Flirting With The Visitor, Ch. 01


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So, she decided to play a little.

"Maybe we should get you something to wear? You could come to the graduation party as someone's plus one, I'm sure." She said amusedly, and Lincoln laughed. A sound that was music to Melody's ears.

"You want to go shopping for me? Much more fun if we go for you. But if you want to see me try clothes on all day, I'm sure you'll find it thrilling." Lincoln replied self-deprecatingly.

That modesty was something that Melody hadn't expected, even while he managed to turn his response into a flirty reply. It made her feel a little closer to him.

She smiled warmly in response and leaned back in her chair, folding her arms beneath her heavy breasts.

"Oh, I'm sure I'd find it fun." She said, meaning it in a purely friendly way, though not ignorant of the flirty undertone that could be taken. She hadn't meant the latter, but she didn't regret it either.

Lincoln looked at her for a moment and then gave her an appreciative look. One that said he understood that he might have met someone who was his match.

But he wasn't going to be outdone.

"If you want a fashion show any time, I'm sure I could give you one." He said jokingly, but flirtily, as he tapped his suitcase.

Melody got what he was hinting at straight away. He really was outgoing and cocksure!

She smiled amusedly in response but didn't say anything. Which was just as well as James chose that moment to walk back in with three beers in hand.

"Beers for all!" Melody's loving boyfriend announced.

Lincoln looked to his friend from her as if nothing out of the ordinary had been going on. And it hadn't really. It had just been light-hearted flirting. Friendly banter, as it were.

And Melody had just been playing along. Oh, she had enjoyed it, who wouldn't with someone as good-looking as Lincoln, but it was harmless fun.

James handed out the beers and sat down, clearly oblivious to his friend and girlfriend having had their flirty conversation. That made Melody's stomach flutter all that bit more, and oddly her pussy felt...strange, at it. Like she had just gotten away with something.

She needed to deal with this horniness for her boyfriend and soon, it was beginning to make her feel weird, she thought to herself.

The conversation continued from there, though with a lot less flirting - at least verbally. Lincoln's eyes were another thing every time they looked at Melody. He was VERY appreciative. And Melody didn't mind the attention. She wasn't blind!

She kept telling herself that, but she warmed up to her boyfriend's friend almost instantly as he carried on friendly conversation and banter with her boyfriend and cast glinting eyed stares at her whenever he looked over to her.

They talked until they finished their beers and then Lincoln placed his bottle down next to him and changed the subject.

"Well, as fun as this is, do you mind if I take my suitcase upstairs and grab a shower?" He asked James.

Melody's boyfriend looked as if he should have thought of this before and almost slapped himself for it.

"Of course, of course. Do you want me to show you where your room is?" James asked and Lincoln shook his head.

"Directions will do. Don't want to take you away from the lovely Melody now." Lincoln replied with a significant glance at Melody that set her stomach turning again.

He really did have nice eyes.

"Alright. Second door on the right. The first is mine and Melody's room. The bathroom is just down the hall. You can't miss it." James said and Lincoln nodded.

Melody had no idea why, but she just couldn't stay silent. She looked at Lincoln with her own impish gaze.

"Have a nice shower." She said, perfectly innocently. Apart from the flirty look in her eyes and the tone of her voice.

James didn't pick up on it, of course. It was far too subtle and only clear if you knew what you were looking for, but Lincoln picked up on it and his eyes flickered with amusement.

"I'd rather have company. But if it's alone, it's alone." Lincoln said flirtily in response and James laughed.

Melody felt her heart skip a beat at the blatant words to her and about her - in front of her boyfriend! - but all she did was smile shyly in return.

Lincoln seemed even more amused at her sudden quietness after that than if she would have responded. Melody just felt that strange feeling in her pussy again - she really needed James tonight and soon!

"Well, it'll just be you I'm afraid." James spoke up and Lincoln laughed as if he had meant nothing towards his best friend's girlfriend at all.

The tall friend then exchanged a few more words with Melody's boyfriend before he stood up and took a hold of his suitcase, and then headed out of the room and upstairs.

James gave Melody a warm look and waited until he heard the door to the spare room open before he spoke.

"So, what do you think of him?" He asked, and Melody felt a flutter of worry until she realised that, (a) he couldn't have known about either flirting with the other, and (b) that it had all been harmless fun anyway.

She smiled warmly in reply.

"He seems nice. I like him." She said in response, meaning it.

Lincoln did seem like a nice guy. He was just a flirty nice guy, and Melody had no problem with that. She knew how to handle guys, and she knew how to have harmless fun. All was good. And Lincoln was a good guy. She definitely felt better now she had met him.

"I'm glad you like him." James said, relaxing somewhat around the eyes. Clearly, he had wanted his best friend and girlfriend to get along. He just had no idea how well they had got along.

The two turned to another conversation and James went to fetch another two beers. They relaxed and chatted, their talking and eyes filled with love and the earlier horniness for each other. Melody couldn't wait for later that night!

Soon the sound of the shower came on as the two chatted and had fun. The talk turned to Lincoln and things that he liked, what he and James would get up to - though James made it clear he wanted to include Melody in those plans! She loved him for it - and what James thought Lincoln would do while James was in class.

It was a pleasant conversation that both got into enough that they didn't hear the shower end, or notice how long it was after, and so Lincoln made his way downstairs before either of them knew it. They were chuckling and talking when he walked back into the room, sans suitcase.

"Oh, here he is. Smelling a lot better now!" James announced as Lincoln entered the room.

"Did you miss me?" Lincoln asked the room at large, then he looked at her with a playful smirk, "I bet you missed me, didn't you, Mel?"

Melody felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment at that. She didn't know what to say. She certainly hadn't missed him, but somehow that just seemed rude to say. And saying she had just seemed out of place and too flirty. And she wasn't about to do that in front of her boyfriend. Surely.

"We're just glad to have you back." She said diplomatically but punctuated it with a warm smile that took the edge off not saying that she had missed him.

"Well, if I'm not missed, I can leave again?" Lincoln said amusedly and James shook his head.

"No. No. It's just, you know..." Melody said all a flutter.

Her cheeks heated again at being such a mess with Lincoln. He had a way of making her uncertain about herself.

"I'm just playing with you. I wouldn't leave you for the world!" He said with a warm smile, and this time Melody felt herself looking at her boyfriend.

Lincoln had said nothing wrong, but Melody was sure that he had meant those last words for her alone, even though it sounded like he had said them to both of them.

She didn't know what to do at that point. So, she just smiled at him and watched as his eyes glinted as he watched her back.

"So how was the shower?" James asked, filling the space.

Lincoln looked to Melody's boyfriend and grinned.

"It was awesome. Good shower you've got there. And hot too. Made my skin all red. All over." Lincoln answered his best friend.

But Melody was too busy with her cheeks heating again. For some reason, what he said made her think of him naked in the shower! And when he said 'all over' she couldn't help but think of literally 'all over' and what it might look like!

Why was she thinking these things? Lincoln looked at her and he seemed to know exactly what she was thinking as he smirked at her, even with his eyes. Or was that him imagining HER in the shower, naked? Melody thought she might blush herself to death at this rate!

"It is a good shower." She said with a shaky voice, just to say something, but Lincoln wasn't done flirting with her yet.

"It is. Felt good to wash off the travelling. And being naked again was just...liberating. Don't you think, Mel?" He asked, and Melody blinked in surprise.

She glanced at her boyfriend, who didn't think his question was out of the ordinary. But it was him saying about being naked again that made her mind riot in what she thought he might look like naked!

And he WAS obviously thinking about her naked too! That was all she could think of he meant with his question! The glinting in his eyes as he looked at her gave it away.

Melody didn't know what to do. But she did know that she didn't want to be flustered all night, so she got a hold of herself as best as she could and answered him.

"Yeah. Having a shower is nice." She said neutrally, but Lincoln just seemed more amused by her stoic answer.

That embarrassed her further. Then she thought to herself that she really should get over this - she wasn't a prude or anything. She was just surprised that he would say such flirty things in front of her boyfriend - his best friend!

Still, she didn't want to be rude, and he was just being nice. And there wasn't anything particularly wrong with flirting. Lincoln had just caught her off guard, is all. And her mind was just misbehaving - perfectly natural given what he had said!

"So, how about we get another beer and get this party started?" Lincoln asked as he clapped his hands together.

"You're right!" James said as he stood up, "Babe?" He asked, and Melody nodded to say that she did want one.

James turned and made his way into the kitchen while Lincoln took a seat on the sofa.

"I'll give you a clue. It's nothing to shout home about." Lincoln said as Melody's boyfriend left the room.

"What?" She asked confused as she looked at him.

Lincoln smiled cheekily.

"Me being naked. It's nothing to shout home about." He answered, and Melody's mind once more bombarded her with images of him.

This time she was ready for it, and she took it in her stride. Still, it was difficult to focus as she looked at him sitting there and her mind tried to picture him naked!

"Oh!" She said, surprised, and then smiled at his self-deprecation, "I'm sure you're just fine."

"Nah, just a whole load of bleurgh!" Lincoln replied with a sick sound and a bloated motion of his arms.

It was quite obvious that he wasn't fat or beer-bellied, Melody could tell that from how he looked with his clothes on. But it was charming that he wasn't arrogant.

Also, his sounds made Melody laugh softly. She relaxed a little at that, and her mind calmed down a little.

"Now you're being silly." She said laughing gently, an intoxicating sound to Lincoln and anyone else around them. "You look great." She added to be nice.

Not that she could really tell with his baggy shirt on, but he had muscular biceps so he must work out some.

"Aww, thanks. You're just being kind though. And you haven't seen me naked!" He said playfully, and Melody smiled.

She hadn't. But she had imagined it. If that was anywhere close.

"No, you look good, honestly!" She said, meaning every word. He did look good. He just didn't flaunt himself like most good-looking guys.

"You're sweet. And I bet you say that to all the guys." Lincoln joked, and Melody laughed again. His humbleness was endearing. So was his humour.

"Just you." She said, "And James." She quickly added, realising how she had sounded.

She meant it though.

For a moment Lincoln just looked at her, and then he gave her a dashing smile that set Melody's heart racing.

"Then how can I argue with that?" He said suavely, before adding with a much more prominent twinkle in his eye, "You're beautiful and hot too."

Melody smiled gratefully and looked down for a moment before glancing back up at him through her eyelashes.

That made her feel good that he would think she looked attractive. Especially as she wasn't dressed up or anything.

"Thank you." She said in response.

Lincoln grinned at her for a moment. She was sure he looked her up and down while she was sitting there.

"Now, I better stop complimenting you, or else you'll get a big head, and Jamie will want to know why!" He said amusedly, and Melody laughed again. He was so silly. Yet...charming. That and his good looks just made him all the more attractive.

It was just then that James walked back in with the beers. Handing them out he sat back down in his seat and smiled at the pair of them. Oblivious to what he had missed.

"So, what are you two talking about?" He asked curiously.

"Your big head." Lincoln joked and Melody laughed again, it was so unexpected.

"My big head? I think your head is bigger than mine, Lincoln." James replied amusedly.

The conversation took off from there, and the two best friends began bantering back and forth. Melody just laughed more and more as time went on, usually to things Lincoln was saying - he was a very funny guy - but her sweet boyfriend got in his own jabs every now and then, and Lincoln just took them well, rolling them into another joke or pretending to be struck by them.

It was a little later on - as the beers had been flowing - that Melody's sides began to ache from laughing so much. Lincoln was a fun guy, she thought. She could see why James liked him!

The whole thing was getting vastly amusing, when suddenly Lincoln came out with a story that had Melody on the edge of her seat. It was about him, James, and a couple of friends they had, and a time they went swimming in a lake. The whole thing was made more engrossing by the fact Lincoln was all serious as he began. Only as he went on, and his lips repeatedly twitched into a grin, did Melody suspect that something funny was about to happen.

She wasn't disappointed.

"...Then all of a sudden James came barrelling down the grass to the cliff edge and tries to somersault into the water!" Lincoln built up. James already had his face in his hands, but he was laughing too. Melody just sat on the edge of her seat, leaning forward, staring avidly at her boyfriend's best friend with a small, suppressed smirk on her face waiting for what was about to come. "...The only thing was that he slipped on some wet moss at the last second and came splattering down into the water from that high up all on his belly! SMACK! He hit the water with a girlish scream and then began flailing around. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen! I've never seen anyone dive like that!"

Melody burst out laughing, and looked to her boyfriend as she shot back in her chair, chuckling. James was laughing self-deprecatingly, and Lincoln was roaring with his head threw back.

Melody could just imagine it all now. She had seen James try to dive and swim before and it was not a pretty sight. Him slipping and falling just seemed so real and...well, him.

"You always paint me in the best light, mate." Melody's boyfriend said blushingly.

"You always do the best things, Jamie!" Lincoln replied as he wiped tears from his eyes. "I told you it was funny." He added to Melody, who had her arms wrapped around her stomach and was still laughing at her boyfriend.

"I can just imagine it! Wheeeeooooow...SPLAT!" Melody said between chuckles, and then went off into another round of laughter, joined by Lincoln and James.

For a moment the room was full of mirth and then Lincoln said something that sent a sparkle into Melody's stomach.

"You're very pretty when you laugh. I mean, you're always pretty, but more so when you laugh." Lincoln said to Melody as he came down from his laughing fit, and then added to James as if just realising that he was in the same room, "Don't you think, Jamie?"

Melody looked up at her boyfriend's friend and smiled warmly at the compliment. That something was in his eyes again when he looked at her - something...appreciative...of her. But James couldn't see it when Lincoln turned towards her. Or didn't expect to see it in his best friend's eyes. Or maybe just as a guy he didn't see it. Either way, Melody did, and she knew that Lincoln was playfully flirting with her again.

Only this time the beautiful 20-year-old didn't feel awkward. She felt flattered. And a little playful herself. Mostly because of how comfortable she was feeling with Lincoln now, and how happy she was feeling with how much laughter they had shared. That and she was still horny from her boyfriend earlier, so she was primed to tip in that direction.

It was just harmless flirting. And being called pretty was a nice thing no matter who it was from. But especially from someone who looked like Lincoln and could, and probably did, have any girl he wanted!

"Thank you." She replied, with a mix of shyness and cuteness, as she blushed gently and snuggled back further into the chair.

Her eyes were all on Lincoln, and she smiled back at him warmly.

"She sure is!" James replied, and Melody turned her smile onto him and mouthed 'thank you' to him also before she blew a kiss to him.

James made as if to catch it - adorably! - and Lincoln grinned.

"Aww! You two are sweet." He said to them both, and Melody blushed and laughed softly while James grinned and took a swig of his beer. "Well, I tell you what this makes me want to do..." He added with a clap of his hands as he put his beer down on the table next to him. "...DANCE!"

Standing up Lincoln looked between the pair of them before he turned to James and held out both of his hands.

"Come on, mate. Get up here and dance with me!" He asked compellingly and energetically, but James just huddled more into his chair and held his beer in front of himself as a shield.

"No way! There's no music! Besides which, YOU can't dance, Lincoln!" James said with an amused grin.

Melody looked between them both with tickled bemusement.

"Who needs music when you've got the groove? And I can dance better than you, Jamie! Come on, don't be a prude, get up here and give me some love!" Lincoln asked again and James laughed softly.

Melody had seen James dance and knew that, while not perfect or as good as she was, he was still passable at dancing. Lincoln must be terrible if he was worse!

"There is no way you're getting me up to dance, Lincoln. I can promise you that. Ask Mel, she might be drunk enough!" James said amusedly and defensively.

Melody gave her boyfriend a shocked face - drunk enough? She had only had the same amount of beers as he had had, and her tolerance was way more than his! - but before she could say anything her boyfriend's best friend turned to her.

"Come on, Mel, let's show this old man what fun is!" Lincoln asked and Melody turned to him with a wide-eyed look.

Shaking her head cutely she smiled at him politely.

"Come on!" Lincoln said again, and this time Melody replied, "No thanks, I'm not too good at dancing."

"Sure, you are!" James dropped her in it with a grin.

She shared a look of shock at him, with eyes that promised retribution if he didn't keep his mouth shut, and then looked back to Lincoln with a softer expression.

"I'm ok, thanks." She answered his next eager egging on of her.

But Lincoln was persistent, and he walked over to her and reached down to take each of her hands by her slender fingers.