All Comments on 'April's Mistake'

by DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Man oh man!

If you're anything like the guy in that story, I'll make sure I never piss you off! Good story, highly entertaining, and keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
oh, please!

the little wifey fucks around --- okay, "just once," I am confessing my dark soul to you, honesty, honey"! --- and gets pregnant and he raises the kid for ten years, knowing over half a dozen years sho's not his and doesn't tell the loving, "honest" wife,,, but now he threats to cut the errr sperm donor's dick and shove it in his throat?


real tough guy, for such a girly man, as Arnold Schwarzenneger would say

"Beth, tell me the truth, for christ sake,,, tell me if she's been faithful all these years, and about that last reunion?"

WTF! the sissistic machismo (masochistic, actually) guy KNOWS Beth is the person who told the wifey NOT to tell the truth; but NOW he's begging HER to tell him the truth? LOL

"Oh, sure, Dave, all truth now,,, Like April mighta said to you already (because I didn't tell her not to tell you the truth THIS TIME!), Brad got into some kind of a "accident" and he's taken to the hospital; April never went near him, I swear!"

"Oh, golly, Beith, thank so much. You sounded like you didn't know the whole story, but it seems to be that yours and April story corroborated on what she told me: that she kneed that bastard sperm donor!"

then he goes to the nun: "Sister, what should I do? I'm so torn! She says she lvoes me more now than when we first married; but I can't trust her words, at least with 100 percent certainty,,, what do I do?"

sister: "Dave, ask yourself: am I happer with or without April" and you will find the answer to all your problems and heartaches of the last 10 years!

runs home, shouting with joy: "Honey, honey, I got something to say! You hurt me bad, by not telling me about your fucking around and getting pregpant, not your fault, as you din't know, as you said, of course! But, anyway, I now totally trust you. Gosh, I love you so much,,, come here, honey. Everthing is going to be okay,,, Did you dress that dress for me, by the way, honey? Gosh, I love you so!"

LIttle pathetic wishywashy sissy! Threatenign to cut Brad's dick and shove it down his throat, sure!


Nightowl22Nightowl22about 18 years ago
This was a good story

I couldn't quite figure his anger for her attending the luncheon. He SHOULD have figured out what she meant in the phone conversation with Beth. Three people had to tell him?

The story was all still enjoyable except the pissing scene. That's just a bit much!!

Danni musta been locked out at the end, huh?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

hardly a mistake.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
wagon tongue

I would be unable to offer any suggestions to D G H since he writes only the best. Just keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Yep! it's a DG story alright!

Great as usual, you never disappoint, never sure what to expect. He held it together for 10 years. Than he thought it was going to happen again. Want's to get even. After he found out wifey was telling the truth. He needed his rage to disappear by getting even with the guy. I get it and agree. As always DG a good one.

An avid reader

ChagrinedChagrinedabout 18 years ago
As always a good read!

I can't fault a master. Great entertainment!

Looking forward to the next one!

Blue88Blue88about 18 years ago

Great story which poses the old question - "Would you be happier with her or without her?" Thanks DG for an interesting read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
You write well but ...

... you write like a novice because you obviously don't know the profound difference between a wrong choice and a mistake. You should have entitled your story, "April's Regret," or "April's Cuckolding."

You use the euphemism 'mistake' so often that it loses its valuable meaning. "Mistake" is a word reserved for an act committed by someone without intention. A "choice" is made by someone who intentionally chooses the option to commit the act. By using "mistake," you make April out to be a wonderful person who happily skipped through life and just accidentally happened to fall into bed with a former lover and have sex, then wondered how it happened. That's not the case. She willfully laid down and opened her legs, and even felt guilt afterwards. Does that sound like a mistake? Hardly!

Further, when you give credit to proofreaders, it would be wise for them to make sure that they correct your grammatical errors. Yours did not and there are several glaring errors that they did not catch. What does that say about THEIR accuracy?

To the writer, words are tools used to communicate actual meaning, and his/her choices of words reveal his/her understanding of them. If you use them indescriminately, or ignorantly, you devalue the powerfulness of your work and, thus, your own veracity.

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
Can't say I liked this story really

For me, it wasn't one of your better ones.

Here's why I *personally* feel that way:

1.) A wife cheats on her husband. When she cheated she felt bad afterwards, but at the time she could have cared less about what she was doing wrong. She saw an old love and was curious about the 'Good old days'. That didn't seem to speak well of the wife. Everyone has a case of the oh noes, but she had a pretty good life and family, yet she was willing to chance giving it up to see if her old lover got any better at sex. When she found out that he still wasn't any good at sex, and didn't make loves as well as her husband, the dreaded "Oh what have I done" started. And this poing was glossed over pretty good because she felt sorry. Remorse is one thing. But remorse only because it don't work the way you thought it would isn't remorse for the right reasons. It's the same as remorse only after your caught. I have to wonder how she would have felt if he had been the best lover, including her husband, that she had ever had?

I agree with the Anon poster below too, when someone says "mistake" that says I didn't mean to do that. When you find about the tape she admits she went into it with her eyes open to see what he was like, but since the sex was bad then she had a case of the "oh noes" and she didn't want her husband to find out. That point right there stopped me from seeing the wife at that point as anything else than selfish. Having a lot of sex with a husband to make up for cheating isn't making up if he doesn't know what your making up for. And since she didn't tell him, normally he wouldn't have had any idea of what she was trying to make up to him about.

2.) The husband forgave his wife, then he took it back. When he knew she was cheating he should have confronted her then. He didn't. He chose to go on pretending he didn't know and reap the benifits of her trying to make it up to him. That act took away any rights he had to complain later on about her cheating. For him to drag it up years later to benifit him made his character seem less likable to me. If you forgive someone you forgive them, you don't keep gathering proof to use against them at a later date. Once he thought she was really sorry he should have burned that tape not saved it "just in case".

3.) When the husband found out the youngest wasn't his he now had two obligations. One, "if he was willing", to continue loving that child like she was his own, but the second was one day to make sure she understood who her bioligical father was. In this day and age of "early" detection for diseases, it only helps to know family history. Turning a blind eye because it helps the father accept his wife's lovers child, and soothes his ego, could be worse for the child than anything else. And it also helps the child in the long run not to make similar mistakes.

4.) The little life lessons and questions like "Would you be happier with her or without her". For me everytime I see that, or something along those lines, I feel like echoing back "Or are you too lazy or comfortable to even consider it?" You should stick with a mate because you want too, not because its more comfortable not to live with out them.

There are many other things that bothered me about this story, but it felt more too me like this guy was cornered and didn't want to do anything to rock his boat more an it was a husband make a choice to raise his wife's lovers child as his own.


Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
classic DG Hear story; Hubby screwed up big time

a great story... classic DG hear story

BUT when Hubby KNEW 10 years ago she cheated then a few weeks later finds out she is pregnant he SHOULD of checked..

it was THAT point ... where he should of been tne MOST suspicous NOT the most accepting...

Hmmm wife has affair... 3 weeks later (or how ever long it was until she knew and told hubby) wife says " Honey pregnant... " well it has to be mine!!!!

stupid bastard....

By letting it slide... and devleoping attachment to the young daughter... he was caught in his own stupdity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Another good one

Please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Just a Comment

Pretty good overall. I don't understand the comment to April about he has to get revenge on Brad if he doesn't get revenge on her. She wasn't raped, she went and screwed Brad willing, she admitted that. So they are equally at fault. She may be sorry, but if he has to punish one, shouldn't he also punish the other? After he kept that all in for ten years, I think she would not find him so understanding. Just my 2 cents. But it was well written, as always.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

You always write a good story. This one is no exception. Whenever I see a story from you I move it to the head of the queue.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

DG HearDG Hearabout 18 years agoAuthor
Hi DG Hear

A couple comments. First off, never knock my editors PLEASE, ok I said please. They are two of the best. Do they miss things, yes, they are human. They don't rewrite my stories. They edit them as quickly as possible so they can get posted. Mainly for sentence structure, quotes, spelling and other suggestions to make it a better read for you the reader. If you knock my story that is fine. Knock me, kind of ok. Knock my editors and I will delete your comment. You have freedom of speech when it comes to my story. I have freedom of Delete.

Now, about the story, He was confused on what to do. Yes, he heard the tape. Yes, he found the love of his life wasn't his. He made a choice not to say anything. Would every reader make the same choice? Of course not.

When he heard she was going to the 15 year reunion lunch, his mind thought back over his memories. He thought she was falling again and the rage hit him. No, not again!!! When he found out the old boyfriend was going to try. He had rage in his soul. He knew he had to get it released. His wife was innocent this time. So he went after the only other resposible party. Could it happen. Hell yes, Would every reader act the same? Of course not. That's why I allow comments.

I have another new one coming out this week some time. "Dan's Life" My editors think it's one of my best. So do I!

As always thanks for reading and commenting

DG Hear

rlg99rlg99about 18 years ago
Good One

Always enjoy reading your stories, The wife knew she made a mistake and she tried to make up for it. As for him knowing about it for so long well he was able to put it in the past until the next reunion when the memories came back and then the phone conversation about the lunchen brought it all to a head but in the end they were able to put it where it should be in the past.

Don't stop writing


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A Cut Above

I can't say I have enjoyed every single one of DGH's stories, but I liked this one - a lot. I don't think I would have had Dave's forebearance to hold in the secret of my wife's infidelity for ten years, but more power to him. It's also nice to see a story that doesn't end in scorched earth. These two people genuinely love each other and will not allow their individual failings to overcome that. The revenge was a touch ham-handed, but the sex-in-the-new-Benz setup was nicely done.

richardaorichardaoabout 18 years ago
Great Story

I enjoyed your story. The story telling was very well done. It was easy to read. I find your choice of words including the title just fine.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
good as always

Other than the fact that I expect that April wouldn't have been quite as willing to be near Brad during the 15th year reunion after Dave was openly hostile, this is a solid a realistic story. I particularly like the comment from the nun who said what seems to be the theme of DG Hear's stories. That of redemption if both sides seek forgiveness.

Personally I have to wonder a bit about April's intelligence since I really doubt that a smart lady would have been quite as careless about being around Brad with her husband not there, unless she wanted to cheat, but after that she showed the kind of love and caring to put things back together. And Dave was patient enough to try to save the marriage until April got a bit stubborn at the 15th year event.

Keep writing DG

Mr. Long Poster

Kanga40Kanga40about 18 years ago
Sorry, but when an author has to post

an explanation of why a character did something he has failed.

The author's job in the story he writes, is to tell us enough about the characters that we, the readers understand as we read, what the characters' thinking/reasons are - or at least to explain in some way not too long later.

There were a lot of good things about this story, more good than bad, but to need to explain, after the story is published, why the main character did one of the most important things he did, is not one of the good points.

One commentator said Dave gave up his right to compalin later when he didn't immediately confront April at the time. I disagree - all I believe he gave up was his right to 'punish' her. He didn't forgive her, he merely accepted she had done it, but that it was a one time slip he could 'live with' - a far cry from forgiving... or forgetting.

One thing about this story which really annoyed me was the exchange between April and Dave at the reunion when Dave refused to shake asshole's hand. April chided Dave with words to the effect that Brad had never disrespected him! Bloody hell - Dave should have answered, "And fucking you was showing me respect? You sure have a wierd notion of what 'respect' is April."

Also, the revenge was over the top - either the beating or the panties thing. While Brad took the risk Dave may kill him, or worse, if he found out, April was a willing participant and that certainly diluted Brad's responsibility.

Brad did not help himself at all by trying to force April at the 15 yr after-lunch, but April did dish out a swift and suitable response for that - no more was needed.

Also, I agree with many others the word "mistake" was wrongly used. What she did was no mistake - she went eyes open to his room and fucked the guy - with no coercion on his part.

No woman with the minimum of brain matter could go to the hotel room of a former boyfriend and be shocked or surprised if he came on to her. Go to the room, you know what to expect - plain as that.

I agree too that her contrition was not necessarily ideal - Brad was a hopeless lover. What would have been her reaction to it all if he was at least competent? Though DG didn't mention it in the story, surely that thought crossed Dave's mind...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Fine writing-Strange plot

Your stories are always well written but this plot is not very realistic. Disregarding April's magical answering machine that always retains incriminationd conversations that she forgets to erase, David finds out that April had sex woth Brag at 5th reunion, but decides he can live with it. Six years later he finds out his youngest is not his but brad's, conceived during their luncheon sex at reunion, and decides he can live with that and try to forget it -. After living with knowledge of her one-time afffair for 10 years and living with knowledge of illegitimate daughter for 4 years without ever mentioning either fact to April, he suddenly goes bonkers and moves out when she goes to a harmless luncheon with 30 people. He's a strange man. The less said the better about his final revenge on Brad. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
No good deed goes...

unrewarded. You have some commenters who complain because you try to remind others about aspects that are clearly in the story. Then there are other commenters who make the mistake of placing themselves in the main character's role and thereby conclude that the story is not realistic because they would have not reacted that way.

Please....a few points to the Commenters:

First point: Husband finds out that wife had a one-time fling with an old boyfriend. He decides to keep it a secret because (1) he may have to lose her if things get out of hand; (2) she promises never to do it again and (3) he loves her so no good will come out of exposure. Once he made this decision and she has never given him cause to distrust her he is trapped with a terrible secret (he knows!) for 10 years. Then he finds out by accident that his baby was sired by her lover (another terrible secret). These two secrets burdens his mind every time the reunion subject comes up even before the 15th reunion. It is a wonder that he does not go off when they have a fight!

Second point: Carrying these terrible secrets he meets Brad again and he unloads the years of anger/hurt even though he can not tell everyone the source of his pain. Can you imagine meeting the guy would cheat with your wife, knock her up and you have no choice in sharing this connection with your beloved child. Add that he is a smug bastard as well.

Third point: After your outburst where you embarrassed your wife you find out that she went out to be with her

ex-lover to get back at you. Now after years of secrets and hiding the truth you confront her releasing all of the hurt and anguish you have kept bottled up all of these years.

Please forgive the psycho-babble but this story was about a husband trying to keep his family together by carrying two terrible secrets. When he thought that his wife was going to return to Brad he lost it! His reaction seemed totally realistic (and that does not mean that you have to agree with it).

To DG Hear please do not let these naysayers deter you from sharing your talent. I thought the revenge was a bit extreme (given that he had sex with April once and he tried to mash her (which he paid for) once) but I chalked it up to closure for the husband. Thanks again for a great story!


PEATBOGPEATBOGabout 18 years ago
A great tale !!

I can’t understand the negative comments DG. It seems that all came from people that have very little to contribute. They feel that because they personally wouldn’t do things your way then your way must be wrong. What a load of ‘bull’! The story was about a husband trying, by all means, to keep his family together despite knowing two terrible secrets. When he saw the possibility that his wife might return to Brad he totally lost it! Clearly, the contents of the tapes indicated that April regretted her one off mistake (yes ‘mistake’ is the correct term) and that no further liaisons, with Brad, were desired or planned but Dave had lost it, hence the separation. Dave’s revenge was appropriate being physical (the violence), psychological (the pissing) and financial (making sure he loses his wife and job) so what is so bad about that? Well DG another great story as we expect from you. Keep it up! Pete.

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayabout 18 years ago
Very very....

good story...stayed up all night reading and dozing when i should have been sleeping for work today...*sigh* oh well, sometimes you just get involved in something and have to keep reading. heh...look forward to reading you again as always and hope soon. Thank you for your talent and that you share it with us. respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
A Great Story

A Great Family story DG I laughed and cried god bless David and April and his Family please write more about there escapades

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Ah! The same old argument


To forgive or not to forgive, Aye there's the rub. Some have commented on Dave's unwillingness to settle the situation when he first found out about April's infidelity. If he'd done that he would have had no choice but to divorce her. So why did he wait? He'd already answered Sister Mary Lou's question. He just hadn't realized it yet. Why hide the evidence? His own self doubts about him, his wife, and his marriage. A Damn fine story. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Ronnie got it right!

I'd read this a couple of times and I think it's one of your best.

I don't understand some of the comments... hell, no one really knows what they will do in any given situation until it actually happens to them.

Kepp these great stories coming, DJ

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
What Does That Say About Him?

"Again, how many time have you fucked Brad?"

"Twice, once when we were going together and that stupid, stupid time after the fifth reunion."

"You mean to tell me in your entire life you only had sex with him twice?"

"That's the truth, David. It was so bad the first time I had no idea how good it could be till I made love with you. I would like to add that you and Brad are the only two men I have ever had sex with in my entire life. I now wish I never ever had sex with Brad, even the first time."

Shit, that kind of threw me off a little. I had sex with a lot of the girls from our class. Glad I don't have to tell her about them.


It says that he could not live without her and he NEEDED to find FOCUS on ALL the positive things about her and neglect ALL the NEGATIVE things.

Won't it be easier to simply say, "Don't ever do that again, April. Now, let's just get on with our life again. If you tell me you truly regret whta happened and will never do it again, I will believe you. I have no other recourse, becaues I can not live without you, no matter what you have done. I just don't want it happen again and then having you lie about it, too, like this last time. Okay?"

Why not just that? Because that's essentially what he did; she knows she did bad; he knows she did bad; we knowshe did bad. We also know he already forgave her, no matter what happened. No matter what else she had done or will do:

"Does a life with April make you happier or a life without her make you happier?" Isn't that all there is to it, in his life? The answer is, YES! Despite all, life with April, he believs, will make him happier than life with any one else or by himself. So twist and turn and agonize and keep crossing two fingers, HOPING that she said the right things that would sooth you, when you HAVE already PRE-DETERMINED that life with her is better than life without her?

shangoshangoalmost 18 years ago
Your funniest yet!

Oops! You didn't mean for it to be funny? Then next time, give the principals at least a brain to SHARE. She cheats because she wants to, and calls it a mistake. He realizes she cheated, a month later declares she's "in a family way", and at no point does the idea to have a paternity test done ever cross his mind? Heck, or even hers for that matter! To quote the late, great Bill Hicks, "Man, you crack me up"! Not your best effort here. Feel free to delete this comment, but that won't change the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
this sucks

eroticism sex stories that excite. you failed big time. no wonder u can't get a publishing deal!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
The wife

The wife was as guilty as Brad, she got away scott free. She needs her ass kicked too. He should have spanked her on her bare ass at the last reunion and turned her butt purple and bruised so she couldn't sit for a week. Then the revenge would be final. DG, you wimp out all too much and try and turn things around on the wronged husband on a regular basis..............are you really a woman?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Now let me see

the ten years since April cheated were the best years he had ever had...Hmmm. what kind of a wimp is he. Revenge served cold is not the best. In order for a person to get the message it must be right after the incident. Check with BF Skinner if you dont believe it.

This wimp waits fifteen years before he gets a case of testicles. He lets this bum get away with fathering a child by his wife. Oh I about if the child ever needed a transplant...could dear old Davy supply it..hell no..It would have to be the biological father... Here this DG are one dumb ass writer.. and your characters suck...check with winterfrog's stories to find out how a man with balls act..cause ypou sure as hell don't know..

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I don't know

I look forward to reading your stories.

What I cannot understand is the husband apparently without any real anguish of any depth accepting his wife's infidelity which resulted in a child. A child he loved and raised as his own which further exascerbated the situation.

In all honesty, I would have a different and dreadful revenge, on her, Brad, and my now ex wife's friend for the deceit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
a very good storyand well written!!!!

so many commenters must have serioius personal isssues in life to say the stupid things they say. Love means forgiving. Retribution doesnt have to be immediate to be appropriate and effective. Good years dont have to be "the best", good is better than most of the commentators ever had. I loved the story and the outcome. The good sister is right, which way is best and if there is love in the relationship then forgiving andmoving on is "the best way".

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
I didnt like it much

You said 'silly mistake' and 'sperm donor' way too often. We get it - her getting knocked up by the old boyfriend was just an innocent mistake and he is really the Danni's father no matter what the dictionary might say about it. Repeated words and phrases are annoying even when they dont feel like they're being used (not very subtly being used at that) to beat a moral into my head.

There was nothing wrong with this couple staying together - Im glad they did. I just didnt like the way you went about it (mechanics, not plot). The whole story seemed kinda shallow and made-for-tv movie, tear jerkyish.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Interesting main theme; too many extras

The story was over burdened, both in length and with the materials it tried to cover. As a result it spanned out of focus. From the central theme which was intriguing to too many other side issues. At the center we have the examination of the course which a marriage could take when on one hand it is based on love and commitment but on the other it is marred by secrets, held by both partners. Initially, the Secret seems to serve as ‘emergency glue’ which could save the marriage from an immediate breakup. Even after it seems that for the time being acceptance (at some level) of the wife’s secret allows the marriage to still hold; the truth is that the stability is just an appearance. The trust had been cracked ever since the first betrayal and follow up secret were thrown against the structure of the marriage. Any additional secret (=implicit lie) adds to depth to those cracks. So the marriage keeps holding, but its internal vulnerability means that it’s an accident waiting to happen. The first unusual stress on the relations will start pulling the marriage down. In the story it takes more than one blow. First comes the shocking news on the baby’s real father (with a “bonus” of an extra secret). Then at the reunion the husband is shocked by his wife’s cocky attitude (‘Brad has never done any thing to disrespect you’). The final blow need not be one of great significance; at that point it was enough for him to hear an ambiguous language on the answering machine to loose it.

The conclusion: the “glue” of secrets could hold for so long. Being based on lies it’s inherently unstable. An important lesson no doubt. Without addressing the issues that brought about the need to create the secrets, then to lie - the whole system was doomed to collapse sooner or later.

The climactic point, where IMO the story should have ended (way before the actual ending) was when the husband learns that the ghost from the past (his wife cheating again) is truly just a ghost. They both did different mistakes at different times (BTW- no moral equivalency). The wife started this chain of lies and deceit and her husband followed suit. Happy ending? Hardly. Even if the story sweetens the atmosphere with an over the board revenge on Brad and a lot of “cute” baby talk (also over the top IMO) this couple is still a long way from getting out of the mess. For once, they have to start learning how to be honest with each other. It’s like whole new relations. The problem with honesty (covered so far by guilt on her part and resentment on his) is that not only roses could come out. Not to mention the initial reasons for the wife’s betrayal. Oh yes that’s what started the whole mess. So far all we got is: 1. “A mistake” (a bad misnomer) and 2. “I don’t know why” and it’s already the end of the story. Now, on that part it looks like they will have to work totally on their own….

spiderman1spiderman1over 17 years ago

I liked this story. It felt right. The wife struck me as as a really good person who did something really dumb. Bad enough she screwed the guy. But, without a condom? Never the less, I liked her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Ending real bad

You ruined the whole story at the end. You should have never included April in Brads revenge, you made a April look like a jackass as she went along with Davids stupid antics for revenge..........revenge way overdone. April turned from a girl my heart went out to into a dumb ass with her antics with David.

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
Mary Lou

She has spirit she told Dave the truth that everybody makes mistakes and April showed her for Dave by helping him and her get revenge and correcting her mistake .


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
yeah, right....

"David, there is something very important I forgot to tell you. It might help you believe me." <p>

"What is it, Beth?" <p>

"The reason Brad never came back to the table was he was taken to the hospital. It seems as though he fell and the side of his face hit the floor and it was turning black and blue according to the hospital report. Also for some reason one of his testicles got jammed up and had to be dropped. Beverly didn't come to the luncheon. She's a nurse at the hospital and called me the other day. Would you believe I forgot to tell April? Would you tell her for me, I just found out yesterday. Brad was going to try and sue the restaurant but when they found out about the testicle he decided not to sue." <p>

"Thanks, Beth, that was good news no matter what I decided to do. I will tell April." <p>

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

It's total nonsense. <p>

It's not the characters' "fault;" the author wrote an idiotic story about idiotic characters, and simply inserted a few sympathetic characters/children in it, to tug at people's "heart." It's total nonsense... <p>

For both Beth and April to so heart brokenly, so tearfully confess the "truth" some ten years later.... It's total nonsense...

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
didn't like it much

Didn't like the story too much. Dave's confrontation with his wife is a unbelievable when the author pens "... she saw the pink panties and screamed out." Right. She recognizes a pair of panties that she wore ten years ago when she got loaded at a party and committed adultery with her old boyfriend. It's simply amazing what a little stonkered infidelity does to the old memory; clearly it makes it possible to remember the strangest little details with mystical clarity.


I, too, found the repetitions tedious and the plot predictable. I cannot imagine why the husband would keep her around, particularly after discovering she'd gotten pregnant by another man. If there're grounds for divorce, surely that qualifies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Great, I'm glad that there are still writers out there that can let the story characters forgive (whether or not forgotten) and live their lives happy and content. I will be lQQking forward to any other stories you may write. Joe

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

There are many reasons why a person needs to know who his or hers biological parents are. First there is the possibility of a bone marrow transplant or an organ transplant. A child should be told if they have a biological father other than her dad. You screwed the pooch this time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Well I was going to say the daughter needed the

genetic information for all types of test for diseases and genetic disorders. Them come the donor part where the father could not supply organs etc. So no you dont have the right to deprive the child of serious medical information, granted you could wait until they are old enough to understand but they do have the right to know. Second the wife defended the man she claimed to not like at the reunion. When her husband told Brad he would not shake his hand and did now want him around his wife, she defended Brad and said he had never done anything disrespectful to him. A full out and out lie. Their is no greater act of disrespect than committing adultry with someone's wife or husband. She could have simply kept her mouth shut and let the thing die. Instead she committed several mistakes in that one act that not only disrespected her husband but in his mind confirmed she was involved with Brad. His mistake was not confronting her when he first learned of the adultry and making sure after she had bareback sex that she was tested for STDS and AIDS and that she was not pregnant. She never really told her husband why she committed adultry and I have to agree with another writers comments based on living as long as I have and watching as many folks as I have. She cheated for one reason and one reason only, because she wanted to. Any other thought or statement is simply a smokescreen. Yes she could have been totally drugged or out cold but she wasnt, end of other thoughts. And by not telling her husband she showed she did not really love him and totally disrespected and betrayed him. The real qualities of a slut. Can she really say if he lived in town she would have never had sex with him again?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The whole problem could have been solved by the

slut wife committing suicide so the kids could live happily with their father. End of story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
reality vs a story

i loved the story. every woman i have ever met has cheated on me, yet i still havent lost hope. the reason i named this coment reality vs a story, is because people leaving coments forget this.they are stories. some to entertain , some as a form of therapy. Me, i enjoy them as what they are , stories. so please, keep writing and dont let a few people with problems with technicalities discourage you from writting more stories. be in peace.

zed0zed0over 15 years ago
Ya Know???

I just hate wimps, they scare the hell outta me! I guess for a "whorror" story it's good, but it really creeped me out! OK! I gave you a score, don't delete me anymore!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 15 years ago
A real true to life story

A totally believable story, The characters seemed like the kids you went to school with and what happened at the fifth reunion was right in line. Excellent writing and story planning to make the whole thing flow evenly. Just a very good presentation. Thanks.......Rich

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago
And the moral of the story is...

Mary Lou is one f-ing great lady! Too bad she went on to become a nun. The revenge on Brad was classic.

Reality aside, this story makes for an intelligent lesson for loving couples going through rough patches.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I liked.

Good story. It was about a page to long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Great Story --except there is no way most husbands would take that for 10 yrs without saying something

zed0zed0over 14 years ago

It's never too late to dump a cheating slut. I can just hear their next reunions:

Brad: I Fucked your wife!

David: She loves me!

Brad: I Fucked your wife!

David: We have a stronger marriage!

Brad: Ha! Ha! Ha! I Fucked your wife!

April: "Please don't ask me to do stuff like that again."

David: "Why? Because you might offend your lover?"\

Brad: Ha! Ha! Ha! I Fucked your wife!

David: Life with April is better, than life without April!

Brad: Neener! Neener!Neener! Because I Fucked your wife, and you like sloppy seconds."

Brad: You are a pathetic wimp, married to a pathetic slut

April: I love Dave not Brad, even though I will fuck him just for the hell of it!

Brad: I Don't care who you love, I got to fuck my favorite slut!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
i actually kinda liked it very orginal...

Pretty neat story I was nervous for them and wished it was longer

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This is one of the very few stories where I felt the husband had a good reason to take back a cheating wife.

Loved it and will be reading the rest of your stories!!!

wildwaltcawildwaltcaalmost 14 years ago
Just one question remains to be answered??

I have just one burning question...ummm did Sister Mary Lou...ever get a pair of pantys in the mail???? lmao...great story..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Good story

It was a good story and I really liked it. The "water revenge" wasn't really needed and seemed a little juvenile. Great way of disposing of old evidence though.

bigguy323bigguy323almost 14 years ago
Sorry, cheating is cheating whether it's in the first day or the 20,000th day.

The slut was married. She cheated. End of story.

AcatnamedsamAcatnamedsamalmost 14 years ago
Good Story

One of the best!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I can't believe some of these "torch the bitch" comments. How many of you would expect your wife to divorce you if you got drunk out of town and slept with another woman? I think that in most cases, if there were children, there would be no divorce. At least if this were a one time deal. If it were a pattern.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

crap - dude should admit to his love of creampie and get out of the dang closet

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago's 30 years later and she DIDN'T do it again....

i'm thinking that's a pretty good indication...Great story, by the way. 5 stars

huedogghuedoggover 13 years ago
I liked the concept

The story was well written i gave it 3 stars, but, I didn't like the fact she wasn't punished for anything and the nun was a good touch but a real male won't keep the wife. They would take care of the kid but the wife would be out the door. She fucks around and the 5th on the 10th reunion and after a couple of months everything is ok, please.

CyberSearcherCyberSearcherover 13 years ago
Thoroughly Enjoyable!

I really enjoyed this story. I found it realistic and believable. I believe that if a husband truly loves his wife, he will find it within his heart to forgive her indiscretion. Sister Mary Lou gave the best advice, "Just ask yourself if would you be a happier person without April in your life and act accordingly." I also found it bitter sweet in that Danni was not of his biology. What implications would there be further down the family tree with all her descendents believing David their forefather?

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Nice story well written -

She regretted it from the moment it happened and was true to him ever after - not much moire to her side of it than that -

So is he weak for loving his children and wife and not letting stoopids destroy them - I don't think so -

The person who thinks she cheated on the 5th and 10th reunion must have read a different story since she never went to the 10th but we should take his advice on the rest it - no problem lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
SuperCuck has spoken

now a rebuttal - Slut wife only came clean when caught and shown evidence - Her lying and cheating appeals to other cheating liars but not honest people.

The upshot is she 'proved her love' by lying to a secretary on the phone - a decent person would not stoop to that level of compromised principles after becoming 'reformed' and 'no longer a liar' but of course SuperCuck would just see that as an excuse to indulge his not-so-secret creampie fetish.

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
You're Right

That is the key question. Maybe not the only question, but an important one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Yes 1 mistake may be in a marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Mistakes are forgivable.

Everyone makes mistakes, to think you can live a long time with another without making a mistake is foolish. 1 mistake is forgivable... 2 is a trend and then you should take steps.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
mistake = leaving lid up on toilet seat

Going to old boyfriends motel room for a quick fuck in order to compare his cock with hubby's is not a mistake.

Cucks will rationalize and excuse any betrayal in order to justify their love of creampies; however, a man will behave with self-respect and respect for his wife and the marriage. If the wife does not respect herself, the marriage or the husband it is time to call it quits.

This guy loved being a cuck and had enough self-awareness to realize no decent woman would ever have a relationship with him so he was stuck with a deceitful cheating slut or nobody. With no self respect this loser did the rest of us a favor by staying with a skanky slut so she doesn't marry a man with self respect and fuck around on him.

RAAC is fine - this is fiction, but calling what this slut did a 'mistake' is the cuckold revisionist method of diminishing a behavior that would end the marriage of a non-cuck.

deunan5122deunan5122about 13 years ago
Betrayal of Love is Not a Mistake

For anyone who thinks cheating or affairs are mistakes need to at least experience it before declaring their opinions.

I was a teenager when I realized my neighbors had an open marriage since I became a part of their games. I thought I understood it until I had a girlfriend and we both decided we were in love. Yes it was not as committed as marriage but the devastation was heartbreaking when I found her sleeping with a co-worker at her parents house. Whether I was lacking in manliness or not a "bad boy" is not reason enough to go outside a committed relationship.

I'm married now and I had to outline to my wife before we got married about my expectations in a marriage. She is a better person that I will ever be since she stood by me despite my obvious lack of trust and suspicion for years. I am better, I think, and I love her far more than the times I've spent showing her that love.

Now I write erotic stories mostly in the Loving Wives and/or Taboo/Incest categories as a hobby. I read some from other authors and enjoy the ones that have a somewhat happy ending for the cheated spouse.

As for DG Hear, I admit that I don't enjoy all the stories the author writes, but the author has a talent that should be respected. DG Hear, your stories are appreciated and your efforts applauded.

I am looking forward to reading the rest of your work.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 13 years ago
DG, you always tell a good tale!

To be truthful, the cum stained panties and the taped confession would have ended it for me, but it was a really well written and interesting story. Thanks for all you do DG!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Author tried to force a happy ending, but there couldn't have been one

The circumstances he created are beyond reconciliation. Husband was deeply betrayed but the author had him accept it for ten long years.

Pike if crap. A real man would have had it out there and then. This story is nothing but a cuckolds dream come true.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
An interesting tale for sure but the dude is still a wimp..

WACC - force reconciliation at any cost always makes for a piss-poor story that only fags like shoe-on-IQ will salivate over.

TechRaiderTechRaideralmost 13 years ago
i liked the story

it took to long for david to take his revenge in my opinion. i still think it was a good story. guy loved his kids more than he hated his wife's cheating. that doesnt technically make him a wimp just because he loves his girls, good stories dude. i just discovered your writing yesteday. i have only read about 5 stories but i have enjoyed them all thus far. im a fairly big fan of the revenge stories. (it doesnt always have to be physical)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
5th comments from all of yoru stories

I love this story. David is an amazing man to accept his wife infidelity and try to make life good for his family. I love the fact that it have a happy ending for them because they can move past their differences.

The revenge was just beautifully done. Part painful, part humiliation, and the final part was just out right beautiful. Remind me of the Count of Monte Cristo, because it about taking away everything the person hold dear to them. Also using a nun name OMG how can Brad ever try to defend himself.

I just love story like this because I think everyone make mistake and it good to example your life and see what make you happy and live accordingly to it

count2threecount2threealmost 13 years ago
Maybe I am the Problem

The way you tell your Stories doesn't do anything for me, in my opinion you tell your stories too fast and without emotion. Well you use words like "love" "hate" etc. but I, the reader, never feels it.

You really should let your stories evolve at their own speed and please try to bring emotion into it when there is a opening. e.g. It just can't be that he finds out his wife, which he supposedly loves, cheats on him and he just matter of factly tells "thats when the 'i am sorry' sex started". Then he says nothing about it for 10 years, which in and of itself is bullshit. You can't have it both ways either he loves her or not. If you love someone you don't let something like that just go.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Sperm Donor? WTF

Enjoyed the story for the most part, but was really turned off by the "sperm donor" references regarding Danni's dad.

Also, the pissing scene was a bit much.

DWornockDWornockover 12 years ago
The story is impossible and stupid in so many ways.

1) Answering machines don't last ten years and, even if it did, it would have been replaced because after 10 years the advances are so great with tapes replaced with electronics. Therefore, there is no way, they would have still be using that answering machine.

2) After 10 years is it not possible that she wouldn't know that the message would be recorded and besides she would have listened anyway and deleted because the message light would have been blinking.

3) Then how after ten years would he suddenly go off the deep end and move out of the house over nothing.

4) A 35 year old attorney would not be assaulting her and since he would have quick reflexes, she probably couldn't him. And, it is very difficult to knee someone wearing a skirt and regardless it would not be very effective. The author goes of the deep end with the attorney threatening to tell the husband knowing she could tell his wife.

5) An ex-nerd could not beat up a star football player. And the pissing garbage is way over the top. And, if he had of assaulted he would gone to prison and been sued.

6) The car would have been locked, so he couldn't have gotten into it.

7) Being attorneys, they each would have a car and, even so, if the panties were hidden, she would not find them if he couldn't after driving 1,000 miles.

When a story is so impossible as to be completely unbelievable, I can not justify giving it a high rating. The author is a talented writer. However, in this story he allowed his anger that is apparent throughout the story color his judgement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncok is impossibly stupid

Don't let the shame of making as ass of yourself stop you from commenting though, gives the rest of us a good laugh

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I appreciate DWornock!

DWornock proves even a brain damaged fool has a place in the world. Without him people like us won't have anyone to feel superior to. So what if his parents didn't have any children that graceful for the brain dead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Disgusting. April is a lying whore, her best friend is as well. He should have made April suffer more and demanded she never speak to her best friend again for her involvement the deception. Another chump wimp husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWornock dont read stories

DWornock these stories r for enjoyment. if u wanted to say anything about stories then say about people of stories not technology use in stories stories

count2threecount2threeover 12 years ago
At least he is still a Man, well, technically.

When he discovered that his wife cheated on him, he decided to become a creampie-sucking cuckold. Yes, sorry, thats what he did. He had sex with her the very evening of her betrayal and says 'it was the best sex since he is married' Thats the definition of cuckold. Then he discovers that he is not the father of one of 'his' children. Well surprise, thats what happens if you let your wife fuck around, genius.

Everything else is just a smokescreen he puts up so that he can face himself in the mirror in the morning and still say 'I am a MAN'

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago
DG =

Dam Good stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
loved it

great story,no losers here.nice ending..

BTTapBTTapover 12 years ago
Compelling, interesting, but poorly constructed

The story was about living with a terrible secret (or 2, or 3) in an otherwise loving marriage. It was interesting in that sense. The wife screws up, big time. She regrets it terribly, and almost immediately. Her motivation to do it is never well explained. Was she experiencing "buyer's remorse" over her choice in husband, and was willing to try another on for size? Was she really just curious? Was she having a sort of 7 year itch? Were her old loving feelings for her first love bubbling to the surface? Who knows? But, her taped call with Beth showed instant and terrible remorse, reaffirmed love for her husband, a renewed commitment to her marriage, the desire not to hurt her husband any more, and her preference for her husband in bed. Those things could be enough to convince hubby to keep it secret. Probably a bad decision-but it was essential for the set-up to the story. The DNA test was just icing on the cake.

But seriously, she has (presumably unprotected) sex with Brad, then finds out she is pregnant? She isn't going to have an abortion, just to be safe? She isn't going to take a morning after pill (maybe not around at that time)? He isn't going to suspect that the baby may not be his and he might not confront her at that time (Honey...I know about you and Brad. I believe you regret it. I believe you love me and I love you. I believe it was a one-time slip. It can never happen again. I want us to stay married. However, you are now pregnant, and it could be his. I won't raise Brad's child. I won't take that chance. If we are to stay together, you have to end this pregnancy. That's my condition.). I have a hard time understanding how he and/or she didn't take care of this. Of course, then the story would lose its point. So, I accept that. It's the same problem I have with the story "Swinging Mistake," on this site.

My problem with the story is largely stylistic. The form of the story (he said/she said) is fine, if handled intelligently. However, it can often result in endless repetition. In this story, repetition is annoying. We have his version, her version, Beth's version, answering machine version, re-play of answering machine version, the nun's version. Honestly, it was distracting and made the story drag.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

1. Sometime, if the affair was alone, short time, without humiliation, it will be forgivable. However the 100% trust will go away forever. The best example thecelt "Special Day Ch. 04", where the husband uses a PI company for secret monitoring through his marriage (18 years)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The husband is not a willing cuckold or whimp. Not every husband who forgives a stand alone not humiliating affair during the marriage is a whimp, or willing cuckold.

The problem only in that marriage the next affair is the begining of the divorce.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartover 12 years ago
i don't usually like reconcilliation

But this was a story I liked. I don't understand why dude wasn't full on suspicious from the time he found out about her and brad. It doesn't seem logical to me that he never seemed to mistrust her when she was already proven untrustworthy. Good story none the less!

MattAkerMattAkerover 12 years ago

I strongly, nay VIOLENTLY am thoroughly and utterly disgusted with the phrasing spermdonor when it comes to your children... My children are half me, half my girlfriend... They will have inherited traits that NO "spermdonor" ever can contribute! Using that word is just a derogatory term to have less emotional value to being a biological parent. My guess would be that prolife agitators use the word, making it so a rapist for example is merely a "donor", thus the offspring phoetus has a right to live even if only in the beginning stage.

When it comes to this kind of stuff, I am pro abortion. Our children reminds us of their parents... Why should a victim of rape, or a faithful husband have to deal with seeing a reminder of the perpetrator for the rest of their life? I would be nauseated if I was to look at a reminder of my girlfriends infidelity for years, until I finally could maybe grow an emotional attachment to it. It would also always be a reminder of what happened, making it nearly impossible to forgive the adultress, or to get past the rape trauma.

In a way I agree with BTTap about the story, it would have been forgivable as a onetime slip IF she had told her husband of the risk that the pregnancy could be her lovers...

cantbuymycantbuymyover 12 years ago
no reward for hiding

my feeling is you get the punishment you would have gotten if they had discovered it at the time it happened. you don't get a reward for hiding it for a long time.

every member of the family will know, every member of the fucking assholes family getsw to know. yes it may hurt the child at first but she has to know her medical history. then there is the alienation of effection law suit and the suit for past and future support as well as college.

and then there is the restraining order against the fucking asshole too.

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago
Life is good

So are your stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
boring as sin

gosh you write lke a child!! no flow to the story and the reading is just plain mandane? and they are wayy yo many discrepancies in this story

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 12 years ago
Just as good the second time around -

I enjoyed both the writing style and your thoughts -

Sister May was a wise young nun. That one question is vital in making important decisions (or an appropriate version of it) that are important for your future.

Nice work thank you for it -

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
I read this a years ago

same as last time, well written but in the end her husband is the ulitmate cuckold, he is knowingly raising another man child and no matter how you put it, those are the facts. She cheated got knocked up by another man, he knew and did nothing and she would have done again. He gives her the DNA test after he shows her the underwear from ten years ago, and once again did nothing. Now he wants to jack off and fuck in the sperm donors car like causing his relationship with his girlfriend to break up will make up for the fact that he's raising the spermdonors kid like the cuckold her is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
no matter how you put it

huecuck is the poobah of all that is cuck. cuckoldry, cucking, cuckdom, cuckilicious, huecuck knows cuck like a duck knows water.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
that being said anon

let your dad know it's okay to come get your mom, and you should respect me because some day you may need a kidney , SON.

Rob ConnerRob Connerabout 12 years ago

Have read this tale several times. Better Each TIME!

Thanks for sharing your work!

Rob Conners

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Oh Well

It ended nice but the fact is he kept the secret for 10 years and raised another man's child. I'm just gong to stay quiet on this one.

GizmorGizmorabout 12 years ago

Really enjoyed your story. The way it ended is the way it should when people work out the problems of life! Thanks.

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userDG Hear@DG Hear
I want to thank all the readers who read and comment on my stories. If anyone would have told me 8 yrs ago (now it's 16 yrs ago) I would be writing stories (on an adult web site) I would have laughed at them. Thank you so much for the feedback and comments. It's what keep m...