A New Life


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"Are you sure about that?" I warned, "I'm a pretty good sized guy and I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"Oh, I doubt that," she laughed, "I'm a lot stronger than you think."

"Good, I replied, as I began to put my weight on my right leg, "OWWW, SHIT, THAT HURTS LIKE HELL."

"Come on, Travis," she groaned, as I leaned against her, "You can do this. Do it for me, please?"

At hearing her words, I struggled, one agonizing step at a time, into the bathroom until I was standing in the shower. Hillary wasted no time in adjusting the water until it was a comfortable temperature and running out of the flexible nozzle. And in less than a very few minutes, my leg had been thoroughly washed, dried, and bandaged, and then I was slowly making my way back to the bed.

Once I was in bed and comfortable, even though my leg was aching like hell, she withdrew another syringe from her pocket and said, "Go ahead and lean over and drop your pants so that I can give you this shot. I know that your leg is probably hurting like a sonofabitch right now, and this will take care of it for you. But you know that you'll probably get sleepy, too, okay?"

"Will you be here when I wake up?" I asked, feeling like a lost child.

"I'll try," she affectionately smiled, "I'll really try."


"Hi, big brother," Tara smiled when I opened my eyes again, "How're you feeling?"

"Sore and thirsty," I groaned, "Would you do me favor, sweetie?"

"It's already been poured," she smiled, pointing to a fresh glass of water on my bed table, "Hillary was just in here a few minutes ago."

"You talked to her," I excitedly asked, "And she's still here?"

"Wow," Tara teased, "It looks like you've got a major crush on her, big brother."

"Oh, shut up," I laughed, "It's just that, we met a couple of years ago and I'm glad to see her again, that's all."

"Yeah, I heard all about it," she replied, still teasing me, "And I'm not surprised one bit. Ya know I told her what a horn dog you are."

"Jesus Christ, Tara," I groaned, this time not out of pain, but embarrassment, "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Not really," she giggled, and then sweetly smiled, "But she did tell me how nicely you treated her the next day, and I thought it was so sweet of you, Travis."

"Yeah, I felt really bad for her," I regretfully replied, "I wanted to make sure she got home alright."

"Yeah," Tara giggled, "And that's why you took her and her friend out to dinner that night, right?"

Before I could reply, I heard another knock on the door followed by Hillary and some guy wearing a white coat over his scrubs, who I assumed was my doctor, as they entered my room.

"This is Doctor Randall Borden," Hillary smiled, "He's the surgeon who repaired your leg, Travis."

"Hello Mister Jameson," Dr. Borden smiled, "I'm a big fan of your music."

"Thanks for taking care of my leg, Doc," I replied, shaking his hand, "And you can call me Travis."

"How're you feeling?" he asked, "Nurse Mason here, told me that you were able to walk a little bit earlier today."

"I sure did," I replied, "And it hurt like hell."

"I'll bet it did," Dr. Borden chuckled, "We're gonna keep you here for a couple more days, and I want you to use a wheelchair for getting around until you're leg is stronger."

"Can I at least get up to use the bathroom, Doc?" I asked, "I'm getting tired of pissing in this damn plastic jug, and I refuse to use a bedpan for the other thing."

"I suppose so," he laughed, "But I want you to call a nurse in here to help you to and from the bathroom, alright?"

"Okay Doc," I grinned, "Does that mean I can get out of this room if I'm in the wheelchair?"

"I don't see why not," Dr, Borden smiled, "But again, I want you get a nurse to help you in and out of the wheelchair."

"No problem, Doc," I laughed.


After Hillary helped me into my wheelchair, Tara wheeled me outside so I could take some fresh air into my lungs. What I didn't know was that my darling baby sister had also brought me a joint to smoke so; I made short work of it in a matter of a few minutes.


Once I was back in my bed and comfortable, my stomach began to growl, and it was almost as if she could read my mind, because not two seconds after my stomach growled, Hillary brought me something to eat.

As soon as she'd set the tray on my bed table and uncovered it for me, the sour look on my face made her laugh and tell me, "I know it may look like hell, but I've heard that the food here is actually pretty good."

"Then you eat it," I said, pushing it away.

"Travis," Tara scolded, "You be nice."

"I am being nice," I matter-of-factly replied, "But I'm still not gonna eat that crap."

"I'm off in half an hour," Hillary smiled, "If you're a good boy, I'll bring back something really good that I know you'll love, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled, "Thanks, Hillary."

"No problem," she grinned, then walked out of my room, taking that tray of disgusting looking hospital food with her.


Tara had been gone for about twenty minutes when I heard a familiar knock on the door followed by Hillary, only this time she was wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt as her long beautiful dark hair, which had grown considerably since I'd last seen her, flowed gently over her shoulders and down her back. She was also carrying a paper bag that had the heavenly smell of Mexican food emanating from it.

"Mmm," I smiled, "Is that Mexican food?"

"Yes, it is," Hillary smiled, "I brought you some enchiladas, rice and beans. I hope you like it."

"Are you kidding?" I chuckled, "That's exactly what I order whenever I go out to eat Mexican food."

"Really? That's pretty amazing," she said, her eyes sparkling excitedly, "That's my favorite, too. Now how wild is that?"

"You didn't have to do this ya know," I told her, as she began to set the take out plates in front of me on my bed table, "How much do I owe you for the food?"

"You don't owe me a thing, sweetie," she softly replied.

"But Hillary I..."

"No, Travis, let me finish," she gently interrupted me, "Back when I was in college, I found myself in a very horrifying situation. But then I met this kind and gentle guy who turned something that would've been very traumatic for me into something tender and sweet, and I've never forgotten him either." The she leaned over and ever-so-gently kissed me on the lips, then quickly back away, and smiling, said, "Now eat before it gets cold."

"Yes, Mother," I teased her, "But you're gonna sit here and talk to me while I eat, aren't you?"

"No," she grinned, pulling another take out carton from the bag, "I'm gonna sit here and eat with you."


"So, tell me, Travis," Hillary smiled, as we ate, "I want to know everything that's been going on with you since the last time I saw you."

As I told her about playing with Mia, and how I got a record deal, I could see the excitement written all over her beautiful face. However, when I shared with her the excruciating emotional pain that Mandy had caused me, I thought for a moment that I saw her eyes filling with tears. However, knowing that I wasn't meant to see them, I acted accordingly and continued telling her about my life up to the point where I got tangled up with that fucking shark.

"And what are your plans once you get out of here," Hillary asked when I was finished, "I mean, how long are you going to be here in Corpus Christi?"

"At least for another two months," I smiled, "And I live down on South Padre Island, by the way."

"Hmm," she playfully purred, "I might just have to keep that in mind. You know, I work one week on and then one week off."

"Is that a fact," I cryptically grinned, "Well, I might just have to keep that in mind then."


"Hi, baby," Mom smiled, coming into my room the next morning, followed by Dad and Tara, "How're you feeling today?"

"I'm actually feeling better," I smiled, "The Doctor says that I might be out of here by Friday."

"Actually," Dad grinned, "We spoke to him a few moments ago and he told us that's exactly what's going to happen...Oh, and you know that tomorrow is Friday, yes?"

"Damn," I chuckled, "I guess I must've lost a day somewhere."

"Nah," Tara giggled, "You were just fucked up from all the pain medication they gave you."

"Tara," Mom scolded, "I know you have a potty mouth, but please try to watch your language, at least while you're around your father and I, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," Tara giggled, "I'll try."

"In the mean time, Travis, We've hired a nurse to come and stay at the beach house to look after you," Mom informed me, "At least for the next week, anyway."

"Come on, Mom," I complained, "I'm a grown man now, and I can take care of myself."

"Don't argue with her, Travis," Dad said, "You know you'll never win, don't you?"

I relented with a groan, knowing that Dad was right, and simply said, "Okay Mom, whatever you say."


I had a restful sleep that night, knowing that I was going home the next morning. However, what laid the heaviest on my mind was whether or not I would get to see Hillary after I got out of the hospital. All I knew to do was to give it up to God and let him take care of it. After all, I knew that he surely didn't deliver me this far to dessert me now.


"Well, it looks like you're healing up nicely, Travis," Dr. Borden informed me the next morning, "But before you leave, I was wondering if you'd do me a big favor?"

"Sure, Doc," I grinned, "Name it."

He reached into the briefcase that I didn't notice he'd brought in with him that morning, and while withdrawing a copy of my album, he simultaneously handed me a Sharpie© felt tip marker, and then grinning, asked, "Would you sign this for me?"

"You betcha, Doc," I smiled, taking the felt tip marker and album from him to sign.


"You take care of yourself, Hillary," I said, "Is there a possibility that maybe I could see you again?"

"You never know," she cryptically grinned, "We'll just have to see, won't we?"

Then after reaching up and quickly kissing my lips, she added, "You take care of yourself and don't get into anymore fights with the sharks."


Chapter Six

I'd taken a cab from the hospital to the house, and walking with the cane they'd given me at the hospital, I was able to get around fairly well.

When I got back home, the first thing I did was to rustle up something good to eat as opposed to the hospital crap I'd been forced to consume that morning before they would release me. I put out some ribs to thaw and then put on a pot of coffee.

The moment the coffee was ready; I poured myself a cup and then went out to the hammock on the back porch for a rest. Before I laid down on the hammock though, I took a dose of the pain medication that Dr. Borden had given me, chased it down with the coffee I'd poured, and then laid back to rest for a brief moment.


The next thing I knew, I'd fallen asleep in the hammock and it was later in the afternoon when I opened my eyes again. "Shit," I said aloud, at sleeping so late while sitting up in the hammock, "Way to go Travis, you dumb ass."

"I think the words dip-shit would be more appropriate," giggled an all too familiar voice behind me.

I turned around, and much to my delight as well as my surprise, there sat Hillary in a lawn chair with her beautiful blue eyes dancing like candles in the wind.

"What're you doing here?" I smiled, delighted to see her.

"I'm the nurse your parents hired to look after your ass until you're better," she giggled, "And now that you're under my care, you'd better watch it, buster, or else."

"Uh huh," I laughed, "Or else what?"

Hillary stood up and walked over to where I lay on the hammock and gently sat down beside me. Then placing her arms around my neck, she leaned in and gave me the softest, most gentle kiss I'd ever had and cooed, "Or else I'll throw your ass back to the sharks, tough guy," which made the both us laugh wildly.


I showed Hillary where she'd be staying, as well as where the bathrooms were once we got back inside the house. And as we sat together on the couch, Hillary looked at me smiling, and softly said, "Your parents are the nicest people I've ever met, and I absolutely adore Tara."

"Yeah," I grinned, "I'm very blessed to have such a great family, but they can damn sure get on my nerves sometimes."

"At least you have a family," she sadly replied, "My folks were killed in a car crash when I was almost eleven years old. I stayed with my Grandmother until I graduated high school."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Hillary," I replied, "But it looks to me like you're doing well for yourself, now."

"Maybe," she coyly smiled, "We'll have to wait and see. You know, when I told my room mate that you were one of my patients, she didn't believe me so; I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing something for me."

"Name it," I said, expecting to sign an autograph, or something.

"Can I use your phone?"

"Sure," I smiled, reaching over and handing it to her, "Here, I'm gonna go use the pisser, oopps, I mean the bathroom."

"Go ahead," she giggled, "I won't be but a minute."


"So, what's up?" I asked, as I came back into the living room from the bathroom.

"My room mate is on her way over here," she excitedly replied, "Is that alright?"

Of course," I said, as I picked up her hand and kissed it, "Anything for you."


"Travis Jameson," Hillary smiled, as she introduced me to her room mate, "I'd like you to meet my room mate and best friend since childhood, Kerrie Hughes."

"It's an honor to meet you, Mister Jameson," Kerrie gushed, "I've been a big fan of yours ever since you played with Mia."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Kerrie," I chuckled, "And you can call me Travis."

"Ya know Hillary plays piano, too, and she's damn good," Kerrie giggled, "You really need to hear her while you're here."

"Kerrie," Hillary scolded, her cheeks blushing bright red, "Travis is here to recuperate from his injury."

"Oh yeah, that's right," Kerrie mischievously giggled, "You should've known better than to mess with a shark, Travis, are you crazy?"

"KERRIE," Hillary screeched, but by this time I was laughing so hard that my stomach was beginning to hurt. "Don't laugh at her Travis," Hillary groaned, "It only makes her worse."

Kerrie Hughes had short blonde hair and green eyes, stood about five feet, six inches tall and weighed somewhere in the vicinity of a hundred and twenty pounds or so. And while she looked nothing like her, but still being very pretty, Kerrie reminded me so much of my little sister, Tara, with her vulgar disregard for propriety; and I came to immediately adore her. That was why I had no problem in autographing the myriad of tee-shirts and album covers that she'd brought with her.


"Hey Travis," Kerrie said, "Do you mind if I ask you a rather personal question?"

"I don't mind at all," I replied, "What would you like to know?"

"Kerrie," Hillary warned, "Be careful."

"Chill out girl," Kerrie giggled, "Travis is a nice guy and I'm sure he won't mind answering this." Then she looked at me and asked, "Is it true that you and Hil spent the night together when she was in college?"

In order to assuage the anger I saw rising in Hillary's eyes, I took her hand and told Kerrie, "Yes, it's true. But nothing happened because I respected her more than that."

"Holy shit," Kerrie giggled, looking at Hillary, "He must really like you a lot to blatantly lie for you like that."

"God dammit, Kerrie," Hillary snapped, "That's enough."

"Jeez, Hil," Kerrie sheepishly replied, "I'm sorry, I was only kidding."

"You'll have to forgive her for some of the things she says, Travis," Hillary told me, "If it comes up, it comes out, know what I mean?"

"No," I laughed, "I think it's great. She reminds me of my little sister, Tara."

"Oh yeah," Kerrie asked smiling, "Then that's a good thing, right?"

"Well, she's a real pain in the ass sometimes," I chuckled, making Hillary giggle as Kerrie pouted, "But I love her very much, and it would literally kill me if something happened to her so; yes, I guess it's a good thing that you remind me of her, Kerrie."


By this time the sun was beginning to set, and because my stomach was beginning to growl, I set about the kitchen in preparations to make dinner for the three of us. However, Hillary and Kerrie had different plans, as they both insisted that I sit on the couch and take it easy while they made dinner instead. Having grown up with Tara, I knew that nothing would change a woman's mind once it had been made up; and with that knowledge, I let them have their way.

"Besides," Hillary replied to my objections, "What kind of nurse would I be if I let you cook your own meals while you're hurt?"


The aromas coming from the kitchen had been more than just simply appetizing. They were powerful, making my stomach loudly growl with every breath I took. And after waiting for what seemed like hardly any time at all, Hillary and Kerrie came into the living room where I sat, and each took a hand to help me off of the couch.

"I can walk, you two," I complained, as they each took a hand.

"Yeah, yeah," Kerrie teased, "But when was the last time that two women worked and slaved in the kitchen to feed your ass?"

"Point taken," I mischievously grinned, while standing up, "Lead on, m'ladies."


I sat down at the table to Broiled Pork Ribs, Mashed Potatoes with Pork Gravy, Pinto Beans and Jalapeno Cornbread, with a nice Apple Pie for dessert.

"Damn," I smiled, "You two didn't have to go to tall this trouble just for me."

"Who said that we did this just for you?" Hillary giggled, as she and Kerrie sat down on each side of me.

"I heard that," Kerrie agreed, "Did you expect us to eat in the kitchen like hired help?"

"Come on, now," I laughed, "You know what I meant."

"Of course we did, sweetie," Hillary smiled, patting my hand, "Now, eat before it gets cold."

"Yes, mother," I playfully whined, eliciting a giggle from Kerrie, while receiving a light smack on the hand from Hillary, who herself, was still smiling.

The food was almost as great as the company, and it was then that I began to remember how Hillary looked the last time I saw her. She was even more attractive now than she was in college, and gone was the unsure young girl I remembered. In her place stood a beautiful woman with an air about her that was not only graceful, but somehow noble and regal.

"What're you thinking about?" Hillary smiled, snapping me out of the dream I'd been having.

"Oh nothing, really," I lied, "I was just thinking about how good it feels not being on the road."

"In that case," she smiled, gently squeezing my hand, "We're glad that you're here."

"I second that," Kerrie giggled, "And I'm sure that Hillary is hoping that you're gonna be staying for a while."

"Damn, girl," Hillary gasped, her face now brightly blushing, "Don't you ever quit?"

"No," Kerrie smiled, "So, be sure not to let him get away this time, Hil."

Before Hillary could reply I gently took her hand, and then looking into her eyes, I softly said, "I've got plenty of time. Besides......I'm gonna need my nurse to make sure that I'm healing properly before I go anywhere."


After we'd eaten and everything was clean and put away, Kerrie got ready to leave. Thank you for allowing me to come out here, Travis," she said, hugging me, "I had a wonderful time."

"You're welcome," I smiled, returning her hug, "And thank you for honoring me by having dinner with us."

"Whew, Hil," Kerrie teased, as she fanned herself when the hug was done, "You really need to find a way to keep him here, girl."


That night, Hillary and I sat on the couch together as a gentle Gulf breeze softly blew through the open windows and the music of David Gates and Bread filled the room.
