But I Do


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Of course the three of them fell into fits of girlish laughter, but to their credit, said nothing further. And after Jason got them set up and mike'd in one of the larger vocal booths, I sang the parts for them through the control booth microphone which they heard through their headphones until they knew what I wanted.

I knew these three girls were brilliant, because after rehearsing it only once, they did it on the first take, singing it flawlessly, and just like Jeannie had said; made it sound great...Actually, it was better than great, it was perfect in my opinion.

And after they were finished, the girls hung around to watch while I added two additional keyboard tracks. Also with this having been the first time that any of them had been in a recording studio, they made me promise to give each of them a copy of the song as soon as possible.


Once the girls were gone, Jason and I took the time to master the song and put it on tape, cassette tapes, to be exact, as this all took place before Compact Discs, or CD's, were not being used by the general public yet.

"So tell me, Mike," Jason asked me, once the girls were gone, "Who is this song really about?"

"I'll tell you," I grinned, "But you've got to promise me that you won't tell anyone, at least not yet anyway."

"Come on, man," he laughed, "You know me better than that by now, don't you?"

"Okay," I smiled, "I wrote this for Piper Henderson."

"Oh, wow," he wildly grinned, "She's fucking beautiful, Mike. Are you guys dating?"

"I guess so," I proudly replied, "She's coming to my dorm room tonight to spend the night with me after she gets finished with her dance class."

"Holy shit, brother," he smiled, looking at his watch, "Let me hurry up and burn you some copies of this song so that you can get the hell outta here to meet her," and then he began to do exactly that.

"She's going to love this, that's for sure," Jason said, as we were burning copies, "Have you named the song yet?"

"Yeah," I grinned, "It's called, 'I'll Never Let You Go'."

"It's fitting," Jason told me, "Like I just said, bro, she's going to absolutely love it."

"I sure hope so," I proudly smiled, "And you know what's cool about it?"

"No," he grinned, "But I know you're going to tell me so; let's hear it."

"When we first met, she hated my guts," I replied, "But that was because I went to school with her cousin, and he told her a bunch of bullshit about me."

"Aw, man, that's fucked up," Jason said, "Why the hell would he do something like that?"

And that was when I proceeded to tell him about what an asshole that Marcus Cole was; as well as the fact that I kicked his bullying ass for him, that not only got him expelled from school, but also got him arrested as well.

"It sounds to me like he was a real asshole, and that that's what he deserved," Jason said, "But what made her change her mind about you?"

And then I told him about how Shelley Oakes had verbally accosted Piper and how I took up for not only Piper, but also the rest of the class, too, and then bringing Dr. Phillips into it as well.

"Yeah, I know her," Jason laughed, "She's a fat ass bitch that can't stand herself, much less anyone else...good for you, Mike."

"Maybe," I said, "But I was getting sick of her shit, and I wasn't going to put up with her any longer."

Then Jason handed me eight cassette tapes, all of them being copies of the song.

"Thanks brother," I smiled, reaching into my wallet, "How much do I owe you for this?"

"Nothing," he grinned, "Think of it as an early wedding gift."

"A wedding gift," I chuckled, "Are you crazy?"

"Not at all," he laughed, patting me on the shoulder, "The look on your face when you talk about Piper tells me all I need to know. Now, get the hell outta here and don't keep that pretty girl waiting on you."

"Thanks, man" I smiled, shaking his hand, and then I left the studio and quickly made my back to my dorm room.


Chapter Three

I was waiting patiently when Piper arrived at my dorm room that evening; and you can only imagine the pleasant surprise I received when, after I heard her knock, I answered the door to find her still wearing her black dance leotard with a pair of light blue shorts that matched her eyes and white tennis shoes, God she looked great.

"Hi, handsome," she smiled, walking in and kissing my lips as she passed the threshold of the doorway, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too," I replied, pulling her into my embrace and gently wrapping my arms around her waist, "I've got something very special for you, kind of a surprise."

"Really?" she wistfully asked, "Oh, I like surprises, Michael."

"Is that right?" I smiled, "Then you're gonna love this."

After I made sure that she was comfortably seated, I turned on my stereo and pushed the button on my tape player. The musical intro to the song I'd written for Piper came wafting through the air, and the look on her face when she heard my voice singing the lyrics, was one that I'll forever cherish.

Tears began to fill her eyes and then fall down her beautiful cheeks as she listened to the lyrics of the song, knowing that it was clearly written for and about her. The song wasn't even halfway finished before she began to break down and weep like a newborn child. And when it finally came to an end, she stood up and firmly wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Oh, my God," she wept, "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Where did you get it?"

"I didn't get it anywhere," I softly replied, still holding in my arms, "I wrote it...I wrote it just for you, Piper."

As opposed to saying anything further, all she could do was continue to cry, with her face tightly tucked into my chest and her arms still securely wrapped around my neck as she tightly pressed her body against mine.

Once she'd calmed down and was able to talk, she leaned away from me, and after wiping her eyes and face with the handkerchief I'd given her, she smiled and then tenderly kissed my lips.

"That was so beautiful, baby," she sniffled, "I've never had anyone do something like that for me, not ever."

"There's a reason that it's beautiful," I knowingly smiled, "It's because I thought of you when I wrote it."

"I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling right now," she quietly told me, "But I think I'm falling in love with you, Michael."

"There's nothing wrong with that," I said, holding her against me. "I don't know if it's love that I'm feeling," I told her, "But I do know that I can't stand it when you're not near me."

"That'll do for now," she lightly giggled, "At least until I can make you fall in love with me."

"At this point, it won't take much," I chuckled, "That's for damn sure."


Piper went into my bathroom and took a shower, because according to her, she needed one; and while she was in there, I lit some candles that my mother had stashed in my duffle bag the last time I was home. Why she packed the candles in there, I'll never know. But it was times like this that I was thankful that she did.


Piper came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of cut off sweatpants that fit her beautifully round, tight ass like a second skin, with a sleeveless, University of Houston, tee shirt, that had been cut high enough to show not only her gorgeous flat, tan stomach, but also to make it obvious that she was braless beneath it.

Although my bed was barely big enough for me, Piper had no trouble whatsoever fitting right beside me as we lay in it together, talking and listening to music. I still remember the first time we laid down together as she snuggled her body against the right side of mine while laying her head on my chest. God she is so beautiful.

"So, tell me, Michael," she softly asked, "How long have you been writing music?"

"Not long," I told her, "What you heard a little while ago was the first thing I've ever written."

"Holy cow," she smiled, "You need to keep writing if you're going to come up with stuff like that."

"I don't know," I chuckled, "I've never been inspired like this before."

"Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" she asked.

"And just what would that be, my sweet?" I grinned, not having the slightest idea what she was talking about.

"Have you never had a girlfriend, baby?" she asked me, with concern in her beautiful voice.

"No," I replied ashamed, "I hope that that's okay with you."

"Oh, Michael," she soothed, "It doesn't bother me at all, but as good looking as you are, I would've thought that the girls were standing in line to go out with you when you were in high school."

"Don't get me wrong," I laughed, "I've been with a woman before, if you know what I mean, but because I played in a rock and roll band , the girls that I knew were..."

"I think I understand," she knowingly giggled, "Girls were probably throwing themselves at you all the time, huh."

"No, not at all," I replied, "But the girls that I grew up around thought that they did, and therefore wouldn't go out with me because of it."

"Well, their loss is my gain," she smiled, "Besides, they sound like a bunch of dumb bitches to me."

"Damn, Piper," I chuckled, "Why don't you tell me how you really feel?"

"I believe I just did," she giggled, "Why don't you give me a kiss, handsome?"

"I'd love to," I softly replied, and proceeded to do just that.


After we'd been talking for a couple of hours, my stomach began to growl, and in doing so, I looked at Piper and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little hungry. Do you feel like going with me to get something to eat?"

"Now that you mention it, I think I could probably eat something too," she smiled, "But that means that I'll have to get dressed to go out."

"How about if I order us a pizza instead," I suggested, "That way we won't have to go anywhere, would that be alright?"

"Mmm," she smiled, "That sounds perfect to me, sweetheart."


After the pizza had been delivered, I stopped by the soda machines on the way back to my dorm room and got us something to drink. Surprised wouldn't be the word I'd use when I came back to my room to find Piper lying naked beneath the sheets on my bed as she waited for me to return, I think pleasantly shocked suited the situation much better.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, "I thought that you understood that we were going to take things slowly, Piper."

"I'm not naked, see?" she giggled, quickly pulling the sheets back to show me that she was only topless, with just her panties on, as opposed to being naked, "Besides, it's getting kind of hot in here, don't you think?"

"I suppose so," I laughed, shaking my head as I set the pizza box down on my bed, "What am I going to do with you, pretty girl?"

"You can start by stripping down to your underwear and getting in here with me," she smiled, "Please, Michael, for me?"

"Aw, hell," I relented, and began removing my clothing, "But remember what I asked, okay?"

And then once I was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, Piper looked at me and said, "Mmm, I knew that you'd be gorgeous."

"You're making this difficult, Piper," I told her, "I hope you know that."

"I'm not trying to, I swear," she replied, "But don't you find me attractive?"

"Of course I do," I replied, climbing into the bed beside her, "But this has nothing to do with that, sweetie. It's about me trying to be respectful to you."

"I know," she began to cry, once I was in the bed, "But I just...." and then she couldn't continue for crying, throwing her bare breasts against my chest.

"Shh, it's okay, baby," I quietly soothed, bringing my arms around her, "What's wrong, sweetheart, have I said something to upset you? I'm sorry if I have, because that's the last thing I would ever do ya know."

"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you, and I'm sorry Michael," she sniffled, regaining control of her faculties, "I guess I'm just not used to someone like you; that's all, baby."

"You lost me there," I gently replied, "What do you mean by, someone like me?"

"I'm not used to being treated the way you treat me, Michael," she began to smile, "I guess what I'm saying is, every guy I've ever known always wanted to fuck me before they got to know me, and you're the first boy that didn't."

"That's just the way I am, Piper," I plainly told her, "I'm the type of person that believes in getting into your heart long before I ever get in your panties. Now do you understand what I mean, baby?"

"I do now," she smiled, this time shedding tears of happiness, "And I love you very much, Michael."

"I know you do," I softly replied, kissing her lips, "And I care so much about you that I want to be in love with you before we make love, okay?"

"I understand now," she sweetly told me, "But I love you, and I don't care how long it takes before you fall in love with me, because I'll wait."

"Thank you," I said, softly kissing her lips, "Now, would you care for some pizza?"

"I sure would," she giggled, "But would you at least hand me my shirt first?"

"Of course," I smiled, hopping out of the bed and picking her tee shirt off of the floor, then handing it to her, "Here you go, baby."


After we'd eaten our pizza, Piper and I cuddled together in my bed and soon thereafter; we were asleep. Several times during the night, I was pleasantly awakened by Piper as she would readjust her position in the bed, though never once letting go of me.


When I awoke the next morning, I can't begin to tell you what it felt like to find that beautiful angel asleep in my arms. The way that the early morning light shone off of her hair, as well as the radiance of her beautiful face made my heart soar to heights that I'd never experienced before at that time in my young life.

I watched her sleeping for another five minutes before she woke up, and after softly kissing my lips, told me, "Good morning, Michael."

"Good morning, my angel," I smiled, "How did you sleep?"

"Are you kidding me?" she lightly giggled, "I slept like a baby."

Suddenly it began to thunder outside, and with that came the rain, and after we'd both used the bathroom and relieved our bladders, Piper crawled back in the bed, and after mischievously grinning, said, "Today is Friday and I don't have any classes, do you?"

"No," I chuckled, "I don't."

"Good," she cooed, "Let's do something special today. What do you think?"

"I know," I suddenly said, "How would you like to meet my parents?

"Really," she wistfully asked, "Oh Michael, I would love that."

Then lightly patting her beautiful little butt, I smiled and told her, "Why don't you get your pretty little butt dressed while I take a shower, and then I'll call my Mom to let her know that I'm bringing home a special surprise, okay?"

"Okay, baby," she giggled, climbing out of bed and once again treating me to another spectacular view of her bikini panty clad ass.


"Mom and Dad," I said, introducing my beautiful girlfriend to my parents, "This is Piper Henderson, my girlfriend. Piper, these two wonderful people are my parents, John and Elaine Pennington."

"It's very nice to meet you, Mister and Missus Pennington," Piper politely replied, "And just so you know, I think your son is a wonderful guy."

"Oh, honey," Mom sweetly replied, taking Piper into her arms, "My name is Elaine and my husbands name is John. You're an adult and I want you to feel free to call us by our names, okay pretty girl?"

"Thank you," Piper purred, my Mom's arms around her, "I will."

"Jesus, Mike," Dad laughed, "She's gorgeous, what the hell have you been doing up there at college, boy?"

"Leave him alone, John," Mom playfully scolded Dad, "I think he's got great taste...just like his father."

"Thanks, Mom," I proudly grinned, "She really is beautiful, isn't she?"

"Oh, sweetie," Mom smiled gently caressing Piper's cheek, "She looks like an angel."

"Come on, you guys," Piper giggled, her face turning bright red, "You're embarrassing me."

"Don't be embarrassed, girlie," Dad chuckled, "Mike's mother and I are happy that he brought you home to meet us."

"Come on, baby," I said, taking Piper's hand, "Let me show you where you'll be sleeping."


After getting Piper settled into the guest room, I took her back down the hall and into the den, where Mom and Dad sat eagerly waiting to talk to the two of us.

"So, tell us, Piper," Mom asked, "What're you majoring in, sweetie?"

"I'm majoring in music, just like Michael," she smiled, "But my minor is dance."

"You guys ought to hear her play her sax," I excitedly told them, "She's good, damn good."

"I always liked listening to saxophone," Dad said, "It's got a really smooth sound."

"If you want to hear something good, then you really need to hear this," Piper conspiratorially grinned, handing my Mom the tape of the song I'd written and recorded earlier that week.

"Where did you get that?" I knowingly smiled, "And why did you bring it with you?"

"Because," she purred, kissing my cheek, making my face turn red this time, "I want your parents to know what a talented genius that their son is."

Then she looked at Mom and said, "Michael wrote this just for me, and I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard."

"Here, John," Mom grinned, handing the tape to Dad, "Play this for us, honey."

Dad turned on the stereo and then pushed the play button after placing the tape into the player. And moments later the song began to play. I curiously watched as my parents listened to what I'd written, and all throughout the song, I saw tears running down my mother's face and she proudly smiled while listening to what I'd written for my beautiful Piper.

And when it was finished, Mom wiped her eyes with a piece of tissue; then she looked at Piper and said, "I can tell that my son loves you very much; because only a man in love would write something that beautiful for a woman."

"I know," Piper replied, "I love him very much."

Then looking me and Dad, Mom told us, "Why don't you two go find something to do for a little while?"

"Come on, son," Dad knowingly grinned, "Let's go to my office and have a cup of coffee."

And needless to say, I followed Dad, but not before leaning down and giving Piper a kiss before we left.


Dad and I stopped by the kitchen on the way to his office to get some coffee, I could also tell that he wanted to talk to me, as he hadn't seen me since I left for college a few weeks prior.


"So, tell me about her," Dad smiled, "Where did you guys meet?"

It was then that I told him about how she was Marcus Cole's cousin; and that she didn't like me when we first met. But after she realized what a lying asshole her cousin was, we eventually came to the point in our relationship where we now stood.

"Do you love her, Mike?

"I don't know, Dad," I told him, "I really care a lot about her though, and I can't stand being away from her for more than a day."

"So, you do love her, then," he smiled, "It's okay if you do, boy; she's a rare beauty, that one."

"I didn't say that," I chuckled, "But I fell..."

"Listen to me, son," Dad interrupted, "Girls like that only come once in a great while so; you better hang on to her, Mike, hang on with both hands."

"I'll give it some thought," I replied, "I promise."


"I want to ask you something, sweetie," Mom asked Piper, "What kind of man is my son?"

"He's the kindest, most gentle guy I've ever known, Elaine," Piper proudly replied, "And I can tell that he cares for me very much."

"That much is obvious," Mom said, "But I want to ask you something else, and you can tell me that it's none of my business if you want to."

"No, we haven't had sex yet," Piper told her, "But it isn't because I don't want to. Michael told me that he wants to make sure that he's in love with me before he makes love to me."