Mike & Karen Ch. 15


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But they decided to give him unrestricted access to any and all courses and forms of education that were locally available, to prepare him for what lay ahead. When he felt he was ready, when Kapuskasing became too damn small, he'd be as prepared as possible. Even Cambrian College and other local institutions of higher learning would be involved, since it benefited everyone if the young phenom was fully educated as soon as possible.

His parents had built a little add-on to the house, his 'library', where he kept his endless books, reading them all fervently, regardless of subject matter. He couldn't really always describe it, but he had to know things. It was a compulsion. And if he tried to describe it to people, they mostly didn't understand. But they trusted him implicitly, knowing who he was and his desire to do good.

He'd read old science books on genetics, and how people inherited traits from their family. This accounted for his size, his strength, and his talents with mechanical things, perhaps. But he knew he was frighteningly intelligent, and that was decidedly not a trait in his family.

It was a... mutation.

He couldn't help what he was, and he also embraced it. So did his family, of course, who were so very proud of him and everything he was going to accomplish. He already felt the weight on his shoulders, which he thought was a strange thing in a ten year-old. The thing was, he was no ordinary ten year-old, and had never been a normal child.

Born strong and healthy, even for a DeBourne, he was crawling and sitting up before his first year, and had already begun using basic sounds and words. By three, he was reading, and had a good sense of his body and special awareness. Despite his size and speed, he was nimble and graceful. His family hardly knew what to do with him, let alone keep up.

He stared at the dark ceiling now, pondering what he would do with his life. More than anything, he loved sciences, but there was so much more out there, too. He'd used old textbooks to teach himself Cree and Ojibwe, going to the reserves to speak with the residents and correct his grammar and pronunciation. He also was teaching himself Latin and Greek, along with French.

And what about history? He took it all in with a great eagerness, wanting to know what had happened on this planet before he got here. How could people not want to know?

Maybe it was just too much for most people to take in. He thought back to one of the books he'd learned to read with, The Hobbit, and how the people of the Shire were pleasant and simple, just wanting to live day-to-day, without adventures, and making merry with their family and friends.

It sounded so appealing when he thought about it that way.

He looked down at the book in his hand, an old, beat-up copy of the pulp novel Doc Savage: Death In Silver. He loved these books, and he enjoyed reading them to his brother and sister. It seemed silly, of course, to have imaginary and fictitious characters as your heroes, but he couldn't help it, and he didn't care to. Doc Savage, the way the character was written, the character's creed and oath, gave Mike something to aspire to, to always strive to be better than he was.

"Let me strive every moment of my life to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it. Let me think of the right and lend all my assistance to those who need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens and my associates in everything I say and do. Let me do right to all, and wrong no man."

What wasn't to love about that idea? What wasn't worthwhile about it?

He felt the book shutting as he stared into the darkness, thinking about the characters he'd been reading about. Doc, Monk, Ham, Renny, and Pat...


She was Doc Savage's cousin, and supposed to be his equal in many ways. Daring and adventurous, intelligent, with bronze hair and captivating golden eyes. Perhaps even more than Galadriel from Lord Of The Rings, Nova from Star Blazers, and Princess from Battle Of the Planets, she was his ideal woman, and his biggest crush.

Good luck finding a woman to rival his fictional crush. Dimwit.

He sighed and stood up, placing the book on the bedside table between Ronny and Connor, leaving the light on as he left for his own room. He'd recently been shuffled out of the children's bedroom, because he was getting too big, and taking up too much space. Most kids would have been delighted to have their own room, but it made him feel somewhat lonely.

He opened his door and looked around, noticing that his piles of books were on the verge of teetering over and crushing him in the middle of the night. He didn't have a bed, he just had an enormous mattress on the floor in the middle of the room, making space for more books.

Don't be so glum, school starts tomorrow.

He smiled at the notion, because he really enjoyed school, and he enjoyed learning. He wasn't an obnoxious or insufferable bright student, and he was in no danger of being teased or picked on, since he was the biggest kid in school as well. He turned out his light and pulled the homemade comforter over himself, listening to the wolf-howling wind outside.

Now if only I had a Patricia Savage. How awesome would that be?

And what would he have to do to deserve her?


Author's Notes: A new year beginneth for our cast, and lots of plot exposition. I'm setting up a big milestone change, as they move into the Blackwell Estate, and resume many obligations and aspects of high society, while remaining grounded as well. I'm looking forward to writing it.

Mike and Karen do not have an easy courtship when they are younger, for various reasons, and I think this is fun, because they're so perfectly matched for one another. Even more than Alex and Alexa, they are my Beren and Luthien.

So, this is my one hundredth chapter to be published on Lit, and it is, to my mind, absolutely perfect that it is one of my Alexaverse chapters, and especially Mike & Karen, who are my favourite pairing. Hopefully you're all enjoying it as much as I am.

I've got a LOT of catching up to do with the Alexaverse, so my plan is to pound out chapter 3 of Amberley Bloodstar, chapter 5 of Like A Daughter To Me, and then chapter 9 of Sapphic Serenity. That catches up all my other stories, so I can concentrate on getting the Alexaverse where it needs to be. I'm just split too many ways, and I have to show some discipline and get this done, dammit.

Not really a lot to say in these notes, I hope the characters are continuing to evolve, especially Mike and Karen, since you get to see them in their younger days. I'm gonna have my editor give this a final once-over, and then submit. After that, time to give my darling Amberley some overdue lovin'.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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James_DuncanJames_Duncanover 2 years ago

Loving the story and the narrative, but one observation I would make was that when you wrote the section where Mike just accepted the idea that the reason there were no examples of aunts marrying nephews was likely to be the "patriarchy" was grating in extreme.

You've written Mike and Karen as exceptionally smart people and that point on Mike's part would be pure intellectual laziness which such a character would never do. Especially given his math geek nature.

A far more likely explanation would be the sexual marketplace and the fact that women tend to marry older men and vice versa, which makes aunts marrying nephews far less likely. Someone that smart would never plump for the tired cliche answer.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

The chapter itself was good, 5 stars. The following is just questions I have in terms of laws/rules. I have actually googled and read up on sibling/Avunculate and cousin marriages before out of interest.

I have a few questions though, just stuff I’m honestly curious about.

1) Undeage sex throughout Europe including it being recorded, public places(fountains,bars etc), much older men(pedophillia) etc. How was no one ever arrested? Is it because of a specific law there or what? I’m just curious how Alexa and Freyja never got in trouble for having sex while underage or for doing it in public areas or having it recorded and posted online. I know most porn sites have strict rules about underage content being posted on their sites etc.

2) I’m pretty sure businesses and university have rules against relationships or sexual activity with employees or students. I’m also pretty sure there are legal laws about that sort of thing. How do Mike and Karen get away with it? Is it not against the university rules of the university they’re teaching at to have sexual relations with their own students? Is it allowed legally in terms of the state/province they live in? Or is it them simply breaking the rules and laws but just having never gotten caught?

I ask the above as I’m genuinely curious about the laws/rules and how it’s managed to occur in the story. As in is there a explanation for it? Or is it simply a thing that was included but the possible repercussions were never thought about/included.

Frankie1952Frankie1952over 3 years ago

Congratulations on your 100th publication on Literotica Mr BiscuitHammer. another delightful read and I look forward to many more insights into your talented mind.

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 4 years ago

Actually no, I don't believe I am missing any point. I know this is a continuation of the Alexaverse, I even applauded the update in my comment. But one of the primary focuses of this series, Mike & Karen, was for them to explain to Alex and Alexa how the got together. Unfortunately we don't seem to be any closer to that now than we were 5 chapters ago. I personally never want this series to end, BiscuitHammer is one of the best authors on here, but I just feel we hit a real slow point on the backstory of Mike and Karen getting together. Im just hoping it's not rushed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I think that you're missing at least a minor point, here. The current "Mike & Karen" series is more an "extension," or "continuation" of "Alex & Alexa" than any sort of separate or "companion" tale. We're simply looking at the continuation of the tale of these two young lovers through a different lens.

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