Mike & Karen Ch. 13


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"Yeah," he said, nodding. "Hopefully I won't run into them tonight. Trust me, I'll be doing my best not to."

"Well, at least you'll always hear your dad when he's thundering around," she replied, smirking. She checked Alexa's ID, thinking nothing of the name 'Blackwell,' and let Alex pay the cover fee and charity donation. They then went inside.

"Wow, nice," Alexa mused as they walked through the bar. "Let's get changed, and then do you wanna watch me pole dance for you?"

"Love to," Alex said readily. They went up to the change rooms, exchanging pleasantries with several other couples already in various stages of undress. Alex and Alexa both had their masks on already, of course. Like her older sister, Alexa had been wearing her masquerade outfit and nothing else beneath her long jacket, and stood now in front of her husband, wearing the skimpiest of thongs and a miniscule top that barely covered her nipples. He grinned widely as he looked at her.

"Y'like?" she asked, turning around slowly while running her hands through her voluminous golden hair.

"Do I ever say no?" he laughed. "You look amazing and you know it." Based on the subtle glances (or blatant stares) being cast her way, he knew he was one of the two luckiest guys here tonight. He stripped out of his clothes and decided to stay naked, just opting to carry a towel with him.

Alexa smirked when she saw the furtive glances at Alex's cock. One of the two luckiest girls in the place.

They greeted an older couple who were getting changed next to them, neither of them wearing masks yet. They were probably in their late forties, and he was balding, while the wife was rather stoutly built. Alexa loved that the place was so accepting and body-positive. She didn't mind if women were staring at Alex, it made her feel proud of her choice.

The older woman whistled slightly as she looked at Alex's body. "Nice birthday suit, young man."

"Thanks, my mom and dad made it for me," Alex quipped, without missing a beat. Alexa hadn't been expecting that response and bent over, leaning against the lockers, snickering. His answer drew guffaws from around the change room, and the woman laughed heartily.

"Oh, he's a keeper, honey," she said, patting Alexa's shoulder. "If you haven't yet, cuff him."

Delighted at the approval, Alexa straightened up and showed off her finger, on which she was wearing her plastic Ring Pop base, while Alex displayed his as well. The woman grinned and nodded approvingly before waving and accompanying her husband out of the room, letting Alex and Alexa finish changing and getting ready.

They went back down to the bar area, and Alex got them two drinks while Alexa walked up to the pole. A thrumming hip-hop song began, and he watched as she began to step and glide around the pole with a practiced ease. As Alexa was taller than most of the women present, and easily the most stacked, everyone's eyes were on her as she did her thing. She spent most of her time looking at him, giving him sultry glances, and he was certain he was the envy of every man (and probably every woman) in the room.

He wondered if his mother and father were having as much fun as he was.


The squirming foursome dominated one corner of the grey and lavender ballroom, with Mike sitting back on one of the big couches, his legs spread to the sides. Karen was sitting in his lap, facing out from him and moaning in delight into the mouth of the girl she was kissing. The girl in the pink lingerie was straddling another girl, squirming down on her while the one beneath was lying on her back, her head between Mike's legs and her tongue lapping hungrily at his cock and Karen's pussy while he fucked her.

Karen and her pink friend, a young woman named Emmy, continued kissing, tongues tangling wetly as she fondled her lover's breasts. Karen shuddered as her husband's titan cock speared deep inside her. His powerful hands were on her opulent breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples, sending tingles of delight through her as only he possibly could. She felt absolutely molten, enslaved to her god of a husband, just as she knew he was to her.

Mike pulled his wife down onto him, her greedy pussy gripping him wetly, the contractions she was so expert at fluttering around him. Another couple was pumping and writhing on the wall-spanning couch next to them, the man thrusting his cock in and out of the woman. But while he was sucking on one of her breasts, his eyes closed, her eyes fixed on the foursome, longing in her gaze. Spaced elsewhere around the room, other couples or groups were fucking and engaging in general depravity. The moans and cries of pleasure sent shivers through Karen as she listened.

She broke the kiss with Emmy, the two women staring into one another's eyes as they squirmed and writhed. Emmy was bewitched by the golden-amber eyes behind the exquisite ball mask, while her partner below ground her little pussy into hers. She could see the intense ecstasy in Karen's expression, hear it in her panting, feel the heat radiating from her now-damp skin. She envied how Karen could take her husband, because Mike had fucked Emmy only once, and he damn near tore her apart. She was sore and walking funny for days.

Below, Nina was lapping hungrily at Karen's slit while Mike's massive cock slid in and out of it. She loved tasting Karen on Mike's tool, wetter, sweeter, and muskier with every pull back. She kissed and nibbled at Karen's throbbing clit, her slippery netherlips, and humped her own hips up against Emmy. God, she was going to cum so hard tonight ...

Karen leaned back into her husband's massive torso and rocked against him while Emmy leaned forward and began sucking on her breasts again. She caressed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

"Got a few in you?" she purred, reveling in the sensation of his cock so very deep inside her.

"I've been saving up for tonight," he replied, his voice a low growl that sent shivers through her. "Let's have some fun ..."

Without another word, he leaned up and forward, pushing his wife onto her hands and knees in front of him on the length of the couch. Emmy gasped and wiggled backwards as Karen forced her onto her back. Emmy's legs were still scissored with Nina's and she squirmed and writhed with lust, while Karen pinned her wrists to the couch and leaned down, licking her nipples. Mike gripped Karen's hips and began thrusting back and forth inside her from behind. Nina moaned and squirmed beneath them.

Karen's mind was lost to pleasure, taking in the sounds of the couples and groups fucking around them, the warmth of Emmy's hands on her head while she sucked on her breast, and the feel of Michael so very deep inside her, touching parts of her in ways no one else ever could. In thirty years, it was a longing that had never dwindled or waned, and she knew it never would.


November, 1986 ...

"Bless me, but it's been a long time since I've eaten cafeteria food," Miranda remarked as she used her fork to partition a piece of soggy, battered fish on her plate, along with anemic French fries and what might have been tartar sauce. "And now I remember why."

"It's not that bad, once you get by the general inedibility of the biomass," Karen quipped as she sat across from her mother at the small table in the campus cafeteria, twiddling her own fork around inside what should have been shepherd's pie. Janet swore by the stuff, but her grades had taken a dip recently, so her judgment was not necessarily to be trusted, even if Karen could not prove a direct correlation between ersatz shepherd's pie and brain damage. "It's better than some of the homemade meals my dorm mates have attempted to cook on occasion and forced upon me."

"Oh? Were hazmat suits involved?" her mother asked, finally daring a bite of the food. She masticated on it thoughtfully for a moment, and then, once she was certain she wasn't about to die, she popped another piece of fish in her mouth.

"They should have been," Karen admitted, focusing on her current fare to forget the horrors of the past. "I allow myself to eat once a week in here, to build up an immunity, if you will. Other than that, I tend to make meals, for Lisa and myself, usually."

"She's such a sweetheart," Miranda mused, smiling at the thought of the slight redhead. "Is she your girlfriend?"

Karen almost choked on her food at her mother's unexpected query. She put her fork down and looked at the older woman. "I ... why would you ask that, mother?"

"I'm not an idiot, my dear, and neither is your father. And while it is none of our business, I am merely curious. There's certainly no shame in it. If she's not your girlfriend, is she your lover?"

Karen sighed. There was no point in obfuscating, and she certainly wasn't about to lie to the woman who meant more to her than anything in the world. "Yes, we're lovers, but neither of us see a future together, per se. She thinks my destiny is too lofty for her. The matter came up only a few nights ago. She thinks her betrothed will be a woman unlike me in all ways."

"That's not exactly difficult, darling," her mother pointed out, now picking up a wilting fry and noshing on it. "I know you well, my dear daughter, and you share my healthy sexual appetite. Since Lisa has not withered away into a desiccated husk trying to sate you, you must have other lovers. Are you bisexual?"

Karen nodded. "I seem to lean toward girls for relationships, I always have, and boys are merely baubles or playthings."

Miranda nodded, observing her daughter. "If you marry, could it be a boy? Not that I'm pushing for that result necessarily, outside of selfishly wanting grandchildren."

The younger woman gave a small shrug. "It's a tough question to answer, mother, because anyone I married for love would have to be exceptional. And since gay marriage is illegal as yet, that would mean a marriage to a man. And thus far, it's always been about what was good for the Blackwells and Gordons, and not my personal happiness, hence the Eddie McNaughton incident."

Miranda reached across the table and squeezed her daughter's hand gently. She loved the girl so much. "My heart hurt so much, my dearest. Yes, I married your father to tie our families together, but he was singularly brilliant and had a depth of character I had never seen before, I knew I would love him without question. There was no chance of that for you. And yet, for the family, I know you would have gone through with it."

Karen said nothing, simply looking down at her plate. Her mother was right, of course; duty to family, that was everything. She pitied people who couldn't understand that or had families not worthy of that devotion.

"But no mind," her mother continued, smiling brightly and continuing to eat. "It's good to know you have other outlets, so that you don't kill Lisa."

"Mom!" Karen said under her breath, trying not to blush, worried people around them might hear.

Her mom stifled a snicker. "So proper. You're definitely a Blackwell, but with a strong helping of Gordon rebelliousness. That's to be celebrated, of course. Your uncle Graham was in town for a day or two last week."

Karen tilted her head. "The one from Argyll?"

"Och, aye, lass," Miranda replied, now imitating a Scottish burr. "And a right royal pain in the arse he proved, always askin' if I was gwine te bless him wid another niece or nephew a'fore he passed."

"Well, it's not like you and dad haven't discussed it before recently," the bronze-haired girl remarked. "I know you've expressed interest in the prospect."

"Would you like to have a little brother or sister?" Miranda asked.

"I suppose it's never too late to start playing dress-up with dolls," Karen mused. "Does my potential sibling and dainty pretend tea party guest have a name?"

Miranda smiled. "Alexander, and Alexandra."

"My favourite names," Karen said, trying to contain her delight. "Okay, I'm in."

"Thank you for your permission, your majesty," her mother giggled. "I'll make sure that I -- oh, well, hello, good sir."

"Mrs. Gordon," Mike said respectfully as he strode up, nodding his head to her. Karen looked slightly displeased at the interruption of her scant personal time with her mother, but allowed it nonetheless. "It's good to see you again."

"You as well, Michael," she replied, smiling pleasantly. "And please, just call me Miranda."

"I'd rather he not," Karen interjected before looking up at him. "Isn't the music of the Uruk-hai from the Lord of the Rings movie supposed to play when you get close, Gargantua?"

"Don't worry, I'm merely passing through," he assured his Physics peer and only rival. "On my way to set up Convocation Hall for the first of the seasonal concerts."

"By yourself?" Miranda asked.

Mike shook his head. "No, I have help."

As if on cue, Janet, Lisa and Mona all trailed into the cafeteria, looking less than pleased, but dutifully resolved to their fate. They greeted Miranda before nodding to Karen.

"All three of you?" Karen asked with a wry expression. "How did he do that?"

"He won a bet," Lisa mumbled.

"He called in a favour," Mona admitted.

"I'm in for the promised sex injuries if I help," Janet said plainly.

"Remington!" Karen hissed, swatting her friend's arm while her mother stifled a snicker and Mike rolled his eyes. "Have you no shame, woman? My mother is sitting right here!"

"What?" Janet replied, shrugging. "She raised you, how much of a prude can she be?"

Karen blushed and frowned at the table while everyone else looked away.

"And with that, we'll be taking our leave," Mike announced, determined to not lose a volunteer before Karen killed Janet with her mind. "It was good to see you again, ma'am," he said to Miranda before looking at Karen. "Gordon, I bid thee a civil adieu."

With that, the giant student continued tromping though the cafeteria, his volunteers in tow. Miranda watched them leave while Karen stared at the table. She wasn't in much a mood to say anything right at that moment.

"Such a polite young man," Miranda mused. "Very large, but so well-mannered. Didn't you say he belongs to a small tribe of Normans from Kapuskasing?"

"Not so little, seemingly," Karen sighed. "I keep hearing that there's more and more of them, usually from Janet. To hear her talk, they're half the population of the town."

"Has she met them?" Miranda asked.

"Only when they've been down here to visit him," the daughter answered. "He hasn't taken her to meet his family, so to speak."

Miranda merely nodded, still looking at the door they'd exited through. Some time later, she was walking arm-in-arm with her daughter through the campus, heading back to her waiting vehicle. Her chauffeur, Jordan, waited patiently next to the limousine. They were walking slowly, pressed to one another against the chill of the stiff November wind, and still talking.

"I am glad that you are enjoying life here on campus, darling," Miranda said, patting her daughter's hand. "Of course, I miss having you at home, but if this is how you are happy, then it's the right way to do things."

"I miss you and dad, of course," Karen said, her voice leaving no doubt about the statement. "But I am learning so much about myself here like this, and it's quite enthralling. Navigating student social life is as challenging as anything my courses throw at me, and often more edifying in many ways."

"I'm glad to hear it," the older woman said, her chestnut-brown hair, highlighted with the red of her Scottish heritage, flowing behind her in the wind. "The challenges you face will be different from anything even your father and I faced, my dear. There are more opportunities, but also more difficulties."

"I promise you, mom, I'm not shirking any challenges or responsibilities thrown my way," Karen said, needing her mother to understand how hard she was trying, and to be proud of her. It meant more than anything. "I just regret that I can't make everyone happy."

They stopped in front of the limousine and Miranda turned to look at her daughter. She smiled lovingly, her heart filled with such warmth at the sight of her brave and beautiful child.

"Ekaterina Leda Gloriana Gordon," she said softly, cupping her hand over Karen's cheek. "Even you will never make everyone happy. It's never about making everyone happy, it's about finding that one special person and devoting your life to making them happy."

She clasped hands with her daughter for a moment while Jordan opened her door, and then clambered inside while Karen watched. Miranda waved from behind the tinted glass and Karen gave a small wave back. The car pulled away, and Karen dutifully waited until it had disappeared from sight.

Still she waited, staring in the direction the vehicle had gone.

She wiped at a stinging tear in the corner of her eye.

Overhead, there was a rumble of thunder, and the steel-grey sky was closing in. She ignored the raindrops as she kept staring. She'd chosen the hard road for herself, away from her family, but even if it was a choice, it was still hard.

The cold rain was now coming down as she turned and walked back toward her dorm, heedless of getting drenched, or the other students scurrying about, covering themselves with jackets, umbrellas or newspapers.

Her bed was distressingly empty when she got to her room.


The present, at a certain swinger's club in the heart of the city ...

Alex was sitting inside a deep, contoured Liberator chair, his feet planted on the floor. Alexa was sitting in his lap, impaled on his cock, her feet on the floor as well. They were staring into one another's eyes as she moved up and down in a slow, sensuous rhythm. This room had more reddish and black themes, and was the kink room, called 'the Dungeon' because of the BDSM equipment set up around the walls, or the various harnesses suspended from the ceiling. Surrounded by people engaging in their own sexplay, there was a thrilling feeling of anonymity they both loved. They knew they'd be back.

"Mmmmm, Alex ..." she whispered softly, rippling her pussy muscles around his throbbing cock. She had her arms around his neck and he had his hands on her opulent breasts, fondling them reverently. Behind their masks, their eyes were locked with one another, her sapphire lost in his ice blue. He found himself equally enrapt by her. "I love how you feel inside me."

"I love being inside you," he answered, gently rolling her swollen, hard nipples between his strong fingers, making her shiver and whimper, biting her lip. He knew they were drawing glances, but he didn't care -- he was proud to be fucking the sexiest girl in the room, proud that she was his. She rolled her hips around in circles, feeling him stir inside her. Her voluminous golden hair spilled down her back and swayed around her as she moved.

They'd been down in the bar, and Alex had sat on a couch, watching his aunt as she danced and slinked around the pole, throwing saucy glances and winks in his direction. He was aware of also getting jealous and envious looks from just about everyone else in the room. The couches were fully occupied by people watching her, spellbound.

She'd given a slender black woman sitting next to him a brief lapdance, to the delight of both the woman and the onlooking crowd, before pulling her up to twirl around the pole with her. She twined their legs and squirmed their breasts together, before Alexa pulled away and slinked over to settle in Alex's lap, grinding around sensually, her arms back around his neck while the black woman kept dancing.

Alex was in no danger of not getting a hard-on very quickly, and Alexa quickly and subtly slipped him inside her steaming pussy. They watched the show together, with him groping her breasts while she ground on his lap. She suddenly stood up, gasping as his cock left her tight confines, and pulled him to his feet. She dragged him out of the room and upstairs, his cock shining with her lubrication, wanting to try out some of the props Karen had told her about in the Dungeon.
