Mike & Karen Ch. 14


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Orion wasn't as tall as his son, somewhere just above average height, but he was wide, and strongly built, with a barrel chest and huge, callused hands, the signs of a lifelong ironworker. He still had his shaggy blond hair, whereas his younger brother Phil had shaved his off, preferring to go bald for whatever reason. Mordecai kept his hair cropped rather short. A DeBourne gathering was a confusing fusion of a rock concert and the children of Village of the Damned.

"What the Hell is that music that's playing?" Mike asked, frowning as he finally heard what the stereo nearby was blaring.

"It's the song 'Last Christmas' by Wham!, you gorilla," Josh sniffed, trying to look indignant. "And it's a lot better than Connor's last selection, which was by that Weird Al fellow."

"I think you're all nuts!" Mike laughed. "How many turkeys are we picking up, mom? I'll see if I can get 'em at the reserve."

"At least six, you know this crowd," Anne said, smiling. She was so thankful for his oldest son's safe return. She knew she didn't have to worry, because her son was infinitely capable, but she lived to have her family all together. Family was everything to her. "See if they have any goose while you're at it."

Mike nodded as someone handed him some homemade eggnog. He looked around, pleased by the familiar surroundings, but somehow aware that everything seemed... smaller.

He wondered what he was meant to understand from that. Only time would tell.


The present, a condo downtown...

Jeanie murmured as she turned back and forth in the bed, moving enough that the silken sheets were starting to come off, exposing her breasts and midriff. Next to her, Freja slept soundly, lying on her side and turned in to face her wife. Their pre-slumber sex had been vigorous, and she was almost oblivious to all but the most urgent stimuli.

Still twitching and moaning lightly, Jeanie moved her head from side to side, apparently objecting to her non-sexual dream. She found herself walking down a hallway with shiny walls, seemingly out of reach. The air rang with an ethereal tingling, and what might have been the jingle of sleigh bells.

She looked down at herself, noticing that she was wearing a strangely modest nightie, one that fell past her knees. Did she even own something as repressed as this? Sheets of paper fluttered down around her on occasion, and she squinted as she tried to see the writing on them. She thought she recognized her lazy, halfhearted scrawl, but then noticed that they all had big red grades on them, usually failing, or only bare minimum passes at best.

She blushed and looked away from the papers, staring at the ground. The glassy floor she was walking on was just opaque enough to make out items beneath the surface, and her heartbeat grew quicker as her distress grew- she saw so many tokens of friendship she had given to people she'd cared for and considered friends. But these friendship gifts, whether they were woven bracelets or favoured toys, all seemed frayed and broken, sometimes abused.

It stung, because she remembered how many people had laughed at her and turned their backs on her, because she was so stupid and clueless. A teddy bear with one eye smirked at her, before slowly turning over and facing downward under the floor, as if presenting its backside to her.

Christmas music echoed faintly around her and the walls beyond her reach were littered with projects and hobbies she'd given up on, feeling too dumb to complete them and giving in to despair. She squeezed her eyes shut and shrunk her shoulders in, remembering the frustration she'd felt. Where on earth was she? What the heck was this?

Where was Freja?

Bright light in front of her gave away to a large room of surreal design. It seemed round, she thought, although she couldn't be sure. Everything was white, with a silvery lustre to it. She saw a series of large round beds with Christmas-red mattresses, encircling what seemed to be a white staircase that disappeared into the radiant white clouds overhead.

What the Led-fucking-Zeppelin is this shit? she was left wondering.

Suddenly the clouds opened, and an almost heavenly light spilled out and touched her face. She felt her knees weaken as she sagged onto one of the round beds, leaning forward to rest on her hands as she watched the strange scene unfold before her.

She gazed in wonder as slow music began playing, and gorgeous, angelic girls slinked down the heavenly white steps, wearing scanty Christmas elf costumes, a sensuous panoply of green, red, gold, and fluffy white trim. They all smiled at her as they lined the edges of the steps, assuming sexy poses, all of them meant to push her horny buttons.

Then shiny black boots appeared at the top of the steps, followed by tight red pants with a black belt and a gold buckle. The hips gave way to razor-sharp abs, rippling beneath skin that had never seen a single gram of fat. The trim but strong waist flared into a huge, brawny and chiseled chest, from which branched powerful arms, with horseshoe triceps and biceps that had peaks the Himalayas would be jealous of.

Sitting atop the broad, muscular shoulders, was a handsome, carefree face, with dancing blue eyes, and a shock of ginger-red hair. The smile told her that her visitor already knew if she had been naughty or nice?

"S-Santa?" Jeanie stammered as the music kept playing, and the Elves, all still looking at her, began to hum in unison.

"Your story, sad to tell," Santa crooned as he slowly descended the steps, still looking at her like she was the only girl in existence.

"A slutty ne'er do well!

Most mixed-up libertine on the block,

Your plans are so unclear now

What's left for folks to hear now?

You've missed your true calling by a mile,"

"That's not true, Santa!" she protested as he stood at the bottom of the steps and was surrounded by his sexiest elves, some of whom reminded her distressingly of Freja, Alexa and Heather, along with many other hotties Jeanie knew. They kept smirking at her, popping their hips in time with the music that floated around her. "I... I do have a plan! We're going to LA, and we're gonna make lots of money!"

"Big-titted airhead," Santa sang, ignoring her assertions that she knew what the Hell she was doing.

No green payout day for you!

Big-titted airhead!

Only good for a quickie screw!

You really should have taken time

To draw a breath and buck up

After telling your dear wife

That you're really not a fuck-up!" he cooed as he poked her nose. She hadn't noticed he was so close to her yet.

"Baby get screwin',"

"Better get screwin'!" the elves all echoed as they surrounded Jeanie. Santa had somehow pulled her nightie off in one deft move, leaving her naked. Kneeling, with her legs pressed together, she covered her breasts with her arms, blushing.

"Why keep your silly hopes alive?

What are you doin?"

"What are you doin'?"

You've got the dream but not the drive!

If you go back to your webcam you could make a bunch of coin

Drop out of class, lift up that ass, and really work that groin!"

"Santa, no!" Jeanie insisted as she lay near his powerful hips while he knelt on the bed, pumping her hand along the length of his giant, throbbing cock while the elves all surrounded and caressed them both. Their touch was making her maddeningly wet. Why was this stupid, humiliating song making her wet? "I promise you, I'm a good girl, and I have plans! I intend to take care of my wife! Why won't anyone believe me?! Doesn't anything I say ever count?"

"Big-titted airhead!"

("Big-titted airhead!") Santa and his elves continued to sing, heedless of her points.

"Slightly smarter, than her door,

Big-titted airhead,"

("Big-titted airhead!")

"Just admit that you're a whore!"

The 'rents couldn't teach you anything

You're lucky you're a looker

There's no job that you're suited for

Unlike your Danish hooker!"

"Okay, now you're just being mean!" Jeanie grunted as she looked behind herself while she knelt on all fours, grinding her ass back against Santa's hips as he pushed his giant dick back and forth inside her wanton pussy, hitting places only Mike DeBourne and his snarky son had before. "How can you be Santa if you're being nasty like this? Isn't... isn't this all a dream anyway? Aren't you just my fears trying to psych me out, make me continue to feel like I'm not good enough for anyone?"

"Hey, if you can't trust your own mind, who can you trust, doll?" the giant hardbody with gleaming ginger hair said easily as he fucked her until she felt it in her brainstem. Her eyes rolled into her head and she gripped the silky red sheets fiendishly, trying to not lose consciousness. Sweat streamed from her trembling form, but the elf-girls were all lapping it up dutifully, making her more insatiable than ever with their wicked, peppermint-y tongues. Her skin tingled deliciously.

"Baby don't sweat it," Santa sang as he lay beneath her now and she writhed up and down on top of him. When had that happened?

("Baby don't sweat it!")

"Brains aren't something you have got

You'll never get it,

("You'll never get it!")

Used to thinking with your twat!

Now your toes are curled

Your wife she hurled

Your prospects are forlorn

Break out that fancy webcam and get your ass back into porn!"

"Ugh, no!" she hissed as she leaned forward on his powerful chest, rocking back and forth against him urgently, determined to milk this smug ginger jerk for all he was worth. If he was going to lounge here and insult her, the least he could do was give her a creamy ending. "The webcam thing nearly got us killed, remember? How can going back to that be a good idea? Isn't there something in the Bible about barfing dogs being stupid? Ah! No! Look what you've got me doing, talking about puking dogs while I fuck! What do you want from me, you nutmeg-smelling bastard?!"

"Camgirl lifer,

Don't put my good advice to shame,

Camgirl lifer

Lady Prof would say the same!

You'll get one shot

Best be for naught

Stop living such a lie

Or it's back to taking gifts from that creepy incel guy!"

Jeanie strained, arching her back and moaning loudly as she began to climax. She felt his alternately hot and cool cum churning into her greedy pussy, the delirious scents of mint, cocoa and mini-marshmallows blossoming across her senses. She swooned and felt his powerful arms catch her and rest her on the bed. Seeing only scintillating Christmas colours, she purred and caressed her body while several girl-elves seemed to lap and lick at her womanhood, sucking his delicious cum out of her trembling body. Jeanie pulled her breasts up to her mouth, kissing and lapping at her nipples in pleasure while she road out the waves of ecstasy.

She felt him moving away from her, even though she couldn't see him. She felt the dazzling white light of his presence receding.

"No! Don't go! You can keep singing shitty things about me if you use your jizz-python on me again! Please!"

"Big-titted airhead!"

("Big-titted airhead!") she heard them all singing as they climbed the steps back to heaven.

"Better get back into porn!

Big-titted airhead

Better get back into porn..."

Jeanie lay splayed on the soft, well-used bed, languid and limp, her body cascading with gooey delight. Nothing remained but the tingly white light and the jingling Christmas bells. She lounged and caressed her body dreamily.

"God, I hope I'm pregnant..." she sighed.


Jeanie awoke with a heart-juddering gasp, clutching at her chest and breathing rapidly. Her entire body was wet with sweat, her hair plastered to her scalp. In the darkness of the bedroom, there was only an eerie silence.

"Wh- what..." she managed to rasp, thinking her heart was going to explode out of her chest.

"Yndling?" Freja murmured, slowly waking up in response to her wife's violent movements. "What is wrong, my love? Are you okay?"

"I... I don't know," Jeanie replied, staring at her lap as she tried to make sense of her universe. "But I... when we go to LA, I think I'm supposed to fuck Frankie Avalon..."


The day was grey and all he could see out the window of his room was sleet. There'd been no visits, of course, since his remaining family members, mostly nieces and nephews he hardly knew, were busy with their own lives. He didn't even have a roommate to converse with, and the staff of the facility mostly left him alone.

He'd never pictured his eighties being like this, alone and forgotten.

No one should ever be alone.


He slowly turned his weary head away from the window and smiled for the first time in what he felt was weeks. In the doorway of his tiny room, this place he was calling home until his days were done, stood the most beautiful girl he had ever known.

"Karen..." he said in a quiet voice, feeling a sting in his eyes at the sight of her.

"We didn't know you'd come here," she said as she walked into the room, followed by her giant husband, possibly the only man Jordan admired more than Karen's father. She came over to stand by the wheelchair he was sitting in as he looked out the window. She was wearing a red and white dress accented with gold thread that fit her to utter perfection. Mike was wearing jeans and a shirt, his overwhelming presence needing no trimming. "We contacted your family and they said they'd arranged for you to live here, for your ease and comfort."

The old man nodded, and Karen couldn't help but notice how frail he looked. It broke her heart, because he had always been her model of stoic competence and dedication. "They felt it would be best, yes, although I fear they actually meant what was most convenient for them," Jordan replied, his voice quavering with age. "I might see someone once a month, and usually only if they have paperwork to sign about my fees, for the privilege of staying in this fine facility."

The bronze-haired beauty knelt next to his chair, her eyes glistening as she put her hand over his, trying not to wince at how skinny and weak it felt. He'd no doubt notice, but she would do him the dignity of not mentioning it. Her husband towered behind her, looking on with a kindly smile.

"It's been too long, my dear," he said, patting her hand and trying to turn to face her as best he could. "Since your father dismissed me during... forgive me, during one of his rages."

"Too long," she agreed, nodding. "And so much as changed, Jordan. I thought you should know. You're one of the people who should know."

He looked at her with a keen interest he rarely felt these days. "What do you mean, my dear girl?"

"Now that dad has passed, you knew that, right?" Karen began, waiting to make sure he was aware. "Michael and I have decided to move into the Manor, as its official owners and wardens, which is my prerogative as chair and CEO."

A hint of a smirk crossed Jordan's wrinkled face, and his dim eyes glinted with amusement. "That must have sat well with your cousin Rodney, not to mention the rest of that lot."

"I've seen to them, I will have you know," she assured him. "And with that, I-"

"Sorry we're late," Alex said as he strolled into the room. "Got hung up in traffic, y'know?"

Jordan smiled at the sight of the young blond man. "Well now, Master Alex... you have grown, haven't you?"

"It's good to see you, Mister Winson," Alex said as he walked up and hunkered down next to his mother and then shook Jordan's hand. "Merry Christmas and all that good stuff."

"Merry Christmas to you as well, my boy," Jordan said, smiling as best he could. "But you said 'we', I noticed. Where is your other person? Does the young master have a girlfriend?"

"That's one of your Christmas surprises, Jordan," Karen said softly, her eyes shining. "There's someone here you might want to say hello to."

Karen stood and moved aside, as did Mike, while Alex turned Jordan gently in his wheelchair to face the door. As the old man peered, a blonde goddess walked through the entrance to his room. Wearing a crème cashmere sweater over form-fitting jeans, she smiled at him angelically and approached, coming to kneel in front of his chair.

"Hello, Jordan," she said softly, her voice every bit as lyrical as Karen's a blessing to his ears. "I've heard so much about you."

Mere seconds passed before Jordan swallowed and his lip trembled. "Could it be? Mistress Alexandra?"

Alexa tried to not cry as she nodded. "It's me. I'm home."

Jordan leaned forward and made to hug her, a gesture she returned, still trembling with emotion as she wept softly. "My dear girl... you are indeed home. I have not since you since you were so very, very little."

"I'm sorry I was gone," she choked, looking up at him now. "But... I'm sorry, Jordan, mom died earlier this year in Cardiff."

Jordan closed his eyes for several moments and was silent. Everyone waited, giving him all the time he needed. His devotion to Miranda almost matched his devotion to Karen.

He finally opened his eyes and looked at Alexa, smiling. "How did she... I mean, in the end, did she..."

"It was her pancreas, Jordan," Alexa said, still kneeling in front of him almost reverently, her hands resting gently on top of his. She felt like she knew this man so very well, thanks to her mother telling her for nearly twenty years about how much he'd meant to the family. "It was quick, but she died painlessly, and at peace. I was there. She's with dad now. The way it should be."

"And now you are here," he said, nodding and giving her a kindly smile. "You're every bit as beautiful as your sister."

Alexa sniffled while Karen pressed her fingers to her lips, trying not to cry. Mike put his arm around his wife and held her to his side.

Jordan smiled again and stroked a trembling hand through Alexa's lustrous golden hair. She closed her eyes and squeezed his free hand gently. "I never expected to see this day," he murmured. "I thought the young master was introducing me to a girlfriend during this visit."

"Not exactly, sir," Alex said, coming around to stand next to Alexa while she knelt, putting his hand on her shoulder. "The moment Alexa arrived, we fell in love, and now she's my wife."

The old man looked at the two of them in wonder for several seconds before glancing over at Karen and Mike, who both nodded, smiling. He then looked at Alex, giving him almost a smirk.

"Well, young master, you definitely have your work cut out for you," Jordan said. "If Alexandra is one-tenth as willful and defiant as her older sister, you'll have grey hairs before you know it. Why do you think all mine fell out?"

"Jordan!" Karen exclaimed, trying to look scandalized while Mike and Alex laughed heartily. Alexa turned her head away and snickered.

"It is so nice to see your family whole, my dear," Jordan sighed, looking at Karen. "Your magnificent family. And while I mourn the loss of your parents, of course, who were very dear to me, this family, this meeting of hearts, is everything one could hope for. I am so glad I had my time as part of it."

"You'll always be a part of this family, Jordan," Karen said softly, now approaching him and kneeling next to Alexa while Mike moved closer. "And aside from showing Alli off to you, that's actually why we're here..."
