But I Do


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"There's something I need to tell you about him, that I'm sure he'll never tell you," Mom said, "And he doesn't even know that I know this, but I need to tell you none-the-less."

"Go ahead then," Piper said, "I'm all ears."

Mom got a far away look in her eyes and then began, "When he was a sophomore in high school, he had sex for the first time with a girl that was older than him. However, the girl that took his virginity, and her name was Karla Askew, also broke his heart; and I don't think he ever got over it. So, if you want to get into a relationship with him, then you need to help him find his way back."

"Oh, my God," Piper said, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, "What do I need to do, Elaine?"

"It's not going to be as hard as you think, sweetie," Mom smiled, taking Pipers hand, "If there's anyone who can bring him back, I think it's you."

"I can't begin to tell you how much I love him," Piper sniffled, "I would die for him if I had to, I swear by all that's holy I would."

"I know, baby girl," Mom soothed her, taking Piper into her arms; "I can tell that by the way that you look at him.

"What am I going to do, Elaine?" Piper softly wept, "I won't lose him, I just won't...I can't."

"You just keep on loving him like I know you do, baby," Mom softly replied, "And I promise you that he'll come around," and then she giggled and said, "And knowing Michael like I do, I have a feeling that it will be a lot sooner than you think."

"I sure hope so," Piper girlishly giggled, "God; I think he's so hot."

"How did you two meet?" Mom asked.

Piper told her the same story that I'd told Dad, and when she was finished; Mom looked at her and said, "I'm not going to hold that against you, sweetie. But there's also something else I think you should know, and I'm not sure whether or not Michael has told you this, but his sister's husband, who was a Green Beret in Vietnam, taught him how to fight."

"Oh, really," Piper said, wide eyed, "I didn't know this...Please, tell me more."

"Don't get me wrong," Mom told her, "Michael will only fight as a last resort, but be warned, if he's pushed, he's a very formidable, and unstoppable force."

"No wonder my cousin lied to me like he did," Piper laughed, "It sounds to me like Michael whipped his stupid ass for him."

"As a matter of fact," Mom said, "That's exactly what happened, but I promise you that Michael didn't start it."

"I know that now," Piper replied, "He's too sweet of a guy to start any kind of trouble; and just so you know, all of his friends at college absolutely adore him."

"That makes me feel good," Mom smiled, "It also lets me know that I raised him right."


Chapter Four

Later that evening, Dad decided to take us all out for dinner. As opposed to eating in town, we decided instead to go to the beach to a place called "McPherson's Steak House".

The food was really good, and that was one of the very few steak houses that I knew would cook my steak, the New York Strip, exactly the way I liked it without having to send it back. Dad had the Porterhouse while Mom and Piper opted for the top sirloins, and I had to admit, the more I was around Piper, the deeper I fell, but I guess when it boiled right down to the heart of the matter; I was still afraid of getting hurt.

Still though, somewhere deep inside me, I felt that if there was anyone who could bring my heart of out the darkness it had been in for so long, Piper was that person. She was like a bright ray of sunlight on the cloudiest of days. I also knew that I couldn't bear to ever lose her either, and that if I did, I would surely wither away and die.

"Michael, are you alright, baby?" she sweetly asked, when caught me suddenly staring at her like I was in a daze.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I smiled, "I was just thinking about something, that's all."

"That's okay," she playfully giggled, "Just as long as you were thinking about me."


That night when we got home, Piper and I lay together outside in the double hammock that Dad and Mom had been sharing since I was a little boy.

"I really like your parents," Piper smiled, snuggled up next to me with her arms around me, "They're so sweet, especially your Mom."

"My Mom loves you, I can tell," I told her, kissing her temple, "And Dad thinks you're one of the prettiest girls he's ever seen."

"You look like him ya know," Piper giggled, "That's why you're so handsome. Your dad is a good looking guy and your Mom is very pretty."

"I think so, too," I replied smiling.

"When do I get to meet your parents?" I asked her.

"My Dad died in Vietnam when I was a little girl," she sadly told me, making me hold her that much closer, "But I can't wait for you to meet my Mom. She's going to love you."

"I'm sorry about your father," I told her, "But I'm looking forward to meeting you Mom, I'll bet she's pretty like you."

"It's funny you should say that," Piper giggled, "My grandfather thinks we look like sisters as opposed to mother and daughter."

"I can't wait to meet her then," I smiled, leaning over and kissing Piper's lips.

"I love you, Michael," she breathed, "I'll always love you."

"I sure hope so," I tenderly replied, "Because I think I'd die without you."

"You can tell me that you love me, Michael," Piper sniffled, tears beginning to fill her eyes, "I know that you do...besides, I'm not Karla. I'll never ever hurt you."

How do you know about her," I asked, becoming a little pissed off, sitting up to look into he eyes.

"Your mother told me about her," Piper cried, "I didn't ask her, I swear Michael."

"She shouldn't have done that," I sternly replied, "It's none of her business."

"It is her business," Piper wept, "She loves you...just like I do, and it's killing me because I know that deep down inside you're hurting, can't you see that?"

Suddenly it hit me like a bolt of lightning, and in doing so; I got out of the hammock and stumbled toward the back fence, with tears pouring down my face like a giant rainstorm with no end in sight. And the more I thought about what Karla had done to me, and how much it hurt, I fell to my knees and wept like a child who'd just lost its mother. I knelt there crying in the darkness for what seemed like hours, feeling like I'd had my heart ripped out by the roots; but in all actuality it had only been a few moments.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, I heard Piper's voice, as she too cried, and said, "Shh, it's okay, baby, I'm right her and I love you so much," as she put her arms around me and held my face to her chest.

For a few moments, I said nothing, simply enjoying the peace and comfort that I felt in Piper's arms knowing that it was time to let go of the past, moving forward with Piper at my side. I somehow knew that almighty God had sent her to me to not only pull me from the dark pain of my past, but to love me like no other girl would...not ever.

"I'm sorry, Piper," I sniffled, trying to regain my composure, "I didn't mean to act like such a baby."

"Don't you dare apologize for that, Michael," she openly cried, slightly pushing away from me, "Your actions just now showed me what a beautiful heart that you really do have, which is one of the reasons I fell in love with you to begin with. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I understand," I replied, pulling her back to me and placing my arms around her waist, "I'm sorry, Piper."

"It's okay, baby," she gently said, kissing my lips, "You have nothing to be sorry about, my love."

"I care very deeply for you and I wish that I could tell you that I love, I really do," I told her, "But that's all I can give right now. Please tell me that you understand."

"I understand, Michael, I do," she smiled, "And I'll take you any way I can get you, because I love you."

I know you do," I said, "And just like the song that I wrote about you says, I'll never let you go."

We stood there for a few moments longer, until with a soft yawn, Piper smiled and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting sleepy, baby."

"Yeah, me, too," I chuckled, "Come on, let's get you inside so that you can go to bed."


I'd been in bed for a couple of hours, when I was suddenly awaked by Piper's soft voice telling me, "Scoot over, handsome," and then I felt her getting into the bed with me.

"What're you doing?" I softly chuckled, "My parents are sleeping just down the hall."

"Then we'd better be quiet," she giggled, "I got lonesome in that room all by myself. Please don't make me leave, baby."

"Aw, hell," I grinned, relenting, "Get your pretty little butt over here next to me, but be quiet about it."

"Stop your fussing," she smiled in the dark, "I don't think your mother and father will mind one bit if all we're doing is sleeping."

"Yeah, well, I don't want to find out," I quietly chuckled, "So you'd better have your little ass out of here before morning."

"Hush up," she giggled, kissing my lips, "And don't hog all the covers."


The next morning I awoke to an empty bed. However, I could still smell Piper's scent all over me, putting a happy smile on my face.


After I'd finished using the bathroom, I washed my hands and face and then brushed my teeth to ward off the dragon that had taken a shit in my mouth, and then made my way down the hall in a pair of pajama pants and tee shirt.


I walked into the kitchen to find Mom and Piper sitting at the table, still in their night clothes; only Piper was wearing my robe with her beautiful legs flowing from beneath it.

"Good morning, sweetie," Piper smiled, standing to give me a hug, "I was just telling your Mom how much I enjoyed sleeping next to you last night."

"And before you say anything, Michael Lee, I wouldn't have known unless I got up with your father at five o'clock this morning," Mom knowingly smiled, using my middle name, which she knew I didn't like, "The airline called him in a few days early to do a turnaround to Paris."

"I'm sorry Mom," I told her, "I didn't mean to disrespect y..."

"Do you hear me complaining about it, young man?" Mom asked smiling, Piper giggling alongside her, "After all, you're grown and responsible for your own actions."

"So, you're not mad then," I grinned, acting like it was nothing, "Cool."

"Don't get me wrong either, boy," Mom glared, "I'm not giving the two of my permission to fuck like monkeys either."

"Jeez, Mom," I said, shocked at the language I heard her using, "That's embarrassing."

"Oh, hush, I'm only teasing you, baby," she giggled, "Sit down next to your pretty girlfriend and I'll get you a cup of coffee."

"Keep your seat, Mom," I smiled, leaning down and kissing her cheek, "I can get it myself."

"Thank you, baby," Mom grinned, patting me on the butt, making Piper laugh hysterically at my embarrassment, "Your Mom is getting too old anymore."

"Oh, please," I said, "You're not too old at all. You're still a very beautiful woman," and as an afterthought, I looked at her laughing and said, "Old my ass."

"I love you, my handsome son," Mom smiled, her eyes filling with happy tears, "It seems like only yesterday that you were a little boy and your sister was teaching you how to talk."

"I love you, too, Mom," I smiled, hugging her, "And you'll always be beautiful to me," and then I went to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup, and then came back to the table and sat down between Mom and Piper.

"Do you kids have any plans today?" Mom asked.

"I don't know, Elaine," Piper smiled, "You'll have to ask Michael."

"Well, son," Mom giggled, "What're you two going to do today?"

"Oh, I don't know," I knowingly smiled, "I thought about taking Piper to over to meet Nikki and Tommy today."

"Oh, yes, I like that idea," Mom grinned, "I think you should do just that, oh, and take the tape that you played for us last night. I know that they would be pleased to hear it."

"Can Piper use your bathroom to take her shower in?" I asked, "That way I can use the front bathroom while she's getting ready."

"Okay sweetie," Mom smiled, "I'll call your sister and let her know that you two are coming."

"Thanks Mom," I grinned, Piper and I rising from the table while Mom got on the phone to Nikki.


While we were driving to my sister and brother-in-law's house, Piper looked at me and said, "I hope your sister likes me."

"Are you kidding me?" I smiled, not even thinking about it, "My sister is going to love you as much as I do."

However, Piper widely smiled, and then scooting her body to sit even closer to me in the cab of my truck than she already did, she just laid her head on my shoulder with a contented smile on her face, and told me, "I love you, too, baby."


"Well, I'll be damned," my sister grinned, when she opened her front door, "It's about time you came to visit us."

"Hi, Nikki," I grinned, hugging my sister, "Allow me to introduce you to Piper Henderson. Piper honey, this is my sister, Nikki Wells."

"It's nice to meet you, Nikki," Piper smiled, extending her hand, "Michael didn't tell me how pretty you were."

"Oh, sweetie," Nikki giggled, smiling and placing her arms around Piper, "Around this house we hug."

"Well hey, Mikey," Tommy grinned, as he appeared behind Nikki, "How're ya doin, buddy boy, and who is this beautiful thing you've brought with you?"

"This is my girlfriend and her name is Piper Henderson," I smiled, introducing the two of them, "Isn't she pretty?"

"She sure is," Tommy teased, "What the hell is she doing with your ass?"

"Oh, shut up," I laughed, "Piper, this is my brother-in-law, Tommy Wells."

"Hi, Tommy," Piper politely smiled, "It's nice to meet you, too."

"Well, come on in this house, you guys," Nikki delightfully giggled, "I'll put on a pot of coffee."

"Thank you, Nikki," Piper sweetly said, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Isn't that sweet?" Nikki smiled, "No, pretty girl, but please come in and have a seat."


Once we were seated and Nikki had served us each a cup of coffee, Tommy looked at me and asked, "So, how long are you guys down for?"

"We'll be here for one more night," I replied, "And then we're going to head back tomorrow."

"Oh, man, that's great," Tommy grinned, "Nikki and I were going to camp out on the beach tonight, and you guys should join us. It'll be a lot of fun."

"I don't know," Piper said, "I didn't bring a swimming suit, or anything like that."

"Why don't we wait and plan the camping trip for the next time they come down here, Tommy?" Nikki said, "But we can still all go out tonight, if you two want to, that is."

"She's right," I said, then looked at Piper, "Would you like to go out tonight, sweetie?"

"Yeah," Piper giggled, "That sounds like fun."

"I'm so glad to see that my little brother has such a beautiful girlfriend," Nikki said, wiping a lone tear from her face, "We were all real worried about him for a while, Piper."

"I know," Piper replied, taking my hand and interlacing her fingers with mine, "I love him very much, and I'll never let him get hurt again."

"Mom told her about Karla," I said to Nikki and Tommy, "I was a little pissed off about it at first...but now I'm glad that she did. Piper has helped me come to terms with a lot of things that used to really bother me."

"See," Nikki teased me, "I told you that all it takes is the love of a good woman to make a man better."

"She's right, Mikey," Tommy solemnly replied, "I remember how messed up I was when I came home from Vietnam. Don't get me wrong; I still have those horrible dreams sometimes," then taking Nikki's hand and looking into her eyes, he continued, "But Nikki is always there to chase the dreams away. I love her with all my heart, and I can't imagine my life without her."

"I love you, too, Tommy," Nikki softly said, kissing Tommy's cheek, "And I always will, sweetie."

"Now I see where Michael gets that beautiful heart of his from," Piper tenderly smiled, "He had a lot of love to guide him growing up. I'm glad you made it back, Tommy; my father was killed over there in that shitty country."

Tommy stood up, taking Piper's hand, making her stand up with him. And then after placing his arms around her to give her a hug, he softly told her, "I'm so very sorry, Piper, but now that Mikey has brought you into our family, we'll always be here for you if you ever want to talk about it, okay, pretty girl?"

"He's right," Nikki softly smiled, standing up and placing her arms around both of them, "We take care of our own baby girl."

"Thank you guys, so much," Piper said, beginning to cry, "Until I met Michael, I'd always felt so alone."

"Not anymore, baby," I said, rising from my seat and taking her into my arms, "We'll always be here for you, okay my love?"

"I love you, Michael," she softly wept, "I love you with all my heart."

"Shh," I soothed her, "And I won't last a day without you either."

"Thank you, God," I heard my sister softly cry, "Thank you for bringing her to heal my baby brother."


Once we'd all settled down and were back in our seats, Piper pulled the tape of "I'll Never Let You Go" from her purse, and then handing it to Nikki, she smiled and said, "You guys need to listen to this. Michael wrote this song for me, and then went into one of the recording studios on campus and laid it down on tape for me."

"No shit?" Tommy laughed, "Plug it in, Nikki sweetie. I can't wait to hear this."

The moment Nikki put the tape into their stereo and turned it on, the beautiful music that Piper had inspired my heart to write came softly flowing from out of the speakers. And once again, the moment the song was finished not only Piper, but now Nikki had tears flowing down her cheeks.

Tommy on the other hand, pulled me into a hug and proudly told me, "Damn, Mikey, I'm so proud of you right now that I could scream. Holy cow, little brother, that's got to be the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Have you played this for anybody else?"

"No, just my friends and family," I said, "Why do you ask?"

"I've got an idea," he knowingly smiled at Nikki, who simply grinned, "Do you have another copy of this, and if so, can I keep this?"

"I got seven more copies," I told, not knowing what he was going to do, nor did I care, because I trusted him with my life, "So, sure, you can have it."

"Great," Tommy said, and then he knowingly grinned at Nikki, and said, "What do you say?"

"I say Hell Yeah," Nikki giggled, "I'll make your plane reservation for Monday, baby."

"Would one of you like to tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked, "You two are acting awfully funny."

"I'm going to ask you to blindly trust me, Mikey," Tommy grinned, "Can you do that for me?"

"Of course," I told him, "I trust you with my life, I always have."

"Alright then," he grinned, changing the subject, "Would you and the beautiful Miss Piper like to go out dancing with your sister and I tonight?"

"Yes," Piper giggled, "You've not taken me dancing yet, Michael, please say yes."

"Sure, baby" I smiled, softly kissing her lips, "I'd do anything for you. You know that."

"I know," she purred, "And that's another reason why I love you so much."


That night, Nikki and Tommy took Piper and I out near the fairgrounds where there was a nightclub called, "Nero's", which had not only a live band with a huge dance floor, but a bar that served any drink you could think of.

At this particular point in our relationship, Piper and I had experienced only love and sweetness. However, this night proved that nothing lasts forever, and that chaos could rear its ugly head at any moment. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing that happened between Piper and I, but leave it to her dumb ass cousin, Marcus Cole, to needlessly start some shit with me, and that's exactly what happened that night.