Mike & Karen Ch. 15


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"'m I supposed to be intimidated by that stupid look?" he grunted. "This isn't a fuckin' anime, you little fag."

"It is a damned fool who underestimates an opponent," Freja warned, still looking up at him, her hazel eyes flinty and hard. "Perhaps you are needing to be reminded?"

He grinned, an ugly expression when worn by him. "Sure, why not?" he laughed. "After you're smeared on the floor, maybe I'll take your little fag wife on a date to cheer her up!"

"Jerry!" shouted another girl angrily, clearly offended. "Stop that now!"

Freja held up a hand, indicating she'd handle this. She stepped toward the big lout, her eyes never leaving his.

"You have insulted and threatened my wife," she said in a quiet voice. "Rather than report you to campus authorities, I shall correct you myself."

"Really?" he laughed, clearly not worried. "Tell y'what, you skinny butch! Y'think you can take me? I'll even give you the first hit. Do whatever you can, then I'll stuff your head up your twat and call it a day. How 'bout that?"

Freja was sizing him up- slightly taller than Alex, certainly heavier, but nowhere near Mike's size. She stood directly in front of him now, looking up into his eyes. The size disparity gave everyone looking on the chills. The other groups practicing their forms or sparring had all stopped and gathered around, drawn in by the imminent sense of danger. What was this crazy wisp of a girl doing, picking a fight with Jerry?

"Well, go on," Jerry said, getting impatient. "I haven't got all d-"


The bottom of Freja's foot was planted directly in the middle of her foe's face, her leg stretched out almost straight to reach her target. Everyone was looking on in amazement, except Jeanie, who was casually examining her cuticles. Jerry was standing perfectly still, his expression concealed by Freja's foot.

Seconds passed before the big man swayed slightly, and then fell backward like a redwood, collapsing to the sprung wooden floor with a thunderous crash that could be heard and felt in the hallway. He stared sightlessly at the distant ceiling overhead, his nose, eyes, and the area around them rapidly turning black. Silence reigned in the gymnasium.

Freja slowly cocked her knee and brought her foot back down, standing still as she scowled down at her fallen foe.

"Who is the fag now, bitch?" she asked in contempt.

"That... wasn't a Jujutsu move," the student she'd originally talked to mentioned, still staring at the prostrate Jerry in wonder.

Freja shrugged. "All I said was that jujutsu had been my base. I am versed in several other disciplines, amongst them Crane kung-fu, and Kenpo."

"That explains the kick," breathed another girl, moving in close and gaping at Jerry, who still wasn't moving. "He's not dead, is he?"

"He would be, if he insulted my yndling one more time," Freja replied, cracking her knuckles. "What a bigoted individual."

"Yeah, he's not very popular, but he was one of our best, and you just dropped him with one kick," the guy observed. "Any other surprises we should know about?"

"Is it a problem that before I came here, my principal sparring partner was Dr. DeBourne?" she asked.

"Uh, no, not at all," the guy said rather hastily, rubbing the back of his neck. "Even Jerry is terrified of the prof. I'd say you're in. Even if you hadn't turned Jerry into a stain on the floor with one kick, knowing you run with Godzilla is more than enough for us. Welcome to Varsity Blue Storm!"

As people gathered around clapping and congratulating Freja while Jerry remained out cold, Jeanie sighed contentedly. She knew there'd be nights Fre would come home bruised, sore and grumpy, but she looked forward to making her wife feel better, massaging the knots out of her muscles, and kissing the scratches and bruises better.

It was as good a life as she could ask for.


January 1980, Kapuskasing...

Annette Platz-DeBourne trudged out into the blizzard, wrapped in her winter coat and calling out for her son. Where had that infuriating child gone? It must have been twenty below, and she couldn't see more than five feet in front of herself. Only a DeBourne male...

She walked around the house, checking places like the wood pile, and the cold storage before heading round back. Could he be in his library? She made her way through the snow toward the little structure, which her husband and his brother Phil had built. It was her son's little personal refuge, packed almost to the ceiling with every book he could get his hands on. So packed with books, in fact, that Anne had forbidden him from having a wood-burning stove for warmth, in case his treasure trove caught fire. Orion had run some wires and circuits from the house, and a small space heater was what Mike had to rely on.

She looked in the frosted window of the little hut, breathing on it in an attempt to warm the glass before rubbing it with her elbow to clear away the ice...

He wasn't in there. Even though he was not quite eleven, Mike was too big not to notice, and the little room was so jammed with books that there were only one or two places for him to sit anyway.

She turned and scowled, looking out into the blizzard. He wouldn't have left without telling anyone, not without telling her, at least. She had been rather surprised that he wasn't in his bedroom, organizing his school supplies, since he was the only one of her offspring looking forward to heading back.

Now granted, Connor and Ronny were only seven, and Josh was five, so it was understandable if they didn't want to go back to the tedium of the second grade and senior kindergarten. Michael, however, was technically in the sixth grade, but taking every gifted course they could enroll him in. The school was eagerly accommodating him as much as they could, providing tutors and assistance from the Kapuskasing library. Even the high schools were pitching in, making sure he was well-versed and ready.

She trudged on, deciding to ask Connor or Ronny if they'd seen their brother.

"Hi, mom!" called a familiar voice through the howl of the wind.

She turned and gaped at the sight that greeted her- Mike was sitting in the snow, clad only in trousers, barefoot and bare-chested. He grinned at her, seeming relatively unaffected by the blizzard that swirled around him.

"Michael!" she exclaimed, turning roward him. He was sitting in some weird lotus position, like he was meditating. Anne thrust out her hand, clearly expecting him to take it. He obediently did and she hauled him (well, more like he rose) to his feet. She tried not to scowl as she looked up at him. Good Lord, he was already so much taller than her, and he wasn't even eleven yet! He'd be taller and bigger than her husband before he was out of his mid-teens. "What on earth are you doing?"

"I was trying to meditate, just following an example I like," he said simply, shrugging. He really didn't seem affected by the cold. "I'm okay, I haven't been out here that long."

"And how long, young man, is 'not that long', exactly?" she asked levelly, clearly unimpressed.

He turned his wrist over to look at his watch, but then he frowned and tapped the face. It seemed to have stopped working in the cold. He looked back at his mother. "Um, maybe nineteen minutes?"

"You've been out here half-naked in the snow for nineteen minutes?" she hissed, trying to understand how he hadn't frozen to death.

"I'm just doing the same thing as Doc Savage," he reasoned, referring to his one of his favourite fictional heroes.

"You, young man, are not Ron Ely, and Ron Ely had an entire special effects department to work with!" she announced, reaching up and taking him by the ear. Mike made a show of wincing and complaining, since it wouldn't do to let her bring him into the house and look like he'd barely noticed. She started dragging him back around the house, not caring at this point where the rest of his clothes were.

"Meditating, in a blizzard, with only pants on," she groused, still dragging him, and hoping his earlobe didn't break off in her hand, since his skin was ice-cold. "Couldn't you imitate a different hero when the weather's like this? What about that elf of yours?"

"Fingolfin?" Mike queried, somewhat bent over to allow his mother to drag him along more easily. "That'd be even worse, he crossed the Helcaraxe with his people, so that'd be like me crossing the Arctic ice up north!"

"I had to ask..." she muttered to herself, shaking her head. It was a common saying that you should never meet your heroes, because you would be bitterly disappointed. Her son's heroes were Doc Savage, Fingolfin, and Godzilla, so that was no help because he was in no danger of meeting them, and therefore couldn't be disappointed. He could keep imitating them and they'd never fail in his expectations.

Why did her eldest have to be so utterly brilliant and a dreamer?

She dragged him in the side door, which led through the kitchen. Sitting at the small table in a corner were her husband, Orion, and her brother-in-law, Phil. They had been playing cards when she opened the door, letting the howling wind in. Orion paused and looed over at them, assessing the situation quietly. His son looked cold, his wife hot under the collar.

"Ronny?" he called loudly. Seconds later, one half of their seven year-old twins appeared in the entrance to the kitchen.

"Yes, daddy?" the blonde girl chirped.

"Go run a bath," he instructed. "Your brother's in hot water, so we might as well make it real for him."

Ronny looked at her older sibling and giggled. "Yes, daddy!" she said before trotting off.

"Hi, dad. Hi, uncle Phil..." Mike said as he was marched by them, his mother still holding him by the ear.

Twenty minutes later...

Mike sat stretched out in the tub, steaming water almost sloshing out of the sides. He had to admit, he didn't miss the icy cold, and he didn't feel particularly more 'enlightened'. Meditating in a blizzard was probably just a Hollywood myth, but how could he be certain unless he tried?

"So anyway, they're called 'onsen', and they're hot springs located all over Japan," he explained, looking at the ceiling. Nearby, both Connor and Ronny were sitting on small stools, watching him intently. Their mom had instructed them to not take their eyes off their brother, lest he try to escape and do something crazy again. "And they're supposed to have a lot of health benefits."

"Wonder if they make you smart enough to not go out naked in a blizzard," Ronny teased, smirking at her big brother. "For a smartie, you're not very smart."

"No argument there," Mike agreed, feeling the scorching water work out the knots in his seized up muscles. "Anyway, one of these days, I'm gonna go to Japan, and I'm gonna visit an onsen, and experience it for myself."

"No fair, going without us!" Connor protested. "I wanna go too! You said that Star Blazers is from Japan, and I know Godzilla is!"

"And I just wanna go so that I'm not left out," Ronny sniffed. "You guys do things without me all the time."

"That's because the stuff we do bores you," Connor shot back. "And all you talk about it hair, and makeup, and nails and stuff. You wanna do girly things, and we're not girls."

"Josh lets me dress him up and do his fingernails," Ronny murmured, hugging a doll close.

"Josh is five, dummy, he does whatever anybody tells him," Connor pointed out. "I made him eat yellow snow the other day."

"And who got in trouble for not stopping you? Me," Mike sighed, shaking his head. "Even though I wasn't there. Mom wouldn't let me read my textbooks as punishment, y'know."

"Ooh, that sounds terrible," Connor grunted. "Imagine, not being allowed to do stupid homework as punishment. 'sides, not like you don't have them all memorized."

"Kids, start getting ready for bed!" they heard their mother call up the stairs. "We don't want to be tired for our first day of school!"

They all responded and then waited while Mike pulled the plug and drained the tub. True to their instructions, Connor and Ronny waited with him, just in case.

"First one dressed in their pajamas gets to choose the story I read tonight," Mike offered as he wrapped a towel around his waist. The two younger siblings excitedly and dashed off, forgetting their orders and allowing him to dry himself in peace.

"No fair!" he heard Connor whine. "I can't find my top!"

"That's because I hid it!" Ronny cackled as she trotted back into the bathroom, doing up the top of her pajamas. They were blue, with unicorns on them. "I win!"

"Yep, you win," Mike said cheerfully. "So what am I reading tonight?"

Ronny made a show of thinking. "Well, we never did finish that one Doc Savage story you read one night. We both fell asleep."

Mike raised an eyebrow. "You want a Doc Savage adventure story?"

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I only like Nancy Drew!" Ronny said, looking offended. "Girls like adventure too, y'know!"

"How can I say no to the world's prettiest little sister?" he laughed, pulling her in for a hug.

He couldn't wait for classes to start, but he was glad he had one more casual night with his family. He lived for these moments.


Alex and Alexa were surrounded by a large crowd as they walked across campus, people talking gaily and laughing as Jeanie proudly recounted the tale of Freja kicking Jerry in the face and toppling him, despite the fact that he was over twice her weight.

"D'you think the court cases will be public?" asked one girl as she walked near Alex.

He shrugged. "Dunno, I have no idea how these things work. I mean, if they're public, there'll be more controversy, but that also means that people who support us will be seen and heard, right? A closed court case sounds safer, but maybe they're not, y'know?"

We could start advocacy groups around campus, and start harassing the nerks at Osgoode Hall," another added, walking behind Alexa. "Whaddya think?"

"I think whatever y'do, run it by and clear it with my big sissy and her husband first," the blonde goddess replied, smiling dazzlingly. "They're sorta in charge of this show for now, I'm not even certain what Alex and I are doing yet. I'd hate for you guys to go to all this trouble and find out it's all taken care of already, or not necessary because we're doin' something else."

"Besides, I am thinking that being a big crowd of visible supporters is a very good start, ja?" Freja pointed out while walking hand-in-hand with Jeanie. "This process, it will no doubt take several months at the very least, so we must be patient and not burn ourselves out."

Alex looked around, guessing they must have been surrounded by at least forty students, with others joining in occasionally. It was hard to imagine the rest of the semester being like this, and he hoped it wasn't. Sociable by nature, he still had a penchant for privacy.

Let the excitement and novelty wear off, and they'll still be in your corner. They'll get this out of their system, and then you can be with your wife in peace.

"And I heard you guys're moving?" one guy asked. "Where to?"

"I don't think you wanna know, to be honest," Alex replied.

"Tell usssssssss!" whined another girl.

Alexa looked at his wife, and she smiled and shook her head before answering. "Fine, fine... some of you know, and some of you don't, my big sissy is a member of the Blackwell family, and she's actually the chair and CEO of Blackwell Industries. The Blackwells own property on the Bridle Path, and one of the older, gigantic mansions; it's where Kar grew up. So we're moving in there."

There were endless squeals and gasps and exclamations, along with people begging for invites. Alex and Alexa laughed, waiting for the excitement to die down.

"Why don't you and Alex just stay in the old house, so you have your own place?" someone asked.

Alexa smiled. "It's weird to explain, but... there's thirty years between Kar and myself. I should've been born a lot earlier, so that I was just her somewhat younger sister. I should've grown up in that house with her, but life got in the way, and I was gone. So we all agreed that we'd live there, so I could sorta have the life I missed."

"Hey, Alex, would you still be in love with her if she was twenty-five years older'n and had been changing your diapers?" teased one of his friends, earning him a cheerful punch in the arm.

"We've thought about that," Alex replied, smiling and Alexa and taking her and while they walked. "She wasn't born back then, she was born now. And I think that means she was meant to be my wife. It happened this way for a reason."

Alexa held back tears while some people applauded that sensible answer.

"So what's gonna happen with the old place?" asked someone.

"I think Mike n' Kar are planning modify it and turn it into affordable student housing," Alexa mused. "And they're thinkin' about buying the small low-rises next to the house and doin' the same there."

"Low-cost rental housing for students?!" exclaimed one girl. "How d'you sign up?! How do you bribe your way in?!"

"Well, we probably could use help with packing and moving..." Alex laughed.


Karen's office...

Sylvia grunted and hissed as she clutched at the desk, bent over and rocking almost helplessly while Mike's powerful hips drove against her, his giant cock invading her insides. She ignored the urge to wail, instead dutifully lapping at Karen's gooey pussy while the lady professor lay on her desk, squirming and churning her hips against Sylvia's face, and her fingers tangling in the girl's hair.

Karen bit her lip and undulated while Sylvia's tongue swirled around her clit and her fingers slid inside her tight tunnel. If she and her husband were trysting with a student, it was almost invariably here in her office, an arrangement the two of them had arrived at many years ago. Michael's office was almost never used, as part of their optics strategy on campus.

The large, old and ornate desk, which probably weighed twice as much as her huge husband, was an heirloom of the Blackwell industrial empire, as were many of the furnishings in her office, a sign of who she was, and her heritage. It was perhaps unusual for a university to allow one of its spaces to be overhauled so completely, but Karen had assured them it would not cost them a dime, and she'd been true to her word.

The classic, dark wood panelling that adorned the already dark rose walls held a secret, that being that they were lined with a sound-damping substance, as was the heavy wooden door, yet another heirloom. Years ago, some professors had protested how much leeway she'd been given in her overhaul parameters, but the university was desperate to have the pair as senior professors and had acquiesced readily to their demands.

The room was essentially soundproof against all but the loudest wails of ecstasy. And she relied on this feature now, since Sylvia had a wicked tongue, and was able to bring out the yodeler in her.

By contrast, Mike's office was very modern, decorated in glass, black and chrome, with endless computer screens everywhere. People commented that it felt like a Star Trek set when they walked in. It was very modern and cutting-edge- the displays were often transparent OLED, the largest of which was over seventy inches on the diameter, and meant to run and present his most important tasks.

The couple never used Mike's office for their romps, because he kept an open-door policy for the students; if he was in there, they could visit to speak with him. But Mike also almost never engaged with his female students sexually by himself, since he preferred having his wife in the mix as his partner. Karen, by mutual consent, played with girl students as she pleased, and while Mike knew that Karen couldn't have cared less if he did the same, it was still his preference, because making love to Karen was always his priority.