My Sister's Potion


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Helpless to stop, I stroked my cock while alternating my gaze. I kept looking at her and then my cock aimed at my face before looking back at her, too. She was going to see me do this. She was going to see me jerking off, fingering my ass, cumming on my face, and eating it. I already knew I would do that. I already knew I was going to eat my cumshot in front of her and I couldn't stop myself.

My mouth stretched open and I stuck out my tongue all the way as the first massive spurt erupted from my aching cock. The long, thick, ropey glob of creamy white cum splashed directly on my tongue and began rolling slowly down my throat even as it followed with another splash of ejaculate. This was the orgasm I craved, the one I needed. I felt my asshole clamping down on my finger, encouraging me to cum more. Spurt after merry spurt of cum flew from my cock in copious amounts I had never generated before that moment. The first couple went inside my mouth before my jerking hand had the rest pasting my face from forehead to chin.

When it was all said and done, I scooped up a final droplet clinging to the slit of my prick and licked my finger clean. Next, I licked the finger that had been in my butt, feeling wildly empowered. Finally, I stood and looked in the mirror to admire my cum-splattered face. I smeared the cum across my face before realizing what I really wanted to do. One fingerful at a time, I scooped it off my face and ate it.

Carol had moved behind me, grinning wildly as she watched me cleaning my face. "Told you," she giggled.

I tried to say something to her and couldn't, I was too busy cleaning my face for words, but I saw the look of panic in my reflection. My eyes looked as hers had, desperate and panicked while the rest of my face looked like I was scooping ambrosia off my cheeks, the bridge of my nose, and my forehead.

Turning to face her, I clutched at my still hard cock, inviting her to look at it. "Let me eat your ass," I said in a voice that felt strange, foreign, and far away. "I want to stick my tongue as far up your sweet ass as I can."

"No," she said and the sensation to lick her ass vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

"Can I drink your pee?" my mouth asked, horrifying me.

"Ew! No!" she said and again the idea vanished from me.

"Thank you," I croaked. It took every bit of will I had to say those words, too.

"But I want to watch you pee," she said.

As if she had flipped a switch, my cock immediately began spraying her as the sudden need to evacuate my bladder overtook me.

"What the fuck? Stop!" she squealed, dancing out of the way of the big, healthy stream of piss. "Do it in the toilet!"

I moved in front of the toilet, raised the seat, and released the rest of my bladder's contents. "Sorry," I sheepishly told her while I peed.

"Dick," she said, blotting at her clothes with a towel. Leaving me, she went to her bedroom as I stood naked in the bathroom and wondered what had just come over me.

Remembering what she had said while we were in the basement, I moved to the mirror and asked myself, "Can I get dressed now?" Without feeling an objection to the idea, I went back downstairs and collected my clothes as my head cleared a bit more. I could remember everything I had done, every second of it. I could even remember why I had done it, how I felt like I was doing it to prank Carol. In the moment, every action I had taken had felt logical and justified. Was this how it had felt to her, too? Dressed, I sat on the couch and pondered what the fuck had just happened to me.

Dressed in clean clothes, Carol passed me on her way to the laundry room with an armful of clothes. "You should probably clean up the mess you made in the bathroom."

"Yeah," I said, pausing for a moment to see if I felt compelled to do it. As near as I could tell, I didn't feel compelled to do it beyond the acceptance that I had made a mess up there. Stepping into the bathroom felt like I had returned to the scene of the crime. Snippets of pubic hair were everywhere on the floor and counter. The same with shaving cream and her well-used razor. At least my ass had been clean before I sucked my finger. I shivered thinking about how nasty all of that had been.

When I was done, I found Carol sitting in the family room. The TV was on, but she wasn't looking at it. Instead, she stared blankly into a corner until she noticed me. "Believe me now?"

"I guess so," I admitted, unable to come up with a different explanation for what had just happened to the two of us. "So, what now?"

"I don't know," she said in the most honest and genuine tone I had heard from her in years. "I can't believe I did what I did." With a tiny smile on her face, she quickly added, "Or what you did. Have you ever done any of that before?"

"What?! No!" I emphatically assured her.

"None of it, right?"

"Right," I said, just as insistently. "I have never shaved down there, fingered myself, or . . . you know, tasted myself."

"Yeah, that part was pretty crazy," she giggled.

I felt embarrassed and ashamed. If I hadn't discovered her masturbating the way she had been, it would have been worse. "Did you know any of that would happen?"

She shook her head. "I didn't think any of it would work."

"Why do it?"

"It's stupid." She shrugged before staring into the corner again with that faraway expression on her face. "I just get tired of being good all the time."

"Ha!" I snorted. I had spent too many years being the victim of her cruelty. The rest of the world might see her as a goody-two-shoes, so prim and proper, but I knew how bitchy she could be. Carol was a chronic rule follower who never drove a single mile over the speed limit for fear of getting a ticket. Back in high school, she always handed in her projects early, studied before every test, and took details note in every class. She never went without a bra and never wore anything scandalous. While all her girlfriends had looked like high-class call-girls in their tight-fitting, skimpy prom dresses for their senior prom, Carol's dress had looked like something out of the Victorian era with its button up front and long sleeves.

"Don't be hateful," she corrected in her typical way. "I know everyone thinks I'm an uptight b-word."

"Bitch," I said, filling in the word she didn't want to say. While I knew Carol could swear, it was rare for her to do it and some words were always off limits around her.

"Yeah," she allowed with a scowl since that was one of her off-limit words. "Don't you ever wish you could be really bad?"

"Who says I'm not?"

Carol rolled her eyes and snorted. "Because you're not," she insisted. "I've seen you in public. Around here, you act like a moody gamer, but in public, you're the sweet, nice guy everyone wants as their friend."

"Fuck you," I growled, dismissing her accurate description of me as forcefully as I could, except we were cut from the same cloth. Just like her, I couldn't leave the house unless I looked nice and I was wearing clean underwear. While I knew I had a dark side, it never showed. If someone offered me an alcoholic drink at a party, I would set it down without drinking it because I still had two years before I turned twenty-one. I knew Carol was the same way because she had taught me that trick. Wait until they aren't looking and then set it down. If they hand you a bottle, block the opening with your tongue because it was better to lie a little to your friends than it was to break the law.

"How often do you jerk-off?" she asked. Just hearing her say those words startled me.

"I'm not telling you that!"

"Once a week? Once a month?"

"I don't know," I said, refusing to reveal such highly confidential information. It was none of her business how often I did that to myself. "How often do you do it?"

"Hardly ever," she said with a sweet smile even as she blushed a bit. "And, whenever I do, I feel so guilty afterward, like I just broke a promise to my boyfriend or something."

"You don't even have a boyfriend."

"I know, but I still feel that way."

"Why not?" I asked, wondering about why she didn't have a boyfriend. "Are you still a virgin?" The way she blushed told me she wasn't.

"But I've never had an orgasm with a man," she said in a very quiet voice. "I mean, I want to, except I can't. It doesn't matter how good it feels, I can't do it. It's like I can't let go or something."

The idea of not being able to have an orgasm felt like such a girl problem. I couldn't imagine having that difficulty although I knew how hard it was for me to get excited more than once or twice with my girlfriends. The first time was always the easiest because I would usually get hard from all the kissing and making out before we got naked, but after we did it, I always felt a little wrong for having sex. Sometimes, I could do it a second time, but that second time never felt as good as the first time. "Can you do it by yourself?"

Carol gave a single, shy nod. "That's the only time and it feels good, but I know it should feel better with a guy."

"What about earlier?" I asked without needing to describe when I meant more than that.

"Best orgasm ever," she said with a wistful smile. "Like really good and I don't even feel guilty about it. Isn't that weird?"

Thinking about how it had felt for me, I searched for the usual sense of guilt I felt after getting off by myself and realized it wasn't there. "I remember feeling embarrassed that you were watching but also loving it that you were there," I said, still working it out. "And I can't believe I peed on you."

"Me either!" she giggled. "But didn't it feel like I made you do it or something?"

"Yeah, it did," I realized. "I mean, you said you wanted to see me do it and just started doing it."

"That's how I felt when you were asking me questions! It was like I couldn't lie to you."

We mulled over our experiences, talking through them with a candor and openness that felt as strange as the effects of the potion. After what we had witnessed each other doing, it made sense. What else did we have to hide?

"Do you think it's a drug of some sort?" she asked.

"I don't see how." I reflected on the ingredients. None of them were known for their hallucinogenic properties. "Did you say something about a spell, too? Did you try it without doing the spell?" She shook her head and I understood. I'm not sure it would have occurred to me mix up a test batch. Like her, I would have followed all the instructions.

"I didn't think it would work until it did." She smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Normal," I said, doing a quick mental assessment. "Actually, maybe better than normal. I feel good. Clear-headed. Nothing feels weird. What about you?" Her smile growing bigger and I could guess her thoughts. "You first," I insisted.

"We should try it again."

"Together?" I asked, immediately discard the idea. "What if something crazy happens, one of us needs to be straight and sober. But what if you tried twice as much? What would happen then? Do you think you would go crazy?"

"Or maybe it just lasts twice as long?"

"We should find out," I said, feeling like an intrepid explorer or a scientist on the brink of an important discovery. As we returned to the basement, I looked again at the encircled pentagram on the floor. "Mom and Dad will freak out if they see this."

"It's why I waited until they were gone, moron." Her insult didn't sting in the least. It had been a stupid comment since Mom and Dad were on a ten-day cruise, that left plenty of time to clean it up. Picking up the flask holding the finished product, she swirled it before carefully sucking on the end of the pipette. Holding it up to the light, she released a bit until only two drops remained. She hesitated before putting it to her mouth. "Don't forget, I'll remember everything even if I can't help myself. So, if you do anything funny to me, payback is a b-word."

"Deal," I said, eager to find out what was going to happen. The first time, the effects seemed to have lasted about forty-five minutes for both of us. "Wait," I said, stopping her before she had released her finger on the end of the pipette. "Maybe I should go first this time."


Looking down at my feet, it took me a moment to admit the truth. "Because it was hot watching you and I'm worried what might happen. It's not like I can control it if I get excited."

"But I really want to do it," she insisted.

"I know, but what if instead of lasting twice as long, it's twice as powerful? Last time, you wanted to blow me."

"And you didn't let me do it," she pointed out, opening her mouth and releasing the liquid beneath her tongue. "I trust you."

"Fuck," I grumbled, unsure if I trusted myself. "How do you feel?"

"Fine," she said, eyeing me like a piece of meat. "For the record, I thought it was really hot watching you shave."

"I did it because you told me to do it," I said, following her as she left the unfinished part of the basement.

"It was still really sexy seeing you do it," she said, still sounding like Carol as we moved upstairs. The stairs opened into the family room. She paused at the top and began undressing. She never turned around. It wasn't a striptease, either. It looked much more methodical than that. Her voice sounded different when she said, "Get naked with me."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Sure it is," she said with that same faraway tone in her voice as if she knew what she was saying, but couldn't stop herself from saying it. She tugged on my shirt.

"Stop it," I said, stepping away.

"You're no fun," she pouted, instantly releasing me. Instead, she began caressing her tits, pulling on her nipples and making them hard. "Do you think I'm sexy?"

"Yes," I confessed, feeling awkward admitting it to her for a couple of reasons. First, because I knew there was a chance she would remember my answer after the potion wore off and I would never hear the end of that. Secondly, when she asked that question, she had sounded like Carol again. Had I not experienced the strange effects of the potion, I might have believed she was playing me. Except for being naked, she still looked like Carol. Nothing in her expression suggested that she felt out of control.

"Get naked with me and I'll show how sexy I can be." That time, her voice had that odd sound as if she wasn't really saying that.

"Show me how sexy you can be without me getting naked," I replied, already struggling with a rising sense of excitement. She might be my sister, but she was still pretty and naked and obviously horny. I'm not sure I would have had the same willpower if she hadn't been my sister. I ignored my rising lust.

"Okay," she said, leaving her clothes behind and heading upstairs.

Following her bare butt, I tried not to stare and couldn't help myself. Seeing her all over tan had surprised me the first time I saw her naked and then I remembered that her nail salon included a tanning bed. "Does Mom know you tan naked?"

"Mom told me to do it," she said, sounding normal. "She said it was stupid to use a tanning bed and wear a bathing suit, too."

"Does Mom know you shave your pussy, too?"

"I waxed," she said with clipped syllables as if she didn't want to tell me. "A dare. From Susan." Turning to face me, her voice changed back into that other voice. "Want to feel how smooth?" She tried pulling my hand to her bare pussy.

"No!" I said, pulling my hand away. The truth was, I wanted to feel, but I couldn't. One of us had to be strong.

"Mm, but it feels soooo good," she said, caressing herself for me. "And I'm so wet, too." She raised a glistening finger to her lips and licked it clean before burying her finger inside her pussy and holding her hand there as she walked towards her bedroom with its pink walls and frilly bed cover. Shelves running about her bed displayed a mix of trophies won from a variety of speech and debate tournaments. Mixed between the trophies were her favorite stuffed animals.

Still holding her pussy, she pulled open her underwear drawer with her left hand. After fishing around beneath the tangle of cotton, silk, satin, and lace, she surprised me by producing a lifelike dildo.

"Oh my God, does Mom know you have that?"

"No," she replied in her voice as a smile grew on her face. "But you wanted to see how sexy I can be." Sitting at her desk, she opened the lid of her laptop and the dildo flopped as she typed in her password. Being very right-handed, she giggled when it took her two tries. Looking over her shoulder at me, she asked, "Are you sure you don't want to get naked with me? We can have a lot of fun."

"I'm sure."

"Please?" she asked, still talking in her Carol voice. Oddly, it looked and sounded like she was begging me to do it. Shaking my head, I stood my ground. The funny smile that appeared on her face was unlike any smile I had ever seen her wear before that moment. Something about that smile looked sinister.

Pausing to lick her finger clean, she decided she needed her right hand to work the mouse and I watched as she opened her web browser and typed with both hands while holding the dildo in her mouth. I watched as she entered the address of an adult cam site. She surprised me a second time by logging into it with a username and password.

"You've been here before?"

She pulled the dildo out of her mouth long enough to say, "Just to watch." Still holding the dildo, she clicked on the button in the corner that read, "Broadcast yourself."

I freaked out. Even without knowing the site, I could guess what that button did. "What are you doing? You don't have any idea who's on the side?"

"I know," she said, pushing back her chair, parting her legs for her webcam and caressing between her legs with the dildo. Even as she got started, I saw a counter in the corner of her preview screen beginning to advance. It quickly increased from one to two, to dozens of people eagerly clicking to watch her. I couldn't blame them. If I had been on the other end of the internet and saw someone as attractive as her displaying herself, I would have clicked on it, too.

There was a chat window to the side of her preview window and I watched as the comments began to flow. Rude, crude and outrageous comments. "Fuck it, girl!" "Suck it!" "Fuck your ass!" One demand after another showed up along with compliments. "Hottest ever!" "100 Stars!" Snatching her mouse, Carol deftly opened a second window.

"This is why I really come here," she said, clicking the tab that offered to show the cams of any guys online. Within moments, she had arranged different windows on her screen until she could see several guys at once along with her preview window.

"Have you done this before?"

"Not broadcasted, but you said you wanted to see how sexy I can be." Her voice sounded normal, not forced as she settled back to enjoy the show.

"But what if someone we know is watching?"

"I know," she said, flashing me that sinister grin below a look of wide-eyed panic and I could tell it was the potion working its magic on her. She was well aware of the risk and unable to prevent herself from doing it just the same.

"Stop it," I said, hoping my words would have some pull on her.

"I can't," she groaned. "Too hot."

"Is that why? Because you're too turned on?"

She managed to shake her head. "Because you wouldn't," she managed in that clipped tone from earlier.

"This is so wrong," I gasped, helpless to stop her as she stood, turned and poked her ass towards the camera. It took a second for me to realize she was reacting to one of the comments in her window telling her to show off her ass. The words were small in that window, but one horndog had typed in all caps so she could see it. I saw what he said next.