All Comments on 'Priceless'

by Slirpuff

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BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
This story is an oasis in an desert of mediocrity.......

Great story by a great writer. Thanks. The crap posted lately is depressing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
He should have simple killed carol

Problem solved. Bare hands on her throat for a couple of minutes, then no more little slut.

Actually he should fuck another girl in front of her and then kill her. She will understand.

m48gunnerm48gunnerabout 13 years ago
As Usual

As usual you put together a great story, but contrary to some I think it is pretty sad that it ended that way. Not sure how it could have been made alright, she cheated and lied, but still hate to see a marriage crash and burn, but hate wimp husbands more.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
i was cheering for carol

Hey its Steve's fault for marrying the bitch.

When they broke up the first time carol told her Parents NOTHING about why. Nothing about Rick.

So while its clear Steve assumed that they were now exclusive Carol could reasonably argue that she did say she does date other guys.

so maybe that was a mis-understanding.

But not telling her folks WHY and letting Steve take all the shit???

THAT reveals a serious character flaw. But since Steve is a Man and all men in Slirpuff stories are Morons... he decides to marry carol anwya.

But even worse now that she has been caught in a massive lie and one that has been going on for years... FOR THE SECOND time... he still cannot decide to divorce her until she decides to go out and NOT talk to him.

Way to be strong Steve... NOT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Great - No Wimp

Can't say that he didn't try. She knew the first time that she was cheating. She knew at her hen party that she was cheating and she would have done it again at Kathy's party if you had allowed them to wait a little longer.

Now, she decides to go out and they'll talk tomorrow? She is too sure of herself but then...maybe she is meeting Greg or Rick...she is a slut, just not weekly.

I would have enjoyed your giving a little more detail at the end. The envelope - divorce papers? Did he pack his clothes and leave?

A good story though...Thanks!

Anonymous0Anonymous0about 13 years ago

One thing I never understand about "Hen nights" what is the point of them? A bride to be 99% of the time gets fucked by some gigantic prick and then claims it was their 'last' time or day of freedom. BULLSHIT. If the couple were thinking of getting married even to the point of setting up the day and time then they were in a partnership already and unless they agreed to an open partnership then they were as good as married. I do feel sorry for Kathy, I guess she was pushed into something and was out of it, so I would maybe forgive her, but Carol? no fucking way would I ever think about forgiving her actions speak louder than words the marriage is dead in the water, so end it.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 13 years ago
A really sad story

I just don't see how he could ever trust her again especially after she just refused his request for her to say home, but got dressed in her party clothes and left.

She wasn't very mature and probably needs to grow up,but not with him.

Thanks for the good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
saw it coming

Carol walks up to him after seeing him at the B&B and introduces her date = decent girl.

When their eyes met and she shuddered with fear, said nothing and walked out = worthless slut.

Fast forward a few years and he finds out he married a worthless slut? No shit Sherlock.

Decent story, a few minor spelling/editing goofs but not bad. Cautionary tale for suckers who believe a leopard can change its spots.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
It's over

Divorce is the only answer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I am

waiting for part 2

zed0zed0about 13 years ago
I think -

I think - "he's a wimp and should have tossed her ass to the curb the night of the hen party." Actually this is a strong argument for kicking her ass to the curb, and don't take the slut back after you catch her with Rick or Greg or who ever it was, three years ago. I know, I know, keeping the slut around as a fuck buddy, until some body decent comes along, does not make for nearly as good a read. Enjoyed the story very much, and am looking forward to the next chapter for some real "Torch the Bitch" action.

mike2710mike2710about 13 years ago
Good story

Never ask a question you don't want to know the answer to.

I agree there should be a chapter 2.

Thanks for the entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Really a refreshing change! Great tale.

Really does need a followup.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Excellent story telling

There are a large number of couples have followed this path... It is just some husbands/boyfriends do not know the whole story of their life

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
you can't

You can't have a marriage based on lies. The sickos can write all the stories they want still in the end their divorce rate is threw the roof because they are people who never grew up, people who marriage for the right reason are happier therefore there is only one end to this story get rid of her and don't bother with her again she is a pig.

Mousse9Mousse9about 13 years ago

For some reason I thought this dragged on and on, and there was little point to it.

The biggest thing is that Steve and Carol's morals and values are simply too different. He doesn't cheat and thinks it's horrible. She cheats and doesn't think a thing of it. They never should've gotten together in the first place.

The first clue would be Carol going out with that Rick guy, when she and Steve were dating. True, she said she didn't want to be exclusive. Steve is plain stupid for thinking that they WERE exclusive. Was it cheating? From her POV, no, from his POV, yes. He said she said. And I don't believe for a second that she didn't fuck that Rick guy.

What makes Steve going from plain stupid to a tremendously stupid idiot is that he went after Carol AGAIN, after they had already broken up. Because then stuff that happens to them is his own fault. He already knows fidelity isn't Carol's top priority, or even on the freaking list, and he still marries her? You reap what you sow.

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
Great story

Do you think you could fit a second chapter??

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
Good Story

Well Told. Where does the idea come from that an engaged couple can do anything they want up until the moment they take their marraige vows?? Some place that specializes in arranged marraiges? No, there they hang out the bloody sheets to prove that the girl was a virgin.... Must be tough on athletes and ballet dancers.

Really her decision to go out instead of stay home with her husband should be end of the story... Nothing more is necessary.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
No second chapter....

I think the earlier comment was right to the point. You created two character's with totally different standards for fidelity and truth. His is very direct and straightforward, hers is more literal and subject to adapting to her wants. In the early part of the story, you describe her as a daddy's girl who is used to getting what she wants, you did not have her change or her actions fit her perfectly. He kept expecting her to change and you never had him really look at her until it was too late.

I will say, however, that even someone like her has to know that being double fucked right before the wedding was going too far, and if she did have the attitude it would have showed in other ways too. All in all, a good story, even if a bit too cliche, and clearly not your best work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
good story but could have been great

Glad to see you posting again. I look forward to seeing your efforts.

You seem to have gotten JPBitis and rushed the ending or this might

have been one of your best.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
Really this is just another stuoud husband story

When they were dating it wasnt the cheating with Rick per se. Steven and Carol had a clear misunderstanding of what they thought they had. That stuff does happen.

It was the lying to her folks about why Steve stopped coming around and stopped dating. THAT was the warning sign.

Not surprisingly in a slipruff story this KEY event was never once memntioned in the whole story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Overall a good story. Please continue to write as I have enjoyed your continuing improvement as a story teller. I only have one problem with the story, In the beginning the you state the the opossite of love is hate. The opossite of love is indifferance. Love and hate are strong immotions that one has for someone/thing that is important to them. Thus indifferance is the opposite of theses emotional reponses.

cpetecpeteabout 13 years ago
Welcome back!

Great to see another one of your posts. Characters well developed, the conflict set up, the ending leaving us readers wishing for more.

No real hope for this realtionship the way you have constructed the characters. The husband is a "black and white" kind of guy. The wife sees the world in an endless shade of gray (being in marketing-how approite).

Hope for a part two to see how you would write the wife "spinning" the hen party event to either get the husband back -or let him see the light of what he married.

Risq_001Risq_001about 13 years ago

I may have to disagree with something Harry said, but generally agree with the rest.

-Before the two of them ever started dating and Carol basically told Steve that first night that they were together that she didn't sleep around, but her two friends who did were sluts. To me by doing that she "implied" that's not what she was like. She put more emphasis on relationships than they did when Steve and her caught them in those situations.

But her dating Rick (and sleeping with), who was someone she met casually at the gym, while having a regular man on the side, someone she was regularly banging without mentioning Rick was deceptive.

"Most" people are only willing to have unprotected sex with someone they believe is STD free. But if you start to sleep with others on them, they kinda like to know what they might be exposed to when you start. And it's really unfair to claim they have no right to know when you put their health in jeopardy.

And there still isn't a cure for Herpes or HIV last time I checked. You have both for life and they can be passed on to others no matter how careful you think you might be.

-When your character Carol was seeing other people but kept it on the "down low" from Steve, my mom used to always say if you aren't doing anything wrong you don't hide it. So that implied she knew Steve wouldn't like it, and since she knew that she knew what she was doing was wrong.

Carol didn't have to tell Steve who or what she was doing with other men or on her dates, but leading or "letting" him "and her family" believe that her and Steve were "exclusive" when she was having sex with other men "was" being was dishonest.

-But I also agree with someone else below. When you get engaged this mentality of "Until I say my vows I'm a free agent" what is that? I just wonder what happening to people. If getting engaged doesn't make you "exclusive" then nothing does.

So based on the above statements I just wonder about the ending.

It "did" feel rushed. It didn't feel complete. I mean what was in that letter at the end? A threat? A suggestion? Divorce papers? Counciling papers? Pictures of her and Greg? Pictures of her and another man when she claimed she was out with her friends?

Not to mention that Carol didn't really seem "sorry" at the end as much as irritated he wouldn't pretend her sleeping/slutting around both before and after the marriage was no big deal as long as she came home to him.

Did he ever grow a pair as he claimed or was he still carrying on with his head in the sand?

I asked those because the story had the character burying his head "twice" that I know of. Once with Rick when he caught her and then when he talks to Greg and find out about the night before their wedding where she was taking on two men at once. Her idea of fidelity is still screwed up. The character Steve, to me, spent most of the time sitting on the fence hoping the ugly decisions would be made for him so he wouldn't have to make them.

And the end of the story really seemed to support that he was never going to change and start making a few. Like when he waited to see if she was really going out without him at the end of the story. And with that, I as the reader had no idea how the story really ended.

There was no real conflict resolution. Its like watching a movie and missing the last 10 minutes, but you are expected to fill in the ending that you want to see so that in your mind so that you're happy.


PS: I didn't exactly hate it, but it felt unfinished and the main character Steve seemed to be a might "wishy washy".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good story but definitely needs to have a part 2

Welcome back. I thought the story dragged at times but still kept me reading. I would love to read a part 2. I would like to see Steve get a happily ever after with a woman that has the same morals and values that he does. I'd also like to see Carol get her comeuppance. She never answered Steve's question about how she would feel if the situtions were reversed. What was in the letter? More please, there are still a lot of unanswered questions that need resolved.

PS - It's a lapse in judgement not laps.

Raptor5Raptor5about 13 years ago

Another wonderful story. That was the warning signs when she started with Rick and who knnows how many others before she got caught. That she would have more on the side as long as she didn't get caught again. Could use another chapter to get the final response from her and her parents.

Always love the reasons that they say when the get caught or like her found out later.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 13 years ago
I thought it very good

When she said of Rick:

"When I found out I was only one of many I lost it."

Our hero should have said:

"Then you understand completely that when I found out I was only one of many I lost it too."


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Here it was not to be realized. Closure is a wounderful thing and she can (continue) do whatever without regard to his feelings or thoughts.

bobby9909bobby9909about 13 years ago
Chapter 2, please...

It seems that Carol is indeed as Steve described her several times... daddy's girl. She seems spoiled and selfish. She seems to be of the mindset that whatever she wants to do is ok, without regard to how it might affect others. Even after Steve exposed her to what it felt like when they were dating by seeing other women, and she asked for them to be exclusive, she still took advantage of her "hen night" to satisfy her (apparent) craving for large black men with large equipment.

I'm one of those who would like to see a second chapter. From what you've built so far it will be hard to reconcile Carol and Steve, especially after he made his last and final effort by asking her to stay and talk and she went out anyway. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out she's seeing Greg and/or Danny, maybe even good ol' Rick on the side. Of course with her logic it will be ok because Steve isn't giving her what she needs. From what I'm seeing she feels that Steve is to blame because he doesn't share her idea of what is acceptable and move on. Carol has a LOT of growing up to do...

grogers7grogers7about 13 years ago
Very good, very well written

I agree that Steve and Carol have two differnt morals about fidelity. At the end, the characters are consistent with their beliefs and actions: Steve believes in fidelity and love that puts his partner before himself. Carole believes that promiscuity is bad, but occasional, celebratory infidelity is acceptable; that belief system predicates Carol occasionally putting her pleasure before Steve while thinking that it does not diminish her selfish love within that relationship.

Steve has a tough time abruptly ending his marriage because his belief in fidelity and selfless love results in a stronger bond within their relationship, and a stronger desire to retain it if possible. Carol's belief that occasional infidelity is acceptable results in her impatience with Steve's reluctance to forgive, forget, and move on. Her departure for a party evening is a statement of her values: even if she is expecting and planning an innocent evening, she values her pleasure before his needs, and avoiding the necessary confrontation is more pleasurable than the confrontation that could lead to resolution.

The story is complete, unless Steve has a catharsis and comes to adopt Carol's belief system; or Carol has a catharsis and comes to adopt Steve's belief system. Real characters, real life; but in most real cases the gender roles are reversed.

GreylocGreylocabout 13 years ago
Just wanted to know

While I liked most of the story. It left me wanting more. If this is the way your going to leave it, then YES, your main character is a wimp. To much is left unsaid, and I have to say that speaking as a man , I could never let her get off that easy. I think her dad needs to find out the truth about "daddy's little girl" so maybe he will give more of his attention to his OTHER daughter. Her father and mother had no problem distrusting Steve after their break-up, but never gave the daughter any grief. The Princess gets what she wants and has never had to really pay the price for her way of thinking. From the story she seems to believe that everything that happens is someone elses fault. I would just like to see her suffer a little. Just my thoughts. Still for the most part a good story. Thanks for your writting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Please continue on. Can't imagine Steve going back with her given that she left in her party clothes, especially with her track record of deceit.

Maybe, down the road she'll realize what she lost.


pogmapogmaabout 13 years ago
Please finish.........

I'd like to see how he ends this mess and how he handles mommy and daddy.

lgreenlgreenabout 13 years ago
More Needed

More story needed for completion - what happened when "she" came home, and later.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 13 years ago
5 stars

Yep, a chapter two is in order here. Very interested to learn where you take Carols character... How is she so calous about her behaviour?? There's gootta be video of her hen party?? Where is she going with her friends ? How can she go out when hd offers to finally talk about their crumbling marriage? Chapter two Please.

SKHPSKHPabout 13 years ago
If there will be a second chapter...

...please write it from her POV. I'm always interested in the "why?" and "does a slut ever feel guilt or remorse?"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
5 Stars

She went black and "keeps going back". Curb time.

tom anon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Needs more

You've got another winner here...hope there is more to come on it....

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAabout 13 years ago
Yeah, it's curb time!

The evidence seems to indicate that Carol is cheating whore. He should get away from her and get on with his life. Thanks for sharing the story, Slirpuff.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Someone must have took a dump in my open mouth because that's what it felt like...

yeah, forgive my sensibilities, I stopped reading there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Who cares if Carol goes nuts when she gets home?

I certainly don't.

You call the tune, you pay the piper.

And her bill is long past due.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Lit needs a "Revenge Fantasy" section

Based on what I've read, Slirpuff could probably populate it all by himself. Honestly, does he ever write anything that doesn't come across as the revenge fantasy of a jilted adolescent?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I can't believe anyone thinks this is good writing

First, mechanically it's just poor and error-riddled. Second, the characters are way over-the-top. Third, the story wanders around and then just thuds to an end.

SP is one of the most frustrating writers on this site because he won't learn how to put together a story worth a damn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
good story and plot

besides the end. who knows what's in the envelope? divorce papers ? I don't think so cause he is not a lawyer and never got any infos from somewhere. a good bye letter ? he still doesn't know what he want's to do besides getting shittfaced that weekend and maybe laid. so if it would have been a part 1, we could talk about it, but this way it's a not satisfying open end, with a group of women who think they can do whatever they want with no cosequences.

throw her out and finally show her parents what kind of woman she is and maybe give him her little sister as a bonus.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
No more

Story should have ended with Rick, and been in the interracial fetish stories not loving wives.

You dont marry sluts you fuck em, and then only if you are willing to get any disease they have.

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmabout 13 years ago
Steve or is it Slirpuff I need be addressing...

Tolerance levels when compared can almost always make one appear priceless when compared to the other. This is focused and well written, making the story tolerable, which if it wasn't well F & W would have hurt more. I believe Dickens wrote that horror story classic Great Expectations which points to the lack of enculturation offered to educated and emotionally handicapped lovers. While not a moral person, Carol may have been one of the more honest characters of this piece. Slirpuff knows while steve plays "ketchup" eating menustration, that daddy's little girl doesn't have to know herself in the socratic sense. Steve's search may never end (Slirpuff) you are asking yourself the wrong questions (get on with your life even if you have change from a donkey to an elephant).

H.H.MorantH.H.Morantabout 13 years ago
Mediocre describes the good part

The opening scene had some originality although the writing was mechanical - still, in a genre on a list both famous for lack of originality - it was a good start.

But then it became oh-so-predictable up to and and including the ridiculous incident involving the male strippers. Over the top stuff like this are worse than just bad

And so far as the protagonists outraged feelings: he gets (meaning the author needs to think about his own morality) no points for setting his wife up to fail.

Let me put it this way: your wife is addicted to alcohol or some other form of drug, and you wish to test her sobriety and leaving an open bottle and a glass out for her so she'll have it when she gets home before you do (or you rake some nice fat lines and leave them, and a straw, out - just depends on her addiction)

Would you, the outraged (by this story's wife's misbehavior) reader be outraged by the wife who lapsed from sobriety under these circumstances? Or would you condemn the guy who set her up?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good story but needs an ending

Great story. But it need a closure on what happen next. Please finish it and not keep the story line hanging. May be Carol likes the free style sex living once awhile but I do not think the husband will go for it. He is a person with back bone. Please finish it and I could not wait for chapter 2 on this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Okay she didn't think they were exclusive and was dating other guys, understandable. Most people don't consider themselves "exclusive" until it is actually discussed.

But there is no way in hell that she can argue away her hen night. They were exclusive by that point. Thought she was suppsoed to be smart?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good Story

But I would like another chapter to finish it. Thanks either way.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 13 years ago
She's a slut, he's a wimp

But then, why should we be surprised? I don't recall a SP story where the male was not a wimp. At least there are no kids ... divorce fairly simple.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
If he

If he were any sort of man at all he would be smart enough to devise a way to torture the whore to death and dispose of the body and get away with it. From her "get over it" attutude she never cared about him anyway............death to the piece of shit. Hurt me and leave me breathing, you've made your last mistake.....................

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 13 years ago
She's toast!

While she's out partying, he should change the locks and put her shit outside. Taping his wedding ring to the front door would be a nice touch. This marriage is dead. First thing the next day, he should separate and close accounts and see a lawyer. I would get a bogus protection order against her just to piss her off and give him time to get his affairs in order. He married a slut bitch. There is no need for any further discussion. It's way pass time to cut his loses and move on.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 13 years ago
Maybe not a wimp but certainly a dope

I enjoyed the story. It had elements of believability in it and Slirpuff is a decent writer. I thought it was a bit of gender reversal to have Carol using excuses to step outside the relationship. Usually it's the guy that has the excuses and screws around at his bachelor party. <br><br>

I liked Risq'a comment and also ChilleyWilley's. When Carol complained about being "one of many" it was apparent how clueless she was. <br><br>

Here's my take on their "misunderstanding" about exclusiveness. When you have dated someone for a while and you are sleeping together and telling each other you love them for 4 1/2 months a bond has been formed. Why would I not seek to date someone else at that point? It's called respect. Carol did not respect Steve when she dated and fucked another guy, when she fucked 2 guys during her batchelorette party, and when she was sucking the stripper's cock. Going back to the beginning should they have talked about exclusivity? Yup. But when Carol decided to date she didn't misunderstand. She deliberately used the lack of such a conversation as a get-out-of-jail-free card. When someone that "loves" you does something to deliberately screw you over you really have to question their real feelings. You also have to question their character. Do you really want to be with a person who has a what-can-I-get-away-with attitude? Are they only behaving when you're watching? Do you want to have to play policeman for the rest of your life? It's also clear that they HAD discussed fidelity before the last two times and it didn't matter. <br><br>

Steve is not really a wimp because he stands up every time he catches her. He's a man being used by a deceitful and manipulative woman. We are legion. But he's a dope for getting back together with her after the first time.

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago
What I don't understand is why a video was not taken of the hen party.

He had everything arranged, and it would have been easy to do. My feeling is, that if he wasn't going to use this for evidence, that he should have just served the papers at the hen party.

I understand that he was seeing a repeat in the pattern, and she had to show a change in behaviour, or a divorce was the next step. Once she left in her party clothes, he did the right thing. Once again, I don't feel that there was anything to fight for, and walking away, is best.

Thank You, for a well written story.

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 13 years ago
No remorse?

How can she expect forgiveness when she has no remorse? Oh, maybe because with forgiveness she gets to keep doing whatever she wants to do. An interesting read.

koosewatcherkoosewatcherabout 13 years ago
Just wanted sex

She broke up with her Black Stud in college because he just wanted SEX. That's all she wanted from him, the dancers and whoever else she felt justfied to do.

Good story, but I would end it with Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice and I must be a total MORON.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 13 years ago
Frustrating story

It Is like Steve is on some kind of anti-clarity drug. No conceivable reason to be married to that woman.

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 13 years ago
Hard to Figure

It's hard to figure what drives this couple. It would seem that whenever there is a chance to get it on with a black dick she is ready to go. But she know hubby ain't going to like it. I'm truly unsure of Steve. At the beginning he took action and at the end he was sluggish at best. Both of these people need help with their marriage. I would like to see that happen but I really want to see what the author has up his sleeve for us. I hope you don't keep us waiting too long. Thanks for sharing your writing skills with us! You are very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
love makes you blind

but it made him selfish, if he really loved her , he shoudl have let her go, (go have big black cock my love, you will always be in heart, i dont want to keep you from happiness, i will setlle with some just plain, but beautiful, simple but faithful girl. but he became crazy, and he paid the price. Everyone realize his/her mistake but never a selfish person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
unninteresting characters especially wife

I don't mind reading stories about characters I don't like if the story about them is interesting enough. But this is a very by the numbers loving wife story with completely uninteresting characters who don't really seem to care about each other. Should they get divorced sure. But I don't really care because the husband doesn't seem to care that much. Priceless, why? Other than her looks what is the connection for him? And for that matter why would she like him at all? They have nothing. And it ends with a complete fizzle, they never even talk. On the other hand, perhaps you've found another meaning for price-less. You've done much better.

demantoiddemantoidabout 13 years ago
Great story

Brilliant saga as seen through the eyes of Steve. Evoked terrific empathy. I enjoyed this wonderful narrative. Thank you Slirpuff.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
More please........

I gave you a 5 but we need another can't leave it all hanging. I've always enjoyed all of your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
letting go

is sometimes the best solution. peace of mind is priceless. you have grown as a writer.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 13 years ago
Both a Wimp and a Fool.

She was a slut from day one and obviously had a penchant for big black cocks! He was one dumb fucker for ever hooking up with her to begin with. I hate wimp stories and gave this two stars to be charitable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago



chytownchytownabout 13 years ago
Well Written.

But border line boring. Looking forward to next story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
great story

but i would have not married her as i wouldn't have gotten the chance after telling he mom her daughter was a knee gar fucker. once i met a nice looking blonde and took her out 2 times when she went on a vacation to return the next sat. night. i couldn't wait till she got back. sat pm her car was back but she never answered the phone as i figured out she was out with someone she was dating when i met her. we later became an item and shacked up a while but just the idea she and i weren't on the same page about each other after 2 dates really took the thrill out of it for me. i can't remember if i told her that was why i was adios. rc

lancewmlancewmabout 13 years ago
A well written story, but no ending

Nothing seems to have been learned and no resolution.

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmabout 13 years ago
anti-clarity drug


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
stop reading

This one and Stangstars last one are to much like JPB's. New rule... the best authors on this site,and yes, you two are in that group, must STOP reading jpb's stories!!! Please stop it now before it's to late.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
why not

This needs a second chapter. I live in a small town and my ex. was caught cheating on me twice first time I took her back not the second. I dated her friends to get back at her. Surprise to me I later married one and I am still friends with both of her friends and their husbands. Funny I got custody of her friends and also surprisingly her parents. When they found out about their daughter they were so angry and since my ex's best friend is my now wife and she they grew up tougher. And knows my ex’s parents as a second set and since my parents and my ex’s parents became friends I am loved more than their own daughter. Parents and friends stuck by me that is a small town life.

greyfalcongreyfalconabout 13 years ago

You write some amazing romantic/loving wives tales but this one is a long shot from those stories.

This is why:

After that party i don't see one reason for him to stay married. In fact i think he should have gone for divorce after talking to greg. He still loves her (a trait amazingly common in many of the cheating wives stories here) ?? Okay, even if he does, the marriage is still dead. Your last paragraphs clearly indicate so! The last bit about her giving him that damned look and then not bothering to talk and still going out with those friends would be enough to boil anyone's temper!! God what a bitch!!

I don't see any signs of a loving wife here. Just a sketch of someone who cheats while they were dating (because she didn't want to settle-LAME) and then cheats before marriage on the lousy claim that they weren't married at that time and then who cheats after the marriage thinking thats exactly what her husband is doing during his parties.

Then she gives him attitude, gives her parents a fictional side of her story making him the bad guy in their eyes and doesn't take any steps to atleast bridge the gap she has created due to her actions but rather waits for the guy to 'get over it'..

I am sorry but this story doesn't deserve more than the 2 stars i gave you. i like your writing style and was even amused at the little humor in the story but the plot took away all the points.

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 13 years ago
Good Story

While a lot of readers disagree with you having Steve take so long after the hen party before leaving Carol, I completely understand and I suspect that you do as well after reading your intro about the mental and physical effects that love has on the body. Even though you know deep down that there is no way that you could ever trust her anymore (something that you won't admit to yourself until the marriage has been over for awhile) you still want to hold on and hope there is some way back. I think it is more the avoidance of the mental and physiological pain that you know is coming when you separate than gullibility.. A couple actually bond on a physiological level and it is mentally and physically painful when they separate because you are going through hormone withdrawl and the presence of other hormones associated with loss. Your body chemistry is completely unbalanced as well as your thought process. Most men will act all macho and use anger to displace the separation anxiety because anger is easier to control and is a less painful feeling. The angrier the person the more intense the pain of the loss. The only problem I see with your story is the cheating wife's name should have been Karen or Jan. Thank you for a well thought out and entertaining story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I just want to know what happens after she got back home and found him gone.But not that they get back together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I Never Met Anyone That Would Have Married This Slut In The First Place

Other than that big problem not a bad story, thanks.

MikeinMissouriMikeinMissouriabout 13 years ago
Got to agree with many others...

I enjoy your writing a great deal SP and your stories are usually complete. This one however left me with so many questions even though it was enjoyable. It would be nice for an addition to answer them. A continuation would be helpful. MinM

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Pretty good effort

This was one of your better stories that I've read, certainly better than your boring "romance" LW stories. The best thing about this was that the guy wasn't too much of a wimp, although the story wasn't really satisfying. He probably should have let it go farther, filmed a gang bang, and forwarded copies to the families and employers of all the women. The guy (Steve) should have tried for an annulment based upon her having gone into the "contract" of marriage under false pretenses; i.e., having been unfaithful during her "hen" party. It probably wouldn't fly in court, but perhaps his lawyer could have forced everyone involved to give sworn depositions, and it would have embarrassed Carol, and her parents. But any man who would marry a woman who fucked niggers would deserve whatever he got (or caught).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
LAPSE not laps


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
kissing on?

English has really deteriorated in the colonies.

kingspridekingspridealmost 13 years ago

......I won't class this as a try,what you have is the beginnings of a brilliant ROMANCE(L.W) saga .........hope if you do choose to go on we are not saddled with a wimp.

p.s to all who think English has gone down in the colonies....we out in the so called colonies here might be anglophone but we speak colonial suitable for accurate communication in our unique corners of the world

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Excellent Candidate for Part 2

Well written and an excellent candidate for a Part 2.

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago


woodmanonewoodmanonealmost 13 years ago
Well Done

Enjoyed the story. I could almost picture the characters and the scenarios.

I do agree with several other commentators that the tale begs for a chapter or part 2. Our hero deserves more closure than he got. Please continue.


tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

now you talk like it just forgotten. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Glad the husband got rid of the cheating slut wife...

she was fucking useless as a partner and he will be much better off without the slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
We've already had part 2.

Part 1 was Rick. Part 2 was Greg. She showed neither remorse or regret. It's simply time to go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great Story

A few pictures for her parents so they could start to understand why boyfriends and husbands dump her would have been a nice touch.

I really like most of your stories. I plan to read all of them. Thanks!

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
This story was written well,

but likeacouple of others the ending is either incomeplete or just plain bad. Give us one of those great endings we know you are very good at !!

Danger09Danger09about 12 years ago
It's your fault

She was a slut in college so what made Steve think she was past the lying & slutting around? It's his own damn fault he should've NEVER married her! Tramps like that aren't wife material ....

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Fundamentally flawed character

I've read that a cheater is, at heart, a narcissist: they really only care about themselves. That described this gal perfectly. The signs were there from the get-go. Her attitude of defending what was really indefensible actions (in response to all three revelations) told the guy all he needed to know about the selfish whore. Any one of the three instances could have, but didn't need to be, a deal-breaker. Maybe the worst thing wasn't even what she did (the dating behind his back, the sex at her bachelorette party, the "warming up" the talent at her friend's bacheloratte party), or even the lying, but rather the fact that she essentially set her friend up to be unfaithful to her soon-to-be hubby. That shows a truly deviant character; amoral, really.

He was right to leave her. The way the relationship sputtered and died in bitterness and despair seemed real. I appreciated this tale.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanabout 12 years ago
I've got to say

Slirpuff you can write. But this story had a wimp from word one. The curb should have been used before he married her. Your justification bullshit that came out of her mouth is crap any man worth being call a man would tell her no I'll fuck you but no dating. Her attitude would make her only useful as a cum dumpster. I found no redeeming characters in this tale and the only real men were the wimps two friends. Sorry I could only give ** for the writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
carol ended the marriage/story cut short at end/

need an ending of what happened when she came home. instead of leaving it up in the air. slirpuff great story just not happy with the ending. maybe you write a part 2 someday

BetterEndingBetterEndingalmost 12 years ago
Sorry, I Had to Do It

I had to give you a low score for an unfinished story. To enjoy this story, I really needed to feel her pain when she came home and realized he was gone. As it was, it is likely that she really didn't give a shit and that is not very satisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
All that build up and no ending?

Did you just get bored or something?

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
it was great

he walked - that was the ending. he grew a pair after thinking about it and his ex-slut was a gang bang cunt who did it again. it was not the first time and she knew it so she had to get double teamed by professionals and wore them out. if she has not done it already she will soon enough. perfect ending - he left. 5

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

He did the right thing. You don't stay married to a wife who you can't trust and you don't let your friend marry a girl unless he knows the truth. He wasn't a wimp. He had no idea she was a fucking slut. Now he knows and he's gone. There's your ending.

All cheaters should live in extreme pain.


Fuck 'um all!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

She is a mudshark and always has been there is no cure! Only option marriage termination and get as far away as possible. Get checked for STD's she abviously has been getting plowed by nigger STD carriers all along!

phil2213phil2213almost 11 years ago
A skank is a skank; tigers never change their stripes.

Not a very good story! Carol was plain and simple a low life skank. There is not morals no honesty or commitment. Carol is for Carol and no one else can fit. The fact that this story hung this ball in the air throughout the story destroyed the timing for any revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Finally grew a pair 2 pages too late

Why the fuck would you take her back after seeing her with Rick???

I would have told her when I saw her with Rick to f-off and never spoken to her again.

'nuff said.

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