Mike & Karen Ch. 14


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He looked up at her, wondering what she could mean.

"I've announced to your family that I've bought out your spot here in the home, Jordan," she said, putting her hands on his. "It'll go to someone who really needs it, paid for and kept up by us, I promise. But as for you, my oldest friend... the Blackwell Manor is as much your home as mine, and you'll be coming back to live there with us."

Jordan almost gaped at her in disbelief. She smiled and nodded. "It's time to come home, Jordan. This family isn't complete without you."

His eyes glistened, and Alex was certain that Jordan would break down crying. But then the old man nodded, a note of strength and determination entering his demeanour. Alexa and Karen both backed up as Jordan slowly, very slowly pushed himself to his feet and stood tall, with his chin held high. Karen could barely contain her delight.

"Then let us go," he said to them. "I shall drive."

His family all laughed joyously. It would be good to be home.


It was slightly odd for Mike and Karen, feeling like they had to be quiet when they made love, since Alexa had moved with Alex into the basement from her room near the end of the summer. But now that Jordan would be staying in there until the move to Blackwell Manor, they felt they owed him the courtesy of not making too much noise.

That, and he was still Jordan to them both, the Blackwell chauffeur, seneschal and Karen's keeper, and they were excited to find out the thrill of sneaking around him to have sex was still there.

She rocked back and forth on top of him now, her pussy working his throbbing cock fiercely as he drove it inside her. While she loved the feeling of her titan husband on top of her, she also appreciated the utility of her being on top, since even his powerful arms had to tire from propping his massive frame over her. She rode him now, body blossoming with pleasure as a winter storm howled outside.

They'd been making love even more often recently, since Karen was actively trying to get pregnant again. If their schedules permitted, they made love as often as twice a day, three times on the weekend. Mike had increased his intake of certain proteins and vitamins, even though his doctor had already said his sperm count was off the charts- walnuts, fenugreek, ginseng and other foods were now staples in his diet, until his part in the endeavour was completed. Selenium, Vitamins C and D, carnitine...

Karen, meanwhile, had increased her intake of folic acid, zinc, legumes, and pomegranates, which happened to be her favourite fruit anyway. She'd been off her birth control for a few months now, and her libido, which was very strong to begin with, had kicked into overdrive when the baby fever had seized her.

"Nnnnn, yes, my love," she whispered, crouching forward over him and pushing back against his massive cock, which battered against her womb. "Yes, Michael... right there... you're so strong tonight..."

She pressed her mouth to his, kissing him feverishly, her hands clasping his cheeks and stroking her thumbs along his strong jaw, before running into his thick yellow hair. Sweat glistened on her trembling body as she gazed down into his piercing blue eyes.

"My love, I don't think I'll be able to keep from screaming..." she breathed, her bewitching golden eyes glazed with desire. She could feel them, the telltale signs that her body was going to surrender to a staggering orgasm, craving his overwhelming strength and his essence deep inside her.

Mike nodded and deftly rolled from beneath her and allowed his wife to get on all fours in front of him, her exquisite ass squirming, and her wanton pussy begging for him. His powerful hands took hold of her hips and he slid himself deep inside her. Karen shuddered and stifled a shameless moan as he filled her, and then began pounding herself back against him, desperate to cum, and feel his cum filling her.

Mike thumped his hips against her ass, and she gasped with each smack, her breath almost catching in her throat. She clenched and rippled her inner muscles around him fiendishly, making it obvious that she had no intention of prolonging their coitus. He rammed into her repeatedly, her entire body juddering, her fingers knotting into the silken sheets.

He felt her pussy almost spasming around him now and heard his sultry wife keen as she tried to hold on precious seconds more. Without a word, he reached up and took her hands, pulling them backwards and holding her by the wrists as he slammed her inside her. Robbed of support, Karen's face fell forward into the pillows, and she wailed in pleasure, her ass pointed up as he split her wide with his enormous tool.

Mike grunted and arched his back, pushing forward with his hips, while pulling back on Karen's wrists, drawing her into him. She shook violently and screeched into the pillows, cumming profusely. She screamed again as his molten cum began pumping strongly into her. She could feel his titan cock swelling inside her, throbbing as it bathed her the walls of her pussy.

Karen sobbed in ecstasy, her body tingling with fire from her toes to the tips of her hair. She felt him release her arms and they just flopped at her sides, since she was unable to move just yet. Still trembling, but now in control of her voice, she rolled her head to one side so she could breathe, taking deep breaths as she rode out the tsunami of delight that had crashed over her.

Finally, her hands slowly moved up to beside her head, and she slowly turned herself over to lie on her back. Mike moved her leg and stayed inside her, then lay gently down on top of her, covering her beautiful body with his. She sighed as he sank deep back into her, and her arms draped wearily onto his massive back. Her tired eyes looked up into his, and she smiled lovingly.

"As much as I want to carry your child again, my heart, I am not objecting to the trying, I admit. I would not be distraught if it took some time," she cooed, caressing his handsome face. "I am glad I am not wearing you out with my shameless needs and desires."

"Not you, princess," he replied, smiling and rubbing noses with her. "I live to serve."

"That's my line, you thief," she quipped, poking his nose while she smirked. "I don't know how, but every day, I wake up more in love with you, and more enslaved to you. Not that I'm objecting, mind."

They kissed long and deeply, with Mike gently undulating his hips, pushing in and out of her slowly, an intimacy they never tired of.

He finally rolled to the side and kept her with him. As he hugged her close, she slung a leg over his hip, his cock staying inside her. Clearly, she had no intention to do without. Face to face in the near-darkness of the room, they said nothing, just feeling one another's heartbeats. Her fingers caressed slowly through his hair, while he stroked her bronze locks.

"Do you think I should grow my hair out again?" she asked in a whisper, as if she was telling him a secret. "Like I did when I was pregnant with Alex?"

He smiled. "Ekaterina Leda Gloriana Gordon-DeBourne, you are the most beautiful woman on earth, regardless of how you wear your hair. But I did indeed love it when you wore your hair down your back. It will certainly be a shock for Alli to see. She has only ever seen pictures in the photo albums, along with any your mother had."

Karen nodded. "I do love being pregnant, and my hair gets thicker and healthier than ever. Like's Alli's only not blonde. I'll do it. And I'll keep it until I'm done nursing."

"Let's get you pregnant first, young lady," he chuckled. "Like you said, there's no need to be done trying just yet."

She giggled and pulled the covers over them. They happily fell asleep with him inside her. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.


On the floor of the expansive dried goods pantry, Alex was checking the airlocks on the large carboys, nodding in satisfaction as he saw fewer bubbles every day from the fermentation. The honey base was less cloudy than it had been a week earlier. With any luck, this batch of mead could be bottled just after Christmas and ready by the summer.

"How's it looking?" Alexa asked as she sauntered into the room, approaching her husband while he examined his handiwork. "Seems pretty clear compared to the other day."

"I may not have dad's chemistry background, but I've got his intuition for how this stuff works," Alex replied. "He says it works for me because I think it's going to work for me."

"How Orky of you, nephew-mine," she giggled as she sat on the nearby stool, just watching him. It was one of her favourite things to do. He had such a cute, tight butt. Must've been all the weight training and swimming. "Do you paint everything red as well?"

"Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk..." he mumbled, still focused on the amber contents of his carboys. "How y'feeling? You ready for your Jolly Christmas Revue debut in a few days?"

"You really scared me when you convinced me that's what the program was called," she sighed, looking at the ceiling for a moment. "You're as much of a troll as your father. If you weren't so damn sexy and fuckable, I'd have to spank you."

"Pass," he said casually, smirking as he stood up. "Between the two of us, you're the one with the ass made for spanking, admit it."

"Yeah, I do love having my ass smacked," she agreed readily. "Especially by you, husband. So, how're we doing this recital prep thing?"

"Well, dad and I are gonna go ahead and make sure the AV guys actually wired the place up correctly, and we'll take Freja with us, since she has a knack for the roadie stuff. That means you, mom, Jeanie and Mister Winson can follow and arrive some time before we begin. Jeanie told mom she was getting a small case of the yips, so maybe you and Fre can, I dunno, calm her down somehow."

She gave him a wry smirk as she got off the stool and pulled him to his feet. She pressed in against him, her arms around his shoulders, while his hands rested on her hips. Their foreheads pressed together, and they were silent for several seconds, just content to be together in one another's arms. Christmas music from elsewhere in the house could be heard, and they just danced in a slow circle in the enclosed space, lost in each other.

"These are some of my favourite moments, y'know," she whispered to him, her voice a purr, but also carrying a sonorous honesty and truth in it. "Just existing with you, our own little world, and everything outside of this bubble meaning nothing. This is why I'm on this earth. To have these moments with you."

"They mean everything to me, too," Alex agreed, nodding. "Nothing else really matters when I'm with you like this."

"I mean, life is pretty perfect these days, and I'll never regret it," Alexa sighed. "You love me, and I've got my family back. And one day, you and I will have our own family. How perfect will that be, Alex?"

He smiled. "Might be a tough road, legally, and a lot of grief and hassle, but it's absolutely worth it. I'll face anything to make that happen. Because you're my everything."

The kiss they shared was tender and long, the music dancing on the air around them. Nothing else mattered.


December 19th, 1986, Kapuskasing...

The weather outside was dreadful, but inside the home of Orion and Annette DeBourne, the atmosphere was lively and joyous. They both laughed and clapped while Veronica and Josh danced and capered around the living room while Mike played jazzy Christmas music on the old upright piano in the corner. They had inherited it from the school, since Mike was the only person who showed any interest or aptitude in playing it. It now occupied a corner of the large living room, and he happily played it whenever he was home. Connor entered the room, carrying mugs of spiced eggnog.

They were expecting more members of the family before long, since their home was the central gathering place for the clan. When Orion had moved to Kapuskasing from Moose Factory, his siblings and cousins had all moved shortly thereafter, looking forward to life in a larger town. In the Eighties Moose Factory was little more than a widening in the dirt road on James Bay with a population of less than two thousand. At nearly nine thousand people, Kapuskasing seemed like a big deal.

Toronto might as well have been Imperial Rome. Or Constantinople, if any of them had even heard of it, barring Mike.

There were still two days before Christmas, and Anne was serving every kind of meat she could while holding off on the turkey and goose. Not only had her husbands, sons and daughter brought back turkey, goose and pheasants, they had come home with other kinds of game, like venison, fish, and even beaver. Tonight, she was serving roast beaver with sour cream, and Three-Sister soup. Feeding the DeBourne army was no small feat, but one she was happy doing.

She had initially been reticent about moving to Kapuskasing, given how much larger it was than her hometown of Estipah-skikikini-kots (Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump), and even Moose Factory was more populated. But her love for Orion meant she would try anything, and he was convinced their prosperous future lay in K-Town. Despite the fact that its population was over ten times the size of her home's, she'd fallen in love with their new residence quickly, and never looked back. He became an ironworker, and never wanted for employment. The rest of his family had followed quickly, taking the eldest brother's lead.

Now the whole family was here, and everyone was happy and content. Except one.

She smiled as she looked at her oldest child, laughing and playing the piano, enjoying his time with his family. But it in her heart, she knew Michael didn't belong here, that this place was far too small for him. His curiosity was boundless and wide as the prairies, his drive to learn relentless as an Atlantic storm. If he stayed too long, he would feel nothing but frustration and dissatisfaction. The world out there needed people like him.

She looked around at her house, smiling rather dreamily. Decked out for the season in green, red, and gold, and with ornaments that had been in both the DeBourne and Platz families for generations, their house was almost a tourist attraction to the town, with people they barely knew constantly dropping by to see the riot of colour and festivities.

An angel holding up a star stood on the mantle over the fire- Michael had bought it for them with money he made tutoring fellow students, and sent it to them, along with any other extra funds he had. He had been dutiful about this ever since he'd left for Toronto, and everyone knew better than to try and stop him. Even for a DeBourne, he was stubborn.

But she made sure that he always knew where his money went when he sent it.

She heard the timer in her kitchen go off, and knew the roast beaver was ready. With their clockwork stomachs, the entire family would be here shortly. She kissed her husband and excused herself, pausing for one second before exiting the living room to look back over at her oldest, still laughing and playing at the piano.

How she was going to miss him when the time came...


December 21st, The Bridle Path...

Karen's eyes were closed, and she panted quietly, pressed front-first against the study wall. Behind her, Max Rosen held her by her hips and thrust his cock back and forth inside her pussy, his pants around his ankles. Karen had the skirt of her dress bunched up over her ass on her lower back, and she'd pulled down the neckline of her top to press her breasts against the cool mahogany paneling of the wall, her hands pressed flat. Through the closed door and down the hall, the laughing and music of the soiree her parents were hosting could be heard.

Max was back for the holiday from Queen's University in Kingston, where he was studying to become a doctor. While she didn't consider him suitable marriage or even boyfriend material, she was willing to have sex with him when the chance arose, but he was a decent lover. And to be honest, she had been convinced she wouldn't have a chance to get laid at all over the Christmas break, so this was a welcome surprise.

"Yes, Max," she hissed, grinding back against him, loving the taboo of fucking someone in her parents' house while they were hosting a party less than thirty meters away. The risk of getting caught made her even wetter. "Gn, yes, press up, darling..."

He grunted and nodded, bending his knees slightly and not only thrusting forward with his hips, but pushing up slightly, penetrating her at a different angle that made her nerves tingle with bliss. She leaned farther forward, arching her ass even further, and he went deeper still. Karen stifled a shameless moan, settling for clenching her pussy around him, making her lover shudder in return.

She could tell he wasn't in control tonight, and suspected he might cum soon, so she did nothing to delay her own climax. Spreading her legs to the side slightly, she felt herself sink down even deeper on him, even while her pert behind remained in the air. The onslaught of the orgasm was sudden, and she bit her knuckle and squeezed her eyes shut as she shook, her entire nervous system aglow with tingling pleasure. She faintly heard his groan, but then felt his cock throbbing before pumping his cum inside her, warm and welcome. A sense of relief overtook her, and she stifled a giggle, knowing that being this worried about the need to get fucked would sound absurd to most.

But then, most people didn't have her libido or carnal needs, did they?

Thankfully, Max was still hard, even as they both relaxed. She told him to stay still while she sighed as she displayed her amazing flexibility- she stuck one leg in the air out to the side as she braced herself, and then slowly rotated her body around to face him, her leg and foot passing over their heads like a sensual clock arm. When she had both feet on the floor again, she was facing him, their bodies pressed together. His cock had never left her pussy.

She took him by the tie and pulled him in for a kiss, while she slowly worked her wanton womanhood on him, still enjoying the little ripples and mini-orgasms that followed the main event. Max's mind was clearly blown by now, because she was pretty much doing all the work, except literally keeping him upright. She broke the kiss and looked up at at him.

"Well now," she purred, giving him a sly smile. "That was certainly unanticipated but welcome. I hadn't expected to have any indulgences during the break, I must admit. Thank you for that. Max."

"Yeah, uh, thank you, too," he said rather breathlessly, his face flushed. She resisted the urge to snicker, knowing she couldn't send him back to the party looking like that. He'd have to use some doors interconnecting the rooms to reach a staff lavatory and wash the sweat and colour away with cold, bracing water. "Karen, are you sure that we-"

She pressed a finger against his lips, staying his question while she smirked. "Maxwell, there is an entire world out there, and I intend to experience it. We both know that if I were your girl and wife, I'd be tied down in ways that would make me utterly mad. These trysts and our friendship will have to do, good sir."

He exhaled and nodded. "You're right, of course. It is your decision."

"Thank you," she said agreeably, genuinely liking him, even if he wasn't the one. She lifted herself on her toes and then reached down to deftly pull his still-hard cock out of her pussy, biting her lip and shivering as she did so. His ability to remain hard was one of the qualities she did appreciate in him. She sank to her knees and took his tool inside her mouth, sucking the rest of his cum out of him, and then cleaning his cock thoroughly, humming in pleasure and with appreciation, which she knew meant the world to her male lovers. It meant they'd satisfied the woman.
