Driving Home for Christmas


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"So do I tell her no then? I'll hate myself for doing it but I will if that's what you want?"

"Tell her it's OK; just promise me no games of postman's knock."

She laughed at me. "It's a deal. You really are the best Dad."

After calling her mother and giving her the good news she came and sat beside me. "This is going to be the best Christmas for years. Thanks Dad."

The day itself went off well. David, Robert and I went to the pub for a drink before lunch. When we got back Penny was there and was getting stuck into the wine. Lunch was really good and by the time the Christmas pudding was finished, we were all bloated. I called David out to the kitchen to help me wash up.

"Your mother seems to be putting the wine away today; I don't remember her drinking like that before."

"She's changed in a lot of ways Dad. The happiest I've seen her in recent years was when she was caring for Gran, She's not the confident woman I grew up with. I'll tell you Dad if I ever meet that bastard again he'll wish he was never born."

"Can you do your old man a favour Son? Keep an eye on her. Don't let her make a fool of herself."

"Why? What do you expect her to do?"

"I don't know but I've never seen her drink like that I'm a bit worried about how it will affect her."

David agreed to help and he tried. Whenever he got her a drink it was always less than half a glass. On one occasion he had a brainwave and topped up the glass with sparkling water.

"What's this?" she asked him.

"It's a spritz." he said. "I thought it would remind you of Romania."

A look of anger flashed across her face before she got control again.

"I've no need to be reminded of Romania thank you. I'm reminded of it every morning."

As she got up and went to the kitchen to empty her drink away, David looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I just nodded as his mother returned with a full glass of wine. By the evening she was slurring her speech and was more than a little unsteady on her feet. She was sitting next to me as we played a game of charades when it happened.

"Ooh look you're under the mistletoe. I looked up but didn't get the chance to see anything as she locked her lips on mine and her tongue was trying to force its way into my mouth. I struggled a bit and managed to push her off me. As I tried to stand Phoebe who'd been trying to act out Catch 22 yelled at her.

"Mother what do you think your doing?"

"What? He's my husband can't a girl kiss her husband under the mistletoe?"

"Mum, He's not your husband anymore and there is no mistletoe."

I got up and went into the hall to get my coat. When I went back into the living room, Penny was in tears. Phoebe sat beside her holding her shoulders.

"I'm going out for a walk" I said "I need to work off some of that food"

Penny reached out to me. "Don't go Drew please don't leave me again. I love you, it's always been you. Don't leave me."

"Mother stop this" Phoebe said shaking her mother.

David followed me to the front door. "Try to get her to bed" I said "She can't drive home in that state. She probably thinks this is her home. Put her in my bed, I'll sleep on the sofa."

"It's alright Dad I'll take the Sofa."

"Listen to your father, I'll take the sofa tonight and leave for home in the morning."

Robert overheard the conversation. "I think Pheeb will be upset if you leave Drew. Can't you manage another day?"

"I'm sorry Bob, I don't see anyway out of this without upsetting someone. I thought we could just be friendly. She managed it at the funeral but she wasn't drinking then."

"I don't think she drinks that much normally."

"All the more reason for me not to be here when she gets up. She'll have a hell of a hang over and if she remembers, she'll be embarrassed if she sees me."

We left it at that and I settled down on the sofa to sleep. In the morning Phoebe got up early to ensure I didn't leave without saying goodbye.

She insisted on cooking me breakfast and even made me up some sandwiches for the journey.

"I'm sorry Dad. I never expected it to happen. I told her to be calm. I don't know what came over her."

"I think it was the amount of drink she had. David tried to restrict her, but it didn't work out."

"Do you really have to go Dad?"

"I think it's for the best, I hope you have a good day."


There is very little traffic on the road on Boxing Day. The occasional car full of football fans with scarves flying from the windows, but that was about it. I was home in just over six hours. In need of some company, I walked down to the pub. For an hour or two I unloaded all my problems on my friend, cleaning lady and occasional bed partner Molly. Having no family of her own Molly had volunteered to work over the holiday. The air had a real bite to it as we came out and started walking back to my place. Molly was in a thoughtful mood.

"Would it really have been so terrible just to kiss her? You loved her once, and I know there's still a place in your heart for her. What harm would it have done? It's not like you to run away like that."

"I don't know Molly. I think it was the surprise of it all. Besides I don't want her getting ideas, you know getting her hopes up."

"So you've come running up here to fuck my brains out. At least I hope that's what you've got planned."

"You can read me like a book, Molly my love."

"Figure of speech? The my love bit? --Don't bother to answer, I know it's true. I've been trying to work my way into your heart, but it's so crowded in there. I mean, I expected to find your kids, but there's someone else, if it's not your ex, then who. I don't want to get into any cat fights. You're a good bloke Drew, but no man is worth that."

"Relax Molly no one will be coming after you, and tonight, I guarantee you'll find room in my heart for you."

We did, indeed, fuck each others brains out, and eventually drifted off to sleep, exhausted but happy. I didn't wake till mid morning, and only then to answer the phone. After reassuring Phoebe that I was OK, I went back and woke Molly with a cup of coffee.

"You'd make a great husband you know, pity it won't be mine. I'm really going to miss this."

"What do you mean; you're going to miss it? Who say's we have to stop."

"I do my lover. Just before he went to his family for Christmas Derek Warburton asked me to marry him."

"And you said yes?"

"No but I'm going to. Look we both know that this is going nowhere. I mean we're great in the sack together, but that's as far as it goes. Derek's a widower, he's got no baggage, and he loves me."

"Do you Love him?"

"I can learn to love him. He's a good man Drew and I'm not getting any younger. I don't want to be old and alone. You'd do well to think about that too."

"So is this the end of the line for us then."

"I'll still come in and clean for you, but no more sex, it wouldn't be right."

"Can we still be friends?"

"I'd like that, very much."

She pulled me down and kissed my lips.

"Don't leave it too long Drew."


It was the middle of February when I came home on Friday night to find a dog crate on my front doorstep. Inside the crate was a young chocolate Labrador, a lead, two cans of dog food and an envelope. Inside the envelope was a note.


My name is Bonnie. I'm one year old and I need a new owner, I'm a good girl, I'm clean around the house and I won't chew your house up.

A friend told me you needed some love and so do I. I only need a dry place to sleep, a good walk every day and feeding once a day. In return I will love and protect you.

I hope you'll agree to be my new owner, If not ring the number below and they will come and collect me.

Thank You

I recognised the phone number, it was Molly's. I rang her.

"Don't tell me you don't want her. Please Drew. You are so right for each other."

"I can't have a dog, I'm out all day."

"But I'm in your house every morning, I can take her out. She'll only be on her own for a couple of hours. Come on Drew she'll be company for you."

"Why can't her current owner keep her?"

"She was Derek's mum's dog. She can't manage a dog. Bonnie needs walking, at least once a day. I've got to find her a new home, yours is the best one I could think of. Please give it a try; if you need to go away I can look after her for a week or two. Just try it for a couple of weeks, if it doesn't work out I'll take her back and look for someone else."

How could I say no? I knelt down and opened the crate. No sooner was the crate open than I was treated to an all over licking.

I fed her and she immediately went to the door to be let out. I decided that I would eat out so clipped the lead on her, then Bonnie and I walked down to the pub. So started a beautiful friendship. Every day I would get home and take her out for a long walk. Every morning I would leave her for Molly to take out. Weekends we'd go out on the fells. I got to know most of the walks in the area and Bonnie became a constant companion. If I ever went out without her my friends would ask about her. I was no longer alone but I was still lonely, lonely for the touch of another, lonely for conversation. Now and then I would have a night out. I had female friends but nothing more.

I didn't risk Christmas in Kent the next year. Caroline wanted a driver so I went out Oituz and flew back on January 3rd. David was none to pleased, but Phoebe was furious.

"I can't believe you missed your grandson's first Christmas, just because of a kiss."

"It was more than a kiss and you know it. I just didn't want another scene. There wouldn't have been one, Mum's fine now or at least she was. Now she's blaming herself for you not coming. She thinks you hate her so much that you can't be in the same room. You can't carry on like this Dad. I need two parents. Little Harry need a grandma and a grandpa."

She started to cry, making me feel like shit. I could understand her point maybe it was time to sort out my relationship with Penny. I promised her that it wouldn't happen again.

"So if I decide on christening Harry, I can count on having two grandparents here?"

"I can guarantee you that I'll be there. What your mother does is up to her but I'll be there no matter what."

"OK Dad, I suppose that will have to do. I do wish you two would just talk to each other. Can I give you her mobile number? Maybe you could call her or send her a text?"

"I can't promise anything but text me her number, and you can give her mine."

"Thanks Dad, just try that's all I ask."

Of course having the number and making the call are two different things. I suppose both of us were waiting for the other to make the first move. By Easter neither of us had called the other. However someone did call. Lady Caroline had a job for me in the summer break.

"Drew what did you say was the most urgent need in Oituz?"

"The whole place needs rewiring; it terrifies me every time I go there."

"OK what's next?"

"You need decent plumbing and heating. You can't expect those women to go out in the snow and throw logs into that old leaking boiler."

"So if I told you I have a team of British plumbers and electricians ready to go out and do it, you'd be a happy man."

"Well I would but you need plumbers who can work with steel and lead pipe. Then you've got to get someone to sell it to you. When it comes to electrical fittings our guys would have a fit trying to work with Romanian switch gear."

"I understand all that. That's why I sent someone out to estimate what we needed. Everything we need has been donated and we have a lorry going out in July. I've even arranged holidays for the children. Each house will go to Constanta for a weak."

"Sounds like you've got it all sewn up."

"Not quite. I need someone who knows Romania a bit to ensure they get anything they've forgotten to take, help with the language and keep the workers happy. You know the sort of thing. I don't suppose you'd be available."

"You know I would."

"They'll be running up to their first European elections, I'd be interested to know what you make of it."

So that July I got Molly to look after Bonnie and set off for Oituz. I got there before the crew and helped the staff pack the kids off on their holiday. By the time the crew arrived we were ready for them. They arrived and got stuck in. Four hours later the old heating plumbing system had been removed. The materials were a day late so I took crew into Onesti for an evening out. As I walked into the restaurant I saw a face that I knew all too well, staring out at me from an election poster. I'd seen the fake smile and remembered breaking his nose. Now I found that the man who'd wrecked my marriage, then left Penny high and dry was running for a seat in the European parliament. I asked one of the waitresses, who seemed keen to show off her English, about him.

"Ion Damanescu, Da. He is a good man. He will win I think."

"He's an arsehole" I told her "I know him, believe me he is an arsehole."

"Nu! Nu! He is a good man. You come to the debate at the town hall on Friday. You will see."

"You mean he's going to be here on Friday. Is it open to the public?"

"Da, Da, anyone can go. The TV will be there and everything."

Des, one of the plumbers asked me what was wrong. I told him the whole sorry story.

"So what do you plan to do?"

"If I can I'm going to come here and confront him. Let the good people of Romania know what a little shit he is."

"You seem like a decent bloke Drew. I'm sure the lads will back you up if you need it."

"I'm not planning anything violent I just want people to know what he is."

"Yeah well you never know how these things will turn out. Just remember we're there if you need us."

We got back to Oituz slightly before the lorry full of materials arrived. We unloaded everything and settled down for the night.

Over the next four days we worked fourteen hour days and rewired the first house, installed a wood burning boiler stove and a complete new heating and water system. On Friday night we all went into Oituz for the debate. Marianne came with us to act as interpreter. We sat through a debate which none of us understood but I bided my time waiting for the time when they took questions from the floor. When the time came Marianne stood up to ask my question.

"Mr Damanescu, can you tell us how you broke your nose."

He was obviously wrong footed as he blustered for a while. When it became obvious that people were expecting an answer he started making up a story.

"I was a naughty boy as a child, I did things naughty boys do, and I climbed trees. I fell from one and hit a branch on the way down. It broke my nose."

He looked around for approval. That is when I stood up and yelled at him.

"Liar! I broke your nose when I caught you fucking my wife." I turned to the crowd. "I'll tell you what kind of man he is. He did everything he could to get out of Romania. When you were all suffering, he was fucking an English woman down in Bucharest. He did that to break up her marriage so she would marry him and get him an entry visa for Britain. As soon as he got the right to permanent residence he abandoned her. Ask his friends. He has spent most of his life trying to get out of Romania." Now all the cameras were swung around looking at me. I pointed right at one of the cameras."You people should do your job, investigate this man. He doesn't want to help you. He wants you to pay for him to live anywhere else but Romania."

Marianne was frantically translating everything for the crowd.

Damanescu was looking more and more uncomfortable. Eventually it got too much for him he leapt off the podium and ran towards me.

"You bastard I'll kill you." he yelled as he tried to grab at my throat. That was when a huge right hand came over my shoulder and crashed into his jaw. Blood sprayed out and he fell backwards.

"I think we need to get out of here" said Des rubbing his hand.

I looked around and saw a number of men in suits trying to move through the crowd toward us. We reached the exit and broke into a trot across the square and all piled into the Land Rover. Once we reached the city limits Marianne turned to me.

"That was all true? Him and Doamna Penny? You caught him and broke his nose? That's why she never comes with you now"

"Yes Marianne. It's all true."

"You shoulda broke his fucking neck" said Des from the back seats.

We cleared all of our stuff out of the first house just in time for the kids returning from their holiday. The ones from the second house were all packed up and ready to go and as soon as they left we made a start. I was getting a lot of knowing looks from the staff. It wasn't until dinner that I found out why.

"Domnul Drew, you are TV star now. We all saw you on the news last night. They call you the mystery Englishman."

"Two days later I was dragging some cables through the roof space when I heard Mirella calling to me.

"Domnul Drew. There is someone to see you. I wriggled back to the hole and dropped down to the floor. I found a very pleased Mirella accompanied by a very attractive young woman in a smart skirt suit and high heels. She held out a hand to me.

"I'm Getta Ionita from ROM TV we'd like to talk to you."

"Well Miss Ionita, I don't want to talk to you, so it looks like you've had a wasted journey." I turned back to the ladder.

"We did what you said Mr Styles we checked him out." I put one foot on the ladder.

"Don't you want to bring him down? Ion Damanescu are you just going to let him get away with what he did? There are things you don't know."

I stepped back down off the ladder and looked at her. "What have you got?"

"Why don't we go outside and talk and then we can film an interview." I must have still seemed reluctant because she came out with something that surprised me.

"It's good work you're doing here. I bet five million lieu would go a long way."

"Are you offering to pay me for my story?"

"Not really. I just think the station would be happy to sponsor this place, even more so if you help us out."

We went outside and sat at the table. I told her my story and then she surprised me.

"Tell me Drew did your wife ever divorce Mr Damanescu."

"Not to my knowledge. She doesn't want the expense and doesn't need a divorce unless she finds someone to marry. Of course he may have divorced her here. They got married in Bucharest."

"He hasn't. Could he divorce her in England without her knowing?"

"No it's obligatory that she is informed."

"So it would surprise you to know that Ion Damanescu is engaged to be married to the daughter of his party's chairman in three weeks time."

"Now you see why I needed to talk to you. I need to interview you on camera, and maybe inside the house. We show the people what you are doing here for the Romanian children. It will help show our viewers what sort of man you are. She reached out and squeezed my hand. "Trust me Drew this will hurt him more than a broken nose."

We set up outside and recorded the interview, stopping from time to time when the noise from the crew got too great. After the interview the camera followed us through the house as I explained to Getta what we were doing and why. No sooner had the van pulled out than a shout came from the house.

"Oi, some of us have been working in here, while you've been chatting up women. Now where's my bloody cable?"

I went back up the ladder and got stuck in. By Friday the plumbers were ready to leave and the sparkies only had a few tidy up jobs to do. We had a barbeque with Mici, biftelli and beer, lots of beer. The staff brought friends and relations and the local priest turned up to bless the work and the crew. I was introduced to several single sisters of the staff.