Flirting With The Visitor, Ch. 01


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Her boyfriend's best friend grinned at her and backed away to one side so she could get passed him. He had the three beers in one hand, and he chivalrously offered her towards the lounge with the other.

"Such a gentleman." Melody said as she made sure she had a hold of everything, and then turned around and began walking back towards the lounge.

"I'm hardly gentle. Unless I want to be." Lincoln suddenly said as she turned, and Melody laughed throatily at the implication.

He smiled at her, and she began walking the rest of the way out of the room. Before she had taken two steps though she felt something slap her tight ass over her jeans. It was hard enough to almost hurt, yet soft enough to be pleasurable.

Jumping, she almost dropped the bowls in her hands as she spun around to look at Lincoln agape.

He was staring at her with a massive grin on his face.

"I told you." He said playfully, and Melody shook herself.

There was one thing with a little harmless flirting but smacking her ass was something James would not have liked! Still, the look on his face said that Lincoln did think he was still flirting, only he had taken her flirting back to be agreement to a little game, so she couldn't be mad at him. Plus, James didn't have to know. It was harmless after all.

"I guess I shouldn't have doubted you." She said a touch nervously, with a hint of impishness.

Lincoln's grin widened, and he offered his hand towards the lounge again.

"Won't be the last time you make that mistake." He said under his breath playfully, and Melody smiled at him. She was somehow sure that it wouldn't be at that.

Making her way back into the lounge came without further incident this time, and soon the three of them were back sitting down in the lounge with beers and snacks. James was indeed on his phone when they arrived and was like that for a few more minutes - one of his friend's from university from what Melody could tell.

Melody sat back in her chair with her beer and crossed her legs, straining the jeans over her sexy thighs as she sat looking slim, slender, and curvaceous.

The hot, brunette girlfriend took a swig of her beer as Lincoln came in and sat back on the sofa. He was all smiles and innocence, as if he hadn't just been flirting with her. But Melody didn't think much of it. It was all harmless fun, and he hadn't really done anything inappropriate.

Ok, he had smacked her ass, but that was just his way, and him being flirty with her. He saw an opportunity and he took it. That didn't mean he was a bad friend. He was just a flirty kind of guy around women. And James knew that!

Plus, Lincoln had already been flirty with her in front of James, and Melody's boyfriend hadn't seemed to mind his behaviour. So, it was all good. Melody was just a little shocked and more than a touch impressed by how outgoing and confident Lincoln was. He knew what he wanted, and he went for it. There was something...that made her stomach flutter at that. Though she had no idea why.

Lincoln was impressive though. And his face and personality just made it more fun to be flirty with him and have him flirt with her. He was so good looking!

His eyes shone as they looked from James to her, and they glittered with mischievousness and flirtiness. Melody shook her head slightly as if not knowing what to do with him and took a swig of her beer again as she smiled prettily at him. Lincoln grinned at that and winked at her, before he too drank from his beer and then looked at James briefly.

Melody couldn't believe how open Lincoln was being with his flirting now. It was as if he didn't mind if James noticed. That sent a shiver through Melody's stomach at his brazenness and his disregard for her boyfriend. There was just something about it that was a But mostly it made her feel better about what had happened in the kitchen, and her flirting back with him, because he wasn't being a scumbag and hitting on her behind her boyfriend's back. Lincoln was almost being daring and innocent in his playfulness.

Something about the way he was, and how he looked at her, though sent tingles down Melody's spine. He was just so damned attractive and fun! And she was still horny for James after earlier. The two together made her feel a little more playful, and so while James was focused on the phone, she smiled at Lincoln almost seductively.

"Seems James has his attention elsewhere. Guess I'm all yours for now." She teased playfully, a little more intense than she intended because of how she felt.

But she still looked at him with a glint in her own eyes that said she was teasing him and enjoying the fun. Lincoln didn't miss a beat as he looked back to her over his beer.

"I could get to like that." He said just as impishly, and Melody laughed lightly at his attention when her boyfriend wasn't giving her any. "You might not though."

"And why's that?" She asked, as she began to dance her finger around the rim of her beer enticingly.

"Because your boyfriend is my best friend." Lincoln playfully replied, and Melody glanced over at James before she looked back at his best friend.

THAT stirred her stomach and the feelings inside her for some reason. It was all innocent, but flirting just teased her emotions as is.

"That didn't seem to stop you before." She said as if playfully admonishing him.

Lincoln broke out in a proud grin.

"You liked it, didn't you?" He asked, and Melody blushed.

She certainly hadn't! She had a boyfriend she loved after all. But she had been impressed and flirty with him because of it. So, she hadn't brushed his attention off. It was just so nice to have, and so flattering!

Melody fingered her beer a little bit more and then shyly took a sip of it, feeling the cool liquid slide down her throat and into her belly as she looked at her boyfriend's best friend.

"You're a little heated. I might have to cool you down." She intoned amusedly as her cheeks still reddened.

"I might enjoy that." Lincoln acknowledged and winked at her.

Melody smiled pleasedly at that.

"You probably would." She said teasingly, and then took a big gulp of her beer and stuffed some snacks into her mouth.

Just as she said those words, and before Lincoln could do more than just flare in his eyes, James hung up the phone and turned to them with a grin, holding his drink in his hand.

"What did I miss?" He asked innocently, completely unaware of his best friend and girlfriend flirting just moments before.

"Just Lincoln being a perfect gentleman." Melody answered lovingly as she looked at her boyfriend. "He helped me out in the kitchen and was just telling me all the fun things we could get up to while he's here."

James had no idea what she meant, but Lincoln knew exactly how she was being flirty because of what had happened between them. The latter's grin just grew as he looked at his best friend, so oblivious.

"I was just being charming. You know me, bud." He said to James, and the latter laughed softly.

"You are that." Melody's boyfriend replied, and Melody smiled at the friendly banter.

"Important phone call?" She asked changing the subject. She felt a warm love for her boyfriend suffuse her as she looked at him.

"Just some Uni project stuff. Hopefully we've got it sorted." James answered reluctantly.

"I hope it sorts itself out, mate." Lincoln chimed in.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. I just need to get to work tomorrow. No rest for the wicked!" James replied, and Melody nodded. She knew how Uni could be.

"So long as you're not all work. I'm here for fun too. But I totally get you have to do what you need to. Just don't be a total workaholic." Lincoln said honestly yet kindly.

Melody's boyfriend nodded and took a swig of his beer, agreeing with his friend.

For a few minutes the conversation continued, changing from the 'drag' of the phone call - as James put it - and moving on to more playful banter between the friends. It wasn't long before Melody was sucked in, joking, and laughing with the two of them as if she had known Lincoln for years. He was just so relaxing and calming. Even if he did flirt with her with his eyes every time he looked at her.

Not to say that Melody didn't play back - she was enjoying their little game - but she was also too busy jesting in the conversation to really concentrate on Lincoln. That was until a few minutes later.

"I think Mel would look fantastic bald!" Lincoln announced to something James was saying.

Melody's boyfriend laughed and the hot girlfriend looked over at his friend with a look of surprise and playfulness.

"I thought you'd like me with my long hair?" She asked sounding offended, but her eyes said she was teasing him.

Lincoln didn't miss a heartbeat, or a stare, and so he nodded.

"I do. I do. I'm just saying that you'd look good however you looked. Unlike James here." He said with amused defensiveness, turning the conversation on Melody's boyfriend as he had said being bald wouldn't be attractive on her!

Melody looked shocked back at her loving man.

"So, you wouldn't love me if I was bald? I may have to just be with your friend then if he's so much more affectionate than you!" She teased playfully, and this time James looked at her shocked.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just don't have a thing for bald women. I like you as you are. You know that." He whined defensively.

Melody supressed a smile at that. Teasing her boyfriend was so fun.

"Looks like you've got a girlfriend, Lincoln. James isn't interested in me for me." She announced, and Lincoln laughed, cheering as he raised his hands.

James looked at her gone out and then Melody laughed.

"You better watch how you say things in the future, mister." Melody warned her boyfriend teasingly, and James took on a mock hurt look that made the girlfriend laugh again.

"I can see that. Otherwise, my girlfriend will have to be with my best friend!" James said as if that was shocking but also beyond anything believable.

Melody and Lincoln chuckled at that, and then the hot brunette blew her lover a sweet kiss to show him he was being silly.

James smiled warmly, lighting Melody's heart.

"Though I don't think Lincoln would do well with a girlfriend, he never has one long enough." Her boyfriend laughed at his friend, and this time it was Lincoln's turn to look hurt.

"I'm stunned!" Lincoln said painfully, and Melody looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean?" She asked her boyfriend amusedly. Seeing Lincoln on the defensive instead of her boyfriend was lovely.

"His longest relationship has been, what?, three months?" James said, and Lincoln laughed.

"Three and a half. I'm not that much into dating." James' best friend said.

Melody was shocked. Lincoln? The guy who was stunningly attractive, a ladies' man if there were any, and whose personality was so intoxicating? HE didn't have relationships?

That made Melody think of something.

"So, you don't have a girlfriend?" She asked curiously.

Lincoln looked at her with seriousness and amusement, not flirting for once. At least not at first.

"Nope. Single and ready to mingle, me. And enjoying the life." He answered, and Melody felt another shock.

Lincoln didn't have a girlfriend? Oh, he probably had a lot of women he hooked up with then, but no girlfriend? That was just unbelievable!

"I would've thought you'd have a line of them!" Melody announced without thinking, and then glanced at James a little nervously, but he was just smirking at his friend as he watched and listened.

"Oh, I'm not lonely, if that's what you mean. Just not that good at relationships. I'm into the fun more." Lincoln replied, and Melody nodded, blushing a little at what he obviously meant.

"I'm surprised. I would've thought you'd have someone." She said again, feeling that stunned feeling again.

"Nope. Just for fun, me. It's a good life. You would enjoy it." Lincoln teased, and Melody blushed a little deeper at the hidden meaning in the last words about her enjoying him and his fun.

"She has enough fun, thank you very much." James chimed in protectively but not unkindly, and Melody smiled at him, and then looked back at Lincoln with eyes that said she had understood his meaning and was playful about it.

"Yep, I have more than enough for me. Some people just can't satisfy someone for long enough to be in a relationship." She impishly replied, and James laughed. He would've high fived her if they had been closer. As it was, he did with his expression.

Nothing fazed Lincoln though. He just looked at both of them and grinned.

"That's what they all say." He retorted, and Melody heard the unspoken 'until you've tried it' that was shining in his eyes as he looked at her.

She felt her stomach flip again, and she smiled shyly at him over her beer before taking another swig.

"And they're all telling the truth!" James said amusedly, changing the subject, and Melody sunk a little in her seat as Lincoln looked to his friend.

For a minute the two bantered back and forth while Melody watched. Then James really did change the subject and Lincoln went along with it. Though the look he gave her next said that he hadn't forgotten.

Melody smiled amusedly back at him, with an expression that said she hadn't either and she found it funny and playful. Lincoln just grinned proudly before he turned back to his best friend.

For a while the conversation continued happily and jovially as the three drank and ate. Finally, though James noticed what time it was and put his empty beer aside with his vacant bowl.

"Phew, man, it's getting late. Some of us need to be awake tomorrow for work. We don't all get to be layabouts, like some people." He said to Lincoln, who laughed.

"That's because I'm not at Uni, my friend. You get all the pressure and hardship." The latter replied amusedly.

James nodded sagely, and then pushed himself to his feet.

"You're right. So, I better go to bed." He said as he stood up.

Melody looked at her boyfriend - he did look tired - and then downed the rest of her beer.

She still felt horny from earlier. The flirting with Lincoln had just simmered it through the night, and now she could see her boyfriend and be this close to going to bed with him...well, it lit a new fire inside her. She needed her boyfriend now!

"I think it's time for bed for me too." She said, as she placed her beer beside her chair and, uncrossing her slim legs, stood up too.

"What's this? Am I surrounded by lightweights?" Lincoln asked amusedly, and both James and Melody laughed softly. The hot girlfriend as she walked over to her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning close against him.

God, he felt so good against her.

"Just responsible people, with lives." Melody's boyfriend said back, as he wrapped his strong arms around her too.

Fuck, but he smelled good.

"We'll see you in the morning." James added warmly.

"Alright, alright, I get it. I better get some sleep too. Travel isn't conducive to being up late." Lincoln replied friendlily.

"Sounds good." James said, and with that Lincoln joined them standing up.

Soon enough the three friends were heading out of the lounge, up the stairs, and towards the bedrooms.

"Goodnight." They each said as Lincoln peeled off into his room, which was next to James' and Melody's.

As the door closed behind James' best friend, Melody and her boyfriend made their way into their room, closing the door behind them.

"So, what do you think?" James asked her as they made their way in still hugging.

"About what?" Melody asked, her loins bubbling at the feel of her boyfriend against her.

"About Lincoln?" James answered questioningly.

"Oh!" The hot girlfriend said as she understood. Her boyfriend's friend had slipped from her mind the moment they were alone. "He's cool, and nice. And he seems really fun."

"He is." James replied reverently. "You like him then?" He asked as they reached the bed and he turned to look down at her.

"Yeah. He's a good guy." She answered, feeling his crotch press against her flat stomach.

"I'm glad you two get along." Her boyfriend beamed, before he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

Melody felt lightning rush through her, forking down deep into her pussy, as his lips touched her skin.

She leaned her head back as he moved back again, however no kiss met her soft lips as James continued to move backwards until he stepped out of her arms and walked back away from her.

Looking at him confusedly, she watched him begin to take his clothes off.

That was when her pussy blazed with desperate fire. She enjoyed watching him strip and stared at him with flaming eyes and a playful, impish smile curving her beautiful lips. But James didn't striptease for her. He just methodically took off his clothes and then climbed into bed in his boxers.

Figuring he was just getting ready and not prolonging things, Melody stripped off quickly, adding her clothes to the floor, and grabbed her sleeping t-shirt. Pulling it on so she was only wearing that and her underwear - she figured James might like to take her bra off - she walked around to her side of the bed and climbed in.

Snuggling close to her boyfriend, Melody scooched her leg over his and placed one of her hands on his chest, along with her cheek. For a moment they lay there, and when James didn't move, Melody spoke.

"It's been a fun night." She said as she circled her fingers on his chest.

James smiled and wound his arm around her, pulling her against him.

"It's been a great night." He said as he kissed her head lovingly.

Melody felt a flush of love as she felt him kiss her again.

"You know though...the night's not over yet. We still have something to do from earlier." The beautiful brunette said purringly.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" James asked, yawning.

Melody blinked for a second at the question and then smiled as she tilted her head on his chest to look up at him. Her fingers dug their nails into his chest this time before scratching gently down to his boxers. Then she let her hand slide over onto his soft cock.

"" Melody said naughtily, with a wicked smile and beaming eyes.

James laughed softly, and stroked her hair as he met her eyes.

For a moment the two lovers stared at each other. A moment that lasted forever and pulsed in Melody's pussy.

And then James said something that made the beautiful girlfriend's heart sink.

"Not tonight, babe, I've had too much to drink, and all I can think of is sleep." Melody's hot boyfriend said to her, and Melody stared at him.

"Oh, ok." Was all she could manage to say.

Disappointment flooded through her. That and frustration. She was as horny as hell after earlier, and now she wasn't going to be able to scratch that itch!

"Maybe tomorrow night, yeah?" James asked with another jaw-cracking yawn.

"Yeah, sure." Melody answered, trying to disguise her discontent.

Melody looked back down and raised her hand back onto James' solid chest. For a few minutes the two lay still and quiet until suddenly James began to snore, signalling that he had fallen asleep.

Clearly, he was really tired to go to sleep that fast. But Melody couldn't help but feel frustrated - not with James, it wasn't his fault. But just because she was horny and couldn't do anything about it.

Sleep came slowly for her and when it did, she dreamt of fucking her boyfriend until neither of them could stand! The horniness didn't go away though. And neither did the frustration. So, it wasn't a restful sleep and Melody found it hard to stay under.

James, though, slept like a log. Melody knew that because she woke up and lay staring at the ceiling for stretches of time before finally falling back under.

Morning broke, and Melody awoke feeling her loins humming with need and desire. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she rolled over so that she rested against James' bare chest. Her loving boyfriend was still sound asleep, breathing deeply, and for a few minutes all Melody did was lie there and watch him, her heart swelling with love.
