Arewyn Ch. 02


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Snatching up the weapon and aiming it at him, I looked him in the eyes and growled, "If you so much as blink your eyes, I'm going to pull this trigger, asshole."


Our pilot had already radioed the airport authorities, who, including the British Army, were on us only seconds after the occurrence had taken place. And after interviewing our group, released us and took McTiernan into custody.


"Oh, my goodness," Alyssa smiled at Arewyn, once we were in the air and headed back to Dublin, "I've never seen anything like that."

"I told ya he was the best," Arewyn proudly replied, "And that's why I love him."

"Aye," Alyssa grinned, "And it's a handsome thing he is as well."

"Yes," Arewyn giggled, as my face turned a beet red color, "He is, isn't he?"

"And he's a little crazy sometimes, too," Jeff laughed.

"Aw, man," I playfully groaned, "Come on, you guys."


Once the aircraft had landed and we were safely back home, Arewyn and Alyssa sat down with me at the kitchen table to talk for a few moments. Arewyn was in the kitchen brewing some tea for herself and Alyssa, as well as some coffee for me.

"So, tell me, Michael," Alyssa smiled, "Arewyn told me that ya had a daughter, and I wanted to ask you how ya've raised her to be the sweet girl that Arewyn says she is, and on your own at that?."

"It was difficult in the beginning after her mother died," I replied, "But my Isabella was the one who raised us both, as I was also very young myself."

No sooner had I spoken her name when Izzy and Robert came through the front door, smiling and holding hands.

"Hi, Daddy," Izzy smiled, leaning down and kissing my cheek.

"Hi, baby girl," I grinned, standing to shake hands with Robert, "Hello, Robert, how are you doing today?"

"Hello, sir," he grinned, as we shook hands, "I'm doing well, Mister Henson. Thank ya fer askin."

"Look here, Robert," I chuckled, "Please...You're grown so; why don't you call me by my first name like everyone else does."

"Oh, no sir," he replied, "That would be disrespectful. Besides, me Da would have me hide fer it."

"You let me worry about your parents," I smiled, as I patted him on the shoulder, "It's alright, I promise."

Before he could reply, Arewyn came into the room with a tray full of tea and coffee, and with a broad smile across her face, she looked at Izzy and said, "Well, hello there, my lamb. How are you this fine day, love?"

"Hi, Momma," Izzy smiled, hugging Arewyn and kissing her on the cheek, "I love you."

"Aw, my darling girl," Arewyn cooed, hugging Izzy in return, "I love ya so very much, child."

Then after releasing her from the hug, Arewyn gently turned Izzy toward Alyssa and told her, "Izzy, this is my cousin Alyssa, and she's gonna be yer cousin, too, when yer father and I are married."

"Cool," Izzy giggled, "Hi, Alyssa, it's nice to meet you. My name is Isabella, but you can call me Izzy, or just plain old Izz, like everyone else does."

Alyssa and Izzy looked so much alike they could've passed for sisters, and as she stood up and hugged Izzy, Alyssa smiled and said, "What a delightful girl you are. Perhaps you and Arewyn and I could go have a girl's day out sometime soon. Isn't that what they call it in America, a girl's day out?"

"Yes, it is" Izzy smiled, "And I would love to go anytime you want."


Robert had to leave in order to get ready to go to work, which left me all alone in a sea of Estrogen which now flowed freely through the house. Don't get me wrong; I was enjoying myself being around three very beautiful women, especially because they treated me like a King and waited on me hand and foot.


The four of us moved from the kitchen table into the living room so as to be able talk in a more comfortable setting, as opposed to the hard kitchen chairs.

"Where did you meet your young man, Izzy?" Alyssa smiled, "He's a handsome thing, that one."

"He is cute, isn't he?" Izzy girlishly giggled, "I met him at Cusack's Restaurant a couple of weeks ago when Daddy took me out to eat. He works there and was our waiter that night."

"And they've both been crazy about each other ever since," I tenderly smiled, gently brushing the back of my hand against my Isabella's beautiful cheek, "My little girl is growing up."

"I'll always be your little girl, Daddy," Izzy cooed, laying her head on my shoulder, "That will never change."

"I know, sweetheart," I smiled, as Arewyn sat on the other side of me, placing her hand on my knee, "And now I'm going to have two beautiful girls in my life...I feel so very blessed."

"And it's blessed ya are, Michael," Alyssa smiled, tears forming in her eyes, "I'm so glad that Arewyn has you in her life now," and by this time, Alyssa began to openly cry.

"Hey now," I replied, suddenly hopping up from where I sat to soothe her, "What's with all the tears, this is supposed to be a happy occasion, isn't it?"

"I'm not sad, Michael," Alyssa softly replied smiling, tears still raining down her pretty face, "It's just that we've all been so worried about Arewyn fer a long time now. And now that yer here, it does me heart good ta see her smile like she used to before her Mum and Da were killed."

"That's because I've got Michael and Izzy in my life now, Lys," Arewyn began to cry, "And I love the both of them so very much, as do they me."

"That's right, Momma," Izzy cried, "I love you."

By now all three of them were crying and holding one another in the middle of the floor, and the only thing I knew to do was to put my arms around all three of them and say, "I love you guys very much, but will you please stop crying? You're making me sad."

"Oh, hush, Daddy," Izzy smiled, "We're not upset. These are happy tears, huh Mom?"

"That's right, m'lamb," Arewyn sniffled smiling, "Very happy tears indeed."


The day had passed and it was nearing time for dinner when Izzy smiled and asked, "Can I make dinner tonight, Daddy?"

"I don't know," I teased, "You're not going to poison us, are you?"

"You're so silly, "Izzy giggled, "Aunt Sara taught me how to make Shepard's Pie and I want to make it for you tonight."

"Aunt Sara?" I asked, winking at Arewyn and Alyssa, "Who's she?"

"Come on, Daddy," Izzy replied, her hands on her hips, "You know...Aunt Sara...Uncle Aedan's wife, that Aunt Sara."

"I know who you were talking about, sweetie," I smiled, "Go...cook us something good, baby girl."

As Izzy squealed and quickly moved back into the kitchen, Arewyn giggled and said, "It seems that Miss Isabella is fittin in quite well around here, now, doesn't it?"

"It seems that way," I chuckled.

"Yes," Alyssa grinned, "And I think it's absolutely adorable."

"I told ya she was precious," Arewyn tenderly replied, "I couldn't have asked for a better step-daughter."

"You'd better not let Izzy hear you call her your step daughter," I laughed.

"And why not, Michael," Arewyn pointedly asked, "It's the truth, isn't it?"

"Not according to Izzy," I knowingly grinned, "You're Izzy's mother as far as she is concerned, and I assure that she won't let anyone tell her otherwise."

"I love you, Michael," Arewyn smiled, with happy tears in her eyes, "I love you both so very much."

"HEY MOM," Izzy suddenly called from the kitchen, "I NEED YOUR HELP, PLEASE."

"See what I mean?" I chuckled, "Your daughter is calling you."

"I love you, Michael," Arewyn giggled, as she rose from her seat, and headed toward the kitchen, "I'M COMING, MY LAMB."


Dinner that night will forever remain one of my fondest memories. It was so very touching and sweet to watch the way that Izzy and Arewyn acted around one another. I could see in my daughter's eyes, the love she held for Arewyn in her heart. And Arewyn made no mistake in showing us all how she felt about Izzy either; for she, too, carried in her heart the same love for Izzy that my daughter carried in hers.


I sat out on the back porch enjoying an after dinner cup of coffee, while the girls, who flat out refused to let me help, cleaned up the kitchen. I thought about Arewyn and my relationship with her, and the peace I felt within was nothing short of miraculous.

However, the one thing that laid the heaviest on my mind was the fact that the IRA had put a price on the head of my beautiful Arewyn. And knowing that I could not protect her here in Ireland meant that I either had to take her back home with me, or find a resolution to the problem. I sought the latter.


"Have ya lost yer fookin mind, Lad?" Aedan bellowed, that next morning when I told him what I wanted to do, "Those bastards are dangerous people who kill fer the fun of it."

"Not this time, Aedan," I replied, "I've got a plan that I think might work."

"Why?" he snapped, "Why do you want to put yerself in harm's way."

"They're going to kill Arewyn," I angrily replied, "Are you going to fucking help me, or not, God dammit?"

"Calm down, Michael," Aedan said, "Of course I'll help ya."


"Ya can't be serious, Michael," Arewyn gasped, once I'd informed her of my plans, "The IRA won't tolerate an outsider."

"I don't care," I replied, "We're not going to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders." "Besides," I added, "I will not allow you and Isabella to be put in a precarious position because of those people."

"Please, Michael," she tearfully begged, "Yer gonna end up gettin yerself killed."

"That's where you're wrong, my love," I quietly replied, "I'm going to make them an offer that they'd be crazy to refuse."



Per Aedan's instruction, I took the train north to Belfast. Aedan had also made a phone call and had set up a meeting between me and the man who'd put the price on Arewyn's life to begin with, a man by the name of Colin Flynn.


I was met outside the train station by a large, rather rough looking guy who introduced himself as Thomas Flannigan. And then after opening the back door of the car he drove, he threw my bag in and snottily quipped, "Mister Flynn is waitin on ya...yank." I said nothing and simply got into the car, Flannigan closing the door behind me before he went to the driver's side and got in.


I was driven out of town and into the countryside, even enjoying the view as we rode. However, even though the view was nice, I still kept in mind that the people I was on my way to meet were anything but nice, and that I wasn't sure what I was about to face. However, I was prepared to lay down my life for Arewyn if the occasion was to come about, and that was where my true strength lay.


After pulling up to an old Irish cottage, I got out of the car and waited for the man who drove me to lead me inside.


"So, yer tha yank I've heard so much about," said a man who was obviously Colin Flynn, the person I came to see, "Whadaya want?"

"I want you to spare the life of Arewyn Donnelly," I boldly replied, "And I'll fight any man you put in front of me to prove my point if I have to."

"It won't be that fookin easy, Yank," he viciously laughed, "I want money...and lots of it."

"How much?" I asked

"One Million Pounds," he announced, "And I want it in three days."

"You've got it," I glared, "Now here are my terms."

"You have no right to call any terms at all," Flynn growled, "Yer lucky that I'm gonna let ya leave with yer fookin life."

"Is that right?" I asked, as I suddenly grabbed Flynn, and with drawing a Walther PPK that Aedan had given to me, I stuck it to his head and said, "Once I give you the money, which by the way, I'm going to give to you and you only, I want you to leave Arewyn alone. If not, I'll kill you myself, right here, right now...Is that clear?"

"Yes," he replied, then raising his hands to stop his men who'd drawn their weapons, said, "Lower yer guns, lads...and let him leave unmolested."

With my weapon still aimed at him, I let Flynn loose and said, "You've got three days to meet me in Dublin. Now make your man drive me away from here."

"You'll be notified where the meeting will be and at what time," he spat, rubbing his throat, "Now git the fook outta here, yank."


After I'd been dropped off at the airport, I began to wonder if threatening him had been the right thing to do. Still though, I knew that the IRA's reach extended all over the world, but then again, I guess would have to cross that road if I came to it.


I found Arewyn waiting on pins and needles when I arrived back home, as were Aedan and Alyssa; thank God Izzy was out on a date with Robert at the time and had no knowledge of what had taken place.

"What happened, Michael?" Aedan asked, as I hugged Arewyn.

"Everything will be just fine," I replied. "So long as Flynn holds up his end of the deal, that is."

"You're not talkin about Colin Flynn, are ya?" Arewyn gasped in horror, "He's a madman, Michael...He'd as soon kill ya as look at ya."

"Maybe so," I calmly replied, "But I don't think he'll fuck up the chance to get his hands on a million pounds."

"No, Michael," Arewyn cried, throwing her arms around me, "Don't do this, he'll kill you..."


Chapter Five

Arewyn plead with me not to meet with Colin Flynn, however, I knew that it was either offer him the money to leave us alone, or if needs be, take him out by myself, provided he'd honor his word and meet me alone...Only time would tell.



I had managed to get my hands on the money that I had agreed to give Colin Flynn and was eating dinner with Arewyn, Alyssa and Izzy, when the phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Have ya got what we agreed upon?" asked Flynn.

"Yes," I coldly replied, "Are you coming alone like we agreed?"

"Aye," he spat, "I gave ya me word, didn't I? Meet me tomorrow night at midnight at tha south wall of Malahide Castle, near tha moat. Aedan Donnelly knows where it is and can show ya tha way."

"Midnight, south wall, Malahide Castle, near the moat," I repeated, writing it down, "Got it."

"Be there," he growled, "And don't be late..."


"Are ya certain ya want ta do this, Michael?" Aedan asked the next afternoon.

"We've already talked about this," I coolly replied, "Are you going to help me or not?"

Once Aedan gave me the directions I'd asked for, I dropped Isabella off at Arewyn's house where she would be safe with both Arewyn and Alyssa there, as well as Jeff, who was armed with an MP-5 submachine, for which I made sure that he had more than enough ammunition.


The time was drawing near that Colin Flynn would be driving up at any minute, as I was already at the agreed upon place awaiting his arrival. Malahide castle was dark, reminding me of the sordid things that once happened behind those walls, eliciting a strong feeling of uneasiness that was even greater than that which I was already feeling.

I sensed movement all about me, however, when I saw a fox dash across the fore field of the castle followed by the appearance of a single set of headlights moving in my direction; my adrenal glands kicked into high gear. With my heart beating a mile a minute, my eyes followed the car until it pulled up beside mine.


When the driver's side door opened and the internal dome light illuminated, I saw that Flynn had kept his word and came alone, making me breathe just a little easier.

"Have ya got tha money?" he asked, walking toward me.

"I told you I would," I coldly replied, reach into my car and handing him the briefcase I retrieved, "Here, look for yourself."

All at once, a single lone figure appeared from out of the moat, wearing a ski, and wielding an MP-5 submachine gun, similar to the one I given to Jeff, which was looked, loaded and aimed in our direction.

"Lying bastard," Flynn spat, and as he reached into his coat to pull the weapon I knew he'd be carrying, the submachine gun perforated his chest, exploding it before me...and spewing blood all over my body.

Taking the briefcase with the money inside, the person who'd just killed Flynn threw in it into my car, and harshly whispered, "Take this and go"

"What the hell is going on here," I demanded, "And who the hell do you think you are?"

Imagine my whole and total shock when this person reached up and pulled off the mask for me to discover that it was Arewyn herself who'd killed Flynn.

"Have you lost your mind?" I demanded, "Don't you know that his people will come looking for him?"

"I'm askin ya ta trust me, m'love," she smiled, "Twill be alright, I promise you, Michael."


When I got back to my house, I set fire to my bloody clothes in the fire place and then jumped into the shower to finish cleaning up. The warm water felt good, but there was still the foreboding intuition that compelled me to believe that, because Flynn had been killed, the IRA would now come looking for me as well as Arewyn.


My fears were temporarily relieved when my shower door opened and a very lovely as well as a very naked Arewyn stepped into the shower with me.

"Hello, my lover," she giggled, as she rubbed her naked body against mine. Then she took her soft palm and placed it against my face, and said, "I know yer afraid right now, Michael, but I'm askin ya ta trust me without askin questions."

"Baby, I'm trying to believe you but I just don't..."

"Have I ever lied to ya?" she sweetly asked, as I shook my head, "I'm askin fer yer blind trust, m'love."

"I'm trying," I uneasily replied, "Really, I am."

"Then that'll do fer now," she purred, reaching down and grabbing my cock, "Mmm...let me suck this lovely cock fer ya, Michael."

To this day, Arewyn needs only to take her clothes off in front of me to make me forget about everything but her, and in the shower was where we made love to make just another one of the countless time we would do it over the years spent together.


I had just walked from my bedroom into the kitchen when the phone rang.

Hello?" I said.

"Michael Henson, my name is Ian McCone," he said, "And I represent the political party, Sinn Fein."

"And what does that have to do with me?" I asked, knowing damn well what the Sinn Fein was.

"Colin Flynn in dead and the debt has been paid," he sinisterly replied, "The price on Arewyn Donnelly's head has been we're even so, let it be." And with that, he abruptly hung the phone up.


Arewyn and I were married the following month in a beautiful ceremony in the chapel at Dublin College. The job in Ireland came to an end and I brought my beautiful bride back to the United States.

The year before Isabella graduated high school, Arewyn gave birth to a daughter whom we named "Deirdre".


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MidwestSouthernerMidwestSoutherner7 months ago

Yep, loved this one too.

Now, about your musical statements: If you love Buffalo Springfield, and one of its 'children' (CSN&Y), what about the other know, the one that led to the Eagles (kinda like grandchild of Buff). Poco. We won't talk about The Flying Burrito Brothers, though. ;-)

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago
Great storyline as usual

But as usual I feel your epilogues on most of your stories that I’ve read, including this one are far far to short but there again what’s your style of writing. In saying that , I still gave you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

drachir53drachir53almost 4 years ago
Great Love Action Story

This is probably 3rd or 4th reading of this story but at least a couple of years since the last time! Enjoyed it!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago
Absolutely Great

Just enough drama and lots of romance and mystery to make it again another great story from MoogPlayer. Another 5 star + story

obster1Aobster1Aover 4 years ago

I was quick thinking that the Story was incomplete, then Read-On to finish this Story!

Congratulations, a GRATE READ!

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