All Comments on 'Extending the MILF List Ch. 22'

by Contrasting

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tizwickytizwickyover 5 years ago
That was a Long Wait

That was a great chapter but not a clear ending. Is there more to come ?

Gryphon1321Gryphon1321over 5 years ago

I've enjoyed reading all of this series and am really glad you continued it was beginning to think you might not come back to it. I hope to see more from you even if its not this series i love your sense of humor and look forward to reading more of your stories. Thanks again

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
welcome back

i have been longing to get back to this especially when you said about some sort of climax in the coming chapter. will have to go back to chapter 1 though... bless u

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Did he get his own mother back yet? I'm still not bothering unless he does. Never made any sense to ship her off in such a lame way.

ContrastingContrastingover 5 years agoAuthor
From Contrasting

The two questions most asked, is Cecilia returning and is there more to the story to cum...come...yes and yes. Change is coming. If this episode does not make it seem like I have utterly lost the muse, the next one should put an end to extending the MILF List. Beyond that, it's up to the muse. -C

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Glad to see the muse has found you again

I was wondering how you'd get out of the spiral your story was caught in, and even though it's not a perfectly clean solution it's fine and more than I hoped for. And hopefully you will go on beyond this series with the story line, because your writing is one of the most enjoyable on this site, at least for me.

That being said, I wished Sonny had reacted a bit differently during and after the intervention. Namely to insist that the collar is not a communal thing, but that the ladies had leave to join in on the boys' idea if they wished to do so without any obligation and that he called Georgia and told her to fuck herself when he found out of her deal with Mr/Mrs Percival. I mean, he just had an intervention and she sets him up with another woman right after that? I'd be pissed to the high heavens and not do Mavis just out of spite.

But I'd have been pissed at the whole intervention thing in the first place. Half of the women Sonny had was because one of those present asked him for a favor or set him up, so this intervention is the equivalent of feeding someone 5 liters of ice cream every day and then telling him he became fat.

As I said, please go on and I'm looking forward for the next/last chapter.

Greetings, G

DakyneDakyneover 5 years ago
Here's to your Muse sticking around

Glad to see you back and in good form hoping that we won't have to wait quite as long for the next one. Keep up the good writes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Not everyone was privileged to acquire an education post high school such as I and some other readers. This precludes them from being able to understand the intended meaning of many of the unusual words included in these chapters. Sadly, the writer used many of these words incorrectly. Having a thesaurus which provides alternative words for one that would normally be used is fine as long as the new word selected is appropriate for where it will be used. As stated in a prior sentence, the writer fails badly in this endeavor. For someone who attempts to impress the readers with his knowledge of words he continually fails to properly use "then" and "than". There are numerous instances throughout these chapters (the entire sequence) where the writer jumps from one thought to another sometimes having the character perform one act and then in the same paragraph or following paragraph performs an act that would precede the first listed act. There are sex acts "performed" that demonstrate a lack of knowledge of real sexual activities. One such instance is having an anal virgin (especially teen and early twenty plus females) being fully penetrated with virtually no slow insertion to allow for the anal cavity to adjust to the penile size and stretching the anal cavity.

LibramLibramover 5 years ago

Wow bummer of a read at the end, hope this turns out better next chapter. I really like your writing style!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Don't castrate Sonny this way

So! Sonny is accused of being a sex addict by friends and family. They are totally wrong. Sure, he has fucked 49 women, and a young woman wants him to take her virginity when she feels ready. But there is one reason why Sonny has managed assemble 50 women in his pussy portfolio.

He is endowed with a special talent. He can bring any woman he comes across ecstatic sexual pleasure. That’s why his sisters fight over him, that’s why his MILFs surrendered to him. That’s the reason why businessmen, lawyers, husbands, sons have begged him for help when they face trouble with their woman. They have discovered his special talent and have more or less forced Sonny into a career as pleasure broker.

There is yet another reason why Sonny is so successful with women. He shares, and his women love him for it. In the age of the birth control pill woman are sexually liberated. It’s no longer enough for them to mate with one single partner. Sonny shares his women with other women, with their sons, with other sons and husbands, and with complete strangers. Whatever they fancy, Sonny delivers, thereby blowing traditional relationships to pieces. Instead he brokers something new where sexual freedom is an important ingredient in the mix.

By adding this essential ingredient into altering relationships he has saved or restored several marriages and the Wills family, the Rossinis and the Honeywells have Sonny to thank for the fact that they are back together albeit in modern open relationships that now encompass mistresses, aunts and uncles, sisters, sons and lovers. An in-house swinger group has been established. Sonny could have a successful career as a pro-active marriage counselor.

Quite a few women wear Sonny’s collars and they wear them with pride plus they use the collar to fend off unwanted suitors. They just tell them that Sonny is their master and that they can only have sex with others with his approval. They are protected against sexual predators privately and on their jobs.

Now a circle of motherfucking dickheads have staged a palace revolution. The ringleaders; Landon and Brent want to take ownership of Sonny’s women and turn into whores and prostitutes. They want to establish a MILF fuck house where the women will be sold over the counter as fuck meat. Of all Sonny’s friends Landon and Brent are the least likeable. They are suspicious, jealous and as it turns out, greedy.

They overlook one important fact: Sonny only owns his women’s pleasure. He does not own their bodies. He does not own their cunts. The real “owners” of Sonny’s pussy portfolio are the husbands, boyfriends, and businessmen like Sid Kingston, his associates and Borland Northcutt who are the majority “stock holders”.

I don’t think any of these people will be very happy to see their “property” turned into prostitutes. It could have serious repercussions on their business activities and probably damage their reputations beyond repair.

So the “business plan” of the motherfucking plotters is not only cynical. It’s stupid, ill conceived, amoral, immoral and criminal and virtually impossible to implement.

Larissa Honeywell thinks it will be possible to operate this planned prostitution ring in secret and whitewash the generated cash revenue in secret. Christ!! What planet does she come from? She is a senior partner in a respectable law firm for God’s Sake and so is her associate Ellen Collier. We are talking criminal activities here. She and Ellen could end up in prison and the law firm would go under.

These two sluts are already in serious trouble having provided advice and consent in connection with this criminal scheming. It is time for Sonny to put his foot down. He must immediately warn Kingston of this pending trouble and he must inform all concerned that he will have nothing what so ever to do with this ill-conceived ridiculous venture.

Should they proceed with their criminal plans; he must dissolve his pussy portfolio; demand the return of his collars and confine his future sexual activities to fucking D. Debra Hamilton and her mother until he has established his own new private and exclusive pussy portfolio. That won’t take long. There’s already a long list of women eagerly awaiting his call.

Castrating Sonny by taking away his pussy portfolio is a completely unrealistic solution. It will kill this story. There are many other ways to go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Was the entire day a set-up?

I could not figure what was going on during this entire chapter. Why as Jamie St. Vincent so calm when Sonny woke up? Why did Tammy call Sonny immediately after he hung up with Chilton? Was Jamie in the other room making calls while Sonny talked with Chilton? I don't think D. Debra or Dori we're in on the set-up since they were not at the "intervention.". Then Sonny never got his breakfast/brunch. This is a huge plot point. It sets up Sonny's later exhaustion. Add in the immediate demand by Tawny that Sonny deal with Debra and Sonny has become a tired plaything being manipulated by people who have no concern for him.

The resolution with D. Debra made sense, but what was with Dalia ordering Sonny to order Georgia to go down on Dalia everyday. That was jarring. Do Sonny's sisters see him as something to be manipulated and not as a person who deserves their love and affection? Dalia's order, added to Jamie's earlier calmness which Sonny never questioned and Tawny's conveniently timed morning phone call raised my hackles. At that point in the story I began to suspect something bad was going on under the surface. My suspicions began to want as Sonny showered with Debra and Dori, but then here it all went bad: as Sonny comes back into the room Tawny directs Sonny to his ringing phone. Tawny, suspiciously timed phone call, again. And Sonny had no time to eat because Ellen leads Sonny down a path using his concern for her that she is at the hospital. Sonny is a great guy and the schemers use that against him. As soon as Ellengets control of Sonny, my sense of forboding rose. She manipulates him into sex, again and again, but never feeds him. It is all manipulation. He goes along because he wants to help Ellen and Alissa, never suspecting that they care nothing for him and only for their money and careers.

By the car ride to his house I kept thinking, "Take care of him Ellen. Get him some food. Get him a shower. Get him a bed." Instead he walks in on that "intervention" tableau, each guy with a girl in his lap and nobody for Sonny. I stopped there and reread the story. Ellen had been talking on the phone and I realize those were coordination phone calls. Everyone knew what Ellen was doing to Sonny because Georgia knows that Sonny was set up with the 3 realtors. I wonder if she told Ellen to give her brother a break or if this is all part of an agreed upon plan. Next Dalia orders Ellen to stay. Of course Dalia does; she is in on the plot and wants things from Sonny. If she cared about Sonny she would have fed him and put him in bed. And Jamie is sitting with Georgia on his lap, why? He's not family, he's not a life long friend, why is he there with Georgia on his lap? And what's up with her skimpy outfit. Next, why the concern about Sonny missing classes for a week when Chris did the same when he built the rail and nobody "intervened" with Chris. Then, Sonny has done so many women that day, all at the instigation of Tawny and Ellen and Ellen makes that castigating comment about the inability of this absolutely exhausted Sonny to get it up. Vicious. Sonny eventually realized the true purpose of this "intervention," not to help him, but to mock him. After all what is up with Georgia accusing Sonny if having sex with every woman he meets. She knows about his leaving both Charm and Norma alone. Sonny has been having sex for this entire series almost entirely to help his friends and other people. And what is with Holly and her nasty comment? This was the.point where it was obvious these people cared nothing about Sonny. Nobody has given him a chair, a glass of water, a snack and none of the women sit on his lap or beside him to comfort him. Then when Landon begins talking, Georgia tells Sonny, "Fucking Sonny, shut up and listen," and Landon says, "I want to own every woman you have acquired," I wanted to puke: there it is. And the whole thing about "ownership", how many times did Sonny tell the women they could always give the necklaces back. He does not own them so they can become whores whenever they want. That is their choice, their live. So why do these so called "friends" of Sonny and their women, including his sister's, need Sonny. They are going to use him to seduce women to feed them into this prostition business. Why did Ellen have Sonny have sex with the realtors? To increase the stable of whores. What is the purpose of the.mansion? To be the whorehouse and the plotters have put Sonny up as the guy who bought the house if they ever get busted. And Jamie? Ellen has recruited them to be whores on the strength if their time with Sonny. And Sonny's mom? She is in on it. What is Annie's husband's business? Human trafficking and CiCi knew that. She knew the plot all along and that is why she skipped town. She loves Sonny and her daughters and she knew the plan to turn her daughters into whores and her son into a whore recruiter but it turns out she is the biggest whore if them all so when it comes down in the end she does what her pimp demands. That is the point if the cock coming into view and ending the.Skype session. We it was a way for the big pimp to let Sonny and CiCi know who is in charge. In his exhaustion, Sonny breaks, but the whole "go to the hotel" part tells you nobody cares about Sonny. If they did they would have put him to bed in his own room, but the group needs him gone so they can plan and have a little victory orgy. And Mavis being in his hotel room tells you exactly what Georgia thinks of Sonny: a piece of meat to use and manipulate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Cici Duncan

Ok i missed the part where Cici when to china. I am really curious if she is gone for the rest of her life or if she signed a six month contract ect. I just think she needs to come home and help stabilize Sonny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Did Contrasting begin the MILF series with a planned story arc or did he begin with nothing more than a premise (five guys seduce their mothers) and let the story develop on its own? Doesn't matter now. The story is coming to and end. Now we get to see how everything fits together. "Nothing is as it seems." Big clue.

1. Annie: Why does a wife of an international businessman/crime kingpin live in a small, unprotected house? If Sid wants her safe, shouldn't she have bodyguards?

Maybe she does. Chris Wills' dad is a corporate espionage/security expert, maybe even a mob enforcer. Maybe Anne lives next to the Wills for that reason. She also plays stupid but is cunning. She spies on the Wills and gathers secret information about each if the boy's families ("Anne Kingston loved secrets and having them" Making the MILF List #3). She blackmails Laura to get into the MILF list activities. For fun? I doubt it. Sure she enjoys herself, but now she has dirt on each family. Even more, she discovers Sonny's hidden talent, a charismatic ability to get women to throw away all sense of sexual restraint. She passes this information to Sid and the plan goes into effect. What plan? The plan to use a high class prostitution ring both to make money and to blackmail wealthy businessmen and powerful politicians. Sonny's ability to turn high class women to prostitution is the key to the plan.

2. Landon: "The guy who always came up with the ideas the rest of us would agree to." He is the one who instigated the MILF list from one of Sonny's off hand comments. What does Landon's dad do for a living? Is he a businessman​ blackmailed by Sid? Is he part of Sid's organization? Landon's fiancee Darlene is a high priced teen hooker whose dad has business dealings with one of Sid's associates. Did Darlene's dad have a down payment to make at that hotel bar or was it a blackmail payoff?

3. Brett and Sammy: Tony Rossini, Brett's dad, what's his job? Is he a mob enforcer? Are both married to the mob? What does Sam Honeywell, Sammy's dad, do for a living?

4. CiCi: I want to like her but I don't. She is a liar. She pushes Sonny to seduce her friends and advises him on how to do it. She helps Annie blackmail Laura (Making the MILF List #3). She pretends to be drunk ("Mom spoke the last word perfectly which called into doubt her degree of drunkenness since drunklish does not come and go like that, usually."). She lies about Charm seducing her. She lies about when she will leave for China. Sonny's dad died in a private plane crash. Accident or murder? What is with the "lothario" who lived with CiCi after her husband died? Why did the "lothario" leave ("Then, he disappeared and Mom never volunteered the reason . . . Mom got a notice to surrender his belongings to officials from the Federal Government and that was that. She did not discuss it." from Sharing the MILF List #1). CiCi is no innocent. She is a deceiver, a schemers and may have been a prostitute herself when she was younger.

5. Sid: Crime Lord. Annie collects info then recommends plans to Sid. When she tells him about Sonny's talent, Sid rushes back from China, "catches" Sonny with Annie, threatens Sonny to make him compliant, dangles a job in Sonny's face to make him cooperative and then just somehow confides to this kid that he needs a new lawyer. Isn't it such a coincidence that Sonny knows Alissa? Why? Law firms can use lawyer-client priveledge to cover criminal activities, including money laundering (think the movie The Firm). Sid uses Sonny to take control of Alissa, and through her the law firm.

5. Ellen, Candace and Xavia at the hospital: "If you select [a house] she will move herself and her daughter here and you will own her and by owning her, own her daughter." Sonny is baffled. Then he has sex with Candace and the nurse. When the nurse leaves, Ellen begins talking "Her voice trailed off as though she was considering what she had done. I had no doubt this was all her idea. I just could not imagine what she was thinking or why she did it. The devious little cunt wasn't going to clue me in either." Then Candace said, "I will be sure you can have my daughter . . . and me . . . anytime you like." She tittered like there was a punchline to a joke somewhere. I was in the dark though." The punchline is that Candace knows she and her daughter have just agreed to become high priced hookers, but she will always schedule time for Sonny. Ellen knows this. Sonny is in the dark.

8. Car ride to first house: "Ellen talked like she knew what was going on, or more to the point, like I did and I certainly didn't. I definitely had the feeling that something was happening that I could not quite get my mind around." The entire car ride reveals that Ellen is in on something that has been deliberately hidden from Sonny, perhaps after he mentioned to Hassum that he had no intention of making money off the women he loved. Yet Ellen assumes Sonny has figured it out ("Are you fucking dense? Are you no smarter than a potato with fewer eyes? Fuck me, do I have to explain everything to you?") He isn't stupid, he is just a trusting, essentially good guy and Ellen has utter contempt for him and that quality about him. She uses him.

9. Orgy at Sonny's house: Contrasting doesn't say it, but there is obviously going to be an orgy at Sonny's house after he leaves for the hotel. Each guy had brought a woman or two, just like the previous orgy at Sonny's house. Georgia brought Jamie. Who is Holly with, the other sisters? Sonny? He is most definitely not invited. In fact, now that the plan is nearing completion the group can discard Sonny. He is sent packing to a hotel to service a woman at Georgia's command.

10. "Nothing is as it seems." Sonny is a good guy who genuinely cares for people. We assumed all along that the story was about a good guy who becomes a horndog (great with women), but remains a guy with a good heart. The real story may be about a bunch of corrupt and evil people who are not what they seem, from Sonny's mother, to his sister's, his friends and their families. Naive and caring Sonny loves his friends, family and enjoys more than anything helping other people have a good time. And those people used his naivitie to betray and use him.

So Contrasting, how will you end this? Will Sonny come out mature and enlightened, but still the good guy or will this experience warp and damage him? Please don't do that. Make him like the Doctor Who episode Time Lord Victorious and give Sonny someone who will be there for him to keep him true to himself. Also adding in a few flashback scenes would work well to fill in the details if the bigger picture, such as CiCi's motivations, etc., would be fantastic. Looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Certainly compelling reading and a change of tack, refreshing and a new beginning for some. Looking forward to the next installment with maybe some new characters making an appearance ?? Enjoy your writing and it speaks volumes about you, so here's to the muse staying with you for a long time.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What was that last part all about? If I was Sonny I would have asked Ellen, Have a boyfriend? Yes? That guy over there? Yes? Go fuck him. Then I would have told Annie, If Sid wants me to fuck someone tell him my Mommy said no. Then I would say to Alissa, you know that whole partnership and sex thing? I guess you're on your own now. Then I'd tell Jamie, go pick up your Mom and sister, I can't own them anymore because this whole group says so. Better take them home. Now I'm going to bed, I have school tomorrow. Oh, you want me to go to a hotel? Nope. I'm here. My beds here. See you tomorrow.

Why didn't Sonny do that?

ishtatishtatover 5 years ago
Good that you are back.

Although extensive, this chapter read more as a signpost to the end rather than the end itself. But. No-one but Contrasting can see what is on the signpost. The detailed comments clearly reveal the deep interest of many readers but I reckon most of us will guess wrong. I remain convinced that the most important relationships are Sonny and his friends, and I include his sisters and mum as friends. All the other women are, however delightful, also expendable. All the friends have faults but it is the flaws that make them interesting; Landon too controlling, Brett un-trusting, Sammy childish (but improving) Chris weak but much improved. Georgia is selfish, Tawney immature, Dalia , hmm difficult to assess - as stand in mum, and Cici tells lies. I hope that C can sort it out, but that he resists the temptation to rush it.

These characters are so well developed that their future could be written in a succession (not a series ) of stories just concentrating on no more than one or two characters in each tale drawn from this vast cast.

Anyway I look forward to seeing how C handles it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Loved it.

Really good story. More of a testament to a downward spiral of a compulsive personality. I thought Sonny was more on top of every thing but anything can spiral out of control if we're not careful. Would like to see Sonny back in control.

tomjones100tomjones100over 5 years ago
Never Ending

Does Contrasting ever run out of ideas? Will Sonny's dick fall off? Don't try this at home, kids! LOL. Remember, the MILF list started on August 25th 2012. That's when the first one was published.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Hey Poor

Welcome back Sonny Duncan. It appears you have found a muse once more. Thanks for those who have not reclaimed one. It does screw with ones head to lose "that Muse", does it not?

Hey Poor every heard of Wiktionary? It helps those of us who were not presented with that great education.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This has been a real treat to read. Very well thought out with some great twists in the story line. Keep it coming (pun intended)! Can't wait for the next installment.

JhobbykatJhobbykatover 5 years ago
Fukin Excellent

Just loved this series. Sonny is a “GOD”. Hope he continues to regale us with his exploits. Well done sir!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What a great chapter. What a great story.

This chapter made me go back and re-read large parts of the entire MILF series. What a great story! I am looking forward to the next chapter. I hope you eventually tie up many of the loose threads. I had forgotten about most because I read them years ago.

What is CiCi? I had forgotten about how you described CiCi's reaction to her husband's death (have lots of sex with a new lover) versus her reaction to what I presume was her lover's arrest (go into a prolonged sexless depression). I thought at the time you would come back to explain that, but you never did and over the years I forgot about it. I also remember wondering if you intended for Sonny and his sisters to have different fathers. I also wondered just how these five very different guys all became such good friends. They all live in widely separated parts of town. So how could they have met in school? They would not have gone to the same school. Or were their parents friends? That is something I wondered about, but also forgot. And then a few other little thing: Why did the sisters insist on having dinner with Sonny downtown on Tuesday night? Why was Ellen holding Sonny's phone and how did she know it was out of power on Wednesday night? And of course other ones mentioned above: what is Sid Kingston's business? Why does Annie live in that house in that city? I would sure appreciate if you could somehow work in answers to those lingering questions before you wrap up this story.

I began reading this story years ago for the sex. I stuck around because of Sonny. He is an appealing character. As Ishtat said in a comment to a previous chapter, Sonny is the prototypical best mate. But over the years I have come to appreciate your attention to detail, the complexity of the plot and your finely drawn characters, most with distinct personalities and motivations. At times I feel you have approached a Dickensian level to serialized stories. I thoroughly look forward to the next chapter and I hope you tie up some of the loose ends as well as answer questions such as what was Annie doing with Chris on Sunday night? Sonny ordered her to stay away from the Wills on Tuesday. What was Sean going to tell Sonny the previous Saturday and why was the intervention so confrontational? I have some experience with interventions. They come in basically two styles: gentle or confrontational. Gentle interventions happen when everyone gets along. It can be as informal as a couple guys asking their buddy if he actually wants to stick with that girl because she is hurting him. Then you back off and let your buddy know you are okay with whatever he decides. The second way is hostile, confrontational and usually includes profanity, accusations, and threats. That's when someone's behavior is damaging relationships and hurting other people. I would have expected a gentle intervention. Sonny got a confrontational intervention. I am looking forward to finding out exactly what was going on at the end of this chapter and why it was so confrontational. And why, if they cared enough to intervene, nobody gave Sonny anything to eat? Regardless, keep up the good work. You have managed to surprise and delight me with this story for years. I look forward to reading whatever you decide to add to it in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Publish it

The quality of this

work is far better than anything I can buy on my kindle or in hard copy (since BeeLine Press disapeared). I would not be the only one who would buy a copy even after having read the installments hear.

How would our hapless hero and his team cope once the mothers decided they wanted their daughters pregnant? How far would the mothers go to get what they wanted and how competative or cooperative would they be with each other to get it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Sonny went to class Monday, Tuesday and had a midterm Thursday. He skipped Wednesday and Friday. A guy at university missing two days of classes one week. Nobody would even notice that in the real world. I'm confused why this even came up in the intervention. I second the idea on publishing the entire MILF series as one book. You could fix the name confusion Brent/Brett, Alissa/Alyssa, and all the husbands' names being Tony in the early chapters. Plus you could smooth out the plot. Like the whole missing two days of class being a big deal. Rework or add material based on how the story turned out. I'd buy a copy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Where's Ahmay?

I love how you manage to follow up on many of the subplots, but I'd love to see a conclusion to the Ahmay arc. Looking forward to future instalments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Just as Sonny's victory involving Debra and a 'coup' at home?Love to see how a now more dominant Sonny will dealt with this in next chapter, it is such a long wait I have gone over the whole series again, best writing in the whole site I would say. And if you gonna mention Debra's cousin(Doreen's daughter I assume) then plz arrange a gathering for all four of Hamilton ladies with Sonny

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Need this series to go on and close all the loops

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Turned into a waste of time

After that ending, and with it looking like he is never going to continue the story I wish I had never read this series. It started out so strong and then he turned Sonny into a pussy once D. Debra entered the picture. His mother lost any right to day anything when she ran off to China, his friends and sisters have betrayed him, and the MILFs think they can go it alone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Too good a story to be left unfinished

This story has the best character development I've seen in Literotica,please say there will be more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I did not

like the first 5 pages of this last chapter. As much as I found the "girlfriend" to be totally obnoxious, the manner in which he chose to use domination and subdue her was childish at best.

There are many comments throughout these stories that take me back a number of decades. Right at the moment I cannot remember but one, "Fucking A", but those comments did bring back memories of past "encounters".

I agree that there should be more to these stories to bring about a more complete ending.

The author should be commended on the quality of his works. Not only are the stories well thought out, but there is definitely care into the quality of the grammar, spelling and other areas of the works. There are many stories by this author, but unlike many who simply type words on the screen and assume that makes them and author or those who think that quantity equals quality, this author provides both. He is proud of his writing and his stories prove that fact.

I do disagree with his use of religious words and terms as there is no true justification for their use in pornographic stories and many other words that can be utilized in their stead. When I encounter their use, I have found it necessary to reread the sentences and ignore those words and terms that I find have been use offensively.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I hate seeing good people shit on. That's what disappointed me; no, that's what hurt reading this chapter. Sonny got shit on. He is a good guy and deserved better. It's been well over a year and no new chapters. I guess this is the end of the story. Just wish Sonny had ended up happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I must say this entire story had me riveted. The Blisters The MILFS the additional women are fantastic.

It was so good i was envisioning the faces to movies stars.Nova, Tawney and Dalia one should purposely get pregnant and Mrs Willis should move in.

Please tell me this story isn't over. Sonny is one interesting and brilliant dude, with the stamina of an elephant.....

Bigpat55Bigpat55over 4 years ago

Liked the series but the last few chapters seemed as if he was sick of writing the series and wrote an ending that is totally out of character for mr duncan and i really wish this story series would have continued in a better direction like empowering his friends to take ownership of the milf list and the transition of sonny focusing on his gf and school more and in his spair time maybe visiting China and interviewing the assistant for his job and taking the black girls v card finally.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good story

Very intertaining untill this chapter sonny got ripped off no trade or anything and what happened to ahmay she basicly gets droped out of the story and everyone got something in the end but sonny

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Excellent story. There are far too many loose ends to leave it at this. Ahmay, D Debra, Annie's niece. Not withstanding Sid and his mom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
If you can!!

In need of true ending for the fuck guru!! Was disappointed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
More plz

Love the dynamics and tension between your characters, and how passion and lust reshaped relations between mother and son, mother and daughter, bro and sis ,sisters. Hope more to come, and maybe some more family gathering? like Duncan women together or Laura and her SILs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I can't help feeling there is a twist,and an extension of the series in the offing

Interesting that we are all losing our shit over a fictional character/series, but I guess that's what we do when we invest in a series of this length. Anyway - I read the whole thing during lockdown and can't help thinking there is more. No idea if notifications go back to all responders because I would be interested if anyone has similar thoughts.

What I am hoping is that everything in this last chapter turns out to be a dream. Certainly everything that 'happened' on this final day was something that worried Sonny to some degree and it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility that his subconscious could invent this, particularly in the state of exhaustion that he was in.

He was worried that people were using him (Ellen possibly, and others).

He was worried about the future dynamics between DD and his sisters - which I think his dream resolves, which is why DD wasn't present at the 'intervention', it makes no sense her not being there.

He was concerned maybe that Sam might force Alissa to remove her collar (I think), but that also might be the reason for Melissa to be there - she was less emotionally involved - but he still wanted them to have the chance to resolve things.

He was worried about his best friends, particularly Landon with Darlene.

He was worried that his mother wouldn't be there for him if he needed (the cock appearing in the Skype is nonsensical). Sid and his mother just wouldn't do that to him. Sid in particular has a lot invested in Sonny, and would be part of the conversation.

He was also worried about Jamie and that he would become a constant presence (even though the future dealings of his company and the law firm should preclude any future liaisons between him and Alissa. She certainly didn't seem to expect anything further) which is why he was present all through the episode, and Sonny inserted him with his sisters.

He absolutely knew himself that he couldn't keep all 'his' women happy, and he was more than prepared to share.

He was also concerned about his college work - he didn't need anyone to point that out and went out of his way more than once to make sure he was up to date. He was certainly not behind, he'd ensured that.

So....I see the future including - not necessarily in any order - waking up with Ellen, and getting her to arrange his own meeting, or maybe to find a gay or lesbian Ellen equivalent (since Ellen is tied up with everything), to help him out.

I wouldn't be surprised if something happens to Sid (not Cici's fault), which hands control of the company to Anne (not Annie), but as Sid possibly sees Sonny as some sort of son surrogate, also gives him some stake, perhaps with Cici to help him. This brings Cici back home to Sonny which helps control his sisters, but also helps him focus on the important people in his life. There is a comment in one of the earlier stories (I think when Sid calls Sonny to ask what happened in the limo) where Sonny ends the call with a 'talk to you later' and there is an offhand comment which says they later find that that never happens - it was an odd comment.

I can see Klein and Bickerstaff trying some sort of coup off the back of this with Sid out of the way, but this is where Sonny's new contacts - Borland, Hassan (maybe not the right name), Sam (maybe), Jeb (another maybe), who all owe Sonny to some degree - give him and Anne/Cici/Alissa all the help needed to see that off and give Alissa even more control of the company.

So I would see this series tying up some of the lose ends, Sonny handing out more collars, but also with those the power to control their own lives and sexual happiness (which is all Sonny wants really), whether that includes him or not - it only Alissa he really finds the thought of losing hard to take. And then finally getting things resolved between DD, his sisters and his mother. All I can say is that the joint stag do/bachelorette party is going to be wild!

Maybe I'm over thinking it (there are too many inconsistencies in the intervention for it to be true in my view), but hey, it's just my opinion.

So, Contrasting, please let us know one way or another.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
it's time... continue. forget the 'house' and pick up the loose ends and continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Screwed the Pooch

I treated this as sci-fi. I accepted that every woman introduced in the story wanted to be dominated/traded/sold/collared. I accepted that every woman in this story wanted to fuck their brother/sister/ father (all at the same time).

But you lost track of your own story. You introduced 50 (i'm guessing - was it 100?) women, so that I couldn't tell one from the other. You went on completely unnecessary tangents (Sean Favors, the car dealership, the multiple wives & daughters of the partners ...), while totally forgetting about important characters for 10 or more chapters.

Sister Dalia - wasted opportunity. D. Debra - totally unbelievable (even in your twisted universe).

Ahmay - you completely forgot about her.

You went off the rails, Sir. Too bad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Although seemingly unlikely by now, both this and the Fucking Investment series should be continued and be granted a finale worthy of their quality

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I agree! ! ! ! !

I certainly hope that you are still at least visiting here and seeing our comments. I really, really hope that you have just been uninspired or too busy in real life to continue both stories just as Anonymous suggested before me. I know how things can get in the way. I have had a writing project going for many months, even over a year, and just can't find the time to get it finished, re-edited, and posted. It's a multi-part tail that will appear in the Incest/Taboo grouping. I still haven't figured out how long it is going to be because I write to where the people involved lead me. Please take some time to let us know that you are still around and will sometime soon (I Hope) continue both stories to some kind of a conclusion. Sorry, having trouble with my keyboard - wouldn't let me sign in as me... I'm Zeke503.

Kavitha BaskarKavitha Baskaralmost 3 years ago

For Indians like us, these kind of taboo are new and extremely hot... Pl wrote more. Thanks for spending lot of your time and writing just to pleasures us... Thnx again...!

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