrational acts that puzzle most and anger the rest by their attempted sell of sick helpless actions or excited acceptance of their own male humiliation.<P>

So as the lady said "where's the meat" so one could ask "where's the erotic stimulation". Fucking anothers cum bucket who has had your[?] children is impossibly fucked up and beyond sick.<P>

Absurdity of a personal nature isn't arousing to most rational people no matter how horned up they were at the begining of this tail - its just offending to think that anyone would find this other than offensive.<P>

Lastly, one really wonders how writers of some regard could applaud talent expended & wasted on such an expenditure of dung covered in cutesy sweet bile.<P>

Its just a story they rhyme in concert - but then why don't they wallow in the same excrement they applaud ???<P>

Because they have some sense of life's realities, need for credibility and integrity of intent unlike the aforementioned 2 misintentioned sick one's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

the wifey's been fucking around and he played a little game with her mind, and she shed some sad tears, and he also found out Andrea's a terrible fuck, and everything is, well, back okay,,, "well, not really, I am still pissed at Julie, but I love her to death." <p>

it's fuckin' stupid!

angiquesophieangiquesophieover 14 years ago
style vs plot

i always love to read an ohio story. not because i always like their plots, but because there is always this elegance in the writing. there is a smooth unity of story, characters and choice of words. the story seems to flow from the characters and the plots often come as naturally. one hardly ever feels the "bones" of the skeleton under the rich flesh of the telling.

now ohio has tried to do a jpb-story and it shows. i don't think that in one of his "own" stories he would have let his protagonist do what he did in this one – the revenge fucking of andrea. a few of the commenters reject this turn of the plot on moral grounds. i don't share that opinion. i don't like the twist because it doesn't flow naturally from the character of the man. he is an ohio character caught inside a jpb plot. and it doesn't feel right. it kills the elegance.

that all said, i read the whole story and was entertained. thank you for that.

cageyteecageyteeover 14 years ago
I really like Ohio stories

and this one is no exception. A well written, well plotted story that entertained me from start to finish which does have some resemblance to some JPB stories and I, for one, think that is a complement whether it was intended to be or not!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Let the punishment fir the crime !

Ohio, as always you are a great storyteller, this was a fun homage to JPB. Enjoyed the story.

kelly_kellykelly_kellyover 14 years ago
Good story

I liked the story <))))

Risq_001Risq_001over 14 years ago
Well louguy35

<p>Hey louguy35 Really? You didn't see <i>anything</i> that you wrote in my comment? Really?!?</p>

<p>Lets see here, since I was rambling so much, let see what I was rambling about, shall we?</p>


<p><snip>Have you ever noticed that practically all of the authors on always have the <i><b>offended husband meet some chick and have sex with her</b></i>. Not matter how clever his reaction to a cheating wife might be, <b><i>the plot always calls for the husband to engage in a get-even fuck.</b></i> Even the inveterate reconcilers are absolutely compelled to have their offended spouse engage in make-up screwing. <i><b>The interesting thing is that <u>real-life marriage counselors</u></b></i> will aver that such <b>get-even behavior</b> almost certainly will make <b>reconciliation impossible</b>.<snip> </p>

<p>Ok, WITH me know louguy35? These are your words not mine, taken from YOUR comment</p>

<p>I'll admit I threw in TWO comments, but lets head to mine, shall we?</p>


<p><snip> And Two, the thing I really, really <i><b>disagree</b></i> with is that <b>revenge sex is wrong.</b> <b><i>Personally</i> I feel if you can't get past this then you should divorce.</b> It cuts way down on the hurt feelings in the end. And you do eventually get over the divorce. <b>But <u>therapist</u> aren't there to do the <i>right thing</i>. They are there to put a marriage back together.</b><snip></p>

<p>They aren't there for right or wrong, they are there to figure out a way for both mates to stick it out. Why I hate that is that it's normally a way to find a way to <i><b>assign blame to both mates</b></i>.</p>

<p>If one mate cheated, then the other must have done something either drive them to it, empowered them to do it, or condoned it in someway shape form. There is no such thing as an <b><i>innocent mate in therapy.</i></b> It doesn't exist.</p>


<p>So tell me, what did i get wrong in my comment to you? Exactly <i>WHAT</i> did I say that you didn't feel was in response to your earlier comment?</p>

<p>You know since you said:</p>

<p>Well, Risq_001 is off on another of his <i>wandering, illogical diatribes about God knows what!</i> <b><i>None of what he said even remotely relates to anything that I wrote concerning the story.</i></b> It seems he just likes to vent.</p>


<p>You don't say? Really? <i>Nothing</i> that you wrote? Really? Nothing? Hmmm, I guess I just didn't read well what you wrote. Oh well better luck to me next time I guess. I'll just have to hit the <b>BACK</b> button a couple times to see what it was that <b>you</b> did write and were <i>ranting</i> about then, hmmm.(^_^)</p>

<p>I still liked the story</p>


louguy35louguy35over 14 years ago

As I say, you sure like to vent!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good Story

Thanks ohio. Always look forward to your work.

Risq_001Risq_001over 14 years ago
Hey louguy35 all I have to say is this....

<p>I know I know...your right, you're so right.</p>

<p>And it's a good thing that an upstanding citizen like yourself doesn't fail into that trap of ranting about a story you <i><b>don't</b></i> like, I mean thank <i>GOD</i> your above that yourself, I mean...</p>

<p>...oh wait. Never mind</p>


PS: I still <u>loved</u> the story (^_^)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyable but much too

obvious to bother picking the bones over. A really good twist when he did fuck the other slut and superb writing, but mostly tongued cheek fun...Mancelt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Brilliantly plotted.

You've done a masterful job of plotting and writing this story. This should be used as a model for writers who want to write a short, Loving-Wives, cheating-wife/revenge story. Please keep more stories coming. Thanks.

brain_damagebrain_damageover 14 years ago

I thought this was an excellent story, as most of yours are. It was an interesting and fun read. I could have done without Dan actually fucking Andrea. It would have been just as effective. But it's your story and it's still great. Please keep writing for us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good story and who gives a shit....

....whether or why he fucked Andrea.Not a major part of the dynamic here.As for revenge it is justified because SOCIETY has determined that intruding on a marriage is illegal,so whether through lawsuit or whupping revenge is functional.Risq I only disagree with your blanket condemnation of couples therapy.It is not stereotypical. All therapists are unique and have varying agendas.Funny makes demeaning comment(what's new) about how all the usual suspects are thinking more deeply than usual about this story.I was more surprised that she made a couple cogent comments.Finally-HDK,next time try Jolie,she's tops in a downturn.You gotta admit,she eats Jen's lunch.All the time now!-pistolpackinpete

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good story

This may be your best story to date, IMO. I was a little surprised he actually had sex with the coworker at the end, as this would be giving up the moral "high ground", but the wife did seem to give her permission, in a sense. Excellent idea for a twist on the standard cheating wife plot. Quite humorous, in addition to being satisfyingly non-wimpy (except for no revenge against the guy his wife cheated with). Thanks for posting it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Enjoyed the Story!

This story was interesting because the way it ended, the reader was left with having very little sympathy for either the Wife or the Husband. He should have just walked away after he finally let her know that he knew all about her affair. It seems that what's left of the marriage is hardly worth keeping it going. These two people really do not love each other enough to stay together. One of them, the husband or the wife, should "grow a couple" and leave so that they each can get on with their separate, happier lives. Then they both can roll around with who ever they want. But this is Ohio's story and we appreciate his offerings on this site. Thanks for sharing.

fregenfregenover 14 years ago
Another good story

A pleasure to read. It was fun to see her own justifications -even her own words- turned around on her. As other commentators have pointed out the revenge fucking, while understandable, just felt wrong to me. Angiquesophie phrased it very well - it didn't feel right for an Ohio character.<p>

But a very good story. Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

i have been reading ', for three plus year's. and without a shadow of a doubt. this is one the 'funest.' stories i have ever read!!!!! ........... damn! that's a good one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Another Excellent One

I enjoyed it from start to finish and it did follow JPB's many story lines. It still is another great Ohio story, thanks.

JennyBearJennyBearover 14 years ago

I loved it, you are the one of the best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Julie should have call this fellows wife and apologize as a part of the mea copa. Too bad, if andrea was as good as she looked, maybe a trade in would have been ok. There is the fact she did it and how many and the question: DNA for the kids? I am not that forgiving at this moment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
And then?

Great story. Would like to know how Andrea affected the long term relationship of Dan and Julie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Ending was bad!

When you go into battle always know what you want to win and when to stop fighting, NEVER let your ego dictate that. He was smart and rather brave to handle it the way he did...right up until you had him cheat. He had won, then he pissed it away, as well as his pride. Too bad you took that route, up until then it was a really good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Well-written story with difficult ending

Technical merit (aside from a couple of typos), basic plot line, and storytelling are all excellent. I share the concerns of some that allowing the husband to actually cheat cheapens the story. I can see other options, from simply not cheating to having the husband not cheat and having the wife learn about seduction and sexual technique from the female co-worker.

ReadsalotReadsalotalmost 14 years ago
Two peas... the same fucked up pod. I thought the whole premise of throwing her own actions back at her in an effort to wake her up was interesting. But then to become exactly what she was? No thanks.

I thought the story was well crafted, and I enjoyed it until the last few paragraphs. But I definitely didn't care for his final actions, or continuing to deal with his wife under false pretenses.

But hell, I'm just the reader.

jiminabjiminabalmost 14 years ago
Liked it but

the end was not enjoyable. Hubby lost the high ground and sank to her level. He lost all rights after cheating himself. But a good read. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I think some of the previous comments missed the point completely. This was almost a morality play--it was not supposed to be realistic. In real life a woman willing to have a long affair--not a drunken one night stand--probably doesn't love her husband. What this was about was showing why you can't both cheat and have a marriage--no matter what excuses you give to yourself. The spouse is going to find out and his/her insecurities and jealousies are going to tear apart the marriage. How would you like to be in Julie's shoes? How would you like to go through what Dan went through?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Very Creative

I really liked your innovative way of dealing with his wife's affair. I have to agree with another commentator, that by his giving in to Andrea, he lost out. That was the ONLY negative comment I can make about this story. Overall, an excellent story with good characters, dialogue, and plot. 5 Stars! (I don't give out many of those!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Might have been a good story.....

if you hadn't destroyed the morally superior husband's position. Now they're nothing but animals...they deserve each other and the miserable life they'll create.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I think some of the comments miss the point. The author is making a point about cheating. I don't know many women who thing like the wife, i.e. a little on the side will just spice up my marriage, but I know a men who think like this. One in particular had one night stands for years. When his wife had an affair he went completely bonkers and they divorced. The author is just showing what logically happens if you go down that path. To do this, the situation needs to be symmetric. The husband cheats and that is what brings home the consequences of cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Very good

Just about the right level of pain and humiliation for Julie so that she would never want to risk it happening again.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago
Not bad!

I am late to the comment table on this one. I thought it was a really good story up until the very end. Throwing his wife's exact words back at her was classic. The ending threw the story off of the tracks for me though. The husband gives up the high ground. He let his wife's behavior drag him down into the toilet. It would have been a better at the end if he would have just kicked his wife to the curb and then went on with his life. Now you have two losers living together in a broken marriage. Helluva environment for the two little boys to grow up in. Oh looky, mommy and daddy are both screwing around! Thomas Atlee is the only winner in this story. He gets great sex for a couple of months and it didn't cost him any thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
and why not?

Have her confess to the wife of her lover and tender a genuine apology, too. Andrea not that good? sample others, while a long probation continues.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Whats the difference


TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Integrity IS

Or it isn't -

He definitely loses in the integrity category and give up the high ground here - if he really thinks she needs to "feel more pain" and I am not sure about that attitude either at the end, then don't do it just don't tell her one way or the other until she does ask.

Then tell the truth - keep the high ground.

But well written and a great concept - thanks as always -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Clever, clever story!

This is one of the best short stories on this site. A lot of the comments here have missed the point. It's a morality tale. He is doing exactly the same thing his wife was doing--only right out in front. If you assume that his wife still loves him, then this might be the only way to save the marriage. He clearly wants to save the marriage for the kids. Once his affair is over--and it's clear his wife isn't sure what he's done--then he will be able to forgive her. Claiming the moral high ground sounds like someone who wants to hold this over the wife forever. She might just end up divorcing him. This way they both have something to regret and forgive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Some people just don't get this story....

Often, after a few years, a spouse can be tempted. The new guy at work who's just out of college and hot. The new temp who's got a body that just doesn't quit. Neither spouse really plans to leave the other--the object of temptation is too immature, too much younger. So they rationalize a little fling. Just like in the story. It will hurt no one. He/she will never know. It will spice up our marriage. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Well this story is about putting the lie to all those rationalizations. Yes, he/she will find out, at least if it's more than a one off. Yes, the spouse will be hurt, terribly. And it won't spice up the marriage. It might make things more fun for the cheating spouse, but he/she will invariably pull away from the person they profess to love.

As to why the husband in this story actually had an affair in stead of just pretending too? That too, fits the moral of this story. If your spouse cheats on you, and yet you manage to stay together, there is going to be a residual anger. And when someone hot of the opposite sex comes on to you, what then? You're likely to say to yourself, "He/she did it. Why shouldn't I?". And that is yet another rationalization that could yet break up the marriage.

A short, well written story.

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
Morality Tale?

Unfortunately, both come up short in the morality department. A well-written story as usual from Ohio, but I personally prefer those where there is a character who takes the moral high ground. I agree with Tavadelphin's observation that "Integrity IS."

One thing for sure, Ohio's stories generate lots of comments!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
It's a joke how the cuck lovers defending bitches humiliating and abusing the hubbies

But each and every time hubby gets some payback using their same medicine, they get all morally indignant.

Hippocrites all of them.

I enjoyed it. Frankly any spouse upon finding out they've been betrayed should try a fake affair as the first revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
What a surprise plot twist!

I like this a lot. It's very entertaining.

As I try it on for myself, however, I see a different ending. After I tire of Andrea, I also leave Julie. I just don't get that I could ever trust her again, and I just wouldn't live like that.

I also wonder what kind of changes to the story you would have had to make for Dan and Andrea to have been protected from HIV/STD's. Without that, his integrity and Andrea's intelligence are in question. It goes without saying that Julie's integrity sucks, as is usually the case with narcissistic personality types.

Thanks for the fun read.

brujaybrujayalmost 13 years ago
Fun Read

A little reverse psychology and then zap........right between her eyes, at least figuratively.

I liked this story. It has betrayal, revenge, and redemption. Some men actively seek to be a cuckold. Some men are cuckold without their knowledge. Some men care and some don't.

The range of emotions generated by this subject is extensive just as are the range of solutions for it. I'm glad there are authors on this website willing to explore all the possible combinations: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Thank you and please keep writing.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Great story!

Unique! As for the morality play I agree with the previous anon.Some men care a lot about integrity, some less. Some become willing cucks, some never knew they were. Some men stay married for their reasons, some refuse to. Still, we all have our own opinions and to others they stink, just like assholes...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Have to understand..Ohio is a pathetic lover of cuckold wimp husbands.

Usually skip any of his stories..end always predicable. Husband gets cuckolded, becomes a wimp, and takes the whore back with great joy in his little heart.

Ohio, what an ass you are. Can't call you a prick, because a prick is the better part of a man; and, a man you are NOT!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You are an absolutely great writer and commentator on human conduct. And man do you have a way of bringing out reactions in your critics. I used to think that these guys that write these vitriolic slams against you and other writers that explore themes other than homicide in connection with adulteresses were just mentally ill retards. I don't think so now. I think its the writer that does it...and you're at the top. Great story, great exploration of one aspect of the problem.

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
This is my third read through

And I still enjoy it. And I'm not going to criticize a God Damned thing.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 13 years ago
What A Cool Cuc(k)umber ; The Lead Character Is!

This story is not to my taste. Everyone was self-centered. Having said that it was written with skill and humor. The author chose however not to have " heart" in the mix. He's done it in other stories ( 'Brisket' is my personal fav with this ingredient) . Here the marriage is based on a 'tit for tat' basis. In the long run that seems so shabby. I suspect the author wrote this one quickly with an eye to it being a fun , quick read - ok but it's like (American) chinee foot. As a bi-weekly nosh ; fine and dandy. Subsist on it every day and the hospital will be scaling egg roll and soy sauce out of your artery valves, can you tell its dinnertime for me?

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

should have been A LOVE LETTER IN THE SAND/ tk u mlj lv nv

YamiBoyYamiBoyover 12 years ago

It was a fun read. Certainly no character in this story is blameless after it conclusion, but it was an entertaining read.

MystykOneMystykOneover 12 years ago
aaaah nothing like good psychological damage......

i love a devious revenge that rubs a womans actions rite back in her face, in a way she cannot help but see completely the depth of her fuckup and what she could loose. this kinda revenge, if the woman reacted properly(and that is very important), as she did in this well written story, then it would be the closest ide ever get to forgiving a cheater spouse. well written. i could feel her pain and remorse. to bad it aint enough for me personally. experience dont lie. 99% of the time, once a cheater always a cheater. it aint worth tryin for that 1%! there are many more faithful honest women in the world, many of whom are divorced and know the pain of being cheated on. they will never cheat! lotz in 25 to 40 yr range. and very experimental. why waist time, just find one that will be true. they look for that in second marriages. is good

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
love the humor

not quite HDK or SS06 but close, well done ohio

grogers7grogers7over 12 years ago
2nd read

17 months later, it is still the best. Of all of the revenge fantasies written, this is one of the very few that could be real; it takes a very strong and loving husband who knows himself well to pull this off. Without those little boys, Julie is toast. The best fiction is close to reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
An excellent story....

nothing more to add.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 12 years ago
if he had not done the sec

it would have been a bit cuckish - but since he did - fair is fair. but he still needs to break the knees of the other teacher one dark night. a baseball bat would work really well and some steel toed boots for guys nuts. a few kicks and a stomp or two would not be overkill.

you get a 4+.

Scorpio44Scorpio44over 12 years ago
He was cool and smart!

The story was well written and I enjoyed reading it. The tag says "adultery" and I agree, but only for her. As I understand the term it can only be adultery if it's done in secret. He was right out there, telling his wife he was going to do it.

Years ago my wife came to me and said she wanted to "try" a lesbian relationship. She promised it wouldn't ruin our relationship, it would just be something she thought she might enjoy. We both knew a lesbian relationship wouldn't result in a pregnancy. She was wrong about the relationship ruining US. It did. She decided that being a lesbian was better for her than being bi... and she has been living as a lesbian ever since she left.

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 12 years ago
One of the best revenge stories on Literotica.

And it was done with humor. Using her own words to justify the husbands revenge was great, and then to ask Tom Attlee in as an impartial judge was over the top. Thank You.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
Great Read!!!

Both funny and very entertaining. Thanks for sharing.

TalonsreachTalonsreachalmost 12 years ago
Pretty good

right up to the revenge fuck with Andrea. not needed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

The wifes second visit to the office sounds suspiciously like the Dolly Parton song 'Jolene'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

titles says it. great story. gonna scroll up and read it again.

FD45FD45over 11 years ago
It's all about the set up

This isn't so much a story as this huge set up. And honestly, it truly pays off for the reader. You can hear the mental crash as everything the wife had built up in her mind came crashing down.

This was favorited and will stay favorited for a good long while.

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
A superb parody

of JPB's style - and a well-told tale that had some originality to it.

Like some other comments, I have to say that I thought the revenge fuck was maybe a step too far and (as sometimes happens in JPB's stories) tended to take it a little too far into pure fantasy.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Have to disagree

with some of the other comments. A revenge was absolutely necessary. He does need to tell his wife when he ends it though. If he doesn't, the wife will end up thinking I got to cheat and he didn't really do anything, he just threatened to do it. I can do it again. It is like telling your kids if they use crayons on the wall they will get a spanking and then doing nothing when they do. I can guarantee that you will soon have walls completely covered with crayon marks.

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