All Comments on 'I Deserve This'

by taylorsam

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 3 years ago

We're lucky if we don't get what we really deserve!


PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

They sure roasted her!

Nice bit of revenge for betraying and destroying the family. It was great to see her getting wrecked in the divorce and being disowned by the kids. The faithful husband moving on with a younger woman was the icing on the cake!

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Didn't hurt her.physically, but destroyed her otherwise. She deserved it. Jason did too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So we have the same old ingredients for another BTB; a stupid cheating slut for a wife, a husband who's perfect in every way, in laws who love him, probably more than they love their own daughter and not forgetting the outraged and vengeful kid. But let's throw in another ingredient, the most ridiculous solution yet.

Let's get this straight: from one anonymous tip the police throw down their doughnuts and burst into action. They - and let's not forget this is all through an anonymous tip - form a task force, they convince a judge to issue a search warrant, they raid an hotel and arrest two perfectly innocent people who just by coincidence are in the middle of having sex. Then even though they find no drugs or any evidence of any wrong doing they press charges. From there the district attorney sets up a court date and another judge oversees, I assume there was also a jury and from one anonymous tip and no evidence whatsoever they are convicted and sentenced, jeeze! Please remind me never to visit Denver. With their laws I'm surprised everybody in the city isn't in prison.

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 3 years ago

Boilerplate btb with the fantasy divorce settlement thrown in.

Nothing to see here.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 3 years ago

Short and sweet.... Cheaters always get caught. This is a standard cheating/BTB story, nothing new. Once she had a bite of the forbidden fruit, it was over for her. She knew it was wrong but felt no guilt or shame after her first trip into infidelity. I like these types of stories, where the husband finds out and get his revenge against the cheaters, instead of wimping out like most writers do nowadays...5/5 nice job.

Impo_64Impo_64over 3 years ago

Still a good day in LW! Three very good stories, out of four...4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nothing new

or earth shattering here. Same ole stuff. Still gave 3 stars.

Missing words here and there made reading difficult at times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love it!!!

I dislike cheaters, not because they are giving something of only yours to someone else, but because one day you may wake up in hospital with one less kidney...

Your other sold it to the highest bidder.

In other words... NO TRUST!

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

This was written like a book report for school. Too objective and not enough heart in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

She's better off without this now ex. Life goes on and there is

Better men out there.btb guys are ultimately control freaks that

Think they own their spouses. Pretty bland story though.

The Style GuyThe Style Guyover 3 years ago

All’s well that ends well. 5* from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well now Vicky doesn't have to worry about whose dick is inside of her and happily fuck off.

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 3 years ago

I liked the setup to get them arrested as the way to get proof of the affair. But to actually get convicted was a little over the top. She did not have enough money to defend herself? She had half the family assets. She might have walked away broke but cleared criminally. still gave you 4 stars for a decent plot. .

GrimmerGrimmerover 3 years ago

Good plot but the style felt ... clinical.

TorgauTorgauover 3 years ago

Great BTB story. Thanks for sharing.

TajfaTajfaover 3 years ago

Anonymous says she's better off without him. What did he do? She had an ongoing affair despite saying her husband was great. What was he supposed to do? He didn't cheat behind her back or disrespect her. He was just an upfront guy who did the best for his family and she threw it in his face. I often like reconciliation, especially where there is family involved but I totally get he couldn't get over her lying, cheating or how he could ever trust her again so in this case divorce the only plausible action.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just another entitled one

She, said it herself....she deserved it. The wife's just another entitled cheating bitch. People cheat because they feel entitled to cheat.

The bullshit excuses about feeling old and falling for all the attention and compliments are straight out of the Cheater's Handbook 101. She regrets it now and wants to reconcile because cheaters feel entitled to reconciliation.

As the husband said, a one time drunken indiscretion he could consider forgiving and reconciling but she cheated for months on end and her shitty behavior effected not only her husband but her daughter as well. There's no walking that back, so now she gets to live with her shitty decisions and alienation from her children as well.

fritz51fritz51over 3 years ago
Pay no attention to the anons behind the curtain...

Great story, with a little different slant on a heavily used plot. Yeah, work on getting editing help & improve, but don't listen to the anons that don't write, only bitch.

This is free entertainment and needs to be given extra latitude as such.

I enjoyed it, flaws and all. *****

PS: the last line, reiterating the title was perfect.

timrivtimrivover 3 years ago

So hubby set her up with the drugs to destroy her life cause she cheated on him. He must be so proud. Yeah she cheated but she was contrite apologized and wanted to try a make it right. Why is it the husband always want to destroy the woman completely but when the husband cheats his excuse is that he was drunk or some other lame excuse and expects to be forgiven because he was weak. Double standard in most of these type of stories.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

"You deserve a little fun. Look at this week, we just landed the company a million-dollar contract." - Fine, she "deserves a little fun" at the COMPANY'S expense, time off, a bonus, NOT at her husband's expense.


"Jason suggested a celebratory dinner, he said we deserved it. I agreed, thinking just dinner would be fine." - She CAN'T be a successful business professional and fall for that line AGAIN!


"I was hot enough that a man ten years younger want me" - Two thoughts: 1) That couldn't be that FEMALE ego, now, could it? I thought only men had ego issues! 2) It has nothing to do with being "hot." Unless she's repulsive, a pussy hound will fuck any woman who is willing.


"I started to think maybe he was having an affair." - Projecting much?


The bond was explained incorrectly. With $100,00, you either give the court the money yourself, or give a bondsman $10,000, and they give the court the $100,000. If you appear, the bond is given back to whomever placed the bond. The difference is that if it was a bondsman, they keep the $10,000.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

To the last Anon: Are you serious?

She cheated and had an affair und you make the husband the bad guy? Yes, he set her up, but I didn't read anywhere in this story that he was a control freak! She had her freedom to make her own decicions and she made the decision to cheat.

But yes, I think the reaction of the husband is hard and yes, I even think there would have been a way for reconciliation with just a hard punishment for the lover and a light punishment for the wife.

I've read storys here with a much worse reaction to cheating.

But making the husband to a controlfreak because he is hurt by her cheating is ridiculous. I start to think you are a cheating wife who is angry that your husband don't accept your cheating. In this case you should read mor cuck-storys, there are enough of this shit out there.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago

The funniest part of this is anonymous calling the husband a "control freak". Not accepting betrayal or expecting vows to be kept has nothing to do with control. It has to do with maturity and this wife was running about a quart low on that.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 3 years ago
Too much

The drugs set up is silly. Was good enough to just catch them. No fault divorce is going to happen anyway

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I've read this story a hundred times, same old tired scenario.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
re: Yio

if expecting simple fidelity is equal to being a control freak, then you’re not looking for marriage. You’re thinking of casual and sex partner. Better yet marry someone who also think very little of fidelity and have an open marriage.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Dumb bitch got hers and yes she deserved it. Suffer!!!

Scores 5/5

LouisWu1968LouisWu1968over 3 years ago
She didn't deserve this.

Come on! Phoneyed up drug charge off an anonymous tip? Kind of hard to believe.

So she loses her job and reputation (as well as her marriage, children, etc.) because of that? Maybe she deserved to lose her marriage, etc,. but all the rest? Kind of over the top, I'd say (even for Literotica BTB fans). But at least he didn't have her sold into slavery or murdered, so that's something.

I agree with Anonymous ("same old ingredients"), and swedishreader1. Does anybody really get off on this unbelievable over-the top BTB stuff?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Cliche, cliche, cliche,

Crap, crap, crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
It's one thing to want to punish a cheater....

but for the love of god can some of these writers come up with something new!? The wife is always the cheater and the husband is squeaky clean. We all know that in real life husbands are just a liable to cheat and in most marriages there are indiscretions on both of them, usually several times over the course of 20+ years. Writing characters like this husband loses all credibility. And come on, almost every story like this has the kids turning fully on the wife immediately. That will almost never happen.

If you enjoy these silly BTB stories, at least for the love of god write them so they are not so formulaic. Its sad that you cant come up with something new.

njlaurennjlaurenover 3 years ago
Not much of a story

Not only is it cliched (the wife screwing the coworker on the road), the whole shady guy setting up a drug bust is kind of laughable. For what he spent with this guy, a PI could arrange someone to come up with proof of them cheating if he wanted to divorce her. Given that most states are no fault, he could have filed and gotten the same settlement.

Supervised custody? The son is in college and the girl is like 16 or 17, the son is an adult so it is irrelevant and the daughter can decide who to live with, and I doubt they would have supervised visit with a 16 or 17 year old, if the daughter doesn't want to see her mom, she doesn't have to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Gimme a break

What, is this section called "realistic stories of cheating that results in suffering & divorce"? This is not an erotic stories site, where pleasure matters?

Then there's the implausible plot, where an anonymous tip leads to a police task force & search warrants, as detailed by others.

We all know that adultery & cheating often leads to misery & divorce. But in the fantasy-land of this website, those bad outcomes are usually avoided.

Go post on another website.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 3 years ago

So she cheated and deserved a divorce but, setting her up on drug charges and cheating her out of her half of the assets is worst than her cheating - it's criminal. 2* only because 1's get stripped sometimes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
re: It's one thing to want to punish a cheater....

Didn't you realize that on this site, if the husband cheats that's okay or in something such as Erotic Couplings or Group Sex? Using Loving Wives as the only category for extramarital affairs puts all of the blame on the wife.


Why isn't it Cheating or Adultery? Why isn't there a Loving Husbands category?

BuckeyebobBuckeyebobover 3 years ago
A well written short story

As with most of these types of stories, it ended too quickly.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

I do have to agree with anon below me, this is another paint by numbers story.

I read all kinds of stories here, even things that aren't my cup of tea, and rarely does anyone think outside the box any more.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Anonymous, Why? As Lue and others tell us so frequently, the site is called Loving Wives and not Loving Husbands. Many very good author's, such as Amy Yum, have no problem writing great stories about cheating husbands getting burned. Try her stories of you want venal husbands.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
You fell at the final hurdle

You were doing well, a bit clichéd perhaps but it was interesting and then the ridiculous drug bullshit. That ruined it for me

enderlocke27enderlocke27over 3 years ago

turned into a crooked cop story. no emotion in it. fucking up ur kids just to get "revenge"? ur ross character was to dumb and an asshole to be married.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 3 years ago
To anony, "it's one thing to punish a cheater"

This is "loving wives", not loving husbands. Of course there is an over-abundance of this kind of story.

That said, for every one story line like this, there are five cuck stories. How about telling them not to bother because it's been written all before?

Of course there are plenty of asshole husbands, but solid stats say that the gap is now almost non existent.

For every asshole husband, there is now an asshole wife. For every good husband, there is a good wife.

Just read and comment on the stories that actually interest you. It will even improve your own enjoyment of reading here. I leave those types of stories I dislike alone. You can do the same.

The good side of this is that I can use healthy scores to indicate that it will usually be a story that sits well with me. Usually, the other types of stories, though abundant on the home page, rate much lower. Use the same method, combined with the title and byline, to judge whether a story is worth your attention. Not always foolproof, but works in the greater scheme of things.

Lastly, why bother to comment? This is a brand new story on the site, but as of my reading, the score is 4.19. Does this not tell you that the majority of readers appreciated the tale? So given that.... your opinion is clearly in the minority.

Alright, it's nothing new. That can be said of almost every James Bond movie, but when the new one comes out, I am sure it will make the Broccoli's another ton of cash, and be enjoyed the world over.

5 stars.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 3 years ago
To LouisWu1968

She was a bitch. Hubby didn't set the drug stuff up, but it worked to his advantage. Without that element it would have been just a matter of infidelity. We all know how that plays out in the legal system, don't we? Do you think he would have deserved that kind of outcome?

She deserved everything she got. If she had never been a bitch none of it would have happened. Too bad, so sad.

As for anony, "crap, crap, crap, cliche, cliche, cliche", read my reply to the other anony, it might help you move on too. Unless, of course, you happen to be the same person. That happens plenty. Various arguments trying to sound like different people in order to legitimise a particular viewpoint.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 3 years ago
Damn, can't leave this comment out either. To anony, "author removes low stars "

Idiot. An author can delete a comment. An author cannot change the rating of a story.

If an author could do that, every story would be rated 5.


What it does indicate, is that this author's stories don't agree with your tastes. That does not mean that most people would agree with you. Indeed, it shows that most people would solidly DISAGREE with you.

Go back to your wimp stories and leave decent and reasonable authors alone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
To anon below me

You are not only wrong about, "men do it as much as women"

It's easy to prove with actual DATA.

Women rarely date down, they date up. Maybe it's in terms of money, maybe bigger cock, maybe younger, maybe more status. But because men will fuck almost ANYONE, because, "pussy is pussy", women have far too much sexual selection. And they KNOW IT. So women feel they deserve the top 20-30 percent of men. Full stop. And MOST get it too. They rarely land marriages though, they usually get pumped and dumped. Because that top 20 percent of men will get almost all the pussy. This is data collected from online dating apps and preferences. It's also corroborated with tons of polling data.

So yes, men and women cheat at the same frequency. BUT it's 50-70 percent of women and 20 percent of men hooking up. That leaves the vast majority of men jerking off alone. Add to the fact that we live in a GLOBAL culture means women aren't comparing you to the top 20 percent of men in your small town. No. It's the WORLD now. Did it make a woman's life harder to get sex? Nope!

The reason the cliche' exists is because it's true! Women are more likely to cheat. It's just a cheating man is going to cheat three times more often than a woman will. A cheating woman is usually only cheating on one man at a time. Not always true, but more likely.

The husband might even be a 20 percent man. Doesn't matter. An entitled woman always wants MORE. Same with a cheating man. There are a lot of factors involved, but it bears out the cliche' time and time again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A divorce was fine,trumped up drug charge disgusting

Who would set up a trumped up drug bust for 5 thousand ,what a crock of bullshit . The his was a affair after so many good years. The payback didn’t fit the cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I wasn't finished with Jason though.

I spoke to Kevin again and asked if his friends could do me one last favour.

Kevin spoke to his friends and came back to me and said yes but it would cost $10 k.

I paid Kevin the money and waited. One morning I read an article in the local paper about an inmate at the jail who was severely beaten while in the shower. You guessed it. Good old Jason.

His fellow inmates did a really good job on him and put him in the infirmary for several weeks. When Jason got back into general population the same thing happened again.

So when he was released from the infirmary this time they put him in the secure wing in isolation.

The best $10k I ever spent.

By the time Jason left prison he was a shadow of his former self. He could not get a job anywhere and left town.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 3 years ago
For a second I thought this was comedy

These BTB stories are getting dumber by the day. I get it. Some of you got hosed in your divorces or had your woman cheat on you. BOO HOO. A lot of us had that happen. We act like men, pick ourselves up, and move on. Some of you are seriously in need of therapy.

I have seen stories in LW where the cheaters were murdered or maimed. Now two people are set up for drugs? Their lives destroyed? As soon as I read this, I was chearing for the cheaters. Her husband was an asshole that deserved it.

No, I don't condone cheating. But I detest spiteful and bitter assholes more.

FYI. My ex cheated on me. Fuck her. (Actually I lost track of who else did.) But I didn't let her ruin my life. The bitch did me a favor letting me know before we had kids. The sting to my ego lasted maybe a week. Some of you are crying in your beer for decades. Get a life.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

@Anonymous Re: "It's one thing to want to punish a cheater...." - The reason why you rarely see cheating husbands here, is because the category is Loving WIVES.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

@Boyd Percy Re: What we deserve. - I don't know if you ever watch the TV show Babylon 5 but here is one of my favorite quotes from that show:


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

KoxokKoxokover 3 years ago

Good story. He might have gone too far, but we don’t know what ex would have pull in the divorce. The law usually favors the wife except in really extreme circumstances. I wouldn’t be surprised in this case if the judge found in favor of the law was the regardless of the drug charge. It can come down to who has the better lawyer and the judge’s opinions.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 3 years ago

Anonymous Tip=No Warrant

The necessary predicate for a search warrant is reasonable suspicion. Informants must be demonstrated to be "reliable" before a magistrate will approve a warrant. Anonymous reports of drug dealing are so obviously and frequently spiteful and untrue that they cannot support an application for a search warrant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
If her husband had not tipped his hand by his change in behavior, . . .

she'd still be happily fucking Jason every chance she had. She decided to quit being a slut only because she sensed that something was not right with her husband, and it might be the fact that he knew she had become a whore.

So there is no evidence she's sorry she fucked over her husband and family. In fact it sounds like she was now fucking Jason at ever opportunity. She only regrets getting caught, losing her comfortable family life, and then regrets the lousy divorce settlement. Despite her betrayal and adultery she complained she wasn't getting enough from the divorce settlement. I suspect her husband would have given up all his property if he could turn back the clock and regain a loyal loving wife. Its all still about her, what she regrets and what she lost.

If the wife was truly sorry she would confess her guilt, seek forgiveness, determine some form of material and emotional restitution for her family, and would seek some form of penance to demonstrate her remorse. It might even win some part of her family back. All I can see is her continued feeling sorry, For Herself. She deserved everything she got, and everything she lost.

Thanks for the effort.

barry_mccockinerbarry_mccockinerover 3 years ago
This is not how the law or divorce work

The police will never get a warrant for a no-knock entry based purely on an anonymous tip, especially not against two people with no history of trafficking narcotics. And there is no way that a person who is unemployed and has been married for 25 years will get no maintenance and royally screwed like this in the asset split.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

....they couldn't find any evidence they distributed drugs, but they got probation and prison? Pretty far fetched. Also I think the courts would have awarded her some alimony....thanx....


superdandy123superdandy123over 3 years ago

it was an okay story, the standard plot with a satisfying btb.

some mistakes here and there that needed some proof reading.

not a fan of Kevin and black market tactics, it makes everything possible which takes away a lot of the intelligence of a good setup.

two nit picks at the end; not sure why she would get supervised visits since Abby is 17 and Steve is 19; and "dating blonde with big tits ten years younger" seems juvenile.

KingBandorKingBandorover 3 years ago

Well, one of my favorite LW writers, but this one fell far short for me.

How do you get charged with distribution when no distribution ever occurred. I could understand possession with INTENT to distribute. The whole using off screen bad guys to make things happen, is a fairly lazy ploy.

in the Karmic system of justice, she cheated. Punishment for cheating is typically divorce. Does cheating merit the total destruction of peoples lives? what was actually injured by her actions? Hubby's ego.

I think if wedding vows were like this: "I swear to remain faithful to my spouse until we die. If I cheat, I willingly relinquish all rights to a normal life and will accept any consequences, up to and including being murdered"... nobody would get married.

Breaking vows is grounds for divorce. Nothing more.


meucimeuciover 3 years ago

I liked this story for me the part when she said he isn't acting right I wonder if he is having an affair. This statement rings true in my divorce and 2 more friends of mine that went through divorces. I guess when people start having an affair in the back of their mind they think if it can happen with me he could also cheat just as easily. I really have no experience in criminal law but it does seem like they would have needed more than a tip to just burst into a hotel room without knocking. But like I said I know nothing about criminal law or criminals for that matter. Good solid story thanks for your time and work it was entertaining.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 3 years ago
Totally off the wall

The cheating part of the story was OK, but the story went downhill once the BTB began. As many other commentators have already noted, there is no way the police would have burst into a hotel room based solely on a tip. There is no way that the prosecutor would have prosecuted the case without anything more than a tip. Child custody could not have been an issue given the age of the children. Adultery would have little effect on alimony or asset distribution. So, basically the key parts of the story were unbelievable and, in fact, silly.

Author ought to do a bit more before writing a story -- like considering the real world.

KingBandorKingBandorover 3 years ago

One more thing... she was cheating. She notices a change in hubby, complete lack of affection, no sex, etc and doesn't really associate it with her cheating???


UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 3 years ago

Plain silly btb. They deserved the divorce, but the drug setup was silly.

You could do with proofreading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well it’s an entertaining story and why can’t people accept this and all stories on here as just entertainment? It’s like a movie, a porn or a novel. It’s for your entertainment. We watch an action movie and one guy takes on a whole army alone and of course wins saves the world and gets the girl . All impossible but it’s entertaining and the actor / actress may get paid 20 million for their role. People just read it and enjoy it or not but don’t take it so literal

JohngfaulhJohngfaulhover 3 years ago

I come here to read for entertainment.

This story was rude, mean, and cruel

Disturbing not entertaining

TreymonTreymonover 3 years ago

Thanks fun BTB. The drugs were a bit much but they did stab him in the back in the most venomous hurtful way possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What a Crock of BS

No alimony! What BS! In this country, no matter what, every women gets something, unless they're in prison. With the way the courts are setup, men get screwed at every turn, in divorce court.

Helen1899Helen1899over 3 years ago

Without the drugs it would have been ok. But the drugs made it rubbish, what evidence did they have, none. But she got what she deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If you people want spineless men go read a cuckold story. Men get.screwed in divorce everyday. Most do nothing can there's not much legally they can do. Divorce laws are Archaic and unfair to good men.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Good BTB well worth 5/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Why does no male ever date a new woman with SMALL tits?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

TO ANON : Maybe she had small tits but traded up herself - after all he seems to have! Enjoyed the story, thank you.

somewhere east of Omaha

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

Other than the bogus finacial split in the divorce thos was a really good read.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


You see how cheating cunts try to explain themselves? Fucking ridiculous. They're always sorry. It'll never happen again. It was only sex.

Fuck you cunt and your jerkoff lover.

Five Stars

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - not very good.

jimjam69jimjam69over 2 years ago

Yes. She got what she deserved.

Ocker53Ocker53over 2 years ago

A good story, well written ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Story was well described in the infidelity portion, but not enough written about the family, and in particular, the couple in it’s resolution. Otherwise, a good story.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 2 years ago

I’m generally a btb guy but damn, you made me feel sorry for her. 😂

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Bitch finally did get everything she deserved. Jason did too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sounds like the old adage; As you sow, so shall you reap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She was correct. She was stupid, really really stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hubris. Good one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Way too much revenge on her. Just over the top.

Hotel rooms are paid for by credit cards. These cards are linked to people not companies.

fred324afred324aabout 2 years ago

>> Hotel rooms are paid for by credit cards. These cards are linked to people not companies.

Actually, that's not strictly true. I have a company American Express card used for travel that, while my name is on the face, the company is responsible for payment of the charges, and the bill is sent directly to them. (If I fuck around and use it for non-business expenses, they'll helpfully take it from my paycheck and fire me..)

When we switched to being required to use corporate cards, I made very certain that the company wasn't applying for credit that was linked to me (especially if they were going to be late paying any bills.) All in all, while it seems like a company card would be great, I lost out on various reward-point programs benefiting me directly when I used a personal credit card; now the company gets to enjoy the opportunity for that.

AngelRiderAngelRideralmost 2 years ago

So she fucked around. Divorce her. Totally appropriate. The drug charges? Why? Because he is mad? Its still thr mother of his kids.

See, stories like this don't make sense to me. It makes the Betrayed spouse come across a bigger piece of shit than the cheater

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well, this seems to be an attempt to satisfy hardcore BTB advocates. If she got burned for cheating, I'm all for it. But the made up ones are over the top. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Take- THAT- You Narcissist- Bitch!

5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sad. She could have easily stopped after the first time. But she was selfish and felt she was entitled. And paid the consequences. I am curious how soon the husband found out. Was it like the second time when Ron took the photos?

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

kind of dumb with the planted drugs, supervised visit when the youngest is 17

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just the perfect BTB story! Love how "sad" she is and how she wants to make it up, AFTER getting caught. So good to see a man have some self-respect and backbone. Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To bare bones. Superfluous explanations. 2 stars.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice and sweet.

5 stars well earned.

nixroxnixroxabout 1 year ago

1 star - really not a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

And that... is how it's done! Glad to read about a hubby with balls!

RuttweilerRuttweiler10 months ago
Reads like the author was filling out a template

It seems “phoned in”. It has all the elements the most vociferous of the commenters need to be happy. It simply isn’t different or entertaining enough to be interesting.

It this were a visual medium, I would say it was “paint-by-numbers”.

DreamsOfHopeDreamsOfHope9 months ago

I’m not sure I understand the supervised visits with the 18 and 20 year old kids. The story flow was pretty disjointed and rote. Respect to the husband not taking her back, but the drug charges were OTT. Meh!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I love BTB stories..heehee!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

5 stars. you deserve this

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The Wife in this story was very much sure she did deserve to do what ever she wanted. I just wish I had friends or acquaintances that could have set up my Slut Ex-Wife, I wouldn’t have gotten so Fuc*ed in the Divorce and I wouldn’t have been paying $2,000/ Month for my Ex and College age Kids that hate me because they were poisoned by the Slut and her Parents who I hope and expect are Rotting in Hell right now.

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban5 months ago

Enjoyed the story!! 5/5 BRB

chasbo38chasbo384 months ago

In all these stories where an otherwise mentally competent and professional successful wife convinces herself that she deserves to have sex with someone other than her husband she describes herself as being overcome with lust and that her actions do not have anything to do with her marriage. I hope this delusional view of life is rarely the case in real life or the divorce lawyers are going to make a lot of money. Rather than parroting this too often used excuse to cheating please try to come up with some other motive for cheating.

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