Fairy Tales: Analella


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The first bulge of the butt plug was fairly usual for Ella, and was quite quick to settle. The next was a bit of a stretch, and felt very nice when it popped in. The last was a test of Ella's ability and determination, and made her feel enormously full once it finally won out past her booty hole. That final stretch plus the total length left her properly stuffed, and very much wanting just to lie down and enjoy it for a while.

"There, not so bad, was it?" Wanda purred, patting Ella's butt cheeks and spreading them a little.

She held a mirror up in one hand so Ella could peek back and get a look at herself. It was too horny and lewd a sight for her to stare at for long, and she had to just close her eyes for a moment.

"Doing ok there?" Wanda asked.

"I think so. Is there more?"

"Just shoes and your dress. We're almost done."

The rest of the fitting was a blur. The heels were straightforward as far as the outfit went. High enough to give her a bit of a lift and enhance her hips and butt, but not so much that they impeded her ability to walk too terribly much, despite not usually even being allowed to wear heels at all. Ella's plug was more of a hindrance there, when it came to moving naturally.

The dress had to be stepped into, followed by allowing Wanda to tug it up her body and secure it in place. It was very much the part of the ensemble that Ella felt the most innocent delight over.

Once it was in place, Ella spun back and forth in the mirror, laughing joyfully at the way the skirts floofed out and made every movement an elegant dance step.

"I love this dress!" Ella said, fully twirling around, ignoring the protests from her booty and the way her ankles were still adjusting to her new shoes.

"I thought you might," Wanda said, smiling as she watched Ella play with her dress. "Alright, just another minute or two, then you're all set and really need to be on your way."

Ella nodded, then darted at Wanda for a firm hug. "Thank you ever so much," she said earnestly. "I can't... I can't even think how much I owe you for everything you've done."

Wanda gently pushed her back after a moment, and Ella gleefully took note of the way Wanda blushed in the aftermath.

"Don't smudge your makeup," Wanda chided, though still looking too pleased and embarrassed for her admonishment to really hit home. "And... you're welcome. Have fun tonight."

"I truly hope I shall," Ella said, allowing herself another spin. "At the very least, I have had the chance to feel like a princess."

"Let's hope there's more of that to come," Wanda murmured.


"Nothing. Out we go, your carriage is here."

Wanda led Ella outside. There was indeed a carriage waiting, and the two young men standing at attention both fairly gaped at the sight of Ella emerging. It was gratifying and confidence-boosting in ways that she didn't ordinarily feel, other than with her Kit, of course.

Actually getting sat down inside with anything like a sense of dignity intact was a challenge Ella hadn't prepared for, but with some rearranging and some final aid from Wanda, she managed it.

"Look after Gus Gus for me, won't you?" Ella said, poking her head back out the window once the door was closed. "I'm afraid I left him in your shop."

"Of course I will. He seems a well-behaved little fellow."

"He is. Especially if you feed him. He'll love you forever." Ella bit her lip. "Thank you again for everything. You've been so wonderful."

"You're welcome. Best of luck, my dear girl," Wanda called, waving her off as the horses started moving. "Oh, and this is important, I almost forgot. You must leave at midnight!"

"At midnight?"

"Yes. On the very stroke of it, is possible. It's more dramatic that way."

"I don't understand, but I shall do my best!"

Ella gave a last wave back, then tried to settle herself and remain calm. A practical impossibility, as it happened. There was too much to think about, even without the last cryptic instruction from Wanda. She was going to the palace, with all the societal pitfalls that entailed. With time alone, no longer being dressed and made presentable, being tugged this way and that, Ella had such a backlog of worries to creep on her. She spent the first part of her trip sinking into slow, existential despair after the high of being dressed like a princess.

The jostling of the carriage was a blessing in disguise, as it kept shifting Ella and her butt plug around, and slowly brought all her attention to that area of her body. It meant that she was distracted, and the woe that threatened to consume her was held off in favour of something more physical. She didn't even realize they were approaching the end of the journey until they'd fully come to a stop.

She had to quickly paint a face of pristine calm over her expression, hiding the way her eyes had been slightly rolling back and her lips hanging open. This was no time to succumb to anal fun, she had more urgent matters, such as for instance doing her level best not to immediately embarrass herself.

The panic she'd inadvertently suppressed returned in a slow creep and a tightening of her chest. The more she looked around at the surroundings, the attendants, and especially the other guests, the more out of place she felt.

Her saving grace was that no one treated her as not belonging. So used was she to being sneered at by anyone with any social status at all that it was a surreal experience for Ella to be grandly guided inside the palace just like any of the other fancy guests.

Her bravery ended at a point where she found a loud but dignified man announcing the arrivals just at the entrance to ballroom itself. Ella could not, and indeed would not, subject herself to being the centre of attention to anywhere near that extent. Unsure what else to do, she moved nearer one of the omnipresent attendants in immaculate suits.

"Would it be entirely improper to enter more discreetly?" Ella asked in a low voice. "Does one need to be announced or is there perhaps a more subtle way in?"

The attendant studied Ella intently, and she feared she'd made a terrible blunder in trying to avoid attention. She was just about to apologize and rush off when the man gave her a small smile and gestured to a slightly different path from where most guests were headed.

"You must be she," he said as he led Ella to a side door.

"Um... I suppose perhaps?" Ella said, floundering at the statement. "I am a she, certainly."

Fortunately, she didn't have to try any more uncertain conversation, as she made it inside the ballroom, safely on the outskirts of the whole affair, and no more needed to be said.

"Thank you," she said, just before the attendant closed the door behind her.

He gave a simple nod, then was gone.

Ella took a deep breath, then started moving. The large crowd in front of her was daunting, but at least had the happy side effect that there were so many people in one place that she really couldn't be the object of much attention at all.

A few murmurs seemed to follow her all the same as she drifted through the room, making her way toward the centre, but carefully staying out of any actual focal points. Somewhere about midway into the press of people suited her. Somewhere she could look for Kit without accidentally stumbling into any place of importance.

Somewhat worrying was how difficult he was going to be to locate, Ella realized. There were too many people, and too much space to cover. If only she'd arrived when she was meant to, they could have been together right from the start and there'd be no need of bumbling about like this.

"Where is that boy?" she muttered to herself. "He's got to be here somewhere, even if he thought I wasn't coming. And surely he'd believe in me to show up. Fate is on our side, after all."

Her self-encouragement was only somewhat successful, but still she pressed on. The reality was that Ella had to keep moving. It would only be worse to be standing still alone, and perhaps worse still if anyone tried to converse with her. They'd probably realize straight away she didn't belong.

"This butt plug isn't helping anything either," she continued under her breath, though the askance way one lady glanced at her made Ella wonder if it had been as quiet as she'd meant. "Well come on, Wanda. Where's the Narrative now, huh? Where is he?"

Trumpets sounding startled Ella. Luckily everyone turned to look toward the far end of the room, so her fright wasn't particularly noted. She vaguely made note that someone of great import had arrived, and the general murmuring around her seemed to confirm it. The prince, she thought, though she really couldn't be bothered one way or another.

It was getting harder to keep circling the room, as most everyone was else was busy standing still and staring, with the occasional whispers to nearby companions. It was frustrating, and Ella wished everyone would just get on with whatever it is people were meant to be doing. Dancing, probably, if her understanding of grand balls was anything to go by.

Rather frightening was when Ella happened to glance toward the centre of the room again, and found that the crowd was parting. And not just parting, but actively opening up in her direction. It was most likely a coincidence of some sort, but it wasn't helping matters. If anything the press of people directly around her was only increasing as everyone tried to get out of the way.

"This is not going well," she whispered to herself.

In fact, it was going very badly. At the rate the crowd was moving, space was going to be opening up directly upon her. Which would be helpful for movement, but clearly something was catching people's attention too, and she didn't want to be caught up in whatever it was.

Unfortunately, there was nowhere to go. Ella was stuck, and had to just give in and stand where she was. She pasted a smile on her face, and hoped that whatever was happening would pass her by quickly.

Then, in a moment that absolutely dumbfounded Ella, the last of the crowd in front of her parted, and there was Kit. Her Kit, looking cute and regal and... well, downright handsome, in fact. The most dashingly presentable she'd ever seen him, and far fancier than she was used to.

"There you are," he said, beaming a smile. "Thank goodness. You didn't show up earlier, but I hoped you still would, and then finally one of my men said you were here, and...." He hesitated as his eyes moved down her dress and widened as he took in the sight of her. "Ella...."


"I thought you assured me you were only a poor village girl." Kit's eyes returned to hers, and a small, sly smile graced his lips. "You've always got new secrets, haven't you?"

He extended his hand, and Ella took it automatically. Everyone was staring, and she truly hoped that Kit would drag her away.

"I've got secrets?" she hissed. "What about you? Why is everyone staring at you? And me now, thanks so much."

"Ah, well, you know how it is with royal entrances."

"I really don't. What's a royal entrance?"

"You know. When--"

There was a loud tapping across the room, then a voice ringing out.

"The prince and his chosen partner will now open the dance!"

Kit shrugged, smiling a little guiltily, and led Ella toward the cleared middle of the floor.


"I am sorry about this part," he whispered. "But it won't be so bad. You'll see."

"Kit?! That man said the prince!"

"I heard."

"You aren't the prince!"

"I'm afraid I am."

"We can't...." Ella stopped short. "You are?"

"I am. Keep moving, that's the only way to get through these things. Trust me."

"You've been a prince this whole time?" Ella squeaked.

"I'm afraid so," Kit said. "Ever since I was born, I believe."

"You might have warned me."

"I might have, sure, but then you wouldn't have come."

"That's... possibly true. But all those times in the woods you never told me either!"

Kit turned back to face Ella, placing his hand on hers, and his other on her lower back. Dancing posture, as he'd taught her. "We have to start dancing now," he said. "Or we'll really draw attention."

"Every single person in here is staring at us," Ella pointed out, feeling her cheeks warm as her words forced her to acknowledge the fact as well. "We couldn't possibly draw more attention."

"Yes, but it would be different attention. Right now we're just the prince and a girl he's chosen to dance with. Lots of jealous ladies out there at the moment, but no one's really looking at you."

"Yes they are!"

"They're looking in your direction. Seeing the dress and the jewels and all. But they aren't looking at you the way you think. Now come on, follow me."

Ella put her other hand on Kit's shoulder just before he set off on a curved path around the dance floor. She could only be thankful for his lessons, or she would have been totally lost. It was very, very different dancing nakedly together while alone to what they were doing now. Much more formal in many respects, but the basic process of just trying to follow him as gracefully as possible remained the same.

The interesting and fortunate thing was that the dancing actually helped. It gave Ella something to think about other than how self-conscious she was, and the more they danced the more Kit led her in ways that made her dress flare out most exquisitely, and reminded her of how elegant and special she appeared, even if it was but a pretense for the night.

Still, he was a prince, as it turned out, and she felt like she could be a princess in a certain light. And oh how she loved this dress though.

"Better?" Kit asked after a time.

"I am, actually," Ella said. "Just keep me moving, it's helping."

"It does rather, doesn't it. Here, I'm going to try some fancier moves. Just go with me."

"Don't get fancier!"

"Even if it would mean spinning more?"

Ella bit her lip. "I do like spinning in this dress."

"I was getting that sense."

Ella had to restrain herself from laughing out loud as Kit spun and twirled her, sometimes lifting her right off the ground and whirling her about. She felt magical and light as a feather. Her cares washed off her, and she fell into the moment in ways she wouldn't have dreamed possible under the circumstances.

It helped too that other people had finally joined in the dancing, and it wasn't just the two of them sharing a lone spotlight in a massive, crowded room.

It made Kit happy to make Ella happy. She watched the smile stretched across his face, and the way he beamed at every joyous reaction from her. She let go of a little more restraint and just enjoyed herself, allowing them both to seize the beauty of their time together and not worry so much about the practicalities of it.

"You know I must ask," Kit said. "But I had a dress and everything ready for you, and yet you show up in an even more magnificent outfit, sparkling with gemstones. Are you secretly a princess of a nearby land?"

"Haha, no, silly."

"Only it would rather help matters if you were."

"I am still not, I'm afraid. I just have a wonderful fairy domme-mother."

Kit tilted his head. "Did you say godmother?"

"I really didn't."


"But you may thank her for the scandalous amount of cleavage I have at the moment, if you meet some day."

"I'm rather enjoying it," Kit confessed.

"Yes, I can tell."

He grinned impishly. "My apologies. Most ungentlemanly of me to keep peeking."

"That's alright," Ella said. "I would seem most unladylike as well if you knew the size of the butt plug I was wearing tonight."

Kit groaned. "Don't tell me that just now. I still need to keep my dignity a while longer. Though I admit it explains the way you are moving a bit oddly."

"Perhaps you'll see it later," Ella teased.

He groaned again, then started twirling her even more vigorously than before. It was a clear attempt to stop her saying things that would arouse him, but she was happy to be bribed in such fashion.

It might have just been a trick of some kind, a trick that Ella couldn't explain, but the longer she and Kit danced together, the more she felt she belonged. She'd come to the ball knowing she was sneaking in and that she wasn't the right sort of person to be attending, and now that was all thrown into question.

Her outward passing as a lady of means and dignity was helping, but more so the cozy feeling of being with Kit, being socially protected by him, and the fact that no one had challenged her right to be so close with the prince himself of all people. She could belong somewhere so fancy, and she could even enjoy herself.

Temporarily, of course, she had to remind herself. This was all a magical, fairy tale night. It was no guarantee of tomorrow, or any day after. But for now it was marvelous.

They danced together long enough that time blurred for Ella. Everything blurred a little, in fact. She knew there was still a large, crowded room around them, but her whole world narrowed in on just her and Kit. That was how he made her feel, like she was safe, and that they were the only two that mattered.

"I still prefer dancing alone with you," she said, as the tempo of music slowed enough to allow closer conversation. "But this is still quite lovely, isn't it?"

"I very much think so," Kit agreed. "I'm sorry for tricking you here, but it has made me ever so happy to have you to dance with tonight. I should have been forced to spend this time with other women otherwise."

"Well I shouldn't care for that," Ella said.

Kit grinned. "Yes, precisely."

Ella flicked her head in apparent nonchalance. "And I suppose it is acceptable that you are a prince and all."

He grinned wider. "I'm so glad it meets your approval."

"Don't get too happy. I still liked you better as just Kit, the boy in the woods."

"I understand entirely. I prefer me that way too." He sneaked a caress of her cheek, though they'd both been doing their very best to keep their hands and faces at proper positions while their were so many observers about. "And dare I say, as beautiful as you look tonight in all your finery, I'm not yet sure that you compare to Ella, the girl in the woods."

Ella smirked. "That's only because of how much easier it was to get my clothes off out there."

"Ah, you wound me." Kit clasped a hand to his chest. "It is only partly because of that, I assure you."

"Hehe, stop, you'll make me laugh acting like that. I'm pretty sure we're not meant to be so frivolous at this ball."

"That's another thing," Kit said. "I prefer being able to make you laugh, and to enjoy ourselves as we wish." He sighed. "You don't know how happy I have been to have someone to do those things with."

"I think I do, actually. You have made me so happy this last while."

"Then I am glad of it." Kit bit his lip. "Are you truly wearing a large butt plug even to an event such as this?"

"Of course," Ella said, fluttering her eyelashes. "Would you like to see it?"

"I would, but obviously not just here, as you're implying. I was only thinking that perhaps you might like to take a walk with me? Somewhere more private?"

Ella's heart skipped a beat. "I should very much like that. Somewhere private enough you can verify what I'm wearing tonight, other than this dress, I assume."

"Something like that." Kit had a horny look in his eyes. "I confess dancing with you has me in the mood for some different kinds of fun."

"Unf, good, because it has done the same to me," Ella confessed. "I thought it was being naked with you that got me going, but we have never been so clothed, and still I find myself far too horny."

"And you don't think that's the toy in your bum?"

"That helps, certainly, but it is mainly you," Ella said, staring deep into Kit's eyes as she spoke.

As she hoped, it made him blush slightly and even look away for a moment.
