Blessed are the Meek


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"I can tell by the expression on your face that you like the way I look, Mason," Heather giggled, kissing him lightly on the lips, "I wore this just for you, sweetie."

"My God, Heather, you're beautiful," Mason breathed, "So very beautiful."

"Thank you, sweetie," she smiled, "You make me feel that way."

"Come on, my beautiful girlfriend," Mason smiled, taking her hand, "We're going to be late."


"Hey, Mason," smiled Chuck, as Mason and Heather came through the front door at Alpha House, "We're glad you could make it. Come on in, you two." Then Chuck turned his head toward the main room of the house and loudly yelled, "HEY GUYS, HE'S HERE!!!"

All at once Mason and Heather were suddenly surrounded by some of the biggest guys they'd ever seen, smiling and welcoming them into their midst. "Hey Mason, hi Heather," smiled Shaun, from behind them, making Mason turn around, "I'm glad you two are here."

"Oh, hey Shaun," Mason grinned, "Thank you, we're glad to be here."

"Yo, Shaun," boomed a loud voice from across the room, and getting nearer by the second, "Is this the guy that kicked your ass?"


Chapter Two

Suddenly Mason came toe to toe with the biggest guy he'd ever seen before. He had to be at least six feet, six inches tall; and probably weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred and ninety to three hundred pounds. However, there wasn't an ounce of fat on him anywhere, which made for a menacing sight to Mason.

But, Mason being who he was, simply smiled and extending a handshake, replied, "Hi, my name is Mason Markinson."

"Mason," grinned Chuck, "Let me introduce you to Brian Hawkins, starting fullback for the Texas Longhorns."

"I've heard some things about you," Brian emotionlessly replied, crossing his arms, "Are they true?"

"I don't know," said Mason, putting his hands on his hips, "Were the things you heard good, or bad?"

"Well, they were pretty amazing," Brian contemplated, "So, I guess that means they were good."

"That explains it then," Mason laughed.

"You lost me there," Brian said, scratching his head, "What do you mean?"

"If you heard good things about me from him," Mason grinned, nodding at Chuck, "Then you can be fairly sure that its bull shit."

"HELL YEAH," Brian loudly roared with laughter, as he put his arm around Mason, "He can stay, welcome to Alpha House, little bro."


After that night, Mason knew what it was to be well liked. Everywhere he went on campus, people that he didn't know would acknowledge him with either a cheery smile or simple nod of their head.


His relationship with Heather only brought them closer, until everything changed one afternoon. "I'm moving into an apartment this summer, Mason," Heather said as they walked along to his dorm, "And I want you to move in with me."

"Gosh, Heather," Mason nervously replied, "I don't know, I mean...."

"Don't you care about me, Mason?" she sweetly asked, "Because I sure care about you."

"You know I care about you, Heather, but what will your parents say?" Mason hesitantly asked, "And what will my Mom say?"

"I know how to help you make your mind up," she purred, taking his hand, "Come with me, baby."


Back in her dorm room Heather stood before Mason, smiling seductively. And as she began to unbutton her shirt, Mason gulped and asked, "What're you doing, Heather?"

After removing her shirt and dropping it on the floor, she reached behind her back, unsnapping her bra. While still holding the cups of her bra to her breasts, Heather smiled and sensually purred, "I want you to make love to me, Mason," as she slowly removed her hands, allowing her bra to fall onto the floor where it laid next to her blouse. Mason sat in awe of her beautiful tits, speechless, his throat going dry and his cock becoming hard.

"Aren't you going to say anything, Mason?"

"Oh my God, Heather," he replied trembling, "You are so beautiful....and....and I love you so much."

As her eyes began to fill with tears, Heather smiled while she climbed into Mason's lap, threw her arms around his neck, and said, "I've been in love with you for a long time now, Mason, but I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want to scare you off."

"That will never happen, baby," Mason breathed, as he placed his lips on her nipple that was now only inches from his face as she sat in his lap, "Not in a million years."

"Oh Mason," Heather moaned, cradling his head in her arms as he now began to tenderly suck both of her hard nipples, "Oh, yes Baby, suck my titties. Mmm, that feels so fucking good."

They progressed with their oral administrations until it eventually led to them making love. And while it could be graphically depicted, suffice it to say that the love that was not only made, but shared between them that afternoon, became the glue that would eventually seal their lives together for all eternity.


"Good morning, lover," Heather purred, when Mason opened his eyes to find himself naked in bed with her the next morning.

"Mmm, good morning," he smiled, stretching his body while placing his arms around her and pulling her naked body against his.

"Did you mean what you said last night," she asked, "Right before we went to sleep?"

"And that would be what," he teased, "Maybe you need to refresh my memory?"

"Oh Mason," she giggled, playfully slapping his arm, "You know what I'm talking about."

"Of course, I remember," Mason smiled, tenderly holding her next to him, "And yes, I meant what I said when I told you that I was going to marry you someday."

"I love you so very much, Mason Markinson," Heather sweetly replied, as tears of joy poured happily down her face.

"I love you, too, Heather Winters," smiled Mason, tenderly kissing her lips, "And I always will."

From then on, you didn't see Mason on campus, or anywhere else that Heather wasn't very far away, and as the weeks progressed; they became so close that nothing, short of God himself, would ever be able separate them.


Mason had not only won the respect of the entire football team, but they also treated him as if he were one of them. Mason and 'his buddies', as he affectionately called the football players, came to mutually respect one another. Mason wasn't a muscular giant like the rest of them, but as they once said of him, he was a small guy with a huge heart, and that made them respect and adore him that much more.


"Hi Ben," Mason smiled, as he walked into the gym for his weekly Karate lesson.

"Hey, Mason," Ben knowingly smiled, "How's Heather?"

"She's great," Mason proudly replied, "Thanks for asking."

"Glad to hear it," Ben grinned, "I've got a surprise for you, my friend."

"Oh, yeah," Mason asked, "What is it?"

Ben folded his arms across his chest and proudly replied, "I've entered you in the All-State Amateur Karate Tournament, which will take place six weeks from now."

"Do you think I'm ready, Ben?"

"I sure do," smiled Ben, "You've been ready for this your whole life."


When word of Mason's impending competition reached the football team, they got Ben's approval and took over Mason's training. "You can do it, little brother," Shaun said, as together, they ran the five mile stretch of road that ran up and down some of the steep hills surrounding the campus.

"Is this how you guys train before your football games, Shaun?" Mason asked, as they ran along and up and down.

"It sure is, Mace," smiled Shaun, "But wait until you see what Brian and Chuck have waiting for you at the bottom of this last hill."


As Shaun and Mason rounded the last bend at the bottom of the last hill, Mason first saw the bright smiling face of Heather as she sat atop a cooler in the back of Brian's truck, where both Brian and Chuck sat, grinning proudly at him.

"Hi, baby," Heather grinned, as stood and then reached into the cooler to retrieve a cold bottle of Gatorade, which she handed to Mason, "How was your run?"

"It was tough," Mason smiled, taking a cool refreshing drink of his Gatorade, "But I'm sure that the guys I'm supposed to fight are a lot tougher that this."

"That's the spirit, Mace," Chuck said, "We know you can do it, buddy."


Chapter Two

"I don't know if I'm really ready for this, Ben," Mason worriedly said, as he prepared to participate in his first full contact competition, "These guys are all black belts."

"You just rely on your training, Mason," Ben reassured him, "You're faster, stronger, and more agile than all of these guys put together."


As the referee gave the two fighters their instructions, Mason sized up the man standing on the mat in front of him. He had to have been right at six feet tall. Still though, Mason was confident that he could get in underneath him and maybe tangle him up a bit.

When the ref gave the signal to begin, the other fighter threw a forward lunge punch. Mason saw it coming, but as opposed to just simply blocking it; he got beneath the punch and landed a devastating upper cut into his opponent's jaw that raised him almost two feet into the air, knocking him flat on his back, unconscious.

The crowd burst into a roar of cheers for Mason, and for the first time in his life, he felt like a bonafide athlete. Mason fought twice more, winning both times, before fighting in the semi-finals that afternoon, where he won his place in the finals later that night.



None of Mason's previous fights had lasted more than one round, and now that he was going into the third round; he was beginning to feel some pressure. "He's all over me, Ben," Mason panted, on the thirty second break before the next round "It's like he knows my every move."

Wiping the back of Mason's neck with a cold towel, Ben smiled and replied, "That's because you're trying to stand toe-to-toe with this guy. He's bigger than you are so; you need to keep moving around. It slows him down and confuses him. Just take your time and break him down a piece at a time. We've still got three more rounds so, there's still time," then leaning in to Mason's ear, Ben whispered, "Remember what I told you. This guy has a soft jaw. Try to land as many blows to the head as you can, and keep him guessing."

The bell rang and out came the fighters. Mason took his mentor's advice and began to dance around the mat like he was standing on hot coals. Every two to three seconds he would throw a fast hard punch to his opponent's head; avoiding every single counter punch the other fighter threw. The crowd came alive and loudly began chanting his name, and as the round progressed; Mason's opponent began showing definite and obvious signals of his impending defeat. His defense was weakening and Mason seemed to be all over him, flurrying him with fast, hard punches directly to his face, and jaw. Suddenly Mason saw the chance to land a hard kick to his opponent's face, and after exploiting that same opportunity, and right before his opponent fell unconscious a large white towel came sailing into the ring like a brilliant flame from the opposing side, signaling their resignation from the tight. And upon seeing it; the referee immediately stopped the fight and claimed Mason the victor.


Heather, as well as the rest of his peers from college, threw Mason a big victory party after the fight at Hippie Hollow Park, on Lake Travis. And while he was a bit banged up from the day's exploits, Mason knew that Heather would make him forget about everything but the love they had for one another.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," Heather purred, as she and Mason sat huddled together in front of one of the many small fires that had been built where the party was being held.

"We are, too," smiled Chuck, as he, Brian, Shaun and Rick grinned from across the fire they had all been seated around.

"As a matter of fact," said Chuck, with Brian, Rick and Shaun knowingly chuckling beside him, "We're all very proud of you, Mason. And because of the pure strength, drive and determination you showed in the ring today, we want to make you a member of our fraternity, if you'll have us, that is."

"That's all great, and I appreciate it," Mason pointedly replied, "But I'm a little too old for all the bullshit of rush week, fellas."

"Well, I can take care of that," chuckled Brian, as he suddenly picked Mason up, and ran into the lake with Mason in his arms until they were in waist deep water and then fell straight back, soaking them both. "You've officially been rushed," Brian laughed, as the two of them walked back to the shore, both laughing hysterically.

"God, you are such an asshole," Mason laughed, as he took off his shirt, wringing the lake water from it.

"And your point is?" smiled Brian, as he reached into his truck and withdrew a couple of towels and tossed one of them to Mason.

"Be at Alpha house this Friday night at seven o'clock wearing a tux," grinned Chuck, "Okay, Little Brother?"

"Are you guys serious?" Mason excitedly asked.

"You bet we are," Brian replied smiling.


The following Monday proved to be a turning point in Mason's life, as everywhere he went, people gave him accolades, praising his victory at the tournament the previous weekend.

Ben gave him two weeks off from his training, not only because finals were coming up in a week, but because Mason had been working his ass off for three years, and it was time he had some rest, and a little fun, too. Not only was Ben a coach, but he was also Mason's friend, and he wanted Mason to revel in his new found celebrity without having to worry about making it on time to classes, as well as his training sessions.

Heather soon got on the pill, and she and Mason made love almost every night, whether it was in her dorm, or at the little motel that was right outside of town where they would occasionally spend secluded weekends.


"I love you so much, Mason," Heather breathed, clinging to his side as they caught their breath from the love making session they both had just enjoyed, "I'll always love you."

"I know you do, baby," Mason smiled, "And I love you with all my heart."

"The initiation ceremony is tomorrow night," Heather smiled, "Are you nervous?"

"A little," Mason grinned, "But not so much. I still can't believe they want me in their fraternity, though."

"And why not," Heather disapprovingly asked, "Are you, or are you not the National Amateur Full-Contact Karate Champion?"

"Well sure," he began, "But it's not the same a being a football player."

"Bullshit, Mason," she glared, now sitting up in bed, "You think that any one of those guys on that team doesn't get hit just as hard, or harder than you do when they play?"

"I guess I never looked at it that way," Mason smiled, gently putting his arms around her, "Thanks Heather, you're the best, and one day, I'm gonna marry you."

"Is that right?" she giggled, tenderly kissing his lips, "Well don't let your mouth go making any bets that your little ass can't cash, Mason."

"Little ass?" he laughed, holding her close to him and tickling her, making her delightfully squeal, "I'll show you a little ass, girlie-girl."

They playfully wrestled until they made love once more, and then went to sleep, holding one another until the sun began to peek over the horizon to start the new day.


Mason opened his eyes when he awoke the next morning to find Heather's naked body pressed tightly to his own. It was obvious by the smile on her face that she'd been watching him while he slept. "You're so cute when you're asleep, baby," she smiled, leaning over and kissing his lips."

"Good morning to you, too, pretty girl," Mason grinned, "How did you sleep?"

"Mmm," she cooed, hugging him tightly, "I always sleep well when I'm lying next to you."

"You are so beautiful," Mason breathed, running his hand down her back and onto the round globes of her perfect naked ass, "I love you, Heather."

"I'll always love you, Mace," she purred, snuggling closer, "Always..."


That week was spent with both Heather and Mason studying for their finals during the week to come. They also made certain that they took enough time out of each day for one another. Not only was Mason looking forward to being inducted into the Alpha Beta Epsilon fraternity on Friday, his mother and grand parents, who, without his knowledge, were going to be attending the ceremony to see him take his place in one of the most prestigious fraternities not only on campus, but also across the country.



6:30 PM

"How do I look?" Mason asked Heather, right before they left for Alpha House, "Does this tux look okay on me?"

"Are you kidding me, Mason?" she swooned, "You look so handsome, baby; and I can't believe that you're all mine. I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world."

"I don't think so, baby," he grinned, gently pulling her against him as he tenderly kissed her lips, "I'm the one who's lucky, because I got you."


After the ceremony was over with, and Mason had been given his membership papers, plaque and frat pin, which he immediately gave to Heather; he stood in silent shock when his mother, Jane, as well as his grandparents, Chandler and Vivian Markinson approached him smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Hi, baby," Jane proudly smiled, hugging her son as her eyes filled with happy tears, "I'm so proud of you, Mason honey."

"Oh, my God," he gasped, in shock, "What're you guys doing here?"

"I invited them, Mason," Ben smiled, coming in behind them, "I hope that's alright with you, kiddo."

Mason was so happy to see his family that the only thing he could do was to silently embrace his mother and grandparents, as happy tears filled his own eyes.

"I'm so glad you guys are here," he softly told them, "I've missed all so much," then he looked over at Ben and quietly sniffled, "Thanks, Ben."

All of a sudden, he heard Heather clearing her throat, as she stood beside him, smiling, making him pull away from them, and with a huge smile on his face, he took Heather by the hand and proudly said, "Mom, Nan, Papaw, This is my girlfriend, Miss Heather Winters, and I'm going to marry her after I graduate."

"Oh, my goodness," Jane sweetly replied, pulling Heather into her arms, "It's so nice to meet you sweetheart...oh, and she's so pretty, Mason."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Missus Markinson," Heather politely replied smiling, "And I want to let you know that I love Mason with all my heart."

"Damn, son," Chandler proudly smiled, hugging his grandson, "She's beautiful...I'm very proud of you Mason...damn proud."

"Thank you, sir," Mason respectfully told his grandfather, "I want you to be proud of me."

"I hear that you're the All State Karate Champion, too," Chandler knowingly grinned, winking at Ben, "I always knew that you'd do well, son."

"No sir," Mason teased, "I'm the National Champion, Papaw."

"You've never done anything half-assed," the old man proudly laughed, "Have you, boy?"

About that time Shaun and Rick approached Mason and his family, and after being introduced to them by Mason, Rick smiled and said, "Coach Tyler, sir; I apologize for taking Mason away from his family, but we need to him to stand with us for the group photograph, please."

"You go with your friends, Mace," Chandler smiled, "It'll give your mother, grandmother and me the chance to talk to your beautiful girlfriend. Maybe we can get her to tell us the things about you that I know you damn sure won't tell us," and then he laughed.

"I'll be right back," Mason smiled, making it a point to kiss Heather right before he left.


"You'd better watch my grandfather, baby," He smiled at Heather, "And don't believe a word he says either."

"Get outta here, boy, before I rattle your little ass," Chandler good naturedly teased, "Karate Champion or not..."