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Still though, definite progress was being made when it came to her relationship with my father, and like I said before, in my deepest and most humble gratitude, I was very thankful to God for that.


The rest of the week went very smoothly not only at school, but also at home. Melissa was joining the rest of the family for every meal now. And while she was still giving me the silent treatment, she was opening up to Linda, as well as Dad.

I could see the happiness written all over his face, erasing the pain of Mom's death, only to be replaced by Linda's, and seemingly slowly, but still there none-the-less, Melissa's love as well. However, for reasons unknown to me at the time, somewhere deep down inside of me, I longed to hear Melissa talking to me, and even moreso the opportunity to gaze into her beautifully deep, hypnotic, blue eyes.

And even though I felt like she hated me, Melissa caught me, on more then a few occasions, dreamily staring at her when I thought she wasn't looking and/or paying attention. There's no doubt about her beauty, none whatsoever; but, she never realized, not until a few years ago, how truly beautiful she really is...but I'm getting ahead of myself.


That Friday morning at school, Sherilyn and Jenny informed me that a party was being held at one of our fellow classmate's family home that night. The classmate who was throwing the party, was a guy named Jason Clark who, and this is so cool, just happened to be my lab partner in my Science class, which was also one of my two favorite classes. And when he gave me an invitation to his party that afternoon in Science class, I asked him if it was alright if I brought both Sherilyn and Jenny with me.

He grinned at me, and quietly laughing, said, "Damn, Tommy, you're my hero, brother. Hell yes, you better bring your girlfriends to the party, otherwise you're gonna get hit on by the entire female populous of both the junior and senior classes."

"Nah," I grinned, "That's your job, bro."

"Yeah, right," Jason chuckled, "I only wish that that's the way it was."

That was when I began to formulate a plan in my head. Granted, I was going to need the help of "My Girls", as I now affectionately called Sherilyn and Jenny. But if they could help me out, which I knew they would, or at least I hoped so, then my friend, Jason Clark, who also was a great guy, would never lack for true and genuine companionship ever again, god bless his kind heart.


That afternoon before I left to meet Sherilyn and Jenny, I was going to follow them in Jenny's car to the party, plus, they were bringing along a friend of theirs named, Tara, whom incidentally, had been wanting to meet Jason for quite some time it seemed, but was too shy to say anything to him.

I told Dad and Linda where I was going, and that I would more than likely be late coming home. They had no problem with my going to Jason's house, because not only did they know his parents, Bob and Katherine, they also knew that they would both be there and would make certain that everyone acted responsibly, and that no one underage would be permitted to take part when it came to the drinking of alcohol, as the legal drinking age was eighteen back then.

"I trust you, son," Dad told me, "But don't forget what I told you about drinking and driving?"

"You can relax, Dad," I smiled, "I don't drink, remember?"

"I know," Dad nervously smiled, "I just wanted to make sure that you remembered."

"Which reminds me," I quietly asked, "How did you know that you were in love with Linda?"

"That one is kind of difficult to explain," Dad grinned, "I guess I just knew, well, sort of, like I said, it's hard to explain."


"Hi, baby," Sherilyn said, when I got out of my car, "Don't you look hot?"

Then leaning over and kissing my lips, Jenny giggled, "Are you ready for us, Handsome?"

When I looked at the girls, I noticed that not only had their make-up been flawlessly applied, but they were both wearing the same one-piece dress, which beautifully defined their figures without being obscene; Jenny's was white, while Sherilyn's was black.

I don't know who designed these dresses, but whoever it was must've had the same fetish for beautiful female cleavage, as well as hot legs, topped by nice tight asses as I did. They both wore black, patent leather shoes, with two and a half inch heels, which is what was making their legs look so hot. All I cold say was, "Damn, girls, you two look so scrumptious, I can't stand it, Mmm..."

"Relax, Tiger," Jenny purred, as she gently palmed my ass, "The night is still young."

"Come on, Tommy," Sherilyn smiled, as she and Jenny each took a hand, leading me inside, "It's time for you to shine."

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my Sherilyn and Jenny's friend Tara, she was a cute, petite little Redhead with a tiny, but definitely female, figure; and the blue jeans she was wearing looked as if they'd been spray-painted on her body. She, too, wore shoes that were similar to what Sherilyn and Jenny were wearing, and she had on a white, long sleeved, with the sleeves rolled up, cotton shirt, and unbuttoned enough to reveal a dark blue tube top, which held a surprisingly nice sized set of tits. And once we introduced her to Jason, the two of them happily disappeared toward the kitchen; I think they said something about getting something to eat.


We'd been at the party for about an hour, and Sherilyn and Jenny introduced me to a few people, girls mostly, but all of them had nothing but nice things to say to me; and I was beginning to feel like I finally fit in somewhere until I heard Jenny say, "Uh-oh, Tommy...your sister just walked through the door."

"Aw man," I said, turning around to see, "She's not my sis...." and I was undeniably dumbstruck by what I saw standing before me.

Melissa looked like something out of a fairytale book; however, while she was only wearing a simple button up short sleeved white cotton shirt, with a miniskirt and pumps, there was suddenly something so beautiful about her that it rocked me to the core. And while I thought that I had done my very best at hiding what I was feeling at the moment, both Sherilyn and Jenny instantly picked up on it.

But when Melissa turned and looked my way, she suddenly got a look on her face that I'd never seen before. It was a look that made Sherilyn get Jenny's attention while urgently telling her, "Uh-oh, Jen, I think it's time to take Tommy out to the back yard where the keg is, so that you and I can get a beer and he can get a coke."

I guess it's a female thing because an exchange took place between Sherilyn, Jenny, and Melissa, that I was happily ignorant of at the time, making me follow wherever they led me. I did, however, catch the appreciative glance that Melissa had given me right before we left the room, but I was quite certain she unintentionally let her guard down, whether it was momentary, or not.


It was around eight in the evening when Ms. Katherine, Jason's Mom, came out to where I sat with Sherilyn and Jenny. Initially Bob and Katherine had been friends with Linda and her late husband, Melissa's father. However, when they met Dad, they welcomed him into the fold as though they'd always been friends with him, hence the reason that Jason and I were friends...And because we were lab partners in Science, a bond was formed there, too.

"You must be, Tommy," smiled, Ms. Katherine, taking a seat across from us while Sherilyn momentarily excused herself to go use the restroom, "My name is Katherine, and I must say; Linda wasn't lying when she told me what a handsome young man you were. It's so nice to meet you, sweetie."

"Thank you, Ms. Katherine," I politely replied, my face blushing bright red, "It's nice to meet you, too, ma'am."

"Oh, my goodness," she giggled, "You're using words like Ms., and Ma'am. Do I look that old to you, sweetie?"

"No ma'am, err, I mean, no, not at all," I uncomfortably stammered, much to the delight of Katherine, with Sherilyn just returning from the restroom, she and Jenny began giggling right alongside of her, "I was just trying to be polite and respectful, I mean, this is your house."

"I know, sweetheart, and I appreciate it," Katherine sweetly replied, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek, making me blush again, "I happen to think you're one of the prettiest boys I've ever seen," and then she stood up and sauntered away, while almost every young male eye in the house stayed glued to her butt as it temptingly swayed back and forth, encased in skin-tight white denim pants.


Chapter Three

Unbeknownst to me, Bob and Katherine left the house around Ten O'clock, to make another run to the grocery store. And unbeknownst to them, in their wake were a bunch of half drunk, horny teenagers who'd been left to their own devices. And almost immediately, the volume of the music got turned up as some of the female guests began removing their tops, exposing their bare breasts to whoever might look their way.

"Holy shit," I lecherously grinned, "I didn't expect this."

"You look all you want to," Sherilyn sensually breathed into my ear, as she and Jenny took turns rubbing my cock through my pants, "We want this cock to be nice and hard for later when the three of us are all alone."

"Really?" I excitedly asked, "And what's going to happen later when the three of us are all alone?"

"We're going to suck you, and then fuck your cock, Tommy," Jenny quietly spoke, lightly tickling my ear with the tip of her tongue, sending chills down the back of my spine, "Mmm, baby, it's going to be so good."

"Oh, my God," I exhaled, as my seven and a half-inch cock grew iron hard in my pants, as a result of both Sherilyn's and Jenny's covert ministrations, "I can't believe this is really happening, oh yessss..."

"Believe it, baby," Jenny hotly replied, "I can't wait to sit on your big cock and shove it up my tight little pussy."

"Oh, shit," Sherilyn told Jenny, as the two of them began maneuvering me into a dark corner, "I've just got to suck his cock...and I want to suck it now, oh fuck," and then the next thing I knew was that I was in a dark corner behind the stereo feeling my pants being unzipped.

However, just as one of the girls, I don't know which, stuck her hand into my pants, fishing for my cock, and I thought I was finally going to lose my virginity, when suddenly I heard an unmistakable female voice screaming ,"NOOOO...GET OFF OF ME NOOOOWWWW, OH MY GOD, NOOOOO, UNNGGHH!!!!"


I knew that the voice belonged to Melissa; and from the sound of things, she was in trouble. So, as I followed the voice upstairs, zipping my pants up on the way, I went down to the room at the end of the hall, and what I saw almost sickened me.

Melissa's clothes had been ripped almost completely away from her body, and I saw these two assholes standing around the bed with their cocks out, while another had climbed between her legs and was getting ready to stick his tiny, almost non-existent dick into her body. She was barely talking but I could understand her enough to know that she was telling them "No" and that was all it took for me to react.

I wasted no time in removing this slime ball from off of her; and in doing so, broke his tail bone with the hard kick I delivered right to his balls from behind. When he landed on the floor, two of the others tried to jump me from behind.

I was glad that I had chosen to wear my Justin® Ropers that night; as wearing boots came in handy when I stomped on the instep of the guy to my right, while my left fist made contact with the balls of the guy on my left. Needless to say, the commotion caused Jason, accompanied by Tara, to come running up the stairs to see what was happening.


I was in the process of covering Melissa's naked and bruised body with a sheet while Jason called the police. Once I made sure that she was completely covered up, I carried Melissa, in my arms down to my car, and than ever-so-gently placed her in the passenger seat, and waited for the police to arrive.


I'd also made sure that Jason had called Dad and Linda, too, because I wanted them both to be present when the police and ambulance arrived, so as to not only be there if the police wanted to question Melissa, but also for Linda to be there in order to make any and all decisions where Melissa's health and well being was concerned.


"Oh, my God," Linda cried, when she saw the shape that her daughter was in, "My poor, baby."

It was obvious that someone had slipped something into Melissa's drink by the behavior she was exhibiting. I got Sherilyn and Jenny to stay with Dad, Linda, and Melissa, until the police arrived. Then Jason and I marched back upstairs to find the three assholes who'd tried to rape Melissa, just coming to from where I knocked their asses out.

I used their own belts to restrain them until the police could take them into custody, because there was no doubt whatsoever that attempted rape charges were gong to be filed against these dickheads, and in the rare event that they were set free, I would be more than happy to deal with them myself.


"If you want to press charges against these guys, she's going to have to go to the hospital for a rape exam," the responding policeman told Dad and Linda, "Unless you have an eyewitness, which doesn't seem to be the case."

"Excuse me, officer," I spoke up, "With the exception seeing those idiots slipping something into her drink, which they did, I saw them trying to rape her."

"Is that a fact?" he asked, as I nodded my head, "And who might you be?"

"He is my step-son," Linda pointedly explained, "And the victim is his step-sister, and if he told you that he witnessed this atrocity, you can take his word to the bank, I assure you, officer."

"I still think it's wise to have her examined by a doctor, honey," Dad told Linda, "That way we'll at least have indisputable evidence that she was drugged, won't you agree?"

""I'm sorry, you're right, sweetheart," Linda wearily replied, leaning against Dad's chest, "Thank you, Jack."

So, after I gave the police my eyewitness account of what I saw, they agreed to hold the three assholes for at least seventy-two hours, and then if Melissa was well enough to testify against them, they would be formally charged. But even if they were able to post bail, because of the nature of the crime, they still were going to be confined to their homes by way of an electronic ankle leash, as that is the law in my home state.


I followed the ambulance that took Melissa to the hospital, with Dad and Linda following closely behind me; and the moment we got there, Dad and I parked our cars while Linda went inside with Melissa.

The attending Physician thoroughly examined her, reaffirming that penetration had not yet been achieved, and that I had gotten there just in time. He also did a toxicology screen and found sizeable trace amounts of Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, or, what is commonly known as GHB. Not only were the laws of the state that I lived in very harsh on drug offenders, they were even harsher on sex offenders, especially this particular kind of offense.

You can bet that Linda, Dad, and I, and especially Melissa, all took satisfaction in knowing that the three assholes who'd tried to have their way with her would never be able to do this to anyone else ever again.


After being administered a shot of NAR-CAN™, an opium and narcotic blocker, Melissa slowly began to come around. Dad and I were out in the waiting room while Linda was in the back with her, and after a few moments, Linda came out into the waiting room looking at me with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, and said, "She wants to see you, Tommy."

"Really," I asked dumfounded, "Why?"

"What's matter with you, boy?" Dad scolded, wearing a silly grin, "Get your ass up and go in there and see her."


Linda took me back to the small cubicle Melissa had been placed in, while the E.R. doctors had examined her, and at the time, they were in the process of determining her prognosis when I stepped in to see her.

When I saw her, she was wearing a hospital gown as opposed to the sheet that I had initially wrapped her up in. She looked alright with the exception of her right eye, which was beginning to darken where one of those assholes had apparently hit her with his fist. Other than that, she looked like she'd come through the ordeal with most of her faculties in tact, or at least I sure hoped she did.

"Hi," I said, gently touching her hand, "How're you feeling?"

"Oh, Tommy," she loudly cried, suddenly sitting up in her bed and throwing her arms tightly around my neck, "I'm so very sorry for everything. Oh, my God, can you ever forgive me?"

"Shh," I soothed her, sitting down on the bed next to her while she held her arms very securely around my neck, "There's nothing for you to be sorry for...okay? Will you do a favor for me?"

"I'll do anything you ask," she replied sniffling, her voice muffled from where she'd tucked her face into my chest, "Just name it."

However, before I could reply, the attending physician, Doctor Samantha Kingsley, or just plain old Dr. Sam, as she preferred that we all called her, walked into Melissa's cubicle with a smile on her face and said, "You're going to be alright, Melissa; but I would like you to stay here with us tonight for what we Doctors call observation and evaluation."

"Will you stay here...with me?" Melissa asked me, with fear plainly in her eyes, "Please, Tommy, I'd feel a lot safer with you here?"

"Of, course," I smiled, softly, but ever so gently and slightly, tightening my grip as she held my hand, "I'll be right here."


After Dad and Linda went home, Melissa began to relax once she'd been assigned a room; and in doing so, she smiled at me and said, "You never did tell me the favor you wanted me to do for you."

"That's right," I softly chuckled, "I never did, did I?"

"So," she giggled, "Are you going to tell me, or not."

I rose from the chair I was sitting in and walked over to her bed. She scooted over, patting the mattress beside her, indicating that she wanted me to sit next to her so; I did. Then I took her hand and softly told her, "Would you tell me what I did that made you so angry with me when I first moved into the house, because for whatever it is...I'm really sorry, Melissa, and it's killing me that you're mad at me. I never wanted that," and then for reasons I still don't know, a single tear began to silently roll down my cheek.

Before I could wipe my face, two soft hands gently grabbed my head and tenderly forced me to look up to find the most beautiful deep blue eyes that I'd ever seen staring a hole through me, and then Melissa dropped the queen mother of all bombs on me.

"You're going to think that I've lost my mind when I tell you this, Tommy," she began, having some difficulty, too, "But the reason that I've been acting like I have is because..." and then all at once her eyes began to swiftly fill with tears, "...I fell for you the very first time I laid eyes on you, and there's nothing I can do about you probably think I'm sick for even suggesting such a thing," and then the floodgates broke, and she leaned into my arms and cried her heart out.

While I silently held on to her, I discovered that it really hurt me to see her in such emotional discontent, and if the truth were truly known, that was the day that I, too, fell for this beautiful creature who had just bravely opened her heart to me, showing me her vulnerability, and was weeping in my arms.

We weren't blood related, and we were both of legal age, but still, there would be some major mountains to cross if we were to pursue a relationship, but then again, you know what they say, you can't help who you love. But......I still wasn't sure whether it was love, or just a simple case of infatuation because of her beauty, and I do mean beauty with a capitol "B".