Blessed are the Meek


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"Would you folks like to sit down?" Heather politely asked, as she guided them to one of the open table in the banquet room of Alpha house "I'm dying to know about Mason. He doesn't tell me much."

"Of course, pretty girl," Vivian gently smiled, "What would you like to know?"

"I'd like to know about what he was like when he was a little boy," Heather quietly replied, "He'll talk about things to a certain point, but when I try to get him to tell me about how he grew up, he totally shuts me out," and then her eyes began to fill with painful tears, "I love him so much, and please don't tell him that I told you this, but he cries for his father in his sleep," and then she began to softly but painfully weep.

"Shh, it's okay, baby girl," Jane softly soothed her, "He never knew his father because he was killed in Vietnam. He won't tell you this because he doesn't know, but Mason's father gave his life while trying to save wounded men. He died a hero," and then of course Jane's eyes began to dampen, but after quickly regaining control of her emotions, she continued, "Mason was born two months prematurely, and I honestly thought we were going to lose him there for a while. Now that I've met you, and seen what my son has accomplished thus far, I know that God had a very special purpose for putting you and Mason in one another's lives."

"I guess now I see why he's the way he is," Heather proudly replied, "He's got the biggest heart I've ever seen, and he's so kind to every single person he meets. And just so you guys know, everybody here loves him very much."

"You don't know how proud that makes us, sweetheart," Jane tenderly replied, "He looks just like his father did when he was that age."

"I'll bet his father was very handsome then," Heather sweetly smiled, "I hope that I'm not out of line by saying this so, please don't take it the wrong way; but your son and I gave our virginities to one another, and he's the most gentle man I've ever known."

"I think you're a very wise young woman," Jane affectionately told her, "And I'm happy that you and Mason are together."

"I agree with my daughter-in-law," Chandler kindly smiled, as he took Heather by the hand, and stood her up. He then gathered her into his arms, and gently while hugging her, he said, "Welcome to our family, sweet girl. We're very proud to have you."

"Thank you," she softly replied, "I promise you all that I'll never hurt him, and I'll always love him his whole life..."


Chapter Three

"I need to talk to you, Mom," Mason quietly asked her, as he and his mother walked around campus, his grandparents having gone back to their hotel room, while Heather waited patiently for him at her dorm room, "Heather's getting an apartment next year, and she wants me to move in with her."

"Why're you telling me this?" she knowingly asked, a pleasant smile on her face, "You're a grown man now, and you don't need my permission to do anything where she's concerned. You know that don't you?"

"I suppose so," he said, "I guess I'm asking you what you think about it, that's all."

"Do you love her, son?" Diane asked him, stopping to look into her son's eyes, "Because if you two are planning on living together, then you need to be sure about how you feel about one another."

"I love her more than anything in the world, Mom," he sincerely replied, "I just don't want to disappoint you, or Nana and Papaw."

"Oh, honey," she sweetly told him, "There's no way on this earth that you could ever do that, Mason. We just want you to be happy, okay?"

"I love you, Mom," he told her, "And I'm so glad that I had you guys to look out for me as I was growing up. I only wish that Dad was here to see all of this. Do you think he would've been proud of me?"

"Baby, I know he would have," she sniffled, "When I told your father that I was pregnant with you, I thought he was going to bounce off of the walls, he was so happy. So; I have no doubt that he'd be just as proud of you now as he was then..."

"Do you miss him, Mom?" Mason asked.

"There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him," Jane sadly replied, then she smiled and said, "But I've got a part of him with me as long as you're alive. I've always told you how much you look like him."

"I think you should remarry," Mason teased, "You're too hot to be by yourself, Mom. All of the guys in my fraternity agree with me ya know."

"And I think you should mind your own business, Mister Smart Ass," she giggled, "So, don't worry about me. I want you to focus on that beautiful girl that's waiting for you back at her dorm."

"She really is pretty;" he contentedly smiled, "Isn't she?"

"Yes, she is, honey," Diane softly told him, "And one of these days you two are going to give me some beautiful grandbabies to spoil..."


The time had come for his family to go back home; and as they prepared to leave, Mason and Heather made certain that they were there to see them off.

"There's enough money in your account to last you through the rest of the year," Chandler Markinson told his grandson, handing him a checkbook to his new bank account, "Make sure you use it wisely son."

"Yes sir," Mason gratefully yet respectfully replied, "You really didn't have to do this, Papaw. I could've gotten myself a job ya know."

"I know that," Chandler proudly smiled, "But I want you to be able to not only pay your half of the bills, but I also don't want you to have to worry about anything but your studies, and taking care of that sweet, pretty girlfriend of yours, okay son?"

"Yes sir," he smiled, hugging his grandfather, "Thank you, Papaw. I won't disappoint you, I promise."

"I know you won't," the old man smiled, desperately fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall down his face. Then, so as to make sure no one else could hear, he leaned down and softly told his grandson, "I want you to call me when you get ready to buy Heather an engagement ring, okay?"

"I sure will," Mason grinned, his cheeks blushing, turning bright red, "Thanks, Papaw."

"You betcha, kiddo," Chandler chuckled, as he, his wife and daughter in law got ready to leave, "Well, I guess we'd better get on the road so that I don't get hung up in the damn traffic so; we'll see you two later. It was nice to meet you, Miss Heather."

"You, too, Mister Markinson," Heather sweetly replied, "Ya'll be careful on the way back..."



It was nearing the end of the semester, and that was when Heather decided that it was time for Mason to meet her family. Mr. John Winters, and his wife, Heather's mother, Lena arrived at Heather's dorm room with smiles on their faces. Heather had excitedly told them all about Mason, and they were breathless with anticipation to meet him.

"Mom, Daddy," Heather sweetly smiled, "I'd like you to meet the love of my life, Mason Markinson. Mason, honey, this is John and Lena Winters, my mother and father."

"It's very nice to meet you, sir," Mason smiled, extending his hand to her father, "I hope you two had a pleasant trip."

"I've heard a lot of good things about you, son," John kindly smiled, as he and Mason shook hands, "And I wanted to personally thank you for looking out for my daughter's safety."

"You're welcome, sir," Mason respectfully told him, "I'd die before I'd ever let anything happen to her, Mister Winters."

"Oh, Heather, sweetie," her mother gushed, "He is just as handsome as you said. It's so nice to finally meet you, Mason. I've heard so many wonderful things about you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Missus Winters, I assure you," Mason smiled, "And I can see why Heather is so beautiful. She clearly gets it from you, if you don't mind my saying so."

"Oh, my goodness," Lena smiled, her face turning bright red, as she glanced at her daughter, "What a polite young man."

"He's always like that, Mom," Heather proudly told her, "And that's why I love him so much."

All of a sudden, John looked at Mason, and with a somewhat stern yet kind tone of voice, he looked at Mason and said, "My daughter tells me that you two plan on living together this next yer. Is that right?"

"Yes sir," Mason replied, being respectful, yet clearly and firmly standing his own ground, "I know that you and your wife may have concerns about that particular issue, sir; but I assure you that my intentions are nothing but honorable, Mister Winters."

"I see," John replied, "And while we're on the subject; what are your intentions where my daughter is concerned?"

"I've asked her to marry me after we graduate, and she's accepted," Mason told him, "And while we seek not only your permission, but also your blessing, make no mistake when I tell you that we don't need it. I'm in no way trying to be disrespectful, Mister Winters; but I love Heather that much, sir."

"I can appreciate that," John said, "So how are you planning on providing for my daughter?"

"I'll do whatever it takes," Mason said, "And that means that if I have to work three jobs to take care of her, I will, sir."

John's stern glare quickly melted into a warm smile, and placing his arm around Mason's shoulder, he grinned and said, "My daughter told me that you had the heart of a lion, and I can clearly see that she was right. Welcome to our family, son."

"Thank you, sir," I happy that you approve, and I promise not to disappoint you."

"I have no doubt about that," John chuckled, "Heather told me that you were the National Karate Champion. Is that right?"

"Yes sir," Mason proudly smiled, "That's correct."

"I want to hear all about it," John smiled, "I've always been fascinated by the martial arts."

As her father and her fiancé talked, Heather looked at her mother, and with a smile on her beautiful face, she smiled and said, "See, I told you he was the real thing, didn't I, Mom?"

"Yes, you did, baby girl," Lena tenderly replied, "And I'm so happy for you, sweetheart."

"He's the kindest, most gentle person I've ever known," Heather happily sniffled, "And I can't, no, I won't let him go...not for anything. My heart starts beating like crazy just being in the same room with him, and when he's not around me, I feel like I'm going to die before I see him again."

"I understand, baby," Lena knowing replied, "Now you know how I felt the first time I met your father. I just hope that you two are being careful if you know what I mean."

"You can relax, Mom," she grinned, "I got on the pill right after this past Christmas break."

"You're a very wise young woman, baby," Lena proudly smiled, "And I want you to know, that when you and Mason get married, your father and I are going to be right there for the both of you."

"Thank you, Momma," Heather sniffled, "I love you and Daddy so much."

I want to give you some good advice baby," Lena whispered to her daughter, "As long as you fuck him as good as you feed him, he'll never stray."

"Mother," Heather playfully gasped, her face turning a bright shade of red, "That's terrible," which of course was followed by knowing fits of giggles between her and her mother.

"Your grandmother told me the same thing right before I married your father," Lena laughed, "And you'll notice that we're still together after all these years, and, let me just say that there's never a dull moment in the bedroom..."


That night after dinner when the waitress brought the check to the table, Mason was reaching for it while pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. However, right before he picked it up, Heather's father, John, snatched the check from his grasp.

"Your money's no good her, Mason," John laughed, "Besides, I'd planned on buying yours and Heather's dinner this evening anyway."

"That's not right, Mister Winters," Mason replied, "At least let me pay for mine and Heather's part of it."

"It's not happening," the man grinned, patting Mason's shoulder, "And I want you to call me John and my wife Lena from now on, okay?"

"If you say so, Mist...err, I mean John," Mason chuckled, "Thank you, thank you very much. We really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, son," John light heartedly smiled, "And just so you know, I want you to make my daughter bring you home some time this summer so I can show you off to all of my friends, okay?"

"Uh, sure," Mason said, "But there's not really much to show off."

"Horse shit," John laughed, "My soon to be son-in-law is a National Karate Champion."

"He's right, baby," Heather smiled, leaning over and kissing him right in front of her parents, "We're so proud of you."

"Come on, you guys," Mason grinned, his face turning red, "You're embarrassing me..."


That night as they lay in bed together after they'd just finished making love, Heather leaned across Mason's chest and rubbed her beautiful breasts against him.

"My parents adore you, baby," she cooed, "I hope you know that."

"I really like them, too," he smiled, gently running his hand across her hot little ass, "Your Dad is a good man."

"Are you kidding me?" she sweetly giggled, "Dad thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread, and Mom couldn't tell me enough how handsome she thought you were."

"You look just like her," he smiled, "That's why you're so beautiful."

"Aw, thank you, baby," she softly replied, tenderly kissing his lips, "I love you so much, Mason."

"I'm glad," he told her, gazing into her big dark eyes, "Because I love you more than anything in the world..."



Mason and Heather had been living together for about ten days, and there was only about a week left before college dismissed for the summer. They were spending the day out at Lake Travis enjoying what was left of spring as the season began to turn to summer. Needless to say, the day had been beautiful, and as they lay together in the sun, Heather told Mason that she was thirsty.

"I'm sorry, baby," Mason smiled, "I'll go to the car and get the cooler."

"Don't worry about it," she grinned, "I'll go get it; you keep your seat, handsome."

"Are you sure?" he asked, "I don't mind one bit."

"We didn't pack the big cooler; we packed the small one, remember silly?" she grinned, standing up, "Besides, "I'm not totally helpless, honey. I'll be right back," and with that, she merrily trotted toward the parking lot which was about thirty yards away from where they were laying out.

Heather hadn't been gone for more than a few minutes, when Mason suddenly heard a familiar voice screaming, "MASON...HELP ME, PLEASE!!!"

He took off like a shot out of a cannon toward the parking lot where his truck was parked...


When he arrived at his truck, the first thing he saw was that Heather had her arms across her bare chest as two assholes, who'd clearly ripped her top off, were trying put their hands on her breasts.

"Come on, baby," the bigger of the two drunkenly sneered, "All we wanna do is suck on those hot ass tits of yours."

"Back off now, asshole," Mason growled, quickly stepping in between the two idiots and Heather, reaching into the open cab of his truck and retrieving a tee shirt for Heather to put on, "What the fuck is the matter with you, huh? Does it make you feel like a big man to pick on a girl, you fucking coward?"

It was very obvious that Mason had lost his temper, something he never did, but because these two idiots had messed with Heather, he was clearly ready to destroy them where they stood.

"Why don't you step off, half pint," the bigger one spat, "This isn't any of your business."

"Your ass, fuck face," Mason quickly replied, "You're messing with my girlfriend so; I'm giving you fair warning right now, back off before you get hurt...I mean it."

"Bullshit," the guy laughed, "We're gonna fuck you up, and then right before I kill you, we're gonna fuck your little cunt girlfriend until she begs for more," and then he tried to catch Mason off guard by taking a swing at him.

However, Mason quickly locked the guy up in a standing arm-bar, and while maintaining a strong, unbreakable hold on the guy's arm, he spun around to his right, with the loud snapping of the bone being very audible, Mason broke the guy's humerus, dead center between his elbow and his shoulder, making him scream bloody murder.

All of a sudden Heather yelled, "MASON, LOOK OUT," just in time to make Mason turn to see the guy's partner coming at him with a broken beer bottle in his right hand, yelling, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKER," And of course after grabbing hold of the guy's hand that was holding the broken beer bottle, Mason delivered a swift, hard, roundhouse kick to the guy's open, left temporal side, dropping him like a hot potato, and leaving him on his back, out cold.

Of course someone had called the police, and no less than ten seconds later, two police cruisers came to a screeching halt, as both officers immediately jumped out of their cars, demanding an explanation...


It was a good thing that there were more than plenty of people who saw what happened, because Mason was exonerated of any wrong doing on the spot, as witnesses all told the police that he'd been forced to react the way he had and that it was self defense, pure and simple. However the two idiots in question, who both attended the same college as Heather and Mason, were arrested on attempted rape, as well as attempted murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges.

"You're gonna pay for this, motherfucker," the guy who'd pulled the broken beer bottle said, after he's been awakened and as he was being led away, "We're both PIKES (Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity members); and my brothers will avenge us, you little sonofabitch."

Mason just laughed and shook his head as he told Heather, "Come on baby; let's get out of here. I've had about all the excitement I can handle for one day. What about you?"

"You saved me again, baby," she sniffled, "Can we just go home?'

"Of course we can," he softly replied, escorting Heather, who was visibly shaken by this time, back to their truck, "Come on, sweetheart, you're safe now."


The two guys who'd been involved with molesting Heather were named Biff Howard, and Tad Cummings.

"Biff and Tad," Mason laughed, when he found out, "They even sound like your typical "college boy" jerks."

"Mason," Heather scolded him, not being able to help but laugh, "That's not nice, and you know it."

"Maybe not," he viciously spat, "But neither was pulling your top off."

"You're right," she replied, "Thank you for being there to save me."

"I had to save you," he softly told her, "I love you..."

When the graduating class walked across the platform that year, Mason was there to cheer some of his friends, and a couple of his fraternity brothers on. However, little did he realize what the word brotherhood would truly come to mean during the beginning of his senior year the next year?


During that summer, Mason and Heather began to explore the true depth of their love. And in doing so, they discovered how much they were, beyond doubt, destined to be together.

Biff Howard and Tad Cummings had been advised by their attorneys to stay out of trouble until their impending trial date, and because of it; Mason had almost forgotten about it. That was until he got a phone call from the district attorney's office two weeks before classes were scheduled to begin.

"Mister Markinson," Assistant District Attorney, Jane Hamilton, said, "I'd like it if you and Miss Winters could come in to our office so that we can go over your testimony, if you don't mind."

"No, ma'am," Mason cheerfully smiled, "When would you like us to be there?"

"Would tomorrow morning at nine o'clock be alright?" she politely asked.

"Yes, ma'am," he told her, "We'll be there. Your office is somewhere in the courthouse building, yes?"