Arewyn Ch. 02


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"Not really," Izzy giggled, "But he works with Daddy, and I know how he is."

Standing up and placing her arms around my daughter, Patricia hugged her and warmly replied, "Arewyn was also right about yer delightful sense of humor, too...ya lovely girl."


While Kieran and me, who, with the help of Robert when he arrived, built a small stage for "The Rats" to set up and perform upon later that night; Izzy and Patricia were in the kitchen making preparations for the caterers when they came later that afternoon.

"So, tell me Izz," Patricia asked, "Where did ya meet young Robert Kelly?"

"I met him at Cusack's Restaurant in Dublin," Izzy proudly smiled, "He was our server when Daddy took me there for dinner. Isn't he cute?"

"Aye," Patricia approvingly smiled, "It's a handsome lad he is."

"He really is," Izzy sighed, "And he's such a gentleman, too."

"That's because he was brought up to be nothing less," Patricia said, "I've known both of his parents since we were all young, and it's very proper folk they are."

"Can I ask you something?" Izzy said.

"Goodness me, child," Patricia smiled, "Ya can ask anything ya'd like, Izz."

"Okay then, I was just wondering," she began, "Is it going to be alright with your family that my father and Arewyn are getting married. I mean, we're not Irish, Daddy and me."

"Don't worry yer pretty little head about it, my dear," Patricia smiled, hugging Izzy close, "True love knows no nationality, Isabella. Arewyn and yer father were destined to be together long before any of us were born."

"I know," Izzy smiled, "Arewyn told the story of Deirdre."

"Oh, she did, did she?" Patricia giggled, "And it's a very sad tale, it is, no?"

"Yes, it is," Izzy said, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, "They both died and...."

"Now, now, child," Patricia soothed her; "Ya needn't be thinkin such things on this day. Ya should be happy fer the both of them."

"I am," she sniffled, "But I don't want to lose...."

"Yer not gunna be losin a thing," Patricia smiled, still hugging Izzy, "If anything, yer gunna be gainin a new mother."

"I know," Izzy smiled, "And I love Arewyn so much."

"Aye," Patricia smiled, wiping Izzy's tears away with her hand, "And I also know fer a fact that Arewyn loves you very much, too. She told me so herself, she did."


I had stopped at the jeweler's on the way home from work the day before and picked up Arewyn's rings and mine, and I prayed that Arewyn would like them. Hell, all of the women in her family that I'd shown them to had gone absolutely nuts over them, telling me how lovely they thought they were so, I guess I'd done well...I would find out later that night if they were right.


Unbeknownst to me, Kevin and Elaine, Bob and Sue, as well as their daughter, and Izzy's best friend growing up, Amy, had flown in the night before to surprise us. And if I hadn't heard Izzy squeal, "OH MY GOD, AAAAMMMYYY," I wouldn't have known they were there.

"What're you guys doing here?" I asked, thrilled to see my best friends in the whole world, "This is such a fantastic surprise."

"Uncle Aedan called me," Jeff smiled, "You didn't think I was going to miss you proposing to my cousin did you?"

"Thanks old friend," I happily smiled, as I hugged Jeff, "I can't tell you what this means having all of you here."

Suddenly I felt someone tugging the back of my shirt. I turned around find Izzy and Amy standing there with happy tears running down both of their faces.

"Aren't you going to hug me, too, Uncle Mike?" Amy sweetly asked.

"Oh, sweet girl," I smiled, lifting her off the ground while eliciting a squeal from her, "Hi, baby girl. You sure have grown up to be a pretty thing."

"Thanks, Uncle Mike," Amy giggled, kissing me on the cheek, "And congratulations. I can't wait to meet Arewyn. Izzy says that she's going to be her Mom."

"We'll see," I teased, "Won't we?"

"Come on, Uncle Mike," Amy replied, her hands on her hips, "You're a good looking guy, and she'd be crazy to turn you down."

"Oh, you think so?" I asked, everyone now laughing.

"Of course," she replied, nonplussed, "Besides, you make a shit-load of money, too."

"AMY," Sue scolded, "What have I told you about your language, young lady?"

"Jeez, Mom," Amy replied, "It's true."

"Jeffery," Kieran suddenly said as he came into the house, "It's good to see you again, cousin."

"Kieran," Jeff smiled, shaking hands with him, "It's good to see you again, too," then he laughed and continued, "So, what do you think, is Arewyn going to accept Mike's proposal, or will she kick his ass?"

"Tis a good question, cousin," Kieran laughed, "The caterers are here and the bar has been set up. Why don't we go and talk about it over a pint?"


As soon as David Kelly and his band, "The Rats", arrived and were set up, guests began to show up in small droves. Not counting the men from the job, as well as their wives and girlfriends, I was thankful for Kieran being there to introduce me to members of the Donnelly family I'd not had the chance to meet.

Arewyn's first cousin, Conner, and his wife Elizabeth, were some of the first to arrive. And I knew that I'd like him the moment we met, as he smiled and said, "I hear ya can fight like a tiger. Yer gunna need it if yer gunna marry Arewyn. She's got a fiery temper, that one."

"Don't listen to him, Michael," Elizabeth smiled, quietly elbowing her husband in the ribs, "Conner's full of piss and wind, he is."

All I could do was shake my head and laugh.


By now the party was in full swing; and because he'd phoned her earlier in the day on the pretense of needing her help, Aedan and Sara arrived with Arewyn in tow.

"What's this?" Arewyn suspiciously smiled, looking around as she came into the house, "What's goin on here, Michael."

"Oh, nothing special," I convincingly lied, "I just felt like having a party."

"Bollocks," she giggled, "Yer up ta somethin, Michael Henson."

"Maybe so, maybe not," I grinned, quickly kissing her lips, "You'll just to come in and find out for yourself, won't you."

After knowingly smiling at Aedan and Sara, I chuckled and said, "Come on in you guys, there's food and drink to be had by all...even a drop or two of Guinness, Aedan. Sara said it was alright just for tonight."

"Oh, saints be praised," he smiled, "I always knew ya were a good lad, Michael."


The band had just come off of their first break when David stepped to the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a grand surprise fer ya tonight. Miss Arewyn Donnelly is gunna take the microphone now and sing yas all a song...Miss Arewyn?"

I can't begin to tell you what I felt when Arewyn stepped upon the stage and sang the original version of "Angel of The Morning" by Merrilee Rush and The Turnabouts. Her beautiful, angelic voice flowed into my heart like a fresh breeze on a spring morning; and for the first time in many years, I felt something I'd not felt since the very first time I laid eyes on Isabella's mother, only more intense.


When Arewyn stepped off the stage, the applause was almost deafening, but nobody there cheered for her more loudly than me, well, except maybe Izzy and Amy.

"My God," I smiled, "That was beautiful, Arewyn."

"Aye," she sweetly replied, "Twas all fer you, m'love."

"I love you," I said, gently pulling her into my arms, "And I will love you for the rest of my life."

"Oh, Michael," she breathed, "I love ya so much, I swear I do."

"I know," I softly replied, tenderly kissing her, "I know, baby."


Per the plans I'd worked out with the band earlier, they were just about to start their third set when, once again, David Kelly stepped up to the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, mister Michael Henson has somethin he wants to say, Michael?"

"Thanks David," I said, into the mike, "I want to start by thanking everyone for coming out tonight. I hope you're enjoying yourselves; and now, for the reason that you're all here. Arewyn, would you please come up here with me?"

"What're ya doin, Michael?" she fearfully whispered, as I helped her onto the stage.

"Relax," I grinned, "You're gonna love it, I promise.

Then I turned back to the audience, her family mostly, and said, "You all know that Arewyn and I have been dating for quite a while now, yes?" and after acknowledgements from those in attendance, I turned to Arewyn and continued, "Arewyn, my love, you know how I feel about you, and I can't imagine a day in my life without you. So, in front of almighty God, as well as your family," I dropped down on one knee, "Will you honor me by becoming my wife?"

As I placed the single marquis cut, three-carat diamond on her left ring finger, she smiled, and crying, said, "Oh, my lord, Michael...yes...yes, I'll marry you." And then she threw her arms around my neck and hysterically cried into my chest while everyone there, the band included, all cheered and raised their glasses.


After everyone had gone, the guests, the band, the caterers, etc, the only people left were Arewyn, Izzy, Amy, as well as Bob, Sue, Jeff, Elaine and me. Needless to say, Arewyn had been on emotional roller coaster the entire evening, but I knew that Wendy had been smiling down on us the whole time.

Izzy and Amy had long disappeared into Izzy's bedroom; Amy was spending the night, which left the adults to talk.

"Have you two decided on where you want to live?" Elaine asked.

"I haven't really given it much thought," Arewyn smiled, "Michael just asked me ta marry him...the lovely, silly man."

However, before I could reply, Izzy, with Amy in tow, suddenly appeared looking like she'd been crying.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" I asked, concerned, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Daddy," she sniffled, turning her attention to Arewyn, "I love you so much Arewyn, and I'm so happy that you're going to be my new Mom." Then with drawing a string of pearls that I'd given to Wendy on our first wedding anniversary, which now belonged to her, Izzy smiled through the tears that were now pouring down her face by the bucketfuls, and said, "These belonged to my mother before I was born. I'm giving them to you because you're my mother now...and I love you very much."

By this time there wasn't a dry eye in the house, as Arewyn took Izzy into her arms, and hugging her tightly, cried, "Oh my precious, precious lamb, I'll love ya fer the rest o' me life, I swear by all that's holy I will."

"I love you, Momma," Izzy cried, "I love you with all my heart."

"And I love you, my daughter," Arewyn replied, happy tears raining down her beautiful cheeks, "My beautiful, beautiful girl."


That night after everyone had gone to sleep and Arewyn had gone home, I took a walk down the shoreline, lit only by the bright moon. I smiled at the memory of all that had taken place earlier that evening, especially the look on my beautiful Arewyn's face when I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me.

Suddenly I saw a figure in the distance headed directly towards me. As the figure drew closer there was enough light to see that it was Arewyn herself, reminding me that she only lived a short distance from me.

"Hello, my love," I smiled, as we came face-to-face, "You're up awfully late."

"I couldn't sleep," she softly giggled, "And by the look of ya, ya couldn't sleep either, could ya?"

"No," I smiled, placing my arms around her waist, "I'm too excited...because I love you."

"Oh, ya do, do ya?" she playfully teased, "What do ya propose we do about that then?"

"I don't know," I stupidly replied, "What do you suggest?"

"Let's have a swim, shall we?"

"Swimming? I asked, "I didn't wear a bathing suit."

"Nor did I," she seductively smiled, as she began unbuttoning her dress, "We're engaged to be married, Michael, ya might as well truly see what yer getting now."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, "I love you enough to wait."

"I know ya do, m'love," she giggled, "But now that yer mine, I don't want ta wait. I fell in love with ya the very first time I saw ya."

"Okay," I smiled, "But if you want to do this, I want to be able to see what I'm doing...I'll be right back...."

"Where the bloody hell're ya goin?" Arewyn laughed as I ran back to the house.

"I'll be right back..."


...I snuck into the house to retrieve a blanket, two beach towels...and a box of kitchen matches, and then I stole out of the house, back down to the beach...


"I knew I fell in love with ya fer more than just yer looks," Arewyn giggled, when she saw what I returned with, "You naughty man."

I gathered a bunch of driftwood that lay strewn all about the shoreline, and then with help of the kitchen matches and some small tender wood I used for kindling, I soon had a nice fire blazing.

"Let's go swimming," I smiled, as I began to undress.

When her dress was fully unbuttoned, I smiled because Arewyn wore no undergarments beneath it. Her skin was pure porcelain and her breasts, 36C, (She told me later) jutted out and sat high upon her chest. Her nipples were a bright pink in color and were now twisted knots upon her tits. Her waist was small and her stomach was flat; and at the juncture of her legs was a slight tuft of brown hair, slight darker than the hair on her head.

"You had this planned," I smirked, "Didn't you?"

"No," she giggled, "I mean, I was planning on going swimming, just not with you."

Then I took off my pants and underwear, exposing my seven and a half inches of hard cock, making Arewyn smile and purr, "Oh, Michael...Yer fookin lovely, you are." Then she gently grabbed my cock, and leading me to the water, cooed, "I love you, my darling man."

And as we reached waist deep water, I pulled her against me, gently pressing the nude front of our bodies together and told her, "I love you, my Irish beauty, and now that you're'll always be mine."

Grinding her mons against my cock, she raised her right eyebrow and said, "Oh, ya think so, do ya?"

"No," I tenderly replied, now holding her tightly against me, "I know so."


We swam and frolicked in the water until it began to get chilly, after which we laid together on the big blanket, wrapped only in our towels and each other.


"Make love to me, Michael," Arewyn cooed, "My cycle is three days off...I can't get pregnant."

Although Arewyn had broken her hymen riding horses when she was Isabella's age, it didn't mean that her pussy wasn't was, very much so. However, because I knew what I'd be facing, I decided to eat her first.

To this day I think my favorite aroma is that of a woman who is sexually excited; because the moment I placed my mouth on Arewyn's sweet pussy she howled like a banshee.

"OOHH, GOD, MICHAEL," she gasped, "Whatever it is you're doin down there, don't ever stop m'love."

I was fortunate enough to taste her essence through three orgasms before she made me stop because she'd grown very sensitive by that time.

"Oh, Michael," she panted, as I curled up naked beside her, "God, I love you so much."

"I love you, too," I smiled, "But the best is still yet to pun intended."

"Yes, it is," she impishly grinned, suddenly climbing on top of me, "I think it's time fer ya ta try this pussy on and see how she fits, don't ya think?" and then she sunk slowly down my cock until our pubic bones met.

"Ah, yes, ungh, ungh," she groaned, as she slowly rotated her hips, my cock lodged deeply within her, "Give it to me, my lover...yes, yes, give that beautiful fookin cock o' yers, Michael. Ah, Ah, OOOH, BLOODY HELL, I'M CUMMIN, MICHAEL, OH GOD, I'M CUMMINNNN." I was only mere seconds behind her as I poured my hot sperm deep within the recesses of her tight, hot pussy.

"Shit," I groaned, "I'm cumming Arewyn...Oh, God, how I love you."


"Goodness, me," Arewyn panted, lying beside me, "That was beautiful, m' beautiful, Michael."

"That wasn't me first shag with you," she giggled, "But I can't imagine it gettin any better than that."

"It's because you love me," I smiled, "And I promise to make love to you like that every time."

"Yer fookin mad," she laughed, "We'll be bloody dead before next year if ya keep shaggin me like that."

"Oh, yeah," I teased, "Is that why your language suddenly got so bad?"

"It's always been like that," she teasingly giggled, "But now that yer mine, ya better start getting used to it."

"You're silly," I laughed, "Just watch it around Izzy, okay?"

"You really are mad," she openly laughed, "Izz talks worse than the both of us."

"Is that a fact?" I answered, trying to be stern but failing miserably, "She'd better not let me hear her talk like that."

"Please," Arewyn giggled, "Yer not gunna do a thing about it, and ya know it."

"Damn," I laughed, "Am I that easy?"

"Yes, ya are, m'love," she cooed, hugging me, "And I'd not have ya any other way."


Chapter Three

I walked with Arewyn down the beach to her house, where she took the blanket and towels to hide the evidence of our secret tryst.

"We can't let Izz know what we've been up to," Arewyn smiled, "At least not until after we're married, Michael."

"Speaking of which," I asked, "When do you want to get married?"

"During the summer," she happily sighed, "And I want to get married in America."

"Really?" I asked, "I would've thought that you wanted to get married here."

"Yer goin back to America when yer job is done here," she sweetly replied, "I go where my husband goes."

"That means that you'll have dual citizenship," I smiled, "So will I."

"Aye, and don't worry about Isabella's citizenship," she devilishly giggled, "We've got a friend in the Senate."

"Oh yeah?" I smiled, "His last name wouldn't by chance be Donnelly, would it?"

"No," Arewyn delightfully replied, "But he's married to one."

"Poor bastard," I laughed, "No wonder he chose government as his profession."

"Michael, ya ought not to be sayin such things," she squeaked, trying desperately to contain her laughter, "No matter how true they may be."


I got back to my house just in time to meet the sun as it poked its head over the horizon, but not soon enough, or so it seemed at the time. I saw Jeff in the kitchen the moment I walked into the house through the back door.

"Either you're up very late," Jeff conspiratorially laughed, while he was making coffee, "Or you just woke up...which I highly doubt."

"You shut up," I chuckled, "I met Arewyn on the beach last night and we talked for a long time."

"Yeah, right," he laughed, "You woke me and Elaine up while the two of you were...talking?"

"Jeez," I smiled, "Are you ever going to give me a beak?"

"No," he replied, suddenly hugging me, "If I haven't ever told ya, buddy, I love you like the brother I never had, and now you're gonna be my family, and I can't tell you how happy for you and proud of you that Elaine and I are."

"Thanks, man," I smiled, returning the hug, "And just so you know, I love you and Elaine very much, old friend."

"We know," he smiled, turning back to the coffee maker, "And we love you, too."


"Good Morning, Daddy," smiled Izzy, hugging me as she and Amy met us all in the main living room the next morning.

"Good Morning, Uncle Mike," Amy chirped right behind her, following Izzy's example and hugging my neck.

"Good morning, ladies," I smiled, "How did you guys sleep?"

"Mmm," Amy sighed, "I slept very well, Uncle Mike."

"You know I can sleep through a hurricane, Daddy," Izzy giggled, "So I don't need to answer you."

Then Izzy looked at me and said, "Me and Amy want to make breakfast for everyone this morning, Daddy. Is it okay?"

"Just don't burn the house down doing it," I laughed.