All Comments on 'Paul's Baby'

by scouries

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
different,but good

when you got it as a writer its' hard to go wrong.i just wish you write more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What a waste of time!

This story is nothing more than a couple of bitches who's only concerns in the world are their own gratification. Who now plot to have the husband fit the bill as "Daddy" to not one but two bastard kids. There isn't one redeeming value in any of these characters. What a waste of time to write as well as read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
When you got it as a writer?

What, did you have your friend write you a comment? Maybe you did it yourself. Wasn't particularly well written and the subject matter was disgusting. Once again, no justice in the world and indiscretions all right because she "enjoys" it. In what universe is cheating all right? Bad enough to cuckold her husband, but to let him raise her bastard child? Let's hope someone has the stones to write a decent ending to thus story, I don't think we can count on the author to do it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Don't hate her?

Just a couple of cheating conniving whores. Don't hate them? They're "normal"? you are one sick fuck, I hope one day your wife does the same to you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
you're right

I didn't like her. She thought only of herself and not her family. I would like to know, how she would feel if her husband had a girlfriend and a child on the side. Would she be understanding? Would she feel betrayed? My guess is that she would be angry and vengeful at the deception her husband perpetrated. Of course, I could be wrong. But not likely. As far as the writing is concerned, it was great. The characters were well written and consistent throughout the story. Great Work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What Can I Say?

I thought this "story" sucked. The "writer" tried to ward off criticism with his lead in to the text, but he apparently failed miserably. Never fear, "writer," the comment Nazis will be here soon to chastise the rest of us for making unfavorable remarks. Then you'll feel better. You won't learn anything useful, but you'll feel better.

louguy35louguy35about 17 years ago
Oh, Well!!

As I have stated before, there are good wirters in the Loving Wives genre, and there are not so good writers. The story is the only way to judge. This is a bad story.

jack_strawjack_strawabout 17 years ago
Sorry, but I liked it

Call me a fool, but I liked this story a lot. It was well-written, well-paced, the plot moved along nicely and the sex was very, very hot and remarkably descriptive. There was also an irreverence, a thick slab of humor that really gave it some spice. So what if the two main characters have no morals or that the male lead is nothing but a "beeeeg" dick with a body attached. So what if the poor husband is a dumb schmuck without a clue. This ain't a bible story, it's a sex story, and a damn good one.

Kanga40Kanga40about 17 years ago
If it was a good sex story

it may have been bearable.<BR>

Maybe thinking this story has good sex is a 'man thing', 'cause it sure did nothing for me.<BR>

The one redeeming feature it could have had, it didn't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Of What It Could Have Been

Wasted talent for the few into bastard babies and loving husband humiliating - that it was well written is correct Jack but cmon, ability is but part of what constitutes a good story.<P>

Alienating the 99% with coy disgusting characters who prey on a caring husband won't sell many books but then it wasn't intended was it writer. You wrote this to humiliate the committed male as though he was just fodder for her and you. Is this your normal fare? An island that doesn't feel.<P>

Disgustingly subhuman without value particularly for what it should have been given the talent wasted.<P>

Just a sick mind with 1 hand busy.

SoftlySoftlyabout 17 years ago
The LW Nazis attack again


Your story was very well writen. Getting pregnant the way that she did is common, but little understood. Over thirty percent of births of married women are from men who are not the husband.

The baby will bring joy to the marrage, make no mistake about that.

As for the comments, remember that you may delete them, as they deserve


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great story

I will have to check out some of your other work. Keep up the good work.

JDLYTLE1JDLYTLE1about 17 years ago
great work again...

This was another reason I keep checking for new work by you. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Good fantsey, liked the sex and the lack of reality, just good erotic fantsey. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very Nice

Hot and sexy. Infedelity is looked down upon but is more common than most people would like to accept. Story was short but characters were nicely developed. Anyways the sex was really hot so five stars from me!

thebulletthebulletabout 17 years ago

I'm not one to criticize a story's moral structure for the most part. I usually leave that to others while I stick to the quality of the writing. Most LW stories I leave alone since they don't appeal to my purient interest, and why else should we be reading this site?

Still, I was uncomfortable with this story because of its complete lack of moral rectitude. Why in the world is this woman married to her husband other than for a free meal ticket? That totally baffles me. Usually I don't care about such things within the framework of the story. But in this case the story screamed for some rationalization about why the husband and wife were together.

And Softely, I would appreciate a pointer to your statistics that over 30% of children born within marriages are to males not the father. I could find no such statistics anywhere. I did find a statistic that in 65% of the births by married women to men not the husband, the married women were living with the actual father rather than the husband. But that data gave no indication of the actual number of illegitimate births to married women.

I personally find your number to be highly unlikely. Was it Disraeli who said: "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." I think someone else said, "98% of all statistics are made up". I think friend Softley's fall within that category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Difficult Read

I had trouble reading this. It seemed to be all over the place . But most of all, the two women characters as well as the stud character were just pieces of crap. How anyone could see anything redeeming about this story amazes me.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
The category might be Loving Wives but these...

women are anything but.


The story does seem to wander about somewhat. As a general rule, authors should avoid flashback, and that's true here because it added nothing to the storytelling. I had to smile at the author's suggestion that Lizzie's behavior is "normal". I'm not sure that I agree that a wife having the child of someone other than her husband is normal even though scouries might wish it were so. Other than surrogate parenting, I think most people would agree that a wife bearing another man's child isn't exactly "normal". Insofar as Lizzie's polygamous thoughts at the end, that's definitely not the norm in American culture. Various forms of plural marriages certainly exist today but they are not mainstream. I have to conclude that Lizzie isn't quite "normal". Is she believable as a character? Sure.


I agree with thebullet w.r.t. the integrity and morality of the two women. The idea of a plural marriage isn't disturbing as I believe such relationships can work but no arrangement of husbands and wives will ever work with the attitude that these two females have. They're greedy, self-centered users who consider Johnnie nothing more than a paycheck and a convenient fuck. That's not love nor caring in any decent sense of the words. Johnnie might appreciate another piece of poontang to nail but who'd want another wife if she were like Cathy?


I do have wonder what will happen when Johnnie finally figures out that his "daughter" isn't his. Research by psychologists shows that most males want little or nothing to do with offspring that aren't theirs biologically, despite what our Loving Wives authors would have us believe. In all probability, Johnnie will discover the truth, and I'll lay odds he's not gonna be to thrilled with that discovery. I wouldn't be surprised if he filed for divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
You create a character that is

totally contemptable and tells us not to hate her? There are good sex stories with wives enjoying sex outside of their marriage. This isn't one of those. This wife appears to hate her husband, so that eliminates a loving wife story.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
Like poison mushrooms

Just like Anon predicted (“What can I say?”), the spiritual brethren of thought police of all times have appeared –predictable just like poison mushrooms after the rain. The only label they use has been copied, and now it has been corrupted out of its original context (beware people of using inflammatory language, even if well intended) by intolerant ignoramus who try to scare away any descent. Since the label is: A. getting boring and B: loosing its impact due to over use; why won’t you try (that is if you must impress us with name calling) some fresh names from the history of intolerance? HUH? Too difficult? I figured as much. Ok, go back to your Nazis; I can feel the few cells of your brain getting overheated already. <P>

Regarding the story, I think I figured why I disliked it so much – I like women and like the institution of marriage. I can’ stand it when a story depicts deplorable behaviors of women with no effort to put any background or to make them sound credible (I refuse to accept the author’s implied premise that women are deplorable). The same applies to the behaviors presented in the marriage – I refuse to accept the author‘s premise that for no reason what so ever you get married, than you go ahead and destroy your marriage. Worst of all it’s not sexy, just lazy writing. .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I'm sorry

I'm sorry, author. I didn't find anything likable in this story. Worse, it is an erotic site and I didn't even find it sensual. The story is contrived and the characters pure cardboard. Just like the statistics, the plot is unrealistic, but the author tries to fit the subject matter and behavior into the plot. It was a no sale, good luck!

ScribbledScribbledabout 17 years ago
Kudos to a genius

Your story had exactly the effect on your readers you intended. The mark of a great writer. You should be published. I can see a Pulitzer Prize in your future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

so much hate. you write very well. too bad you use in a mocking way.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 17 years ago
Sorry, this dawg don't hunt

Yuck. Hard to follow and no redeeming value in any of these characters. If I'd time I'd write the reverse - hubby impregnates two women behind faithful loving hard-working wife's back and continues to play with no conscience at all, with the long-term plan to re-impregnate woman #1.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Poor content, poor writing.

Your story was not particularly interesting because it was not believeable. No guilt, no concern, nothing. Your characters are sociopaths. Your writing was not particularly clear or readable. Nice try, but it really didn't work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I gave it a 25 because it had some technical merit. That was its only good point.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
How can you hate pure trash?

The woman is trash, pure and simple trash. Not worth writing about, not worth considering. You ask us not to hate her, how do you hate trash. The bad thing here is what she did to her husband, to a boy, and to a bastard not yet born. No we wont hate her, we will only wish she had never been born and the world would be a little bit better.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 17 years ago
Should be a comedy but missed the mark

But she's just a normal woman. Not horrible or evil. Just trying to live her life. Struggling to be happy. So please don't judge her too hard. It's not her fault she likes it ... This woman is not anywhere near normal unless someone lives in the world of porn magazines. What a laugh for a preamble to a story.<p>Your imagination had some humor in it but not enough to be a humorous story throughout. Now a comment by Softly was a real hoot as her comment, “Over thirty percent of births of married women are from men who are not the husband”, is so ridicules she must use porn magazines and a really authoritative web site for her statistics. Wow, if you have three kids one isn’t yours by these statistics. People are such suckers to believe such undocumented statistics as statistics are only good for trying to guess at probabilities we might face.<p>This was fairly well written but so overboard with idiousy that it was fun to see some people say “Yeah you got real life right”.<p>As a sex story I guess some will be happy to wank-off with this, but for me I find it somewhat funny but not a real good laugh was had, as stupid can only go so far.<p>PT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Flat, laughably unrealistic; but with possibility.

Erotica necessarily involves elements of fantasy, and all fiction requires some suspension of disbelief. But your story, like so many stories in this category, is simply too unrealistic for the suspension of disbelief to occur. I think your story, as with so many here, is simply driven by your own insecurities, rather than by an accurate, interesting, or arousing view of women and sex. As a result, your main character is at once emotionally numb AND with a deep underlying hatred---and yet she's overtaken completely by a man with a big dick. This is simply your fear of rejection personified: an uncaring woman who hates you, who is taken away by a physically superior male. My advice: take some time to seriously question your beliefs about women and sex, and then try the story again from the beginning, but this time let the main character actually drive the events. You have enough details to draw out the psychology of the character---a traveling husband, resentment of him, desire for a more complete family---and her malicious friends provide a huge range of plot possibilities. But you don't use the material you've put on the table. Of course, if you find writing this kind of story somehow cathartic, and if the readers do... then go with it. Just realize, ultimately, that it's actually quite silly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Lacked a little sizzle

Not bad and I like the premise. The story could have used a little more sizzle, the sex should have been more exciting than what it was. I am not sure why.

I get such a kick out of the "moral sex" police visiting an erotic story website. The irony inherent in that is just too much!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not just a mans world any more.GREAT STORY

Well i'm not a writer just a reader,and i like every bit of it,and would like to read more.Its a great story i hope you keep writing and i'll keep reading.Great job

Gary_LostGary_Lostabout 17 years ago
Another wimp/fool of a husband

Not worth making a comment over.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Problem with the ending

I really liked this story but had a big issue with the ending. It was cheesy. The rest of the story was hot though.

atl44atl44over 16 years ago

I've been catching up on all of the entrys by scouries and this one was great! Maybe not as graphic as his others but still better written than some and personally I liked the story! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Morals of an alley cat

What a load of sluts added to a morally corrupt teenager with more dick than brains , I hope they all catch something nasty and leave the gene pool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
What happened?

You started off like you were going to do it, but then you became more technical (like a narration of what was going on). It needed to have more feeling. More of what she was going through, as she felt the pain and pleasure of his cock as it tortured her cunt like it had never been before.

The ending could have been a little more touching, but it did leave an opening to continue.

Your writings have great scenarios, but they just need more feeling. jim

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
either gender

the behavior is not flattering in m/w, and thoughts of using john come so easy, and paul/whomever else. that is a comment unto themselves. at the time of confrontation, the words, but i love only you or such sincere thoughts will no doubt flow from her

don87654don87654almost 16 years ago
Polygamy, almost....

An ideal set up. Paul moves in as does Cathy and Johnnie is supporting all, not knowing the difference but liking the babies.....Great fantasy!

don87654don87654over 15 years ago
Almost Polygamy

A very erotic situation. I envy Paul, being a natural daddy and fuck mate to these two women and their babies. It just goes to show that Mormons are not the only polygamous couples if things are handled the right way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Two skank whore sluts--johnnie is one big DUMB ASS--He should catch the stud Paul and cut his balls and cock off--then get rid of his slut wife..---BE NICE --BULL SHIT--put her ass on the street with her bastard children.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

.......Paul had the nack of things...enjoyable reading...lottsa truth in what you have written...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
waste of good talent

Well, you wanted a vote, so here it it! Total piece of crap; & why this ever got into Loving Wives is beyond me. She is a sleazy slut & that's her best quality, to put a cuckoo into her husband's home. Her character was portrayed is despicable, so she is definitively not a loving wife.

don87654don87654almost 15 years ago
Paul got it made...

I'm a little envious of Paul....

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
what a slut

to bad the husband didn't catch them and kick her sorry ass out the door with nothing. while suing the lover for medical expenses/child support. not only is she cheating but she's denying him kids to have her lovers? what the fuck is that. sorry man, i like most of your stories but i just can't get in to this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

My vote for this story: 1. That is all it deservesa. Lizzie was nothing but a whore and amoral. Nothing loving about this slut. She lacks morals and she cannot even spell marital fedility. Makes me sick that the author 'celebrated' this piece of trash. Total disrespect for her husband and to add to her sordid life she brings an innocent into this world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

My vote for this story: 1. That is all it deserves. Lizzie was nothing but a whore and amoral. Nothing loving about this slut. She lacks morals and she cannot even spell marital fedility. Makes me sick that the author 'celebrated' this piece of trash. Total disrespect for her husband and to add to her sordid life she brings an innocent into this world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
its a wounderful thing, but

the wrong guy? If her husband was to used as parent/meal ticket/etc - then she needs to get caught and have it all, away from john, as she may. Deferred consequences, I would hope. AT least let john have the possibility of finding the same she found, since its not her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I liked it

Actually, I thought this story was well-written and Lizzie's fall for the big-dicked guy certainly is understandable. When a woman fears that she cannot conceive, that she is growing older and may soon lose her looks and figure, a vibrant, handsome young man looks mighty good. It was clear from the story that the conception problem was with her husband so, if she really wanted to conceive, it was reasonable for her to be tempted to stray. The big cock on Paul was surely an added benefit and enhanced her "enslavement" to him. My own experience is that a big cock can overcome many reservations and scruples almost every time. Good story. Keep up the good work

vietvetvietvetabout 14 years ago
A cheatin slut

is a cheatin slut. FRY THEM ALL>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

stupid story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

you talk like a human, but your not are you your just a sick fuck who should stay away from children.

timviztimvizalmost 14 years ago

I agree with the first 3

deadonedeadoneabout 13 years ago
Once again I just wish to start the bondfire

Throw her and her lover onto it and watch them burn.

She is the lowest manipulative bitch around. Burning at the stake is to nice for her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I don't think so

Fine she likes this, but at least let the husband off the hook and away from her. He likes children, then let him have them with someone that cares, with him and he's the father. Pays the bills and supports the cow, and she has such regard for him.

TechRaiderTechRaiderabout 13 years ago
good story

yeah that wasnt that bad. sounds like she really loves her husband but also wants to have fun. as long as he never finds out i think they would have a wonderful life. like your other story "angie's valentines baby" long as husband doesnt know and is happy to be a dad. who is it really hurting?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
manipulation and deceit

Any positive impulses here are just screwed up. Husband is around to support children not his own, and no sense of loyalty to him, and certainly not fidelity. Does husband get to have sex with anyone here?

PolyLvrPolyLvrabout 13 years ago
I have to laugh

Jeeeeezuuuuussss! Do any of you people even read the story? The husband got lots of sex. He just wasn't able to father a kid, and his dick wasn't enormous, as seems to be the requisite for these cuckold stories.

It has been my and my wife's experience that IRL big dicks are no barometer for a man's real successes. Some of her biggest lovers are mediocre at best, in all life's metrics.

Most women who cheat do so out of need, and a big dick isn't high on the list. It's neglect, lack of intimacy, sometimes simpply a desire for change. And the people they cheat with are usually not rich, overly smart, or overly manly. They usually cheat with someone who shows them affection. Period.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I loved it.

However, because of the almost impossible big cock part of the story, it is only a 4 **** story.

Nothing wrong with a woman having sex with a better looking man. That is almost all women do. However, only men want big cocks. Women have no interest in big cocks.

We have evolved so that normal size is best. Average is slightly less than 6". If larger size was an evolutionary advantage of even 1% per generation such as if women prefered larger cocks the the average size would be larger. Until the last 100 years a woman's first child was usually before age 20 and in the Stone Age it was low teens.

Therefore, if a larger cock gave a 1% advantage over that last 1,000 generations (less than 20,000 years), natural selection would dictate larger cocks. A 1% advantage for even 1,000 generations is huge. That is 1.01^1,000 = 21,000 to 1 advantage. Therefore, writing that women want big cocks is a strong indicator of low intelligence.

rixelsrixelsalmost 13 years ago
What would Johnnie think?

How many bastards can these bitches get Johnnie to pay for? It is not a check that I would willingly write.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago

After 20 years the husand could start law suit against DNA father to pay child support settlemt (1-2 children), when the DNA father gathered much money and paid the mortgage. The husband start a around the World travel from the settlement to stop for 2 weeks on Bora Bora.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago

@Dwornock You are right only 30% of the women depend on large cocks, 70% of women works with normal cocks well, morover the majority of the women get lack of parts on the vaginal mucous membran from enormous cocks. They will be pain for days same to the lack of parts in mouth mucous membran.

I hope once the DNA test would be obligatory for all husbands after the childbirth and after DNA test negative result the mother should decler who might be the father....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

great stories damn some are your readers are angry keep up the good work and continue this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
you said dont blame the wife

After all she did nothing, except, break her marital contract; commit adultry; foster a bastard upon her husband; become a common slut; place her self and her husband to potential disease risk repeatly; continously lie and cheat; have no morals or principles; deny a child is rightful place and medical history; and damage her own, her childs, and her husbands lives while destroying her marriage. Sooner or later medical test or some other reason will force the proof of the bastards history and the husband will divorce her and probably seek child support for her bastard. Nope nothing at all to blame her for in this except the fact she is braindead and amoral.

BaronScrewtapeBaronScrewtapeover 12 years ago
Despite your admonishment...

... she is evil. She, without consultation, makes her husband a cuck, and has him raising another man's child. Oh, and let's not forget the possibility of disease.

Yah. With wives like her, who needs serial killers?

chytownchytownover 12 years ago

I thought a woman was the author of this story until I read the bio. You can write but your story line sucked. That's just my opinion. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Johnnie can have children with someone else, and she and paul can figure things out, together or separately

Fighting41Fighting41over 12 years ago
No Good Characters in this

Couldn't find one character in this pile of drivel that had any good features at all 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

My wife had a baby with one of her lovers. It was a turn on for me

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Paul knocked her up and she was keen for that to happen, so they should be reesponsible for the resulting children; and John, he needs to be free of all of them.

For John, he can get out with minimal harm and have his desires for children elsewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very hot

Great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
just a cheat story

hopefully she gets run over by a car or a disease the kids deserve a good parent and person which she is neither.

tiger46tiger46about 11 years ago
Slut nurses.....who'da thought!

yep....just human trash.... birthing more trash.(yeah, yeah, yeah, they're innocent babies....carrying trash genes.... to be raised by "mothers" with no morals. State prisons are filled with men raised y such mothers..... so are whorehouses)

must admit the dialogue was nicely written.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

Hi Paul, we have never met but we something in common. You are going to spend the rest of your life paying for those kids you made with that big cock. Don’t worry, I will let my wife have it when ever she wants, I will keep it in a jar for her. You on the other hand will have to earn your money with your ass and I keep all the money. This is my friend Pedro and has the perfect position for you; looking like a bike rack at a fag biker bar. Cathy will be working with you too, well in the same line of work, bye bye

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
another dumbass fool

with whiskey wishes and cuckold lover dreams............-21,300,000,000,000 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

enjoyable, a good read

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I liked it 5*****

Thought I had read all your stories but somehow missed this one.

Thanks, tom anon

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
i loved it!!!

you have got to write a sequel. we have got to know if cathy moves in with lizzie and if they have another baby by paul and if they might have one other with their new lover later, or does paul marry cathy.that would really a perfect ending,lizzie and cathy sharing cath's husband.think about it .see you later. bob w.

bielsibob666bielsibob666over 9 years ago


impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
How to be a 5* story...

This is a story for 1*, but it would be easily a 5*, if...If she and the bastard child died in the child-birth freeing her husband to happyness...When the author tell us to understand her, I would if she liking it so much had chosen to be a whore...No need to be married...She and her friend could have a Brothel...

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 9 years ago
I understand

why and how people cheat. A one time thing or short affair is... forgivable.

But this.

This behaviour is reprehensible. To willingly deceive your adoring husband, to connive to set him up as a cuckold in the original meaning of the word, just so you can have a revolving door of ginormous dicks is beyond acceptable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Vile Troll Bait

OneShotOneOneShotOneover 9 years ago
if you think that people who behave this way aren't evil

You're one sick mother fucker

bigdnc13bigdnc13over 9 years ago
Vile Slut

Don't judge her? Really?!? You must be part of the 'nonjudgmental crowd'. You know the one that's totally fucked up this country with political correctness and such. Are you sure your name shouldn't be Scurvy? You probably just misspelled it.

spinner45spinner45over 9 years ago
To: the last five commenters

It's really very simple; if the story or the characters disgust you, stop reading. And spare the rest of us your vitriol. You are not responsible for writing it. You are only responsible for reading something you seem to hate. Shame on you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
spinner45, I know this is your life story

but have some pride and name the child after his father. This was nothing more than a idiot with a keyboard. It sucks as much as spinners wife.

spinner45spinner45over 9 years ago
Looked at all the comments!

Amazing! The level of viciousness in the comments is almost beyond belief. I wonder why. Is it some kind of campaign? Seriously, I wonder why so many people take so much trouble to spew it?

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
the author has succeeded

if you read the opening comments, that most readers would not like the characters, that it was an unpleasant subject matter, and many would be angry.

"Many readers will hate her, will want her punished for her perceived sins."

you will understand that the goal of the author is to stir up, anger, and make fun of the average reader.

And that is exactly what has happened. scouries is sitting off to the side, reading all the comments, laughing.

at us.

johnstang2johnstang2over 9 years ago
Oh Brother!

It never ceases to amaze me the haters on this site will spew out all the hate for a story they read all the way thru. I hardly see them comment on a story they liked. I think they secretly liked it because they read it but can't admit to it so they spew out this garbage.

Bravo Writer on a job ell done to expose these haters for what they are.

I personally, though, liked this story very much. It's the type of story I love to see more often in this section rather than the kick the bitch to the curb type of stories.

Thanks for the read,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

You know, this happens more often than not. A married woman commits an indescretion and ends up pregnant. The one-night-stand won't leave her alone. Their sexual relationship continues to the delight and also the chagrin of the married woman. Too young to not dream of babies, she has his love child and her husband makes a good DAD. The rest is of course, fantasy, but good fantasy. The married woman really might try to fix up her single friend with the Paul character, hopeing to shift his attention to the friend. Don't listen to complainers. Someone who thinks Literotica femal characters should behave like Donna Reed should go elsewhere.

sinsational83sinsational83about 9 years ago

Another lying deceitful whore. Having a good man raise someone else's bastard kid. Someone like her should have her fucking tubes pulled out by hand and have her pussy sewed together and then thrown out with the trash the lying cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Not All That Surprising

A story like this brings to mind the best advice every husband / father should heed. "Trust but verify". Thank the stars for all future fathers there is DNA testing. Should be mandatory for every child born. Only read part and got the gist of this. 1* for not BTB.

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

and it looks like a long range operation. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
It may not be her fault that she likes it

It is her fault that she has no self control, no loyalty and allows herself to become a complete cheating slut. Like you said - horrible characters, bad story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
the absolute worst type of woman, with no love, respect, or loyalty for her husband

death becomes her, the fellow adulterer, and the bastard. Ever wonder why men kill their wives and children?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

to offset the asshole of LIT"s 1 vote because his wife left him a cuck and he mad. So he takes it out on the writers of these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Five stars

Erotic and sexy. A woman get the baby she wants and the cock she needs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More garbage

Pray whoever knows this coward fag writer will punch him in his cuck throat for pretending to be a man........ Fucking useless idiot....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
where is the sequel?

Mr Scouries seems to tire quickly of a story line and not always finishes his stories.

This story has all potential for a follow-up in which Johnny, Cathy and Lizzie live together. They should get it out in the open about Paul and the others to come ...

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 7 years ago
The real ending is sad

Johnnie learns the truth, both women with their bastard children become whores to support themselves and their collective nine children by six different fathers (none of whom support their babies). Eventually both women die one of AIDS, the other Heroin OD and the children are separated in the system and have miserable lives. Was it worth it? Oh and Johnnie meets a nice faithful woman and has three terrific kids who all are very successful. The live happily to very old age and have many grandchildren.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotabout 7 years ago
Cheating Wife

I loved this story,because it happened to me. My late wife had held sex from me since before Christmas. In March the following year we went dancing got drunk and had sex most all night long. ( I was starving for some by then.) April she had a Dr. appt. They found a benign tumor in her uterus. But she was also pregnant. Abort or keep the baby? I asked if she decided to have the baby when she would be due, in her haste she said mid November or early December. She had to have an emergency C-section as the baby was way past due this was November the 3rd. When I counted back the weeks, her last period was in February. So when we made love in March she knew she was pregnant already. I questioned her and she denied having an affair. i didnt press her on this. I loved her to much to leave her. The baby girl is nearing forty and she still calls me daddy. My late wife died thinking she had put one over me never knowing that I knew the truth.

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