All Comments on 'Driven to a New Beginning'

by JClife

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Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

Great story, well-written and imaginative!!!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 3 years ago

They say war doesn’t refine character, it reveals it.

What does his character say? He is petty, vindictive, violent, deceptive, duplicitous, cowardly and a bully.

No wonder his wife cheated on him.

CHUCK2468CHUCK2468about 3 years ago

Good story and ending. I like these types of stories as the MC isn't a idiot or a wimp. You don't have to be rich, army trained etc to be a man and man the f**k up. Spot on. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
So medium grade BTB.

A fair split of the assets - kinda. No mention of alimony, which, after 23 years would be a sure thing unless she makes as much or more than he does. Don't know what he does or did. My issue with this story is that you left out the details I enjoy in one of these little potboilers. Why warn her that the kids are coming over in the future? Why explain ANY of the details he goes thru? Why not let the lawyer handle it if he just plans on disappearing. Probably going to be some legal issues he has to face in that he sent all those pictures to all those people - some, if not all of them, illegally. Is he not going to support his kids going forward? The daughter has a couple of years of college left. At 21 years old his son would still be in school or ???? Him we don't know anything about. But lots of kids come home after college before finding a job and starting their lives. Will he not be around for them during school breaks and the holidays? Is he really deserting his parents (pretty cold blooded to send them the pictures)? I could go on, but you get the idea. I found this to be unfinished with a LOT of unanswered questions. But that's just grumpy old me. Thanks for the effort.

3 stars

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 3 years ago
You got 3 stars from me

Only because you did write that he left the bitch

However using the cliches of I still love her and getting counseling and him feeling remorse because he was being mean cost you any more stars

Take some notes from SaddleTramp or Vandemonium1

Quite writing pussy crap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What crueltry did he show her? He wasn't the one who fucked around. He was just the one who refused to be forced into living with it. He also made sure that the real instigator was exposed.

The punishment fit the crime.

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

A loving wife just having a little fling with a younger man and neglecting her family until she gets caught. Then the cheating bitch wants to lie her way back to her husband. Great burn on the bitch and lover, with extra points for having him beat down. Fine story.

PorterrhPorterrhabout 3 years ago

BTB champions will love this ..... good story, but with a cruel outcome

Bear_TrainerBear_Trainerabout 3 years ago

Definitely needs a chapter 2!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Almost demands a chapter 2!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 3 years ago

It's been done before and this vereion was badly done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


jimjam69jimjam69about 3 years ago

No messing around, just did what he needed to extricate himself from the marriage.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 3 years ago
“I think I knew I had gone too far in exacting my revenge, and it would take a long time to forgive myself for the cruelty I showed.”

As far as Linda is concerned, probably not. Her coldness the last few months, and obvious relish in her infidelity to her marriage and family, deserve harsh treatment. As far as having Monroe physically assaulted, “If Jack can do the time, then go ahead with the crime.” to paraphrase an old adage. But he better be sure of it in case it’s able to be traced back to him.

I think the story is complete. I mean you set a ball loose at the top of a hill, you don’t really need to know every bounce it’s going to take to know it will end up at the bottom somewhere. You’ve set everything up in the story for a long fall by Linda, and then let the ball drop. No need for further details are needed.

Oh, and $25,000 for two years of college for Krista? When is this? 1975? Or is she doing a local junior college? $25K might be one years tuition at a State University today — no books, no board, no housing. Now, if he had put all $125K into Krista’s college, that would be reasonable for three years at a State school. Or two years, tuition alone, for many private schools.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great short and straight to the point. Please submit a follow on story

Baldy74Baldy74about 3 years ago

Really enjoyed it, but I really would love to know what he does next, what happens to him on his travels. Also how his wife deals with the fallout.

timrivtimrivabout 3 years ago

After going nuclear on a wife the way he did he really left her with nothing. Would assume that the epilogue would be about how, being so distraught at how her husband destroyed her relationship with her kids, parents, friends, and workplace, the only thing left for her would most likely be suicide. But then I am sure there are dozens of anon. readers on this site that would cheer that ending. It’s always that way when a wife cheats even if it only one time. That said, not saying in this case that divorce wasn’t justified, it was very much so, but how he went about it was a bit much.

OdiouserOdiouserabout 3 years ago

Well written, good skills as a writer. Bad behavior on her part, only exceeded by his diabolically sick response to her cheating and showing the world what an unforgivable crap head he is. She will be better off without either of those men in her life, and she won't miss those hateful children of hers either.

You have an amazing collection of followers for a relatively new writer which reflects the tastes of the Loving Wives audience. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A tale of cheating and revenge but no different to thousands of similar stories I'm afraid. The unfaithful wife realising what she's lost, the vengeful husband ensuring everybody suffers with him and making his first priority getting as much money as he can. There's no real sex but the beer swilling BTB wife beaters will be jerking off regardless.

The story itself was probably a tad too short, just describing the aftermath to discovery so we never really got a feel for the characters, writing from the first person pov gives such a one sided slant to the plot, I'm not saying she was innocent, not by a long way, but without her thoughts there's always doubts such as did Jack do something to drive her away, doubtful but possible. More thought was needed to make it stand out, it was a bit same old same old and ruined for me with the inclusion of the kids, Ryan in particular. What sort of sick fuck finds his mother sucking a strangers cock and instead of screaming and confronting her or running out in disgust, he calmly uses his phone to film her? No doubt he used the two week interval between seeing her and telling dad to jerk off every night while watching the video.

So what's the outcome? This is briefly what I see happening based solely on what was written in the story: Linda goes into depression when the kids refuse to talk to her. Krista is upset and traumatised when Ryan shows her the video and she drops out of college. Ryan pretends to comfort her and gives her medication, he soon has her hooked on drugs and being the sick fuck he is he repeatedly rapes her, eventually she becomes a hooker and he the pimp. Linda discovers what he's doing and confronts him, he rapes and beats her too, so he has both mother and daughter whoring for him.

Jack hears all about it, realises what a physco his son has become and comes back to stop him. Unfortunately there were cameras at the airport parking lot so the police managed to capture John's assailant who then ratted out who hired him, consequently as soon as John reappeared he was arrested and sentenced to thirty years. Meanwhile Ryan lived out his sordid life pimping out his mother and sister and thanking his parents for raising such an excellent specimen of manhood. Rediculous? Yes, but proberly accurate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is a very good story, it needs more parts. The outcome of Linda's fiasco, be it termination or whatever. If she was to go to counciling, and moved away and found Jack,maybe they could get back. Doubtful, but that's for the author to decide. Excellent story, but needs more chapters. It is a shame she threw away 23 yrs...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thank you for writing this. My criticism is in two areas: tone and editing.

From a tone perspective this is a one sided preachy conversation. How did this format move the story forward? It was cathartic for him but may not have helped the reader understand the nuances of a 23 year old relationship.

Regarding editing, your spelling is correct but word choice missed in a few places. Piece vs peace, etc.

I like the premise and the emotion but the execution just missed the bull's eye.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Please do the next chapter.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 3 years ago

Ahhh, the fantasy of the wronged husband getting in the last word. All of the usual points were hit, the paying of the last kid’s college, the photos sent to everyone, the boyfriend attacked and his balls crushed, and the wife’s and boyfriend’s employer sued.

The problem is that there’s nothing new here, no twist, nothing to set this apart from thousands of other stories. Saddletramp comes up with inventive revenge, so the BTB fans can chuckle and there’s something different to take away from his stories. There’s just no different here.

Alienation of affection lawsuits are still legal in only six states, and only one has been successful in almost a decade. Sending sexually explicit photos? Better watch out, because if any of the recipients puts one on the web, well many states now have revenge porn laws. Dude could go to jail!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Too cruel

PowersworderPowersworderabout 3 years ago

Awesome confrontation scene!

Now for the aftermath... Please can we have a second chapter with all the consequences of her betrayal? I'd like to know what happened to Linda, John, Jack, and his two kids. Did she lose her job? Did she end up getting disowned by her parents as well as her children? The kids finding out about the affair and feeling forced to tell their dad would be devastating emotionally... and they'll take that out on her.

In his mid-40s, Jack's chance of remarrying a younger second wife is pretty good, assuming he has a decent career to be a good provider. There's a lot of career women in their thirties who are now desperate to get married and start a family before it's too late. He could actually trade up after the divorce.

Linda's chance of remarrying a guy her own age that she'd consider a good catch is miniscule. She's beautiful, so she'll easily be able to get laid... but at age 45 post-divorce, the only guys looking for anything long-term with her would be well into their fifties. Along with all the guilt over destroying her family, Linda's got a grim future ahead..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

No need to do a chapter 2... it is a wonderful ending as it is now

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ch 2 please

KaripetKaripetabout 3 years ago

Okay, first off I'd like to say that I believe you did a competent job in relaying your tale. I do believe you could have fleshed out the characters a bit more and possibly given us more insight into the night his kids relayed the heartbreak of their mother's betrayal.

I'm seldom a big fan of these BTB type stories unless the wife in question is particularly heartless. I guess the thing that bothers me about them is how a spouse who claims to love his or her wife or husband so much before they cheat, can suddenly become so cold and uncaring upon discovering their spouse's philandering ways. It's always seemed contradictory to me. I don't believe that real love dies so easily, even in the case of a long-term affair. Trust? Definitely. But even then, I don't see a spouse who truly loved their husband or wife walking away so easily from their marriage without at least making a token effort to attempt to save what they once have. Therapy and counseling can do wonders. I guess that's why these stories don't always ring true to me.

1959richard21959richard2about 3 years ago

An opening chapter, Not a story.

Definitely post the rest of the story.


JClife the more practice you get writing the better, interesting, entertaining the story.


Thank you for the work.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 3 years ago

I know there are people who love these stories. My feeling is at least try something different with it. You want to burn the wife, fine. Maybe find a different discovery method, unique revenge or interesting setting. You didn't write a bad story, just a very familiar one.

The Style GuyThe Style Guyabout 3 years ago

“I love the smell of napalm in the morning”. Nice job and 5* from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Please don't put the ending in the title, and 1st sentence. When reading, knowing the ending takes away suspense and enjoyment. Too little development of characters....go for chapter 2

CD1929CD1929about 3 years ago

Good read. Unless you see a reconciliation no need to continue. She did enough damage and he did what he had to do to keep his self respect.

Keep writing your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It's pretty good, waiting for second chapter

PierremanvisPierremanvisabout 3 years ago

Loved it. Let’s have ch 2. Many thanks.

Tracy78Tracy78about 3 years ago

Concise, emotional and well written. Keep up the good work. I will definitely read the sequel if you write one

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed it. Though in this case I seem to prefer Jack just ghosted his wife until the divorce is settled. That to me is more dignified and more than to settle any hate emotions from Jack and he could talk to her or face her after the divorce is final. It might settle down Linda too to acceptance of the inevitable consequence of her infideltiy.

But it is all good. Thank you JClife, giving me respite from new cuck stories that are STILL being posted in LW.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 3 years ago

While the title hints at it, don't tell us in the description and the beginning that he's going to end the marriage.


"she would always counter that she was getting old and she just didn't feel as young, vibrant and sexy as she once was." - Ah, the old, "I wasn't feeling as attractive as I used to be" excuse.


Arghh! I HATE the, "You're my husband, you have to say that, BS!" Does that mean that when she compliments him she doesn't really mean it?


God, she used just about every cheating wife cliche!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. I think it is worth another chapter. No need for it to be super long, maybe just a bit about where to family went and what happened to everyone.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 3 years ago

The cheating wife should be jumping for joy now that she's single. She can have John Monroe albeit only one testicle but hey maybe the penis will still get hard or if not then cheat on John with multiple guys, she's good at that anyways.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

Really? Is there truly any question of whether you need a part 2, or maybe even a part 3? I've read your stories and have watched you grow on this site in a relatively short amount of time. You do an excellent job writing and I would love to read more of your stuff. We readers would love to read about the demise of John's marriage (maybe his father-in-law is on the board?), what Linda does after the phone call and months after this final phone call, where does Jack find forever love, do the kids ever forgive Linda or is she forever a pariah as they marry and have kids of their own? I'm not sure it's worth going back, certainly would be hard from a story arc perspective, but what was the conversation between John and Linda during the affair. Were their spouse being trashed? Didi they think they were in love or was it purely sex by mutual agreement? Again - hard to do this last backstory given how you presented part 1, but I'd be interested. Anyway, well done 5*!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 3 years ago

He can't sue the bank, and they can't fire her, or SHE'LL sue for sexual harassment since John was her boss.


Too much narration, too much by the numbers,

prsstaridprsstaridabout 3 years ago

I think you need to do a part two. This is only half of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I don't think he went too far for what he feels was revenge. I disagree with the settlement as depending on his state the lawyers and the court would work out who gets what and at some point he can get a check or not. But going by the story and wanting to show her pain I would have tried to force the sale of the house so she has to find a new one or end up in an apartment someplace. Why have her keep her job? Is that so he won't have to pay any support? Let her company decide what they do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well done. I gave it a 5. Your prologue statement was on-point. You need a part 2. The children need their confrontation with their mother. Also, some conclusion to the pact on John and his job and family too. Lots more to write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It's gut-wrenching and the pure unadulterated emotions are very evident! A second chapter should be in order! It will be great to know how did Jack make of his life, say, after 10 years! Ciao!

kirei8kirei8about 3 years ago

Excellent story and very believable. I, for one, would love to read a continuation of this story. Yes, it is complete in itself, but your talent could capitalize on a continuation of their lives that would be just as good or better (that will be hard to do) as this one. The ways you could take it are limitless and I think you have the talent to make it a Hall of Fame winner. Think more about it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


amygdalaamygdalaabout 3 years ago

This doesnt need a second part..but for those of us who empathize and see some of ourselves in Jack; we or I would like one where he hopefully moves on and discover new things and people in his life. It does not have to be in the LV category. I dont really care to know the what happens to the lying, cheating soon to be ex. or her justifications. Only so little or so far as the impact that it has on Jack and his 2 kids going forward and there lives in a separated and split household.

NorthHunterNorthHunterabout 3 years ago

Good story and yea go ahead and write a chapter 2 it would be interesting to have some more insight into how this all occurred and what happened afterward. I do enjoy a story where there is self respect and the guilty party has to suffer for their transgressions. Hell if a wife wants a different cock or a sexual experience outside her marriage then talk to her old man she might be surprised. But to just unilaterally go behind her husband's back with no communication regarding how she feels is selfish and sick, so she deserves what she gets!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hope the slut kills herself.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

I think this is a complete story. Well written but formulaic it covers the important aspects of a cheating wife and her husband's retaliation.

TajfaTajfaabout 3 years ago

Well done but a se ond part would make this a 5 star story. Only 4 at the moment. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I’d hope you’d do a chapter two. Was she really feeling guilty during the affair? Would the lawsuit work out? Does she fight the divorce? Do they get back together eventually? Does he find someone else? Plenty to write about

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What exactly is erotic about this? I'm still trying to figure out if BTB people actually get off on this type of drivel. There was nothing original or imaginative about this. How many stories are in this category where a guy dumps his wife and serves divorce papers? Formulaic and repetitive to say the least. 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A pretty good story - gave it a 3* - I thought the ending was too short and incomplete - felt rushed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Could have been 5 stars, two things dropped it to 4 maybe 3. You and so many other writers on this site continue to say you still love the bitch after finding out they cheat for months, some time years. You claim you can't turn off love, Bullshit. Since I started reading on this site several years ago, I have done some research. I have talked to several (over 30) people who have been divorced and the other spouse cheated. I ask the question, Did you still love the cheater after they found out about the infidelity. Not one said they still loved the cheat. Most used the term hate. Several laughed "Are you Nuts?" A real man can turn that shit off in a milli second. Second the end, Feeling bad about the wrath, no time to celebrate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story! Thanks for the read.

I guess Linda just doesn't comprehend that there are some things you do to other people that here's no coming back from. I suppose in her mind she never thought about getting caught and if she did she'd just spout a few contrite words, she a few tears and at the worse just fuck her husband silly and he'd forget about her whole tawdry affair. Just another entitled selfish cunt.

“The end of love looks like the beginning of war”

“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.”

Move the fuck on, best thing the husband could do for his own sake and sanity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good read and I hear what you're saying about not needing a second part.

With that being said....

This is ripe for a part two detailing the wife's life after this story. Im not advocating for a RAAC or anything but to hear how (and if) she's able to repair her relationships with her kids and parents and friends would make an enjoyable read. For me I love to read (hear?) about how someone who professes to love someone, could betray them like this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Don't know if a part 2 is needed per se, because you did a great job of wrapping things up, but I'd look forward to reading some more. Maybe it could pick up at a college graduation or wedding; bring everyone up-to-date on what happened over the months following this story and how they all interact when they finally all come back together for the event? Something like that would be good.

Doubtful if any of the lawsuits will pay out, but maybe he could get something for "intentional infliction of emotional distress", I don't know. She'll be okay; beautiful women can always find another company willing to give'em a job. Losing the husband might hurt her, but having the kids hold a grudge will really bring the pain home.

Anyway, good story and thanks for posting.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989about 3 years ago

Very little to the actual story. Yes, there was a lot about how to handle a situation where your partner cheats and destroys your wedding. If I ever need a "to do" list I know where to find it.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 3 years ago

While it fits into a typical LW BTB story the revenge was over the top and was vindictive in nature that far exceeds her betrayal. His actions will likely cause him to loose many assets die to what he's done and opens him up to being in trouble for revenge porn. Needs a part 2 so we can see an aftermath. Had some good parts but still feels too open ended.

Vancouverguy978Vancouverguy978about 3 years ago

Very well done! Chapter 2 please.

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicabout 3 years ago

Loved it. She got what she wanted. She will have the boy toy full time in her house, once she replaces the king size mattress. I would hope he pushed for her to keep her job. That way the courts will be less likely to push any type of support for all the years.

FireFox59FireFox59about 3 years ago

Good story. Hope you do a Chapter 2. Many times the after the fall out story is as good as the original.

Ignore Lits in house lawyers that whine in every story that you can't do this or that. They're too stupid to realize that no one cares about their esteemed, in their own minds, opinions and the stories are fiction. If they really are lawyers I sure hope no one is stupid enough to use them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Either, or on this one. You could get 1, maybe even 2 more parts out of it, or simply drop it where it's at. Either way, you've done a great job with it.

MigbirdMigbirdabout 3 years ago

Not particularly original, just another BTB tail, little, if any chapter development, and lacking in erotica.

JonDoe315JonDoe315about 3 years ago

Wow fucking savage and is a perfect lw story for me. Had everything in a btb other than closure but hope there is a follow-up. All these new lw stories are about hotwifing so this is a relief. Your last recent cple stories were ok so I'm glad u are back on track.

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 3 years ago

Well written. This could stand on its own. I would not mind a sort of epilogue where the guy parks his sail boat six or eight months later and gets an update of what happened. But that is not needed to make this a complete story. Like I have been told, and said myself, a story is over when the author says it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The story stands on its own and doesn’t requrire another chapter. However, it doesn’t need to end here. Your choice.

Super_Slut_69Super_Slut_69about 3 years ago

Wow, good for Linda to be shed of that dick and his spawn. I hope hubby enjoys prison. First, you can't do what he claims - your are married you can't liquidate a 401K without HER approval and signature. If you fake that, well its prison time. Her company will laugh off the lawsuit they are immune and given the woke culture today I can't imagine they will do anything to her. The court will likely give her the house free and clear, they will issue a bench warrant against him and compel the children to divulge the location or go to jail. Personally if I would move change the locks and move everything that the kids might want to a storage unit with the key. They own nothing inside the house since he has given it to her. They get shit.

As far as the family is concerned, tell them to fuck off. Husband was not getting it done and she found someone who did. If hubby can't deal fuck him. Good riddance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Understandable, but the revege was excessive. In part 2 you show how he tries to make amends by helping other people in his new career or in volunteer work.

BarryJames1952BarryJames1952about 3 years ago

Five star, but there’s plenty of opportunity for continuing the story. Please consider keeping the ball rolling.

jflindersjflindersabout 3 years ago

The story is complete as it is. People leaving comments on stories left at this stage almost always ask for a second chapter and when an author adds a second chapter, imo more often than not it doesn't add anything and occasionally makes the story as a whole worse.

sticks13sticks13about 3 years ago

This was a great story and even though he probably went too far in his revenge I think most people wouldn't hold it against him. Women seem to think that they will always be forgiven for their misdemeanors but as we all know "no matter what you do in life there will always be consequences" and when those do happen the shock of reality can be really painful.

I hope you do do a chapter 2 though I have a feeling they get back together after a few years, 23 years is a long time after all and we never realise what we have until it's gone. Again, great story and thank you.

SkubabillSkubabillabout 3 years ago

Although I believe it is complete as written, I still would enjoy reading a chapter from his wife's perspective. Five stars regardless.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 3 years ago

Very good story. It really needs a chapter 2 covering what happens in the future. It needs to cover all the characters. A-hole John Monroe deserves to be fired for cause, divorced, and his career in ruins ( any supervisor guilty of sexual harassment won't be a supervisor anymore - maybe he can learn to say "would you like fries with your burger?", and of course poor and alone. The kids - Ryan and Krista should succeed in both school, careers and hopefully love. They probably will have little to nothing to do with deal old Mom. Linda may have a breakdown, even consider suicide - her parents and siblings will know she is a cheating slut that destroyed her marriage, and although she will have a support group - it won't be anywhere near as strong as it would have been if she did nothing wrong. I wonder how she will cope with little or no contact with her kids, and any grandchildren. And of course she will have to live with the guilt of what she did to her husband. She's looking at many years of regret. Jack hopefully will recover in a couple of years ( exercise, enjoying his hobbies, a new great job) and will eventually meet someone. Linda should receive a post card/Holiday card from Jack, his new girlfriend/wife, their kids, and of course Ryan and Krista's families in it saying something along the lines "Sorry you were so selfish that you destroyed the family. We're all doing great, enjoying life, family, and we are so glad you're no longer part of it."

phill1cphill1cabout 3 years ago

Sorry, but this tale should be titled, "Driven to the write the SAME OLD Beginning..."

A mountain top?! Really...who does that anymore?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very unoriginal. Do some reading here and you'll see this plot has been done many times.

DazzyDDazzyDabout 3 years ago

Cold as ashes after the fire is gone.

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

wow. rough.

you took out the Kalashnikov.


although personally, I prefer less violence and revenge.

we also need a sequel to this story to be able to conclude it.

Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Poor story line. Who got burned here. Both husband ,wife and lover to what end? Physically beating John the lover,the wife is a cheater.just divorce her and split your assets. Move on. Send pictures to those you want to. End of marriage. The rest was ridiculously done.over the top. Kids are grown wife makes her own money. Why run , so stupid.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 3 years ago

Excellent! 5*****

Lots of familiar points, but a good description of how the cheater minimizes their actions while the betrayed feels the true loss.

Drgnmstr97Drgnmstr97about 3 years ago

It feels a bit light in that her side is very underrepresented. Maybe you intended that but you barely touched on her motivation for the affair. The real drama of any story is the dialog and there really wasn't any regarding her side of the affair. Without her having a voice, even if it was some dialog with the boss about the great sex they were having, there is no connection to her in the story. Again, you might have intended that but it left the story feeling like only half of one.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 3 years ago

Nice short burn.

It would be interesting to see the fallout and how the characters are doing down the road.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Hardday1953Hardday1953about 3 years ago

Well written but remember in your plot twenty plus years of a good friendship too. I have been married 38 years. There was a time when her hormones got the better of her. She could have been cheatting the way she was acting much like you discribe. She sure wasn't acting like my wife. The doctor rebalanced the chemicals in her brain and her foolish actions stopped, that was twenty-eight years ago. Much as you mentioned she had no clue, and my two kids were afraid of her. Fastward we are the best of friends. After a stroke we still have a great friendship without her I would be alonely man or dead.

BeBopper99BeBopper99about 3 years ago

5***** Kaboom!!!!! Well done BTB. Thorough burning with appropriate level physical beat down although it would have been better if hubby had done it himself. Your legal stuff isn't possible, but Infliction of Distress might be. LW has been awash in a tsunami of wimpy, cucky authors, so your story is refreshing. Write On!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Not a bad first story. What, this wasn't your first story? Yes, it was your first story . . . and your second, and third, and . . . All of them basically the same: "wife decides to cheat/have an affair/fling with a younger guy, husband is told or finds out, then sneaks out under the cover off dark taking the money and leaving her the house".

You write well, just need to come up with a different story line.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 3 years ago

Loved it all except for the cruelty crap. His revenge was good and it wasn’t over the top. It could have been 10 times worse. Gave it a 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nah, Linda wouldn't really be that arsed. Jack's probably an over the hill, half limp dicked lover by now, maybe never was worth a shit. She'll be happy with half the assets and finding some other poor simp to shack up with. That's how it really goes down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

No second chapter needed.


I mean, really, what else is there to cover? You wrote why she did it (the excitement, the affirmation of her beauty from someone else).


The big problem that is was basically by rote:

She's angry at him and can't possibly know why he's doing what he did.

He accuses her, and she denies it.

He provides proof -- obviously one of many times -- but insists it was only once.

He provides more proof, and she still says it was only once.

She finally gives it, but, hey, it was only sex.

She wonders why they can't get past it.

They repeat the last few steps over and over.


About the only unique part may have been their children being the ones to tell him, other than that this is just the same old, same old.

mainer42mainer42about 3 years ago

now that is how to show the hurt Dude! Others have tried, some succeeded, but you hammered the feelings home. no nitpicking here

HargaHargaabout 3 years ago

I liked the story but feel Jack went way to far getting his revenge. I understand his need to disappear but he basically burned down his entire life. He also inflicted his pain on innocent people by drawing them into this situation. I was wondering why the kids didn't confront their mother first before reveling it to the father. Were they already damage by her activities and was Jack just to complacent not to realize his marriage was in trouble. I would love to see the aftermath of this implosion on all affected.

bruce22bruce22about 3 years ago

Well execueted denouement. I have to agree that eight people were hit by this affair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wackadoodle.... yes you are. How the hell do you paint the cheated on parties(husband,kids,parents) as the bad guy? The pnly wrong thing in this story is thw husband's saying he still loved the cheating slut. And then having any remorse for doing exactly what should have been done. All those stories where the husband threatens to send the pictures to everyone but doesn't is the unbelievable bullshit. In real life, this story illustrates what would actually happen. Why would the husband not want everyone to know why he walked out on the whore.

Rocky62Rocky62about 3 years ago

Good start.... but too convenient for an author to ignore all the voice mails... coulda been juicy

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