All Comments on 'Another Perfect Loving Wives Tale'

by stevieraygovan

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HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 15 years ago
Maybe I'm sick, too.

I thought it was pretty funny. I have discovered that some folks take this "Loving Wives" stuff pretty seriously. Many prefer a poorly written, boring-as-hell story where the husband slays the lover, and then sells the wife into slavery in a third world country. That's how real men react in real life. It is NOT a laughing matter to those readers!

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalover 15 years ago
Move over, HDK

Stevieray: This is one of the funniest I've read here. Very well done.

IrrumatioIrrumatioover 15 years ago
I guess it's not funny to those first commenters

Because their wives were Pollyannas, but for those who haven't had their funnybones removed, this was a great Loving Wives parody. Now we just need the guy who tells us that the slutwhorebitch wife should be drawn and quartered to complete it...

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
It is a work of art.

All the cliches are carefully embedded and everything

is nice and grotesque. You really can not be sure what is

going on. I note that I would not like a steady diet of this

kind of work but I recognize that it is quite artistic.

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years agoAuthor
PhillipinNorCal, if you don't mind my asking...

...who is HDK? Please excuse my ignorance but I'd like to maybe check out HDK's work since you're comparing this story to HDK's.<p>

Otherwise, thanks for the kind words. PacullaAnnia's story should really get the credit though, or the blame, depending on one's POV.<p>

Bruce22, no worries, you won't be seeing a steady diet of this kind of parody story, at least not from me. PA's story just inspired me to do something similar; very likely for the same reasons. This will likely be a one time deal for me. As a general rule I don't wish to spend time writing stories which I know will get killed by the Usual Suspects, which has already proven to be the case with this story...

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalover 15 years ago

HDK, aka 'Harddaysknight,' is among the best writers on this site. You are in for a treat in you haven't yet read any of his submissions. What I meant in my title was, that if HDK (abbr.) were 'sick' to enjoy your parody, then I must be 'sick' as well. Again, my thanks for an entertaining read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

goog job!

BazzzBazzzover 15 years ago
Good Satire

It was a little too broken up and maybe a little harder to read because of it but I liked it. More than anything else this site needs some humor when it comes to this category. As you can tell by some of the crazier comments after this story some people take this stuff way too seriously. Good job.

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years agoAuthor
Bazzz, you ain't kidding!

One clown just e-mailed me to complain that Playboy Playmates don't look like nine year old cheerleaders, so why would I (or, rather, the twenty two year old lifeguards) say Pollyanna had the body of a nine year old cheerleader?<p>

Nine year old cheerleaders aren't hot looking, he said, so I must be weird for thinking they do.<p>

I'm guessing the part about how Pollyanna was raised in a convent inside a lunar module must've made his head explode.<p>

"Hey! Nuns never raised children inside lunar modules! NASA would never allow that! You're WRONG! You get a ZERO score for that!"<p>

Some other mensan wrote me to complain that my story "lacked realism" due to the fact that "UFC hasn't had over 1400 events yet and besides, nobody would ever name their daughter Pollyanna."<p>

Just a brilliant lot we're dealing with here...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Subject Subject Subject Dumbshits

Drowning puppies in a humorous fashion is still sick beyond words.<P>

Attempts to be funny in a cesspool even while trying to be talentedly absurd is still sick and a waste of talent.<P>

Some may applaud the courage to do so but do they chance the scummy depths you spend time and talent on? <P>

Why of course not because that shitty smudge doesn't wipe off - it just gets dirtier for the telling ruining any appetite for any other product from you.<P>

How stupidly embarrassing for you and the sicko's applauding your death spiral. Get a brain - soon.<P>

Realize that anyone can write attempts to be humorously sick but when intelligent Dumbo's do its worse as they should know better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Stevie,you do know that if you have to explain

A joke it isn't a joke anymore? It is curious that you are defending this story so strongly. I thought you were having fun with it. I guess you aren't having fun anymore. Did you know that quite often the hangmen have smiles on their faces. They enjoy their work. One last thing if Bazzz likes this story it must be bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well it was amusing ...but

Not what I was expecting from someone who wrote a couple of the best stories ever on LIT.

What I was expecting (and have been for some time) was Honeymoon in Summer ;-)

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years agoAuthor
Anonymous in USA, a couple of things...

1-I always respond. Anybody who writes me, either here or through PMs or e-mails, they get a response. My doing so here doesn't indicate anything unusual. It doesn't indicate a strong defense of the story. It doesn't indicate anything, other than it's still business as usual.<p>

2-It's not that I have to explain the jokes here to some people. I'm sure the vast majority of people here "get" them. No, it's more that some people here are so dense that they don't realize the whole thing is a joke. That's an indictment of them, not the story.<p>

Anonymous in UK, until a week ago, when PacullaAnnia came along with his "A Perfect Loving Wives Tale" story, I'd decided to pull back from submitting any more stories; maybe permanently, but at least for awhile. Too much negativity here, with too many people automatically killing anything I submit, just because it has my name on it. I decided I could do without the nasty comments, horrible scores and vicious e-mails from all the nutless members of the self appointed Morality Police, all of whom always do their cowardly worst...anonymously.<p>

PA's story though, it made me laugh, a lot. His story struck a chord in me and I immediately felt motivated to sit down and write something similar. I knew it'd get killed, and so it has. Anything I submit now will get killed.<p>

Doesn't matter that horribly written, incoherent babble receives slobbery praise all over this site. The dialogue can be atrocious, the plot an ill conceived train wreck; the spelling and grammar can be worse. Doesn't matter. As long as the subject matter meets the approval of the right people it'll receive strong support. Conversely, Shakespeare could collaborate with James Joyce on a Robert Ludlum manuscript and if it involves a "Loving Wives" story where the couple aren't rigidly monogamous the Morality Police here will immediately crap all over it.<p>

So, no, I haven't felt particularly motivated to do anything more with Summer, especially now that she's married. I can only imagine the self righteous hue and cry that would result now from a "Honeymoon With Summer" story.<p>

I've received too many vicious comments and e-mails about my stories, from people who often times didn't even bother to read the story. They just killed it because I wrote it and they assumed the content. Moreover, it's become a series of personal attacks. Doesn't matter what I write, either. I receive the same hateful reaction, regardless.<p>

This story? This was just a nice cathartic episode. I knew what the response would be but I just didn't care. The only thing that surprised me about the response to this story is the number of people who admitted to being so stupid that they didn't realize they were reading satire.<p>

Then again, considering the level of acumen displayed here by some of the peanut gallery, it probably should've come as no surprise...

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
To the Writer.

You have had emails that attack you as a person? You have had emails and comments that have been of personal nature. you have had readers and writers question your ability as a writer? You have had people kill your story because your name is on the story? Well welcome to my world. and probably many other writers have the same things done to them. As for this story yes it did raise a smile as did PA's story. And yes once again it brought out the readers who dislike cheating or slut wives or girlfriends. I actually post on a different site as well as this one. And I have looked into putting all me stories on other site. BUT and many writers will tell you this. This site for all it's faults and all the readers and writers who burn stories because they don't like the content, LIT is still the main site for these types of stories. Do I think the sections should be changed, yes I do, Do I think readers should be allowed to vent and air their views on stories yes I do, Do I also believe that the writer has the right to delete and respond or not respond to any attacks personal or otherwise, yes I do. I aslo believe in free speech. I use it all the time. In the past I have certainly used free speech too much. You once made a comment about my stories not being erotic enough and being almost like facts in a policemans note book. I have pondered that statement and you are probably correct. But I have taken that on board and moved on. I am not going to tell you what to do but like many readers on this site I do believe you write very well your stories get the readers going and as a result I am sure your scores are high. My point is so what if someone doesn't like your stories. Many people dislike my stories but I let them have that opinion. It doesn't worry me. Perhaps you should not let readers and yes writers worry you quite so much. I am not being condecending or at least I hope not, anyway This story has stepped on peoples toes as did PA's and I am sure that many other attempts to lighten up the 'loveing Wives' section will as well.

Nice try but you can't win this one. Too many people will kill this type of story as you have already said. As for you stopping writing because someone upset you? as I said welcome to my world.

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years agoAuthor
GW66, similar to what I suspect you go through...

...yes, I receive personal attacks all the time, simply due to my stories. It doesn't even matter if it's a clearly labeled REQUEST STORY, I still get the vicious personal attacks e-mails.<p>

In fact, you initially gave one of my stories a 0 score, simply because of what you THOUGHT it contained. You didn't attack me personally or anything, no, but you did give it a 0 score simply because "you wouldn't let your wife do that."<p>

After I pointed out to you that in the story the wife literally never touched or was touched by anyone but her husband you came back with, "Okay, I see now that nobody touched the wife," and you attempted to amend your score.<p>

You gave it a horrible score, the lowest score possible, without even knowing what happened in the story. That's what I'm talking about. What I actually write doesn't matter anymore. The same ten to twenty people will kill any story I submit just as soon as they see my name attached to it. I'm certain that often times they don't even bother to read the story either.<p>

Rarely do people offer constructive criticism or even a reasonable critique of the actual story. No, the vast majority of the time all I get is crap like, "I hope you're happy living like that!"<p>

Look at the comments to this story. Some of these idiots didn't even realize it was satire. Didn't stop 'em though from hitting it with the worst score possible.<p>

I appreciate your point about this being the best of all the erotica sites. Good to know, actually, considering this is the only one I frequent. It's also the only one I've ever encountered. So, this is where I decided to begin submitting stories. Good to know I lucked into landing at the biggest and best, even if it is peopled by far too many self righteous nitwits.<p>

Things started off great here, too. Initially my stories were given a chance and they were very favorably received. Over time though that all went away. Suddenly I became a "brand name" here among The Morality Police and now it doesn't matter what I submit, it's never given a chance.<p>

My last series, "The Play Is The Thing," was a request story; it was clearly labeled as such. Any regular reader of Lit would also have to acknowledge that it was a reasonably well written and effective story, especially in comparison to the poorly written dreck that constantly receives fantastic scores all the time here.<p>

So, what happened?<p>

Within two hours of its initial posting it was already buried under an avalanche of unreasonably low scores. Didn't matter that it contained no extra marital sex. Didn't matter that it was a request story.<p>

It had my name on it. That's all they needed to see. It got instantly buried. The hate mail poured in.<p>

I don't write stories in order to receive nasty e-mails and ignorant public comments from cowardly anonymous morons. Dunno 'bout you but I don't see that as being all that much fun. It's certainly not why I decided to begin submitting stories here...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The biggest problem with your writing Stevie is ..

I've said it before and I'll say it again ...your obsession with getting high scores.

What you say is true most people give low scores if they don't like the content and many are indeed morons however amongst the crap is good feedback from real readers and if you filter it you can get a really positive vibe.

BTW Summer isn't married ...yet

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years agoAuthor
"Btw, Summer isn't married...yet." LOL!!

Well, she would be in a "Honeymoon With Summer" story, which seems to be the one thing everyone wants me to write.<p>

You know and I know that if I write such a story my e-mail inbox will explode with people calling me a dirtbag for writing such a story. The thing will get absolutely slaughtered now.<p>

That reality never affects what I write, not once I'm actually writing. It does however affect my decision as to whether or not to write at all. Unless it's a request story my stories don't reflect reader opinion. So, I'd have to say you're wrong when you say "the biggest problem with my writing is an obsession with getting good scores."<p>

My writing doesn't have a "problem"; or, if it does, it has nothing to do with pandering to get good scores. I don't pander in my stories. I don't alter my stories in an effort to placate certain types here. I think Exhibit A of this fact would be this very story. I knew it would get killed and I wrote it anyway, exactly the way I wanted to write it.<p>

Now, you are correct if what you meant is I have a problem with allowing what people say to affect my desire to write. That's true. If you are describing my diminishing enthusiam to even continue writing as "my problem with my writing" then you'll get no argument from me. I'm definitely less enthused about writing stories for this site than I was a few months ago.<p>

My actual stories, though, once I sit down and write them? Nope. No problems there. When I write an original story (as opposed to a request story) I write strictly for my own enjoyment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Thats what I mean ...

Thats exactly what I meant allow others opinions to affect your enthusiasm to write !!!!

Your actual writing problems its excellent !

Well my opinion is ...your probably the best new writer Lit has seen for several years ... hope that perks you up enough to get summer heat flowing through your fingers ;-)

BriteaseBriteaseover 15 years ago
Hi Stevie

I feel for you. I have exactly the same sort of response from the same group of people all the time, plus of course the annon. group who won't put their name to anything.

I'm afraid humour in the loving wives section just doesn't seem to work --- I've tried it, but there are too many over serious readers with no tangable sense of humour.

I've learned to live with it (as has GWB, who also suffers, like me, for being a Brit). I take the attitude that if they can be bothered to read it, and comment on it, then at least I've reached them in some way.

In fact for me, it is more important and rewarding to get loads and loads of comments, than a high score. I average over four, but I'm maybe never going to get an 'H', whereas my stories are virtually always first or second in the comments mark in the feedback portal, and I'm quite sure this one of yours will be to.

Take heart, and enjoy what you do.

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years agoAuthor
Britease, I've somewhat the opposite situation...

...of what you describe for yourself. The vast majority of my stories receive very little comment. I've had stories receive a cumulative 4.85 score with over a hundred votes...but only two comments. (This was before my stories routinely began getting targeted and sabotaged with slews of horrible scores.) By and large people just don't comment on my stories; even my most popular ones. Those few stories of mine which received more than a few comments? That was mostly the result of my own participation in conversations going back and forth, such as we're doing now. Take away my own comments and there wouldn't be much in the way of comments following any of my stories.<p>

My stories only average three or four comments apiece, with quite a few receiving only one or two. No idea why that is either, considering some of my most popular stories are the ones to receive the fewest comments. I don't know why people never have commented much on my stories. It's a mystery to me.<p>

I have discovered though that I'm fairly rare in that I respond all the time to public the public comments section. I've noticed that most other writers here don't do that.<p>

Another area where I think you and I may differ is I've discovered that often times people don't actually read my stories. They vote on 'em, sure, and sometimes they even comment on 'em, but often times it's apparent that they haven't actually read the story. This has become more and more obvious to me of late.<p>

The first tip off was when I noticed that my stories were starting to get ripped literally within minutes of appearing on the site.<p>

For example, I've had six page stories receive a slew of zero scores ten minutes into their initial posting.<p>

I'm a reasonably rapid reader but there's simply no way I could get through one of my six page stories in under ten minutes. Nonetheless a half dozen people apparently managed to "read" my most recent six page story in under ten minutes. More remarkably, after "reading" an hour and a half long story in under ten minutes they all come to the same conclusion that the story was utterly worthless and deserving of a zero score.<p>

That's what I mean. I've got people automatically killing my stories. They don't even read them.<p>

I received a different form of evidence of this today, from a reader named Marcus. He's actually the "Anonymous" guy in this public comments section; the guy who says I have a problem with letting this crap diminish my enthusiasm for writing. He enjoys my stories. In fact, he had me write one for him, "Susan: There And Back Again."<p>

That was his request story. So, suffice it to say he's not one of the people who automatically trashes any story I submit.<P>

In an e-mail today though he said something to me that pretty much summed up the situation I have here of people not even reading my stories before passing judgement on both me and my stories...<p>

He was attempting to tell me to keep my chin up, to ignore the bashers and to keep writing. In the interest of fairness and full disclosure though he added that he does find himself often agreeing with the Morality Police here. He said that while he enjoys my writing he shares the Morality Police's distate for all my "cheating wives" stories.<P>

Apparently I'm known as a "cheating wives" story writer, even by people who enjoy my writing.<p>

This blew me away. See, out of all the stories I've written there have only been TWO cheating wives. One was Pollyanna, in this satire story. Her cheating was intentionally vague and unclear and she was merely a comic book character anyway. She's just a parody. The other was Jill, and that was a request story. I had no choice there. That's what the the woman requested and I agreed to give her what she wanted.<p>

Even there though I wrote it so that the character divorced her husband just as soon as she began to cheat on him. She wouldn't lie to him and mistreat him. I added that on my own.<P>

Summer also cheated, in the original "Summer" series, but she wasn't married and she only cheated on her boyfriend after first discovering that he'd been cheating on her.<P>

So, that's it: two cheating wives, in all my stories. One was a request and the other was a joke.<p>

Regardless, I've somehow become known as a writer of "cheating wives" stories. The Morality Police automatically attack my stories with that brand label in mind.<p>

Long story short, the point is that people just aren't reading my stories! They're passing judgement on them based on erroneous assumptions, without ever having read the damn things.<p>

So, no, it doesn't seem that you and I have quite the same situation. You're right though, I'd be okay with this if I were in your shoes. I'd take the crappy scores if I at least knew people had actually read the story. That's not my situation. I'm still getting the crappy scores now, sure, but that's it. I'm not getting the satisfaction you have of knowing people at least read the story.<p>

It's a really strange situation.

JoeehartleyJoeehartleyabout 15 years ago

This was by far the most unusual story that I have ever read. It was delightful and I thought original.

Good job.


EldridgeinOOEldridgeinOOabout 15 years ago
Awesome stuff man!

I was in stitches at this. It's hilarious. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

This is a detailed, imaginative, skilled piece of erotic text, but its also hilarious.

I love it well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
now you're a silly puppy too?

Hon, you know why you write, and who you're actually writing for. Please, continue. This was hilarious, and those who can't see how ridiculous all the scenarios in the story are, well they over-populate the world anyway. Honestly, Pollyanna herself had a running commentary on the silliness of it all. Keep your sense of humor in place.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 14 years ago
A core coundrum

The question is: What is the definition of "art?" and it applies to all forms of artistic expression, not just writing. Does 'art' occur when an individual creates something (like writing a story) or when somebody else experiences that creation (reading the story)? As the writer/artist you can only control the story you produce. If you open yourself up to public scrutiny, then you're going to have to accept that your product WILL BE perceived in ways that you never intended and in ways that are actually the opposite of what you wrote. All these perceptions will be filtered through whatever personal agendas may be operating. Since you have little or no control over how your product is received, my personal belief is that you should write the stories that give YOU the most satisfaction and not worry so much about how others react to it. Look for the honest critiques and ignore the flamers. It is unfortunate that so many of us are so eager to assail stories, available to us at no cost, offered up for our enjoyment. Perhaps it might help to consider the situation of those who trash your stories without reading them. How sad is it that they feel the need to resort to these behaviors to find purpose and fulfillment in their lives? Though they may have earned your anger, they deserve your pity because they have revealed how small they really are. I enjoyed your story, thank you for sharing it.

"Damn the torpedoes! Full steam ahead." - US Adm. David Farragut.

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 14 years agoAuthor
studebakerhawk, that's spot-on advice.

Can't disagree with a word of it, including the fact that yes, trolls can and do anger me. Sure, I also pity them, as you say, yet I can't help but be angered over the inequity. They can trash something, and because they do so anonymously, they risk nothing. There is no accountability for such cowards. They don't write stories themselves, they don't put themselves out there, and they're free to wallow.<p>

Btw, how did you ever come to find this story, this late in the game? Thank you for reading it, and for leaving a real comment.

kemanderkemanderabout 11 years ago

4kin perfect! Got that one nailed down.

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