Central High Blues Ch. 08


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"Why—why did you stop me?" she panted.

"It felt incredible," I groaned, tucking my dick back into my boxers and zipping up, "but you were right earlier. We can't do this. You're about to go home to your husband. You can't have my cum on your breath."

"I have mints in my glove box," she chuckled, "but you're right, Josh. I lost control." She looked at me and shook her head. "I can't believe I just sucked your dick."

"Me neither," I replied.

"You...you won't tell anyone, will you?"

"Of course not," I replied.

She looked tremendously relieved. "Well, good night, Josh," she said.

"Good night, Linda," I replied.

When she leaned in for a kiss, I leaned over and met her. She was hungry for more kissing than I had planned to give her. Then she was moaning and taking my head in her hands, driving her tongue into my mouth and rolling it around mine. When my hand landed on her thigh, she gasped and kissed me even harder. She spread her thighs and invited my hand further up beneath her skirt.

I should have stopped then.

My fingers had other ideas. They explored the smooth expanse of her thigh, as if drawn to the moist heat emanating from her crotch. I felt moisture before my fingertips even reached her soaked panties. The way my fingers slid up the inside of her thigh, they just naturally slid inside her panties, and Linda groaned into my mouth as two fingertips slid inside her.

It felt like I was on autopilot then, exploring a fresh, hot pussy without thinking about what I was doing. My fingers knew exactly where to go, seeking out the quivering little knot of her g-spot and slowly working their way around it. Linda pulled her face back from mine and gasped, and her left hand slid down to insistently squeeze my dick through my pants.

She was a little too rough, and that broke the sexual spell I had fallen under. I pulled my hand out of Linda's skirt and sat back.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I shouldn't have done that."

Linda panted for a bit. She looked like she wanted to say something, wanted to do something more. Then she shuddered and straightened her skirt. "Good-night, Josh," she whispered, quickly getting out of my car.

"Good night, Linda," I replied before she closed the door.

I watched her ass as she walked around behind my car, and knew I could easily fuck her if I wanted to. All it would take was for my mom to invite her over to the house. Linda had visited before, so no one would suspect a thing. I lost sight of her as she walked around behind her minivan to get in on the driver's side. I sighed and looked at my reflection in the rear-view mirror.

"Don't do it, Josh," I warned myself. "This is the exact opposite of the plan, remember?"

The sun was setting, but there was still plenty of light for us to see each other as we waved goodbye. I sighed and picked up my phone. The fourth text was from Lisa Green. I swallowed as I read, "May I please see you again?" I felt bad when I realized she had sent it right after school let out, almost three hours earlier.

I called her immediately.

"Lisa, I am so sorry I didn't reply earlier. I literally just read your text."

"Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm parked in front of the school," I replied. "I dropped Trina off at her house and talked with her mom for a minute. I was on my way home when I noticed I had missed text messages from you and my mom, and I pulled over here to read them. Why? Where are you?"

"I'm in your bedroom, lying on your bed right now," she replied. "Your mom let me in, and thought it would be best if I waited for you here."

I started the car. "I'll be right there."

When I pulled up in front of the house, I realized I had one more missed text and quickly read it. It was from Brenda Cahill. "I understand," it said simply.

* * *

Lisa cried when I took her in my arms. I couldn't help but cry when she did. All day I had wanted to hold her, and once I had my arms wrapped around her I didn't want to let go. Her little hands clutched me just as desperately. We sat on my bed, holding each other like that for ten minutes or more. Finally, Lisa pulled back and looked up into my eyes.

"Why, Josh?" she sniffled.

I leaned over her and grabbed a tissue to hand her, then snagged a second to wipe my own eyes.

"Everything got so crazy around here," I said softly. "I just couldn't take it anymore." She nodded sadly and I continued, "None of it was your fault, Lisa. When I first invited you into our home, I had no plans to have sex with you. I just wanted you to be able to have a place where you felt safe. I wanted to be your friend." I shook my head and let out a bitter chuckle. "I never said anything to my mom about what happened..."

"I could have stopped her," Lisa sighed. "When she first kissed me, I knew I could say something and stop things right there, or they would go a lot further. After that afternoon in the pool, and seeing you looking so wet and sexy, I was just too turned on. I wanted things to go further. I wanted you, and your mother looked so fucking sexy. Then she was opening me up for your father, and that was just amazing. I'm a grown woman, Josh. I knew what I was getting into." She smiled sadly and shook her head. "Well, that's not true. I got a lot more than I bargained for. Still, I loved it. I'm just sorry it's over."

"I love you, you know," I whispered.

"I love you too," she replied. "If I wasn't your teacher...oh, who am I kidding? I wish I could just move in here with you and spend every night with you."

I was lost in her eyes in that moment. I have no doubt we would have been all over each other if my mom hadn't knocked on my bedroom door.

"Lisa, are you staying for dinner?" she asked softly.

Lisa looked at me and gave me a heartbreaking, sad smile. "No," she sighed, "I really should go now."

She got up and gave me a brief hug, then stepped out into the hallway and hugged my mother tightly. I slid past them and headed out to the kitchen, knowing my mother had been cooking. I didn't want her to have to rush this moment with Lisa or risk burning dinner. I could see them part of the time I was stirring and checking the food. They held each other and rocked from side to side slowly in the hallway.

Before she left, Lisa gave my dad a hug and a searing kiss. Then she smiled and blew me a kiss before she left. Whew. I had a dull ache in my chest until well after we sat down to eat.

I started telling my parents about my day at school, but I did it between bites and was careful about what I said. I thought about telling them about what I had said to Linda, but I had promised her I wouldn't share that with anyone. Instead, I merely mentioned my meeting with Doctor Hill and glossed over any mention of Linda. The second half of my day, when I had just been gobsmacked again and again, simply amused the hell out of my father. When I reached the part where my Art teachers had reacted the way they had, Dad lost it.

"Oh, Josh," he laughed, "I wish you'd run that past me first. You don't know the first thing about disinformation. I could have told you that would backfire."

I looked at him as I chewed the bite I had taken. "Why?" I asked.

He sighed and set down his fork. "Okay, Miss Rogers considers herself a rebellious 'flower child.' You get that, right?"

I nodded.

"You came to her and said, 'Look, nothing happened but Doctor Hill said we have to be careful not to even look like anything inappropriate is going on.' That just made her seethe with resentment, and put the idea in her head that something inappropriate could be going on—with you. Let's face it, Son, you pretty much planted the thought in her head and told her not to even think about it. What did you think she would do?"

When he laid it out like that, it seemed obvious enough. I groaned and shook my head, and he chuckled before picking up his fork.

"Oh, how is Linda doing?" Mom asked. "I'm assuming you talked to her when you were in the office."

"Um...she's fine," I replied. I was watching my mother closely, but she just smiled and chewed. For a second there I was worried Linda had said something to her.

"Let's see, where was I?" I sighed. "Oh, yeah, there was more with the Art teachers."

My parents looked turned on when I told them about Miss Chase fondling me in the storage area. They both nodded when I mentioned the art gallery. Dad cleared his throat.

"That one's easy enough," he said, "The three of us will go to the art gallery together."

I nodded. That made sense, and it was a relief. When I mentioned Coach Perrine telling me to come to her house, I ended with, "She didn't seem the least bit concerned that someone might notice me driving up to her house. I wonder if she knows I have that Mustang now. Pretty much everyone would recognize that car."

Mom shook her head. "She lives way out in the South Haven development. All of those houses are on big lots—an acre or more—with lots of trees and long driveways. None of her neighbors would be likely to see you if you went to her house."

Dad's eyes glazed a little bit. "Coach Perrine?" he asked. "Damn. I can only imagine how hot the two of you would look together."

"Dad!" I gasped.

"Oh, right," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I forgot for a second there. Sorry." When he saw my mother looking at him and shaking her head, his eyes glittered. He added, "Technically, though, she's a coach, not a teacher..."

We all laughed a bit at that, but all three of us were turned on at the idea of me and Coach Perrine having sex. It took me a moment to figure out where I'd left off with my narrative.

"Then Nurse Hamilton joined me and Trina after school. She laughed her ass off—" I stopped abruptly and chewed my lip. She had been that amused because of the way I had messed with Linda. After a moment, I said, "She told us this really funny story, but I can't remember enough of it to tell you. Anyway, we went to her house and Trina and I spent over two hours doing our Calculus homework. We fooled around a little at her place after I dropped her off. Then I was heading back home when I glanced at my phone and saw I had missed those text messages. I pulled over in the school parking lot to read those."

Mom looked at me and swallowed, looking a little nervous. I wasn't sure I should mention her texts in front of Dad, but wasn't certain I should hide that from him either. Instead, I went on with my narrative but wasn't completely focused on it. I almost fucked up and told them what had really happened with Linda.

"Linda pulled up in her minivan while I was parked there, reading the messages," I said. I managed to catch myself just before I was going to say, "I apologized for messing with her earlier." After a split second, I amended that to, "She got out and talked to me for a little while. She asked how you were doing, and told me to say 'hi' for her. After she left, I read that text from Lisa and called her, and then I drove straight home."

"You know, I really should call Linda," Mom said. "Maybe I should have her drop by for a visit. They probably finished dinner, and it's not too late."

I felt a sick, sinking feeling in my gut, but managed to give my mother a smile when she got up from the table to retrieve her phone.

* * *

Linda looked a little nervous when she came over a few minutes later, but I don't think my parents noticed. I saw she was wearing the same outfit, and wondered if she had changed her panties. I was just finishing the dishes, and thought it would be a good idea to get out of their way so they could enjoy their visit. I dried my hands and walked around the counter. Linda's eyes immediately dropped to my crotch, but she was standing behind my parents and they missed it.

"I think I'll go to my room and read for a while," I said, and they nodded. "It's nice to see you again, Linda," I added, giving her a smile.

"You too, Josh," she replied.

I made it to my bedroom door before my dad cleared his throat. "Hey, Josh, are you up for a quick workout before you start your reading?"

I thought for a second and nodded. "Yes sir. That is a good idea. We're doing legs and abs tonight, right?"

He nodded and headed for their bedroom while I turned and walked into mine. I tried not to think about Linda as I stripped and got into my workout clothes. It wasn't something I thought about at the time, but the thin gray workout shorts and white tank tops Dad and I wore were rather revealing. We were just so used to wearing them that neither of us thought about the show we gave Mom and Linda as we trotted into the home gym and started working out.

We left the door open and turned on the fan, and started doing a fairly intense series of exercises. Mom and Linda were sitting on the couch talking, but they were watching us and practically drooling. I only noticed after we had finished, when Dad strolled back through the living room heading for his shower. I chuckled softly when I saw the way both women were staring at him. I was at the door to my bathroom when my mother got up from the couch.

"Sorry, Linda, you're on your own for a while. I need to get some of that!"

I shook my head and stepped into the bathroom, and soon stood in the shower with the warm water washing away all my sweat. I felt a cool breeze on my back and turned to see Linda standing just outside the tub. She held the shower curtain slightly open and panted as she stared at me. Her eyes got bigger when I turned around and rinsed my back.

I couldn't help it, really. The way she was staring open-mouthed like that just reminded me how good her mouth had felt on my dick. I was completely hard. Linda let out a soft moan when she watched me turn and point my massive, throbbing boner in her direction. Her eyes finally flickered up and met mine, and she closed her mouth and licked her lips nervously. I turned off the water and gave her a smile.

"Would you mind handing me a towel?" I asked.

My voice sounded surprisingly calm and casual. She nodded and grabbed a towel and handed it to me, and moaned again as she watched me dry my body before stepping out of the tub. She didn't say a single word. All she did was moan when I stepped up and kissed her, and again when I turned her to face the bathroom mirror and lifted her skirt.

I had to wonder when she had taken off those wet panties she'd had on earlier, in the parking lot, when my fingers had found their way inside her. Had she taken them off when she got home, and just never bothered to put on another pair? Were they sitting in her minivan in front of the house?

The thought was fleeting. I watched her mouth fall open in the mirror when she felt the head of my cock spreading her open, and then all I could think was how wonderful her pussy felt as I fucked her. Linda looked like a typical "soccer mom," but she took hard cock like a champ! Her wet, hot pussy was snug around me, but took every inch right away.

She bit her lip to stifle her moans, and I felt her pussy fluttering as that first orgasm washed over her. She stared at my face in the mirror with her eyes slightly glazed while her body shuddered. I reached around her and we both watched as my fingers unbuttoned her blouse. Her lacy, white, low-cut bra pushed her breasts up and together to emphasize her cleavage. It was simple to pull those cups down and free her breasts.

They were surprisingly perky when they popped free of the bra and filled my hands. Her nipples were coral pink and were hard as pebbles when I lightly pinched and squeezed them. We both watched my hands working over her tits while I continued to fill her sweet little pussy with more hard cock than she had ever imagined taking.

Linda came twice more, and then her pussy locked down on my invading shaft. I stopped teasing her nipples and cupped her breasts, and I watched her face in the mirror. Her eyes searched mine as she panted and gradually caught her breath.

"You...you said we did 'everything' in your dream?" she whispered nervously.

"Well, not 'everything,' really," I reassured her, leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on her neck. She looked relieved. Then I growled, "But you really loved getting fucked in the ass."

"Ohhh God!" she groaned.

Her knees sagged and her pussy spasmed around my dick. I slid my hands down from her breasts and grabbed her hips to hold her upright. My dick slipped out of her as I shifted my hands and lifted her so that she was cradled in my arms. She wrapped an arm around my neck and licked her lips as she stared into my eyes and I carried her into my bedroom.

"I—I've only done that twice, and it was years ago," she whispered nervously.

She couldn't bring herself to say what she meant by "that," but she didn't have to. We both knew what she meant, and both knew it was about to happen again. Linda was about to have her ass fucked like never before.

I flipped on the light as I carried her through the door, and I kissed her softly on her mouth as I laid her down on my bed. Her breasts were still exposed in the front of her open blouse, so I kissed my way down her neck and captured one hard nipple with my lips. Linda groaned and arched her back, spreading her legs as my fingers once again sought out her wet pussy and slipped inside.

She was impossibly turned on and gasping when I stood up and smiled down at her. Her eyes followed me as I stepped over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. I could hear her sharp intake of breath when she saw the tube of lubricant in my hand. Our eyes met then and I tried to give her a reassuring smile. Her eyes were enormous and her mouth hung open slightly.

Linda whimpered softly when I rolled her onto her side and pushed her skirt up out of the way, but she spread her legs obligingly when I squeezed her thigh and lifted it. Then she was moaning softly, "Oh, dear God. I can't believe this is happening" as I spread her soft ass cheeks and began lubricating her tight little puckered opening. My dick throbbed in anticipation as her wet little asshole gradually opened up around my slick fingers.

She whimpered again when I crawled into the bed with her. She looked back over her shoulder at me with those huge eyes and moaned, "Oh, shit!" as my thick cock head pushed its way into her ass. Her ass was snug and hot and felt incredible. Despite the tightness and her lack of experience, I had no trouble slowly working my entire length inside her trembling little backdoor.

Minutes later she was face-down on my bed with her face buried in my pillow. I had her legs spread wide apart, and my feet kept her in that vulnerable position beneath me. My fingers pried her ass cheeks open and I could really pound my full length in and out of her wonderfully welcoming asshole. She was being far too vocal, even with the pillow muffling her cries of ecstasy.

I knew my parents could hear us.

It wasn't that I didn't care or wasn't concerned about upsetting my parents. I was just enjoying Linda's wonderfully tight ass too much to stop. The physical sensation of fucking this woman in her ass was incredible, but in this case I was probably more turned on to think about what I was doing; I was turning this conservative little housewife and mother—my mom's long-time friend—into an eager, moaning butt-slut. Once she had that first shuddering orgasm with my dick pounding her ass, she could not get enough.

I bit down on her neck to stifle my own orgasmic cries as I came deep inside her. Even though the pillow muffled the sound, her "OH FUCK!" was easy to hear. From her hips down, her body was spasming beneath me as I filled her ass with a massive load of hot dick juice.

We took a moment to recover, and then she wanted more. I gently reminded her that my parents were still home, and that we had to get out of my bedroom so we wouldn't be caught. We kissed a few more times as I got dressed and Linda straightened her outfit. When we stepped out my bedroom door, my mother was already sitting on the couch. She was wearing a bathrobe and had an amused smile on her lips.