A Dream Come True


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I thought that she was extremely rude for not even giving me the chance to explain myself any more than she had. And what made matters worse was the fact that I'd become very attracted to her, even though I hardly knew her.

"Damn," I said to myself, "And I really thought the she might be a girl that I could eventually call my girlfriend."

What I didn't expect, was the sudden feeling of hurt that was coursing through me. I mean, I knew that she didn't owe me anything, nor did I her, but still, it would've been nice to get to know this beautiful creature. Hell, if anything, we could've at least become friends, maybe even more.

However, I guess it wasn't going to happen now, and I still don't know why, well, actually I do, but at the time, I couldn't explain why I was feeling as desolate as I suddenly was. Then again, I shouldn't be stupid enough to fall head over heels for a girl I didn't even k now. But that's just how I was, naïve and stupid when it came to girls.


Later that evening, I was getting dressed to go to the party over at the Beta House when Rick, my room mate came in grinning.

"What's up?" I asked him, "You look like the cat that just ate the canary."

"Not yet," he smiled, "But I've got a date tonight with a girl named Sheila Ward, and man is she hot."

"Cool," I grinned, "I hope you guys have a great time."

"So," he knowingly smiled, "I heard that you got an invitation to a major party being thrown over at the Beta House tonight. What gives?"

I told him about how practice had gone that morning, including the reasons surrounding why I'd been invited to the party. However, when I told him about meeting Amy Ross, as well as the way she'd treated me earlier at lunch, he began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I irritably asked him, "I don't see anything funny about this...any of it."

"Relax, brother," he smiled, "It just so happens that Sheila and Amy Ross are room mates. How else do you think I knew about your being invited to the party tonight?"

"Is that right?" I hopefully asked, "Would you try and explain to Amy that I'm not..."

"It's already been done, Mike," Rick impishly grinned, "You see, I was there at their place with Sheila when Amy came in fuming mad about meeting this really cute guy; and then when she found out the he was a jock...."

"I'm not a fucking jock," I interrupted, "I just teach..."

"Calm down, Mike," Rick continued laughing, "Once she told us your name, I explained everything to her and told that you really were a nice guy. But the thing is I don't know how much of it she bought though."

"If she doesn't want to believe the truth, then to hell with her," I distastefully replied, "I don't have time for some holier than thou girl who wants to form a shitty opinion about me before she hears the facts; and I sure as hell don't care what she thinks either."

"Yeah, right," Rick laughed again, "Why don't you tell that shit to somebody else, man?"

"And just what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"She really does like you, Mike...a lot," he chuckled, "And I can tell that you really like her a lot, too...a whole lot more than you're letting on, dude."

"You're wrong," I lied, "Besides, how could you possibly know how either of us feels toward each other?

"Because," Rick knowingly grinned, "She had the same look on her face that you've got on yours right now, and she tried to deny it just like you."

By this time I was ready to leave and I knew that my ride would be here any moment to pick me up. So, as opposed to admitting to Rick that he had been right about everything, I simply changed the subject and said, "Look, bro; I gotta go. I'll be back later tonight, okay?"

"Okay, Mike," he smiled, "Have a good time, dude."

And then someone knocked on my door, and when I answered it, I was surprised by the fact that Terry Watkins himself was there to greet me. I looked at Rick smiling and said, "I'll see ya later."


"Are you ready, Coach?" Terry asked, as we walked outside to his Mustang convertible, "There are a couple of smoking hot girls back at the Beta House who are really anxious to meet you, dude."

"Cool," I grinned, as we hopped into his car, "Lead the way, my friend."


The frat houses were on Fraternity Row, one block over from Sorority Lane, both of which were located all the way on the other side of the campus from the freshman dorms. I couldn't believe all the parties that I saw going on as we drove down the street to the Beta House, which, by the way, was the last one on the right side of the street, as well as the biggest house on Fraternity Row.


When we pulled up in front of Beta House, loud rock and roll music could be heard blaring from every window in the house. I even saw a couple of half naked women giggling and waving at me from out of the upper windows on the second floor.

"Holy shit," I grinned, "This is wild."

"Hang on to your hat, Mike," Terry grinned, "You ain't seen the half of it yet."

"Is that right?" I chuckled, while Terry nodded his head, laughing as we got out of the car and then headed up the walkway to the front door, "I can't wait to see what's inside..."


The moment we opened the door and stepped inside, the whole house, music included, went deadly silent, as all eyes were upon us.

"Brothers and Little Sisters," Terry loudly announced, "The guest of honor has arrived," and less than two seconds later, two of the guys that I'd taught earlier that day, lifted me onto their shoulders and started to carry me toward the bar, as everyone in the house began to loudly chant the words, "COACH, COACH, COACH, COACH...", and before I knew it, I was being gently set back onto in front of two very pretty girls, who, I quickly discovered, were twins.

Thankfully, Terry was right behind me, and while making introductions, said, "Ladies, allow me to introduce you to the toughest son of a bitch I've ever met, Mike Masterson," and then he turned to me and chuckled, "Mike, allow me to introduce you to the Bennington Twins, Toni and Tawny."

"Hi, Mike," they giggled in unison, then stood up on their toes and kissed both of my cheeks at the same time, as the crowd cheered and the music came back on.

"Oh, my God," I said to Terry, "Which one is which...I mean, how do I tell them apart?"

"Don't worry about it, Coach," he knowingly chuckled, "I'm sure you'll find a way to tell them apart before the night is over."

They were both blonde haired; blue eyed, and had the exact same 38DD-24-36 figures, while purposefully informing me that they were my escorts for the party that evening, and that if there was anything I wanted; then they would be more than happy to provide it for me, regardless of what it was.

"Damn," I said, to myself, "You gotta love this."

I had to say though, all the guys at Beta House genuinely treated me as if I was one of their own, everyone one of them making it a point to introduce themselves to me. Granted, they may have been a little wild when it came to drinking and partying and such, but each and every single person there, bar none, were nothing but very respectful when it came to how they treated and/or spoke to me.

And for the very first time in my life, I felt as if I belonged somewhere. However, what surprised me the most was the fact that I could tell from talking to these guys that they were all very intelligent; and for those who lacked in book learning, they more than made up for it by their honest and sincere attitudes, by openly admitting their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Hell, these guys were nothing like the people that Amy had said they were. Besides, who the hell did she think she was anyway?

Still though, if the whole truth were known, I'll tell you exactly who she was. She was the girl who'd captured my heart from the very first moment I saw her; and although I had two beauties on my arms that night, both of whom had more or less guaranteed me wild, unbridled and uninhibited sex by the end of the night, I still couldn't get Amy off of my mind.

I know that I'd only met her twice, and had been with her, if you wanted to call it that, one time, but I still couldn't shake her. And even though the Bennington Twins were two extremely beautiful girls, and at the present, were tantalizingly putting their hands all over me, there was something about them that seemed tainted, impure, but not Amy. I don't know how I knew that, but I just knew it, that's all.

Still though, I didn't want to insult the guys who I knew were honestly trying to show me that they were accepting of me, plus, I was going to have to deal with twice a week for the rest of the football season so; I stayed at the party...at least for a little while longer anyway.

Don't get me wrong, it was fun watching some of the antics that were being pulled, beer bongs, watching the girls there, all of which were very attractive, doing shots while they were being held upside down by the legs as their dresses fell up/down, exposing their barely there thong panties.

The twins were engaging me in conversation at every given opportunity, and I was being attentive, answering their questions and talking to them, but my heart and mind were elsewhere, and definitely not where I was at the time. I also felt that the Toni and Tawny were somehow aware of it as well.

I knew this because after consuming more beers than I wanted to drink that night, the twins suggested that we retire upstairs to a room that had been strictly reserved for the three of us for the rest of the evening.

"Look, girls," I politely replied, "I'm very flattered, believe me, but what you're suggesting is really not for me, at least right now it isn't."

"What's wrong, honey," one of them said, which one I don't know, "Don't you think that we're pretty?"

"Of course I do, you're smoking hot, both of you" I sweetly told them, "But I guess I'm just a little old fashioned when it comes to that sort of thing."

"Aw, that's okay, sweetie," the other one kindly replied, "Whoever it is that's on your mind is one lucky girl."

"What makes you think that I've got someone else on my mind?" I asked.

"But before I could reply," Tawny, finally letting me know which one of the two she was, looked me in the eyes and sweetly said, "We're girls, too, Mike, and we can tell when a man is in love with another woman. Now get your handsome self out of here and go to her right now."

"What about you two?" I asked, "Are you girls going to be alright?"

"Don't worry about us, handsome," Toni giggled, "We've never had a problem getting home from a party."

"You girls are the best," I smiled, tenderly kissing them on their cheeks, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetie," Tawny playfully teased, "Now, get your handsome ass out of here before we change our minds and keep you all to ourselves."


I walked out of the Beta House that night feeling better than I'd felt about myself in a long time. I knew I had a bit of a walk ahead of me, but I didn't care, it was only about ten o'clock at night, and I knew that I could at least be back to the dorms by no later than ten-thirty; ten forty-five at the very latest. So; I started walking, making my way back to what was home while I was in college...my dorm room.


When I got back to my dorm, there was a note from Rick on my bed, telling me that if I got back home before eleven o'clock, he and Sheila would be at a bar right near our side of the campus; a place called, "Shenanigan's", and that they wanted me to meet them there, because Rick had something very important that he wanted to tell me.

"Why not," I said aloud.


Chapter Three

I pulled my truck into the parking lot at Shenanigan's, turned off the engine, and then got out while locking the door behind me. I walked in and looked around, and sitting at a booth was Rick and a very pretty blonde sitting closely beside him, who I assumed was Sheila. There was also someone else who was sitting at their table but they had their back to me and I couldn't quite make out who it was.


"Hey bro," Rick said, waving his hands in the air as I made my way to the table, "I've got someone I want you to meet."

I assumed that it was Sheila he was talking about, however; I felt my stomach jump into my throat when I arrived at their booth to find that Amy was the person who'd been sitting with her back to me.

And when I saw that it was her, I looked at Rick, then glared back at Amy and said, "I'm sorry, Rick, but maybe some other time," then I turned and walked away.


The moment I got to my truck, I heard a now familiar female voice coming from behind me that said, "Just who in the hell do you think you are, asshole?"

I turned back around to see Amy standing there with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face, and God did she look so beautiful just then. However, I was still pissed off at her because of the way she'd treated me earlier that day so; I said nothing, then got into my truck, and was attempting to pull out.

The moment I put my truck in gear, she pulled my door open, and with pure contempt in her voice, said, "You can at least talk to me after the way you treated me."

"The way I treated you?" I angrily said, "You were the one who insulted me, and then you turned your little prissy ass around and walked away without even giving me a chance to explain myself so; don't give me any shit."

"I know," she quietly sniffled, "And I'm so sorry, Michael; give me another chance...please?"

"What did you say?" I snapped, "I can't hear you, dammit."

"I SAID, I'M SORRY, YOU ASSHOLE," she yelled, "I WAS WRONG, MICHAEL, OKAY? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?" and then she began to bitterly weep, her arms wrapped around herself as painful tears poured down her face like a colossal rain in a heavy thunderstorm.

I knew that I already belonged to her, but the moment that I saw the tears falling down her cheeks; I thought my heart was going to break right there on the spot, making me throw my truck back into park, and then turn off the engine and get out.

"It's okay," I softly told her, as I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my handkerchief and then began to gently wipe the tears from her beautiful face, "Why don't we go back inside and talk about it, alright?"

"Okay," she whispered, gently placing her arm around my waist as I closed the door to my truck and locked it, "Thank you, Michael..."


"It's about time the two of you kissed and made up," Rick teased, once we went back into Shenanigan's and sat down at his and Sheila's table.

"You shut up," I laughed, "We still have a lot to talk about."

"Who," he continued to tease, "You and me? I don't think so."

"No, goofy," Sheila smiled pulling him up from the booth, "Why don't you and I go back to our place? Are you gonna be okay, Amy?"

"Yes," she sniffled slightly, gently squeezing my waist where her arm still remained, "I'm okay now."

"I'm taking Rick to our place, Amy," Sheila knowingly grinned, "If that's alright with you."

"That's fine," Amy softly replied, "I think Michael and I are gonna talk for a while, but I'll call you when I'm on my way home, alright?"

"Okay, sweetie," Sheila grinned, leaning down then whispering into Amy's ear, "You've got a good one. I can already tell so, give him a chance, okay?"

"I know," Amy quietly replied, "I'll see ya later, girl," and then after standing back up, Sheila took Rick's hand and they walked away.

Once they were gone, Amy looked back at me and said, "Thank you for giving me another chance, Michael, even though I know I don't really deserve it."

"Yes you do," I gently replied, "I think everyone deserves a second chance in life. I mean, hell, it's only fair."

"Rick told me about what you're doing with the football team," she said, "And I think that it's very nice of you to teach those guys how to think before they react."

Before we go any further," I said, "There's something we need to get straight right now, Amy, okay?"

"Okay," she softly replied, "But if it's about you being with another girl tonight then I understand because I...."

"It's not that," I politely interrupted her, "Hell, I'm still a virgin, but that's not what I'm talking about. It's about your opinion of jocks."

"You're still a virgin?" she laughed, "Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Look," I angrily replied, getting ready to stand up, "Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all, because if you're going to..."

"No, please don't go, Michael," she quickly interrupted me, holding on to me tightly, as if her life depended on it, "I'm sorry, but please...don't go, okay."

"Okay," I relented, "But from now on, you need to understand that I am not a liar, by any means; and if you want to be with me, then you need to stop disputing everything I say. Do you understand?"

"I understand," she quietly replied, looking at the floor, "I'm sorry."

"Oh, one more thing," I smiled, gently placing my finger under her chin and lifting her face to look me in the eyes, "I'll never hurt you...not ever, okay, beautiful?"

"I've heard that before," she sniffled, as I just realized that she wasn't wearing her glasses, leaving me wondering if her eyes had always been so beautifully blue.

"Maybe so," I told her, "But you've never heard it from me."

"We'll see," she softly smiled, "But would you do me a favor in the mean time?"

"Name it," I grinned, "What can I do for you, sweetie?"

"You can start by taking me out of here," she told me, "Then I want to go to your dorm room, because Rick told me that you're a great piano player and I want to hear you play. Is that okay with you?"

"Of, course it is," I smiled, standing up and taking her hand, "But there's something I want to talk to you about on the way to my place, alright?"

"That's right," she began to giggle, "You wanted to tell me about your jock buddies, didn't you?"

"Yes," I said, "And I prefer to call them athletes, and not jocks."


On the short drive back to my dorm, I told her about the truly intelligent people that I'd encountered earlier at the Beta House, and that, like her; I'd been very wrong in my opinion of these guys, too. I also wanted her to know how truly brilliant I thought that most of them were.

Amy listened to every word I'd told her, and while she didn't really cast an opinion of her own either way, I could tell that she was taking her time to not only process, but digest the information I'd given her, making me wonder how this was all going to turn out.


When we got back to my dorm room, her eyes widened when she saw all my gear lined up against the far wall of the room.

"Wow," she excitedly replied, "Do you know how to work all of this stuff?"

"I sure do," I smiled, "Would you care to hear a demonstration?"

"Yes, please," she giggled, "I love electronic music."

I played a medley of classical music, beginning with Beethoven, the Fifth Symphony, which flowed into Clair de Lune, by DeBussy, and then ending it with Rachmaninoff's Etude in G#; and when I was finished, Amy was simply beside herself.

"Oh, my God, Michael," she enthusiastically smiled, "That was beautiful. Why aren't you majoring in music as opposed to athletics?"

"What's it going to take to make you understand that I'm not an athlete?" I groaned, "I haven't declared a major yet, but now that you mention it, I'm probably going to do that after mid terms in the spring."

"How long have you been playing?" she asked, "And why did you study Karate?"

"I've been playing for eleven years now," I told her, "And the reason I studied that martial arts is because I can't stand a bully, or anyone who bullies others."

"Can I do something without you thinking that I'm some kind of slut?" she meekly asked, "Please, Michael?"