Driving Home for Christmas


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By the time he'd finished both women had red faces and soon found reasons to leave. I can honestly say that I'd never been prouder of him. Not because he was defending me but because he was standing up for what he believed to be right.

The inquest was all over in a day. The doctor confirmed that he had been treating Penny for depression and that the condition would impair her judgement. The mountain rescue leader told the coroner about the weather conditions and how easy it would have been for Penny to take the wrong path and put herself in danger. The coroner handed down a verdict of Death by Misadventure.

That Christmas was a quiet affair, with all of us feeling the empty space at the table. Of course little Harry running around and Alison's new bump took our minds off it to some extent. I felt that I was getting more attention than normal. When the time came for me to leave I understood why, both David and Phoebe came out to see me off. David gave me a big hug.

"Look after yourself Dad, I can't afford to lose you aswell."

"You've got no worries on that score." I told him

Phoebe got in on the act; she came up and took both my hands in hers. "What David means is that we know mum's death has hit you harder than you're letting on. I wish you weren't living so far away, all on your own."

"I'm not on my own; I've got Bonnie to keep me company."

"Dad, you know what I mean. Promise me you'll consider moving back here. I'd feel a lot happier having you around and young Harry loves his grandpa."

I promised I would look into it, and set off. Bonnie was delighted to see me, and I spent New Year at the Black Lion, among my friends. Molly seemed to be spending more time with me. Nothing untoward she still remained faithful to her husband but she often came around to see me just for a chat. I found myself spending more time in the pub. I put on a little weight but at least I wasn't lonely.

It was late March when I got the call that was to change my life again. I'd just got back from walking Bonnie on a Saturday morning. The phone was ringing when I walked through the door. I picked it up expecting to hear Phoebe's voice. Instead I got the upper class tones of Lady Caroline.

"Drew, I'm so glad I caught you. Can I say first of all how sorry I am to hear about your loss?"

"You certainly can say it Caroline, in fact I think you just did. But you didn't call me just to say that. What can I do for you Caroline?"

"Still the same old Drew; straight to the point as usual. Yes you're right I have got a favour to ask. When are your Easter Holidays and have you got plans?"

"Well term finishes on Friday, and I'm supposed to be spending a week with David."

"Oh good, I wonder, could I ask you to do me a favour in the other week. You remember you said that the houses at Oituz needed insulating well? Well I've got a crew going out to do that this summer but we are also replacing the windows with new double glazed uPVC framed ones."

"So that's in the summer what do you want now."

"All the windows are being made to order here, but the manufacturers don't believe the measurements we gave them, no two windows are the same."

"Come on Caroline, this is rural Romania we're talking about, It's highly likely that no two windows are the same. No such thing as standardisation out there."

"Yes, Yes, I know all of that, but I need someone I can trust to verify the measurements. I'll pay all your expenses I just need you to fly in check all the measurements and come back. I'll have someone pick you up at Adjud. Can you do it Drew?"

"Yes, I can do it, if it would help you out."

"Oh thank you Drew. I knew I could depend on you."

The tickets arrived on Wednesday morning and by Saturday morning I was winging my way to Bucharest. At 8.45 PM I got off the train at Adjud. I walked into the station building and put my bag down and looked around me. I didn't see anyone I recognised so sat down and waited.

"Get your shit together soldier; it's time to move out."

Her voice delighted me just as it always had. I got to my feet grabbed my bag and turned to face her.

"Hello Drew, how are you?"

"Sephie! Are you a site for sore eyes?"

She wrapped her arms around me and gave me kiss on the lips followed by a warm hug. "God it's good to see you Drew. Come on. The Land Rover is outside let's get you to Oituz, and into a bed."

I grinned and she slapped my arm. "You know what I mean."

We got in the Land Rover and set off. I watched her as she drove. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was different. She had a sadness about her. We chatted about how things were in Oituz, and what I was sent out to do. I hadn't eaten since getting off the plane, and my stomach was rumbling.

"Is the pizzeria still open in Onesti? I'm starving."

"Yes I think so, do you want to stop?"

"Only if you'll eat and have a beer with me."

She reached out and squeezed my hand. "You know I've always got time for you."

Once in the pizzeria we ordered our food and sat down with a beer. I sat and watched her.

"What's up Seph? Why are you here?"

"What makes you think something is wrong?"

"I'm looking at you, wondering where the brightness has gone. Last time I saw you, you were bright eyed and full of life. Now I see someone who looks on the verge of tears. Something's wrong, and I think you need to talk to someone, so here I am."

She started to cry. "Why do we do it Drew? Why do we trust them so much? You've been there, tell me why. Do we have fool tattooed on our foreheads?"

I put my arm around her and let her cry on my shoulder. Our food arrived and I managed to calm her down. She agreed to try and eat something and talk to me afterwards. I'd obviously opened the floodgate because I hadn't got half way through my meal when she started to talk.

"He was sent to Helmand, Clifford, my husband. Things hadn't been right for a while and I thought maybe the time apart might do us good. He used to email me telling me how much he missed me, and I missed him. I got the chance to fly out on a transport to spend a weekend with him and I grabbed it with both hands. I thought it would be a wonderful surprise for him. It turned out to be a shock for both of us."

"Oh dear, I've got a nasty feeling that I know where this is going."

"I doubt that you do, not completely anyway. When I got there it was quite late, and I was led to his quarters. I walked in on them Drew. Clifford and a sergeant nurse locked in a sixty nine. I didn't know what to do I just screamed."

"Oh my God, tell me it wasn't Jackie."

"No it wasn't Jackie it was much worse that that. It was a man, a male nurse. All of a sudden all our problems were explained. He's gay Drew and I never knew. How could I not know?"

"Because they hide it well. He probably couldn't even admit it to himself. What did you do?"

"I got back on the transport and went back to Germany. Now I'm confused. What am I going to do Drew?"

"Marry me." I said


"Marry me. You asked me what you should do, and I told you. You should marry me."

"Are you serious? It's all rather sudden isn't it?"

"Not for me it's not. I was on my way to Catterick to ask you to marry me, when you called to say you were in Germany. For me it's not sudden at all, it's years later than it should have been."

She sat back in her chair. "Wow! Now that is something. Why have you never said anything?"

"I thought you'd made up your mind to move on. You seemed to be somewhat distant when I Skyped you later."

"And I thought I'd dropped big enough hints that I was looking for commitment from you, and you walked away from it."

"That's pretty much what Phoebe said. I was convinced you couldn't seriously be interested in an old fart like me. Phoebe asked if I loved you. When I said I did, she made me see that I had to ask you, but I was too late."

She reached out, took my hand and looked deeply into my eyes. "It was never too late for you, never. I even thought that might be what was wrong between Clifford and me. I was still in love with you."

"So is it still not too late?"

"No it's not, and if you're really asking, the answer the answer is yes."

I stood up catching the table as I did so. Crockery and glasses went flying as I reached to grab her arms. She also stood up and we leaned across the table and kissed. As we were locked in an embrace waitresses fussed around us picking up glass and china. Other diners just sat and after a few seconds started to applaud. When we broke the kiss a waitress stood beside us with her hand out.

"1,000 lieu for the glass and plate."

Sephie pulled out a 5,000 lieu note and held it out as she put an arm around me and kissed me again. The other diners were cheering and calling out as we parted.

"Have you finished eating?"

"Well, I've finished with the pizza, if that's what you mean."

She gave me a playful slap on the cheek. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"

"And that's why you love me."

"It could be."

Sephie paid the bill, and we ran out to the Land Rover. Suddenly it was difficult to keep my hands off of her but she fought me off as she drove.

"I'm not divorced yet Drew."

"So it's only a matter of time isn't it?"

"Yes, but it could take ages, you know what divorces are like."

"Yeah I do, but Clifford is going to go for a quickie divorce."

"How can you say that, you don't even know him?"

"True, but I know how much he'll want to keep his little secret. He'll let you have almost anything to keep your mouth shut."

"You know I wouldn't do that."

"Of course I do, but he can't be certain of it, and until the divorce is over we make sure it stays that way."

"I don't want to take him to the cleaners, Drew."

"I know you don't, but a little pressure can move things along a bit. Look I love you, I have for years. I never thought I'd get another chance, but now that I have I don't want to let it get away."

"I can't believe this is happening to me. This morning I was miserable and the only light at the end of the tunnel was that my friend was coming to see me. Tonight I'm high as a kite and looking forward to a new life."

We bounced along the road and got to Oituz around 10 PM. Mirella was the houseparent on duty in the house I was to sleep in. She kept looking at me as I stashed my stuff in the bedroom. Sephie came in to make sure I had everything I needed and then went back to the other house to sleep. After she left Mirella came to sit with me.

"You are well Domnul Drew?"

"Yes Mirella very well."

"Is good you are happy. Doamna Caroline said Doamna Penny is dead, yes?"

"Yes that's right Mirella, it was a tragic accident. She fell from a mountain path."

"I see, you are sad, yes?"

"I have been, very sad but I'm getting better."

"Doamna Percy she is helping you. Yes?"

I didn't answer her but I could see she wasn't going to stop.

"I think you help her. This morning she was..." Mirella used her hand to pull down the corners of her mouth and looked down at the carpeted floor. "She went to fetch you and she come back happy. You are like magic man."

"I don't think there is any magic going on."

"Oh, I think there is, with you too I think." She put her arm around me. "When you were here with Doamna Penny I noticed the way you looked at her; like she was very special. Tonight I see that look again when you look at Doamna Percy. I see it when she looks at you too. I am right, yes?"

"It's early days Mirella, but maybe."

She kissed my cheek. "I am very happy for you. I call her for breakfast tomorrow."

By midday the following day it became obvious that all the staff were playing cupid. We were being asked to take the children out on the mountain. We took the children for a Barbeque in Lepsa, where Sephie and I were able to slip away for walks. By the end of the week I'd got the measurements done and sent back to Caroline, and Sephie had made the decision to resign her commission and come to live with me in Ullswater. I flew back a happy man.

Phoebe met me at Gatwick and right away knew something had changed. When I told her, she was overjoyed. David was a bit more reticent.

"Are you sure about this Dad it all a bit quick?"

When I told him all about how I'd let her get away the first time. He relaxed a bit.

It took just three months for Sephie's divorce to be final. Clifford was anxious to keep his private life private, and accepted any deal Sephie put forward. She kept her word, and settled for half of their funds. Each of them kept their army pension. She had no problem finding a job in the health service. We were married within a week of her divorce being made absolute.


Noddy Holder was belting out Merry Christmas Everybody as we approached the Aylesham turnoff. I looked across at Percy.

"Next left then left again and pull off the road."


"You heard me woman, now do as you're told." I said with a big grin on my face.

"Ooh, so masterful. Yes sir, right away sir." she giggled.

When we pulled off the road she looked at me.

"Well, what's all this about?"

I grabbed hold of her pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. It was obvious that I had taken her completely by surprise. She started to push away then relaxed into it. When I pulled away from her she had a questioning look on her face.

"Wow! What brought that on?"

"Just me remembering how much I love you, and thinking about how much there is to look forward to."

"Well you can remember that as often as you like."

"I'm sorry; I've been bad company all through the journey. I've been sorting some memories and laying some ghosts."

"And have you laid them to rest?"

"Completely, and you know what? This is the first Christmas of the rest of my life, and I intend to enjoy it. Now, I know the way better than you so I'll drive the rest of the way."

We swapped positions and as I got back into the car Sephie reached out and stroked my cheek.

"It's good to have you back," she said"

"It's great to be back. Now if you want you can get on the phone and tell Alison we'll be there in quarter of an hour."

I started the engine and pulled back onto the road. Chris Rea was back on the radio and I started to sing along.

"I'm driving home for Christmas,"

Sephie joined in as we continued on our way.

"I can't wait to see those faces.

Driving home for Christmas, Yeah.

I'm moving down that line."

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AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

Just an AWFUL, AWFUL story. OK. The ex was a slut. We got page after page of details. But what Drew did was way over the top. He basically killed her by his actions. F Drew and F Percy, who the author called Penny which was dreadful. Just awful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The Odessey. Finally, Ulysses comes home. What a wonderful and fulfilling adventure. (Lady Caroline is his fairy godmother?)

Unome2Unome2about 2 months ago

What an absolute Joy! This has it all and a wonderful end.

Thank you for sharing a beautiful story!

funperson969funperson969about 2 months ago

A bit belabored and long, but I couldn't put it down. So, well done.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

This was an excellent and engaging story, I gave it a 5/5 but I really didn't LIKE it. In fact, I down right hated the ending. Having Drew and Penny move in together, even as FWB and then for her to die, and for him to be so... non-plussed by it... I lost all empathy for him and it transferred to Penny. It was a mistake I think on your part as the author. You should have made him break down and beg her to live, so they could have a second chance, have her smile and then pass away. Then he goes on to marry Sephie. It would have been an equally as sad and a happier ending I think than the one you presented to us.


I can't stress how important it is to not make us like the cheating wife if you're going to kill her off like she's rubbish. Maybe a lot of people won't care for Penny at the end, but a normal person, seeing how hard she fought to try to have a relationship with Drew and what she was willing to put up with and keep trying... it felt like she paid her penance for her sin. To have her die in an accident without having what she so desperately wanted was tragic - to have Drew react like she was just hot garbage... it ruined it.


Again, I want to say this is a 5/5 story, but I really do feel like you tanked the ending. There were so many ways to keep the basic structure intact without making the reader dislike Drew and feel like Penny got a bum rap (which is insane, after the nonsense she did). Like I said, a good story, but I didn't like it.

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