All Comments on 'I Need to Talk'

by Skippy47

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Finish the darn story.

Love it. Too short. Could have given 4star. Needs to get expanded. Thanks author. c

ranec1ranec1over 3 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One problem with this

How old are the kids? If he's trying to leave his wife penniless, how will she take care of the kids until they go to college? The kids will get his life insurance and 401k but are they old enough to manage money, pay all the bills, do the shopping, cleaning and cooking AND go to school? What will they do about their Mother? She will still be their Mother, have full custody and her names on the house deed. Their needed to be a third party guardian named. His parents. His lawyer. Some responsible adult to carry out his wishes. Otherwise the kids money will support the wife. This was poorly thought out. And I hate stories where death is portrayed as some type of "out" or solution to a problem. It's the lazy mans solution.

3 stars

chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Revenge 101***

Thanks for the read.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Great job Skip

You had me more than a little worried there for a bit. I thought you were going with the cuck martyr for the children route. Then you put in a nasty little twist and burn both cheaters to a cinder. The terminal cancer thing has been used recently, but I like the way you did it.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 3 years ago
Nice but....

Good short story. Nothing to write home about. 4/5 because he had the balls to extract his revenge against his cheating wife and her lover. Both will lose their jobs and her lover, Steven, stands to lose his wife and family along with lots of money. Valerie didn't think she would get caught but now must face the ridicule of her infidelity to everyone she knows.... The storyline is weak at best and the Bryan personally was that of a good guy but is dying but took care of his kids when he found out about her cheating. The Valerie person is the standard selfish cheating slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Brilliant BTB.

She will forever live with the knowledge that she was unfaithful to her hubby.

Steve's divorce will be even more devastating when the truth comes out.

He should write a disposition to the court saying he had informed his wife of his diagnosis and she continued the affair.

This will devastate Steve's divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Too bad, before he dies, he doesn't maim both. That way, even in death, they'll remember their actions for the rest of their lives...

lukeey90lukeey90over 3 years ago
Suck a cruel slut

"I don't love him i love you " yet she swallows his cum and give him anal something she never offered her husband.

SunOceanSandSunOceanSandover 3 years ago

This is a great one!

Keep them coming

johnadpjohnadpover 3 years ago
Problems With The Story

1. He says the kids are young (have several years before they leave home so at most mid-teens), yet he wants to leave the wife penniless and leaves all the money to the kids. Teenagers with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a penniless parent, or at best significantly reduced income parent. Great recipe for those kids.

2. Legally he can not disinherit his wife. A wife is entitled to at least one-third to one half of the husband's estate. In every state in the US you cannot completely disinherit a wife, unless you have a prenup.

3. This guy lived with his wife cheating on him for two years, and now he is dying of cancer, and he is relaying this to the cheating wife, yet there is zero anger, passion, emotion in his monologue. He might as well be reading her a shopping list.

4. Apparently when he wanted to stay in the house with his children it wasn't for the children's benefit, but his own. Again, if his children are mid-teens at best, and he will be gone in 2-3 months, why would he want to taint their relationship with their mother? Why would he want to put their mother in a bad position by souring her relationships with her parents and others. I can understand his wanting to strike back, so arrange with a friend so that when his sons are adults they are told about their mom's affair. But why would he want to sour his dependent sons' relationships with their only surviving spouse, and break the extended family apart, whose support the kids will especially need over the coming months and years?

Let's break this guy's personality and character:

1. He finds out about his wife's affair "almost at the very start" two years earlier, and does he confront her? No! He HOPES that she will eventually end the affair and come back to him.

2. He let's the affair go on for two years, doesn't let her know he knows, and just goes along being a willing cuckold, continuing to sleep with her and pretend everything is hunky dory; supposedly for the benefit of the kids.

3. Then when he is dying and he knows his kids will be totally fucked up by losing one of their parents, instead of wanting them to have as much stability as possible, he decided to completely blow up their world.

Conclusion: This dude is one wimpy passive-aggressive bitch! Wanting his very young sons to be the instrument of his revenge, because he didn't have the balls and wasn't clever enough to do it himself so that he can have the outcome he wanted. Instead scorched earth destroying his sons lives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not bad for a 750...

...though you should do some research on the effects of pancreatic cancer. It doesn't get to the late stage (2-3 months) without the person (and those around them) noticing the extremely debilitating effects. Six months prior, at the least.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
i mean...he could do most of this without the cancer.

he could cancel everything in their name, and just...leave.

since she has a job, and divorce is slowly becoming less about man-hating and more about plugging in a math equation. unless she's a waitress or something, money is usually split evenly for the less b.s reason of, 'the kids' and the far more b.s reason of, 'having the life i have become accustomed to'.

but the custody thing is a real pickle. usually custody is given half though. and here's a truth about divorce court most lit writers FAIL to realize. If a father was going to lose ALL custody rights...and I mean he abandoned his kids and home....he only needs the wife's permission to 'baby-sit the kids for a month'. If she agrees to that verbal contract...and I'm NOT shitting you here....the courts view that as "A clear sign that the father is a fit parental figure" And it RESETS the entire thing...he would be awarded 50/50 custody ON THE SPOT.

I'm actually shocked more lit writers haven't used that bit of very real divorce court knowledge yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

BTB! And enjoy your cancer!


ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
Anony: Brilliant BTB

I’m not sure that her having to live forever with the knowledge she was unfaithful to her husband will bother her that much.

This story had a couple flaws, such as impoverishment of a mother who will still have to take care of his kids, but within the confines of the 750 word limit, it’s not a bad effort.

It might have worked better if she had to take care of him during his final months and his revenge was read out to her, and everybody, during the reading of his will.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nothing to see here

Typical boring brb. I thought after your last story you learned something but I guess it was the exception that proved not to bother.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

How old are the kids that he's giving them the videos?

TheKrrakTheKrrakover 3 years ago

Now that is a Nuclear Burn - absolutely love the helping hand that he gave karma.


DSolomonDDSolomonDover 3 years ago

Best line

It was just sex

This is just revenge

etchiboyetchiboyover 3 years ago
So, the kids still live at home. Be funded their college, but what about now?

The kids will get the life insurance, but what about food or rent/mortgage. Or, most likely, she will be given some sort of governess status (I know there is another word for that, but cannot come up with it now) over the kids, and thus access to the money. Unless... he makes a 3rd party the financial executor, with Val having to submit every receipt to show any expenditure is justified being for the kids and not her.

Anyway, interesting idea, but if the wife is living in penury, so are the kids until college.

Or, he says he sent a DVD video of the affairs sexcapades to the kids. That sounds like they are at university. If that’s so, what with him complaining about being a part-time parent, with visitation rights, and father role, etc.? He makes it sound like they are very young. So, what is it? Are the kids younger or older?

Even though it’s a 750 word flash story, if you give details, they most be with logical consistency between them.

uk_writer_53uk_writer_53over 3 years ago

Like so many now why is it in Loving Wives, there should be a new section for Cheating Adulterous Wives. Sorry but that's my view of so many of the stories posted here now.

etchiboyetchiboyover 3 years ago
Though, it is an original and sublime BTB.

In fact outstanding.

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 3 years ago

this is all we need to know "But Bryan, I don't love him. I only love you. You couldn't be so cruel to tell everyone. I know you're lying about telling. It was just sex." was her response to telling her he was dying. anyway been there done that. wouldnt exactly say is was done to death but yeah a bit lazy

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One thing stories in LW have taught us is:

Terminal cancer seems to be a very liberating experience and allows a real man a great opportunity to get all sorts of revenge without fear of consequences. If they only had a vaccine that gave a person terminal cancer, there would be many more happy husbands walking the planet, for a short time at least.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So if he didn't have cancer he would still be the Father Knows Best cuck?

Two years is not an affair, it is an alternate marriage. And anyone who thinks the kids don't know what is going on doesn't know, or can't remember being, children. Kids see all the subtle inconsistent incongruent actions, words, facial expressions, all the signals and signs of adultery. The kids know. And the kids know the father knows, and they wonder what the fuck might be wrong with him to tolerate, allow, enable their mother being some assholes slut.

So it is an understandable premise you've based your plot on, but it is mostly fantasy. Two years, with her boss, in a school setting? God, every child in the community knows.

And what does he gain by telling her, in such a dramatic fashion. He's signalling that he still cares about her and what she thinks, that he's crushed and broken, that she still matters to him.

If he's dying he has nothing left to lose. He's already lost the respect of his children, her coworkers, probably most of the family. He was a pathetic husband, and his last acts will be pathetic acts of revenge.

No wonder she's fucking around on him. Too bad she's no smarter than he is. Stupid people live fucked up lives. Too bad they had children.

Thanks for the effort.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 3 years ago
Interesting, but too extreme

Changing beneficiaries in a 401k to exclude the wife requires her signature authorizing it. And to the extent he sent the evidence to everyone in her contacts, the kids, and parents, he would have first considered how he's destroying his kid's lives if he cared about them. Teenagers are the most hateful people, enjoying tormenting each other. And high school classmates would find out.

So, I think the ending was just too rushed.

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago
Another good short

Not sure how anyone could write a character that put up with that for 2 minutes let alone 2 years...Well written though. Thanks

AbctoyAbctoyover 3 years ago
Good read

Excellent use of a short space. Plus a creative story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

They wanted their cake and to eat it too! Kids are always the ones who suffer the most but he did his best for his! Damn Skippy! Thank you for your your story, its worth every one of those 5 stars.

KRD19254KRD19254over 3 years ago

Best part of this revenge is she can contest all she wants to pay for and get no where. Everything went to the kids - no court will strip that away from the kids especially due to the cause and the grieving the kids are now under. He will be long gone so nothing for her to gain. She better work at getting forgiveness from the kids or she will truly have nothing but Steven who will soon be divorced and appears unemployed.


6* BTB, Hooyah, Salutes...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very unrealistic

What husband would give her two years to stop her affair before confronting her? What wife (even if she didn’t love her husband) wouldn’t be surprised and comment about life-ending terminal cancer? Three stars ⭐️ for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sometimes, you get it just right.....

And this was one of those times!


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This story has been done to death.

ribnitinribnitinover 3 years ago

Since Alex Trebek died I am seeing pancreatic cancer popping up more often in Loving Wives

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I absolutely hate the 750 word challenge. I wish literotica would take it behind the barn and shoot it.

Rocky62Rocky62over 3 years ago

Oooh, gotcha bitch ... the smell of pride regained

PeelercrabPeelercrabover 3 years ago
No longer his problem

Get your affairs in order then adios.

TheDrunkenNebbishTheDrunkenNebbishover 3 years ago

I hope your hero is ready for his eternity in Hell, since he will die an unrepentant sinner. Seems you BtB crowd like to forget the parts about "Judge not lest ye be judged", and revenge, or more succinctly, vengeance belonging to G*d alone.

Die mad about, poor man.

BOOMER1948BOOMER1948over 3 years ago

A religious zealot quoting scripture while commenting on an infidelity story submitted to Literotica!


Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Some of what he did can't happen like that. I do love the premise that he's getting revenge at a time where she can no longer retaliate. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hate when bible is misunderstood

"Take no part on the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.". Which is what he did. Nothing ungodly about that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
750 Word Challenge

Would the pain in the butt Mr "Anonymous" who keeps complaining about the 750 word challenge, for God' sake stop reading them. Most are clearly labelled. I have read his/her comment over and over about hating them! Shut the **** up with your moaning.

Many_MemoriesMany_Memoriesover 3 years ago
The REAL question is -

Does he REALLY have cancer, or did he just turn EVERYTHING over to his children? I did not see where he had quit his job. Looks like he put everything into a "trust" without her in it. Looks legal to me....

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago

Some people really hate these 750 word stories. At least, some who have read mine have expressed that sentiment. I like them. It is a brief moment in time. There is no long setup "I met my wife... I am tall... She is blonde...." The trick is to capture a moment in time with all that is needed to tell the tale in a captivating way. You have accomplished that very well. I liked it and I thank you for sharing it. I have only one criticism and that is "How on Earth could he have sex with his wife and trust that her boy toy would not infect her with something horrible that she would pass along to him?" Forget sloppy seconds; I'm talking death. Still, it's a great story.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfover 3 years ago
750 word contests....blah!

Skippy...You are much better than this. No plot development, No suspense, No sex, No exploitation of your characters. About all I can say is...Blah!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The drunken commentator should sober up before commenting

Revenge, deserved or not is a horrible thing, but it is NOT a one-aaaaaWay ticket to the "Furnace Room" and God Din not say Do Not have an opinion. Tho He did reserve the "Vengence" for himself... Opinions and Ethics define right and wrong... and she did do her husband and family "a biggie No No!"

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

The end was really "meh" just kinda went flat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Why do authors like to milk others ideas? I can't recall who but someone else wrote basically this same story but stretched out just a week before skippy. Love your stuff but can't say I enjoyed this one

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago

Once the story played the 2-3 months to live card I gave up on it. Same old same old with the death twist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
stupid comments are hilarious

The funniest are people who don't understand what fiction is... Hey, can you go to hell for that? hmmm...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

She got what she deserved unlike what the moron said the comment before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You're using Matt 7:1 out of context, it doesn't mean what you want it to mean. See verse 15, same chapter: "Watch out for hypocrites." Do hypocrites wear signs around their necks? Or do we have to watch them and decide (judge) - by their behavior - what kind of people they are?

John 7: 24 even says "... JUDGE with righteous judgment." You should understand the Bible before you start trying to quote from it. Matt 7, if you'd bother to study it, has multiple examples where we're required to make decisions (judgements) practically every day.

"You can't judge anyone." That comes from the "Tolerance" crowd, the ones that'll tolerate everyone except those who disagree with them. They don't want anyone to tell them they're wrong about anything; it bothers them so, the poor babies.

I'll also remind you that YOU obviously JUDGED the character in Skippy's story, and then went on to even condemn him to hell, which is definitely outside your purview. After all, vengeance doesn't belong to mortal man. Right? Now where did I read that? LOL.

You snowflakes are all the same, you just refuse to look at yourselves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So So

Speeches don't do much for me. 3 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

you're a moron. your comment was inherently illogical but i'd speculate that's too much of a reach for you to understand. if you don't like the story, fair enough, say so. In my opinion it was ok.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
TheDrunkenNembish is another Christian who does not understand the Bible

Judge Not (from Mathew) refers to hypocritics judging others and overlooking their own faults. It certainly doesn't preclude a loyal spouse from taking actions to protect children. And if you remember, if he accepts Jesus into his heart his sins like those of the adulteress in the Bible will be forgiven.

An atheist.

maninconnmaninconnover 3 years ago

Your comments are all over the spectrum! Nit pickers picked nits (they do that), anons whining about a topic or style that is clearly identified in advance, and the legal eagles disagree with each other (in this case over canonical law). Tell you what, you ring this many bells you’ve done something right. A writer should move people emotionally. Check. A good story should create tension then resolve it. Check. A good LW story should bring out the trolls. Check!!! And it must be well written, because the grammar Nazis stayed home.

A brilliant 750 words. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow!! Not only is Lit full of lawyers we also have a whole lot of religious scholars. Even those all knowing Atheists religious scholars. 🤣

luedonluedonover 3 years ago

Revenge is a horrid emotion regardless of what any bible says. The bible is interpreted to mean what all sorts of people want it to mean. It has been used to justify wars, murder, slavery, misogyny and all sorts of evils.


Apart from the emotional consequences on the vengeful person and the subject upon whom the revenge is being wreaked, revenge clouds rational thought. Only weak people who lack the emotional capacity for empathy seek stupid revenge. It reduces the total amount of happiness in the world.


(Well done, Skip. This was clever with the punchline balanced against the usual 'it was only sex, dear' and it drew 62 comments so far. It brought them out of the woodwork.)



tralan69ertralan69erover 3 years ago

@johnapd, it is a 750 word fictional flash story. Get over it.

teedeedubteedeedubover 3 years ago

When one grave is already dug, why not dig two more?? Cute story.

C_frommnC_frommnover 3 years ago

Love ie. Sweet & to the Point. So long dear lets hope you and Steven can make a goal of it. BTW I made sure the kids are taken care of but You are on your own.

BigJim48BigJim48over 3 years ago
Talk! Justice!

I guess DrunkenNeb has no moral or religious education. The MC did nothing but deny the BITCH a comfortable living off his dime/death. He did nothing physically to either the BITCH or her illicit lover. Hate or indifference is not a major sin. The MC didn't break any church vows. He didn't break any of the Ten Commandments! So he should have no problem getting through the Pearly Gates. The BITCH & her lover...well HELL is awfully warm...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It shows how much she has ignored him if he's got to a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer without her noticing.

IF you really must believe in a flying spaghetti monster, the revenge is his by giving the husband cancer it compels her to play the role or publicly look worse, it gives him the tools to motivate his actions.

IF you really must believe in an invisible zombie god then note that everything done to secure the kids' futures is just as he would want and there are a few months to repent for anything, even murder on his death bed is forgiven.

Good job skippy, good 750 words and good job bringing out the nut jobs.

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 3 years ago

I gave you a 5*. This one could have been a pinch longer though. It was more a victim of the 750 word limit than finishing your story, which 1000 words could have done nicely.

dthakerdthakerabout 3 years ago

Okay. Then. Sad, tragic, not good enough revenge...but i loved it.

5 stars. Favourited.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This was a good short yarn, but the best part was the description:


Those are words to live by!

GinloverGinloverabout 3 years ago

Well written and powerful short story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


Too ready to accept and forgive infidelity, if the wife AT ANY STAGE, stops her whoring. NOT acceptable!! 2*s.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 3 years ago

So a wife who cheats isn’t cruel to her husband; but the husband is cruel for sharing that she was cheating?

For all he knows, his cancer may have been triggered by the stress of living a fake marriage, through painful betrayal.

FWIW, sharing the evidence isn’t much of a revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It is a revenge against the world. A wounded heart that wants to die killing. I have always said it, revenge always leaves the soul hollow. It is much better to forgive and forget... or forget and forgive.

"There is no greater contempt than lack of appreciation "(spaniard proverb). That would be revenge. Forgetting.


Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

I can't believe so many people can read these 750 words woven into clear, well-constructed sentences, complied into coherent paragraphs and then assembled into an intelligent story and come to so many different conclusions of what the story meant!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A great last line! Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

To the author. Simply a man after my own heart.

The story I have read it three times and I LOVED IT.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good start but too short!

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

Needed to be longer.AAAA+++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Stage 4 cancer?, months to live? It would cost the state too much money to provide care in custody for that long so they probably give house arrest after he killed his whore wife and her lover. Nothing to stop him, nothing to lose.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And that’s the way it should be, good for you Bryan.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

5 stars - I like it no matter what the 'OTHER' commenters have to say about it.

Leejeff5456Leejeff5456over 2 years ago
Now that's hilarious


NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

So i like the story. Not knocking it at all. But i do take exception with the repeated portrayal that a wife gets everything in a divorce. H ouse is a shared asset. Both parties own 50%. If one stays in the house they do so by buying iut the equity of the other. Otherwise the house gets sold and they split the proceeds. Child care is essentially a fund for tending to the children regardless where they live. It is based on both incomes. So yes if you make more than the other parent you contribute more to child care. The court does decide who gets primary custody if the parents are at odds and dont agree. Both paries xan oetitin to be the primary care giver and that is usually decided based on who can give the evidence of spending the most time with the kids

Apologies for the rant but i am feeling much better now

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too short. Needs a more complete ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Brilliant! Short, sweet and to the pint! Burn the bitch one-time! 5-Stars! Full Marks!

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 2 years ago

"I've known about you and Steven almost as soon as it began. I didn't say anything at first because I had hopes you would see the error of your ways and come back to me

do REAL people in real marriages ACTUALLY say that?

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Now that is short and sweet. BTB

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm not in favor of long stories, but this could've been lengthened by a page to make a fuller story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Beautiful story, short and to the point. Serves her right. He will die a happy man.


Ocker53Ocker53about 2 years ago

That the way to handle business ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Short, sweet, to the point. Only bad part: he had stage 4 cancer. 5 stars -- Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ok story, but the cancer part sucks

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 2 years ago

4 stars. Cancer is always depressing and like with any 750 word project it kinda sucks when there is a makings of a great story but is limited by the word count so its only an okay story.

LucasredLucasredalmost 2 years ago

Good story but the whole 750 word thing is poor. It's like trying to swallow your candy bar in one bite. Maybe you can but where's the satisfaction? I much prefer to savor and enjoy a story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love it!

I would have done the same thing.

The most dangerous person in the world is the man that has nothing left to lose-including his life

If chooses he need not concern himself the consequences of his actions because he'll never suffer them.!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it. The last two sentences were epic.

Just one thing worries me.

To what extent did he ruin her financially? If she's still got a reasonable job - ok. But if she's screwed, so are the children' short term anyway.


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