My Sister's Potion


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As if she was nothing more than a puppet on a string, Carol pulled the toy from her pussy and began trying to shove it in her ass.

"Lube first," I said, genuinely afraid she was going to hurt herself. Her gaze darted in my direction, I saw the fear and panic in her eyes, but her hands didn't stop trying to poke the toy in her butt. Fuck, I thought as it occurred to me that she couldn't help herself. Glancing around her room, I spied a bottle of lotion and grabbed it. "Use this," I said, reaching over and squirting it between her legs.

"WHO IS THAT?" the person with cap lock in place asked.

Typing with her bad hand, Carol still managed to reply, "my brother."

With the addition of the lotion as a lubricant, Carol began experiencing greater success with working her dildo inside her ass. I heard her gasp as it found purchase. Furiously rubbing her clit, she had a huge orgasm before she began coating herself with the extra lotion I had squirted between her legs. She rubbed her stomach, chest, and thighs until she was glistening. The entire time her eyes flickered across the screen and I knew she had to stop noticing the comments from that prick with the caps lock on.

"Show me the cams you like best," I asked, taking control of her mouse and pointing to each of the windows showing men doing stuff.

"Yes," she gasped as the mouse passed over a cam showing two guys naked guys sitting side-by-side. Double-clicking brought the cam to fullscreen, hiding the chat window while still showing her preview window.

"Really?" I asked, startled by her choice of cams as the two young men began stroking each other's pricks. My sister liked gay porn? She nodded, still working over her body as she thrilled at the visual. The two guys looked close to my age. Both were shaved and hard as hell. Quite unexpectedly, one of them flopped over and began sucking on his buddy's hard cock.

"Yes!" Carol cried out, experiencing another huge orgasm.

"For real?"

"Yes!" she insisted, licking her lips as she watched.

"What else are you into?"

After clicking the ESC button on her keyboard, she took the mouse away from me and double clicked on a different cam. In the new cam, another guy around my age and build sat facing the camera with a dildo up his ass. Carol mimicked his positioning and rubbed her clit while watching him stroking his cock. It took me a second to realize she was also matching his dildo strokes with her own stroking. Once again, she shivered with an orgasm from the thrill of it.

"You like seeing him do that?"

"He looks like you," she said, flashing me a big smile.

I ignored her comment. That felt too weird. "Does that toy feel good up your butt?"

"Yes," she said in her voice. I stared in her pretty blue eyes, trying to find the lie inside her eyes and couldn't. "Get naked," she insisted, except I could hear the difference in her tone. It might sound like her voice, but it didn't sound like her vocal pattern.


"Suck you," she said with a smile. Oddly, her voice sounded like a mix between the strange tone and her normal voice.

"Fuck?" she asked in that same mixed tone.

"Later," I said, very aware of how turned on I felt. Once it felt like she was out of danger of hurting herself, my arousal had returned full force. Knowing people still watched her, I needed to get her away from the computer. "Come into the bathroom with me. I want to watch you pee."

Without a word, she stood and I shut the lid of her computer, ending the show. If we were lucky, no one we knew had caught her show. I followed her into the bathroom, confused when she straddled the toilet, facing towards me. Bending her knees, she splayed her pussy lips while holding the toy up her butt with her other hand. Looking down and giggling, she released her flow, peeing from a mostly standing position.

After the last drop, I suggested we go back downstairs, anywhere except near her computer again. I had no idea how much longer the potion would keep hold of her. Back in the family room, she crawled on the coffee table, pointing her filled ass directly at me as she watched my reaction. Suffering in silence, I sat with my legs crossed as my sister got herself off again and again. Each of her orgasms seemed as mind-blowing as the one before it. Part of me felt envious at her endurance, stamina, and ability to keep getting off. I kept the lump in my pants well hidden from her.

Eventually, she seemed to regain control over herself. Following one more orgasm, she eased the toy from her butt and stared at it. "Did that feel good?" I asked.

"Yes," she said in a faraway voice, but in a tone that belonged to her.

"Does your ass hurt?"

She shook her head, looking a bit puzzled. She glanced at her clothes near the basement door.

"Would you like to get dressed?"

"Shower," she said, managing a tiny smile.

"That's a good idea," I said, sensing that the potion was at its very end. "Why don't go upstairs and shower? I'll wait for you here." Looking grateful, she nodded, walking past her discarded clothes on the way upstairs. While she was gone, it was everything I could do to stop myself from jerking off in her absence. I didn't risk it. Besides, wasn't it my turn to go next?

With one towel wrapped around her head and another around her body, Carol returned to reclaim her clothes. She flashed me a sheepish smile before stepping around the corner to get dressed.

"Do you feel okay?"

"You mean aside from feeling embarrassed as hell?" she asked. "Other than that, I feel good."


"Not even a little," she said, stepping back into the family room. She eyed the coffee table as she walked past it, surely remembering what she had done while kneeling on top of it. She sat on the opposite end of the couch again. "Thank you for staying dressed."

"It wasn't easy," I confessed. We sat in awkward silence for a couple minutes before I broke it. "I didn't know you owned a sex toy." Carol instantly blushed deeply.

"It was a joke gift from Susan."

I laughed. "Susan is a bad influence on you."

"Don't be mean," she said. "Susan is just more open than me, that's all."

"Do you remember everything you did?"

Her blush returning deep and dark, she nodded. I asked about the website she had visited and why she had an account. "It times out if you don't have one," she said. "I can't believe I was on cam." I told her about how she was following the instructions from that one guy. "Oh, I know! I couldn't stop myself! It was like, because you wouldn't do anything, then those words became the best idea."

"I was afraid you were going to hurt yourself."

"That lotion costs thirty dollars a bottle."

"Sorry," I apologized.

"No, you're fine," she said with a quick, forgiving smile. "Just wish there had been something cheaper nearby." She shrugged away the expense. "You're a good little brother."

"No, I'm not," I said, knowing how close I had come to taking advantage of her. We talked about the potion. Apparently, twice as much meant it had lasted twice as long instead of being twice as intense. "What if you had done a shot glass full of it?"

"Oh my God," she gasped, revealing how close she had come to doing it.

We did the quick math. If one drop equaled .05 milliliters and lasted roughly forty-five minutes, then a shot glass amount would last nearly a month.

"Would it really be a month of needing constant orgasms?"

"I don't know," I said, unable to imagine how a person could function like that.

"Do you still want to take another turn?"

"Yes," I said, immediately standing, which revealed the lump I still sported.

"Do you even need it?" she smirked.

"Pervert," I said, already heading downstairs. There were no two ways about it, I definitely wanted my turn. After enduring my sister's lustfulness, I needed it. As I filled the pipette, I considered the need I felt. "Do you think stuff is addictive?"

"Maybe." Her eyes following the flask and then the filled pipette, as if it was token held by a hypnotist. As I tossed back my head and opened mouth, she stopped me. "Wait, any conditions before you try it?"

"Just don't let me try to rape you." It was the same concern I had the first time, too.

As I released the pipette beneath my tongue, Carol asked, "What if you want to jerk-off in your face again?"

Deep in the back of mind, I felt an instant stab of regret for not mentioning that. Instead, I heard myself tell her, "It's all good."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm horny as fuck," I said, already rubbing the front of my pants. Damn, this shit worked fast!

Smiling, Carol suggested we go upstairs so I could show her how horny I was. As I walked upstairs, I thought about how I felt. Aside from feeling remarkably horny, I felt in control of myself. Well, except for how eagerly I got naked as soon as I reached the top of the stairs, that felt out of character. Then again, was it really? I was horny before I took the potion. Downing it meant I was free, didn't it? Just like before, I could say or do anything and later I could blame to potion. I felt free.

"Do you still want to touch?" I offered, waving my naked naughty bits at her.

Carol looked apprehensive as she eyed my hard cock and freshly shaved balls.

"Aw, come on," I chided, daring her to do it. "Just because I didn't touch you doesn't mean you can't touch me, does it?" I wondered how I sounded to her. Did I sound like me or did I sound slightly off like she sometimes did?

"You look so hard," she said, looking tempted.

"And you can do anything you want to me," I assured her, desperately hoping she would try touching me.

"I want to see you get off, first."

"Like before?" I asked as if jerking off again was the greatest idea I had ever heard.

"Sure," she giggled, looking delighted at my enthusiasm. "Did you like doing that?"

"Yes," I said, feeling the answer flying out of me unforced and unfiltered. "I tasted good."

"Show me how much you love it," she laughed as I got on the floor in front of the couch. Carol climbed on the couch, tucking her legs beneath herself while I used the front of the couch to hold myself curled into a ball with my dick pointed at my face. Leaning over, she looked down at me and asked, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Oh yeah, I thought, remembering how good my finger had felt up my ass. Sucking on my finger, I got it good and wet before reaching around my thigh and poking it deep inside my ass. Damn, that really did feel good.

"Maybe you should use two fingers," she suggested, smiling down at me. What a good idea! Pulling my hand back, I slobbered over my index and middle fingers, not even caring where my one finger had been. If anything, knowing it had been up my butt made it feel sexier.

I pushed two fingers inside my ass and moaned. If one felt good, two felt so much better! It felt really good! My cock twitched and throbbed with its pent-up need from watching her. Seeing her watching me made it even better. A clear droplet of precum appeared on my cockhead, oozing from the slit of my dick until it built up enough presence to turn into a real drop. Opening my mouth, I caught it directly on my tongue as Carol delightedly giggled.

"Do it," she cooed. "Make it cum a whole bunch like last time and eat it all!"

As if her words were my trigger, my mouth gaped open as my cock exploded in my pumping hand and spurt after spurt of my creamy cum began pouring from me. My previous orgasm didn't seem to matter one bit. Like before, my orgasm felt porn-star big with one solid ejaculating pulse after another pumping out my cream directly into my mouth. As I came, I wiggled my fingers inside my ass, coaxing my body to keep going. In a strange way, the arrival of orgasm felt much like when I had accidentally peed on my sister as if her command was all it took to make it happen.

"So hot," she groaned. "I'm not even potioned-up and I'm hot as hell watching this."

"Do you want to touch me now?" I asked, remembering her earlier condition. "I came, just like you wanted."

"In a bit," she said, filling me with frustration and disappointment. I ached for her caress and she all she did was smile at me.

"Cunt," I said, trying desperately to hold back the abrasive word and failing miserably. "That's all you are, a stuck-up, good for nothing cunt. It's no wonder you need a friend like Susan to buy you sex toys. It's no wonder your frigid with your boyfriend. You don't know the joy of sex. Have you ever tasted a man's cum?"

The abusive tirade poured me unabated. I couldn't stop myself. I saw my sister recoil as if she had been slapped in the face. Her smile vanished as her mouth gaped open and her eyes went wide with shock. When her face turned red, I assumed she was blushing. I couldn't be farther from the truth.

"Let's go upstairs," she growled with anger. "Back to my bedroom. We can have some fun, I promise."

I uncurled from my ass-up position against the couch, eager to follow her. "You should get naked with me."

"Maybe I will," she teased, leading the way. Following behind her, I pulled on my still engorged prick, caressing that magnificent rod of pleasure. When I fondled my balls, they felt heavy and ladened with another orgasm as if none had happened. I stared directly at her wonderful ass, fantasizing about seeing her naked again and all the things I could do to her.

Sitting at her desk, Carol reopened her computer, bringing it back to life. The multitude of windows she had opened were blank. Standing very near, I watched as she signed back into the webcam site. I pushed as close as I could until I felt the heat of her body against the tip of my prick.

"Don't you dare touch me with that," she cautioned and it felt as if her body heat had become an impregnable shield to me. With her session restored, she opened a couple windows of naked men. In the first, a man had his webcam focused directly at his hard prick, filling the view with nothing more than his cock, balls, and his stroking hand. "Does it excite you to see that?"

"Yes," I whimpered, trying hard to hold back the word, but unable to keep it to myself.

Carol's smile returned as she invited me to sit in her chair. Leaning close, she whispered in my ear and I felt her breath hot and wet against the side of my face. "I believe this potion works as some sort of truth serum. I think it releases our innermost desires and brings them forward, even the things we're sure we could never do."

Her words felt true to me, but meaningless at the same time. I kept staring at the large prick displayed on her screen.

"Tell me what you would do to him if he was here in the room this very moment."

"Suck him," I confessed, feeling the thrill of my confession at the same time that I felt the distant horror of saying it. "I want his cum."

"You love cum, don't you?" she asked, giggling.

"I do," I whimpered, wishing I could hold back the words coming out of my mouth.

After clicking the "Broadcast Yourself" button, she handed me her dildo. A small preview window opened in the corner where I could see myself sitting naked and hard. "Show me. Show the world what you want to do."

I began sucking on the latex representation of a man's cock. I slathered the smooth head with my tongue between bobs of my head as I stared at the cock on screen. Though the toy was fake, the sensation felt real to me. I couldn't distinguish between the toy and the cock I watched onscreen. My mouth felt filled with the flesh and blood of a real cock swollen and straining for release.

With my other hand, I stroked my cock. I tugged and pulled on it as I sucked on the not-quite-real cock in my mouth. One sensation fed the other. In a very strange way, I had the stranger's cock in my mouth along with my own. I felt as if I was sucking every cock I had ever seen and I liked it.

"Fuck, that's hot," Carol said, standing next to me and watching. In the preview window, I could see the panic in my eyes before I glanced at her. Even without the potion's help, she looked flushed and excited. "Suck it, bro. Suck it good. Make him cum in your mouth."

I felt helpless to resist the sensations of joy inside of me. Despite never having a gay thought before that evening, my mind filled with the possibilities of being with another man in the sickest, twisted, and delightful ways. I wanted this. No, that's not how it felt. I needed this.

"Can you cum again?" she asked. I nodded, immediately feeling the need within my balls. "Cum on your toy and lick it clean. Let the world see how much you need it."

I heard myself moaning as I lowered her fake cock between my legs. Taking careful aim, I allowed the joyful sensation of another orgasm to overcome me. Once more, I erupted with spurt after spurt of sperm filled cum. It splashed on the toy, coating it like mayonnaise on a Fourth of July hot dog. Carefully bringing it back to my mouth, I began licking clean the toy. I sucked on it. I made sure to ingest every drop of my orgasm and found myself wishing for more.

"Now let him fuck you," she suggested, tapping the keyboard and bringing a pair of men into view. One man straddled the other, facing the webcam as he impaled himself on his friend's massive cock. The cock of the man getting fucked was hard, too. As I watched their union, I filled my asshole with her slick toy. When I needed more lubricant, I licked at it and tried again until I had the toy buried deep inside my ass. My cock danced and throbbed in time with my thrusts.

"No way," she gasped, laughing at me. "Cum again for me. Cum for all of them."

My eruption happened immediately. I magically came in another round of huge spurts that felt as good as my first orgasm. In the back of my mind, I knew it didn't make sense. I shouldn't be able to do that. Repeatedly cumming that hard defied the workings of my body as I understood it. But the proof rolled down my chest and stomach. I had cum again and loved every second of it.

"Clean yourself up," she said and I did so without removing the toy from ass. Feeling filled felt too good. Instead, I scooped up one rivulet after another and fed it to myself. Closing her laptop, Carol leaned close to say one more thing. "Now the whole world knows you love cock."

Rather than complain about what she had said, I smiled at her. "Will you touch me now? You know you want to."

Glancing down at my swollen cock and balls, I watched Carol consider the proposition. I could tell she was curious how my shaved parts might feel.

Instead of touching me, she asked, "Are you done with my toy yet?"

"Almost," I said, starting to feel the effects of the potion wearing off. The toy still felt good, but not quite as good as before. After I slowly eased it from ass, she suggested we go back downstairs. I stood up and led the way.

Back in the family room, I sat slouched on the couch and watched as I caressed my hard cock. It did look good shaved and touching it felt good. However, I became increasingly aware of my sister sitting on the far end of the couch and how she was watching me. The longer I sat there, the more awkward that began to feel.

"Why don't you get dressed?" she asked and that felt like a very good idea. Picking up my clothes, I stood to the side of the opening to the family room and got dressed. The potion had worn off and I was left with a hard-on, a pleasant feeling deep inside of me, and the shameful memory of everything that had just happened.

"Welcome back," she said with a gleeful smirk. "Did you have fun?"

Struggling to find an ounce of anger, I found I couldn't. Was the potion still wearing off? "I can't believe you did that to me."

"Did what?" she asked if she was as innocent as an angel.

"Put me on cam," I said, still unable to feel outraged. I did feel ashamed and embarrassed, but not angry.