Mike & Karen Ch. 13


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"So ..." Helen managed to say as she reached over and took Karen's hand. "Did the young'uns show up?"

"Yes, they did," Karen sighed, reveling in the feeling of Mike's tongue massaging inside her. Her free hand fondled her breasts as she squirmed against his face, her body shining with sweat from the cedar-scented heat and steam. "I'm sure they're having a lovely time."

"Have to try real hard not to enjoy yourself around here," Helen agreed, grinding down on her husband's lap. She found the sauna so cleansing. She watched as Mike stood and turned Karen around so that she was kneeling on the middle bench, her hands on the top one. Karen purred as he took hold of her and slid into her from behind, filling her like no one else could. She sighed in pleasure and squirmed back against him, flexing her muscles rhythmically. Mike's hands came to rest on her breasts, squeezing them just right as he thrust in and out of her.

Karen squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her forehead against her arms, restraining a loud moan they would have heard in the club. She found coming to the club to be so liberating, away from the structured tedium of their professional life, even if she and her husband broke those rules every chance they got. Here, there was no judgment, no expectations, only respect and wild desire. Enjoy yourselves, and let others enjoy themselves as they saw fit, were the mantra of this hedonist's paradise.

She pushed herself on her knees and leaned back against him, her arms reaching to curl around his neck. She turned her head and kissed his cheek.

"Remember our first time here together?" she asked in a sensual whisper as she undulated her ass cheeks against him, loving how she felt pinned on his massive cock. "We were so young ..."

"You're as beautiful now as you were then," he replied, kissing her neck and making her moan. "You get lovelier every day, you know."

"Mmmmm, honey-dripper ..." she murmured, squeezing him in time with her slow, strong thrusts. "I remember that first time so well. You were so charming, and so protective."

"Well, you were my newly minted girlfriend, after all," Mike said, nipping her ear. "Had to make sure everyone knew."

"As if my wide-eyed staring at you and wandering around latched onto your arm wasn't proof enough of that," she sighed, loving the feel of his lips on her skin. "It never feels routine, even if there are traditions here that I look forward to ..."

"Think it'll become a tradition for Alex and Alli?" he asked, one hand still caressing her lovely breasts while the other snaked down and played with her clit, making her shudder.

"As long as -- mmmmmmm -- as long as they don't expect us to stop coming here," she answered, placing her hands over his while he pleasured her. She knew he was refraining from cumming yet, because the evening was far from over, and even if he could ejaculate more than a few times, Mike was a fan of the 'big finish' philosophy when it came to orgasms. He simply intended to make her cum until she was a molten puddle before he did. And she had no objections to this plan; she never did. "And if Alex treats Alli a tenth as well as you treat me, she'll want to be here every night ..."

"You haven't told me anything yet about your planned 'improvements' to the Manor once we move in," he said quietly, his finger teasing her throbbing button, making her whimper and squirm. "Naughty ..."

"Nnnnnn, don't, you Brobdingnagian bastard," she almost whined, arching beneath him. "You know I want it to be a surprise, but I won't be able to not tell you if you keep that up!"

She was a split second away from telling him when he relented, and she sagged against the wooden bench, breathing heavily, before groaning and shuddering, straining against her involuntary orgasm. Karen writhed and pushed backward, rolling her hips strongly, churning on his cock, unable and unwilling to escape it. She hissed loudly, her wet, bronze hair hanging around her lovely face. She then sagged forward against the bench, her chest heaving as she panted, trying to regain her composure. She wasn't trying to make him cum, of course, but he was still cheating, and she'd make him pay before the night was out ...


"Wow, you two are really fun additions to this place," the slender black woman panted as she lay on her back, pinned between the two newcomers, with the honey-blonde girl with the foreign accent propping herself up over her, while the curly-haired brunette lay beneath her, also facing up. They were both churning and thrusting, driving strap-on dildos in and out of her pussy and her ass. She felt like she was ready to explode, and she loved it. "You're gonna be big hits here, if you're open to playing with more people."

They were in a small room just off the lounge, with a long couch that Jeanie was lying on. They'd advertised an open show, and nearly half a dozen people were standing or kneeling in the room, watching intently, while more crowded in the door. Watching was fine; everyone knew better than to try to insert themselves into this sapphic tangle, though.

"That is what we are wanting to hear," Freja replied, her voice raspy with the effort of pumping herself up and down on top of the other two. She and Jeanie had decided to occupy themselves for now, since they noticed Alex and Alexa were otherwise engaged in the pool, and Mike and Karen were with the Stevensons. Heaven only knows, they weren't about to get bored waiting. "We already know we love this place, and will be here so very regularly."

"And you two're open for just about anything?" their new partner asked, her eyes wide with excitement and delight. This was an awesome night; the giant and his beautiful wife, both rumoured to be brilliant phyicists, were here, there was that other amazing young blond couple she'd danced with, and now these two? This club just got better and better.

"Ja, my Jeanette and I, we are very open-minded," Freja said, smiling down at her.

"And shameless," Jeanie added, squeezing the woman's breasts as she pumped up into her ass with the dildo. "Don't forget shameless!"

"Gnnnnnn, God!" the woman wailed, shaking between them as they skewered her, seeming to keep different rhythms on purpose, so she could never adjust. "I fucking love you two!"

"We love you too, sweetness," Jeanie said in a breathy voice, her slick skin flush from the feel of the woman on top of her. "Not that it matters, but have you got a name?"

"Tina," the black woman gasped, her eyes almost rolling up into her head. "M-my name's Tina!"

Freja smiled behind her mask, her hazel eyes glinting wickedly. She could almost feel Jeanie's dildo through their lover. She made a few short, quick, shallow thrusts inside Tina before several long, deep ones, and the woman wailed again, like she was being tortured. Perhaps she was. More people appeared in the doorway, looking on curiously. They were attracting quite a crowd.

They'd wandered around the club for a few minutes upon arriving, scoping it out. But once they noticed their friends were all otherwise engaged, they decided to head back down to the lounge and have some drinks. It was there that they met Tina, who had been dancing around the pole by the couches, while a hardcore porn scene played on the big television mounted into the wall. Jeanie had begun watching the floor-show excitedly, clapping and cheering Tina on. The slender, sexy woman obliged with a lapdance, and before long, they'd agreed to find a room and fuck. It was DTF night, after all.

Tina took Freja's face and pulled it down to hers, kissing her feverishly, moaning into her mouth the whole time. Their tongues tangled while Jeanie kept groping her small breasts, pinching the brown nipples while pushing up inside her. Tina had already orgasmed three times because of these two, and she was certain the fourth might do her in. What a way to go, though.

She almost screeched into Freja's mouth as she shuddered violently, cumming harder than ever. Her pussy and her ass clenched so hard, she thought she might be stuck that way. The two girls were relentless, however, and kept pumping, despite her orgasm. Her body shook like she was having a demon exorcised from her. Sweat streamed from her skin; cum slathered all their thighs, warm and tingling against Jeanie's puckered knot as it trickled down between her legs.

They all collapsed into one another, while ripples of applause accompanied their finale. People clearly appreciated the performance, and now left the trio to recover. Their chests all rose and fell wearily, hearts pounding as they lay still.

"Holy shit ..." Tina said finally, wiping at her brow and sighing heavily. "Wanna move to Utah? I can marry you both there, I think."

Freja giggled: "I am thinking that is not how it works, but you are certainly going to be one of our Shangri-La wives, Miss Tina."

"Mrs., actually," the black woman said, winking. "My husband is boring as Hell, and I come here for excitement. And don't worry, he doesn't care, he's probably thankful other people are taking my libido off his hands. He's just happy making money and fucking me once every two weeks or so."

Freja raised herself up wearily and adjusted her mask, then carefully pulled her dildo out of Tina, who gasped and shivered. She helped their new lover up, who carefully turned into a sitting position, still pinned by her ass to Jeanie's dildo. Freja helped her stand slowly, making sure Tina's trembling legs didn't give out on her. The black girl yelped as Jeanie's godemiche popped out through her tight ring and leaned against Freja for support.

"Jesus," she gasped, her fingers gripping the Danish girl tight and looking up into her eyes. "I think I can die happy now."

"Nuh-uh, no dying," Jeanie chided as she sat up and rotated her neck, cricking it. "I won't speak for Fre, but I can't fuck a corpse, no matter how sexy you are."

Freja giggled and stuck out her tongue at her wife while Jeanie took Tina by the hips and gently turned her around, bringing her close and kissing her weary, battered pussy lovingly, while Freja massaged her shoulders and caressed her back and belly, helping her relax.

"God, how are you two still alive and horny?" Tina murmured, sounding thoroughly exhausted. "You're demons."

"Thanks," Jeanie said, looking up into her lover's eyes from below, and dragging her tongue up her slit slowly and then kissing her clit one more time before standing up, smiling. She held Tina by the hips, squashing her breasts into the other girl's, squirming them slightly as she spoke. "Let's go get some water in you, girl ..."

They walked Tina back out to the lounge, where several people applauded them again on such a fine show. While Freja sat the still-wobbly Tina down on one of the plush couches, Jeanie went to the bar and got a large glass of water for her, as well as explaining to the woman behind the bar that all of Tina's drinks were on her tab for the rest of the night. She then sat next to their new friend and got her to drink, before they shared a loving kiss and prepared to leave, promising to check on her.

Seconds later, they were back on their hunt.


Alexa was now leaning back against the pool wall, her feet planted firmly on the pool floor, legs slightly apart. She was holding Cassidy by the arms, pinning her in place, the strawberry-blonde's ass resting on her thighs. Cassidy had her legs spread wide, and Alex was standing between her legs and holding her waist, his piercing, ice-blue eyes looking down into hers as he pumped his cock in and out of her. Her mouth was hanging open, but only the occasional, incoherent sound came out of it. She seemed totally unable to speak.

"I think she likes it, Alex," Alexa purred, smiling slyly, knowing exactly what Cassidy was feeling. Her pussy ached to feel Alex back inside her, but she was enjoying this too much to be greedy. It was DTF night, after all. "Really, really likes it."

"Huuuhhhhnnnn ..." was all Cassidy managed to say in response, her body trembling as he invaded her. Alexa glanced around subtly, noticing lots of people looking on in envy. A smug tingle went up her spine at the sight. Cassidy's fingers flexed on Alex's strong forearms as she tried to endure the feeling of him deep inside her, deeper than any man had been before. "Oh God ..."

Alex pulled back and out of her, allowing her to recover, while Alexa shifted her feet farther forward and spread her legs wider while he moved in closer still. With Cassidy sitting just above his cock, he slid into his wife now, and she groaned in relief. Alex held Cassidy in place while Alexa kneaded their new lover's breasts almost reflexively in response to his fucking her. She bit at the girl's neck, and Cassidy groaned loudly.

Alex kept pushing into his wife, while he slowly turned Cassidy around -- she was now straddling Alexa's thighs, facing into her, their breasts squashed together. They began kissing deeply and hungrily, while Alex pulled out of Alexa's pussy and slid back into Cassidy's, which was pressed into Alexa's. Cassidy whimpered and moaned again, before shuddering and cumming, hard. Her felt her flexing and squeezing around him, and refrained from cumming himself, since he was saving his best climax for Alexa.

He slowly pulled out of her, and let Alexa hold the girl, kissing her cheek, while he pressed gently but firmly into her back. Cassidy was still trembling, her face pressed into Alexa's shoulder. When she looked up, she wiped tears away from her eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry," she said, stifling a sniffle. "Happy orgasm tears. I cry sometimes with a killer orgasm. Always have."

"Glad to hear it, darling," Alexa cooed, kissing her nose while Alexa gently caressed her sides. "Think we can be lovers here? No pressure."

"I'd like that," Cassidy said readily, nodding. "I can't always say when I'm here, but when I am, I'm always available for you two, I promise."

They let her off Alexa's lap, and she said she needed to go sit down, maybe rest for a bit. She hugged Alex and thanked him, before kissing Alexa lovingly and then clambering out of the pool, heading inside. Alex and Alexa pressed into one another and made out for some time, her legs wrapped around his waist while he slowly moved in and out of her. The stiff wind howled around the tall wooden fence that protected the patio, and they felt no discomfort.

Finally, Alex took her hand and led her out of the pool, grabbing their towels and heading back inside the sprawling Victorian house. They got two more drinks, and wandered back up to the main floor, where the masquerade ball continued.


They sat in the jacuzzi, with Karen snuggling into her mighty husband's side. After the sauna, they'd returned to the ball on the upper floors, and danced several naked waltzes, which neither of them found the least bit awkward. They sipped champagne from glasses now, enjoying the warm water and serenity. There were two other couples in the jacuzzi, talking with one another after everyone had been greeted. One of the things they loved about the club was the feeling of polite privacy one could enjoy, even if the place was crawling with people on a busy Friday.

"Mmmmm," she murmured as she took a small sip of her bubbly, snuggling into his side and surrounded by his massive, powerful arm. "So much to do, and yet it all feels a thousand years away when I'm here with you."

"That's why these nights are so important," Mike replied, smiling and kissing her head. "A little bit of a recharge, and reminding ourselves what is worth fighting for. Here, the opera, singing dumb karaoke songs in a club, watching graduation ceremonies ..."

She leaned her head against his shoulder while she watched the young couple sitting across from them whispering in secret delight to one another, her hand under the water, moving in his lap. She pondered how these two weren't really any different from herself and her husband, even though they'd been together for three decades now. They were still madly in love, feeling that giddy excitement on a regular basis, never blasé about one another's company, and hopelessly devoted. She wouldn't trade it for anything.

"I remember the first night my mother hinted at me that you were my future," she mused, now looking at the ceiling over the far wall. "Right as she was leaving me behind on campus, in time for a miserable November cloudburst that soaked me to the bone. But not as cold as my tears. That woman's timing was impeccable."

"Sounds like our mothers were related somehow," he chuckled, pretty certain he knew exactly which time she was referring to. "Mom dropped similar truth bombs on me around that time and for quite a while afterward. If I knew what she meant, I still wasn't willing to admit it."

"Hmmm, was I still your frenemy back then, your indispensable rival?" Karen asked, turning her head to look up at him and smirking. "You sure were for me. I couldn't accept that there was a bigger and smarter kid on the playground, no matter how weak you made my knees."

"Smarter, my ass," Mike replied, caressing her graceful cheek. She was as lovely as she'd ever been, regal and hauntingly beautiful, like no one else he'd ever known. "I might've been your rival, but not your superior. You've always been my match, or exceeded me."

"Mmmmm, agree to disagree, my lord husband," she sighed contentedly, meaning it. She didn't like the world if she was better than him. "Besides, it's our gestalt that I am so very dedicated to."

"Now on that point we agree," he said cheerfully, enjoying their banter. He always had, and saw no end to it. "Let the Heavens tremble."

He looked over at the hallway just off the jacuzzi, and saw his son and sister/daughter-in-law breeze by, heading to the lounge. Alexa saw them, smiled brightly and waved before disappearing into the crowds.

"Well, Jon and Danaerys had vacated the pool, shall we go for a dip?" he asked.

"Maybe in a few minutes ..." Karen murmured, watching as the young brunette sitting across from them bent over and began sucking on her partner's erect cock.


"God, this room is so ridiculous," Alexa giggled as she looked around at the décor. Fully one wall was occupied by the rear half or a 1960s van embedded in it, with the doors open and a bed fixed inside. It was referred to as the 'Shaggin' Wagon,' apparently. The rest of the room was lined with small couches along the wall, meant for audiences of the action inside the bifurcated vehicle. "Can you believe it?"

"Actually, yeah," Alex mused, grinning. "Apparently this is the only room mom and dad don't really use, because dad can't fit in the wagon."

"That happens to him a lot, doesn't it?" she snickered in delight as she looked around. He took several seconds to drink in the sight of his aunt, her glorious body on display. Her voluminous golden hair and stunning face with dancing sapphire eyes and dazzling smile kept one rapt, requiring actual willpower to look away. Her neck and athletic frame, graceful and willowy, yet strong. Her large, magnificent breasts, sitting high on her chest, not drooping despite their size, and a torso that tapered into a slender waist and supple, sexy hips.

Her smooth pussy, begging to be kissed, and almost always glinting with hints of arousal, what she and his mother called 'the Curse of the Blackwell-Gordon Women.' Her long, statuesque legs and perfect feet drew the gaze down before compelling one to begin the tour again, from the top.

'C'mon, let's try this, I've never fucked in the Mystery Machine before," she said huskily, pulling him over to the van. She crawled inside and then let him in. She made him lie down before beginning to kiss him all over his powerful frame. She loved his firm, chiseled physique, not overwhelming like his father, but still imposing and dominant. It was how she'd always pictured the bodies of the great Elven lords out of the Silmarillion.
