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Once she began to settle down, I gently laid her back into her bed, asking," "Are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah," she wearily smiled, caressing my face with the palm of her hand, "I am now, Tommy," followed by a sleepy yawn.

"I think you ought to try and get some rest," I softly told her, "Okay?"

"Alright," she grinned, "But would you do something for me?"

"Sure," I grinned, "What is it?"

"This," she softly replied, and then she quickly grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down until our lips softly met. It was only for a few seconds, but I felt it all the way down into my soul, none the less. Then she released me and softly said, "I never said thank you for saving my life so; thank you, Tommy."

"You're welcome," I smiled, trying to regain my breath as I made my way back to my chair, "I'll be right here when you wake up so, please try and get some rest, for me, please?"

"Okay, Tommy," she sweetly replied, "Good night, sweetie."

"Good night, pretty girl..."


When I was certain that Melissa was asleep, I took the opportunity to call Sherilyn and Jenny, not only to let them know what had happened, but also how Melissa was doing as well. As I dialed Sherilyn's telephone number, I felt a sense of guilt coming over me, and the funny thing was, is that I knew I had nothing to feel guilty about.

"Hello," Sherilyn answered.

"Hi," I said, "It's me."

"Tommy? Oh my God," she gasped, "Are you alright? How's Melissa, is she okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, "Melissa is okay, she's spending the night at the hospital, and I'm here with her."

"Oh, I see," she replied, with a tone of voice I'd never heard her use before, "Well, I'll call Jenny and let her know, thanks a lot and goodnight, Tommy," and then she hung up the phone before I could reply.

"What the hell was her problem" I thought, but deep down inside I knew. My own feelings had betrayed me when I spoke of Melissa, and there's no doubt that Sherilyn had picked up on it straight away. Then it dawned on me...the tone of voice that Sherilyn had used was one of jealousy. Damn, what was it with the women in my life? Jeez!"


It was around six-thirty the next morning when I heard Melissa begin to stir, slowly coming out of her sleep.

"Tommy," I heard her call in the dark, "Where are you?"

"I'm right here," I smiled, reaching over and turning on the small lamp on her bedside table, "Good morning, how do you feel this morning?"

"I'm a little sore, and my head hurts a little," she told me, "But other than that, I feel alright."

"Glad to hear it," I smiled, "The Doctor is going to send you home today, and I'm sure your Mom can't wait to spoil you rotten when you get there."

Suddenly she began to cry again, and because it really upsets me to see her like that, I quickly hopped out of my chair, and was sitting next to her holding her against me in a matter of milliseconds.

"Shh," I softly told her, "It's going to be okay, I promise."

"I've been such a bitch, Tommy," she wept, "I've treated so many people like shit that I don't know what to do...will you help me?"

"I can't tell you what to do," I softly told her, "But I can promise to be there for you...any time you need me."

"I'm so afraid," she cried, "What if I need you around me all the time?"

"Don't worry," I playfully grinned, "I'm sure we can work that out, too, okay?"

"Okay," she replied, beginning to calm down, "I trust you, and I know you'll do the right thing."


"It looks like you're going to be just fine, young lady," smiled Dr. Sam, after examining Melissa, "I'll sign your release papers so that you can get out of here and go home. The nurse will be by here in a few minutes to get you to sign some paperwork, and then after that; you're free to leave whenever you're ready, take care now."

"Thanks, Doctor Sam," Melissa smiled, "I appreciate it."

"You're welcome, sweetie," Dr. Sam gently replied, withdrawing a business card from her pocket and handing it to me," If you guys ever need me, just give me a call, okay?"

"We will," I politely said, shaking the Doctor's hand, "Thank you for everything you've done. I can't begin to tell you how grateful we are."

Then she leaned in so that only I could hear her and said, "You take care of her, okay? She loves you," and then after seeing the perplexed look on my face, Dr. Sam giggled and told me, "Remember that I'm a girl, too, so; don't think that I can't see what she sees in you, okay, handsome?"

"Okay," I smiled, my face turning bright red, as my heart warmed at the simple thought of such a thing, "Thanks, Doc."


Doctor Sam hadn't been gone for more than a couple of minutes when we heard a knock on the door, followed by Dad and Linda. Both of them wore bright smiles on their faces, as Linda made her way to Melissa's bed.

"Hi, baby," Linda sweetly smiled, "How's my girl today?"

"I love you, Mom," Melissa cried again, only this time she was shedding tears of happiness, "And I'm so sorry for the way I've been acting."

"That's okay, my angel," Linda sniffled, "We're going to take you home now, and everything is going to be fine, I promise you, sweetheart."

Then Melissa looked at Dad and said, "I also wanted to apologize to you, Mister Blake, for the way I've treated you."

" me, Jack," Dad happily replied, kissing her on the forehead, "And there's nothing to apologize for, okay, pretty girl?"

"Pretty girl, me?" Melissa giggled, "I look like hell."

"No, you don't," Dad grinned, "At least not to us anyway."

"Is he always like that?" Melissa sweetly teased Linda, "Gosh, Mom, you did pretty well, if you don't mind my saying so."

"You can say anything you want, Baby," Linda joyfully sniffled, "I'm just glad I've got my little girl back."

And then producing an overnight bag, Linda looked at her daughter and said, "I brought you some clean clothes to wear home instead of that awful hospital gown, and before you ask, yes, I brought your make-up bag, too."

"I love you, Mom," Melissa began to weep again, "You're the best," and taking my hand, she looked at me and told her mother, "And now that I've got such a handsome guy to protect me, what else could a girl ask for?"

"Me and Dad are going down to the cafeteria to get some coffee while you get dressed," I smiled, gently squeezing her hand, "We'll be back in about twenty minutes, or so, okay?"

"Okay, Tommy," she tenderly smiled, "We'll see you two shortly then."


"Gosh," Melissa sighed, as we walked through the front door of the house, "It's so good to be home."

"It's good to have you back, baby girl," Linda cheerfully replied, "Is there anything you want or need?"

"No, Mom," Melissa softly answered, "I'm alright for now."

"Good," Linda smiled, "I want you to relax and try to get some rest. It's eleven o'clock in the morning now, and that will give me plenty of time."

"Time for what, Mom?" Melissa giggled.

"Time for me to clean up the mess after I'm done cooking," Linda sweetly smiled, "Because I'm making your favorite dish for supper tonight."

"You're making Chicken Cacciatore?" Melissa excitedly grinned, as Linda nodded her head, "Oh, Mom, I haven't had any since before Dad passed away...thank you so much, Mom...I love you," tears clouding her eyes again.

"I love you, too, baby," Linda giggled, patting Melissa on the butt, like all Moms have done to their daughters for centuries, "And nothing will ever change go get some rest. I'll call you when it's ready, baby."

"Okay, Mom," Melissa chirped, then happily made her way down the hall to her bedroom.


Once her daughter was gone from the room and Linda made sure that her door was closed, she looked at me with tears beginning to silently run down her cheeks, and after pulling me tightly into her arms, Linda softly cried, "Thank you, Tommy. Thank you so much for being there to protect Melissa. I don't know what I would've done if something had happened to her."

"You'll never have to worry about that again," I told her, gently returning the hug she was giving me, "Nobody will ever bother her ever again, I promise you that."

"I'm so glad that you're in her life," Linda replied, with a knowing look written all over her face, "I'll rest easier now, and not worry about her like I used to."

"In the mean time," Dad grinned, "You look like you could use some rest yourself so; why don't you go take a nap while Linda and I get supper going, okay, son?"

"Okay," I wearily smiled, "Now that you mention it, a nap doesn't sound like a bad idea after all," and then I went down to the basement and what Linda and Dad also teasingly called, "My Lair."


Once I was gone, Linda pulled Dad into her arms, and after sweetly kissing his lips, said, "I want to talk to you about our children, Jack."

"What's wrong?" Dad asked, his voice slightly panicked, "Is everything alright?"

"What? Oh, yes, they're wonderful," she giggled, "I just wanted to tell you, if you can't already tell, that I think they're falling in love with one another."

"Oh, hell no," Dad firmly replied, about head to the basement, "I'll put a stop to this shit right now, and nip it in the bud."

"Thomas Jackson Blake, you stop right there," Linda told him, making him freeze in his tracks, "I didn't say that I had a problem with it, now, did I?"

"Well, no," he said, "But I..."

"If I don't have a problem with it," Linda gently smiled, "Then you shouldn't either, alright?"

"But what will people think?" he asked, "And God only knows what they're going to say."

"People are going to talk, regardless of what we say or do, but look at it this way," she told him, "They're not blood related, they're both of legal age; and I can't think of anyone I'd rather see my daughter with than Tommy. Besides, if I know anything, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tommy will protect Melissa with his own life, if necessary...And, I have a feeling that one of these days those two are going to give us some beautiful grand babies to spoil."

"I still don't know about this, Linda," Dad sighed, taking a seat in the living room, "What kind of life will they have together once the word gets out, especially with the way society is these days?"

"As long as they're both happy, then that's all you should worry about, honey," Linda sweetly, but pointedly replied. And then leaning down and hugging Dad from behind, she leaned in and whispered, "Besides, if Tommy is anything like his father, I know that my daughter will be a very happy woman when it comes to certain things," as she lightly placed her hand on the crotch of his pants, and giggled, "Do you know what I mean, sexy?"

"You incorrigible," Dad teased, pulling Linda into his lap, gently pinching her butt and eliciting a delightful squeal from her, "And if Melissa is anything like her mother, then poor Tommy is going to need all the rest he can get."

"I love you, Jack." Linda breathed, her eyes filled with loving tears, "And I'll always love you, no matter what."

"I love you, too," Dad tenderly replied, kissing her lips, "I love you with all my heart."


Chapter Four

I had been asleep for a few hours when all at once I felt a pair of soft lips upon my cheek in the darkness.

"Who's there?" I asked, alarmed.

"It's only me, Tommy," giggled a now familiar female voice I now knew as Melissa's, "Mom wanted me to come down here and wake you up, because dinner is almost ready."

I reached over and turned on the light, waiting for my temporary blindness from the sudden onslaught of light to dissipate; and then once my vision returned, I looked intro the most beautiful pair of blue eyes that I'd ever seen, as I felt her heart beating in time with my own.

"Hi," I softly said, "How're you feeling?"

"Mmm," she sweetly purred, lying down beside me on my bed, "I feel good, thanks to you."

"I'm glad to hear that," I smiled, "I was worried about you."

Then she sat up on the bed and looked me in the eyes and said, "I don't understand why, especially after the way I've treated you."

"I don't know," I teased, "Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment."

"No, that's not it," she giggled, "It's because you're a silly boy."

"Oh really," I chuckled, "You think so?"

"No," she whispered, leaning down until we were face to face, then softly breathed, "I know so...and I hope that you can forgive me."

"Come on now, Melissa," I softly replied, "I already told you that there was nothing to forgive, didn't I?"

"I suppose so," she began to softly weep, as she laid her head on my chest looking up at me, "But I still feel so badly, Tommy."

"Please, don't," I gently spoke, "I understand how you're feeling, as well as why you were acting the way you were more than you think, Melissa.

"Would you please tell me?" she sniffled, "Because I sure as hell don't understand myself," and then she began to softly weep again."

"Shh," I told her, "Do you remember what said to you about when I lost my Mom?"

"Yes," she softly replied, nodding her head, "I remember."

"Well, then," I smiled, "When was the last time you told your Mom that you loved her?"

She suddenly rose from lying against me, and with a bright smile plastered across her beautiful face; she pulled my hand, indicating that she wanted me to stand up.

The moment I was standing she pulled me closer until I was right next to her, and then she ever so gently leaned in and quickly but softly kissed my lips, and said, "Thank you,'re the best," and then she dashed upstairs, leave a trail of happy laughter in her wake.


"Hello there, sleepyhead," Linda grinned, the moment I appeared upstairs and in the dining room, "Did you get enough rest?"

"I think so," I smiled, "It sure smells good in here."

"Well, then," Linda giggled, kissing me in the cheek, "Sit down and eat, handsome."


To say that the meal that Linda cooked was great would be an understatement. Yes indeed, it was most certainly delicious, but the love with which it was not only made, but served as well, far surpassed anything I've ever felt in my life, save for the love of my own mother.

Linda had this way of looking at me that made me feel like I could tell her all my secrets and still not be chastised for would be considered not right, or perhaps even improper. However, it was a feeling of comfort and peace that she gave me, and I don't know how I knew this, but I somehow just knew that this same feeling would help me in a time of fear and indecision that hadn't yet appeared on the horizon, but was still coming none-the-less.


We had just finished eating when Melissa suddenly hopped up and began gathering the dirty dishes off of the table to take them to the kitchen.

"And just what do you think you're doing, young lady?" Lind gently giggled, "I made this for you, baby girl, and that also means that I do the dishes, too."

"I know, Mom," Melissa sweetly replied, "But I wanted to help you so that I could be near you," and she began to sniffle, "I Love you, Mom...and I've missed you so."

"It's alright, sweetheart," Linda tenderly replied, standing and taking her daughter into her arms, with joyful tears silently raining down her face, "And I want you to know that I love you more than you'll ever know. You're my one and only daughter, Melissa; which means that you're also a part of me and I'll never love anyone the way that I love you. Do you understand me now, baby?"

"I'm beginning to, Mom," Melissa sniffled, "I'm sorry for not even giving you a chance before."

The exchange that was taking place between the two women was one which had needed to take place for a long time. And in knowing this, Dad gave me a silent signal which I knew meant he and I needed to give Linda and Melissa some also much needed space so; we both quietly left the two of them to talk.


I'd gone back to my room, and was taking a last minute look at the homework I'd prepared to turn in that next morning at school, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said, "The door's open."

I should've known something was amiss with Dad, the moment he walked through the door, not to mention by the look on his face.

"What's up, Dad?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you, son," he firmly said, "And it's very important so, I want your undivided attention."

"Okay," I said, placing my homework on my desk, "I'm listening."

When I looked at his face my blood ran cold. It was the same look I remembered him having the day he told me about my mother's death, as he began, "I don't know where to start so; I'm just going to say it, Tommy. This...whatever it is that you have going on with Melissa has got to stop, it just has to. It isn't right, and besides; she's your sister for fuck's sake, and I forbid it my house. Do you understand me?"

The more he'd gone on about it, the angrier he had become so; by the time he finished speaking to me, his face was a red as a fire engine. However, I felt that what he'd said was wrong, and whatever it was that I had going on with Melissa was none of his business to begin with.

So, as calmly as I possibly could, I looked him in the eye, and firmly standing my own ground, said, "I'm not trying to be disrespectful in any way by what I'm about to say. And before I do, I want you to know that I love you, and I'm proud to have had you as a father thus far in my life, and I pray for many long years with you to come...."

"...But I need to point out a couple of things to you before you go laying down any laws around here. Number one, Melissa and I are not, I repeat not blood related in any way shape, or form. Her mother just happens to be married to my father, no more, no less. And number two, this is not your house, it belongs to Linda; and last, but most certainly not least; I've worked very hard to become an exemplary student, worker, and an overall good person, and my personal life is just that...personal and none of your business."

"You wait a minute, boy," Dad said, his temper beginning to show, "Don't you dare talk to me that way."

"NO," Linda angrily told Dad, suddenly appearing from the stairwell, "You wait a minute, Jack."

"But you didn't hear what he just said," Dad pointed out, "He will not talk to me the way he just did."

"I heard every word that was said," Linda replied, "I wasn't eavesdropping, I was on my way down here to invite you two up for some ice-cream when I overheard the whole thing."

Then placing her arm around my father's waist, she sweetly continued, "Sweetie, I'm not trying to come between you and your son, but I agree with Tommy. He and Melissa are both grown adults; and what they do is their business."

"Can't you understand?" Dad pleaded, "I just don't want the two of them to have to deal with all the shit they're going to catch when their relationship goes public."

"And just what relationship would that be, Jack?" Melissa pointedly asked, suddenly appearing beside her mother.

Then suddenly looking bewilderedly among the three of us, Dad said, "But I thought that, hell, I don't know. Damn, don't pay any attention to me. I guess I must be getting old."

"No you're not," Melissa sweetly giggled, placing her arms around Dad's neck and kissing him on the cheek, "You're just getting sweeter."


That night after everyone had gone to bed was when I decided to take a midnight swim. I only had one pair of swimming trunks and I had grown out of them what now seemed like ages ago. However, because I thought everyone else had gone to sleep, I decided to go naked. I mean, it wasn't like anyone was going to see me, or so I thought. So, after pealing my shorts and underwear, I jumped into the pool in my birthday suit.

The water felt exquisite on my naked flesh as I leisurely swam. I went underwater to see how far I could swim on one breath. I did fairly well, being able to swim the length of the pool before I popped my head above the water to take a breath. Imagine my surprise/shock at seeing Melissa standing there holding my towel in one hand, and my clothes in the other.